Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 18, 1926, p. 2

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trt afbiriyfcirfpj 4 uaihg hk w i 1 artim jra jjrejpfl thursday march 18 126 the lawyer who pleads lila case gainst wind and tide and swings his robes front aid to aide aa proud as any new made bride 7 tho conseciuentiaj lawyer j who loves hla client and a brief yot wiho expounds beyond belief till all around sasp for reusft tho bright ionic- winded lawyer who gathers ovidonco with care and knowa how beat to split a hair that makes the honest judge tobtarot tho cuto and cunning lawyer who knows the merits of each oase defines the motive time and place crossaucbtlons witness face to facbt tho cool clearbeaded lawyer who looks juat spoiling for a light to right a wrong or wrong a rlgbt bocauao he la a legal light tho enterprising lawyer how glad and happy does he feel to win a case otter appeal and make defendant squirm and squeal at costs from plaintiffs lawyer to say that justice must be blind is but a libel nroift unkind sho swings a sword in front behind to scare both judge and lawyer he helps ua in our time of need from cruel wrong or faulty deed letd not forsret he had to feed fee well your faithful lawyer john imrle iufy jffm prefer hnrt 0tanj tattooing a thief ray stannaiu baker o cooperative experiments seeds for farm crop available for the rests of 1ts the highest yielding rarietlea of several classes of farm crops in on tario have been originated at the on tario agricultural college through hybridisation and selection leading varieties of other classes of farm crops have been secured locally or through importation the cooperative ex periments to be conducted throughout ontario in 1931 thxough the medium of the experimental union whl con tain some of the very best varieties of farm crops as determined in past years by experiments conducted at the ontario agricultural college the fol lowing list indicates the material available for the cooperative teste for 1026 1 three varieties of oats 3 plots 2 oac ho 21 barley and km- mer 2 plots 3 two varieties of hutless bailey 2 plots 4 three varieties of spring wheat 3 plots 5 two varieties of buckwheat 2 plots 6 three varieties of field peas 3 plots 7 two varieties offspring kye t plots 8 three varieties of soy boja or japanese beans a plots 9 bight varieties of flint sutd dent husking corn 3 plots 10 three varieties of mangels 2 plots 11 two varieties of sugar mangels 2 plots 12 thr vari o swedish t nlps fpiot 13 two vnxietiea of fall tttrnlps 2 plots 14 two varieties of carrots 2 plots 15 field cera and soy beans to be grown separately and in combina tion 3 plots 16 sudan orass and two varieties of mljtot 3 plots 17 sunflower sorghum and corn for fodder 3 plots 13 gross pets vetches and soy beans 3 plots id bape kale and field cabbage plots 20 two varieties of biennial flweet clover 2 plots 21 two varieties of alfalfa 2 plots 22 hubatn biennial white and bi ennial yellow sweet clover 2 plots 23 three varieties of field beans i plots 24 weet corn for table use from different dates of planting s plots 25 low and high grade fertiliser and manure with oats and red clover 4 plots 28 fertilisers and manure in a def inite rotation starting with potatoes followed by barley seeded with al falfa potatoes and manure to be fur nished by the experimenter com mercial fertilisers in itit and barley and alfalfa seeded in 192t to be fur- unlshed by the experimental union i plots 29 three grain mixtures for grain production 3 plots 30 three grain mixtures tor fodder production 8 plots 31 o ac no 21 barley at three ttitttt nt nwiag a plntm n tho second spring after tholr arrival in the quoons bush jonauiap driscoll and his large family ot lanky boyd opened a sugnroush on the back forty pf their homestead they built aiitmo shanty of basawoo3 and tapped moro than four hundreds maple trees using log dugouts for troughs tind sumac spouts for plugging the sapholes motfcor driscoll with a big shawl wrapped about her jolly rod face skimmed the fragrant syrup that bubbled and popped in the great iron kettles whllo jonathan and hla sons chopped the wood and gathered the sap at that time mapleaugax was scarce and high and it sometimes paid better than a crop- of wheat the driacolle had ideal sap weather lxhe nights were sharp and frosty the days were bright and sunny an 3 jonathan drlscolls whitefaced mare tolled early and late dragging the sledge with the nap barrels from tree to tree one morning dirk jorlscoll the tall est and lankesfahd brownest of the boys started out as usual clucking to the old mare and sniffing the crisp- morning air the sun shining through bare limbs threw