Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 25, 1926, p. 4

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t lij t i ifit the home of member canadian weekly newspaper association member selected tows weeklies ol ontario the acton free press is published every thursday morning at the free press building mill street acton ontario the subscription price ia jxco per year in advance t postage is charged additional to offices in the united states the date to which subscriptions are paid is indicated on the address label s advertising ratestranaient adertisv menu id cents per line a site measure for first insertion and 5 cents per line or each iub se quent insertion contract display advertise- meats for 50 inches or more per annum ts cents per inch each insertion advertisements with out specific directions will he inserted till forbid ind charged accordinsly h p moore president and editor c a dills manager and asjaistaae editor tetephones editorial and dusineis office residence- of president residence of manager cs moderation of the dominion tax burden intimation of some moderation of the burden of taxation was given in the house of commons last week by hon j a robb minister o finance on a resolution proposecl by t l church of toronto calling for a reduction in income tax whilo he did hot make any definite promise that it would be in either the income tax or the sales tax the minister declared that he hoped to give some little relief to the people what that will be must remain a secret until after easter when the budget will be brought down taking it for granted thursday morning march 25 1926 appreciation mostly any community appreciates the honest efforts of an unselfish man who aims at general betterment of his town and neighborhood mr lome a eedyj of walkerton for ten years publisher of the telescope was honored recently by he citi zens of that town prior to his departure for st marys where he is to succeed his father as publisher of the journalargus during theh years of his resi dence in the county town of bruce mr eedy made a jiery valuable contribution to the life and progress of the journalargus during the years of his resi- various organizations with which he was actively identified it is notwlso to jump huptlly to a conclusion but thin reflection gener ally comes utter ono him jumped a mun who was sitting at a dlnnor- tuulojn tho long saloon ot amlsslifttl- ppl ltlvor steamboat waiting for the frlod chlckon ho had ordered sudden ly took a bniull notobook out ot hlh pocket wrote somothlng in it and bhowod it to his wife slitting in the noxt scut thu wlfo roud it snvilotl and ho ro- lluccfl tdiu notobdok in his pockot on looking up ho was surirlsed to boo that u buldlioudcil man who sat on tho other hide of tho tablo dtreotly opposlto wus rogardln him with a scowl ho was atlu moro surprised when this baldheaded passongor sought him oa tho hurrlcaaodook of tho steamer an hour later and jjuld n a ton of indignation i know touh you wore writing in- that passbook n while ago you were directing- that ludya ullorhlon to this right oyo of mine x wanuiyou to neighborhood news towu and country abhqrove aunt uuaunb visit u comedy in four acts was very successfully glvon 1ri the munduy school rouin of tho ashgrwo uiiltod church iunt weok those directly taking purt in the pluy wore very ably usalstod in tho ontcr- tulhmont by mrs caldwell mr p wright ulna ollvo the mimes olffvn and membora of tho choir an appreciative audlenco flllcxl tlio room to its capacity and tho loague wus woll plonsod with tho cxcollonco ol the en tertainment and tho nuunclul returns na88agaweya georgetown mlhh hrntln understand sir thut wtillo it may look pccullur it is not a glass oye slrl my dear sir roplickl tho other in mistake in yourllfo that lady 1b my wlfo she happens td tao deaf 1 wab naklngthcr if sho didnt thtnk the cook was waiting for that wring- ehlckon to grow a llttlo bigger boforo ho kill ed it nowthat i notice your eye however i can see that it dbea look very muuti itko a glnss eye editorial canadas increasing business activity reports from financial and shipping sources all show that business in canada is well on the upgrade official statistics of trade and of revenue car load ings on canadian railways alike indicates steady improvement the years wheat crop canadas second largest on record has heavily swelled the total of exports particularly within the last few months but apart from wheat there is evidence of increasing activity jn exports of canadian mer chandise the growth has been remarkable in the twelve months ended november exports totalled 