Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 25, 1926, p. 2

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yxvn-ffrjm- 33hn arum fflrgg hrnfi iruksday 2jarcii 5 1926 to a redbird in march tljou rlamuet from tho lire of spring lit sudden on an nshen troo tho year has but bokun to bol where didst thou learn that limpid thins thou hiugist tro thy fellows sing cleui crystal no tea that spill and drench hoc yet cannot quench theo prophet art thou or troubadour doth a dead apytlvt memory waken this perfect minstrelsy or vision of a lovely flower in ho mo predestined imminent hour so shake and rend thy little spirit thou can3t not bear it all the gray bough with groen is drest ah gone but still th6 high re frain a bai of amber brooks tho west a fragrance- filters through tho rain that which waa dead shall llvo again tho last chill doubt the earth had cherished 10 it hath perilled nancy byrd turner a missionary box 1- i listen girls said aunt lois when the scwlngurclo tutd settled itaent to work and needles and tongues wera merrily busy heros somethfng that will interest you and ahe read from vii newspaper an item in which appear ed the name of rev fhilo a town- send and some good things ho had done what of it aunt lola asked one of the younger women fifre- wa aunt ljqiatq them all nnd they woro u girls to her why thjata the man we packed a mtlsqnary box tormet me aee it must be forty years ago i dont suppose any of you remem ber but i do ho was a student then and orbrfsht one top tut had to atop for a whlto for a lack of money we had no minister at the time and he came here as a supply everybody liked him and said he would grow to be a great man if fae could only finish hia education but that was the big trouble hewas in debt already and our churchos small and could not do rauoh to help him and i dont know whether he ever could have succeeded at we women hadnt token hojd and helped we mado him up a missionary box we knit stockings aid made under- clothing good warm flannels too and ever po many useful things ho hadnt apentlriuqh money for such things im pretty sure and besides the useful things no put in a good many nlco little knlclcknacks and no tions i remember that box just as well and how we sent it to him when he flrst got back to school- he wrote us a beautiful letter of thanks and now hes pastor of that erreat city church 5ttr 3frw prea jfmrt 3arg how linden improved the cooking carrol watson rankin jl despisls mashed motatocs t th p it foui times and tho groove 1 said linden eyeing her illato disconsolately and i just abominate lamb chopb thla one isn t even cooked through try this ono said her father pleasantly dont jou llko the buttci beans aaked mrs eraddock t llnden shrugged hor shoulders i might if thoy wero properly cooked quid ahe ungraciously thero isnt enough salt in them patient mrs braddock sighed i think hannah does very well you know she has been in this cpuntry only a short time and she is only a little older than you are she has learned our ways very quickly hut linden continued to grumble oven up to the end of a really excellent meal the bread she averred was too heavy the butterballs were too large and tho pudding was too sweet when i keep house was her part ing allot i shall have decent things o eat linde is u unreasonable aald mrs braddock when thei door had closed behind her daughter the worst of it is that it is largely our own fault we have always encour aged her to express her opinion free ly yes uald mr braddock wo have sat back and applauded when we should havo ipu niched her mother says she is about as badly spoiled as a nlco young girl can bo who began it i should llko to know sold mrs braddock bridling didtnt grandma braddock give her the flugar bowl every time she cried for it and didnt she lot her pound the library tablo with the hammer when nothing else would satisfy her of all doting grandmothers i know1 know said mr brad dock hastily but idnden is not a child any longer why dont you lot her- try her hand at cooking for a while since she isnt satisfied with the present arrangement perhaps she will enjoy her meals bettor if she prepares them herself thats not a bad idea returned mrs braddock ive promised han nah a weeks vacation very soon while she la gone x shall give linden a few lessons v but undeh never received the lea- i tell you girls this society has donel t eonao real good things do you suppose bo remembers it asked one of the members i halieve ill write to him and see said aunt lois tho next meeting of the iltue so ciety found overy one ready to