Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 11, 1926, p. 1

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m i m fiftyfirst year no 37 thursday morning march- 11 1926 acton ontario canada thursday morning march 11 1926 single copies five cents the acton united church of canada m inlster rov r e zimmerrmn bja parsonage willow street 1100 a m the pastor subject the lord jesus christ l i 230 p m- sabbath school session 700 p m tho pastor subject the greatest lovo story in the world young peoples league on monday at 731 visit of georgetown united church league prayer service on thursday at 730 presbyterian knox church acton minister rov a c stewart m a manse willow street 110o- a m tho mlnlator subject series- of studies in the loiter life of chrst 300 p m sabbath school and bible classes 700 p m tho minister- subject outstanding characters of the bible 1 abraham adonday 8 p to young- peoples guild social evening strangers leavlnsr address wltli tfep iishera will be called ppon ty the paator- the baptist church acton james w boyd pastor lltos a rotho pastorr subject something bettor than silver and aowr- fourth in series lessons from the acts of the apostles 340 pm sunday school classes for all 7 7jj9p m the pastor subject will jesus return to earth again eighth in series palth of our fathers uonday 800 p m young- peoples ueetiiicr short bright helpful thursday 7s0 p m prajrer and praiss meeting alt welcome special notices advertisements ialnia column j cents per wotd minimnm charge 30c per insertion found wrist watch owner may recover same by applying at free prbss opfice rooms to renr rooms to- rent comfortable apply mbs l a wordefct mill street wanted men to represent the fuller brush company why not become an in dependent and have a business and grow with this great company see mcdiormld station hotel acton frl day evening 7 to 10 oclock clearing auction sale georre blister mill street acton will hold a clearing auction sale of valuable household effect on satur day march 13 at- 130 oclock a lot of the furniture la practically new ko reserve terms cash for bale strawberries raspberres aapara- vgu highest quality guaranteed plant best varieties beat prices- delivery free write for free litera ture c r leavens r no 4 belle ville ont valuable farm for sale valuable farm tor sale near bstillha- fad 100 acres 7 acres bush well watered 2 houses 1 new cotlagc bank barn silo good orchard vould exchange for mill store or dwelling t krrrfl real estate for sale 600 bushels clean seed banner oats a quantity of hlfalfahay also a farm wagon with box in gqod condition ap- piy b rowley r r no 2 roekwood 3g3 lot 20 con q kosaagnffeya card op thanks ml ml fern brown and her sister said brothers desire to express their sincere appreciation of the kind words of aym- inttbyand pnany deeos of indneta jn connection with the illness and enter ing into rest of their bolovad mother- tho jdndness of the neighbors and friends has been overwhelming and tha floral tributes remarkable heart felt appreciation is the expression of us all- looking forward to this store is fast getting into easter trim workmen are busily engaged making changes and re novations new spting fdshioris are pouring in in a very short time the whole store will be blossoming forth in springlike newness and freshness ready to meet your easter needs in new apparel and home furnishings in the meantime there is much to intrigue your fashion interest and help along an economical pocketbook right now r r charming frocks at 10 95 in the fashionable cbuarmetns and poiret twills fresh new styles just out of their wrappings featuring both the youthfully flared silhouetteastvellas slender straight mines r navy blue santos beige the new spring greens bokhafa wine and brown shades with gold pipings op novelty braid- inpall sizes up to 40 remarkable for their style and their unusual value at this special price of 1095 flannel flocks at 575 another dress surprise that augurs well for the order of values that will prevail at this store during the coming spring season ah of these new and pretty with all sizes for women and missesup to 42 late winter coats to be practically given away beautiful coats lavishly trimmed with fur as well as tailored ulster styles for coldweather wear ncxttonothing prices for a swift clearance ifyou expect to need a new coat for next winter or an extra coat for a change with your fur coqt this is a wonderful