maxy shadows on the frosty ground and a chickadee or two hopped about the discolored heaps of snow which atill lingered in the protecting stuulo of tho hasel bush dirk had drawn himself up to every inch of his sixfeettwo and was whistling cheerily j at the first tree the old mare baited from force of habit and natural in chnation when dirk stopped to lift the sap trough his whistle died out in an exclamation of surprise and anger the sumac spout was broken off short close to the tromltof the tree and the bark was black and glistening with the wasted sap ihe trough had been tipped over smd was covered with forest mold dead leaves and twig dirk drove the rounds at a speed that must have astonished the placid- minded old mare he found a score of spouts broken many troughs had been overturned apparently wltki the intention of doing as much damago as possible dlrk strode up the slope to the little shanty with a dangerous are in his eye saprteaulnsr in tho nxsplo- sugar country was almost as serious an offence as horse stealing elsewhere and although tho hand of justice sel dom reached so far into the woods the settlers administered a rudo but effective justice of their own father shouted dick as he camo in sight some one has been steal ing our sap oh z guess mot drawled jpnathan driscoll jbut they hav i tell youl dirk insisted come down and see for yourself i wouldnt mind their taking all they wanted to drink said jonathan driscoll when lie had seen the naarjes of destruction or they could have nod a whole jug of syrup if theyd marched up like men and asked or it had there been snow on the ground they could haye traced the marauders with comparative ease but in the prlngy mold or the woods it was dif ficult to distinguish any tracks except those of tho old mare and the sledge occasionally there was a mark ot a bootheel but it might have been made- by the jrlscolls themselves as they tramped about in their cowhide boots dirk leaped suddenly from an examination of the track near a great niaple here look hers shouted dirk he pointed out the clearly defined print of a moccaslned foot in a bdt of snow which still banked the north side of the tree it evidently had been made only a few hours before hear it in a bare spot where tbe sledge had worn through the sod his brother lon discovered the mark of a hoof steer said jonathan driscoll when he had examined it carefully in several other places they found more moccasin tracks and hoofprints most sap- stealers think jmlls and kegs are good enough but these people come with a yoke of oxen and barrels commented dlrlc ominously wonder whose steers they could ber asked lon- carters are still in r or w tarea dates of seeding 3 plots 53 oa c no 3 oat at three dates of seeding 3 plots 54 oac mo sb spring wheat at three dates of seeding 2 plots 35 o a c no 311 soy beans sown broadcast and in rows 1 plots 36 perfect model swede turnips thinned at three distances in the rows 3 plots 37 yellow ijeytataan mangels thin ned at three distances in the rows 3 plots any person 4n ontario who grows field crops may apply for any one of the experiments for 1926 bach applicant should make a second choice as the material for tho first choice mlffhtb exhausted before uie application is received the material will be forwarded in the order in which the applications are received while the supply lasts no charge u made for the experimental material and the produce becomes tbe property of the experimenter a carefully tilled out report is requested after harvest bach ierson applying should carefully write his name address and county all written applications where in a closed or in open envelopes require rull postage dr c a zaxlts march i-tbe- plnerlesr- using his and xbeedetfer- i know interrupted jimmy drls- coll its that new family of bab bitts theyre trot a pair if runty steers dont you remember besides he added excitedly as if it bad just occurred to htm they both wear moccasins theyre great hunters you know it may be possible said jonathan drlcoll shaking his head one of them was over axd tried to borrow our second syrupkettle i told him we would want it soon ourselves and he wont away looking mad looks most bad enough for apltework well if thoy try any more thiev ing around here declared ilrk hotlyrr hoy would do playing tag judgmen fuskftveb 1 judge greene of san francisco was once trying a case in which one of the attorneys was a arhght although not altogether welleducated irishman tho salt lake city tribune says that uio court ruled asralnst the lawyer on several points 4n a jnanner which the lawyer regarded as jarbltrary and q- rially just as another decision was to be made he rose and said 1 hope your