hear tho letter which as they had learned already aunt lois had received the man had not forgotten he remem bored the very day o the month which hehad recoivedboxontajhridlnr xolsti iottcr reached him almost ex actly forty ynnra nft it br i s back his earlier gratitude with in ow meaning when he recalled it all through the memories of forty years aunt lola removed her spectacles two times to wipe them while reading his letter then she recalled some of the sacrifices the little society had made in tho doing of such deeds in the years of its history and added but juif one letter like that is mctuxh to pay for all the work of the forty years urther inquiry hadoeen made by the members of the society who now told what they had learned of mr townsend the good wonlt done for hlra had been passedon to others a man who did good lo many ways he hod taken a special interest in young people who had to struggle he had given financial old to at least fourteen young men to enable them to com plete their education he had been a discoverer of genim one of his proteges was a writer of note an other whom he hod adopted as his own son was a sculptor and had just recently completed for western city a ten thousand dollar statute which critics praised highly o girls said aunt xols when these things were rehearsed when i think hew far a little good goes when once it gets started and bow it keeps on multiplying itself in ways wo can never know i take ncwtieart and it nukes hard work easy than twenty four hours when a tele gram called mrs braddock to the bed side of a sick relative go right along and never mind tho house sold linden dont worry about tho cooking i bellove i have a natural gift for it i can mako heavenly toast provided somebody olae makes tho broad and tho fire lindens brother maxwell interposed dont dlsoouragtfier said mr braddoclc if tho worst comes to tho worst thero in nn nwaiinnt- rgataw- r ant across the street from the office wo snail not starve in any caso well said mrs braddock i shall have to go whether linden can cook or not perhaps you can lnduco han nahs sister to come for a few days there wont be the slightest ne cessity said linden rather loftily w going for onco to hayo our beefsteak broiled properly you need not fel the slightest hesitation about bringing a friend home to dinner dad if yo happen to fool like it this was said with a newborn air of dignity that sat somewhat ludic rously upon lindens sixteenyearold shoulders the patronising tone of her voice waa too much for max who snickered outright you may laugh if you want to said tho confident cook but you are to have a good dinner tonight i mean to devote the afternoon to cook ing it mrs braddock in the bustle of de parture bad no time for culinary in structions but it is douhtfulir unday butterboards became sticky und tli would not work the completed ball was grimy in appearance and nnj thing but lound linden consigned u to tho stove und decided that plain butter was good enough for tho brad- docks even the cutting of tho bicud presented hillrei to unauspecteuj dif acuities v hollo tho cook ciled u hiui ty voice from the hallway nearly an lioui later hows the dinner almost i oudy said llndon who had just emptied her first decidedly unsuccessful attempt at gravy over the back fence whats iiappenod here asked her brother max coming in ut the back door it loqku us if you had mur dered eomobodj in the kitchen drag god the body through tho a lied and burled it in tho back yard thats cranberry jolly expl unod linden crawling- behind tho atove to rescue a fugitive potato i wish you vouldgo- out of the kitchen and stay utuudinncrsready i- cantcook with boys around at last the dinner was on the tabic the roast garnuhed with parsley looked very much like ono of hannahs roasts for tho parsley concealed cer tain scarlet rivulets that trickled over the platter the potatoes looked well too the cook did not suspect that they were of adamantine hardness what was left of the jelly by tho time linden had succeeded in transferring itj from the saucepan to a glasb dish rooked positively tempting max took a aouthful and made a wry face mi braddock caught his sons eyo and shook his head dear me thought linden swal- 1 owing a tart mouthful i measured that sugar and then forgot to put it rn r during the meal linden made trip after trip to tho sideboard tho china- closet and tho pantry after missing articles mr braddock sliced a fow morsels from the outside of the un derdone mutton and as much as he dared of the almost raw potatoes the coffee was muddy and contained frag