1 220000000 against 1058000000 in the twelve monthsjnded november 1934 and 860000000 in the twelve months ended november 1922 imports were 874000000 in the twelve months ended no vember 1925 against 813000000 in the twelve months ended november 1924 and 753000000 in the corresponding period three years ago in other words the excess of exports over imports or favor- able balance of tradeisnow3346000000trriundred millionsmore than it was a year ago and over two hundred and thirty millions more than three years ago liquor sales for revenue i look to the day when canada will stand hand inhand-with-the-united-states-in-national-prohibi- tion and i hope that in ontario the time will never come when it will be said you had to sell liquor to get revenue to run your province these were the parting words of rev clarence true wilson of washington d c to a capacity audience in chal mers united church the- other evening gathered under the ausipces of the ottawa and eastern on tario counties prohibition union in connection with the great prohibition rally held in ottawa dr wil son is general manager of the board of temperance prohibition and public morals of the methodist church in the united states his chun a nowsboy sat on tho cuislono cry ing when a pedestrian lialtv i and laid his hand on tho youngatoru shouldor whath wrong iinnnyrj huaaell of windsor nova is v with dr and mrs dickie mr ii mcolbbon who has boon fiulto hi during dae past week is re covering nicely now astonishment you never were morale mistake la vouhr tii inrtv i nv thoxmilsfortuno to all and councils proceedings may be vitiated if disqualified menaber acta one of the latest decisions of the privy council of englsnc respecting canadian points of law cabled to canada last saturday declares that the violation of the ontario temperance act constitutes a crime and therefore the convicted person is guilty of a criminal act some lawyers express doubt as to this interpretation of the privy councils decision sev eral eminent legal authorities of toronto however believe that the decision points out clearly that an in fraction of this law constitutes a crime this being the case a member of a municipal council who is con victed of violation of the ontario temperance act automatically becomes disqualified and hisseat be- comestvacant the provincial statutes provide as follows an member of a municipal council who is convicted of the commission of a criminal act be comes disqualified from holding his position and his seat thereby becomes vacant this is farreaching in its effects it is quite clear that a member of a municipal council who is disqualified ceases to be a member and his taking part in the proceedings of bcotrriclireiiaerswe be declared null and void by any court of compe tent jurisdiction the responsibility of the other members of the council under such conditions is clear the pnembers of a municipal council who find themselves in such a relationship irj respect to a per son who has thus become disqualified iuill act wiely preropuy seeming competeiit legal advice reapect- n th nefgpnalstatus 8 liability under the cir cumstances a fruitful source of crime there is probably no more fruitfufsource of crime than undetected and unpunished crime which is becoming- increasingly prevalent the unwilling ness of persons to appear as informers or prose cutors even to give testimony when legally sum moned lest they may surfer from retaliation ac counts for a great deal of it even public prose cuting attorneys have often been stirred up by public opinion before they are willing to act as a sample take a case which occurred recently which caused a wide sensation but about which nothing was done and reveals a state of public sentimentjonjuptnt of which prooably nothing will be donetthe bare facts are suggestive and suspicious a married man father of thiree children eloped with a seventeen- ycjfl girl o port troiijwio was employed in p ho 1 e a i sfting tht they had de- sdedt ienq tfteir live rather than give ui their 4i ed to a searcji for thoir bodies in a nearby late there the cate was dropped for wn nov the man returns saying he knows qoting of what became of the girl qr where ghe is fie elarrn that he has been forgiven and aooeptcd by his family and friends he says he made a mis take and after thinking it over concluded that it would look pretty weak not to come back and face the situation but that everyone had been wonderfut to him since his return that sort of talk reveals nothing but a heartless callousness and a shocking moral degeneracy that is almost incredible and yet no steps have been taken to