Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 18, 1926, p. 1

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ft fciftyfiyst year no 38 thursday morning march 18 192g acton ontario canada thursday morning march 18 1926 single copies five cent the acton united church op canada minister rev r e zimmerman b a parsonage willow strcot 11 00 n m tho pnitor subject the way- of salvation i 30 p in sabbitv school session 7 00 11111 the pastor subject the thice fold mcsmigo of the ci osa young ploioh le ifue on monday at 8 oclock a mlshlonaiy pageant will bo presented by tho young people puiycc service on thursday at 7 30 presbyterian knox church acton minister rev a cci6t m a manse willow street 1100 a m tho minister subject studies in tho life of christ no 2 3 00 p m sabbath school and bible classes 7 00 p m tlio mlnlhter subject outstanding biblo chai actors jos eph monday young peoplo a guild at 8 oclock mvmlcal evening strangers leaving address with the ushers will bo called upon by the pastor the baptist church acton james w boyd pastor 1100 am the pastor continuing series lessons from tho acts of the apostles 3 q0 pm sunday school classes for all 00 p m the pastor subject tho roaunectlon of the dead the ninth lh series faith of our fathers monday 8 oq p m young peoples mooting thursday 7so p m prayer and praise mooting axl welcome special notices dvertlcmenci in this column a cexati per word minimum charge 30c per insertion p lost on monday between mill street ana st josenha churcji a roijary finder kindly leave at tree jrdss oetk3b range for bale a hoppy thought range for bale in good oondltlon apply mrs robert scott bower avonuo acton range for sale queboc heater range for sale nearly new installing electric lanso ap ply box 15 trbb phebs hous for sale good comfortablo house nil modern conveniences tlno situation apply at once to mrs robert scott bowtr avenue acton valuable farm for 8ale valuable fajm for eale near balllna- fud 100 acxch 7 acres bush well watered 2 jiouaes 1 new cotlaee bank barn btlq good orchard would exchange for mill store or dwelling kerrs real estate for 8ale 600 bushels clean boed banner- oats a quantity or alfalfa bay alao a farm wagon with box in good condition ap ply jl rowley it- r no 2 roclckrooa 3g3 lot 20 con 6 naasagtiweya for sale eleven youne oxford erode owes with lambs at foot will bo sold at the aalo of mrs 0 mcdonald also pure bred durham bull 2 years and 2 year old registered shorthorn bull bred by sim tuck r r no 2 nochyood wanted canadian boy 1014 years of oko in this locality wanted to roprcent young cannola booster club and can adas national magazine reeular income twice n month besides prizes including bicycle radio carpenters tools musical instruments camplns outfits and supplies sporting goods etc all dpacrlljcd in 00 page free cata logue of prizes and information easy work looking- after route of customers liyoi- ntnrl urnif on application to bost 24 a the acton isatjassrfccto-xront- at limehouse a progressive euchre will pe held at the torpe of mr ww- gqwny friday evg mar 1 at b p m 8harp under the auspices of the limehouse womens institute admission adults 25c children 15c mrs w l millir so trs wqimrjekllvntt friday march 19 smoldering eireo brumal marring xaura ta plnirte and paulino prcderlcti comedy wntch out kln6- grnma 8aturdav march 20 matinae t3 p m the timber woir wehtcrn starling buck jones comedy tell it to tho police mnn lox news tuesday m 3 lucky bevu starring riohard dlx chap ter 1 of the fighting itanuor comedy oh buster cominb the gold bush with charlie chaplin al gregory son announcing our spring fashion j show to take place in this store on our second floor next wednesday march 24th with promenade of living models we expect that eight mannequins will take part in the style parade a special platform will be crectetl fot the occasion in order to make it easy for all to see to good advantage two performances are planned for one in the after noon at 230 p m and the second in the evening nt 730 p m no sales will be made at either performance the style parade has been planned altogether as an entertaining pre sentation of the fascinating new fashions in millinery ap and accessori for spring you are cordially invited