ments of some extraneous matter when linden raised the cover of the coffeepot to allow the steam to es cape she was horrified to discover a poached egg floating serenely on darkbrown sea she had dropped an unbeaten egg into tho boiling cof- ee and there it was uncooked 1 mr braddock ato bread and butter and chatted with his somewhat crest fallen daughter theres chivalry for you thought max or can it be that father is setting linden a shining example but in spite of her fathers apt lin den did not enjoy her dinner she realised thatitwasinall probablhtyr tho worst meal that had ever been borvod under tho eraddook poofi awt local event8 in old acton items gloanod from the acton eng land gazotto- express tho locu1 nowspnpci of acton mid dlesex cngland hud tho following news on march gth at acton adult school on friday ovenlng imr l u bottu gave a ian- tetn lectuie ontltlcd in burroy lunos tho little uptons sont out with tho invitation to tho muyoicuus ut home fui tho hospital on february are still coming back with full pockets a further effort to reddco the debt fund of acton catholic church was mado on tuesday evening whon a danco was held at the grand hall acton baths lt col atkinson d s 0 barrister of tho pensions issue of lice acton lectured to tho twickenham litorary and scientific society on monday on huur in tho iiw tho acton central school old pupils assembled ut tho school on xyiday ovonlng to enjoy a concert arranged on behalf of the old girls associa tion by miss gladys hall in aid of the acton hospital five acton lads who wero summon ed at acton jpollco court on wednes day for gambling in covilferoad wero fined 2s od each members of the acton chamber of commerce paid a visit on wednesday afternoon to messrs price and gos cundlo factory batteraea mr p g ranghanel who died last week aged 72 at 23 shna road dast acton was an old and much respected resident of iho town in which ho be came a householder upwards of 46 years ago not a reel mess tho t tysl annual meeting ojl tno acton conservative club which was held in the clubroom avenue- road acton on thursday evening in last week was more largely attended than in previous years tho acton section o x division of tho metropolitan special constabulary reservo will hold their monthly drill on sunday in the contral school s playground at 11 so mr w thomas a member of tho borough of acton lodge of free masons sent greetings and good wish es ft oni johannesburg to be read at the laut iqdge meeting an alarm of flro was caused in lyntonroaej north acton at 8am on saturday by a pile of rubbish left in the outer side passage of an empty house suddenly igniting possibly through the presence of- hot ashes- arrangements ore being mado to hold a parochial fete in the acton reotory on wednesday june fl james donald a hawker of bolo- lane acton was fined 20a at acton police couxt on monday for being drunk and ualng obsccene language on saturday night charlie chaplains first serious con tribution to the films will be shown at the crown theatre acton during tho first thiee days of next woekt under the title of a woman of paris the honor of being the first organi- zatlpn to give an important concert in tho new wesleyan church on the hast acton estate foil to the ladies choir of the church which gave pleas ure to a large audlenco on wednes day evening- tho now headquarters of tho 7th acton scouts will bo formally opened tomorrow at 3 16 p m by tho chair man of the acton boy scouts asso- 5liulonairt jainasmeej-p- at acton polico court on saturday there were im hiimmn w nn a party of young i wuo wero off on a ilhhing lxlui ilon hoiiio yeara ago wmo joined by an eicenttic old man skilled us u fisherman known in that lotion ua bafefoot sain ho was a tood cook und mndo jilmiiolf useful in ho many ways that ms presence al though unlnvltqd wan tolerated by tho amateur aportamon ono morning two members of tho party tetuincd to camp with their appetites well shurpened fur breakfast and were giootoil onthuhiuhtically by a third man who said you juat came along hi time to isoo tlje llnest baked poich you over lalu oyos on they liurrlod to tho table but baw only a rick of bones fiom which overy lino of meat had bcon takon sam was nowhere to bo seen whon ho re turned no coinmonts wero mado upon tho circumstance but in the after noon whon tho company wcio loung ing on tho bank sam drawled out id llko to have all the fish i could eat j eat once i aln t luatl a mess of fish nonce pete toilet ketohed that big cattish threo years back sara remarked ono of the group dryly i thought you