Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 25, 1926, p. 3

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t s gljp arhmfflrrr ppga thansday march 2g 1026 the house and the road 3 o thd llttlo road nays go the little house says stay and o its bonny here at homo but i miibt go away tho llttlo itoad like me would cok and turn and know andforrjixrnuutto learn tho tilings tho llttlo road would show and go i must my dears and journey while- 1 may though heart bo sore for tho little houao that hiia no word but stay maybe no other way your chilil could over know why a little house would have you stay when a llttlo road says go josephine preston peabocly a street car episode alexia cast a superior glance in tho direction of the overdressed woimuii who was climbing into tho car with tho soverity of the young eirl who un derstands what la proper she found it impossible to attribute any ylrtuo to a peraon who did so many things tbtat were plainly out of the way tbo overdressed woman wore a roso- color ed dress more appropriate to a girl of sixteen than to a robust person of mbro than forty her hair done in an elaborate combination of puffs and curls was topped by an enormous hat with wavlner white plums looking over her shoulder she addressed a re- markto taer husband in a voice so loud and rasping that evory passenger looked up her laughter was rasping too and noisy alexia said to her self that was tho worst of the street cars they brought you into contact with such disagreeable people j probably she would have carried that opinion unchanged to the end of hor days if it had not been for tho wo man who cot aboard two blocki farther devwn this woman was evidently a foreign- er a pale overworked ititlo woman carrying a baby in her right arm and clasping tho handle of a bulging valiac with her left hand while in advance of her a half dozen little children of as- 1 sorted sizes flocked into the car tbiol eldest of them a stocky lad of a dozen years waked on ahead his iranda in bis pockets john i tho overdressed woman a voice snapped ilko a pistol shot john help her quick poor soul the welltrained husband was on ills feet in an instant and down the aisle just us the pale little woman staggered aboard under her double burden do took the valise from her hand and as there was no vacant scat except his own he save it to her the overdressed woman had volun teered a remark to the eldest boy you ought to help your mother with hor bundles rny lad she said with a brisk tup on the shoulder and then it was that alexia began to relent concerning her judgment tho little woman took tho vacant seat looking altogether bowildered the overdressed woman picked up the next youngest baby and set her on the rosecolored lap us a matter of course the little mother of seven children newutafiznatterinbofeiuclisliiuiclj tho overdressed woman knew no tonguob u ther o wn ye tthey carried the old home town of acton on a sort of conversation with smiles and nods doing duty for words and feeling the atmosphere of friendly interest the little woman did her full share of smiling when she got off the car the oldest boy helped her with the valise which showed that he had profited by the hint he had received as for the mother herself the un- pectefl ieftasowor radiance on her plain pale face and ehe looked like another peraon alexia glanced across tho aisle at the overdressed woman with a new feeling in her heart bven if one wore colors too gay and laughed noisily one might fletah example of helpful kindness that would set other folks thinking nashville era where thres much in a name the news that the municipal council of paris ofter the sturdy defenso of liege hud aroused its enthusiasm iliad taken time in the midst of the tre- mendous-crlalst- ta-affalnr-off-both- the nation and the city to change the name of the rue de berlin to rue dc liege sliowaa quaint side of the char acter of the french and calls to mind a j somewhat similar incident in the franco prussian war of fortyfour years ago after tho collapse of the empire of napoleon iii at sedan and the for mation of the french republic tho national assembly on whom the jyjkflleflafct v x spent much of itsr time although the germans were thundering down on the devoted city in changing the names of things streets buildings depart ments and what hot from royal and imperial to national flnul- fy by solemn decree of the assembly the name of the royal bengal tiger in the paris zoo was changed to the nu- tlonul bengal tiger and the custo dians of the animal were charged to see that the signs