Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 25, 1926, p. 5

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j h artmt 3hrrp rra a thursday mabch 2t 1925 sir chickadee sir chickadee came in a swirl of snow and ho brouklit hla wife aa of course youd know- and ho brought hia children four ah of them flu fty as fluffy could be and all of them chlckndeeiieilig in glee they perched la the old swoot pippin tree outaldo the kitchen door chlckadeetlee deedee dcodue thats what 1b sounded like to mo i but dot knew quick as wink and ahb declared thoy all of them say its a very delightful dear of a day and makes un chickadees fell right gay but hungpy you cant think and thlfi proves well that dot knows bird talk when iiho threw some crumba on the flagging walk down flew each fluffy elf and they ato oh howthey ute dear me dot couldnt have understood you see one little wee urn all bit better 1 boo were a chickadee herself minnie leonu uplon -r-4- thb sunday school lesson for sunday march 28 ttio twenty years ago from the liiu of the free prtis of thursday march 29 1906 mr j w humphries utile four yearold daughter gladys foil ore i chajrhejotfaermornlnjrnndjajd her right collar bene fractured mr charles ebbage h negotiating tor the erectloa of a firstclass chop ping mill on the property on main street the four days of sleighing last week was a tlmo of special good fortune of the mill men and wood dealer at bells saw mill on main street there was delivered s66 loads of saw logs and shingle bftlta from wednesday morning until saturday night mus daisy nicklln daughter of ex- reeve nicklln la making her mark at the toronto normal school at the annual election of officers of the lit erary society last- week miss mickhn was elected president for the year prof green and his blograpbi and vaudeville entertainments in the three nbxhts eqgasetnent by tho fire bri gade waa very successful ohe mov ing pictures and illustrated song were the very best ever shown in town 4 at the meeting of the municipal council on monday evening a bylw was passed adopting the metre eastern whereby all consumers ot electric light must haw metres installed rt or before tho first day of october xsos born nelson in acton on wednesday march 14 to mr and airs john c nelson a daughter jigginb in acton on monday march 19 to mr and mrs vf f jlgglns a -non- no business of herjb an interesftlnk dialogue between a woman and a railway conductor- in which the woman got the beat cf it la reported by tho philadelphia press i shall have to ask you for a ticket tor that toy maam xgueaontrt a hes too old to travel free he oc cupies a whole seat and the cor is crowded thtre are people standing thats all rurht- s havent time to argue the matter maam totill have to pay for tnat boy- tve never paid for blm yet and i am not folrur to begin to do it now youvo got to begin some time if yon havent hod to put up any fare for htm youre mighty lucky or else you dont do much travelling thats all right youll pay for that boy maam or ril atop the train and put hlni off thats all right you put hint off if you think thats the way to get anything out of me you ought to know the rules of this- road madam how old 1 that wr i dont kaww i never saw him before it you want a ticket for him youd better uk that old gentleman down thevlsle he got on with him unfortunate james payn gives in the indepen dent two examples ot the things which should have been said net in deed otherwise but never at all at on english dinnerparty there were some peaches which were what is commonly called woolly that is having little taste and less juice my dear said the host addressing his wife from the other end tt the table i dont think these peaches are a success if the fruiterer had ne bet- frr ihnn thwcithabrikrjltyjijmafen5l any then the lady bountiful ol the parish and the quest of tho evening rho unknoyvn to the host hadpe- ented the peacnesobeerved plaintive ly i t am so sorry dear mr jones hut they were the beat i- had on another festive occasion mr jones who is by nature courtesy itself complimented a middleaged unity upon her dress the upper part or which was of black lace nothing wild he to my mind is so becorolng as block and yellow yellow iho cried oh good gracious that not my dreasi that is me queer names for children thousands of people go through life cherishing a grudge against their parents for giving them absurd or in congruous names the london chron icle has collected several instances where there seems to be ground for a legitimate grievance it is little wonder that a demure and pretty girl in a north london su burb reels resentful when sho has to answer s to the name of busybody given to her in honor of tho winner of a race fifteen yenjjs ago and amorig the names registered at somerset house in 1838 are alrsahd graces and nun nicer which are innocently borne hjrtw who mny and intra a welsh wedding y t in writing