honor will not decide against me on this point until ny h theyll find thart michigan men shoot bettcrn tney can steal there there dirk called mother dr i sco ii dont talk of shooting set ter lose twenty barrels of sap than have blood on your hands and yau dont know for sure that it is the bab bitts dont worry rnother said djrk resting his big brown hajrra on ttls mothers shoulder we wont snoot until we catch time thlevos they repaired the spouts clesuiod out the troughs and set them all in place again it was a busy days work and dlr ffi t walked homewar- after the woods had grown dark as lliuy llirneu mia iu6 cloflftnft at ine frthr of wnlch the shanty stood they almost collided with the babbitt boys both of whom were walking very rapidly toward the driscoll bush dirk scowled darkly and ixins erlp tightened on theamo he carried pd thus they passed w4thout a word a moment later the j2abbjtts disappear ed into the wood slinking skulking thlevob sale dirk theyre prowling round to see if were watching them im in favor of going down nnd theres tho babbitts he gasped excitedly don and lon ran to the doorway at the ond of tho elenrlner where they had seen the babbitt bays on the previous day the two of them were to bo seen sulking through tho bushes each of them carried a gun and ap parently they were nnsclous to keep out of sight for when they saw the drlscolts at the stanty door they dis appeared two minutes later dirk and lon crouching and crawling left the door of tho shanty on the other side keep ing well out of sight of the atrip of w6ods where the babbitts were in this way they ran for several hundred yards and then stopped panting and heated by an old log dirk leaned over and drew from a protecting layer of leaver- a double- barrelled shotgun and a short rifle both of them were loaded halffull of coarse salt with a big charge of powder behind unknown to hia mother jimmy had brought them from the house thnt afternoon and lon had loaded- and secreted them well tattoo em for thieves this time sold dirk grimly they skirted the clearing and reach ed the sugarhush by us farther end working their way cautiously up to ward the centre they wore sure that the babbitt boys would come from the opposite direction near the edge oy the bush and close to a little valley through which they could retreat if necessary they concealed themselves behind a thick bunch of haxel brush front which thoy could command a clear view of the sledge track in both directions an hour passed and the sugarbush was still undisturbed occasionally the boys neard the faint clatter of the stirring rod as it beat against the iron kettle atthedlstant shanty it was the only sound that sugseoted human habitation theyve probably gone back for the sledge whispered dirk yosr be ready with your gun but dont fire till i give the word another hour sllpned away they were shivering and their legs were numb below tho knees from kneeling on the frosty ground wo mights well go homo chatter ed lon at last they probly know were here the wprds wont out in a gasp they both heard a twig crack sharply and then the cautious rhythm of footsteps on the soft ground they peered out across the open opaco to the bulky shadows where the sledso track was lost thearem whlsperedtohpshak- ing with excitement not unmixed wlto fright keep quiet ordered dirk rising add bringing the stubby stock of the rifle to his shoulder it had begun to snow they felt the flakes settling on their hands like ley pin pricks as yet they could see not a thing but the breexe brought them the slight sound of one of their sap troughs sliding from its support of chips an instant later there was the sharp crack of a sumac spout lon now stood beside hla brotho clutching the shotgun both ham mers were cocked a dark form grew from tho blur of the shadows it was followed at a distance of a few paces fey a second to dirks straining eyei appear 01 what he thought the outlines of one of the babbitt steers surely a babbitt was a step behind driving he would now he stooping over to lift the sap trough dirk heard it slip from its shelving support the 4gry blood rushed hot to his face lon he whispered you take the steer ill take the man he stepped out boldly from behind the busmes he wanted a clear view so that he would not miss his alm lon was only a pace behind both saw the steer start back in alarm fircj shouted dirk there was a blinding flash of light followed by a report that shook the forest as dirk lowered hla rifle he caught a glimpse xrt jlox sprawling and struggling in tho hasel bush where the vicious old gum had kicked fllni then6tbardnrtemnogrusr ing evidently the steer had been hit an instant later some great object came