above the cages were changed in accordance with the decree the evening train up tho dolly grade is straining the old tnnp of tannery creek is in the air the whistle sounds a warning brakes are grinding and friends are gathered on the plat form bare no town with warmer friendships greolsticr sons than acton through which the high way runs we sob the lights as we to mill street turning and quiet paths where happy lovers v- stroll the many homes where hearth flres welcome burning invite the travellers to a restful goal or further wandering down to tho mill pbnds wall we watch as of old the surplus wat ers fall tho beauties every season comes abrlnging seem larger year by year as tumbling in her lap tho humming bees tho nesting birds sweet singing the snowy coasting hills the flowing sap the reverent sabbaths where the very air seems palpitant with music iiraisa and prayer can beauty wit ancj genius boast a flowering elsewhere as in this quaint though busy spot and when the clouds of war were darkly lowering was ever victory by vatlunt sons more dearly bought by patriots than by those who fought the huns from dear old acton whore the trout brook runs weve sent out preachers allodds do- fylng and men to fill the big convention chair and railway men with all tho others vieing have climbed to famv in our domin ion fair as justice ever marks tho british race- so legal graduates have ably filled their place in politics our member many years was speeding and many men and women of re nown in law in trade in medicine and science leading are bringing honor to tho dear home town in many lands afar are fortunes made but in thy schools wero their founda tlonslald when far away the tides of trndo were turning to broad rich wheat fields of tho great north west and many hearts with much ambition burning have braved the hardships and have stood the test then foremost mid the honored of tho land tho sons and daughters of old acton stand can you then wonder that they love to gather to tell the stories of the days of yore and speak of churches business ven turcs father mother and- friends perchance who are no more conceding that no prairie acres ever thrill like dear old acton neath our cob ble hill ob yes it may be that wo llnd en chanting the strenuous deeply earnest life we live and would not ifwe could bo found ahaunting the earlier joys that thou alone ctuist give fcbulhas the home town paper the weekly newspapers have no fear of the big dallies taking their place tor the dailies do not enter the home life like the town weekly which have h bn w otbe try love cheers us for dear old acton is every ulwnys near us a homecomer saps running syrups boil ing when the warm spring sunshine cornea i rind my thoughts always turn to tho old days when we went into the muple buali a- sugaring j never fall to have the spring feeling the events and- incidents of those early days never fail to come back to me with tho coming of sugar time in march it is over sixty years since i heard my father chirping the lilting old couplet out in the bush when we youngsters were lagging in our steps after emptying trough after t tough pari of the community life the author of the following lines has evi dently caugnt the idea of the town weekly trade hardly deems the busy- day begun till his keen eye along the sheet him run tire blooming daughter throws her needle by and reads her schoolmates marriage with a srgh wlilte the grave mother puts her glasses tn and dro t fo bukhi old crony gono the preacher- too his sunday themo lays dowxk to know wht lasti new folly fills tho town portant j jnto flur aaphucketev and carrying these heavy buckets full of sup into the sugur camp where the boiling down was going on cheerup cheer op and carry your sap and boll it down to sirryup sugar they cut- tho bark with their hatchets- and by wooden hxou to di rected tho flow of sap into birchbark troughs called casos or roams by the indians and bulled it down in earthenware pot a tho hret wlite settlers learned tho art of sugarmak ing from the indians and tho industry lias been carried on from that day to the present in indian and pioneer duys in canada when tho maple was tho only aourco of socchiirlne matter the maple sugar was a necessity to day it is esteemed s a delicacy or lux ury and sells for two or throo times aa much per pound as xund or beet sugar the early settler improved upon indian methods by substituting metal kettles for the clay pots and woodeii buckets for birch bark ones and to day still further improvement bus been made by the uso of modern evap orators