opportunity to invest you- will need to speak or yours quickly however prices are small enough to ensure quick disposal new millinery ready lovely satih and straw hatslas low 8349 a veri table bower of color and loveliness is tjie millinery section these days news of local import i removed o detroit mr james noble who hus resided tii acton the past ten years or more kcmoveti with hlu family this weok to detroit ho sold ms household ef fects by auction on saturday but has not yet disposed of 1iih houbc on main stroot obituary likes the old home piper i enclose j20g for ronewal subscription totho fucs pcssa for an other your i am always plenbod to recelvo your paper as it keeps xno in memory of tho old home neighborhood in wlilcbg many yenrs of my life vvpre spent root p shanks rivers man fj enjoy the bright sun otffiiyshlne owjho aftermgon and miss fern who has beejttier constant companion d e macdonald bros ltd daily closing 50 p mrt excepting wedrieidayat 2j30 noon w saturday- at9j00 p m sop 8rcots st thoroughfares numbers of ontario towns ore now adopting by bylaw the stop system ty which mo to rials driving- from afde streets to the towns iivaln sti ets ore rciiuired to come o sto before crossing or turning on to if if sudh a ilan had been actonted for willow street several serloms and expenaive motor accidents would have been avoided wellington county hogs do wall wellington county a percentage of select hogs out of a total of 21141 shipped during the tveelc ending feb ruary 25th was 230 only ave on- utrlo counties graded over 30 per cent select hogs during this period which gives evidence that wellingtons show ing was excellent only one other county perth hod a greater aggre gate shipment than wellingrton hav ing snipped 2123 hoffa to wellingtons 2114 have propogattd ww carnation the ontarlonrln flower show will bo held in the kjng edward hotel toronto od march 18 19 and 20 atthe- show the georgetown fieral company will exhibit a new white carnation of wondrous beauty and fulness of foliage which they havo propagated and during- tho past seven or eight years- developed to its present excellence hru cockshutt wtfft of the lieu tenant- governor will najne the new flower at this flower show annual press meeting at quebec tho directors of thio canadian weekly newspapers assoclatloa have doclded that the annual convention of this organization shall be held in quebec city on june 17 18 and id this year it is possible that the members of this nutionwjdo nnsoclatlon may bo given an opportunity to see tho beauties of ontarios famous summer report district next year dn invitatipjlj mrs john brown very suddenly butvery peacefully there passed nway one of our esteem ed cltlscns mrs john brown at tho home on l church street on friday afternoon flfrhrlsrown had been in poor houlth tpr months she suffered from heurt- and other ailments on kriday afternoon uhout two oclock- mrs brown thought she would sit up the county will sue trafalgar township the change in county road sys tem causes legal clash between them department of agriculture- gasoline engine course aqaaollne bnklne course wclll be lieldin acton on thursday friday saturday jhgnd writ tho undersigned or phm- sjckeowp -rr-uhrbminfll- 1 rytrlrljrtnttlv mmton ont wdni5erxato friday march 12 ja son of his father iwury toharoid bell -wrljrlit- uarrillff bossle lovq and wau- tieii bavrtw comody soup to nirti klhobtama 8atordayarch13 i turrooir bar booth tarklngrton atarrlnr blinor boardtnan and george hackathorne comedy my terloua mystery with our qanet fox new march 16 gjop flirting l dranu clia1tor 10- of tlio nshnng itahkor tjomody scandal hunters wedne80ay mar6 atnitlnr claire wlnaaof aqi te gom bush i with charlie coajjjln jj jmf u sregoby son just 4 more days there are just four more days of our prei riven to ry sale left and you will have to do your hardware shopping right t way if you are going to have your sharein the reducec priceg that prevail in our store during this annual al the xray wick attachment can bo used or any bufrter with nny irrado ot con ol consuines all smoke and odor and fiavoa onothirdof tho oil sate clean and wlti last for years can b used on lanterns eu- rnlnatcs cleaning of sasses sqld hero at 2 or b8o electric irons ranteed for a year with coril guaranteed for a d qc kopp plymoutl pufe alan- oqg ilia all sizes per lb avioc alarii ctocks guaranteed for a j q year- special pld7 pocket den watches 