tq be our guests next wednesday afternoon of evening d e macdonald bros ltd daily closing 5 30 p m excepting saturdays at 9 p m and usually wednesdays at 12 30 noon red and white store j w jones proprietor specials for the week march 19th to 25th 79c finest black tea per lb carbolic soap 4 bars for h-p-sauce- st 25c 125c kippered snacks 3 tins for beans lbs 20c 27c a limited supply of- shortcake biscuits tb35c jrw jones red and white store acton ont annual rummage sale the ladies of the united church will hold their annual rummage sale wednesday march 24th afternoon and evening commences at three oclock in the afternoon m i iihpt articles will be oh bale there will also bo ladles and childrens clothing ttomfi unking hnmrnnnd f tea wu be served nfternoon tind evening the success of tlio provlous rum mage salt beennnp afthc low prlcfjanrrtlctes mreteatns assurance that nrnny articles nt low prices may bo had nt tblh orio mus john c nelson prob mrs p ctxvld sec pro tern 1 n r mui it special clearance sale to save damage and expense during moving operations wo are removing our large jiunlnefla in jcwollery watciog txt giocka riflp china unq cut fjlasa vyh itoffern ami ofipimiinity piftt french lyoy pine stationery best v li scoq1 hupplqu toy bowing fuchinp supnllcta nvoramrii lofllh walmpec and wlmflow shaken tp the qeo sopor flrooory brgpralhh w atidll pnuyo twrd tho olid of march and are now offering aaton oltlzona special 20 discpunt on out rogulnr prices como at once and get your flrut cholcec of the eplontluf htlcu to be oold h w hinton hintons temporary jewlieby stobe acton get your job printing at the free press news of local import motor basaos through acton sa lint of motoi uubhch hns been or pnnlzcd to run fiom toronto to bninln ovein6 7 blffhwny thib wll kive tin icople of thin community nn- othei mc ini of tranaportntloii east and west it in leporttd that tlie nev lino will uminoncc optraildns in a felw 1 iys suffered from poiaonod hand air win wat son bnlcu ni been nui tlnp i veiy painful i lirht hand tho p ist week in taklnpr salt from barn i it foitnlsht npo a hllvor inn into tlio middle flngci the injuiy evi dently intioduced infection into tho wound mid tho ienult was it badlv swollen hunil it ih now grailunlly in pi virk n 1 mi v thon jiopen in 1 ftw 1 u bo able to i ciume work passion week services a week of bjiecial seivlcr will be held in tlio united chunh d np the passion week from mai ch 29th to good i rlilay ikv mt zimmerman tho nilnintei a in anting- to liave a nelghboi ing mlnlator each ovenlne and hai ah eaily secured rev dr dickie of gc01 setown rev mr donaldson oc rockwood and rev a v marsh of eden miiih to taito part the pur- pohc of tho weeks aorvlco 1b to proper ly pbneivc panaion week and to nlm at spiritual uplift and bloaalnp in the congregation granite qem from aberdeen a few daya ago mr john nlcol of the acton monument works received from hla friend mr george d mo kon2le of abei deen scotland several witch clinrma mado from the cele brated aberdeen granite ruslniv red and silver gray section of both these wellknown granites are used in tho chnrms tho granite 1b beau tifully polished and mounted with pure silver alex gill son jewel- let m of aberdeen were tho makers of theae hamlsomo trinkets a recipient of them vnluea them highly brother dies in texas tho sad news came to mr ted em- oraon of tho acton tanrdnr company on tuesday morning that his brother mr bruco emerson had died at sin antonio texan the night before mr emeraon has been ill for some time in fact it was owing to his 111- noss tiat ho left iiih homo at buffalo n y and went houth foi a change of climute iiih mother had gone fiom toronto heveial weoka ago anil was with her hon during his laat illness mr cmoraons aoton friends extend slncero symiathy in 1ih bereavement in tho loia of a muchbeovd brother a 3t patnckssocial on monilay evening teal irish spirit was much in evidence at tho young pedploh st patrick social at knox church tho progiammo consisted of vocal solos by mr dllly of gait and miss dorothy cordiner piano num bers by misses l gray and dorothy mcpherson nolllo hnll and jesslo atklnnon selections by tho mixed quai totte composed of mrs a c stowait mrs m h mooro messrs v b rumley and