Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 4, 1926, p. 1

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fiftyfirst year no 36 thursday morning march 4 1926 jacton ontario canada thursday morning march 4 1926 single copies fiye cents the acton united church of canada miniattr rov r e zimmerman b a parsonage willow street lie lco a m tho pastor subjeot the lord jchus christ 230 p misabbath school session 700 p in tho pastor subjects epitaphs young peoples lenguo on monday at 8 oclock if prayer service on thursday at 730 presbyterian knox church acton minister rav a c stewart m a manao willow street subject 11 00 a m tho minister the abiding kingdom soo p m sabbath school and bible classes 70ojj m the minister subjcet the house of god tho gate of heaven monday 8 p m young peoples guild strangers leaving address with the ushers will be called upon by the pastor the baptist church actorf james w boyd pastor 1100 am the pastor continuing series lessons from the acts of the apostles the- ordinance of the lords supper ob at t of tho morning service dv tfpnnstrnday school classes for all 700 p m the pastor subject going on to perfection seventh in series faith of our fathers monday 800 p m young peoples meeting thursday 730 p m prayer and praise meeting alax welcome women and misses will find a thrill in these giveaway prices on frocks and goats 895 for furtrimmed coats- regular up to 1950 sizes 14 to 20 years 995 for tailored ulster styles regular 1650 sizes 16 to 20 years half price for coals in another notable group including all sizes 15 19 25 995 for satinandvelvet dresses regular 2475 995 for satin and crtpe dresses- small sizes in the majority special notices adtcrtisemenh in jhis column 3 cents per word minimum charge joe per insertion ounb wrist watch owner may recover same by applying at free press fetch wanted girl boarders wanted apply at w kexlys grocery store 34tf main st- acton for sale one threepiece parlor suite- also one sideboard will sell cheap if sold at once apply box 12 free press office auction sale james noble main street acton will hold an auction sale of household effects on saturday march 6 at 130 oclock positively noreaenre 352 r j kerr auctioneer brooch found a sold brooch set with pearls was found in the united church church ill after tho teameeting owner may recover sameat fuss press ofllce for 8ale 600 bushels clean seed oats a quan tity of alfalfa hay also a farm wagon with box in good condition apply r rowley r r no 2 rockwood 382 lot 20 con 6 nassagaweya unreserved auction sale robertson and van norman will hold an auction sale at tho fajm of won e robertson lot 13 con lerln on monday march 8 registered and grade cattle pigs and sheep roy htndley 3b3 auctioneer card of- thanks the relatives of the late charles milne of detroit desire to express sincere thanks to the friends of the deceased for their kind sympathy and to all who assisted before and dur ing the funeral here on monday and also tho pall bearers card of thanks u mrs george storey and family de sire to express very sincere thanks to thql mahy friends and n for their warm sympathy and kind deeds in connection wuhthfislckneb-and- juriax o thetrdear one who has gone to rest all the kindness will ever be remembered with grateful hearts thank you upwards of thousand aub- acrlptiona to tho free pres8 wra expired at the baginning of tha yaar tha moat of theee hav btan prarnptly renewed for which our ainoara thanks ara axtsndld savaral hundrad still ramlin for ranawalr however tha few waaks of grace usually allowd juava now expired and v yill appraoiato prompt payimnt statements hava been tint to all with raturn envelope to facilitate renewal w diallka exceedingly dis continuing our weekly nswa isttsr to you prompt rsiponsa will avoid this noact vary sincsrsly acton free press i 1 wolstderlanir friday march 5 the pool based on the atnffe play of jilieuuuna nm bjlschanrlnir pollock with nn nil star cast he practiced what ho preach ed comedy hello qoodby jiwltcjhtoon 8atubaav march thfe gaiety girl adapted from tho story the inherltofe starring mary mill- w comedy break inn he jfrpc news tuesday march t beyond the jjorflej weste ulerhiur h ey chpt af the irlghltak win9r- comedy caplsjn sinio xomino swrof his father j w kifovk bell wrlsht bl gregory son 1095 for cloth dresses charmeenirrrdpoirettwill good colorssizes 36 to40 the honor rail of the schools 995 for velveteen procter- regular 1975 16 to 20 years both the straight and raring silhouettes represented in this fashion group clearance priced and since both give promise of remaining popular for another season at least savings such as are represented by these final clearance reductions are well worth com- ing to guelphv for at once o spring millinery ready our millinery shpw room is like a spring garden these days all aglow with sunnytiew shades ii yoti are in town this week be sure to pay it a visit one of the interesting price specials in new silk and straw hats is at 349 gueuets leading and