189 brooms 3 dozen only reg 65c brooms for 42c padls- 14 qt dairy pails of je- heavy quality at i dc galvanized pails 39c 44c and 49c la5vn mowesrs buy now at big reductions waim ourtvindow fob white grakrib display every article of first quality jas sympn acton out red white stores j w jones proprietor what does it mean pimply this w nro in this large organlxatlon so that we may buy in the bestpohailjlo aiacket by taking advantage of their lmhiciibotuyfhg powers andftier fcatutjs is that unlike most other chain systems where the money iokivos- the town and goes to hcadqunrters lh toronto etc it remains in the locality whore the grocer is runnlngf itls own store under this plan we havo nearly gotour alterations and decoration finished and wiube pleased if you come la ardseo ua c il speciai prweefprom wargh j2t to 8i 24 lbs pastry flour qc 8ifto shaker salt s prunes extr 1rgo 2 lbs for quicj quaker 0t per puckage 35c 25c 34b6lm jrorng9 marmalade extra all good8 in our store are dbiced irtplaim fk3ure8 red and white stobe acton ont wj v j vet vn ttavins been extended to have tho 1927 annual meeting at tho blgwin inn near huntsvihe spring iso surely coming nteveronlndthe thermometer spring is in tho air- notwithstanding the abundance of snow days are length ening the sun is growing quifo strong again and is u10 to stay up longer each day lee formations on the ftreams ar creaking slgnlflcantly the robin has appeared at several of his old haunts ah these aigns and portents indlcata tho dissolution of winter but they mean moro than that for instance tho gardonlns instinct is stirring in th ensoul of the man who loves the land seed catalogues ind nursery lists ore being scrutinised and very shortly spring activities will bo in full operation bitter results than elsewhere tho average newspaper is mainly supported v by its advertising the foes press is nb- exception to tho gen eral rulo and jin- return tor tho sup port audeonfldence extended to us by our advertisers we desire to give them the best possible returns on their in vestments we have been informed by some of our advertisers that better results comej to them from their ad- vertibffrnentsr in tho kbks frbss than i frpna any other medium be it posters circulars rrol route lists fence boards plot are show slides or any i other schemes the columns of the home jnper read over and over again i and helper xor years assisted her to her chair in tho living room- she had sat there but a abort time when she was seized with an attack of heart trouble and in a taw minutes passed away mrs brown was the daughter of the late michael uclnpatnofv- nuuket she and the late john brown were married in 1830 shortly after their marriage they settled in couing- wood which was there home until 27 years ago when 2ir brown secured tho position of engineer at the acton tanning conipanys works here this position be held for nearly a quarter of a century when he was called to his rewurd mrs jbrown was a won derful wife and mother a neighbor esteemed and a woman of sterling christian character her houso and her family always had hex first con atdcratlon and her children rise up and call her blessed she was the mother of six sons and two daughters all of whom survive excepting warren who was a member of tho canadian engineers and made thosupreme sac rifice during the great r when this sad event occurred mrs brown with christian fortitude bore tip bravely for the salte of her husband and family hut the shock to her was greater than most of her friends real- lied and bod much to do in the break ing down of her heacltli her surviving sons and daughters are fred at- st thomas percy- at brandon man oscar of pentlcton b-c- fern who is deputy- postmistress at acton ernest jn toronto borthaa member of toronto schools teaching staff and who epencayeavr in xondon ng aa on exchange teacher last year and hoy who has the degree of ba fie and is a demonstrator in toronto uni versity ernest was also overseas and received honorable mention for valor in the machine gun section mrs brown was- proud of her family for they onr all dolne well and have brought credit to he homer miss fern amid her numerous other duties has for years been the very efficient and satisfactory organist of the meth odist church 01 lira browns fcroth- ers and sisters the following survive f lihes henp california john heise fountain michigan albert heiae vancouver bc ernest heiae cleye- land ohio