thundering up the track through the clearing smoke dirk saw a pair of great moose plunging straight toward hem it was their shortest road to escape and they of course confused and terr tried had ran tofafi the flash as tbey often do when ilrod upon by jacklight hunters for a moment dirk paused in ter ror recovering himself hie throw the rifle with all bis force at the head of the nearest moose made a single des perate leap seised a sapling maple with one hand and spun around it as l a week in acton england news selected from the acton gazette of friday fibrusry 26 the following items of interest from actons prototype in england will be perused with est because of associa tion of events and experiences the acton education committee has granted 2 towards the cost of prises for south field road senior school flower show it lo proposed to increase tho holi days ot acton school nurses by one clear weeks holiday each christmas mr pearce hoaken frco the gifted organist of tho actora hill wcs leyan church will give one of his just at dusk that evening jlmm appreciated recitals after the thrust his head into tho shanty win dow the great amnrals coming at head long speed seemed to ne charging furiously in his excltomont dirks foot caught in a dead limb and he sprawled at full length on the ground at thnt dnstant dirk was deafened by the crash of two rifles almost over his head he glanced back shudder ing one of the moose staggered and fell with a bellow of distress then he felt himself halfburled in a smothering avalanche of hair th second moose had rolled almost over him ho felt blood dripping in iris face i service an sunday evening james cush of agato road ham mersmlth was fined si at acton i police cdurt on wodneaday for caus ing un obstruction in highroad ohlswlck by offering goods for sale on tho side of the street founded 37 years ago by the rev c j sharp vicar of ealing when he was an acton curate the acton self- help society now has 403 members with 5844 standing to their credit the third prlxo in the final examina tions of the institute of municipal treasurers and accountants incor porated was won by jur b j d lloyd of acton the death occurred at elm wood- gardens acten yesterday of mr k waterlow aged 43 second son of sir philip waterlow bl sidney j wingatc of lower sloone- strcet was fined at acton police court last week for exceeding the motor car speed limit and had his license suspended for two months daniel wood bridge a laborer of no fixed abode was fined 16s at acton police court last week for being drunk and disorderly and using ob scene language christ and socialism was the subject of an address given by the hector of acton in tbe acton parish church on sunday afternoon to mon only alfred nelson a showman of voodiane shepherds bush was fined 10s at acton police court on monday for being drunk and disorder ly at marketplace acton on -satur- day evening the annual display ot the 1st acton company of the boys idfe brigade and tho churchfleld lifehoy team at tached to acton ooagregational church was held on tuesday even ing in the central half and was a distinct success y thomas a fox of hjgh- street acton a pawnbrokers assistant was fined 40a at acton police court on wednesday for taking geoda in pawn from a girl apparently under the ago of sixteen thomas h freestone kensington was summoned at acton police court on wednesday by his wife edith e freestone of conlnghanarcutd shep herds bush for 35 19 maintenance arrears at acton police court on wednes day the proprietors of the crown cinema acton were summoned for allowing persons to stand in the gang ways and falling to keep the exit lob by free from obstruction a successful twelve days mission which has just been conducted in the old oak wesleyan church east acton pfftatojythelbey jjbkgonnqn of leeds the wellknown yorkshire evangelist was concluded on thurs day evening mr w j l hooper formerly of acton who has had considerable trouble with hla eyes and has lost the sight of one writes from devonshire to aay that ho is now an inmate of tho homo for the blind honor lodge devonport- mr b smith m p blrkbeckave acton has recently boen confined to his home by illness on sunday ofter- noop he received a friendly visit from sir harry brhtalnef whom he is both a colleague and a constituent after the acton hgopltal service on simday s1r horry brittoin vjsjted one or two of his friends- who are laid up and then spent considerable time at the hospital going round with the matron and having a ohnt with each of tho patients the acton wednesday football club which is running two teams and has so far had a successful sea son having played over 30 matches held a carnival for its funds