Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 25, 1926, p. 1

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k fr s a fiftybrst year no 39 thursday morningmarch 25 1926 acton ontario canada thursday morning march 25 1926 single copies five cent the acton united church of canada mlnitor rev r e zimmerman b a parsonage willow street 1100 a m tho pastor subjeot the xlfe of christ 230 p m sabbath school session 700 p m tho puator subject tho seven words from the croaa services every night next wook at 8 oclock tho pastor will bo assist ed eah night by a visiting minister t pre3b kmox church cton minister rev a c stewart m a manse willow street itoo a m tiiomrtnateirsubjoet studies in tho lifo of jesus the cruel option 300 pm sabbath school and bible classes 70o p in tho minister subject 6utstandlng biblo characters mo- sea monday 800 pm young peoples guild strangers leaving address with tho naliers will bo called upon by the vaator- tke baptist church acton james w boyd pastor l hart on of 11 a- m rev georgetown f 30o rra sunday school rally day 700 pxn tho pastor subject the 3puture state of tho saved tenth la series faiths of our father monday 800 p m young peoples mectinst thursday 730 p prayer and praise meeting all welcome special notices advertiicments in this column a cents per word minimum charge ytc per insertion for sale choice jersey cow fresh sow- bred in december sweet clover seed errett currb3 393 osprlngo wanted girl bparder apply at wm kelly grocery store main st acton jfl2 farm for sale or rent 50 acre farm near acton for sale or to rent apply at once to james snyder 392 mill street acton ifmimiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiii j lovely new fashions for easter choices if is rather unusual to find a mode pleasing to every body but this spring fashion has been broad of vision and has created her new styles with impartiality there are ripples and flares for thosff who like fullness of line and the everpopular slim straight silhouette is still in vogue values at macdonalds make a trip to guelph well worth while the large variety youll find for selection will prove particularly gratifying too news of local import womens institute monthly meeting tho womens institute will hold their monthly meeting in the band room on thursday nfternoon april 1 nt 3 oclock mrs coo of georgetown will nddress tho meeting every body welcome vtyteed coats wilinajaunty swing sizes all the way from 15 years to 42 bust prices from 1500 to 4000 interesting choices for sale tcamyof clydofaorae w 800 analv h hakkof r p no 2 acton boarders wanted comfortable jfoom and good board apply jars wood mpjnstrirtf phonograph wanted secondlbiind vlctrola or phonograph wanted ifust be cheap apply to w j rbid chairman school board seed barley for sale oac wo 21 seed barley for sale clean aeed except an odd oat apply ed ax1an r b no 3 acton housefor sale good comfortable houae all modern convonledcea one situation apply at once to mrs robert scott bower avenuo actom work wanted work wanted by respectable young married woman would do laundry work at home apply p o box 867 acton dre8smakinq 1416 andchildrens dresses and varments made nt home or by day price reoionablo b trindel 894 main street acton coats of twill graceful many with little edgings of soft flat fur to make them more flattering and becoming 1675 to 6950 phil forbes 2500 wm swansojijl5q0 fines for making and having liquor and a year or more each at burwash easter frocks diversified lovely flat canton crepes 1495 1695 1975 2450 satin frocks in sizes 36 to 40 at 15 crisp taffeta frocks sizes 16 to 46 1695 2175 and 2450 combinations of georgette and taffeta sizes 16 to 44 2450 and 3500 stunning charmeen cloth frocks sizes 36 to 44 at 2475 sizes 16 to 40 in another group of charmeen frocks sizes 16 to 40 straight lines and flares special at 995 flannel frocks in sizes 16 to 42 in the new spring shades at 575 pretty hats low priced a wonderful array from which to choose the new easter bonnet all the smartest shades represented in special price groups at 295 349 450 650 095 d e macdonald i bros ltd gujlpws leading and largest store farm for sale goaif tfo bcreii in goodflocality wood bank barn comfortable bouse 114 miles from acton aood roads price 19000 aiiply to jrt oibbona young street aoton inurbes wanted applicants are requested for guelph general hospital must be nineteen years or over two years high school educational requirement for registered nurse diegree remuneration given clasaetl entering may 17 and septem- ber let apply superintendent guelph general hospital guelph private sale b v kenyon will hold a prlvato sale of the following bell piano wal nut cheiterneld suite t piece blue velour dining extension table quar ter oak diners quarter oak leather seats ruffet quarter oak grand father clock dresser quarter oak largo rnlrror singer sowing machine 4 homo flower electric motor power emery grinder and many other articles open evenings until april 3rd 33 b v