punish the man or dls- cover the fate of the deceived and doubtlessly out raged girl if the man was imprisoned until filling to give a believable account of himself in the inter val and airjr pmaittflsclue to the facts of the poor rbefooled girl it might tend to make others hesitate fefpre yielding to similar temptations kihcardine r reporter fll editorial notes port perry has abolished municipal income taxa tion most small towns have probably for two or three reasons the higher general assessment tax rate of late years and the stiff dominion tax metallic mineral production in canada during 1925 according to the dominion bureau of statistics had a total value of 1254100000 has compared with 102406528 the previousyearr mineral production is sure to grow in this country according to j h putman senior inspector of public schools at ottawa ontarios adolescent school attendance law is impracticable in its present form and badly in need of revision there are others who feel that cerliirpmodifications to thtact woulrpbe beneficial under the canadianaustralia treaty canada in six months sent 6000000 worth of manufactured goods to australia and canada imported 838000 worth of australian goods canada thus got a market for seven times as much as she bought from that country the province of alberta is very proud of a bal anced budget for the year 1926 with an estimated surplus of revenue over expenditure of 21989 even after allowing 130000 for general election expenses this was announced by provincial treasurer hon r g reid in the budget speech last week what can i do to help improve the town help it grow and make it a better place in which to live each loyal citizen shouldask himself that question population doesnt make a great community its thaspirit of those who live in it its the man who speaks well of the place where he makes his living who helps his town toward prosperity theres nothing much more foolish than for a woman to be trying to con ceal her ge aunt lucretla was wont to aay now anybody thats got a head for figures can add up my ago quick as a wink i sposo most o tho folks in this town could- tell ye i warrant theyve heard me srlvo it out often enough i was married when was seven teen and after id bceri married flye years we moved to tenessco whero my three children wero born and when william thats fortytwo now was ten we moved to missouri throe years after that my husband had his lung trouble an wo carted out to col orado stayed there ave yearn and then came on east when his lather died and wevo been here ever since nearly twentyfour years you reckon up what i told you about williams age if you want to jwj sure im acerate thatll bo your quickest way and then you can figure oh mine fort erie village experimented a few years with single tax and for a time thought they had a town builder but exemption on improvements gradually sent the rate soaring up to 76 mills in five years and the village is back to tbe old sprem any advant ages were more tjuin offset by disadvantages the single tax fetish has pretty well petered out the farrnera sun ia practically the only paper that objects to legislation requiring all vehicles- to carry lights at night but the farmers are now show ing less antagonism to such a law and we believe that it will not be long before they acknowledge the necessity of carrying lights for their own protection aylmer express r the preliminary estimate of the total yield of potatoes in canada in 1925 was 44497000 cwt from 545981 acres as compared with 56648000 cwt from 561628 acres in 1024 according to the dominion bureau of statistics this accounts for the increas ed price which has prevailed since the crop was har vested no further increase in price is now looked for wont somehody pleage introduce a bill- pro y for thr g j a c m p p says the fergus news-record- maybe it wouldnt be any more of a success than the other government flqntrql shelburne economist mr curries millioniollar distillery at port colbbrne is an earnest of the in d of go vernmcn t control mr currie wants a 8tory of an operation of the seven great soenia parka under dominion control in the rockies and selkirks three are in alberta and four in british columbia waterton lakes rocky mountains banff and jasper na tional parks are in alberta and yoho glacier koot enay and revelstoke national parks are in british columbia canada has been wise in making reser vation of these attractive and extensive parks in practically primitive condition the mtinicipal review points out that motor tour ists conflict little if any with hotels thesevgypsy motorists they have been called