Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 11, 1926, p. 6

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f j lwf blrthi marruoes and deaths aro no charged cor at the following rates jurthi c marriages 50 deaths 50c mccftoihl 50c 10c per line extra for poems caido v died taskbr in trafaleur township on sunday march 7 1920 richard tanker in hla7gtli year mccann at her lato residence ouu tic on friday march 5 1926 eldla johanna mccunn relict of tho lato patrick mccann jko berts on on satyrday jlorch g 192g at his late residence edon mil la archibald robert aon belovod husband of rnchabl sunloyv brown at the reaidenco church street- acton on friday march 6 1926 miity ann helae widow of the lato john brown in iwr sixtyeighth year z in memoriam whitley in fond and loving mem ory of our dear mother beloved wife iot daniel whitley who departed this life to bo with jesus march 16 1921 what would i elvo to clasp her hand jllec dear sweet face to aoo to hear her voice to see her smile that meant bo much to me 2jot dead to thoso who loved her ifot lost ibut gone before h she lives with us in memory still and will forover more huband son daughters h artmt 3frgfcggfl thursday march 111926 brief local items tho fiusn press belle vea in ad- vertlsing and profits from its own ads march got in a spell of ero weather during the woelt just to keep up its record the hydro power was off for re pairs on tho line forover throe hours 011 sunday afternoon the highway between acton ond guelph has not been open for motor vehicles for- three weeks it was mr grlrtn sprowl who purchased tho home of mr e s rice on willow street last week have you examined the fbeb piueas bread and cake knife it cuts like wildlire come in and ae it wo are not likely to complain when the newspaper publishes good mows about us without consulting us good morning have you renewed your fnsa pkbss subacrlptln if not please use the blank and envelope for warded neighborhood news- totfn aud country erin tjio vestry of baton memorial church toronto was tho scene of a very pretty woddfccp on fwflay whon qwendylone tshzath the youngest daujrhter of tho lato john t and mrs knox of owon sound became tho bride of mr albert mcmillan of hon trco1 son of mr charles j and tho lato mrs mcmillan of hillsbutfgtho rov trovor davles performed the ceremony tho bride who was unat tended wore a pretty frock of belgo french crepe ronaalne with hat and shoes to matdi immediately follow ing- the ceremony the happy couplo left for new york washington antt atlantic city and on their return will ruule in montreal eramosa tho funeral of tho lato james wil son whose death- occurred on sunday took placo on thursday afternoon at 230 oclock from his lato residence guelph to johnsons cemetery era- naosa a servlco being held at tho house at two oclock by rev george atkin son the service at tho cemotery was conducted oy rev g r little of rock wood the beautiful floral trjb- urtesr were a testimony to the esteem and respect in which tho deceased was held in the community- rev j j wilson b a a son principal of the cheafoy high scriool was in attend dance at the funeral the pall bear ors were colmutrle e evolelgh t weatherston oqd- throe sons john matthew and janiea leslies tschool the hardware stores are now get ting orders like this 10d spiles 100 sno buckets 10 heavy galvanised sap containers etc etc inspector stewart reports that there are now 11 boys and 6 girls in tho gordon heme of tie children aid society at milton halton spring assises will open on monday march 29th at the court souse milton before ills xardshlp cjiief justice meredith no more of it mr march if you pjase youve bad youre flirting spell wlthmlas zero and its now time for ff61iryourteeiingk the man who will complain that a twentyminute sermon la too long will sit half a day watohlnsja couple of checker players makdntr two moves bev a c stewart ma went to rockcwood on friday evening to con- duot tho frecommunion service for tbb presbyterian congregation there the ladles of the united church will hold their annual rummage sole and sale of sewing hornet baking etc on wednesday afternoon and evening march 24 another six inches of snow fell on saturday night and sunday morning there should be an