kenyon f wonderland ewday march 2 te gold rush with charlie chaplin a ton tfrn iff comedy educa tional 6pclal wild beasts of 1 borneo produced by mr and mra butt onkvllle orchestra matinee ett 415 night 715 and 91g lricos matinee 15c and 26c rtlght 25c and 35c saturday march 27 oh doctor comedy drama starring regi nald tjenny comedy looking for sally fpx news tuesday march 30 wild horse mesa by zsne grey starring jack holt chapter 12 of the fight ing ranger comedy eigh teen- caret f 9i w- imp vftii tom mtv ypres h l gregory son red and white store j w jones proprietor specials for the week march 26th to april 1st kelloggs bran o for or flakes l sjc wheat flakes per package 20c chocolate mallows lb 30c bunny and chicks 35c iced puff cakes per lb 25c matches boxes 26c p g or bars qc gold soap u odc macaroni m pkts 25c free marbles for all the kiddies j w jones red andwhite store acton ont boy scout entertainment the first acton trooi of boy spouts iirc putting on a cnrapfiro ontertaln- ment in story and song with firstaid demonstrations by the scouts in tho town hull on frltlny evening tlio 2gtti inatv at eight oclock boy scout field secretary mr krigmr jones of toron to will bo present all are welcome a freewill offering will be taken for the scout benefit fund be sure tj xjo there r fine rasidential property changes hands hobert wallace homostead at tho corner of wallace ave jo and ijowcr avenue hits clmngctl hands tlilu week mr d v- kenyon lias dls- loaed of the uropcrty mr noprgft j soper merchant wlio is now retiring from mercantllo business iour cltl- erens generally wlli be glad that mr anil mrs soper tiro not removing from acton overloading on the roads in spring tho enforcement of the ioaded ve hicles act prohibiting uio carrying of heavy loads on county lulghways will be strictly carried out as soon as tho road a begin tb break up while the act which is a provincial one is now in erfcct thero is little danger at tho present time from overloaded trucks and wagons in view of the bad condi tions of tho roads undor this act persons convicted ot violating the re strictions avertable to heavy fines- vveddod at st al bans church a quiet but pretty -wedding- was solemnized at st a bans church at seven oclock on tho evening of march 17th when lily leslie tho youngest daughter of mra c s brad beer be came the bride of frank youngest son of mr and mrs h c pettifer of ouclph tho bride entered the church on the arm of her mother she was prettily attired in rosewood canton crepe with hal to match and carried a shower bouquet of carnations and sweet peas bov canon ferguson oc hum 11 ton officiated the best man was mr t f cooper of guelph after the ceremony a buffet luncheon was served at tho home of the brides lrerts later in the evening the happy couple left for points west they will reside in oueljih the brides step- father was unable to attend on account of illness an effective missionary pageant it monday ti people of acton united church were entertain ed with a pageant of exceptional merit which had been arranged by tho young peoples league under the able direction of rev sir zimmerman and jmiss vida itanxahaw the char acters of the pageant were directed and supervised the pageant wasa stirring appeal for missions at homo and abroad and few of the large aud ience which attended who were not touched by its magnetic appeal it depicted tho union of the three church es atethodist presbyterian and con gregational and tho great field which they have to cover in spreading tho gosjiel to ull corners of the earth each churacter was well portrayed and tlio costumes of thb characters also received much favorablo comment from the audience home what other word in the english language is so- laden with senti ment it is the sum and centfeof all we hold mosrdear no other spot in the worwtis so wdrthyof preful selection ag q bo gorrt f ortable and convenient and within your means to pnyfor arid maintain may o o we offer the following houses for sale at reasonable terms and in a way that gets you a home by paying monthly instalments in place o rent tho double cottage on church street we offer atlttoor t and balance 925 monthly you have rent of flo per month from the other half to help you along thja house has olcctrlc light and water and was put in flrstdnss shape during tho past year fc on tho corner at church and victoria streets we are building t modern bungjilow with electric light three- piece bath and furnace all placed in nuch a way as to rive efficient service this modern house has vornnda vestibule llvlngroom diningroom kitchen two bedrooms bath garage and largo s room or sleeping porch aver looking fnlry ialte the diningroom has builtin aldobonrd of wal nut the bedroom has a hulhln fixture along the side and ktychen has cupboards and sink the house has enclosed back entrance to basement and garage all those comforts and conveniences for 3000 terms arranged this modern home will be finished may 24 frame houne on agnes street with 7 rooms and