Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 18, 1926, p. 6

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rfv ggg arfaw jffygf jjtafl thursday march 18 1836 a queer- little cradle therea a queer little cradle on eaci littlo lower where the wee baby seeds are bleep ing though bo small they are growing hour by hour anu the nurseflower watch la keep- ing all around and abouuure the stamen trees where the gold pollen cakos arc grow ing and the birds and the butterflies ahako thcae trees and the bcod babies think tliat it is snowing but the snow in tower land la yel low snow and the wree seed baby loves it and it eats and eats and this makes it grow while the nurseflower smiles above it silver cross tw eimty years ago the sunday scflool lessow for sunday march 21 winter sports in canada from the issue of the free press of thursday march 22 1908 henderson coa millinery opening next -week- 1 about eight inches f snow fell on monday and xueadnjr there has been passable sleighing the last two days scores of loads of wood logs and timber have come in on sleighs mr peter mcdonald who recently sold hlscawt to his brother alex ander of lsftseagaweya has purchased the vacant lot on park ave belong ing to mr james logic ho intends erecting a fine residence the ooming summer r j moahier has discontinued tho operation of the chopping mill on mill street and will remove shortly to the northwest messrs william and murray somer- ville will leave next week for their new home near soskatoon saslc misses llaxel and lottie mason took part in a concert at alton on friday evening with much acceptance died perkins in gloversvllle wy on friday march 16 1906 john perk- mna formerly of acton in bio 70 th year oram suddenly in toronto on sat urday alsjrch 17 19q6 james p orani aged 53 years e88ential8 to successful rowing alfalfa in many sections of canada alfalfa is rapidly becoming an important farm crop but unfortunately this is not the case in the maritime provinces the farmers in these provinces are quite aware of the merits of this crop but with rure exceptions any attempts to grow it have met with complete or partial failure however experimen tal work with alfalfa at the freder- icton experimental station lias dem ons tratedtfiat it can be grown suc cessfully if conditions are made favor able to its development while alfalfa prefers a rich clay loam soil it will do well on most deep -soils- provided theyareweuldxalned reasonably free of weeds and in a good state of fertility sour soils must be avoided but this condition can be corrected by a liberal applica tion of lime- when setectlpg seed care should be taken to secure a very hardy variety grimms and ontario variegated are the two beat varieties for the maritime conditions where alfalfa is being grown in a held for the first time the seed should lje inocu lated any farmer wishing to give seed inoculation a trial may secure free of charge from the central experimen tal farm ottawa enough nltro cul ture to treat one tmshej of seed the rate of seed sown per sere way vary from- fifteen to twenty pounds per acre but the latter rate should be al ways used by beginners as it will in sure thicker stand of plants nurse crops maybe used such as barley or wheat if sown lightly but ve find it much better to sow alfalfa about the middle of jane without a nurse crop if the latter method be followed the plants grow much stronger and de velop a root system more capable of resisting faeavlng the following spring pasturing newly seeded alfalfa is almost sure to prove disastrous it should go into the winter with at least ten inches of growth to hold the snow and protect the plants if it makes too much growth it should be clipped high with a mower and the clippings alloved to remain on tho ground the following spring it is well to roll tho held if there is any evidence of heaving in order thtvt the roots may become ftrm- kuled by drying winds alfalfa should be cut when one- tenth in bloom two crops may be cut at thii tage during the summer only in rare cases can a third crop be harvested under tho maritime condi tions as the growing season is not sufficiently long to permit of sufficient growth to go into the winter and wln- terktlhngr ha almost sure to follow after each crop of hay is taken off tho aeld should fee well harrowed with a spike tooth harrow this wll tend to keen weeh from becoming established and will develop an open surface al lowing free aeration and will increase the waterholding capacity of the soil c f bailey superintendent ex perimental station fredericton n b not to be fooled uncle cyrus bad cbme up from tha country to visit his nephew charles in town charles had nuown the old gentleman the sights until he was at his wits end for further entertain ment one morning however he no ticed in the paper that the imperial italian band was stilt giving its cele brated- openair concerts tjnole cyrus said he should like to hear them play as the concert progressed uncle w cyrufl wilted enthusiastic t the end of the programme a solo was a o th trontbone it w really a fine performance and the audience demanded an encore with a storm of applause charles noted that hje unole wtfs sojnewhat puzzled by tho smile which played round the corners of the old mans mouth for the selection had been mournful rath- erthati gay- atthe conclusion of the encore when the applause had finally died away charles turned to bis old uncle trfiat ir iv tt l wasu u manded mighty fine mighty fine was the reply rat you city- folks are