largest store d e macdonald bros ltd acton public school report for february showing honor standings following la the standing won at the february examinations senior fourth ivy holmes 437 ilnrjorio gordcn 436 margaret price 424 junior fourth bertgibbens 3s7 john mctieachie 387 william wilson 381 total 550 k m z bennett principal senior third john donaldaon 543 henry crlppb 534 john mellon 529 total 700 d lolster teacher junior third laura hall 373 jdlin kerr 371 esther taylor s65- total boo m h moore tachcr senior 8econd r mar earet ghttl merr2 mrmrye h la- holm 286 dllllc jones- 283 total 400 junior second georgo swltier 237 grace lanti 235 helen red burn 228 total 400 i anderson teacher senior second 3xoaina- erejolnl 358 horvoy has sarfl 353 teddy hansen 351 juniorsecoad henry ford 367 frank jones 363 cavell davis 345 total 400 a macdonald teacher seniorfirst w sytvions preinventory sale continues until match 15 owing to the unfavorable weather that has prevailed dur ing the few day that bur hardware sate has been running we have decided to continue the sale for another week and have made the date of closing march is w feel that thereare many of our town and country- patrons who tiave not been flblemgethio be tha- attractive prinw uffeied mid we are adding another week to bur time limit to enable all to share in the bargains offered the sale so far has been very successful and numbers have taken adifentage and we merely give this added week so that none of our patrons may be overlooked by the disadvantaged badroadt tt w mixed nails 10 pounds for 25 cents washboards zinc at 39c zinc clobe at 49c glass heavy weight 69c brooms 100 reg 65c brooms apg all articles in graniteware at big redactions 139 galvanized tubs at axes guaranteed axe head 179 guaranteed axe head 139 special axe with handle 139 fence were black fence wire ji f per tb j oc per 100 ids 475 wtch our window for special display of alumlnumware prices less than cost jas symon acton ont mnrearet arnold 181 lols crippq 1t6 barbara taylor 171 total 200 junior first kathleen huard 148 harvey mcc- cutchcon 143 hubert macpheraon 143 elvalcorry 119 total 200 n anderson teacher primary lass a wilma hansen 19 frederick turncty 18 jean xambert 17 haxel wilson 17 b jack graham 17 vera coxe 16 besale vickers 13- c margaret henderson 18 john cbjflljqlm jl lqroithy dunn 10 total 20 b qardtner teacher 8 s no 8 imassaqaweya the february report of s s no 8 naasagaweya la as follows sr iv mclvln storey jr iv kennetli wallace william kee alex wallace malcolm juoffatt jr 111 wllma storey anna mc gregor george wallace ray thomp son marlon anderaon class i catherine anderson ceonard brownlow charles hender son primer harold barber james wallace emily thompson j q 1 punnlll teacher news of local import school examinstions next june the dates for- tho departmental examinations have boen announced by the department ot eaucation the middle and upper school examina tions commence on jtznc 21 the lower school on june 25 and the hlsh school entrance on june 28 first aid by- boy scout tho other dny master earl cole had the misfortune at the public school to have his hanuti badly cut and the finger split the dr was sent for but in the meantime boy scouts norman hlnton and arthur lawaon applied first aid this was quite effective aod was favorably commented upon when the doctor came aiid made his surgical dressing i field grain competition reauha of judklntr in the combined standing field crop and seed grain competition of acton society halton- county for 1925r7rrre as follow reld bros acton iii u- no 2 arch mcnabb rockwood r r no 4 jos graham rockwood h r no 3 r tuck cnmpbellville r r no 1 r kerr acton r r no 2 mann bros acton r r no 2 c b swackhamer acton r r no 2 siren fire alarm to be given test the womens institute given permission to erect per manent xoolrt tho regular eeaolon of tho council was held on tuesday evening councillor holmes presided until iteevo mason arrived from county council about 845 p m the finance comnaitteostlfth report recommended payment of the follow ing accounts general aeoount a h bishop labor at ceme- acton hydro electric coram supplies and town hall lightins grand toy caah dooks druramohd lrffqham aup- pl ics l g edwards supplioa 2 46 12 00 4 30 junior io d c officers at tho annunl mcetlner of the lake- aide chapter of tho jr daughteraj of the- empire held a week or so ago the following officers were elected for 1926 hon rege mrs amoa masons hon james lyons resigns from cabinet says his position conflicts with lyons fuel and supply company tho resignation of hon jos lyons from the portfolio of lands and forests lh the ferguson government provided u major sensation on mon day in the ontario legislature en tirely unheralded by rumor or recent events it came as a complete sur prise to the members of the chamber hon mr lyons gave as the reason for his action tho fact that his prlvato business firm the lyons fuel and supply company xlmtted could not afford f refuse orders from govern ment