of welsh scenery and or tho customs ot tho welsh people mr edward thomas finds occoslontd no tice many rtmrocterlstlco of socjil life that ar aa strongly marked a a children the fanfares of the landscape mono s the cuhovb ttsoirea described n hla recent book la more characteristic ot primitive waleatthon is the one men tioned in the following parasrarili x passed through a village in w f f that ura olflf aahlonea matting marriage w not dead for a xrlnted sheet with this announcement in the welsh cualect fell intomy hands a bidding to a marriage inasmuoh as we intendenterlng tho stated of wedlock on we invite wrtddlnir gifts which will bo repaid with thank k on a like oocalin tv williams blua- beth jones it 1s expected that gifts due to them and to their parantb and brother will be paldprl tlift wedding day there are many canadians who n know by exlwrlenco that practice in this country often differs from the customs in wales only in the neater frankness with which the welah btate the case ample qualifications fjvy a eerlajn musical director yvm or ganising a phfiharmonto orchestra an italian acaualtnncel says the can adian courier atrongly recommended to hhn on ojd man who played upon nrf antiquated and wheesy flute at to tint rehearsal however it was very evuent to the director that the new candida would not do he ouil play the flilu at all he eijilaln- ed to the ftaluvi who hid reoornmend- ed hlni w whatl gtspexj the aponmr thata man no oar playa da flute certainly not thedlrector rtl4- the italian rolled his jey likaven- ward and appeared beside lriself reno can play da flute herepeat- liylh ed beexifig hlsr hrenst n jlndlanatlon rwhy thou man he flghtst with qarlbaum l cjhlit tkvc1iings ok johns gospel cenei al loason title rkovlew 1 gyapel or jojhp- golden text tlicao aro written thart ye naxy believe that jesus is tho christ the son of god and that be lle vine yo may have lifo in his name john 20 31 devotional reading luke id 20- 38 an interpreter of jesus shall wcaeo john wesley in heav en aahed one of whieflelds dis ciples of hiskiuster no was tho reply for ho will be so near to the sourco of brightness that we shall no bo able to discern him a similar embarrassment confronts the student of the fourth gospel there are timcu when identity of its author seem to bo lout in tho supernal radiance ot his theme and when for awhile one can not determine whether it la the voice of the master or that of the dsclplo which ho is hearing a pedantic young man once- bald that he had so satur ated his mind with the sentiments of emeraon that he was frequently un able to distinguish his own thoughts from those of his favorite philosopher in tho fourth gospel just where jesua ends and john begins is sometimes ap parently an insoluble puxzle but it need not disturb ones peace of mind since john id so impregnated by tho spirit of christ that whatever ho writes talis into perfect harmony with the character of tho master as he is known to us through the testimony of the other evangelists john was that disciple whom jesus loved and his close corapinlonshlp with his mas ter nourished and developed tho be spiritual susceptibilities which best qualified him to reproduce both the essence and the form of christs teach ings with k remarkable fidelity he la perhaps our finest example of an in spired writer his wonderful fa cility in deadline intelligently with tho profoundest themes of our lords min istry makes johns gospel tho one book of religion in the whole range of devotional literature best adapted to the needs of universal humanity the commonest mind sees a clear vision of christ in this gospel however deep the thought t conveys there is nothing vague or indistinct about it lucidly and depth oulko characterise the work of john though tho wayfarer need not stumble at his lines the phil osopher cannot hope to exhaust their meaning eckman in studies in the gospel of john for inquiry and discussion how much of the gospel of john have you read during the past three months have you read any portions pf it more than once during this per iod which portions why these how much ot the gospel it any have you committed to memory quoto any part of it that you have remembered quote john 3 16 what is the evan gelists theme and purpose in writing tills gospel under what familiar figure of speech does he present the saviour which one of these figures bread door light way etc is most helpful to you mr martin was expoedlngly ncniind precise in all his habits and whon jit an age when most of hk friends had consigned to liachelorhood tie brought home a young wife it surprlad and distressed him to nnd her respect for system and order not nearly so great oa his own knowing that her dispo sition whilo most engaging was net of that unfailing meekness which aa- surea amiability under reproof ho pondered how without appearing un kindly critical lie cauld effect un im provement