christopher hetsc bran ddn man thomas heise toronto novmrsrjrclrrndttbtg forltt qatario the funejral on monday afternoon was prlvavte prior to the whon the hal ton county council last year changed the road system it caused a wide difference between tra falgar township and the county which may possibly lead to a real legal battle jtt isfceading in tba direction unless some wise counsel effects n settlement paying for tho construction of tho seventh line pavement between oak- yllle and postvllle and the second lluo pavement between bronte and paler mo is the cause of the difference and both sides apparently are acting on legal advice tho county claims that these two pieces of pavement wero constructed previous to tho adoption of tho now county system under tho old system each municipality practically paid for the road constructed within its limits under the- newly adopted system tho county as a whole pays for any road construction irrespective of location the township authorities claim the pavements were really unfinished and not settled for when tho new system was adopted andthat therefore hi county should meet the liability the beat legal opinion hacked up this con tention trafalgar did not pay last years county rate for dbese pavements aa assessed by the coimty council ofad it ia to collect this rate that the county council at their tuesday meeting authorised a comnnltteo to take legnl action against trafalgar to cpllect tho amount the conaxhlttee is composed of reeve foster at nelson reeve nicholson of surumrton reeve mc- intyre of georgetown- and warden ulain of milton reeve cross and xeputy blakelock of oakvtlle and reeve agnew of os- dogaweya urged jthat the difference be settled by arbitration instead of by tho courts oakvllle star- reeve mason of acton stands very strongly with the county council in its action when the cement pave ments were built ttxti township oplcera toad no other thought hut that tho township would bear the cost of con struction news of local import shamrook party wearln the green i shure at knox church bo seen jwuh cents seventeen on monday een march fifteen police court news the attorneygenerals department v w mh has given instructions to enforce the funeral however thujidredvof cltuenirl hlffnway trafflo aot from thla tlrho advertisin mc prolonged qestion of division couvt tho first sitting of the fourth divis ion court was hqlfl atjtho town hall actqtj on thursday juiko buiot pre- bldlnff the docket was not a formld- 1 able one but ono cao caused p very prolonged hearing this was an ac tion brought by mrs titus against john r mackenzie and aroso over the purchase by mrs titus of a house and lot on church street sometlmo ago the boundaries of the lot are alleged to encroach upon the basement of the stream running from fairy lake to the jbeardmore tanneries the judge adjourned the court to have an op portunity for examining the property in question judgment was reserved tthe abiding kingdom y rev mr stewart presetted an im pressing sermon fn knox hurch on sunday morhlng on the theme the abiding kingdom the discourse was based on the 12th chapter of hebrews the lost three verses especially be ing tlio substance of the text that mm thjnr wfch cannot bo s may remain wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved be m let us have gr ivh we may serve uoti acceptafily vlth rover nnoe and godly foai- tho viaiuo of a diblo as a book differ en t in all respects from other boolcs was strong ly emphasised the modemlnts who aim lo discountcertain section oftho bible were severely dealt with pd wood- burner -loccmativa-hr- tasl thursday the old woilburnfk locomotive tto 2194 wmonthe can adian nuortrtl uauay lt ftt white wuiiia far a crossing here this flld cnglpfi was hnll away baok in the eighties vfhn beoh andmaple wood rqs miort fuel it steamed out oyer tbe alain 4lne from stratford a nomiii en route totorotito fcfonduc- tty it w knrr was in charge with nnfflncer chris relnliact handling the throttle and fireman j hallal on hand odo the atooklng itwasjaken untter the lens of the movie camera as a ntrlklng comparison to the latest 6o0o nlass of possonrr locomotive 7int will 1 tjt hlbltlon indurative of trie reydlutlbri- nry methods fn railway engineering which have gone into effect covering perldd of the laat hajf century numhers of our older residents re- memtwr when actjon war an import ant centre for accumulsulnfi wood in the winter for the yeara