contractors last year in the house the prime minister laid down as a practice that members of the legislature were not to do business with the government even through joint stock companies of which they irpght be members hon mr lyons at the time accepted thr dirt urn willingly and was aald lm the premier yesterday to have since abided by it his firm however op- crates largely in northern ontario where large government works axe progressing in connection with road and colonization schemes to be debarred xrom selling to the contractors for these works hon mr yr tthir s luuiuiiieu wuma u to our seriously his companys operations to continue tho business on the other iand would bo to bring embarrass- ment to tho government and suuj piclon upon himaeir hoi mr lyons accordingly accepted the situation aifa tendered his resig nation for the present he wll retain his seat in the bouse and his de partment will be administered by the premier god in revelation another sermon on tho doctrinal baits of tha united church the second of hla series of sermons on the doctrinal oasts of the united church was preached hy rev r e zimmerman b a last sunday morn ing like the first of the series the previous sunday this discourse gave a very uoid and comprehensive view of the doctrine and belief of the united jhuroh reapeotlng god in rev elation tho text for tho sermon was heb 1 11 god who at sundry- times and in divers manners bpake in time past up to the fathers by the prophets hath in thnp lnntriny hrwkrn unto ujby hiti son wliom uo hath appointear heir of all things article ii of the doctrinal oaalscof th palmer school of chiropractic chiropractics fountain head bavenport iowa uov tho palmer school hnsalwaya been known as the largest and hwt chlroiiraoto pphrrarin the world it still maintains this high standing in teaching tjie hlfchcat grado of chiropractic that is offered toduy 1hey maintain that to be an up-to-date- chiropractor xray and neuroralopietep service in e8mtlnl v latter yolnta out where and w much troublthftiflt the- former shews trroiosltiorrftnamiittmff condltiona wo mulntaln this complete qervlce niexsen the chiropractor laih year of practice straight chiropractic v xray neurocalometer j service now the most complete and uptoanto offlco chlropractlcnliy in ontario lady attendant office hours at georgetown wednesday nnd 8aturdsy 2 to 5 and 7 w jmand by apnoltitmenti phone ibow retiirn faro pnld via radial to georgetown in acton monday and thursday hevelatlon was quoted as foiljwa wo believe that ood hath revealed himself- in nature in history and in the henrt of man that he has been graciously pleased to make a dearer rovelation of- hlmsolc to men ofqoil who spoke as they were moved by the holy spirit and that in the fullness of time he has perfectly revealed himself fit jesus christ the word made flesh who is the brightness of- the fathers flory and the express lmnro of his person we receive the hory scriptures of the old and new testnmontn given by inspiration of god as containing the only infallible rule of fa iii j nnd ltfe a faithful record of gods gracious revelations and ns tho sure witness of christ 1 a statement said the preach er is lnharrnony with all the words of the holy scriptures god has ro- v oa himself this i a acfflovemenrb7mnn hut ijt god tft nature man gets his first instructions of godn power and his love god ro- yeala himself in history he hns shown that this righteousness alone which exalted a nation he has re vealed himself in the heart of man it is a progressive revelntlon the bible is a true and faithful revela tion of god these able discourses are giving the people of the united church a most intelligent and interesting con ception of what the church believes and subscribes to regent mrs george sommerville 1st viceregeht mrs v b rumley 2nd viceregent miss bessie woodhall secretary miss jessie t anderson treasurer miss marie lantx stand ard bearer miss helen mcdonald councillors miss xucy edwards miss pearl wallace mciss marguerite ryder miss jessie russell only perishable goods should be trucked on sunday a resolution vma passed at the on- tariojgpod roads association meeting attoront04astweok aslcinbr the- leg islature to prohibit trucks except those with perishable commodities from using the highway on sundays another recommended increased rates for heavy trucks which damage road ways and at the same time are in competition lh freightcarrying with the government railways one dele gate said he had seen loads of steel weighing 35 tons oelng carried on the highway in the niagara peninsula an esteemed nonagenarian mr j w graham of acton form erly of streetsville celebrated on mon day february 15th his 90th birthday ent hi 91st year he is s en- jbylng his ralr measure of good health and takes his walk daily when weather and condition of aide walks permits he recentlythrough too much read ing- suffered a complete loss of eye- sleht but by a doctor advice he tbok a couple of weeks perfect rest and we are glad to say he has once