in her methods or lack ot methods finally the idoa of suggestion oc curred to him and he formulated n little object lesson which he felt sure would bo sufficient to work tho ra formation ot this charming criminal tho top ot the dresser was divided into two drawers one containing his small articles of dress the other hers drawing open tho former as thoy werti completing their toilets one morning ho indicated tho methodically arrane d contents saying look helen that is the way you will always find my things his wife lwiused in the arrangement of her hair to look at tho neatly- grouped collars cravats gloves and handkerchiefs she gazed for some moments and mr 2lartin felt his hint was making us due impression then she pulled out the companion drawer displaying a tangled mass of stocks veils belts ribbons handkerchiefs gloves and sachets struggling with each other in mad confusion laolc ing up into her husbands face sho said sweetly but emphatically look harry thats the way you will always find mine v when in sorrow loud jo t ii who men full ou i rml 1 aim i1 when you have tinned ie i pttulii a poraonal question coming to tho close of this gospel we cannot but most seriously ask our selves whether in our case it has ac complished its object john has none of the artifice of the modern teacher who veils his didactic purpose from the reader ho plainly avows his ob ject ln writing these signs are written thu1 ye might believe that jesus fs the christ the son ot god arid that believing ye might have life through bis name marcus dods daily reudinos for next weak monday hark 10 110 tuesday luke 24 137 2s31 wednesday john 20 2429 thursday 1 cor 15 1223 frfdoy 1 cor 16 5058 saturday romans 6 lll sunday rev 1 918 enibaxrailtg flfteeny ears hence the appalling name of wellington wolseley roberts is borne by a young man who in disposition and appear ance is anything but militant and as little likely to win tame on the battle field as his predecessors arthur wel- lesley wellington waterloo cox and napoleon the great eager even 4hee names inappropriate as they may he are to preferred to anna domini davles and boadlcea basher to parents of large families the ad vent of another child is not always welcome hut it is scarcely kind to make the unexpected child bear a token of ousanproval it must be a rather terrible ordeal to go through life for example jib hot wanted james what another only fancy william brown or even as last of em harper or still another hewitt and yet theso are all names which the foolish caprice of parents has imposed it will prevent ulcerated throat at the first symptoms of sore tnroat which presages ulceration and inflam mation take a spoonful of dr thomas xclectrlc oil add a little sugar to it to make it palatable it will allay the irritation and provont the ulceration and swelling that aro so painful those who wero periodically subject to quinsy have thus made themselves irxi- jnaiu to attack asplrlncr high i uncle jasper was a colored man of very devout intentions but his know- ledgeof the scripture w pf nm what uncertain character he lived in single blessedness a good many of his years but finally in the eyenlng pf jtfe he mnltled and in due time an heir was born to him the next day after the advent of i the ltttlo one a gentleman met jasper in the i understand you have a baby at your bouse uncle jasper yaa son we has dat jasper re plied with a broad grin and a satisfied chuckle tvese got a boby dar sho is it a tioy or a girl hits a boy aah yns sah hits most ah oi y a boy have you named him yet yaa sah wo has l jtstne have you given him wah sah you know le done al ius been u powtul hart for dem folks in the scripture cause 1se alius been a monntous strong believer in de bible so 1 lowed id name him artcr some- ode blgomcera what de blblo tnncs ob an i studied bout whloh un id name j nrter nnat las i nettled onto hcelxenub sah hits a mouty fine name sah an hit pears inck ise spirln powerful high but i lows dat chllell nholy do credit to hits namesake sah hit most nholy wilt not piety but pork the following bit of nonconformist humor is taken from the farrlng- dona an english xqmancettaq speakers are mrs bateson and mrs uankey worthy wives but not al together above feeling a certain pleas ure in showing up the ways of hus- hands theyve no sense men havent said mrs hankey thats whats thj matter with them r never spoke a trurer word ilrs hunkey replied mrs bateson the very best of them dont properly know tho difference between their own souls and their stomachs and they fancy they are uwrbstling with their doubts when really it is their dinners that aro awrestllng with them now take bateson hissclf contin ued mrs bateson a kinder husband or bcttermethodlst never drew breath yet so sure as he touches a bit of port he begins- to worry hlsself about the doctrine of election till therexno 11 v- iikt with him and then hell sit in the front