supply and the immense woodsheds at tho sta- ttdn a umber of clutoris yfent tq tho railway yards on tluruy aiucr- noon te alfttfn called to view the face of one whom they so highly esteemed and to pay tribute of respect to lier memory the flowers sent were numerous and beau tiful the funeral was conducted by jrev r el zlmmeronan ba pastor of the deceased miss jean kennedy sang with sym pathetic interpretation nearer my god to thee the pall bearers were messrs a t blown j c matthews n p mcxam james mackle w l worden and spencer husband friends from a distance were pres- ont ato follows fyed brown st thomas percy brown brandon man itoba ernest bertha and roy brown toronto miss it hatching mrs marsh kester brown gordon brown arthur imccoll miss 2ell mocartney miss marguerite stewart miss bertie smith miss jean kennedy c a g matthews william mccmabb toronto mrs w h stewart hilton and miss edith renwlck gait first shipment exhausted the freo press premium to the first 500 nw subscrlbert in demand in those columns lost weekjthe fares pjuess gave particulars of its unique of fer of one of the famous burns bread and cake knives for every new sub scriber absolutely free of charge to the first s00 new burpscribers sendi inva years subscription thisnsmafktiierffew invention te attracting attention and the demand for the now- premlunamcnlfe has ex hausted our first shipment of the knives we expect a further supply today and will bo glad to present one to every new subscriber until we reach the fioo the date flxed tor the end of this reitiarkable otter is april 1st after which we do not intend to con tinue tho offer the burns bread and cake knife is a new invention it cuts like wild fire it cuts warm fresh bread with out crushing the loaf it cuts a slice thats twice as nice if you desire one of these admirable household utensils which will be used three times a day in every homo which secures ono apply at once for yours the supply is limited we dont want you to he disappointed kindly remember tnnt w give you this burns bread and cjje knife which sells for 7so wherever carried by ho hardware and outlery stores absolutely free with a new subscrlp- lidri to tho flusa pans at 200 per year in canada voted at municipal elsotlons against r i new f iv a proposal to issuo 900000 in 4h lrtyyear 5 per pent debenture for uie city to re pure rinse the guelph street i tall w from tlto hydro-kec- trlc power commission m nally re jected fly m ratejiaya an slanday when a bylaw tor mfr ufposa yjoa ovrwh4lmiplydvffftfl iy8w votes to 2s or a mniqry of b73 tlio outcome qc thevoto was a com nleft turnover from what trans- plrea nt the january municipal elec tion the cltlsens on the first occa- aton favoring a plebiscite for manage ment of the railway- under a civic commission by a majority of 856 when the plebiscite was taken all tho electors had an opportunity to express un opinion as to the advisability of a change but in mondays vote on the bylaw only property owners were nermittedtp cast vauj uilaftwtnfc jng responsible for the differ ence in the two results as jwas anticipated interest jn the bylaw was only lukewarm the vote cast being about a 81 per cent one with the result being about s to 1 rugnlnst the proposed change ajv acton lady was very much emtbftxrassed the other day when ahe took her wee darueittef 1mo on of our local bunk the utile tot rr- markod ftar hv niotir- hat paaeed hi a cioaue to t oluci mother lift pf ud pleas so i can see tha anmnl io police magistrate shields committed a a cowle of oauville for trial last week cowie la oharged with defraud ing wm qulnn of oakvllle ho will he tried on a date to be axed his wife la charged too as an accomplice but she did not appear before tho magistrate as she was in a hospital on without discrlmuiation a george town young man pleaded- guilty on saturday at a police court sitting in txut town to driving a track which did not carry markers tor 1b26 police magistrate moore acssessed him 760 for the offence a young man in georgetown and axiother in milton pleaded guilty on saturday morning lis police court sit- tinrs in their respective towns to vio lation of the ontario temperance act byi being intoxicated in a public place tltey were each flaed 1000 and costs a charge against a merkley of mil ton of being intoxicated in the arena at a hockey match came up for hear ing last saturday at milton it had beea adjourned from the previous friday four