more the use of his eyesight review mr graham was a printers apprentice on the strcetsvllle review threequarters of a century ago bils life has been spent in the profession of printing and he hns been nn honor to the profession to which he gave a lifelong service and loyal adhesion a chinamans story of christianity at knox church last sunday even ing mr w b djangr a chinese student of toronto university was greeted by a large congregation in excellent english txifsr consecrated christian young man ave a very vivid story of the founding- of christianity in china the difficulties and preju dices met by tho missionaries and the growing interest in many places in propagation of the gospel of jesus christ mr djong gave his theme the significant title china and the klng- hit nmrrna wasyery acton hydroelectric 6omm street lighting 170 0fc j nlcol shovelling snow 1 75 sidney smith estate pur- chase of land for school 1250 00 waterworks account acton hydro electric comm power atpump house acton hydros electric comm power at spring 91441 85 8 76 45 70 the report was adopted mjrs w j reld and mrs jan dob- jie institute requested permlsslonto erect a permanent booth at the park and have control or it and rent to parties deslrlous of using it the council were unanimous in endorsing this plan and agreed to give all sup port to the proposal councillor parker reported on his efforts in having tho council cham bcr chairs and table repaired and had contracted with mr ronald sinclair to do the work it was euso decided tb remove the unsightly linoleum and oil the floor for the present- mr frank spellvogel requested per- mumftmr tta remover a tree on main street near his factory permission was granted undertheauprvliiiorioi chief mcpherson in the matter of the case of mrs taylor the clerk was instructed to take it up with dr anderson m p and see if some assistance could not be secured from the soldiers board a testimonial from victoria harbor for mr f c clarke industrial adver tising specialist was received but no action was token a letter from rev mr boyd bap- flat minister was received protes against the council renting the town hall to the international bible stu dents this point threw the council 4nto a regulartrellfrloaifi controversy news of local import had serious fat while she was on her way to work last thursday morning miss lucy edwards church street had the mis fortune to fall when within a few feet of her destination in railing miss edwards- tore ligaments in her left arm- she is now recovering nice ly it wan thought at first that sho had broken her arm but an xray ex amination proved this not to be the case james symon is the new president of acton chamber of commerce and is supported by active business men and citizens dotnof-godr- much appreciated oy tho congregation out and information given furnished those interested in the missionary enter prises tf the church with facts- and results of value to them in the effort to assist in the great cause of mis sions young peopwi league and literature because of the inability of several players to toko part tho scripture baseball game which had been plan ned for the meetings of the acton united church young peoples league oh monday evening hod to be post poned instead the social and liter ary committee arranged a program me consisting of musical and literary numbers miss stella mclam the convenor of the committee presided an instrumental duet was given by george mason und arthur henderson the poet whoso works were chosen for the evening was shajceaneare and macbeth one of his greatest plays was described hy miss margaret grlndell a piano solo which received vociferous applause was then render ed by miss ivy little the final num ber was another of shakespeares plays julius caesar which was ex- llained in an eloquent manner by miss stella mclam h the oldtyme village quartette the old adage that a prophet is not without honor save in his own country cannot jbo applied to bert chapman of toronto whose second- engagement with the oldtyme vur lage qu was fulfill in the united church last wednesday even ing on that occasion the auditorium including the galleries werorowde6t to capacity in fast the ushers come very near tho border line of violating the terms of the statute respecting public buildings with tho number of chairs thoy placed ixt- the aisles and other points where egress r was some what interfered with tho quartette came with a complete change of pro ghimme frdht that presented o month before but so numerous were the re- quents for repeat numbers that this wuh largely broken into the large audience was delighted with tho con cert and gave ample manifestation of threlr appreciation each of the six artists won favor with splendid rend ering of tho generous number of selec tlons given the quartette in their quaint oldtime costumes- captivated the audience and their accompanist won enconlums of praise tho elo cutlonlst was as versatile ns on her ltr51 nppnnncontvd her selections wevo greatly enjoyed mr chapman