water for 1500 terms arranged j mackenzie mcleod manager phone 48 for particulars get your job printing at the free press passion weok services an interesting weclc of lenten ser vices wllt be- held in the united church next week the series will commenco on sunday with sermons by rev r e zimmerman b a the min ister on monday evening rev a donaldson of rockwood will preach tuesday rev xr dickie of georgetown on wednesday rev j t healop of guelph on thursday rev a x marsh of nnssagaweya and on friday evening rev george w barker of grace united church tor onto a former greatly beloved pastor the meetings will commence at eight oclock achtitetitratia will lost for one hour there will be bpoclal music at each service the general public will be cordially welcomed at any or all ot these meetings sunday f pi low ing will be communion day in the church the sacrament of the lords supper will be administered at the morning service 1 ei star thank offering masting an unusually interesting meeting of the womens missionary society of the united church was held 1n tho bchool roorp last thuieday afternoon it was the eaater thanlt offering meet ing and as usual the ladles of knox church nnd the baptist church were invited and a considerable number of them were present the speaker of the afternoon was mrs ive of tor onto a talented ard imprejiaiyp speak er her them 9 whsj nifaed tfe ala baster box ind rrorn the scjcipure story of miry ol er iftvirig peelll flfrering sho ga yo a xxsuipe flf tnls- jloftary opportunity ht flflr ehlch i nap i red lior hearers tx greater noal nqd copsecraedj iervloo mra loves udurwib woa greatly enjoyed mrs m pverholt contributed a ilano solo and mrs gardiner a vocal number both of which wero enjoyed mrs7 a t brown the president of tho society occupied yie- chair her welcome to the vial tors nfn nr cordial at the close or tno meeting a dainty lunch wum served the cookscott waddina a year or so ago it was popular in certain circles to say rather sneerlng- ly of the license inspector ami tho provincial constnblos well thorefl phil forbes the bootlegger why dont thoy getiim all this time the officers woro on phils jtrack determined to get him and they succeeded most effectively phil was a fugitive from justice for several months tho officers appro hended him and ho served a long term in the ontario reformatory at guelph his time expired last de cember and ho was liberated in time to have his christmas dinner with his wife and family- xjion his liberation lorbes took the trouble to visit tho mdglstruto wh6 had convicted him so often and us surcd hlin that hed have ho more trouble with him uobe hadturned over a new leaf and said f goodbye to bootlegging for good- very fow weeks had passed however when rumors jjegan to float about declaring ttmphil was at- his old tricks again and the liquor made by him was be- fng peddled about by understrappers engaged- by him inspector reeycly and provincial constable fowtrell de termined to nip forbes operationsin the bud and proceeded at once to lay plans by wnlch to catch him in the act in this they woro much assisted by letters from a person who appear ed to know all about forbes move ments giving particulars as to where the stills and apparatus might bo found on the night of the 8u1 pf march they made their first raid and found a tent a short distance from forbes house three a til is and four or five gallons of newlydistilled alcohol forbes was not at home but in the freshlyfallen snow a path with a single truck led direct to forbes house the tent and outfit were ties- troyed a gallon of the alcohol taken and the balance poured out this al cohol was analyzed and found to con tain 4013 per cent of proof spirits not satisfied with this discovery olrcers reevcly and fowtroll decided to make a second raid and this was slated for last thursday 18th inst in company with chief mcpherson of acton and with an abiding faith that discovers would be made they left acton atibut eight am with a horse and light sleigh in which to convey their seizures back to town the trip proved highly eventful they drove directly to tho home formerly oceu- ijod by phils father george forbes vhtf by coywjanttcppuat tho beginning of the year to rejoin lily divorced wlfa who conducts a ootng house h th ol resolution of confidence to rev r e zimmerman b a tho pastor of tha united church and pledge of loyal service- and support tho church year of the united church acton closes with the end of march at a meeting of the official board on tuesduy evening a general survey of the work of the church and pnlor was made and a free and frank discussion of matters in tho interest nnd welfare of the church took place social and personal mies bertie smith woh homo from toronto over sunday mrs frank day is visiting friends in toronto this week mr c bailey of guelph vlrlted acton friends latst week miss beamdn was home from tor onto over the weekend mrr george jigglns of aurora was home over the weekend miss vera harvcy was homo