witnesses for the prose cution were heard and seven for the defense the charge against mr mer kley was dismlssod james clark georgetown was con victed and fined 26c0u and costs at georgetown on thursday on a charge preferred by provincial constable few troll of wantonly disturbing the peace and quiet of the inmates of a dwelling bouse near h- street on the hisjhway it was mrs- john h maudes household that was disturbed and mrs maude said that clark and two others went to her door and knocked late in the might the others ass swear positively as to their identit bannookbum worn en r institute the next meeting of uannockburn womens institute will be held at the homo of mrs wilson wiley acton crossroad on tuesday march 16 instead of wednesday- march llth st patricks night danes the employees of the tfewetson co acton plant have arranged for a st- patricks night dance in the town hall next wednesday evening the lugby melody kings will supply the music and dances have been arranged for young and old thtrty8econd wedding anniversary george hlllmer mp iv and mrs hlilmer celebrated their thirty- second wedding anniversary on sunday feb ruary 28th it was the occasion of a happy family gathering and many of their friends called to extend best wishes oakvllle star the federal income tax income taxpaying time is less than a months away- but you hear little about it- the peofae must be becom ing used to it a few years ago the newspapersr were publishing columns about income taxes at this time of the year and the average man was com plaining to heat the cars about what a nuisance the jaw was ldstowel banner v rev i m moysr for fifth yssr i at a meeting of the ofllclal- board of port colborne united church rev li il moyer was given a unanimous in- i vl tat ion to remain as minister for the fifth year the invitation was accept ed rev mr moyer was formerly of the methodist church acton and went frpm here to port colborne 000 for addition to high sehool hrampton town council has voted the high school board 4 b0o0 for an addition to the present school which will be added to the left of the present building brampton hifti schoofl started in 1855 with one room and thirty- pupils last- weeks conimenee- nent was the 70th horses leg broken by kick one day last week george rhchie jr teamster lost one of his fine gray draught horses thr a klclc of on- social and personal jbruce ball was charged by chief jkfcpherson on thursday with using profane and insulting language at tho town hall the friday evening before thui defendant pleaded guilty he was fined 500 and costs a young- man in town went to kit chener on tuesday of last- weok he came homo on the last train jnuch tho worse of liquor andt displaying two bottles of liquor which he declared to officers reevely and fewtrell on thursday that he had purchased for 40 in the station hotel kitchener he was brought before the police ma gistrate pleaded guilty and fined 50 an5 costs would strengthen temp erance iaws horn vv e raney pregresalva 1esdsr alma to batter the law temperance- legislation in this pro vlraco would be made considerably more effective it- two motions of which w k raney thejprogreaslve changes its mindf monday- gavenotlcerere i hv the ontario legislature one woaild prohibit the manufacture t pr o llquvor for bev i purposes and the other in href is that this house favora tte onaqt- merit and strengthlw of sueh kws postsed by bia leftlsiaurre to tb full exteiit a iu cuiuonal ftuthority mrrapy also glvee notice ibat he l iptrcducs a bill to prohibit poli tical contributions by brewers dietll- lerfl jaoteukeepersr publleeon tractors- crown lessees and railways the honobkoix acton continuation 8hel report for winter term fallowing is the honor roll for the acton high school for the winter terra frm iir muriel grossman 73 olive cooper 72 archie kerr 71 mary chalmers 88 addle hurst 63 norm h-fred- daysi bon v meryle stewart 77 hon stewart last 68 s perm harvey yowrgv 7rthofl7r nellie young 78 hon- lois malone 76 hon ivan kirlpibss 74 meryl orisidell 73 muriel mcccorrrb 73 onoly the names of those pupils ap pear who passed in alt subjects who ek no subject in a flower form and were absent on rjo occasion vlon a v heres the latest xttrpular couplet bhingh bells shingle holu shingle ah the day oh how wo love to bob a nice- blonds glris bdnb of hay other iiorae in the stable xstall separated the horses the partition was kicked down and then the one