parlor and engago in prayer for hours at a time till i says to him bateson says i id bo ashamed to go troubling tho lord with a pray er when a pinch o carbonate o soda would set things straight again gems of thought o word that broke the stillness ilrat sound on and never cease till all earths darkness bo made light and all her discord peace k till selfish passion strife nnd wrong thy summona shall have heard and thy creation he complete 0 thou eternal word h w longfellow the man who wrltos an immoral hut immortal book may be tracked in to eternity by a procession of lost souls from every generation every ono to be a witness against him at the judgment to show to him and to tho universe the lmmeamirableness of his iniquity g cchcever 1 have never known a satisfied christian i confess indeed i should take satisfaction as a poor voucher for christianity but i havq known several contented christians jeorge macdonald patience is a beautiful trait but it is not worn oftenest by thoso wio walk pn llfqr wnnnv nhts in nllifor nft ntmflolf to try it pers it is tho product of days ot ad- verslty the trial of your faith work- oth patience a magi home it ib a mystic circle that surrounds comforts and virtues never known beyond its hallowed limits sou they all love greatens and glorifies till gods aglow to the loving eyes in what was mere earth before b browning shottanp nott hie needed help a celebrated wit coming front bank which had been obliged to cose its v doors allpped down the steps into the arms of a friend why whats the matter said the lateri oh was the quick reply i have only lost my balance the story of these gentlemen and their duel a famous one forjnerly la revived ahdtho tale is thus re peated a duel was lately fought in teaim ly alexander sliott nnd john s nt- kott was shot and shott was not in thin ense it is better to be shott thdn nott thero was ft rumor that nott was not shot but shott avovb that he was not which proves either that the shot sliott shot at not was not hott or that nott was snot notwith standing it may be made to appear on trial that the shot bhott fhot shot nott or net accidents with ft rearm h are fre quent it may bo possiblethat the shot bhott shojfljiot shott himself whon the wholo affair would retwlvo itself into its original element and shott would be shot and nott would he not wo think however that the nliot bhott shot shot not shott but njatt anyway it is hard to tell who wsn iliot when you worr lend matthew 6 1934 before church service read psalm 84 when you ar in danger rend panlm 9 when you have tho blues teuil the 34th pbalm when god scorns far away read psalm m when you are fliscouraged reacl isaiah 40 when you want to he fruitful read john 15 when doubts come upon you try john 7 17 when you are lonely or fearful try psalm 23 when you forget jour blessings be sure and vend psalm 103 for jesus idea or a christian icacf matthew 5 for jesus idea of jeliglon read jaa 1 1927 when your faith needs stirring rend hebrews 11 when you feel down and out road romans 8 3139 whon you want courago for your task read joshua 1- when the world seems bigger than god read psalm 00 whon you want rest and peace read matthew 11 2530 when you want christian assurance read romans 8 130 jtor pauls secret of happiness read col 3 1217 when you leave homo for labor or travel read psalm 121 when ydu grow bitter or critical read 1 corinthians 13 whdn your prayers grow nariow or selfish psalm 67 for pauls idea of christianity rend 2 corinthians 6 1g1d for- pauls rulos on how to get along with men romans 32 when you thing- of investments and returns mark 10 1731 for n great invitation nnd a great opportunity isaiah sg for jesus idea oc prayer luko 11 113 matthow 6 516 for tho prophets picture qf worship that counts isaiah 1 1018 mic 6 68 why not follow psalm 119 11 and hide some of these in your memory prof harris ivanklin rail tho objocta of cleaning seed grain aio 1 to remove other kinds of giain weed seeds dirt chuff pieces of t lyvtha ff worms in children if thoy bo not attended to cause convulsions and often death mother graves worm exterminator will protect tho children from theso distressing uffllotlons discouraging a hen the propensity of some hens to sit in season or out on eggs atonos door knobs or anything that comes handy is one of the most grievous afflict ions of tho poultrykooper in his interest is reprinted the description of a sure cure discovery the cure consists of a cheap watch that ticks loudly and is enclosed in a white eggshaped case whon a hen manifests a desire to alt at tho wrong time tho poultryman gently places her on this bogus egg and tho egg docs tho rest oheerfully it ticks away tho hen soon begins to show signs of uneasi ness she stirs tho noisy egg with her blil thinking perhaps that it is already tlznarlttqhalcp3hojcken in it wants to get out sho grows more and more nervous aa the noise keeps on and