easy footed he didnt fool me a bit i knew alt the time he was piny ing that he wnant rfeelly swallerlng that there thing one of the most effective vermifuges oii the market is millers worm pow ders they will not only clear the stomach and bowels of worms but will prove a very serviceable medicine for children in regulating the infant llo system null maintaining it in a healthy condition there la nothing in their composition that will injure tne mmt deltcnto stomach when directions are followed and they cmrbe given to flhildren in the assurance that they will utterly destroy all worms even though she refuses him a womnn mlways admires the man who proposes to her the mban1nq of christs resurrection general lesson title jesus risen lrom the dead scripture lesson john 18 1 to 20- 23 goldon text therefore- doth the kather love me becaurje i lay down my life that i may take it again john 10 17 devotional reading 4 1h to 22 16 24 the text explained tho assigned lesson includes he 4jumplcte story of the arrest trial cru cifixion and resurrection of jesus tho special consideration of young people und adults la directed to the closing scene at the cross 19 2330 and to the appearance of the- risen christ in the midst of the discouraged and tbe doubting disciples at their secret meeting 2i 1 20- 23 the coat better the tunic the undergarment worn next to the skin and extending from the neck to the ankles i 24 the scripture psa 22 18 verse- 25 there huis been some question as to whether three or four women are mentioned the latter however is commonly supposed to be the case his mothers sister is to bo identified with salome mark 15 40 the mother of john 26 whom he loved without doubt referring to john tne fact that the mother of jesus was committed to the care of john causes many to be lieve that jesus was marys only son and that the brethren of the lord were older than jesus and eons of joseph by a former marriage since joseph lu nowhere mentioned after jesus had grown to maturity we may suppose that he had died and that mary was now a wfdow 29 there jwas set there a vessel john alone mentions this perhaps it had come to his personal notice vine gar apparently drugsed liquor was offered to jesus at the moment of crucifixion- in order to reduce pain by stupefaction he refused this in order to experience all yaln see matt 27 34 mark 15 23 the vinegar or sour wine here mentioned was not the same it was intended for quenching thirst of the soldiers jesus accepted it see matt 27 48 mark 15 36 john 19 2830 hyssop the knowledge of details in this gospel indicates an eyewitness 30 it is finished words more preg nant with meaning than then- most thoughtful contemplation can disclose all that the incarnation meant- for hu man- redemption all of christs work as teacher and as saviour were now fulfilled his life on earth with its limitations its humiliation acid its labor was at an end there is note of triumph as well as resignation in the words 20 19 for the fear of the jews having put jesus to death the jewish leaders might be expected to seek out and scatter his responsible helpers who were wellknown stood in the midst they were all suddenly conscious ox his presence even before he epoko the reassuring wordsreacnunto-yotl- ftave yoti tasted salada green tea those who kvo ustfd jpn young snon or gunpowder tea will atppr- ciavte the superiority of this delicious blend lwsirs copra nl rich try it railway time tables at acton nadian nationalahwflys no no no no going west sunday only 1041 a ha 80 a m ii 1045 d m 509 p m no 24 no 26 no 30 no 34 no 36 no 38 going east sunday only 70s p m 721 a m 1 143 a m 335 p m c17 p m 813 p m canadian national electric y railways westbound dally except sunday upper ln the laurentians quebec lower lady driving huskies around banff bc inset skilng t mont hollands canadian winter sport cnthuslaetb feared that the lack of snow would prohibit the usual activities this year in the realm of ski i riff skijoring to bogganing and hockey but our lady of the snows lived up to the name bestowed upon her by a brilliant writer and long before the winter was half through a deep luxurious soft white blanket had fallen clothing the trees rivers and mountains in a popu lar shade of wlilte to the laxurentian mountains in the province of quebec flew thousands of city dwellers for joyous holidays at every opportunity such swarms of sport lovers were there that the can adian pacific hallway provided special coaches for aiders where accommoda tions were made for sklo at mount rollund piedmont st marguerite and shawbrldge resorts were overcrowd ed once among the picturesque hills and vales of the lauren tlans numer ous part leu made excursions jnto the vastnesaes of theghostly forests some climbed to trie top of the mountains to see more clearly the marvels of natures beautiful colors in the skies others driving along the roads in crammed sleighs watched the nun like some golden orb in the distance roll over slowly on one bide as it de- cended at the end of at gorgeous day to give the world rest in darkness at revelstoke british columbia mountain glissading gajned its popu larity overnight a long thin line of hardy enthusiasts would stand at the top of the hill then the line would break as they went pltmslng down ward scattering in all directions through trees and shrubs to the road thousands of feet below at banff the winter cavrniva1 pro vided thrills for the large number of visitors there queen gabrielle of ficially opened the ice palace a num ber of