from toronto over the weekend mr victor alger visited his mother in toronto during the week mr harold wnnsbrough of toronto visited his pnrentir on sunday miss luella hill of milton visited at mr w l wordens inst week mr j p mulholland of port arthur was visiting relatives bore last week messrs krnest mid roy brownof news of local import ch eileys plan as to charity at the session of chcaley town council inst week the clerk was in structed to inform an applicant that the council refuses to give charity permanently to any oho as the muni cipality is contributing towards the support of the house of it of u go at walkepton which ivas eroctcd for those in need alliston gets miltons expected industry tho town of all ia ton has secured a now industry a branch of tho united states corporation tho caloric fur nace co this was the industry which was alated for milton- tin november but was sidetrucked when a non resident partner was alleged to have fulled to live up to his agreements acton real estate news mr james gjlmour has purchased tho property of mr harry stuckey on church street mr b v kenyon has sold his brick residence an bower t and wall ave airland mrs totontowgropoihe over tho weekendj george soper who gets possession on n i i may 1st and mrs george murray has miss bcmlce roid of guelph gen- eral hospital waa home fort the week end rev r e zimmertman ba minister of united church nto the grooms gift to the bride wnma gold wrist watch a bracelet to the bridesmaid and to th best mart a tlo pin a dainty buffet luncheon was served to thirty guests by girl friends of the bride oft or which the bride and groomleft mid showers of gooos wishes and confetti for toronto and other points the hrldo travelling in a rosewood gown willi green coat nnd hat to match on thoir return they will reside at tho homestead 6th una fnistwlrfr -theve- they tound phil forbes and william swanson both of whom have long records for violation of tho ontario temperance act tho inland revenue act assaults and other offences as tho officers- entered tho house phil said do you want mey well answered inspector reevcly i think weve got you and with the words clapped a pair of steel bracelets about htlti wrists they then proceeded to investigate the premises and in an old log building near by which had beon used for a hen house throe liquor stills were discovered in full operation the the coal oil fires wero burning and distilled alcohol was dripping through the copper worms into ten quart lard pulls which were being used as con ui iners the dlstulod liquor wus gathered by tho officers into one ves sel the whole making about a gallon further investigation by the officers revealed three barrels uf mash in a small excavation beneath the floor of tho hen house thero was a large lighted lantern in this dugcut to keep out the frost officer fewtrell who discovered this cache certainly de serves credit a casual glance about tho floor of the hen house foiled to show anything suspicious but the pincers dug down through four or five inches tff hon manure and stable refuse and finally found a trap door lifting this the three barrels of mash were discovered they wore covered with a dirty horse blanket and every thing about the liquormaking prem ises wfi hd m oa curiaa6rycondp tion the gallons of mush waa des troyed the barrels broken up and the coal oil stove mash containers distill ing worms and other apparatus with the gallon of alcohol were loaded on the onehorse sleigh in the meantime swanson was also arrested and handcuffed the outfit with the prisoners were taken to mil ton and swanson and forbes lodged in jail to await their trial when the officer s were destroying the distilling outfit at forbes place phil said to the o nicer a make this as easy- aa you can for mo and ill make it worth while for you when thoy had reach ed the county jail and the nator4 woro being prepared for tclr- inurimr- ment until he trial forbes qgiiln p- proachpd he onicors and said do th beta ypu can fpr nio and got me off wuh a fine and y ga to sr a in milon and huy a 4iqlh and bring u to you and you can ffvt h forbcu apd swanaon endeavored to puvihe onus of th mills on gordon qojiahhor forbes brotherinlaw but unfortunately for tho effect of this story evidence wns advanced to show thnt gallagher left tho countryon the 8th of march whereas on tho 18th the time the officers made the raid and arrested forbes and swanson tho stuu were in full operation with the fires brightly burning nnd the lluuprj pa suing from thestw4auu5co n tainers tho still and its appurtenances wero brought to acton in the aftcr- nnnn qnd th who saw the outfit tlto splondld feeling of unity exist ing among the present membership was expressed and tho progress of the work of the various departments of tho church- referred to a mr a- t brown superintendent of tho sunday school spoke of- the ro- newed interest in the school and its activities and tho interesting methods introduced by the iastor miss minnie z bennett president of