abundance of moisture in tho earth when the spring thawis over the editor of the bruce herald and times published at woikerton flsures that in 25 years of newspaper work he has written the obituaries of at least 5000 people tho season for muslcrat trapping opened on monday arid local trappers have already staked out their claims tjie season closes on april 2 1st and the license fee is 500 a reader who enjoys the old mans reminiscences and the xwenty years ago column says who little care for bygone ways will little do for future days r the trees were topped the sap flowed down the wood- the kettles boiled we kept the nro ag1owana au the school report for 3 b no 8 erin for february is as follows sr- iv toyla fcreotellilda cripps viola allan kathleen mckoown hec tor afcarthur jr tv josenh for os tell julu mc- cutcheon thyra stone calvin altken willie johnston gordon leslie sr in bessie foresteu annlo aitken tommy coele mary mccoig sr ii evelyn tearen lois fores- tell lloyd mckcown james mccalg eveline lambert tf sr i orvai stone john forestell robbie allan marjorir mcctnl prime rr marlon leslie jean mann jean burt lawsor mccutcneon elsie maude marlon mcdonald m mcdonald teacher oakville okreed that nothing tastes btnrooot as maple candy cooled on moonlit snow a- e colgan son nave pur chased the markdale standard which hslfl been conducted the past year by colgan mclntyre this father and son arrangement should be a congen ial one does our horticultural society need a- little more pep just how tho usual enterprising canvass for members at this period before spring doea not seom to have materialised as yet v a course on gasoline engines will bvveld in acton on the 18th 18th and 20th of march- this course is under the auspices of the department of agriculture and will be directed by mrr r iteming owlng to trouble wltn the ooller flues the service in the united cfiprch an sunday morning was withdrawn tho dlfticulty was overcome boweyer arid the sunday school and evenlftg service were held as usual the wal were no itpl eared of snow vbtywll on sunday morning jn wme for the comfort of church ff th d on w ittas marlorto acheson who was forced to give up her duties in the central school at christmas ttmo on account of illness resumed her work on monday morning the offices of the water and ught comnalssfon are undergoing needed interior decorating this week building permits have been issued recently to a s ofbrstor sydney evans and fred eaubnoy for minor construction charles w mcneiliy lakeshoro west is convalescing from- a serious illness his daughter mrs frank bowman of minneapolis is visiting at the parental home an organtxed chicken raid on mon- day nigh pe jts- o over elfirhty fowl collected from too roosts of mcessrs king fleming ond bater brthers-f-trafalfffr- township the rotary club was addressed by c w f blackhain on monday night mr blacknain gave an intorestlng ad dress on fire insurance dealing with its classifications and a comprehen- enve study of the canadian under writers association after an anthracite famine extend im over the past six months the first puppfcy of black dlsunonds have made their appearance in oakyillo this week the supply is ijmlted as yet and is eagerly betas taken up by pur- chasetrs tho stock of the austin drug store is being moved into tho nowlyacoulr ed property on the corner of dunn and col born o street bdr austin has hod the entire interior renovated and has made soveraj notabio lmprpvements to the etaro- 1 the annual moetins xor the election of ottlcerb of st johns xjnltod church sunday school was held in the board room lusk hall wednesday night whtcn the following offlccrs were elect ed superintendent r f sanderson assistant superintendent mr harry ryrle treasurer mrs i m wright orr librarian mlae m buckle supt home dbpartmont mrs w drowry supt cradlo roll miss fairfield missionary secretory thos nesbitt temperance secretary j h turner musical director mrs- harry ryrie the present staff of teachers was re appointed itccord k news of local import nelson council after chicken thieves on account rf poultry and ajher thloveu operawrifjl in nelson th6 xownslijp council passed the follow ing resolution at its mooting last monday that thin council pluco it self on record