jn the grand hall of acton baths on wed nesday night the scottish episcopal church is so little known in england- that the ser mons preached in sl thomass church on the sunday mornings 1n lent should be of special interest to the churchpeople of acten and elsewhere the town tenants bill promoted by mr womersley mp for the better protection of tenants was the first subject discussed by the committee of the acton champr of nnmmorco for being drunk and disorderly and using- obscene language tho pralo worthy anxiety of the gunncrsbury park joint committee to present a complete record of its doings to the ealing and acton town coun cils was the cause of a somewhat sharp discussion at tho last acton town council meeting the delights of a fortnights motor cycle trip through tho western high lands of scotland were described in a racy manner by air j taylor secre tary of the acton chamber of conm- merce for the benefit of fellowmem bers assembly in a commlttcoroom of the municipal offices on yesterday night week faithfully following the mayor of acton in his public religious exercises public and instutlonal representatives of every kind friendly society mem bers ambulance division firemen and cadets combined to make a long pro cession which went from the munici pal offices to the acton baptist church on sunday morning a pleasant journey was naade by members of the ace cycling club acton on sunday a number of the members left at 1145 a m for uovlng- ton hertb where dinner was served at 12 ib they made for bourne end f thence to the clubs country quarters at taplow common here tfiey had tea and were joined by another party of the members who had left acton at 215 ontario temperance ques tion compared with a year ago feebly under the weight of the mooso ami un killed or not the hugo body was pried up a little dirk rose up and there stood the bab bitt boys when they saw that dirk wasnt injured they doubled up on the ground and laughed until the woo tin rang it was this uncanny sound that met tha ears of the terrified driscoll family ns thoy paa hurrying- down from tho shanty awa in itand pre- puted to fight any numbpr of infuriat ed moose over dirks dead body what were you trying to do with atltamm in aplfce of twinges of fuinago caused by our humid afmosphcre after travel in hot dry lands sir parry br it tain presided on saturday night in the florence restaurant rupert- street pica dilly over the annual din ner or the incorporated phonographic society h jt inspector has cpmpfalned of the low temperature f eayeral rooms in tho fioutfc acton junior bpys school and the works and finance sub- committee of the education comr mlttee will consider tho matter mr uawbcer of acton who hap pened to be in tho cock tavern at smith ft eld market when the prince of wales early one morning last week came 4n for a cup of coffee to thlt social rendexvous in londons realm of prime noasts enjoyed quite a brecxy chat with the royal visitor the death occurred at west baling after a long illness of miss h j brackley the eldest daughter of the late mr c- brackley falmeratonroad who was for many years the highly- rpsppcted caretaker of the acton hill wesjpynn qhurcb while p hep way on jmondi we are told by premier feiguson and hon mr mlckle that the intro duction of 4m oeer would be a great benefit to the temperance cause nhd those who by long experience in the temperance work believed and de clared otherwise had hurled at them from the floor of tho house the most bitter invectives who wero right in their contentions what has one short year revealed as to its boasted benefits it was claimed ty mr nicklo for the new legislation that it would i make the easier enforce ment of the o t a 2 wean the drinkers away from the stronger drinks 31 lessen if not wipe out al together bootlegging 4 yield a revenue of three millions of dollars 5 increase respect for law and the lieutenantgovernor in dismissing the house said that this amendment to the ota would create obedience to law and order generally can it be said that any one of these prophe cies has been fulfilled or that the government was justified in making any such an experiment in direct op position to the mandate of the people which was secured by their own ar rangement and at a cost of about six hundred thousand dollars t aaid can anyone blame the local editor for saying premier ferguson has no use for plebiscites that cost a lot ot money andgive him the answer he did not want and will not accept and further tears ago premier ferguson then minister of lands and forests stated under oath that he did not con sider himself bound by timber regula tions more recently he proved that he did not consider himself dound