horeo kicked the other fracturing a leg the injured animal was shot to put him out of misery he was a valu able and useful animal worth at least 15000 mr ritchie prised the horse and valued him highly the mission to leptrs a very interesting address was given by miss bessie gardener- teach er at knox young peoplen guild on mondayevening on themisilon to the lepers- much information ot condi tions and tho work of the missionaries who huve with consecrated intrepid ity undertaken to minister to these sadly afflicted peoples was given and this will undoubtedly inspire a new interest on the part of the young people in this splendid work of the church miss addle hurst contributed the story- of the pther leper- a very interesting tale i for speedy trial on dundee highway with a view to facllltatiiig trial of offenders who violate the highway traffic act on the dundas highway running through the county of peel with the least possible delay h p moore police magistrate baa given instructions and forwarded a requlsl- tlon to e j pattett j p of pixie to try speeding and other minor cases under the highway trafllo act along thin highway this will afford tour ists and american citlxens speedy trial o offences th r com there action has the approval of the aatoteygeneraisdepartmetit mr earl cooper of guolph was home over tho wockend y imr hobert w stewart was home from milton over sunday v ml as marie lants is spending a weplc with friends in toronto mrs charles ej bailey of guelpb visited acton friends this week vlvp a g matthews- of toronto spent sunday with acton friends mr harold n farmer m a was in hamilton on a skor visit last woekj mlsa burnside and miss taylor of guelxih spent the weekend with frlonda here mrs julia mcarthur returned from her wjnter visit to new orleans la on monday misa ivy llttley spent tho week end if 1 tii her friend miss mary stewart of milton mrs robert klrkwood of erin wis the sruest- of her- slater mrs d h young on tuesday mr w h russeti brampton was here on tuesday visiting his- brother mr r c russell mill street mrs dr j m ben entertained a number of her trionds atd delightful euchre party last wednesday evening mr aubrey allan of the bank of nova scotia who was seriously 111 from pneumonia la now recovering nicely mr august anderson who was very ill for ten days and threatened with pneumonia is now convalescing and hopes boon to resume his duties mrs william somervllle of battle- ford sask spent a few days during the week with mrs nancy somerviho and mcles somervllle- and other friends mrsu bertha cook visited hor mother mrs gordon hay ward in toronto last week she found her in muph improved health but still very weak 1 mn t j smith of winnipeg super intendent of the rolling mills at sel kirk man is in toronto receivings treatment for an ailment which has given him much trouble mrs victor b rumley formerly miss alice m johnstone will receive for the first time since her marriage on wednesday afternoon march 17th from 4 to 6 oclock mrs s s ruasell of oakvllle will receive with her mr and mrs peter mcleaac of jlcton announce the engagement at n ym their only daughter beatrice isabella to mr ifohn rpbert sqrowl youngest son of the late robert sand mrs sprows also of acton the marriage to take place the latter part of march the brant house for soldiers home vatesins favor its use for this purpose a large gathering of hamilton dis trict veterans met sunday afternoon at the byrlc theatre to discuss tha disposal of tho ontario canteen funds and sulgrested that the federal gov- emmorit donate tho brant houso ai burllngrton free as a home for return ed soldtlers in ontario and that tho fund endow the home for carrying it on ouier proposals favored as alter- nalisoawejthat hojnlhons shore of the fund bo used o endow beds and treatment for veterans and dependents at the local hospital or that tho fund be used to give veterans the oppor tunity to secure loans at easy interest terms for building their own homes or that the fund- be set aside for scholarships for veterans children nrw minister called to erin rev edward lee of winnipeg has received a unanimous call to the pas torate of burns presbyterian church erin and wilt begin his ministry there jhysunaay m 21- k pleasant evening r the nodmbers of knox church choir and a viumber of their frlonda spont a dollgntful evening at the home ot mrs john mann on tho toronto- sarnla jughway last wednesday evening the choir