lasoffering a rowaid o s5000 for the apprehension and con- vlctlonof the thlevea operating within tho townahip where the extent of tho loss justifies each rcward won tho carter medal for 1026 mr h j moore of islington leer turer and writer or the ontario horti cultural society has been awarded the carter medal for 132q by tho canadian horticultural council mr moore la tho fourth horticulturist- to receive the medal which is awarded for outstaud ing accomplishments for tho jidvance ment of horltculture in canada mr moores splendid illubtrated lecture at a meeting of acton horticultural so cioty last spring is remembered with nauch interest lawville and kilbride to have hydro powtf- negotiations sdir 4he introduction of hydro light and power in the kilbride and lowvillo district havo been sue cessful and construction of the power lino will bo commenced as soon as possible the congregation of the lowviu6 united church has decided to install the hydro lighting and will alsouave tho parsonage wired for the same purpose i numbers of farmers of tho community will have electric wiring installed v the value of a good life epitaphs was tho subject of rev rt e zlmmerdians dtscourso at the itnlted church on sunday evening tho value of a good lite was strongly set forth the bible records that when a good king or a ereat man died all the peoplo mourned the older people were exhorted to live helpful godly lives and exercise proper discipline over their- children and the young were strongly urged to live lives of trust and usefulness a when they passed away thoy would bo mourned by all and their gooadeeda be emu lated and blessmgs- follow to many thje praise section of the service was rendered more than usually helpful and attractive ijy thopresenco ofthe sandtay school orchestra i whose splendid music supplemented thatof the church chbir ashgrove a play entitled iaunt susans visit will be given in tho sunday scliool room of the ashgrovo utilted cbiurch oh friday evening march 12 this promises to ho an entertainment of realmerll collectiohs- we liuitfltq collectlona only u vcura exiierlcnco apeuku for itself uhsurlng olllciency undto llu1llity kelly aiken collectorg orangeville and- owen sound kef standard bank of canada stif po pjuids o pbda ui bi pun tfn7at jood ut c otobmiabs aniwsxnv3 kvw sirt tv- v this man smiles jjbocauao he haa had his health rstored by taking epinal ad justments rnoir nielsen the chiropractor 15th yerof practico service 8tricht chiropractic i xry no urocsto meter j now tho most complete and up-to- date office chlropractlcally in ontario lady attendant office hours at georgetown wednesday and saturday 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p in and by appoint ment phone 150w return fare paid via radial to georgetown jn acton monday and thursday worth their salt io all tho womon of your intelloc- tuav advanddment or jjanlzatlon jnako aiioqchoa oh no tliomoio uhoful oiiqh muko ten aud aandwlclioa tlo christian itotjlater clearing auction sale in bsqubsino towistship of farm 8tock implements household furniture hay and grain clearing auction sale farm stock and implements short horns yorkshires oxfords seed grain and certified potatoes limehouse gsktr- douglas qowdy was homo from toronto for the weekend the congregation of tho united church is more and more pleased with the decoration and rcflnlshlng of their chtirch as they meet from sunday to strnday the place never looked so homelike or so much like a sacred edi flee m dubuim rockwood m wv my- either too religious too weary pr too laey to perform this deslrablo work homes with gardens ojid beautiful lawns well kept boulovards and parks are great assets of our town to en- courasge these is tbwdrk of tlctilture society encourage it by be coming a number and a boos if of it for i28 when you ore twenty- on or two it will be time enough for you to moke if you decide to then lut it will only hurt you when youre young its true i am not joking youths spoil their -iiealtlf- amd strength by smoking wt0- asfe hk kgest mw bki 1- sfei s iv wtien homebody la trying to get you to invest your money in far off nelda it never does any harm to re member that if it was not for a plcntl- ful uupply of suckers the sharks would have to change their