installed in buildings and b the collecting of sap in tin recepta cles with each change there has been an improvement in the quality of the product this is now much lighter in color than of old and its dollcato maple flavor is unmixed with that of smoke ashes or other foreign tub- stances in many districts of coujrjjc tho keeping by farmer of a sugar bush and the making- of maplo sugar is but a passing phase of agricultural de velopment but there are others where j owing to inrticulurly sultod eondll tlons sugarmaking bids fair to be come as permanent as apple orchard- j ing these conditions include i maple grove of conaldcrabjo extent ond too steep or too stony to be suitable for held culture- in such a ssjunilon where the owner intends to maintain a permanent- sugar bush the evttpor ator house is placed at tho botlom of -the- slope in the spring when opera tlons are to begin in the most modern sugar orchards an array of bright tin tubes two inches or so in diameter and totalling hundreds of yards in length aro brolaghl out from storage and erected la long lines radio ting from the evaporator house up the hill and extending to all parts of the grove the sap is collected in tin pails hung against the- trees these are provided with covers which keep out xain or snow dead leaves and dugt when a lil is full the worker replaces it with an empty one and empties tho full pall into one of the funnels fixed at con venient intervals along the tubes trom tho tubes tho sap- pours into a tank beside tho evaporator house and this in turn is drawn off as required through taps placed over the evapor ating pans the sap is then evapor ated to the syrup or sugar stage as desired by tills means tho product is kept free from foreign substances nlao the amount of labor required is re duced to a minimum wood is gen- erally used us fuel and it is custom ary to go over tho grove in the win ter and cut out all dead and unde sirable trees and to skid these down the hill into tho woodpile for tlio op erations of the spring in permanent groves provision is also made for the planting of saplings and encouraging take the place ot tho trees that have died the chief centre of tho maple sugur industry is that part of quobcc south of the st lawrence known as the eastern townships tho other pro vinces in which muple sugar is made aro ontario nova scotia und now brunswick in the order- named tho quantity of maple nugui pro duced in many years- la affected- by a numberofjtac tors including- priceu-of- other sugars state of trade and the climatic cond it ion s whloh increase or- decreose tho run ofsap the out put in 1925 according to the dominion bureau of statistics was larger than in 1924 but owing to lowor pracs the value was somewhat leas the averogo price was 17 cents per pound for sugar and 205 per gallon for syrup tho following table gives the figures for 1925 esquesing council has small docket dog pound worrying sheep was des troyed and bounty paid the business conducted by tho mturch meeting of enqueuing council was leas than usual communications were read from dr beatty re assessment and from wm hayes r old pcbplcs home wm thompson and others uddress- oli the council re better roads oiktown lino below norval ii c kbconro as sessment on stowarttown property and a representative of the sawyer- mnssey co re road machinery was also heard cleavegowdy that tho treasurer pay robert mcpherson j798 for cut ting ico and opening ditches on the cemetery hill half to bo recovered from chinguucousy j w moffat treasurer of nausuguweya township campbcllvllle half cost of work- paid for by nassugaweya in 1925 7987 carried cartonleslie that the treasurer pay toronto hospital for consump tives weston ontario re h gllllng- ham for fobruary 200 belle tolo phono j91g hydro commission 16 glen street lights october 1st to de cember 31st 4800 1 spring creek light from october 1st to december 31st 300 total j516ocarricd cleavecarton that tho treasurer refund to wm muilln the sum of 200 he having been assessed for u female dog in error in 1925 curried clcavccarton thntthe3 pay expenses to good roffflb tlon us follows w g appclbe kcevo 10 t l leslie deputy reeve 10 jns mcclure road superintendent 10 carried gowdycleave that tho treasurer pay thomas m greenway chief con stable guelph ontario taxicab ser vice and constables fee for removing indigent patient from guelph to ham ilton recommended by the hoard of health 1800 carried gowdycleave that tho treasurer pay wesloy cook bounty for killing a dog found worrying sheep 300 carried cartongowdy that jns mcclure road