left the church about 830 and wero conveyed to the home of their hostess in sleighs on arrival they were entertained with games outd contests a very tempting lunch wns served by tho ladles after which tlio party returned home in the weo snoa hours mrs agnew district president at burlington on saturday afternoon grand- mothers day was observed by the local branch of the womens insti tute of particular interest was thq visit of the district presldont mrs g agnew of acton mrs stanley dynes was convenor of the meeting and the grandmothers had charge of the or- rangernents mrs agnew spoke to the members along tho line of progress dealing wltfa tho betterment and con structive measures for communities she particu stressedthe lack of provlbionlh public places and deplore ed the fact that in some cases under lier uba prepero a surprjas pveorarnm the regular weekly meeting ot tho united church young peoples leaguo on monday evening was a surprise nifiht which had been arranged by rev mr- zimmerman tho pastor wbcn miss bennett opened the meet ing av fairlyoarge audience was there to hear the surprise programme miss gladys scarrow read a paper on a legend of christianity which had neeii written by a hamilton girl following this miss lornav kennedy rendered a delightful piano nolo which merited a hearty encore mr zim merman himself gave an interesting teawrid by tolstoi which described the troubles of an eastern cobbler with a heart hardened by sadness it shewed how his heart was softened through the true christian spirit fw r 8 large ba bd the new pastor at a meeting held last week details of the basis of union between the two fergus congregations of the united churoh were arranged- both melville at wealeyhurehesr- hoelalready voted in favor of the proposed union mut f to one qp w taufryl at th en o th p f month melville churoh building will be used and the new congregation will bo known aa- melville united churohr rev fc s b large gk u j the present pastor of wesley church and rev b w craw- of melville church will continue as joint pastors until july 1 after which time mr large will bthemmlsterrrevrijarge was tlio esteemed minister of the methodist churoh in acton a few years ago act on wornens jmtitut at themarch meeting of the wo mens institute a committee was tip- pointed to get estimates on the ejtec- tlon of a booth at the park- the councils action in granting permis sion to erect a booth was much all- predated mrs agnew handed in a lisf of names of new members from iheskprt courses r a dsrnlntg contestr wai put on and all went into it very heiartlly the judges were mrs mowat and mrs lasby and they hoae thei winner as mrs w babcook bbe was liven a needls case aa the prise a question drawer had borne real good tiuestlons mm raid hangc a soto which all enjoyed mrs jameron leishman gas a splendid piper on slang which was much appreciated several of the ladles of dublin branch attended mrs bracken spoke a few words the meetingi closed- b sing ing the national anthem after which lupch was served and a social hour vehicle will break the rood for tho m ipasu was not provided for young people the teaching of finance to young per sons wos specially mentioned among the educational matters the serving of refreshments and a social hdur brought- the most enjoyable mooting to a close 00x6110 width to a thsqusgsof 3stgh rtunners a writer in the owen sound sun times aclvocatcs the gradual widening of foigbt runners gauge and says one wao lookv forward will realize that the widening of the sleighs run ner epreao 1s bound to come in the near future ushering in a period of speedy winter transportation ex perienced teamsters farmers of course included already acknowledge that greater width between sleight runners la logical and desirable it is well known tint a team will drawhalf as tnach iibln when working free oe when they are crowded and oven a light team cannot be hitohed to the pre of sleigh toprevent crowding tho present danger of up setting would be practically elimin ated ttio advantage of this will ho evident toaji who have driven in the winter lost but not least the road3 wpfjld be open to motor traffic all winter and the farm or who now takes two or three hours to como to town would mstitpthe samp distance in less than an- hour and in more comfort witiin ol very few years tho motor v horse drwwn obm i s m tt 4 m sdjc iloi y v iimmamshm

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