by pledges solemnly given to the- people by himself and now he tells the people flatly that he will not ask them what they think on any given issue the following are extract from the notes andcnunentsfoundln idbj era and conservative organs the fact is 4 4 beer has not been s popular pi some hoped and others feared tho ferguson beer la pronounced a failure it got only 44 per dent- on ha exams figures may not he but sometimes we think that 4 4 is guilty of at least a slight exaggeration the ferguson beer does net find many champions it is too strong for those who dont use it and not strong enough for those who do premier ferguson accuses uio pro hibitionists of being too given to poli tics and only last spring he intim ated that ho was permitting stronger beer bocauao he considered the pro hibitionists did not count as a political factor as to tho future w will pp wftt we will iopj total abstinence whyf asked why he became a teetotaller the bishop ot london replied i am a teetotaller to try and help other people i have been a teetotal ler for about twenty- ave years be cause in my ministerial work i found many of my brothers were tempted to drink the fact that i was not myself tempted did not in the least prevent my feeling that even chrisrj did not pleas himself christ did no claim his rights he laid hjs own rights ostgp therefore if you can helna brother by laying aside any of jjrerlgjiayouumayhnye eemsto me you are only trying to follow him in the right spirit t y morn- inff to tlp ministry of pensions acton i valo where she was employed as 54 of seymourroad hcrimey had per p mother tp- beloved dausrhtej now darling show everybody how nicely you con recite a utile afjln was qn the the darling then mother it was a pretty the pfhpg wghp mother p bailed ftloftg no plbos- ont- the darling lett mother and all was calm and tone darling li wight mother splendid now roclto another one darling humorist of london not very appreciative at a recent church entertainment the master of ceremonies announced miss bates will sing oh that i had wings like a dove and then would i fly away and he at rest accompanied by the minister gettin skinni valuable premium absolutely free soo new subscribers wanted the free press has in contemplation impor tant changes which will mean an improved paper r the adoption of improvements in various ways which will give our constituency even better service than we have always endeavored to accomplish in the past the changes proposed will entail large ex penditure larger indeed than our present circula tion of 1500 copies will warrant and to ensure the success of our plans we will require to increase our circulation to at least 2000 in order therefore to encourage those who are not now regular subscribers of the free press to become such we havedecidedtoadept a plan we have never favored before of giving a valuable premium absolutely free to every new subscriber who sends us a cashinadvance subscrip- tion b th first o apri after careful consideration we pave selected as a premium a substantial article of real household value and for use every day in the year in every home it is the newlyinvented burns bread and cake knife which sells at all hardware stores at 75c guts like wadfire it cuts warm fresh bread without crushing the loaf the serrated- edge cuts with each motion of the hand producing a clean cut without tearing the bread or making crumbs it is not in a class with ordinary cheap bread knives hut an article of merit thatyouwib appreciate t serratedvedge-wim-labt- for years and can be resharpened by rubbing tbe smooth side of the blade on a whetstone 1 cuts a slice twice as nice ilerefof ore with the satisfied conscientiousness that we have always given full value in the free press for the price of the subscription we have refrained from giving premiums our only excuse now in offering this valuable premium absolut- ly free is in order to secure promptly the 500 new subscribers required so as to warrant the proposed large outlay required in making the improvements we have under contemplation our readers will reatjijy understand that if we arfi to accomp our object we can only5 read the fallowing section from browney on vtnwda what di4 yon wy mt the nam of the authorltyr inquired tbe judff browney your honor b-ro-wn- y browney- my name mid the judge with amlle la ajwlled oreven6 htow 1 would you pronounce that oreen or greeney i shall reserve my judgment m that youtiftmjxi pled the attorney until tho effort iuuireinrs4-a-da1a- lon on the paint now before it tnclni tnein mh lite theft said lon no theyd deny it said jonathan and how could you prove it walt n dny or two but dirk could not wait and he and in