superintendent investigate tho several complaints received ro timber taken from side of road between lots 5 and 6 on 6th concession carried cartonloslleregarding notipo pf elmer thompson clerk of division court ro q b thompson township tax collector and nixon estate re solved that this council takono action regarding the samercnrried gowdyleslie that a resolution of sympathy be extended to our brother councilman george cleave in tho loss of his iriother and that a copy of this resolution bo sent to mr cleave- carried council adjourned to meet on april 19 to rocelyo tho auditors report and for other business weekly fashion hint fashionably simple this frock duplicated in elizabeth crepe would be very charming one having the choice of cither light or dark colors- the fronts are tucked at the shoulders the tucks being in verted while the hack is plaited and stitched with a trimming band of self- material which extends from the col- jar tothctonof thg plqit turn- dto w ii cufts finish the fingertip sleeves medium size requires 3j3 yans 36- ijiclj material genius at play the dollar had shrunk pro ontario n scotia n bruns sugar syrup lb gals va1 78332 704903 1716047 83910 10139 54 11 g 73290 20g7 29735 totals 9781359 1672093 5132821 well said jjary us i read ovor to her this story of modern methods in maple sugar and syrup making they can make their syrup by tho new fangled ways if they please but give me tho syrup made in the oldfashion ed iron sugar kettles the syrup made in tho old way has a tang and a flavor which we never get in these evnpor- pans we hear them talking about well i liked the syrup made in the old days and l like what we get now so i suppose my taste has bccom cul tivated ahllghtofhuderlurjnerivhqha3 given exhibitions both in england and canada tells a good story on himself which london m a p repeats like many who deal in tho bluck niagic he occasionally makes use of a confeder ate whoso part in his performance is not itnown to the audloncc n onco in nashville tepnestaee lie on gaged a youth whom he found hang ing about the theatre wa ri t lo uedlko conjurer tesrw well ill pass you id if you will scotch simplicity the paths of peace j it was toward nightfall on the third day after mr hograns departure for boston that tie returned to his family in chctwlck with a bandage round ills hoad which covered one eye and wlth his lert wm in a sling mrs hogan looked at him in silence for some moments well she wild at lust in a tune great chilllnefli youro u great look ing man to bo coming homo from a visit to your uncle thats u priest it wanio groat crowd that did it sojd mr hogan we were all striv ing to get into the building at the ono time- and there was on man felu against me when i was holding my arm out to make room for uncle he being underfilled and that broke a bone or at any rate sprung it out o place and two minutes- later when uncle was trying to got mo but of it there wan a man pushed ui both flat and then he and another one walked oh mo head and what o all this greht crowd at asked mrs fiognri suspiciously it wan at trio pace congress said mr hogan oumly lvo just come ucross an article on methods of gathering canadas annual amuplo sugar crop und how methods liavo changed since tho early times this seems to bo especially timely just now and i th n k yo u folkstvltojq u ickly pu tbito histnou fch reud this column will enjoy it juut ns z have done chemists long ago called attention to the cur and important fact that the scotch arc fomof telling stories which illustrate the peculiar simplicity of the country people this simplicity at least saves them from wicked utle one of these stories relates that an honest mason once had a contract to build a small house of stone he came early and began from the inside to hay tho etone working very fast at noon his young son brought him his dinner peeping over tho wall olb lie handed the basket to his father with honest pride in his eye the mason looked over to lie boy weel jock hoo dye think im get ting on be ashed xore gettln on famous feythcr answered jock looking at the solid wall in which there was not break but hoo dye gref oot the mason looked around h tvas true he hud provided the housp with no door at all and he was on the in side he looked kindly and very ad miringly ut the boy mon jock yeve a grand jftjfcl- trv ye he exclaimed yoirw an architect yet as sure ns yer feyuiera a mason another story snows how unsuc cessful as a thief tho rustic scot may be two young men wont into a gar- don to steal gooseberries tho bushes surroundodu plot of potatoes