nnovlly she jumps off the nest and runs round a while to get cool generally she- returns rto her seuv imposed duty but things get worae and worae with her sho wrlggles about and cacklesj ruffles her feath ers and looks wild until at last with frenzied squawk she abandons the nest foj- good and all the fever of incubation is broken up completely tho lcsuour poultryman declares that he has never found a hen that could stupd the strajn ot tho conversa tional egg for more than threo hours in muoh less time than that as a rule the hen is ready to return to her le gitimate business your asthma too the efficacy of dr j d kellogg asthma remedy is not something that is merely hoped for it is to bo expected it seldorn falls to bring relief and in your own individual case it will do the samo so universal has bcon the success of this farfamed romedy that every one afflicted with thl rt at to- his title a new boy had come to tho school what li your natnei asked the teacher qlllte jones waft the reply you must say air whpn you ore talking to me i will auk you again what is your namo tho boy answered meekly sir blllle jones any man8 biography chapter 1 born chapter 2 bred chapter 3 caupht chapter 4 wed- chttpter 5 worried chapter 6 dead wife and husband both hrwith gas for years i had govs on the stomach the first nose of adlerlka helped i nowhlcep well apd all gas is gone it also helped my husband qlgned mrs 11 btinkloy one spoonful of adlerlka remove gas and often brings uht mi lolling relief to the stom ach stops that full bloated feeling brlngh out old waste matter you nevtr thmight was in your system this ex cellent intestinal ovacuant is wonder ful for oonmlpatlon a t brown druggist 2 to remove all small shrunken and broken seed leaving only the very best of tho kind of seed cleaned it bos been dbsejtved at the domin ion experimental station kapuaka- sjng ontario that large plump wcll- maturcd seed germlnoitcs more ovenly and gives a more uniform and higher yielding crop than seed of inferior quality this is particularly true it early sowing is practised which prac tice is vei y essential in this section of tho province a good fanning mill if properly equipped with riddles and screens nnd with a sultajble control over ths air blast may give very good service in the cleaning of seed grain it is rather difficult to give deflnko instru for equipping and oper- atlng a mill which would be applic able in ail casos r both the grain and ithq mills may vary considerably it is pointed out however that each part of the mill should have a share in the cleaning process if best results are to be obtained the air blast should remove all light material the riddle or top sieve should remove the large sized impurities and waste mat ter while the fower sieve should re move tho small impurities as well as the smaller seeds of the kind being cleaned roipld cleaning should be avoided as this is very liable to prevent thoaleves from functioning as they enould old mills often may be propertly equipped with new screens toy sub mitting samples of tho seed to be cleaned to the manufacturer and ask ing him to furnish suitable sieves b l hun jan assistant superintendent experimental station kapustaialag ont your grocer sell salada green tea htwe jrou tried it the tiny vicb- flavored levea and tips are coaled tirtight finer than any japan or gunpowder insist upon salada long distance lias re duced cost ot buying low costs us only x cents to tony 3 hogs railway time tabled at acton n no no no no no qolno west sunday only 23 29 31 33 i 35 going east 24 sunuy only 34 36 38 1041 a m 803 a m 1045 a m 2 29 p m co i ni 7 os u m 721 a m 1143 urn 3 3g p m b 17 p m 8 13 p ra canadian national electric railways ft wntci a meat jtackst the telephone is on your payroll make it work for you i dally dally dolly dolly dolly dolly dally dally dolly dally wstbound bzcopt sunday 743 am 943 sm 1143 n m 143 pm 343 p m 6 43 pjn 743 pjn 943 p to 12 32 aan extbounov v dally except sunday 9 43 doily 1143 am dally daily dally daily dally dally 143 pjn 343 p m 543 pjaa 743 pjn 243djn u140 pm 8orea flee before it tliore aro a great many who have been afflicted with sores and hav driven them away with drthomas eclectric oh all blmllarlytroubled should lose no time in applying this splendid remedy as there is nothing hko it to be had it is oli cap but its kowers is in no way expressed by its low price what a billion means tho following remarkable calcula tion on the length of time which it would require to count 1000000000- 000 recently appeared in an issue of an kngllsh periodical what is a billion tho reply is very himple in england a jillllpn is a mil lion times a million tljls is quickly written and quicker still pronounced nq man is able to count it you will count 160 or 170 an a minute but let us supposo you go as high as 200 a minute hour after hour at that rate you would count 1200 an hour 288- 