plan to camp at night anctifa town does not provide the necessary accomtnodatlon they will pass through it to a place where they can pijch their tent make the tourist camp itfriclive to them and theyll stop over and purchase a days supplies from ibealfiierchants be- 1 and sow the fiamem you might fore rmnttwrinriiy 3u- i aint your sonny well whata wrong my boy i aint your boy either lost ave cents in the gutter naw i aint oh oh oh my chum is dead oh unua another thine how did he happen to die runned over cheer up you can and another chunx- you wouldnt talk that way if youd itnowd dick he waa tho best friend i over had there warnt nothing dick wouldnt adono for me- an now ho is dddead im wluhln i woe dead too look here sajd the mim go and sell your papers and tajto some poor little ragged boy and bo a chum to him itll help you arid jo hlni good ptfhaw mister wheres there a boy wotd go around nights with me an ho cold and hungry an outen doors and sleep on tho broun like dick an he wouldnt touch a bite till id had enough he were a christians dick wero then you can xcol that hes all right if he was euch a faithful friend and good boy boy dick a boyt land dick warnt a goodfornothlns human hoy mister dick wero a dog- selected fracture her right arm a couple of weelts ago is slowly recovering mr q a honry is giving up busi ness owl riff to hi health and will dis continue liia bus and lvory business after saturday march 20 tho postponed annual meeting of georgetown horticultural socloty will be held in tho council ohanober jojt a p m on wonduy march 22nd- mr wm bingham relumed home from quelph hospital laut xhurdday he wus accompanied by his daughter mrs wpods of almu mr binghams man y-trtends- wlliboboriylon earn wm bell of campbellvlllo has oolu hlo 140ncro farm in nashugawuyu- to hubort molsoac or acton und mr m uridarmuu bus hold his farm on the guolph iloud to joseph prlco of kil bride a full liouso grouted tho production of tho threouct comedy the colonols muld by 3t diivlds church choir ut on not f hull ctunnbollvlllc last wodnesduy evoulng the play is one of tho bcht nu funniest every part wus well taken und all who heard it wore charmed after u lingering illiiopn jackhon agnew died last krlduy 12th hurt at the ooncial hospital hamilton to which ho had been taken ubout two wookn previously lie wuw in his 00th your ho wan tho teacher of a public school near georgetown uftur which he furmod for homo years with ono of his brothers until his mnrrlugo about twenty years uo to miss isaboll richards of lowvulio tifneo then ho had had u farm to himself latterly tho dempfloy farm udjulnlng milton in religion ho was a prosbytcrlan a member of the session of knox church for a number of years and lta clerk stncd tho union in politics ho wutf a suunch liberal h is sur vived by hs widow ihroo brothers william nelson edward nassaba- weyd and samuel manitoba and ono sister miss agnes campbellvlllo erin that ho is mill quite ill there wa a large attendance at credit lodge no 2l9 afam on friday night last when lit won bro y- barraclough ddo m paid his omcial visit ho waa tender ed a most cordial reception by wor shipful muster w h long- officers and brethren of jijs mother lodge every member of which is delighted that bo worthy a brother is honored with this high office in masonry in reply ho heartily thanked tho brethren for their splendid welcome and their assistance in placing him in the hon ored position which he held about eighty- sat down to the banquet which followed the closing of lodge and was quite in keeping with st pat ricks day herald milton a sum in arithmetic the question of age was one which was never mentioned in aunt iju cretias presence without eliciting an apparontly frank statement of her own yoars tho listener however never failed to find on reflection that thero were certain connecting links n which wore missing from aunt lucretlas chqlnofevonts a remedy for legal trust the young lawyer as floundering in a tangle of his own making in a case he had before a supreme court justice who was known as the humor pt of tho bench the justice listened attentively to tho young roane efforts to disentangle himself but after a while he waa vla- ibly impatient apd the young man perceived that tho time haft come far excuses so he bgan i frank with you l am the least bit rusty on methods of procedure in caaea of this nature 1 trust that your honor will bear with me and advise me in the matter why certainly replied tho justice smiling i will bo only too glad to advise you j the face of the young lawyer began to brighten only to be shrouded in tfioom a moment