anl as one of the lads groped about ho got a handful of potato plums which he phenhe do a llttlo thing to help mo take this marked dollar put in your left trousor pocket and when i call for it from the stage came up on tho plat form und hand it to me tho delighted youth promised to carry out hia part jund was prosently installedjaaacatnoartho front it was late in tho evening when the magician came to the trick in which the youth was to be coadjustor he eiiw that the boy was in his pluce and proceeded to mystify the peoplo with a h liver dollar ho palmed it swallowed it passed it through tables mid bottlch 11 red it from a pistol into an orange and performed other mar- vellouh feats of logcrdcnmln finally he camo to tho grand clim ax ho threw the coin into tho air it vanished there he cried a boy in the aud ience hast it in his pocket come on i tho stage you he pointed to the buy who camel uwkwardly upon the platform- nowv lntiw juror fflvo mo that dollar- of your left trouner fiockel in great dltftrmm ihr u mnl out a handful uf small rhun id blurt cd ive only sot eighty rvnl left i havouoen out and had mime oranges and iuocrfam mrs sedgwick in a girl of sixteen at brook farm gives a little sketch of hawthorne which shows him in a pleasant and merry light although in general she acknowledges tho great author was silent almost taciturn one day she was learning verses to recite in the evening at tho evening class formed by charles a dana when- seeing hawthorne sitting im movable and solitary on the sofa she daringly thrust the book in flia hands will you hear mo say my poetry mr hawthorne- i said he gave mo a sidelong glnnco from his very shy eyes took tho book and most kindly heard mo after that ho was on tho sofa overy week to hear me recite ono evening he was ulonc in the hair hitting on a chair at the farther end when my roommate and i were going upstairs she whispered to mo lets throw a sofa pillow at mr hawthorne reaching over the banisters we each tookraplliowandthtewmt quick uaa tlash lie put out his hand seized a broorn that was hanging near htm warded off our cushions and threw them back with sure aim as fast as wo could throw them he returned them with good effect hitting iis every time whilo wo could only hit the broorn he must havcbecn very quick in hjs movements through- ltallnotaword wasapok on by either party we laughed and laugried and his cyon srhono and- twinkled llko stars until wo wont to bed vanquished willies reason willie was a regular mothers boy a writer in tho clilcago tribune de clares ho was aojlo voted to hor thiit he- xrould not bear to havo any ono else do things for him not even his indulgent father ono night ho called his father to hlu bedside papa ho said will you please to bring me a glass of water hla father wont for the water glow ing with pride at tho unusual sum mons and when willie had taken hjij drink tho parents curiosity got tho hotter of him why ho asked did you call roe tonight instead of your mother oli theres been a dressmaker hero today and- 1 was afraid there might bo some pins or needles on tho floor to got into mamas feet replied wil lie innocently ballinafad mrs james young and family have moved into the houao they recently purchased and forrnerly owned by tho late irs georgo uennie mr- john mclean eighth lln un- derwent an operation a woek ago and is doing us well as can be expected cause for worry the tribune tollm of a quaint old negro who stopped up to tho window of tho ticket office and hurriedly de manded a ticket fur 1rg foot junction pleasure trip uncle asked the agent pleasantly rjo sub my nephews very low nub hope tho train wont be lotfg coming about ten mlnule4 uncle the clerk reassured lum tho old niaii went to tho platform and studied the bulletin- boards very seriously then he returned to the wjndow did you hay my train would b0 long in ten minutes hub he ask ed anxiously yes undo i jest axed ye suh cauao i aint got my rabbits foot bout me and dnt doro board says air trains on tlmo copt one and i was flguriu dat dnt ono would bo mine all tho triiins are on time some ones tampered- with the bullotin- b card j declared tlio clerk excitedly and rushed to tho platform he stardiro moment at tlio board and then at tlio negro sltfwly his faco relaxed into a broad grin tho bulle tin read all trains on time sept 1 held by etiquette whon don pedro at ono time em peror of orazlu wan entertained at the wlilto house he hud been told by a confused senator that it wouldbe ex pected that he the emperor should be the lust of the guostti to depart tho