dtet shelbourno economist would you think it spring haa omt6wintef poldhls passage home packed his tcebqx gone half way tothe artie ojthiy- say i but x know tho old rufllan still aulka about from hill to hill where hli freezing footprint cling thopgh us bgvrlng ji feature of the old tyirio village quartette concert loot week which d- mod materially je tljecxoenonce of rhq ppogramme wasthe u given by tho flttnohv school oreheslra this flhe organliuilcreli at t 4jrt and ihe lnrgts audlehve njoyed the music tttjjr rev a c stewart of acton had charge of the preparatory services last friday evening in tho presbyterian church and despite the frosty weather quite a number were present rev mr mclean of toronto who was here a week ago conducted tho ser vices on sunday and had charge of the sacrament of tho lords supper which was well attended miss jean torrance of slmcoe was home for the weekend and returned sunday morning also johnston hew- at who remained over sunday ana returned monday now that winter is nearly over our rockwood people who havo been obliged to remain in their temporary homes will he able to corned and go occasionally for a weekend or longer period of time te weatherman la very generous with the snow as wo have an abun dance xl it just now the frosty nights of last week were a- little bit unusual for the first week of the month tho young peoplo of tho presby terian congregation hod a social at the homo of mr and mxs wm swanston on tuesday evening thft rubber goods manufacturing plant 6fv t smith company was the following is tho report of dub- hn school rfor3iebraary jr tv- howard webster jr hi walter pryer lawrenco webster wumer fryer wilfreu wal- dle stowart ruddich rachel kelley henry kelly jr u hazel iwaldle annie black sigrna webster jr i beatrice kolly viola robcrt- don martha orr teacher lorne school hjorno school roportfor fcfbruary is as follows sr iv lcello swaclchamer qcorge graff iaeona waller jr xv verna 2kiurxoy chrisalc swackhomctr tcddi harrop sr lit harry murray brandon crewson thelma graff and ruby murray equal jr ix i-btta- swnckhamor grace graff m erlmer dora denney elwood johnston beatrice graff isabel a nderspn teacher churchill owing to continued ill health- mr clinton swackhamer is retiring from farming he will hold a clearing sale of his fine purebred ca-ttle- and other stock and chattels on tuesday march 16tli his brother mcr arthur swack- h arx or of tho t llno haa leased the tho undorslgnod has- received in structions from mrs charlotte jmodonald to soil ijy public auction at lot 32 2nd line ksnueslng mllo west of acton- on thursday march 25th at one oclock sharp the following houses 1 bay maro 14 years 00 d in all liarntflo 1 lmyjiioro 14 years general purpose 1 black horse 14 years 1 grey goldlne yearling cattle joraoy cow duo march 28 brlndlo cow duo march 30 roan hoiror- duo july 3 red cow duo july 12 milking well black cow duo july 17 milking well rod heifer due july 23 black heifer duo aug 11 black heifer 2 years 4 yearling calves 1 red cow duo timo of halo pigm3 2 brood bowa 10 pigs ton weeks old poultry 2 goose 1 gander 45 barredrock hens 2 roosters implements 1 massoyharrls hinder 7 ft cut deerlng mower gv6 xt cut deerlng hay rack 10 ft masseyharris cultivator 13 tooth auasfleyharrls seed drill uhoo bain wgon with- box and spring eeat floury plough no 21 stone boat atdck rack wbod rack wagon hox yheelharrow set of t3ob-blolghs- cut- terj buggy ford touring car cleve land bicycle croaacut saw melotto separator nearly now meal box with lid stoel swill barrol steel hog trough wooden hog trough 8 grnln bfigs hay fork forks shovels hoes doubletrees and neckyokes etc harness set or heavy harness tvltli breeohlngs set of single harness 3 horse collars sot of chimes horso blanket currycombs and brushes grairtr 2 ton of timothy hay 75 bushels of oats 75 bushels of barloy 50 bushels of mixed grrdln shetland pony 1 shetland pony buggy cutter harness and blanket if not prvioxusly sold household effects daisy churn no 3 buttor jsowl ladio and print dairy palls moffat rango box stove parlor coal heater with ovon qii stove two burners with oven 2 1 farmers implement shop completo list of all ncceasary lvr triers goods- koop sharp lookout for this space kindly