decided to keep watch during the night they proposed taking tbelr truns with- them but mother driscoll who was famous for her hatred of ftro- auihis persuaded them o go unarmed they were lajo in making a start and when they reached the buih what was their bjnaimentmo- flnd4b work of the marmidera alrmrfljr at compllihed bnouttj that bad jutt been replaced war snapped off short and tbe cap watt pans fkam scores of the troughs vainly they trumped back and forth vthroaih tbe bush tho tbleves were not to be found in the 5yjmttwjfr itthf jilkaraciljtha printa of moocaelned feet and the tracks ol steers x w rwt ttonjl hir any longer aid jpjrlt newf- umelhej rta-a4wk- buah when mary johnson a charwoman of prlncoesroad nottlngr dale was begglncr from pedestrians in church- fleldroad acton she was unfortunate enough to speak to del scrt mac- pherson this resulted in her ap pearing- nt acton police court undojp 41ia auspices of- t aetont adult schools an interesting lecture was given to a large audience in the friends meeting bouse avonueroad acini mi friday fiyrnjnr 1v mr b ercryday pre for new subscriptions we wi however something must be done and done sight now quick hollows in cheeka and neok growing deeper each week tens of thousands of thin rundown men yes and women too are getting discouraged are arlvlng up all hop a 1 be very glad to supply all our present subscribers with this very useful article which they can readily secure by sending us a subscription for a friend re siding any place in canada our supply of premiums will be ready for dis tribution in a few days and our books are how open to receive the 500 additional subscribers all subscriptions in canada 200 per year in the united states 250 a valuable premiuifo llji j ii i i un r tj-ygriiiim- jjc guju ill- na noon an he could ant lila hrjith r tr fe the origin of sanowrchm tears ago there was a certain lord sandwich who wm se fond of plsyine cords that ho dll not care to etas e t s ur i ma men most eat so to eare time be or dered hla servant to bring him a plana of meat tall between two slim t tread go tint by eating k be ahoom mtt grease hla lagan smd monntn na noon un he could get ills breath and djrk like tho man ho ma blurt ed out tho whole story tm ashamed of my pazt too he amid grasping the hundf of the bah bltt hoya thata all right responded george babbitt heartily weve arot the thieves jwid he tapped the mlsht body of tjie nearest moose v7e found m stealing sap theres nothing a moose liken better and weve been watching your buah to catch em 0 isfext day mother driscoll roasted n huge plec of venison and a11 the bab bitts atme to dinner pwhrlinit aw in thelt tql up wtey com stcamstiln op on almn in british west africa the fate of acton with regard to its rating next year still hangs in the bal ances certain enconotntats vrlth the nra of an expert have been burning the midnight oil over the estimates to the the accompaniment of hot coffee and wet towels to keep tfietr heads coot as they review the serried ranks of figures ir an interesting wedding took place at the acton parish church on satur day afternoon when two members of the hawthorne tennjs club miss e holen dorothy well and mr william arthur scrivener were mufr led the flpy w- k pr officiated a aunmnns agonat charlotte 4- m a4n cjrcen for assaulting llfldn fvankfln a neighbor nnd her mother- lniaflr was dlsmlssril at acton folic court on wednesday week annie molen a married woman of npeji hut he couldnt do anything i brnssleavonue acton was flnod 12s lido 1 onlyn watchdor you to0wld- acton polloo court on monday not his atze just think of it 1 that fellow onmo in and actually stole tho clock off tho mantelpiece and you say your dog mtm 4n the of ever being stole to take on nest and look healthy and strong all such people can stop worrying and start to bnilp and enjoy life right now for mccoys cod llvor bktmtftt tablets which any druggist will tell you all about are putting loan on hosts of skinny folks every day one woman tired weak and dis couraged gained 15 pounds in qvo weeks bnd now feels fine wo ou know that the livers of cod fish are full of vitalising flesh pro ducing vltamlnea and these same vlta- mlneu of the highest class are found in mccoys cod liver extract tab lets sugar coated ana as easy to take as candy and this shows what faith tho mak ers have in mccoys for they say if lny th4npfaov qniu sain at lesu pounds in 30 days your druggist is authorised to give you your noney back and only 60 cents fpr pb tajblets- ask any llvo phnrrnoclgt anyshcyo in north or south america be sure to get mccoys the orlgdnal and genuine acton ont mirar ai 2

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