presidents wife however in formed her other guests that th6y would do expected to follow not pro- cede tho royal party in leaving the house tlje result was that no ono dared to go for fear of a breach of etiquette but at three oclock in the morning a ured wornan pretended illness and tho deadlock was b great is etiquette but common sense 1h tom climes allowable he must have tho board was visiting tho school and the teacher was giving the pupili a public examination- she finally asked the question who wrote hamlet nobody seemed to know she asked again a initio more sharply ia little boy on the back seat said please teacher i didnt ha ha said the chairman of th board tho little skeezics i bohcvo ho did quick relief for rheumatics looal druppists ball rheums pn monayback pi fin whence comes term bit ithn visili j lift yn cuokt of wood sugar and starch all contain tlio same chemica 1 elements the theory is that the differences in the commodities aro due to the various ways in which tlio atoms of the ele ments nro combined for fifty yearn chemists have sought to and the key to change cheaply one combination into another for us soon as that be found the major jiart of tho food prob lem of the world they say will bo hotved many canadian chemists have made sugar from wood but tho coat has up to the present nlwayn been prohibitive so far they liavo failed to do it economically ull ox- et ono for in spring tho oldest of them nil dame nature touched tlio canadian maple with her wand out frews the sap and behold tho sugar tho sap of all maples contains sugar and in pioneer days in times of scarcity even the manitoba maplo tlie j east productive of the family ji this reftpect was titpped for tho pur- jkko of boiling the sap to obtain sugar in commercial practice how ever only the bard or sugar mania is tapped for sugarmaking in paslnft it may be noted thatlt is the leaf of i thus troe the ugarmaplo which is canadas national emblem wien jacques cartler came to can ada he found the- indians- mawlngj gasped to his comrade oh jock im poisoned for any sake shove me through tho hedge nirnln fnr t wmnlnn llkft in rtft lie ould mans galrden ju9t the same a writer gives an interesting port rait of an old negro who descrilies hlinhelf as mos cr hundred and is devotedly attached to the peoplo who once owned him and with whom he htui lives he declares that he rimy he free but that nothing can nhnke his belief that in some way lie does belong to bis beloved mistress though she has married and brought up chil dren of her own she is still miss carrie in his eyes and one of his pet theories ih that she looks exactly uh uhe did yearn ago when who mid her little bomlmuti wero children to gether t ono day he was looking on at a dance and declared proudly to onrs of the younger raomrjors of the family hiss carrie could dance bettor than that when nil o was young do you rememlicr how she looked t a bal some one asked oh yes honey he said mibb c-i- rlp looked jes an pretty as a rose she was let beautiful well isnt bp beautiful pow oo long hnny cant yp spu how yo map always- did canada ia likely to be nuxzled by a merchant asking two four or six bits for an article its history is connected in tho old chlnok or trad ing lunguhige but tho origin of tho term bit goes back farther even than that a flppenny bit was really the 124 cents unit derived from tho old spanish real or oneeight of u dollar long used for computation and pric ing in nev orleans california und most of tho seacost towns tho united states never had a 12 cent colnof its own- but to this day a quarter or 25cent piece is commonly spokon o as two bits- tho name flppenny bit or five penny bit obviously was deprived from u referenco to the brit ish und amorican colonial penny which wus worth a fraction more than two cents of canadian money on shares if you suffer from torturing rheu matic pains swollen joints and suffer intensely because your system is full of urio acid that dangerous nelson that makes thousands helpless and kills thousands years beforo their time then you need rheuma and neod it now start taking it today rheuma acta at onco on kldnoys liver stomach and blood and you can sincerely exclaim good riddance to bad rubbish many people the most skeptical of skeptics right in this town and in the cquntryoreaboutnles8hedaycwhen b j llassard and other good druggists offered rheuma to the aftilctod at a small price and guaranteed money re funded if not satisfied if you have rheumatism get a bottle of ithouma to clearing auction sajlje jc cautions traveller in north ar kunsofl