had aulte a fair mens this morning that perch wolgh- qd about ten pounds ivo been inform ed oh yes leplled sam with no sign of omburasament on ills placid coun tenance i ute that but what i mean is a reel rogr mess the compnnj pondorod on this re markable btutemonfc in absoluto silence foi some moments until at last tho man who had caught tho porch ejacu- latod well i anunil and nothing moio wasjsald jtjtejw h 1te- mahsburoen tho cook was too chagrined to eat even bread and buttor by the way said mr braddock i saw some particularly fine peaches in a store downstreet today they re in the front hall got them max and well see if theyre as good us they look wouldnt make any dessert jm glad you dldnt said max with solemn countenance xlnden never forgot the week that followed she mastered one dllllculty only to fall into another her pie crust was like leather and her muf fins were iike lead everything went to the table elthor burned to a cilsp or olse raw in the middle there was no limit to her ambition but she at lost grew humble she learned to boll potatoes to make tea and to scramble cggh but her conscience would not permit her to serve this trustworthy combination oftener than once each paid inks a largo number of tho pei sons summoned were stated to have paid and a tew attonded and weio allowed a short tlmo longer to find the money much regret is felt in acton green at the doith of mrs mary ann louisa stokes wife of mr g e s token cai man and contractor of beaumont- hq had won ills dthol after a pro tracted oouitshlp and now although he was filled with a llonso of dollght- ed aocuilty ho thought it wise to ask ono or two questions y i am sure you are not the sort of ghl wlio would tell of tier domestic ttoublea before a man had oaten his dinnci he said with confidence but a lining inflection no indeed said etdhol and when i seem u uttlo ruffled or won led you d bo tho very ono td say soothing things now wouldnt you proceeded honry cei talnly i should uald ethel and youd like to do it too i kndw do what asked henry with a suddon fall to earth the soothing and comforting and putting mo hi good humor when the cook has been called to her aunts funoral for the third time and your business friends were coming to din- ner said ethel gently yoes of course i should try to faltered honryv x and when youd been bored at tho ofllco with your coualns from the country youd novor speak of it till dlnnei was all over would you dear homy said the trusting- ehhol i know the sort of a man you are who wants to capry his share of tho bur dens don t 1 i i hope you do sulci henry in a disheartened tone lot us speak of tho now magazines ethel and why not go out on tho plazea where it is cooler l strangely forgetful a poor memory for nnmes and faces isnraerlou3 disadvantage to a clorgy- raan tho now york trlbuno says rapid transit i polkirtnrtrborwtibybptnm dlo ob do njght lo get abend oh tiny poiftp annopneed tirm johnson to an interested friend atio two women nuns out tboir clotbw on neighboring linos one monday mornlngr la you heard do way he ox out rlflln mule ob oure yesterday bo we could drlbo lo do sanctuary in peace and quiet ness laws no i aint hoar nontn said the other wonmn enscrly my ole man und mc we nebber- got home crdm spending de day wlum susannah till most midnight is dat so said mrs jtohnbon who had been alive to this slate of affairs but wlbhod to appear ignorant well oyr you know how dat mule ob ours has most destructed de dashboad ob de cart obory time wo tried to rldo to de sanctuary the nolkhbor nodded with two bis clothespins between her lips my pomp said mrsi johnson very proudly has got bo contrlbance ob mr edison or any ob done inventing pusaons and he juit turned de seat faotngr round backward and put that trlfllnr mule in bacltwsuds and set a basket ob oats just behind de dash- boa d right in plain siht ob dat or mulo and he done push us along to de sanctuary faster dan pomp an me eb- ber spected to ride ira all out torn doyor worldwide phone cu8t0m8 xlie telephone is part and parcel of all clvjlizod oounuiep and every den in her exalted frame oc mind would nave profited by anything of the kind tho coast was clear at last cindon with a businesslike air put on a huge apron and started to inspect her do main thero waa meat in the icebox linden oyed it at ilrst with satisfac tion but tho feeling grodually gave place to doubt- its either mutton veal beef or i t th dobauwtmtobonnr distinguishing featuro uald linden touching lt gingerly with ono anger i should think the butcher would label lt however lt doesnt