cxumlno theso goods ho- toro buyliik olsewhcre highest equality and value government scaled fertilizers poultry and hog feeds barn and utablo oquipmctit water sysioms roofing for all kinds of bulldlwjs now steel barns farm and poultry fences bring in youi repair list early prompt and courtoous servlco satisfied custo mers shop and residence mill st west acton phono 100 r 3 j w barberree clearing auction sale in acton farm stock lmpiementahjuiehold furniture grainond roots set of single harness somo odd bar- wooden beds with springs nhd mat nss pair of horso blankets old homestead and he and his sons wi wror rhisplaoe with their own mr marys spent a week with his uncle and aunt mr- and mrs albert smith mr and mrs cornell received the sad news on saturday ot tho death of their llttlo grandson thiee years old who was with his mother mrs reed of saskatchewan on a prolonged viflt here last summer tho dear little fel low had heen operated on for append oltls and failed to rally mr everett denny of the fourth line has been in the hospital at guelph the past week for an operation for some trouble in the nose 26 days tour to alaska destroyed by nro l btatur w nflynnf 1 genus n mum cost tho tour embraces jasper kig yuuruien employees narrowly es- capeci being strapped ixv the burning building the are originated in a store onslio ground floor and em- ployoejs who were at work there barely had time to warn the girls at work on tlje eacohd floor who raced downstairfl and almost through walxfflama to reach the door a few minutes after the firo started the stono struc- lj te oq feoktr gjj huliduig yafi enveloped fn yrmesfed hynflanunable liquids- and rubber used ln the- manufacture of blowout patches and wuto accesssar- les produced by the firm which the voluuiteer fire hrigade were unable to check mr smith is making propara once alaska was identhled with the gold seeker today it is as closely llnlced with tourht trajnc for men have found that there is more sheer gold in one alaskan sunset than evpr canno out of the rock bound mines it is a land of strangle contradictions and neverending surprises it is the desire of ovory tourist to visit this enchanted country the land of tho mldnlgrht suria thd xerrbryspri tour vb fh oan- adlan natlonnl rallyvays bfferfl qv the desired opportunity under mont- tho undersigned have beon tnstruct- ed by c b swackhamer to noil by public auction at his farm lot 32 third line esqueslng 1 mlloa north of acton on tuesday march 16 at 1230 oclock sharp the following xjoitses bay i maro 5 years agri cultural by baron creighton bay more 6 years agricultural fcy baron creighton- brown mnre 8 years heavy draft by baron gartley bay horse 12 years heavy draft by sir walter brovpn mare 12 years carriage spring colt eot by do wilton shorthorns the herd slro burning sun 159523 jilt 20th imp 1c7141 hc at- foot mary anno of xanacaster egth 162945 snrlne qrovo doroth 175388 lady dorothy33rcl 198545 jilt 30th 172263 mary anno of lan caster 59th 192039 jilt 31st 206440 lady dorothy 44th 206 41 jilt 52nd 212578- mary anne of lancaster 60th 212577 lady dorothy 45th 212576 vanity gem 172532 collynle lady 3 young bulls- red cow fresh 4 weeks red and white cow duo tlmoof sale j or soy cow due in april part jersey cow duo april 30 rod cow milking 3 moai roan cow milking 4 months red heifer due april 2 red h elf or djjo april so red heifer 2 years brodi fat- cow heifer 1 year 8 steers 1 year colyca yorkshires fairmount loss 30 103075 with 11 pigs this is prizewinning sow pairmount loss 39th 110738 with 9 pigs 2 sows duo march 20 3 sow due april 10 4 sows due in may s young sows bred herd sire 10 months bred by j k peatherston 12 chunks about 90 lbs oxfords 10 choice reg ewes and the flock sirop 7 ewe lambs fowl 15 barred rock hens and 2 cockerels orajn and potatoes 300 bus banner oats grado ino 1 go bus o a c barley 5 bus no 144 oats 40 bogs irish cobbler potatoes certified 200 bags dooley potatoes certified implements masseyhorrls binder ft frost wood corn binder docrlnk mower 6 ft mnsbeyharrls rake 10 tft cockshutt mnnuro spread er manhcyharrlu seed drill 13 disc peter hamilton cultivator 17 tooth blase 1 disc 141g cockshutt corn cul tivator 2 row cockshutt rldinglow ne s f c harrowr 16 ft harrow 10 ft