htppied by a fence to crltlclzo u near cornfield which met his dlsup- mlchty small corn you haye there he luhoutcd to the niaii who ys sup erintending tho growth from a shady corner yes said tho arkunhan planted the email kind jlookfl mighty yellow to pip for this tlmo of yen yes planted the yellow kind iwell said the traveller severely i cant understand your method of farming tfou will only get lial a crop yepp said the arknnsan cheer fully you are shore a good guesser stranger half a orop exactly thats mine i planted this crop on shares kansas city star 25 days tour to alaska once alaska was identified with tho gold seeker today it is as closely linked with tourist traffic for men havo found that thoro is moro sheer gold in one alaskan sunset tliun over camo out of tho roc it bound mines it is a land of strange contradictions and neverending surprises it is the desire of every tourist to visit this enchanted jjountry the land of tho midnight sun tho korruryson tour via the can adian national- hallways offers you tho desired opportunity under most advantageous ausplcch and at a mini mum cost tho tour embraced jasper national park tho famous trlnnglo tour tho ificltlu const alaska and tho groat lakes trip on the return journey v write for full information and des- criptlvo booklet to mr a k jlryson i 44 silyerthorn ave toronto o ont in ehintownship of farm tock implements purnijmre ejp tho undersigned has rocoivel in structions from james mccallum to soil by public auction at his farm lot 10 concession 3 situated on the 3rd line 3 lotabelow tho erin ravol road on tuesday march 23 commencing at 1 oclock sharp tho following j horses brown mare 7 years old clyde bay gelding 10 years old clydo grey mare 0 years old sup poflcd to be in foal chestnut maro 9 years old ladys driver percheron colt rising 1 year cows hereford cow 4 years due april 7 durham cow g years due may 2 durham cow 8 years due mny 2 grade jersey 8 years duo june 20 g ratio durham g years due june 27 durham cow bred dec 20 milking well grade jersey holfer due march 23 grade jersey heifer duo april 10 grade jersey heifer due april i pure brud dual purposo shorthorn bull 2 years old young cattle 2 durban heifers rising 2 years 8 yearlings calvea hogs york sow due ainll 19 york mow bred march 9 j york hoau fjfturry fi ly ttnpk uuftaitfr- miiildh jtraja implements 1 maasdyharrlb binder ft ft cut mass oy harris mower 5 ft put massoy- harris 1 ft looks plje looks jes jak she j or mr martin kerr 4 iteaulaji avo hfl a inmludnonf 373 hay rnko masseyharrls 13 tooth cultivator manseyharrls 11 dlso drill jpieury no 21 walking plow verity 2f urrow walking plow 2 set of lrn harrows turnip sower chat ham fanning mill turnip pulpcr hay rack wood rack- gravel box forks hoes shovels bags eta lumber wagon with box and spring sent bob sleighs portland cuttor top buggy ford car 1922 modol harness sot of team breeching harness set of plow hurnohs not of third horse harness 12 sot of slnglo harness odd collars blankets etc household furnituue que bec coik htove with high oven and reservoir kitchen stove bnso humor oonihlniltion bitftet and china cab not couch dropleaf table kltohen chairs dining room chairs singlo bed with mattress and springs bureau wrum- stand iiots pans palls jars churn vinegar barrel wood 10 slnglo cord pf maple wood 40 ftlngle cords of soft wood 2s cedar ponth sred potaitoes 20 hags rus- soth 10 bngh renl estate tditms- 1000 and under cash over thit hmount 11 montlih prcdlt will bo given on furnlhhlng aniroved joint notes t per cent straight dis count fn cash poultry potatoes fuel furnltiiropnhhj roy hind ley auctioneer c o plnk curk phone 16 r 6 erln the greatest offer wehayeever made only 222 down for the world- famous grand prize complete 10 set of highvacuum attachments eree vacuum cleaner the opportunity of lifetime get n brand new genuine grand prize eureka vacuum cleaner the worldfqmous cleaner you have seen in the homes of so many of your friends for only 200 down nearly a million and a half users will tell you the eureka is the best vacuum cleaner made now this astonishingly small down payment puts this great cleaner right in your own home and extremely easy terms will quickly make it yours- think of itl cheat special terms offer positively ends march 31st but you mijht hurry tnis astonishing special terms edu cational offer will positively end wednaiday march 31t you can try the eure bofore you btty no coat no obligation juht nick up your telephone and call us or all out and mail the 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