tho young peoples league refer red to the very intelligent and helpful interest rev mr zimmerman has taken in the young peoples organisa tion and its activities she said the ministers of tho past had n accom plished much in the league but never before in her experience had any mln later been of such real assistance to her during the first year of his pas torate as had rev mr zimmerman reference was alsa made to the inspir ing missionary pageant prosented at monday evenings meeting tho whole of which had been prepared by the pastel- and rehearsed under his direc tion t otliormemtevmspo ability displayed by the pastor in the prepar- atlon of the imnressivooonsummntioa promptly concluded something wns do ing the trial of forbes nnd swanson took place in the court house milton on monday before police magistrate moore inspector roevely and pro vincial constable fewtrell in care ful straightforward evidence tbldwe tho home of mr and mrs e scott gcjldes street blora was the sceneof a pretty wedding on wedncs- diiy uarch 17th at 3 oclock when their elder daughter edna mac be came tho bride of thomas herbert cook of acton the bride who was given away by her father took her place under a green arch with a large white bell and looked churmlng in o gown of poudre blue cut velvet nnd georgette carrying a bouquet bfsur- sot roses miss cora scott i every step with a purpose to hav- her sister- as bridesmaid weahnrf a their evldenco clear nnd decisive rust satin crepe gown nnd carry ing on the other hand forbes first ytw premier roses- r ltloyd cqnhoy of w pu into tho po as wjthctjs actoiv wiis groomsniani sov p- a iajilow hnhlfryhwftiiiily declared ia lu uu jiud inter boldly nsaerted tht clneers ho both forbes and swanson although arrested in tho forbes houser within a short distance from tho place where tho stills and liquor were discovered swore they were not theirs and that they knew nothing about them being there they said their business was buying horses nlio lien arrested ft was found that forbm hnd jg20and swanson j29q in their lyckets tlio evidence of the pair was very convincing and the following penal ties wero imposed piul rovbsa for sssvtag lioobr on service and of tho induction service in the discussion of tho evening re ference was mndo to the complaints of some that the minister did not visit the members as often as some other ministers but when it was consider ed that this was his first year with this newly- organised congregation that he- came to acton an absolute stfanger only nine months ago and that in addition to frequent calls upon memdorsswho were 111 he had- made over 350 pastoral calls this complaint did not appear to be very tenable complimentary references were also made to the helpful and inspiring scr mons of the minister and the scries of discourses on the statement of doc trine in the basis of union of tho unit ed church were specifically mentioned because of their intelligent informa tional and helpful character the following resolution was car ried unanimously by a standing vote moved by n p mclam sec onded by d n mctavish and resolved that we the members of this official board hereby pledge ourselves to stand together for the causo of god as represented in this united church of canada acton that we express herein our confidence in our pastor rev r 3 zimmerman b a who came to un in july last and we desire unitedly to do al in our power to rallyto his support and to aim to acompllsh the success for which the united church stands thetrrhitrterexpresflwvery thanks to the board for their expres- sloh- of confidence and assurance of support and service ho felt confident tha now that he had become pretty well acquainted with tho members oi tho congregation that effective w0rtt would follow and he looked for an out pouring of spiritual blessing a season of fervent prayer for tho success of the church and the causo of god followed during the evening reference was modo to the fact that mrs malcolm moleun was called to lindsay to tho bedside of hor aged mother who was vory hi and hat mr- mclean who waft a member uf th oqlolnl board hud bee oalled to toronto owing to tho serous lunewp af hu brother syrnpimhy wa eoqirctuicd for both miss vera harvey of the toronto teaching striff wns home for sun day mr and mrs g r lane of toronto tipent sunday with mr and mrs n f moore miss minnie b nelson spent soveral days during the week with friends in toronto mrs dr b f lane of sault stc marie visited mr and mrs n f moore this week r misses lucy edwards arid pearl wallace spent the weekend with friends in toronto mr earl nellh of eramoaa spent a week at the homo of mr fred john ston sunnyslde 7arm mr j c hlli who was confined to bis room for a week with influenta is able to be about again mr and mrs w h speight or tor onto were here on sunday visiting alias lottie e speight mr c c henderson has been con fined to the house during tho tveek but is now improving in healthf v miss marion macpherson of tor onto attended the postnuptial