nnd his artists will always be accord ed a cordial welcome in hla old home rev mr zimmerman the chairman jr the evening was as happy as if he had just skipped tlio winning rink at a bowling tournament tho nrtistswere of the same personnel as on their pre vious appearance us follows betty thompson mackentle contralto daisy lnrush mcadnm soprano w ii nor- rls bass a c chapman tenor and director mrs a c chapman accom panist miss piiar 1 carter elocutionist and creeds and dogmas of various re- llglou points were heatedly discussed the council decided that it would be a dangerous- precedent to interfere and prohibit the use of the hall for these meetings the reeve reported that the fire underwriters association had recom mended the installation or the steam are siren at the tanneries as a ore alarm and would not countenance the use of the electrical apparatus tho clerk was instructed to order a steam lire siren to be installed at the beardmore co plant for a trial moved by f e holmes seconded by c kl parker that the womens in stitute be given permission to erect a booth in the park they tf have full and permanent control over same said booth to comply with the fire bylaws carried the clerk was instructed to take afeps toward having a tax sale of lot 25 block a church street appearing to belong to helen gordon the question of revising and con solidating tho towns bylaws was considered the matter will he de finitely decided upon at the next meeting of the council waterworks department details dlsetraslon and mony suggestions for changes and lm- provements owing to irregularities in original installation and subsequent administration details were left to be worked out in conference with chairman thet- ford the council agreed to meet the hydro commlsslopinvoompl la noewith toronto from scrnnton penn by flic train load one deafer sold we are selling a half ton of anthracite with a half ton of one of the substitutes in order to make a wider spread of our hard coal if we did not do that our hard coal supply would betaken up too speedily ondtt is better to spread it around jn that way than td sell all hard coal to one customer and all pocahontas to another together they moke fine fuel we are csing the blend tjra our own homes other dealers report that they are geulng coal in hut as yet it is not coming in large quantities but they are taking orders in anticipation prices of sub- a suggestion to discuss matters of mutual interest the chief of police was instructed to enforce the dog bylaw and shoot or otherwise destroy all dogs that are a nuisance annual social evening henveieon company shoe factory employees have en enjoyable sofllat evsnlng the acton employee of the hewet- son shoe company ruldv their annual entertainment supper and dance in the town i hall last friday evening and they and their friends who were favored with invitations were provid ed with a real full evenings fun mr f k mecleary the acton superin tendent was the genial chairman nnd mr inrick the new manager gave a few introductory remarks the programme wai a varied one and was provided by employees of the shoe factory or members of families connected with the acton plant miss jean wedge gave a plaxio aolo vocal solos were contributed by william coleman miss richardson and ernest cples rdingsnndl recitat were rendered ey uessr jbflsirjheesor and eric hill the mcqechie children tpr piymlpr rtttmntlnhw ngtt n tlonal dances and clogs and mr john allan contributed an euphonicm solo the baptist male quircttte compris ing messrs c knapp w coles c p plank and leslie martin also gave two- numbers toward the musicalpart of the programme a couple of sketches made up the remainder of the entertainment the one comprised a chorus of acton beauties with such celebrities as misses t coleman- and d lmcdougall and muas wheat ham in rather exaggerated flapper costumes ernie coles was the rube character end j wtuthum the leadtlng lady the other sketch had the same two messrs coles and weathara in the lending- roles and was ov take off on the surgical doctors both sketches drew forth roars- of laushter from the audience mr harry rlgby was the piano ttceompunimt for tho performers immediately followingthe prpgram- inc a bounteous lench was served by tho ladles a dance with harry itlgbye syncopatora supplying the jskx was then provided nnd the affair continued until the early morning hours the hewetson emstoyecs are noted for tho good times they pravldo for themselves and their friends and fri day evenings affair was no exception use printed stationery the eost office department says plense request letter writers to al ways state their box number on their letters this facilitates handling and prevents error in delivery especially to those with the same names al ways gve your box number when wrjjlng to correspondents have your box number printed on your station ery when possible the fram piusss is at your service in this respect j guelph winter fair gets 45000 k a special- grant of 5000 has been made to the