young ladles orenbed hockey fleams while others donned the garb of the indian guide ond learned to drive teams of huskies lesson thm doors shut for fear long ago the psalmist calling up the memory of his spiritual experiences during a time of great danger said what time i am afraid i will put my txrust in thee it was not only in the face of danger that- be trusted the lord but when enemies were near and the future un certain such trust brought a strong sense of security that he remembered because of this with the physical experience of the same time this was true of the disciples when jesus appeared on other occasions his presence had dlapxllsd their fearsj his coming jit the umte of their great est fear and distress brought an equally great measure of joy and as surance it was like jesus to come when they needed aim mosl a sincere doubter thomas thought he could not believe without physical evidence he was both sincere and humble in his doubting attitude he did not boast of his doubts he was willing to be convinced but he could not be satisfied by ttae report of an other he was not satisfied without personal experience jesus honored hls sincerity and understood and respected his doubt he did mot reprove but gave thomas the opportunity to make the test that he wished to make when thomas saw jesus that test was quite unnecessary he was glad to be con vinced and his opennrtndedness made the renewal of his fsuth easy there a sincere doubters xn every age and probably in every community those othe whose faith la str and whose per- aonal experience is deeper canbemosv helpful to such honest doubters by showing them respect and considera tion they must first fee comfortable and at home in the eympathetlc en vironment of the christian fellowship before christ can reveal himself in such a way as to banish doubt and enlist complete devotion of timid and questioning hearts proof of the resurrection no one witnessed the resurrection when the disciples reached the tomb the stone hod been rolled away and the grave was empty to the disciples the proof of the resurrection lay in the fact that jeaus was alive it is s today the lifekindling power which comes from him is the strongest proof of the res urrection disciples in many lands bear testimony through lives of un selfish service to the inspiration and strength he gives 3n lands where a dead christ is worshipped christian ity grows stagnant it flourishes in lands where the christians continually look up to a living christ it is tho christ who is with us ever present here and now in whose name and in whose power we shall overcome tho world it la by the extension of his present rule in the hearts and lives of men that his kingdom must be estab lished for fl mnri di is the faith of christians today as stro as that e th fi dls was it easier for the first disciples to believe jn christ than it is far us what was the immediate effect of the crucifixion and death of jesus upon hi dtsctplcst waui the fact thar thpmns doubted a sign of weakness of strength of character how should sincere aueatloners and doubt ers be treated by those whose faith and experience are deeper can doubts and an open mind go together ttld thnmns tifivft rn npm ro what is the best and most convincing proof of christs resurrection dsily rssdlnos tv nsxt week monday john 1 118 tuesday john 3 117 wednesday john 4 1326 thursday john 11 3244 fvldayiohn it 1x30 saturdayxohn 2 2831 sunday john 17 1fi another side a city gfr had spent her whole sum- mer in trying to elevate the simple country people with whom she had been boarding says the detroit trib une now she wan bidding them adieu goodby mr stiles she snld x hope my visit here hasnt been en tirely without good results sartin not said farmer stiles aartln not yodve learnt a heap since you first come but by cracky you was about the greenest one we ever had oaour hands gem8 of thought more and more we come to see that courage is a positive thing it is not simply the absence of fear to be brave is not merely not to be afraid courage is that compactness and clear coherence of al a mans faculties and powers which makes his manhood a single operative unit in the world p brooks a neglected bible means a starved spirit a comfortless heart a barren life if those who are running about to meetings for help and comfort would stay at home and search their bibles there would be more happiness in the- church blessing in the world f b meyer the only final comfort is ood and he relieves the soul always in its suffering not from tts sufferings nay he relieves the soul by its suffering by the new knowledge and possession of himself which could only come through that atmosphere of pain p brooks every noble act of devotion to truth every pure life unstained with evil every word of pity every instance of forgiving goodness helps us to a bet ter faith in that divine and eternal goodness which has no variableness or shadow of turning james free man clarke r 4 the growing good of the world is partly dependent ori unhlstorlc acts and that thingsare not ao ill with you and zne as the might have beon is half owing to the ntimber who lived faithfully a hidden life and rest in urtvlslted graves george eliol it 4s always easier to destroy than to create more damage can be done in an hour by a tearerdown than can be repaired in a year by one who would build up robert macdonald dd jesus never senda a man ahead alone he blazed a cloar way through every thicket and woods and then he softly calls follow mo lets go on together