tea last week of mrs v brumfey mrs cameron irishman and master alan spent a few days during the weekvithhcrfatherintoi i food avrtd at brampton it an effort to prevent the town from experiencing such a disastrous flood as that of last year when main street was completely u nder water much damage being dope dynamite blasting was carried on at various points in- tho etoblcoke itlver on mon day george street on tuesday morn ing wus partly flooded and with tho rain the water gradually rose cel lars have from ono to two feet of water la them the mouth of the river has betn cleared but it is a long jifjiy fr brampton to th lako bruinpton does not consider it irfiuutr ff jnhn r until main street goes under several feet of water the 8th of afarch in viotatlv of he ota nooooq ud coisirtr- hvw months in jiu yt tiard iatiws phu fyrbs for vavlnjf liquor on tuc lt o marb in violation of the p a- i00qoo and costs or three months in jail at hard labor william swanson for having liquor on the 18th of march in violation of the o t a 100000 and cosy of throo months in jail at hard labor phil farbia fw violation of the in laflt tevopue act on the 18th of mmwh for having a still for the man ufacture of spirits 0000 and costs and 12 months imprisonment ut the ontario reforrnatory at flu r wash nnd in default of payment of the fine and costs six months additional at bur- wash s whliaiii swanson for violation of thb inland revenue act on the 1 8th o march by having a still for the nniu factureof spirits iscfood adj eosts and 12 months imprisonment at the ontario hoformatory at durwnsh and in default of payment of fine and costs six months additional at burwuali wi dick county crown atforhey prosecuted and t a itiycblnison of muton acted fothaddfwna also sold three lots at the rear of mr kenyons property to mr soper tlieso sales were made by j a smith isnt it a trifle too ono3idod we have always bcon and- always will bo boosters of the buy at home slogan but it does get under tho skin to walk into a store or some place of business and find the merchant or the businessman using stationery or other printed matter purchased from some city firm if our businessmen would rather patronise outside concerns why willi ubout other citiiens of the town doing it and expect tho local paper to condemn dt us disloyal to tho com- m unity this boosting for homo busi ness should not be one aided kincar dine reporter 1 homes for the birds thero is a growing desire to assure the summer birds a welcome and to provido homes for their convenience year after year new numbers of hew bird houses have been constructed and placed for the songsters use as they urrive from tho south and this spring will see numerous additions to these a young poetess who last ycai juilt a house for a pair of wrens supplies this ingenious reference i made a cunning bungalow for birds and just for fun i printed a sign for rent when everything was done i do be lieve those birds- con read for when i looked today a wee brown pair was in the house twas wrented right away y m i mr malcolm mclean was called to on tt owltlb ut serious illness of his brother there urs mtucolm mctean wab at ux- brldge over- the weekend vlbltlnjr her mother who hnb been seriously 111 mrs annetta barnes of toronto has returned homo after spending a week with friends nt acton and chucphlu miss jessie croft of goderlch is visiting at the home of her grand mother mrs peter mcdonald lake aronu- mrs k j kerr who has been ill for a number of weeks is gradually improving and hopetf soon to be able tu get out again mrr john ft lelshman who was operated on in st josephs hospital gtielph a couple of weeks ago is con viilesctng very nicely mr- ferris scoutmaster who has been hi at mr noll mcndbbs for sev eral weeks is not making very anuch progress toward recovery mrs fred brown aaid master fred of st thomas left dnt monday for home after spending the week with misses fern and bertha brown airs victor b rum ley held her postnuptial reception last wednesday afternoon when a large numbers of ladles of the town wero received illss mar ben ffronrtoronio over sunday she also visited with her uncle mr bingham georgetown who was then very hi l3sir- george kow of the north west who came to mr oanaeron mcenerys a month ago very ill is gradually fail ing ue appreciates the kind core and treatment he is receiving there miss grace mcdonald was home from milton over sunday to visit her nephew mr john robertson of the bank of nova scotto who has just been transferred to tho brunch at bracebrldjro jmr stewart lovrrle arrived lust week from edmohton alta updt la visiting at his home here beforo going tb japan to take up his duties in con nection with tho manufacturers xlfe assurance co mr and mrs wm gunby announce the engagement of their eldest daugh ter alma beryl to mr brland c col ling eldest son of mr and mrs henry colling all of nelson township the marriage to take plaice tho last of march mrs w g krusmsnd mrs f a- macleun went to toronto on friday of