alex mann a reading by miss isabel anderson u chorus by several mostly hlsh lasslea and lad dies a dialogue by misses hazel wal- dlo and annie black a paper on tho origin of st pu nicks day by miss maigiuet grlndcll each numbci wan well rendered tho lunch served at the close was just what overy irish heait could enjoy and ho scottish folk put up with it lovers of goad music the concert by tho mendelssohn choli toronto have always attracted uio pofflo outside tho city as well as those who reside there laat week tho foliowing citizens who enjoy good music attended tho mendedssohn con ceits in masey hall rev and mjp3 r e zimmerman mrs j k gardiner misses bertie spelgh marguerite symon kathleen galbralth mrs min nie e aioore misuses thelma cralk anne mcdonald malmlo masales clara savngo mrs j m mcbonam misses pearl smith vlda rnnahaw mrs murtha armstrontr miss elisa beth graham miss merkt mr jji mccoom1 acloy rnmiihawr-mr- t r brnci son mr grenvhlo masales every member of this urge company of music lovers enjoyed yery fully this rich treat their encqnlums of prniso embrace eauajjy the mendelssohn chofr and tho cincinnati orchestra which accompanied t dpnd on sugar in cgba a lottef rocolved on trlday from mr w r smith manager of tho bank of nova scotia in manzanlllo cuba aays huslnesh conditions remain depressed in cuba due to the contin ued low jirlco of sugar our crop jills jooson will hardly bo ah large as that oflnst year but even nt that we have according to various estimates ap- pioxlmatoly ave million long tonn while an increase of onelmlf cent a pound would not bo greatly feflt by tho people of tho north it would bring piohjioiity and good timet in this re public the people of which depend on nothing else but sugar for an exis tence i take ereat pleasure in en closing my checauo for 6 00 payablo nt par nt acton branch to renew my plan piifjh subscription for two yearg ah you will notice my address la now m illo cuba where was re- 1 1 cemty tnmmferiuul lajinon a new bnmcti foi tin acton hoy who has mado good in the banking business tho son of mr wetllngton smith a st patriokv fraternal vial x on 3ionday evening tlje young peoiill bt tho gcorictowi united chuich paid a fraternal visit to the y6ung people of the acton united church ijeagua the 7 43 rndlnl brought over a hundred leaguers from tho neighboring town and they with tho acton younk people nnea the sunday school room to t ooys miss rennou ho presldeht ok tp afcton league opened ilo meeting wltl a fow words of cordial wplcgme and then miss vunnauei tho qeorifo- town president took ohnrwfl tho pro gramme which wns chiefly musical and with a st patrick h day flavnr oomiirlsfld hoiqi by mrs allot mies wltpon nnd mi dllly piano hoios by mlh8 dickie and a piano duct by miss 1 rampton and mr lhhco tho banjo solos 1v mr carter arid tho kazoo chorus wei e greatly appreciated other interesting numbers were the paper on rt patricks dny and a i ocltation which were ably rendeied by mlsa adams and mrs 1reurr after the programme a social hour wan spcnt and at 1143 the gcqrfte towit pipief ontramou tophoriio the piimfoih of tho young ploiuo hpv m ttnwgtrhttrntw nrtttciae tir goorgotown and rov r b zimmer man b a of acton weio prebcnt nnd enjoyed the evenlngn procoedlngfl qulto ils freely aa the younc people the weeks feature in the legislature provincial treasurer presents his budget arid announces a deficit for 192fr tlio flutuie of the week in the leg islature avaa the budget presented by hon w ii price pi ovlnclul treos- uioi he failed to balanco his budget and ontailo hud for the year a deficit of more tnun 5000 ooo he claimed u nuplus ot about two millions on tho ordinary i evenuo over ordinal y oxpon- dltui o but udmlttod that this was moio than eaten up by tlio payment of intuest on the dobt of tho province air pi ice does not hope to balance hia budget this year and told the houso ho expected a deficit of 1500000 in 1ujc the treasurei proposed a plaua- lblo sclirmo for wiping out tho debt of the pi ovlnce in 40 years but whether it in pi net leal is yet to bo determined befoie be can cut one dollar off tho deb he must balance his budget and havo enough surplus to apply to tho dobt in tho technical manner which ho proposes iho opposition