neury plow no oii trese wash stand 3 couches bureaut boll organ six octavo 4 small tnbles 3 rockers aladdin lamp hang ing lamp 3 other- lamps 7 curtain poles with rackets toilet set 2 bug- bry spreads stoveha 22 rifle othor articles too numerous to mention positively no reserve as thevfarm is sold termsjiooo and under cash ovor that amount 10 months credit on approved joint notea 5 oft for canti hay grain and fowl cash r j kerr auctioneer co plank clerk phpne 36 acton the underalgnod- has received ln- atructlons from j hwardlaw to soli by public auction at mb farm adjoining- acton on saturday march 20 nt one oclock tho following horsbs bay marc 10 years weighs about 14 00 ton aged mare cattlejersoy cow duo to fresh en last of miiy red cow milking well and bred in january fat heifer fat calf six months old poultry 60 plymouth rock hens and pullets bred 4o lay implbmbnts1 cadillac touring car deerlng binder 6 ft with trucks frost woad mower 5ft cut low truck wagon wido tire with box and stock- rack hay rake land roller tusror hay rake wido one deerlng combined seed drill 2 sqed drills fan ning mill chatham mako top buggy cutter set of iron harrows 4 sections riding plow single pleury plow no 21 2 furrow walking plow manuro apreader turnip sower root scuff ler wheel barrow root sllcer some fence wire somo large barrels 20 berry crates one and a half dozen- grain bags cultivator with thistle cutters doubletrees neckyokes foika hoes chains devices shovels etc qrain and roots 250 bushels of buckwheat 150 bushels of oats 20 bags of cobblers potatoes suitable for seed 6 bags creen mountain pota toes 100 bushels of turnips somo ap ples harness set of team harness household effects 2 iron beds 1 bedroom suite 1 settee 1 buftot 4 kitchen chairs 1 kitchen cupboard coal oil stove steel range moffat warmlngt closet water front nlcklo finish washing machine re frigerator pictures couch stono churn lawn mower wido one etc terms 1000 and under cash over that amount 10 months credit on approved joint notes 5 off for cash grain roots pat cattle fowl and furniture cash rj rerr auctioneer c o plank clerk phone 36 acton s specials at mclean co all wool poiret twill dress goodsjilblack and navy 50 in wide good value atthc regular qfi price 250 yard special this week at pljv black crepe de chene 40 inches wide reg oft price 225 special for diou menis merino shirts and drawers spring weight t penmans make special at 100 and 125 menis merino shirts and drawers medium weight regularpricq 100 special for 80c mens combinations long sleeves ankle d jo length regular price 185 special this week tp 1 tio mens silk and wool socks in checks special tc pervpair ioz mens work socks gray special o pr for d aa at 35cper pair or j plvv new ginghams at new curtains materials at r- 2c and 5c yd 3c 40c 50c and 60c new 4 yard wtoe unoleuws floor oil cloths in 1 yard and 2 yards wide 15 dozen girls school hose in sand shade reg 0- 35c all sizes in stock special at per pair adc mclean co mill street acton ont store closed wednesday afternoon er pleury turnip drill adams wagon 2 in tire with box nnd seat wagon 3 in tire bain sleighs top bufry cutter hand cutting- box sot wagon scales- 2000 lbs churn democrat hayrack turnip box travel boxj stoneboat stock rqck plg crate was on tongues grlndstonef sraln dfjys forks shovels hoes neckyokos whlftjptrees and otlier articles mel otto cream eepnrator pandora rango large size- ilarnes3 sot trass mounted hai ness new set brass mounted harnetiff complete sot plow harness set driv ing harness now sot driving harness complete blankets robo etc no reserve as the proprietor is giving ip farming terms all slims- ot 1000 anil under hush over that amount ten months credit on approved joint notes 5 discount for pash hay grain potatoes and fowl ctufh for catalofirucs apply tft c b swackhamer r r no 2 acton r j kerr robt amos auctioneers o o punk clerk 368 annual rummage sale thelacie8oftheunitedchubchwili hold their- annual rummage sale wednesday march 24th afternoon and evening many useful used articles will be on sale- thero will also bo ladies nnd childrens clothing homo baking homemade candies tea will bo served afternoon and evening tho success of the previous rum mage shioh because of tho lowpriced articles