guelph winter fair by theontsrio government to be used fn remodelling the arena and improv ing the seating accommodation the work wilt be started as soon as pos sible it was stated at the annual meet ing of the fair board the details in this connection were left to the ex ecutive committee and representatives from the- city of guelph for considera tion mercury summer tour overseas mr jas macdonald m a b c lv of toronto in 1924 head master of acton high school is arranging a private summer tour to europe to be conducted by himself and madame macdonald they will take their party by the cunard liners now twin screw steamship ascanro leaving mon treal on saturday june 26th they will visit france italy switzerland belgium holland england and scot land they wil spent six days in paris and four days in london the trip will occupy flfty dttybreachihg montreal on august 14th thos cook son will accompany the party throqghoutthe-european- tour the- short courses sociable the members of the agricultural and short courses who had been studying at the various classes during february with very interested- and considerable enthusiasm carried the same spirit into their social evening last thursday the prevailing rain storm did not deter a large attendance the prosrrnmme was full of pleasure from the tttme the large company sat down to he banquet tables until the orchestra playe its l for the annual meeting of the chamber of commerce held last thursday even ing had a fairly good attendance and those present were most enthusiastic for tho years work and for coopera tion in mntterb pertaining to actons betterment president r m mcdonald presided and in the absence of secretary garden o a diiib acted as secretary of the meeting the first item was the- election of officers for 192c and result ed as follows honorary president r mcdon ald president jas symon 1st vicepresident c h harrison 2nd vicepresident e j hasaard treasurer l b shorey secrotary4n h garden executive committee e j has aard w k graham a mabon h s holmes j m mcdonald a t brown upon retiring from othco of presi dent mr r m mcdonald thanked the members for their help and be spoke encouragoment arid help for his successor the newlyelected presi dent james symon asked for the co operation and help of i all members during hla term of office a communication wits read from mr s c raymond cnr com missioner of industries relative to having htm address a meeting of the chamber of commerce at an early date this will possibly bo arranged for the march meeting the secretary was instructed to have new 1926- membership cards printed and distributed tho question of railway rates be tween acton- and llmehouso on the canadian national electric lines was again discussed and will be taken up with the management of tho road again the members discussed tho pro posed increase irrrateaor the v telephone company and requested that tho council oppose any increase in the business rates itwas also do- cldebtrto try tosecuro a wider rural exchange for acton a commit ten v7aa jftpointed to sco what could bo uone in this connection each member was urged to becure one additional now member this year and thuh raise the membership lists of the acton chamber of commerce to a fully representative basis m vl those who indulged in tripping the light fantnstlc as the short courses in acton his year were bo successful so wns the social gathering- which marked the close of the months ac tivities the young people partici pating pmnuted very materially from the btudleh they indulged in and tho fraternising of the short course stu dents nnd their teachers for a month was nn element which meant real pleasures and lusting memories the- coal situation anthracite coal hi now coming to rogers company announce that they have cut pocahontas from 14 to 13 a tori and coke from 17 to 15 our hard coal price has been steadily 16 and we are still selling at that thero will be no break in hard coal prices until april 1 which la new years day in the coat business excursion to toronto the canadian national electric railways excursion to toronto last friday evening was well attended about iso acton people making the trip the special cars left acton at 700 and on its arrival the excursion ists went to the west toronto as sembly hall where a programme of considerable merit was given a feat ure of the programme was the distri bution of flrstald certificates to em- ployeescf the road who had earned them th lis jilting themselves to serve the travelling public better lncaseof emergency after the programme dainty lunch was served agents of the different stations along the lino spoke a few words after lunch mr thetfordu the local agent represent ing acton in his speech mr thet- ford congratulated tho winners of tho flrstald cert i flea tea and v moved vote of thanks to the committee for the good time shown the visitors after the speeches a short time was spent by the visitors 1n dancing they left toronto at 1230 om arriving home at 140 a m a tired but happy crowd i boy