lust week to 11001 the mendoluvahn chelr mrs nmaclean remaining over the weekend inacton with jetrtpr- ents mr and mrs w jihasuoff- chesley enterprise v tho brfto nt uracevbrldge mr rob eriffloa kaa been on the staff of the k bre for several years he lias bm poimlar with the patrons of the bank and has many friends in towa who join in wishing him succc in his new home distinguish ftaonic visitor at ttsorgatewn t- morrow evening georgetown mason lo fraternity are to be favored with a distinguished honor in 0 rilt frtfm most worshipful bro john a ltowland grand master of the grand lodtte of canada in thvt province of ontario munyyof thft leading tnasona uf the neighboring erns will be the guests of credit ldtge no 219 on tills ttusploioun qvplon the programme of tlio ovvhk will include tho follow ing m w5 reception of guests at 7 rooeptlon of ruling maatera ai reception of grand master ulivj members of grand stodge 9o0 liaut- auert do not forget poy scout cumpviro entornneat in to town hull unorrofv lfrtdy evening at elghtt oclock teewill offering will farm crop experimerrls v br c a zavltz agricultural col- o o on farmers conducted experiments wlh field cropb on their own farms in 192g the number is increasing from year to year choice seed of some of the best varieties is being distributed now free of cost any farmer wlio asks for it may have the seed for an expert ment with one of the classes of farm crops such as oats fled corn mangels turnips alfalfa sweet corn etc the distribution will likely continue well into april or until the supply of seed of the different crops is exhausted theso cooporatlve tests of tho ex perimental union have greatly in creased cropyicida making ontario outstanding in this rospect rt war bro barrsclouph at guelph there was a large and representative gathering of memberh of waverly lodge a fvam and many mem- bers of visiting lodges present at tho masonic temple guelph last monday night on the occasion of the official visit of bu wor bco a s borra- clough d dg m for wellington dis trict tho work of the oven ing was under tho direction of w bro a j bulgln who with hs offlcers were warmly complimented by tho district deputy for the manner in which the work was performed following the exemplification of degree work all as sembled round well laden banquet tables whore- toasts to tho king and grand lodge were given and re sponded to by the district deputy musical selects ens were give n by prof bro itaithby of tho oac whose numbers were enthusiastically applauded bro john hockln presid ed at the piano guelph mercury ths qold rush- the now wonderland will favor its acton patrons on friday afternoon and evening with tho popular ifllnti tho gold jfubh with charlie chaplin the alaska of the days of the klon- dtko gold rush tlio lone prospoctor miners- big and little and old and young dance hulls and danco hall girls and hangorson mining camp types of al 1 sorts assay ers sh lps offlcors and crows incoming and out going passengers newspaper cor res pondentu and photographers this is the locale and those the peuplo pic tured in charlie chaplins greatest of all comedies the gold rush though a new note in comedy dram atics is sounded in which tho trage dies and heart breaks of mans eternal struggle for happiness are made up- roariously fanny tnorelsvin addition u10 charlie chaplin of old tho chap lin at the little derby tho trick cane tho baggy trousers tlio little mous tache sloppy shoes and waddling walk the flori da real estate boom mr clmrlea e bailey ot ouclph a former esteemed resident of acton and u former member of tlio acton council was in town visiting friends last week mr bailey returned ro- centlv from v rntftw florlday he saw the phenomenal ex- c 1 temehto vei re e in p and though he made no investment ho looked on tvth both amazement und aniuflorncnt- real estate trans actions newlysurveyed subdivisions and thoiidtiyity of the ugencles large ly occupy the attention of the people tourists contlnuo to flock in all pros pective land purchasers are fcut up free for throe days at the best hotels motor carsare available at any hour foe trips to inspect city lots for salo without charge tho temperature is delightful and southern products f fruit and vogetables are most appetis ing lodgings are difficulty to secure nnd rates are nigh but restaurants are numerous and prices for food very reasonable wi1ii0 tho exoltomont over real estate runs high and the pleasure- loving visitor finds tholr recreation apd amusement the pcoplo tako timo for- church going and attending lec tuccs and concerts very freely on snndavs tho churches are crowdod at all services tho gonoral moral status c tho florida cities is above the average mr bailey has faith in the success uf the land deals and believes this sect on of tho south will continue to ho tho wintor playground and place of residence during thb winter months ofi hundreds of thousands who have tuejlr homes in the north

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