later when the justlco added my advice to you young man is that you go and study latv black coats an english clergyman rather pom pous of manner according to spare moments was fond of chatting with a witty chimneysweep once when the minister returned from his summer holidays he happen ed to meet his youthful acquaintance wlo seemed to havo been at work whero have you been asked tho clergyman sweeping the chimneys at the vicarage was the boys answer how many chimneys are there said hoy much do you get for uoch was the npxt question the sweep said that there were twenty ohlmneva nnn thnt wnb pald a shilling apiece tho clergyman afterrthinklng a mo ment looked at tho sweep in appar ent astonishment you have earned a- great deauof money jn a little time he- remarked wondering probably what the sooty fellow would reply yes said the sweep throwing his bag over his shoulder as lie started away we who wear black coats got our money very easily i there are j several distinctly good stories in the recently published re- nflnlscencoa of qeorgf h ham here is ono of them he underwent a very serious operation and on losing con sciousness his last thought was this is eternity when i recovered from the effects of tho opiate i found my self in a darkened room and wonder ed where i was and what it was ill about tho kindly featured nurse oulckly discovered thnt my conscious ness had returned and came to my bedside and then i remembered every thing but why tills dark room it was early morning when they oper ated on me but now it cant bo night no it isnt he seriously responded but we were afraid of tno shock you might get why what shock well thero was a big fire juat across tho street and we were afraid if you mr fred moxted who has been ill for some months is now confined to his bed the horticultural society is de- slrlous of building up its membership and as will be seen the options given to each member hrt l each ouro very attractive indeedt far exceeding what you can buy for tho same money from any other source mr and mrs albert l patterson hilton announce tho engagement of their daughter edith livingstone to mr samuel wawcett sharpe bon of mrand mrs samuel sharpe camp- bellville tho wedding to talcc place early in april the first meeting of the brother hood held last thursday evening was avey enjoyable affair a splen did gathering of men greeted tno pres ident t a hutchinson who presided revj- h- grahambachalrmarrof tho presbytery was tho speolcer and he delighted and encouraged bis aud ience by his appropriate remarks on brotherhood judge elliot addressed the meeting on sunday in december inst lulgl braccl who lives on tho toronto hamilton high way close to the bronte athletic groundo was convicted by police mag istrate shields under the oxa of selling sealed whiskey not moonshine he wus lined 500 and costs and a month in jail and six months ad ditional in default of payment he appealed against the conviction judge elliot heard the appeal on monday and dismissed it braccl was tnkon to the cells it la reported that brace will pay his flno and costs after ho has put in the peremptory month in jail and get his release champion pakville repreaentatlveaof tho underwriters association were in town on wednes day making tests of the flreflffbting equipment the baseball minatxelh are -iirepar- ing for their annual- concert which will bo held in tho gregory ttheatre on thursday and friday evenings april 15th and 16th tho ladies aid ot st johns church are rehearsing tho humorous play en titled the country school maam which will be presented in lusk hall the end of april scottish characteristics was tho subject of a very interesting and amusing l glvon under tho auhptceaxtifeme dr knox church on tuesday nuffht by rev stuart parker of toronto at tho rotary club or monday evening chma m hoddle gave an il lustrated talk on hlstecont trip- across canada by boat to port wllllarh by c p r to vancouver and home by cnr e a orr has purchased the pure bred herd of holsteln cattle from the dunlop estate east of toronto the herd is accredited and consists of fourteen heavy milking cows euid ten- heifers mr orr will place theea fine cattle on the ballllo farm west of oakville the funeral of the late james hus band who died in mount hamilton hospital on sunday root wavs held from tucks undertaking parlors on tuesday the lato mr husband who was in his sixty- first year died after a lingering illness he was a son of the late mr and mrs john husband and lived tho greater part of his life in this district star a native of erin ponsfonod off ton years ago after fortytwo years aor- vlco with