acoutsst you nflpaptaa guild the meeting of the young peoples guild of kjiox ch oh imonda the property of the late sarah mcdougull has beeii stjfd to- f j lyle through ktcrra real sfstaie evening was largely attended tho programme was in the hands of tho local troop of boy scouts and was carried through with credit scout robert ilcarthur read the scripture 4esson after- the chairmans remarks a mouth organ solo was given by souut iwan klrkness then followed a paper the influence of the scout movement on the boy life of tho community by scout mac stewart which dealt with the biblical founda tion for the teachings of the scout promise and laws and the influence of these teachings have on the boy life of the community a brief explana tion by the scoutmaterfo11owed gordon currle gave a mouth organ solo another paper by scout william wilson was entitled service for others the rants of tho scouts re ligion a first aid demonstration was then suiged scouts arthur lawaon but wlxsoii and leonnrd watson act ing as demonstrators and scout car- ney byrne- stewart lantx and john kerr acting us patients scout mao stewart gave a piano solo after which tho scoutmaster read a paper scouts georgo afason and arthur henderson then played a number of saaaphono and ukelele duets before the meet ing was brought to a close with a hymn and tho benediction rev mr stewart and mrs m mooro- spokb briefly both eulogising tho scout movement scoutmaster f f ferris acted as eluurmaa v police court news for making an attack on a police officer in the discharge of his duty william ewlngwas on monday sen- jv 7 s ft 1 lj tenced by magistrate watt guelph to serve 30 days in the county jail after being picked up for drunkenness- in a guelph cafe a charge laid against forest crews of toronto a baker nnd grocer of sell ing liquor at dixie on christmas evo occupied over three hours in hearing witness and tho arguments of counsel at tho court house brampton on thursday afternoon tho evidence of prosecution and defence was so con tradictory that police magistrate moore decided to dismiss tho case in doing so however ho remarked that ho was strongly impressed that the defendant had sold liquor but the date of such sale was not christmas eve he advised mr crews to mend his ways in respect to his connection with the liquor business j information had been laid against w p wilson of dixie charging him with the sale of liquor but the of ficers of tho crown aaked permiaalon to withdraw this charge the fine of 300 and costs imposed on a rossuoe of tho royal hotel whitby last may when ho was con victed o hayi liquor l lllfigal- p hiti cuiivllllun bei mip and dismissed by county judge rud dy was paid to magistrate willis last thursday v j greenlesa a young gentleman manager of a hockoy club in toronto faced tt charge in county court friday morning of having liquor in an un- lawrurplucc bo wis fined jtuuu htlu costs he claimed he had the liquor at the rink to give to tho players in case they were knocked out at milton on friday dennis hunter of ntnssagaweya came up for prelim inary trial on the charge of stealing turkeys and chickens through- hla council he elected to be tried by judge and jury evidence for tho prosecu tion was taken before police magis trate moore it went to show that j clark nossagawoya had 2 turkoya and 2 chickens stolen on november lzth 1024 a car was traced to guolph and a car in the garage of george mcallister belonging to dennis hunt er answered the description there were feathers in the tonncau in march two turkeys were found ii the posses sion of diaries roberts which wore given him by dennis hunter to keep they were identified by mr clark and were taken home by him at his home they went at onco to their ac customed places hunter was com mitted for trial the shlbley case of alleged securing ojt 3p00 from david anderson by falsa pretenses on deal for stock was further remanded to bo heard at the cninth v owing to the absence of th dofe ant in the charge against norman mc gregor of paisley for selling a ma chine upon which thero was d lctn noto to augustus restlvo of george town the case was remanded until wcwoh 6 new dominion loan of 46000000 four and one half- per cent bonds due february 1st 1m6 the new dominion of canada 45- 000000 ishuoqf 4 bonds duo feb ruary let 1946 is being offered at onco by a strong canadian syndicate composed of the bank of montroal tho royal bank of canada tho canadian bank of commerce wopd gundy co limited dominion securities corporation limited a e ames coijmiteiulandnatlqnal t city co limited the new issue in considered to be very attractive being offered at 97 and interest yielding an interest re turn of 473 particulars are given in an adver tisement in another column p tho march twilight la srtlll and irray and dcop it luls our doubts ta slumber it rockn our xoars to slcon the mint or early cvenlns is touched with violent kloams tho dark ot btow- ini shadows la hliot wltli silver anana w w1 l

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