critics havo not yet allspohon and it is probable that when they do the budget and tho debt re- duction hchemo will not bear tho rosy appearance that mr price save- it in hla speech the point is that the bud- got is not yet balanced and ho amount of planning will ever reduce the debt which now stnnds at 319 000 000 until tho exiiendltui o is cut down or the revenue raised there was no new taxation announced but neither was thoro any reduction in the taxation with which tho people of the province arc buiilened except the trifle of tho tax on lop which was more of an inconvenience than a tax ilr price announced that tho gasoline tax and tho auto license foes last year were not bu indent to carry tho cost of tho loads nnd that ouo million dollars ex pended for highways came out of other revenue immediately following tho budget tho public accounts committee was or ganized its main work is an investi gation of tho business of tho lyons euel and supply of which hon james lyons la to minister of lands and borestu is president with govornment dopaitmonts and with government con tractors w e n sinclair liberal leader wanted tho committee to get to work immediately and asked- for a monday night sitting tho conserva tive majority ovcriuled him but every opposition member including liberals piogreahlvo and indopentont supported the liberal leador by tho defeat of air sinclairs motion the inquiry was delayed until wednesday the liberal lender showed much activity and sub mitted motions whereby many wit nesses including mr lyons himself members of tho govornment service and largo contractors will be asked to testify soveral resolutions of a simi lar character came from the progres sive group earlier in the week the debate on the reply to the speech from tho throne and its amendments concluded in ratber a quiet manner instead of tho sparkling- victory which the gov ernment expected the premier had moved an amendment to the amend ment moved by mr ranoy the gov ernment amendment obviously was to prevent conservative members com mitting themselves by a voto on the ilquoi luestlon it simply reaffirmed belief in parliamentary govornment in a vague sort pf way mr tjinolulr removed the mask stating that tho principal contained in thv declaration of pailinmontary government had been sottled years ago and that no one in the house could voto against the gov ernment ho showed that la was just to uppeuao tho varied opinions in the conservative party and unite tho government following for the moment tlio drifting policy of tho conserva tives showed itself in the address of w c chambers welllhstton who admittel that lie had no suggestion to make on the liquor policy llko others ho is lowing it to tho premier who la to decide a policy for the sane peoplo of the province social and personal miss xttlo dills was homo from tor- oiilvi over tho weokond mr hubert scott wuh home kitchener over tho week end mi joe m moore mado the tren paass a nlennunt call ont doctrines op the united church jtjiird ofh tssjl of 8irmoni by ftv- reztmmiunan z mmir-mavi- tho third of the yojfy antoxeatiner scries of sermpns on he dcctrhnaj be liefs of the paslp of union of tho united church was preached by rov r e zimmerman b a last sunday morning it was an eloquent presen tation of artlclo vii and had refer ence to tho character and work of tho lord jesus christ the union church states us bellof in christ as follows we believe in and confess the lord jesus christ tho only mediator be tween god and man who being the eternal son of god for us men and foi our salvation became truly man being conceived of tho holy ghost and born o tho virgin mary yet without sin unto us ho has revealed tho tither by his word and spirit mak ing known tho perfect will of god for our redemption he fulfilled all rlght- oousneaa offered himself a perfect sacrifice on the cross satis fled dlvlno justice and mado propitiation for tho sins of tho whole world he rose tr6m the dead and ascended into heaven where uo over intorceclcb for u o tho henrts of believers r abides for ever 3ifl th s indwelling christ above us and ovef- us all he rules where fore unto him we render love obed w t ton nnd a as our prophet priest and king t n iptural b e th olooo was john l 14 and