offered is assurance that many articles at low prices may bo had at this one mrs john c helspn pfea- mcbs f cubavb scic- pro tern geod41eaat righfrice these winter days are the ones when those good roasts and fine soups taste the best and when you want the choicest cuts of meat the ftegt place in agton to go is pattersons primp poast5 pp beef choice cuts of pqrr select pieces of veal fine roasts of lamb bacon and cured meats good homemade sausage infaet there i hardly a cut of meat that you could desire that you will not find at our counters bought right kept right cut right and sold right the meats you buy at pattersons are the best thot you con procure our cut price sale ends next monday w j- patterson corner mill arh mads streets acton ont special clearance sale 1 to save damage and expense daring moving operations l we aro removing pur large business in jewellery watches and clocks fine cblna und cut glass wm rogers and community plate french ivory kino stationery best values in school supplies toya sewing machine supplies eversharp refills wallpaper and window shades to the geo soper grocery premises- we shall move toward the end of march and aro now offering acton- citizens special 20 di8count on our regular prices como nncoatraetryottrnrmhtc6ortho splenaid stock to be oda t h w hinton hintons temporary jewllery store acton national paru tho itmaufi triahsio toa the pacific coaoc alaska and tho dreakea trip on the return journoy vrlte for lull ftp4oraajpnranil dca- crlptivo booklet to ui a p pryson it ailyaruiorn ave toronto 9jh or air martin hitg 4 av hdimllton oot 7j rj kerrs ut -of- 8me6 thursday maroh 11 r j- bobert- on mclmoab reglatered tbrfc boga oxford nerirn sheop and grade cattlo saturduy march lsqep brlster iii twj mill st aoton clonring bale of iiona to reim e auamntoo battery building it in very unfortunato for mr smith that lila business is seriously interrupted u ho had tajcen on addltienal help during the jajtt jbmo rwooka and lost one or two- hilpmeius in trie nro that were ready to so out he also lost valuable machinery and outflts that will need tol roplacod hj toss is heavy as rher6ia no lnrfuranco it ja to he hoped that our enterprlsinar citlxen vrftl he given what assistance he re quires in order to go ubeadand sup ply ills customers mrs mcneil who sfnent some thne with her brother ssun rnmshaw in tho states returned to her homi liore lately j -ry- x v tuosdoy marcii15c b bwack- hamer churchill lot b2 third lino esquosing clearing sale of scotch shorthorns yorkshires and oxfords fnrna slock and lmplemonts thturchlay march lsbornet ken dall lot 28 con 2 kassagawoya a clearing auotlon 6ale of lorsea im- plemcnts nnd ilouncholl lbftecla j saturday march 20 h wiirdiaw- main street acton clearing adle of farm stock and implements thursday march 25 mrs charlot te mcdonald clearing sale of fltoek and iraplesnents just one ivor week of sopers retiring from business sale tweeds isv m anew fljomnseiphee a service that you have looked for waited for needed jbustom tailoring backed by canadas most expert clothiers i now offered pi ypii t wi p 8 mi price xlio canadian rational train from harrletohamllton rot stalled up uid un an wednosday nlkht and didnt ijtha cmt of polletfot windsor ib jfet rw untll vlftw woloslt t his annual report tata tbat1imo mpm phh- qhpnon or milton accidents have decreasta co per deht7 horitaluls- acton during tho since the establishing or tho stop hy afternoon was over tl tours lato in lav swmiixil nrnl- all dry gods at half price including prints glnghaira flannelette towelling curtain materials crepes chintz underwear hosiery glovw threafl crochet cqttnn gtamoed croods tobrpmery cottons and suks woota floor and tableau cloth r groceries to go remaining groceries to be cleared at ba8gain prices i- t7 mill street acton owki made to measure ol all the skill of fash ioncraft tailors a limitless range of new ibhbb 111 issvshjaj csva vsyi amrvi i oue knock oun and uptodate mod worsteds els made to your f50 neas from pat- t terns you select your self v these popular prices wb7 know will please yoti n sss a ii i i i i i gents furnishings acton ont get your job printing at the free press j l r sii v lr

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