matter particularly ill just read up the di rections for cooking alt four and thon choose the easiest way heres the book make a drosalng won it is not veal at any rate for thero isnt any placo to put the dressing- basto well now what docs that mean oh 1 know they sew it up in a cloth pot an apple in the mouth oh that is for a whole pig pshaw this here coolibook isnt any gooa ill just cook tho thing whatever it la in tha oven tho way hannah does so llndfcn slid the thing which happened to be a leg of mutton from the plate into a roasting pan and carried lt to the oven tvhy she exclaimed there isnt any ire in the stove its a good thing theres plenty of time it was a good thing too that there was plenty of kindling or the flro might novel- havo started some un washed awect and white potatoes fol lowed tho meat into the oven i shoulov have something cooking on top of tho stove said llndon look ing around with a perplexed ulr jian- nah always does oh corfoo of course i think 111 make jelly of these cran- berrles c6untry has s own call customs in to c y your there if the line is busy tfio oho rut or will say i nm sorry but tho number- la engaged iln sweden the operator announces herself with a unribor such as four seven in tho swedish equivalent this gives her position nt the switchboard in paris she says i am listening in ger many instead of giving a number in digits as wo du for instance two- flvesovenelght their say the equiva lent of twontynvo seventyeight in germany this takes tho form of flvo and twenty eight and seven what happens in russia is still less pro nounceable in swltiorlaoit where an operator must know botufvencti and german tho answer corresponding to the lino is busy is lie number 000 does not answer japan refuses to bo short even over the telephone the jjpcratejj opens with the greeting jlostti- moaul ana then nuban meanlnsr number please wijen sir ifcrbert tree attempted in the linked states to vie the-bng- lisb bflulvojont of hello whdan he eonsfjisve violent xitryeraoklng e tfprd tho reply td his are you tnevo efaii vp8 wliera tha devil ovyou mvv there she said jome tuno later who says i cant cook now til act tho table linden lingered lovingly over the task of betting the table it really looked soweli that no ono least of all cinder would have suspected that tho halt tablespoon carvlngknlfo roturnoa to tho kitchen she found that tne flro had taken advantage of her absence and had gone out linden rebuilt lt cheer fully adding a solitary stick of hardwood to the kindling ihen aha went to tho gar- don where she gathered home flowera for the table and a bunch of parsley when she returned to tho tcitchen the fire had eano auf the cook gave a gasp of as ton inn ment not unmixed with ninmay then with an anxjouo glance at the clock nho rekindled the fire a tvholg hour said linden with a mr braddock and max fortified themselves each noon with a good meal at tho restaurant otberwlao it ifl doubtful if they could have survived the week linden ato bread and milk and the fruit that her father waa careful to bring her she could not touch her own cooking- she felt that she never wanted to soo another scrambled egff but tho longest week does not last forever upon fter return hannah wan amfiiodatthftwarnxih of linden greeting at the condition of tho kitch en floor and at the alzo of the girls appetite how nice yiese lamb chops are said the deposed cook at dinner that night and oh arent these the love liest mashed potato en i think han nah is the cleverest person i know i have the iprofoundest respect for any body that can cook flvo or six things at once and get them done precisely at tho same moment instead of hav ing the soup come lagging along abbut an hour behind time i think i shall drop everything else and take cook ing lessons this winter ill pay for them aald mr bradu- dock promptly i wont promise to eat the results bald max but hi do the beat i can ligious and home llfo she lyid beon for 48 years mrs stokes was 73 years of age at sunday aftornoons meeting of tho acton brotherhood at the con gregational church mr walker rob inson who presided was accompanied by messrs hawkes and symona mr wlncote tho speaker took for his sub ject dod made men in his own im ago should a man bollovo waa the subject of an address to men by tho roctor of acton tho rev j r new- shamtaylor in the parish church on sunday afternoon and lt rosolved it self lntotn instructive intimate fn- formal talk on she relationship be tween religion and sclenco some people are afraid of being angola said tho rev dr dlnsdalo t young