the vffr wat mado flesh and dwelt arnonsht us and wo bohem his glory tho glory as of tho only begotten of the father full of giaco and truth ilov mr zimmerman laid hpoclnl emphasis upon the virgin birth of chi ist and saiof we bojieve in to birth of jesus ns iccoided in tho wort of gd tboo who plaeo duh upon the virgin blrtft find thornsglyea doubting othtf facta in cnnmoction with he lfr uud work by christ those vho hav pmmed lheir henrts to the lqrrt jesu8 oh lat have hten able to understand through hla influence over tlicti hearts and lives that he is both cod and man we do not under stand the mysteiy of how god in jehus christ became man but wo do know that ho offered hlmscjf as god in man on the cross for oui redemption hq was ifull of graco and trutli this splendid series of sermons is giving tho congregation a very intelli gent and lucid grasp of tho doctrinal basis of the church nnd l revealing to all how compiehonslvi and rational ih the confession of faith and practice in lived nt when the pals it union wiih unij consideration and adoption the titoxt wermon of tho series to bo given next sunday morning is tho way of salvation as embraced in tho d e tuacuuyoluj vl aeiaitlr iyumihasa sale at tle united church noxt wednesday afternoon nnd eveninr 24th inst mr tcrcy brown i etuined to his homo at brandon map on friday miss llarguorito symon spent a fe days last week with toronto friends mrs r a mclean of chesley visit ed nttio parental homo over sunday miss ldna henderson of toronto university was hqmo over tho week end mr ft j kerr spent tho weekend with rev j w nnd mrs mccleod of toronto mr august anderson who was very 111 for a couple of weeks la able to be about again miss jessie russell spent a few days last week with her brothel mr s s rushoii oakvllle miss margaret macdonald of tor onto university was homo from fri day till mtonday mi s cordiner who was confined to tho house for several weeks ts able to be nt0trt again mr thomas rumley has been con fined to hla residence for a few days but is now improving mr norman mcgregor of paialoy visited his aunt mrs william taylor brock ave on monday mr john lelbhman went to st jos ephs hospitaq quel ph last week for treatment for varicose veins miss alberta bi own of aberfoyle spent a few days during the week with friends in the old home rev nnd mrs r e zimmerman and children spent a couple of days inst weckwuh relatives in toronto mr j e k cutts has returned to holland farm from the general hos pital gtielph after a successful oper ation mr and mrs j c rusael george town vialted nt tho home of mr and mrs prod goopci queen street on monday mrs annie somervlllo was home from toronto over sundny visiting her parents mr and mrs j hnrvoy lake avcaue mr iferrls scoutmaster of acton troop has been very 111 and threaten ed with pnoumoniathe nast week but is now recovering mr mild mrs j munroe kirkland lake mlis margaret cralne and miss ruby clark spent the weekend with mr andt mrs w j gould miss norah kenney superintendent of biamjiton memorial hospital visit ed her father and mothor mr and mrs w r kennoy chufoli street on tuesday mr h p moore wns at toronto yesterday attending tho executive meothik of tjic genoiat board of ev- angollflni and social service of the united church mi and mrs donald mcgregor of guclph nt tended the at home of the i o o p on friday evening and spent tho weekend with mrs duncan mc gregor young street miss thelma craig principal of the high school was taken 111 on tues day and threatened with appendicitis she is resting a fow days in the hopo of recovering without an operation mis uccmulan of saskatchewan who has beon visiting her father mr james scott since december expects to return homo nbout easter sho has met many friends during hr vllt and hopes to see others hetoro her reurn auditors report received by council various items are discussed and dealt with at tuesdays council session tlio regular session of the council on tuesday evening had nil tho coun cil present and reeve mason presiding mr alex skatch requested that tho council reimburse him foi rent of his house ocou plod by mi s taylor ho had not i ecelved any rent for four months a communication was re ceived from di anderson m p re lative to this case