000 a day or 105120000 in a year let us suppose now that adam at the beginning of his existence had begun to count had continued to do so and is counting still had such a thing been pbsslble he could not yet have finished counting el billion to count a billion would require a person tq count 200 a minute for a period of 9512 years 343 days 5 hours and 20 minutes providing bo should count continuously but supposo we allow the counter 12 hours a day for rest eating and sleeping then he would need 18025 years 210 days 10 hour and 45 minutes in which to com- pletethetask z hard and soft corns both yield to hollo ways corn hemover which is entirely safe to use and certain and satisfactory in its action change in the wjnd there had been a number of occa sions on which mr halloran had re gretted his too prompt offers of neigh borly services and had grown wary- he hesitated now and looked thought ful was it tomorrow you were oxln me about he inquired of airs leahy with one eye on a t pile of rubbish in hl neighbors yard well now vm not sure if ill bo coming home or where ill be tis a frfdoy you mind an thats called an unlooky day by most an i nlver like to lay me plans too firm an so you can toko yure eyes off that hape o rooblsh interrupted mrs- leahy tartly tlmmyll be home to- merrer an he can carrt it away twos becauso hed be borne i was planning tl flnt i y been so handy hut if youve anny fears dont shpako of thim and mr halloran swept off his hat in a gallant bow ill cast thona from me hbms poor thing to be giving up to super htltlons mrs leahy annyway at what time would you like rflo to bo here rain or shine a natural remedy that the remedy is sometimes worse than the disease is again shown by an incident chronicled in tho times a pi eminent politician has a wife who la a model of domestic carefulness sho has a talent for making bread and takes groat- prldo in having her lodvea tutu out well ono evening she had set the batch of dough to rise in the kitchen nnd was rending in tho parlor when her alxyearold boy came running to her crying mtimn mama theres a mouse jumped into your breadpan the good woman sprang from her seat did you take aim out sho asked frantically nom but i done just as good i threw the cat in and shes digging after him in great style when a mother detects from the wrlthlngs and fretting of u child that worms ojo troubling it she can pro euro a reliable remedy in aillers woim 1owdnrs whloh will expel u11 worms rroin the system thoy my cause vomltlnff but this need cause no anxiety because it is but a manifesta tion of their thorough work no worms can long exist where these fowders are used i x it 2rtte the ohio electric floor polisher will positively polish your floors toronto tarminsi kaela strot and st clair avonua freight delivered ijy special express frelsht freight picked up at any ad dress in toronto 3 usx j a smith real estate and insurance detrcmr list of farms and town property before buying wo may hscre- just what you want and are looking for at prices and terms to suit you agent for confederation life association london lancashire ftro insurance london lanca shire guarantee and accident company of canada prompt and courteous attention given vour bus1ne83 solicited residence m1u and wallace sto telephone 105 acton xjl ohio electric ploor polisher attachments free demonstration in vour home on request to the hydro shop j cadesky of toronto eyesight specialist wnjtibatathaiown dr1ig store acton monday april 12th anyone suffering from eye strain defective vision or headache should not xolam the opportunity of consulting this eyesight specialist appoint ments may bo made with mr a t brown druggist consultation humd office hours 0 m till 4 p ivu castor i a mothfcr fletchers qutoria is a pleasant harmless substi tute for castor oil paregoric teething drops and soothing syrups prepared for infants in arms and children ul ages to avoid imitations mlvnjt lock for the siputtm ot civjr protndirtctiotw on eh package physlduu everywhere ft free pres job printirits always neatly don bonds stocks and grain private wlves to maw york chic winnipeg and tosetitsj 1st mortgage real estate bonds t j hannican 7- ctuelth typewriters genuine factory rebuilt underwoods built up to the same stand ards as the new machine throughout fully guaranteed same a8 new but they cost less general typewriter appliance co 09 kino st west toronto x advertisers ths free pres8 is snxious to ssrvs you snd ssrvs you will vvs osn gjvs your sdvsrtis mnt bsttsr sttstntion and there for msks it mora kttraotiva if tfa oopy i aubpliad to us on monday or tuaaday if copy fll to roach us until wadnasdsy foranoov thro ia a ruah to sot it up bsfor the forms oloso and th rosult la llkaly to bo lsa satisfactory send in vour ad8 early savage company jewellers china silverware 5i lower wyndham st phone 571 guelfh v

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