in the course of an impressive sermon at tho newtonavenue bap tist church on tuesday afternoon thoy need not ho alarmod he con tinued william anderson houston pan- vasscr east acton was charged at wlllosdcn polico court yeatrcday of stealing tn cloaks andlhree coals that doctor john hall once was leav ing hlf houso in fifth avenue not long ago when ho saw a young man looking ut tho numbers on the door from something in lilu dress munnei doctor hall concluded tw ho must be u lecent immigrant from tho cmerald islo and therefoi e a fel- iowcountiyman the atrangoiwuu evidently at loss and doctoi hall asked him if he could be of any ausitanco i urn looking for doctor john hall said tho young man i am he modestly replied the clet gyman aro you doctor hall i am did you como fiom ireland i had tho good fortune to fip born there tho stianger looked- at him far a moment don t you know mo doctor hall said ho i regret to say that i cooinot place you at this moment thoueht i may havo seeit you before well ithinkyou havo why you baptized me twentyfive years ago in tho old country and yot you have for gotten mo entirely it was not a tlmo for levity said doctor hall afterward in relating the incident otharwlso i mjplit havo le- mlndcd tho young man liow wtrango it was that ho should havo forgotten the faco of onp who had sustained such nn important relation to him in his infancy valuable premium absolutely free soo new subscribers wanted a helpful son if there was one person with whom air coolldge wished to stand on good ternrta it waa with charles davidson esq with whom he was trying to ar range some business matters of im portance so suys the argonaut when tie i e turned to his suburban homo from tho city and found his wife and his tony oarold son william entertain ing wr davidson he was a trifle iin- jiouh ttr hiyrt d lilu hopes from 142 hlsh street harlcsden the property of maurlco wallace ho got four months patrick e3 s brnnan of mill hill- roud acton a bus conductor was fined 20s at acton polico court on wednesday for allowing too many pas sengers bn his bus the annual report of tho acton chamber of commerce gives to history of the controvesy with tho town council concerning the illumination of tho parish church clock the acton education committee has bad one or two experienced in en deavoring to obtain sites or new schools deemed to bo imperatively necessary after tho war but which wo are now from motives of economy combined with a decrease n the achool population learning to do without you want n job i have gh your numboi and i shall know you in future god help me so said wil liam hayncs a laboret of valotta- i oad acton to a constable n hjgh- strcot acton on saturday at acton polico court oji monday haynes was fined lgs for being drunk and dls- oidorly and using obsocone language the free press has in contemplation inipor- tant changes which will mean an improved paper and the adoption of improvements in various ways whichwill give uxconstituency eventbettersearvice- than we have always endeavored to accomplish in the past the changes proposed will entail large ex penditure larger indeed than our present circula tion of 1500 copies will warrant and to ensure the success of our plans we will require to increase our circulation to at least 2000 in order therefore to encourage those who are not now regular suhscribers of the free press to become such we have decided to adopt a plan we have never favored before of giving a valuable premium absolutely free to every new subscriber who sends us a cash-in- advance subscrip tion before the first of april after careful consideration we have selected as a premium a substantial article of real household value and for use every day in the year in every homer it is thetiewlyinveiiled burns bread and cake knife whiph 8ell8 at all hardware stores fc 75 cuts like wildfire leblt jttllcf iflurisly thai will- bo jins lcll ly having a earner in time onouh 1 never could seo how hnnnnh nu1d keep no busy with so jituo to da she- tfeta 4ierq o- nit- necessarily muwiy too linden jlanced t hy reflestton in the little mirror over the sink anrt was surprised to discover ti dlack etreult down one sldo of her nose bho washed jierface and hknils sunt then u1 not thought 08 i hut- turned to inspect the ftro xv vns and t told him too smlfl william tint you wero awfufrjeh did you indeed yob tfmtom mothwr yostoritay out this said linden flinn abomln- ablo stove 8fio dffvoted llftoen minutes to mrs in regard to tho bimlness matter re ferrol to beforo tho hoy with a freo- dpm that ho now regretted