and tho cleik was instructed to follow out his sugges tions the clerk was instructed to write tlio daughters of the empho asking them to meet the council to discuss charity matteis tho plnance committee in their sixth ifeport recommended payment or tho following accounts general account finnic scrivcn shovelling snow 10 00 r m mcdonald 4nsuranco on fire truck acton free proms printing bell telephone co services w d talbot stove for town hall j b mackenzie supplies d a henderson supplies for streets and walks guelph general hospital re anderson case guelph general hospital sagaakt case r 8 80 8 3g 0 15 22 2b 11 97 24 57 25 50 147 00 view zealand boys idea of great men rranio jftutcriinadiiub4ycmftyxr bn ukly w ghoost when the new zealand school hoys were asked recently to voto on the most important man now alive they began hy choosing king george and the prince of wales that was an understandable expression at their ex cellent lirltlsh patriotism but who do you think stood next on tho list not premier baldwin or marshall foch nor lloyd george nor general alien- by not prime mlnlator mackenzie king nor president coolldge nor any other sroat public character it wai henry ford when we con sider how the present ago values me chanical progress business organiza tion and confmerclal success the cholco was not a very unnatural one of a civilization so much more mobile than any earlier one mr fcr ia mr doubtedly an exceuen roprcapnahyv it ih o be feared i choice by cariadlnn school bays ould likely go to some champion hackey or baseball player perhaps not the provincial budget for 1926 t b to t u the following summary gives the principal items referred to in the bud get for 1921 by provincial treiyiurijq prlco lflat thursday abandonment of luxuiy iyc ou vv- bonated drinks estimated cu of 11 500000 for the improved methods of ti eating ac- opunts lnterxirt ecaun aeparatcd nhjm rev enue and expenditure sixty be von audits conducted during che yor bring substantial savings revenue and expenditure accounts shown f2200 000 surplus eleven million six hundred thous and dollars improvement in revenue over lflls striking improvement in public fi nances tiavlrifcs office nnd agricultural de velopment board reserve fund firmly established provincial roads have cost 05 oflq 000 fltneo 11g gns la and lppno rovfnmo fill short t ix for roada borrowing bill including refunding ih 940000000 supplementary cstimatos total 1 951 5d4 during 1026 province borrowed at tho lowest rate in history 4 poi provincial sinking fund to bo lavnohiel 1p 1037 likelihood of a balanced provincial budget la two years 2g4 59 waterworks account bell telephone co services 4 31 tho report was adopted the clerk was natructcd to write mr grlffen district manager of the bell telephone co requesting that he meet a joint meeting of tbe council and chambei of commerce at once to discuss telephone mooters in and about acton i tho account sent in by mr h w- hlnton for damage to the waterworks pipes on his properties through freez ing was refused payment of by the council the council has adopted an order form for all gopds ordered by tho council or officials and a written ordei must be supplied for goods purchased and signed by a town official tlio auditors report was received from the rutherford williamson co it deal t in considerable detail and showed all tax arrears back to 1922 and gavo a number of recommenda tions the council decided to hold a special meeting on friday evening be fore passing on it proceedings in tho matter of the sojo of the lot belonging to helon gordon on chuich street for arrears in tnxeflwtrelertin tbohanaaof clerk farmer to arrange tho agreement with tho canadian national railways for supplying them with water came up for discussion new arrangements must bo mado and tttfll bo pettled at tho special meeting on ti idiiy evening our locals tie george town acton holds the georgetown team to a 56 tie t toofc thiee cars on tho canadian national electric railway to hold tho acton hockey team and its enthusias tic supporters last thursday evening when they went to georgetown for yie second game of tho lntertown scries between acton and georgetown tho acton team won the first game of th series by a 42 score two weeks ago acton