you and i- srd gordon who knows the bible nor can anyone be considered a truly educated man who is ignorant of it president schurmon a power of it own dr thomas sclectrlc oil has a subtle power of its own all who have used it know this and keep h by them as the most valuable liniment available its uses are innumerable and for ninny years it has been prised as tho lending nl- ment for man and beast in danger it is a prevailing impression that a majority of englishmen drop their hfl but though no such sweeping statement can boinado the accusation does very well as an occasional missile in time of need why said a blunt englishman f to on american lady i didnt think you wero an american you dont talk through your noso and you she responded sweetly are not in the least like an english man you dont drop your hs when the dean of armagh was summoned to whitehall to preach in the chapel royal dwotor knox rallied him on the precarious position in volved mr bean said he you uamnynpiafii artian ypli get o wh 1 tehall remember 1 1 was there that tclng charfeb lost his heaa the doan went to whitehall preach ed his sermon and returned and then capped his brother prelates little joke my j said he t wellnigh suffered a worse fate than theklngs xho verger in the chapel royal under took to instruct mo in the proper method of maklner my appearance tfirst said he i takes the choir up to their places and then after they are seatod i return for you sir an1 c you ho- dropped it an old lady on the quay was an adously watching a ship theyve just dropped their anchor a sailor remarked dear mo dear me replied the old lady i was afraid they would 1ye seen it dangling outside for a long time a day is hot lost a day is not lost if you hnve learned to do one thing better you have made orio person happier you have gained u little more seln control v you have been a little happier than you were yesterday you understand your neighbor a lit tie better you eeo truth a littlo more clearly the new stenographer at the meeting of renfrew board of education on friday evening some thing was said re the spelling and the writing of stenographers just fin ishing their training in this connec tion tho following la taken from the kingston whig tvc got a new stenographer sjie came to work today two hundred words a minute just eeerjoed to her like play i i gave her some dictation a letter to a man and this as 1 remember is how tho letter ran dear sir i have your favor and in reply would state that i accept the offer of yours of recent date i wish to say how ever that under no condition can i afford to ithlnlc of a free lance proposi tion 1 shall begin tomorrow to turn the matter out the copy will be ready about august 10 material of this nature should not be rushed un duly thanking you for your favor i am yours very truly she took it down in shorthand with perfect ease and grace said i at last i have a girl worth keeping round the plaoe the old machine she tackled now and then she hit a key and after thirty minutes this is what she handed to me dear sir i have the feever and in a pile i sit and i expect the offer as you have resumed it- i wish to way however that under any condition can x for to think of a free lunch preposition i shall be in tomorrow too- turn the moat her out the cap will be red and coat about 10 material of this na tion would not rust n dooley think ing you have the feever i am your very truly renfrew mercury worms sap the strength and under mine tho vitality of children strengths them by using mother graves following the revived interest of the last few years in the ase of lime on soils several methods of approximate ly estimating the lime requirements of soils have been employed and among these is- soil teat a sofitex outfit consists of a mailing case about 24 in x4 in containing a collap sible tube of indicator a booklet of waxed papers a color chart and a sheet of directions it can therefore be carried in the pocket the method of using is as follows tear off a piece of the waxed paper and fold lengthwise to form a trough with a clean knifeblade place as tnuchsoll usanirybetldonsiteti cent piece in the paper trough drop the solution from the tube onto the soil until it is saturated and one or two dropsremain in the trough after aibout a minute tip the paper slowly so that the liquid may run from the soil and carefully draw some of the clear liquid away from the lower end of the soil with the knife blade com pare the color of this clear extract with the color chart supplied and read therefrom the soil reavctloti and the amount of time recommended solltex has been in use in the lab oratories of the division of chemistry and compared with utnaus the follow ing advantages and disadvantages have been found advantages solltex is very much quicker jn its reaction and it la pos sible to make a complete test in two minutes solltex has a much wider variation of color than litmus these variations or tints corresponding more or less closely with different degrees of acidity or lime requirement it can be used on softs in either moist or dry conditions a considerable ad vantage in the field disadvantages the extreme sensi tiveness of solltex te perhaps its only disadvantage since in the hands of careless user unreliable informa tion might be obtained- it is suf ficiently sensitive to show the acidity of 4ho breath and must therefore he used with every precaution as to cleanliness and avoidance of undesir able factors h s hammond as sistant chemist parasites seven mistakes of life