william said mr coolldge after tho visitor bad doptutod what did ymi nay to mr pavldsu bffo i came- in oh lots of thlhgs replied william talked business with him mostly j business what business tliat business he and you aro talk- ing about going into i told him you hadlotrf of better chances and that i could not see why you wanted to go in with hlmj what better cliltnccb asked tho sbltmlsed father thats just what ho asked but i wouldnt tell him ior fear lio would got ahead of you but what chances do yoif refer to7 again asked the father why weront you reading tho other night in the paper about a mans get- royalty and whi3ker8 i in wearing a beard klwr ooorgo fol tho peacehiflkpr who was tho v u1 if u1u111 to wnid first bearded aoverolffn for pearly 300 years charles i wat tlio larit cl prior to kinfc edward io wpw ft- oejrd when oeorgp iw w onth thfofw no beard had tien aoen in enfflnnd within living memory llko our iproa- ont king ohm ies i seems to rwvo cot10d hia fattier jam en 1fl beard it cuts warmc fresh bread without crushingthe loaf the serrated edge cuts with each motion of the hand producing a clean cut without tearing the bread or majring crumbs it is not in a class with ordinary cheap bread knives but an article of merit that you will appreciate the serrated edge will last whoat yea said tho uuxeled father well continued william dont you own the corner lot next to our houso and couldnt you plant wheat there if you wanted to and get rich nke the othormanr i true skid tie relloved father i too had boon in a way rather a novel ty becauno his three immediate pio- decessors had been a boy and tivo wo men all tho saxon kings favored boards but wllllnm tho norman only wore a mouutaelie an did his sons and hovcrnj of their successors on the throno but richard tho lion faenrl mndo bcniuft fashionable again foi hia brptlw bohn henry in and tho flret throe kdwvrds woro all raasor- nhy indeed from 1060 to 1411 no oleanhhavon king sat on tho throne of england to sum lip slnco tho mai man connuogt tlere jinvo been thll- toen bonrdwenrlnff kings fourteen cleanshaven kingh and six who shaved the chlo b no tho irppu up rolling ht ft slncle buttlll shs eably to bco thut sfce was worth fiofr waight in sold hid awn pretty- heavjc vov know i go to bed early wake up with joy- go to bed late crossglvl or boy 3o to bod early ready for piny go to hod lato moping nil day oo to bod ouilyno pain or lilu qo to bed lato doctors and pills go to bed early grow very tail oo to bod late ttoy very small gained 10 pounds ptwfintmys skinny mew saw 99 the same all wtnk men ind women all nervous mon and wotnoi all skinny mon and womon cun grow htronger health ler and more vlerorons and take on aplid nood- od flesh in 20 dnys ust by inklrjqr wc- coyw cod hvcr extract tflolfits f0u timo a iny- upar coated nnd oasy to take oi candy and what a hit theso flesh pfodmo- 1ns tabtottf havo mado ono drusffiat tripled his vales in ono wook eveiylioay knows that from the 11 voi s oftho huniblo codfiah comes a flrstclnim vltpmiino that is a wonder- fui vitnller ftosh producer und health ceatoi mlllloiib of mccpya cod llvoi ex tract tablet aro sold ovory week and thousandu of frail rundowh under- wolkht iitoplo are being heliiod- a hot of 60 tablots for 60 oorits and it uny ftlnny man or woman doeartb gain at fa 6 noun da in 30 d a ya rn onoy buck ahk any dfugffuit any- whoro in amaijcn ho sine aijij got mccdys u pvltf- lnal unil gonwinc and dont forpi tl l i id nothing on earth nn good to mnkel huckwaid lititleso nndurwolght chll- 1 dron row atronjr and robust for years and can be resharjpened by rubbing the smooth side of the blade on a whetstone it cuts a slice twice as nice heretofore with the satisfied conscientiousness that we have always given full value in the free press for the price of the subscription we have refrained from giving premiums our only excyge now in offering this valuable premium absolut xy free is in order to secure prom the 500 new subscribers required so as to warrant the proposed large outlay required in making the improvements we have under contemplation our readers will readily understand that if we are to accomplish our objejpt we can only give the meniiihnfornewsubscriptions we-willhowevefr- be very glad to supply all our present subscribers with- this very useful article which they can readily secure by sending ns a subscription for a friend vq- siding any place in canada our supply of premiums wdll be ready for dis tribution in a few days and our books are now 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