was strengthened for this fix ture by ken cane a star of this yeais intermediate o h a series george town had four mon of considerable ability to help them duncan of georgetown was the referee tho flrut period was fast somo real good hookey being displayed acton had most of the play in the first perlol and was unlucky n to fft a goal when currlo wontt through aja alone in atew minutes howover nell gib bons put the acton aggregation on the score shoot when he beat core the georgetown net guardian from close in george evened it u when calocajuddawnaiia acorca acqattoa ti h wt7niir winter and its continued dopth a pretty solo effort acton wore one up tin the period and game when cane scored a fw minutes before the period onded first period result george town 1 acton 2 tho acton squad opened tho scoring in then second stnnsa when nt gibbons scored his second troal of tho game it was a shot from right wing when he took a perfect pass from reld pln in this period was fast and george- town scored two goals evening up the count the home team looked the best in this period although acton worked hard ireland pjayed a nice game in this period stopping many shots that wero labelled far counters second period rewhi georgetown 3 acton 3 jn th third period acton broke tho tie wjhen cane drovo the rubber by core for his second goal of tho game ireland got a nasty cut over his eye from a hockey stick and play was stopped wnllo he wns patched up when play resumed georgetown even ed the score again at four all nnd a few minutes later wont ahead when ireland failed to clear in time and colo golfed in a rebound things looked black or acton and the fans begged for just ono more with only a few atlepitfnitvjqf juyl3riqujpjfjups necondn to go gibbons notched h third goal and tiod tho cpjunfr again iwttwarthttf goal by wornjiy ihfing the roaf with their eheers nna1 score qeorge4ftwn 6 acton 5 it would be hard to pick out stars of tho game tho aeton team all went well capo and reld appeared bpat to somo fans while others give aiot7 of credit to iceland for his splendid performance gibbons lead tho goal aeorertt while the dofenare pair kont- ner and currie also went well f gibbons woh the sub and he did not weaken tho team any when he wai van were bent acton now leads on the round by a scoro of 87 a third game will likely bo played soon witty wisdom if you cant laugh just now smllo until you can had hick is often merely a pollto name for bad judgment orurnbllng at your lot only helps to mnke it a lot worse the bent way to acquire a host of frlcndn is to be a host yourhedf home people are so- moan that tho only thing they ever give is offence the greatest secret or popularity in to keep yotp troubles to yorsolf if we sawk ourselves aa other- ee us wo might refuse to bet v -war- own eyes tho aid uttl the mouth roveala the 9 h kcp r news of local import died at 104 years wiitoi loo countys old resident mrs mailanna sobiseb died on fi iduy morning at het homo in waterloo at the ago of 104 yours months and 13 days mis boblsch was bom in goi- many and came to canada 59 years ago orango chapter meets in guolph at tho concluding session of the gtand oi inge ch ipter of ontario west in xiondon last week guolph was chotttn us tho place of meeting for that body next yeai rov mr lawionco was re elected grand master aspirin revives wilted flowers nurses at tho cambridge city hos pital have a simple treatment for xe- vlvlng wilting floweru when tho pet als begin to droop an aspirin tablot is ei ushed and dropped into tho vase within an horn or two tho bouquet is as good as now v social evening and presentation tho teachers and officers of knox church sunday school were entertain ed at tho ilahao on tuesday evening lu honor of miss maijorle wat d i aw who is leuving shortly for toronto miss wardlaw was presented with an onyx and pearl ring by her fellow-of- ficoro freeltbn fall fair discontinued after arx existence of thirtyeight years freelton fall fair is to bo no more tills action was decided on at the annual meotlng of tho weat flam- boro agricultural society as it was feltthat tho canrying on of the strug gle in tho hopes of tho fair becoming a greater success was too discourag ing dundas star ho must not go brampton bund