thero are seven mistake of life that many of us make said a fam ous writer and then he gave the fol lowing list 1 the delusion that individual ad vancement is made by crushing ethers down- 2 the tendency to worry about things that cannot be changed or cor rected 3 insisting that a thing is impos sible because we ourselves cannot ac complish it 4 attempting to compel other per sons fo believe and live as we do 5 neglecting development and re finement of the mind by not acquiring the hnblt of reading 6 refusing to set aside trivial pref erences in or derthat important things may be accomplished 7 the failure to establish the habit of saving money what 18 it tls in the saucer but not in the plate tls in the fencing but not gnt till tls in the placard but not in qrf bill tls in the packet but not in the purse tls in the chapter but not in tho verso tls in the cupboard but not in the store tin in the entrance but not in the door answer the letter c p a good chef gets more than a col- lego prorcasor why shouldnt be a lot more people take his courses boston transcript man sleeps like log jeats anything after taking adlerlka n eat any thine and sleep like a log i had gria on the stomach and couldnt keep food down nor sleep signed r c milter one spoonful of adlerlka re moves gas and often brings surpris ing relief to the stomach stops that full bloating feeling often brings out old waste you never thought wnit in your system icxcel- lent for chronic constipation a t brown soiltex a test for 80il reaction thao of th p manyoils have como and gone hut dr thomas eclectric oh continues to maintain its position and increase its sphere of usefulness each year its sterling qualities have brought it to the front and kept it there and it can truly be called the oil of tho people thous ands have benefited by it and would use no other preparation a splendid substitute the scouts rally ha been an un qualified- success and the smallest bugler beamed with pride when the scoutmaster approached him and said have you learned all the calls yett nearly all sir- you know the sasemblyf yes sir and the fire alarm 7 nno sir ha then what would you sound if- the camp caught fire er lights out i suppose ah corns are painful growths ways corn remover will them hollo remove the why are tbe iovarcnalaliki because they riddles doorknocker and an are both outside wraps what has four legs and two arms and yet cannot walk an armchair why is a retired carpenter like s schoolmaster t because he la an exdhbiner what is the difference between a ship and a sailor on top of a mast jphv hip nails ov the sea and the sailor bees over the sail why is petrol like the goods put in a ship because it makes the cargo what is that which you cannot hold for ten mmutea and yet is as light as a feather your breath which bird is most lists a joke arark asthma brings misery but dr j d kellogg asthma remedy will replace the misery with welcome relief in haled as smoke or vapor it reaches the very innermost recesses of the bronchial passages and soothes them restriction passes and easy breathing return a if you know as well how this remedy would hejp you as do thous ands of grateful users there would be a package in your home tonlght- try it 343 p m g43 pjn 743 pan 943 pan 1140 pan freight delivered by special express freight freight picked up at any ad dress in toronto the ohio electric floor polisher will positively polish your floors j a smith real estate and insnviee get our list of farms and town property before buying wo may have just what yon want and are looking for at prices and terms to suir youl v agent for confederation t4fo a london lancashire fire insurance dondon 4 lanca- shire guarantee and accident company of canada prompt and courteous attention given your bus mess solicited residence miu and wallace sta telephone 10g acton ohio electric floor polisher attachments free demonstration in your home on request to the hydro shop bonds stocks and grain private wlra to mtw ylfc ctucg wlroriptk ndxsffvato 1st mortgage real estate bonds t j 74 mannigan typewriters genuine factory bebuilt underwoods baot op to the saw stand ards is the new machine throughout fully guaranteed same a8 new but they cost less general typewriter st appliance co w king st west toronto 2 j cadesky of toronto eyesight speciaiist wox bb at a t browns drug 8torb acton monday april 12th anyone smfferlna front bye- train defective vision or headache should not mlsa the opportunity of oonsultlaif this eyesight specialist appoint ments may be made with mr a t brown orussist coksultation btieb office hours 9 a m till 4 p m ren ric fr sift castoria motttpe cmtori is espedalhr wepucd relieve infants in arms and children all ages of constipation wind colic to sweden stomach flatulency diarrhea regulate bowels aids in the assimilition of food promoting cheerfulness seat and natural sleep without opiates jas777 toawid imitations atwiys look for the signature of caf7am prnren direction i each yackajp pnjfjkiani everywhere wujuncnd advertisers th free pre88 u anxious t unw you and atrvo you wall wa ean oiva your advwrtimt nwnt imttar attantlon and thra- fs aiuloa it mm attiactlva if tha oapy ia auppliad to us on monday or tuaaday if oopy faila to raaoli ua until wadnatday foranoon fchora ia a nnh to art i up bafora tha forma doss and ths raaut is likoly to b lass satisfactory 8end in your ads early savage company jewellers china silverware lower wyndham st phone 571 gueipii 1 as rs

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