the c p r in the capacity of conductor frank harrison passed away at his residence 72g woodbine avenuetoronto last- wednes day 3o was born in erin township and was in his 79th year ho was a member of irwin ulasonlc lodge and a mem ber of glenmount united church bo- ceased is survived by one son harold and rivo daughters miss annio harri son mrs a r watson mrs a d adamson mua dr j y burt-ger- rans and airs t c young while ono brother george also survives mr harrison was predeceased by his wife nine years ago mrs rev evans of cayuga is visiting her son mr j trimble at belfountalxi mr h pfnkey recently purchased the farm on which he has been living lot 6 town line erin from mr wm sinclair of georgetown the farm has been in possession of the sin clair family for over ninety years mrs salmon and eon tom visited mrs w j curry one day last week who is very 111 in st john hospital toronto mrs clorov pond of timmlns spent a few days in town the guest of mr and mrs r geo overland at the evergreens mr m plnkey sold a grey perch eron horse at orangevlllo fair hurt thursday to mr m carter of bramp ton for 235 this was the largest price received for a single animal at the fair the friends of mr and mrsm e bacon and family assembled at their home 6th line erin on thursday evening last to spend a soclot even ing and to present them with a token of the esteem in which they aro held in the community before their de parture for thoir new home in hills- burg mr bacon has purchased from mr hugh uclachlan his grist mill and residence mr and mrs tnosr mclnnes and master elgin who have been visiting with relatives here since christmas re turned to their homo at scotsguard bask on tuesday mr j t austin accompanied them and will spend tho summer at scotsguard managing the farm the property of tho late h c austin canvassers for the fund for the pur chase of grounds for tho agriculture society are more than gratified at the generous response with which they have met setting out a few weeks ago with on objective of 1000 they have passed this mark by about 500 and have subscriptions totalling 1- 500 on hand for this enterprise a large congregation assembled at burns presbyterian church here on tuesday afternoon of lost week when their now pastor rev edward lee was inducted to the pastorate of burns and osnrlngo congregations rev p currie preached tho sermon rev reid addressed he minister and mr w logan craig of grand valley ad dressed the congregation a letter of congratulation and good will from the formerp t rev john lindsay was read the ladles of tho congregation catered and all sat down to a sumpt uous repast and a pleasant social hour was spent advocate staon stovk lish 2 busine directoiv medical dk j a mcniven phyiolan and 8urgon orflc rid llellenc corner sown avanuo ani elln street iiiclpa mtltfrfa ffamiltorroirl fk k j nelson v redeiuck htjukt acton ontario leoal phor itu 22 p o bo sm harold nash farmer m a bmrrlur solleltor noury pullo conveyancer etc perrvman block acton onit money lent on mortgages hour jo m to 6 pm knfurdlays 1200 oclock burlington rt rov bishop newnham d d de livered a thrilling illustrated lecture on his experiences as bishop of moos- onee in st lukes parish huill on monday evening under the ainmlces vav of the girls auxiliary in the estimates brought down in the federal house on monday an item of 8000 appears for the exten sion to the revetment wall at the fdot of brant treet the work will bo commenced as soon as tho veather permits mr j s maw lnglealde port nelson is recovering from a serious operation wnich he underwent at st josephs hospital mrs melissa p ellis formerly mrs l r adams of burlington noosed away nt the- homo of her son oarneld p adams long branch on thursday last the deceased formerly resided at applebe ns well as burlington and waa in her 63rd year burlington star no 5b9 loba celebrated another anniversary in the oddfellows hall lust wednesday even ing which was a splendid success over two hundred guests beinat pres ent from hamilton stoney creek burlington and district a mooting in the lnterewts of tho halton temperance union was bold in christs church sundny school room on friday afternoon a p clbbon president of the halton county as sodlatlon was chairman there in considerable activity on lake front property detroit capltal 13 how interested in lake property be tween hamilton and toronto pros pecth are sroo for a boom in town as a great manymetterii have ben re- colvcd in regard topeople wishing to locate in burlington- qaicttp both 80ld southern hospitality is proverbially generous in the old dominion mr thomas nelson