is alter colling- woods wellknown leader mr s g chamberlain thoy have mado him a very tempting offer and one which it is doubtful if in his own interest ho bhould turn down collincwood would suffer a great lossshould he decide to accept the hope is that arrangements may bo made whereby lie will bo re tained colllngwood bulletin introducing pneumeuio tools tho increasing ordora received by acton monument works has necessi tated trio installation of power ma- chineiy and pneumatic tools mr j nlcol tho proprietor hus secured a compressed air outfit with chisels and hammers and an electric motor with this additional equipment he will bo in a position to fill oiders much moro rapidly thanhoretofore r halton game protection association splendid reports of tho success of tho introduction of pheasants into halton county were mado at an en thusiastic meeting of the halton game piotection association at milton on saturday about 40 applications wero i ecelved foi pheasant egg settings for tho coming season evidence was given that the pheasants from iiist yoar had wintered well better drainage needed as soon uu upi ing opens tho streets and walka committee will bo doing a godd turn foi main strcot south pc- destilans by putting in a more ef fective drain connection from tho ani mals fountain thci o to the street drain the fountain has done splendid service all winter but just now its overflow renders tho sldewajk almost impassibro for a dozen feet or more lamp explodes causing serious burns while descending the stairs in hlti homo in trafalgar township last thursday night a lamp whilo lit fell from j w browns hands and ex ploded covering tho floor with oil which ignited and sot fire to the house by hard work the flames wero extin guished beforo much damage was done but aftv brown was badly burned about the hands foot and lower part of his body the fall wheat should b a good crop is the best thing possible for full wheat crops according to a weil- known paisley blook farmer the wheat is protected against frost by the heavy blanket of snow which gives every indication of remaining in tho swamps to tho north the snow is hoavlcr now than for many years past and it is feared that unless rains or occasional thaws dispose of part of it at leant the speed river will go on a very serious rampage in tho spring mercury- entarpnsing advertising in england business people on this side of tho atlantic may fancy that in advertis ing enterprise thoy beat tho world but an english firm makes tho record in a recent number of the london times on ono pago la tho telegraphic announcement of tho birth of an heir to a european throne on another is a displayed advertisement which bo- glns with an expression of every brit ons joy at tho news and then goes on to say a good beginning has bocn mado the royal infant s daily rides are to bo takon in a a baby car- rlago comfort is therefore as- sured andtmtis4njyo thccssen mont of hoalth and king life there ore ru better cars and carriages than thoso bearing tho numo of why do you not come to church some peoplo say i admiro and lovo tehus christ i looktup to tufl teach ing i desire to imitate ipia noblo life but i havo no respect fop the church no use for the preachers and i so a no good x going to church it sounds plausible but it in not logical a person desires to imitate the lit o nf with going to church where christs followei s congregate jesus christ went sabbath by sabbath as ills custom wns he wont into tho syna gogue on tho sabbath day but tho preachers cannot speak well ot thoy talk too long but i do not got a wium welcome jesus was expelled by fotce fiom a jewish church but he oontlnucd to go there but the peopde who go to church at o hypo crites jesim called tho jowlnli temple a den of thlnvcs but ho woishljijied thero juht tho same if you denlre to follow jcsus you must como lo churcn and prove your al- loglanc to him by worshipping him there in our churches in town you are sure of a hearty wolcomo from prtachcrs and people wo aro sinnurs -like- yon trying to- live rsp -toan- hleaj do our comrades in tho battle the eyeft uyy b the windows of our fellow pilgrims in the march to- wauls tho hoavonly city church como to

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