page recounts an in stance showing that this hospitality was not always appreciated a guest nuked the loanof tthorflatao a pry him to the next stoppingplace u town which lay at a considerable distance the host acccordlngly lent him his horse and sent along a negro boy it was beforo tho war to bring tho horse back after several days tho boy was still missing and some one was sent to hunt him up tho messenger found hfm- at iast and demanded why he had not returned with tho horse cause dat gentman sell do horse was the reply well why didnt you como back and say so hi he done sell metoo said the boy can you command a good salary thla depends entirely upon your tralnlner it must be prac tical gaelph business college ouelph ont gives you thnt training which will help you to become inde pendent you can aiart on monday students aro now enrolling for new term after easter a l bouck principal and proprietor dental dk j m bell d djs t d drrtlrt honor oraoloito of toronto unlrar- nlty the latest anesthetic used if desired orfloentrcldenee corner- of- mill and frederick streets dr f g gollop dds lds dental surgeon omce over brjk of- nova sootbm hoim8so to sjo evenlngrn by appointment miscellaneous francis nunan bookbinder account boohs of all kinds made to order periodicals of every description carefully bound ruling neatly and promptly done wyndhafiratreot duelph on over wlllum- store r j kerr auctioneer anrl keal estate 20 years experience list yoiir property with he acton oitario- farmers and home gardeners who appreciate best quality reas0nable prices and fair dealing will do well to pur chase prom pelham hursery co apply j burlingham r r no 4 rockwood ont ferrvi purebred seeds around the corner fwfih every year means that our packets aro nut up especially for tho season in which tboy are sold wo do not sond out packets second time whon you buy a puckct of kerrys seeds you can be sure that tho aectlrr will be of watisfactory vitality iind will produce good results buy ferrys seeds d m ferry co is good tea ie a oad fecaum uou like gocd things youu tuu shd 3fodt buy flour with care krom tho planting of tho wheat to its delivery to you in the form of national flour tho utmost care 4s taken by all who bandlo it in its different stages of growth and manufac ture when you buy nation al flrouh you can depond u lo n itm belne the very best lour tlrt money can obtain ihlft norval flour mills w b browne co prop norvaf kinq8 choice bread flour national pty norval bell 90 c 2 phones tlunlolpa 817 stand a e nicklin insurance agent life tho mutual life assurance co of canada fire waterloo mutual insurance company baglo star and british dominhininsurancocolimltedr auto accident health burglary insurance etc employeos li ability assurance corporations the dominion of canada guar anty and accidents insurance company money to ioan on farm proper ty government and municipal bonds trustco for estates col lections see me for all kinds of insurance box 444 bower ave acton d3 richmond sr war tforonto ganaxh radio canadas pioneer monthly publication dovotcd to radio subscription price 200 per year in aflvawnce tcadio r- isrjaitedrjy oxley r c- i an outstanding authority on radio operation subscribe now and loarn how to got tho best out of your raqlo set radio also tolls you whore to buy penton publications 6062 adslaido t toronto the symptoms of eye strain aro often so lndoflnlto tlutt different caurios boforo tlio oyes aro suspootod eye strain far moro common than ho public bellevo and tho rosults more serious for that reason it should bo suspected moro fre quently than ii is our oxamln- attonlrltt juu t re- gordlng your ovcs ad savage optometrlt md mfg optlolan right at the post ofoco 8v build in quelprl m te tvl wti fc kwiir- v- wimx 4 1jrmuwj i the old and rcjuable granite and marble worka wo are manuffioturors snd direct importers of all lands of monumontal and headstone work we bell dlroot to our customers at wholesale prloesi thus saving our customer 40- por cent we havo the bst appliances and th only j mechanics in tho dominion who on operate pnenenatlo tools propoily we can glvo retterences from hnndredsi of our customers in toronto and othar plmks whoroi others have to have law suits in order to oolleot we have ths largest and bent stock of granite in the dominion or more than any throa dealers in the rt we are leg-iu- nfts dealers sui employ no senis and do not annoy or pest omlonera by ending out imorant agents nolioit- jng ordars we nploy only rnochanloai and defy ennpotltlon flamltton sons ouklph ont- s 7 v2 i m

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