fortyninth year no 42 thursday morning april 17 1024 acton ontario canada thursday morning april 1 1024 single copies five cents 1te methodist ciiuhch acton rev cha8 hackett pastor parsonage willow qt rabtkh hkilviceh 1100 n m tim minister hubjoct- an fciinlnr meiumge 2 30 p mhundny school 7 00 p in tlio minister short hcrmon the convincing proof kumur ctuitutu by the choir irom roy ti crown icvi2imoiy welcomh presbyterian knoxchurch acton mirtltor ev a c stewart m- a man no willow street 11 00 a m tho minister subject tho flrat eaatcr day 300 p rn sunday school 3 45 p m biblo xi study in matthew chapter ix 7 0o m tho minister bubjeot latent christians strangers leaving address with the ushers will bo callod upon by tho pastor alt ahe cordlally invtthid special notices for sale motorcycle for nnlo apply lo alitx mc isaac bower avenuo wanted one hoy for light work full time apply to the acton tanning co wanted high school boyn to work after four and saturdayii appty to the acton tannino co pi 08 for 8 ale s nice chunks just right to fatten apply to e harrop r r no 2 acton- for sale a fow choice aettlngb of eggo from a high producing pen of s c rhode island red at 160 per setting bred -to- lay poultry yards box 4e1 s- victoria ate acton auction 8 ale- in rockwood th residence furniture nnd house hold effects of the late mlase mcnobb will be sold on saturday april 19 at one oclock sharp rot hjtndley auctlonr ready with easter thifigs for everybody everybody needs new clothes for easter new neckwear new hats new hose now suits new frocks new coats for shabbincss has no place in the bright spring sunshine of easter spring modes arc lovely charming distinctjjm becoming and presented at macdonalds in splendid variation new goods and new fashions fill all parts of the store and extend inspiration and suggestion and assistance to easter preparations and then theres the price shopping at macdon alds is an allaround economy that proves most satisfac- tory in the long run clearing auction sale of the household effects of jack withers will be sold at gordon hall young street acton on saturday april 19 at two oclock r j kf1rr auctioneer long distance hauling i am now prepnrod to do long dis tance hauling of furniture machinery etc and am fully equipped with up poxatus and trucks to take care of this class of work prompt attention given all orders a e cripps phone 62 or 61 416 acton ontario auction bale will be held on saturday april at lubys hotel acton of 24 choice dairy cowa durhoma holntelns ayr- shires and jerseys many of them with calves at foot or due to freshen 8 months credll 6 off for cash dont miss it if you want a good oow this sale will commence at two oclock aharp r j kerr auction farms for sale 46 farms in the counties of halton and wellington varying from 40 to 100 acres let us send you our list a number of homes and business plaees in acton for sola fire and life insurance money to loan j a suit ft real estate agent phone 105 acton onl wanted to purchase for cash collections of old poatago stamps also odd lots and old envel opes with stamps attached no mod ern issues wanted preference for early issues dating from 1840 to 1890 of canada u s a great britain british colonies it may pay you to look up your old letters as you may find some of these early issues among thftm nfi1v tn them reply to 424 box 18 free press card of thanks we sincerely desire to thank our kind neighbors relatives and friends tor their assistance and kindness word ofsympathy enquiries and beautiful floral tributes of which ad were so generously given during thu illness and ceath of our dear olive words do not scorn sufficient to ex press our appreciation mr and mri nelson mclaughlin and family gladiolus the queen of all guide n flowers fa the gladiolus end should be in eveiy flower lover garden our better class gluds cost no more than inferior varieties and are gmrantoed to flower our descrip tive catalogue gtodjy mi hod upon request- woodall floral gardens elm ira ontario wonderland good friday april 18 flaming harriers starring jacqueline logan stid an ton la moreno comedy creation scout pluck with the juveniles singbong heel close harmon ann tour contest ood prises j x saturday april 18 ladled to board starring tom mix and bis horse tony comedy creation ho yourself starring ai st john education hee u wsh story fox news tuesday april 22 sbc days story by klroor olynn btar- 51 ng currlno griffith chapter of tho haunted valley with ruth ho land a lurry saraou comedy com4 no the spanish dancur with polft negri r iv gregory son womens and misses suits 2250 to 520 boyishly short or femininely long or coated with youth ful boxy jackets tailored suits include a becoming choice for every type and taste silk frocks 1675 to 4500 spring coats 1275 to 6000 one silk dress special for easter is at 22jm pretty and new styles featured in an interesting fabric called normalinc navy black sand grey and cocoa shades in tho group with all sizes represented from 10 years to 42 bust measure youll bo delighted to find so much style at this low price 2250 mens suits and topcoats in easter readiness 1775 to4500 the biggest choice range in this part of the country the gabardine coat 19j0 to 3500 always popular because it is so practical as it serves a double purpose for rain or shine wear english and can adian made models in the best showing yot piain and belted styles in fawn saud grey and blue shades sizes 32 to 44 mens tweed coats 1500 to 3250 tweeds in plain and novelty overchecks donegals coverts in sand and bluegrey polo cloths and whipcords broad choices easter 1tes shirts caps hats all the fixings a man needs to set him out for the holiday and all spring occasions prices in broad enough range to iuit every mans pocketbook d e macdonald bros ltd guelpbs leading and largest store news of local import the easter sunday servfoea the easter services in- the various church oa next sunday will be of es pecial interest there will be sermons appropriate to eastertide and speclnl easter music by the various choirs it should be btochurch8unday for everybody who jauble to gq knox choir tomerrow evening knox church choir conport on good friday evening has an excellent pro gramme a special feature will bn the cantata redemption siory prof kelly conductor has the choli in sojpndld form for this evenlm num erous solo parts will be rendered warden barber home from hospital firmgo harbor esq reeve of acton nn hurdun of helton county who hun not boen feeling well lately spent a week in ouelph genorsl hospital for treatment ue returned home on tuosday evening feeling bolter but not quite as well as hopvil for by bis friends mssonlo school of instruction a uasonla district school of structlon will be hold in tho masonlo temple ouelph on wednesday may 7 afternoon und evening under the direction of d d o m bchledel of kltchoncr a number of the mem bers of walker lodge acton will attend important business changs mr lwls starkmun has disposed of hln buulnosu to mr and mrs albort lloosor tho now firm will conduct a iwllurt wear business the residence n lake avonuo is turned over to mr ttlarkman in connection with the trttnuucll on the change in ownership of the starkman business does not uika placo until may 16 crlme the oeolln in alton tho sittings of the ilalton county court for trial of cases without jury opened beforo judge elliot last friday and woro closed in a few minutes as there were no cases to try this coupled with the fact that there were no criminal cases to be tried at the spring assizes last monday is good evidence that crime in halton county is on tho decline milton reformer executors responsibility here is n point in law decided by a itarrlo niaglstrato that it would b- well for exocutore to remember two executors of an estate allowed the in- runce on a barn to run out the barv was burned and the heir sud nie executors for the cost of replacing thu bsrn tho magistrate ordered the exo teft oul the ire to pay the cost of rebuilding barn a matter at iftoo each last call for easter goods we still have a fairly good assortment of easter goods but dont expect them to last till the end of the week we would advice buying early guessing contest dont forget to come and have a guess at the weight of the big egg it will be weighed saturday evening april 10 the winner will be announced in next weeks paper bimroscfotch wafers a beautiful clear taffy wafer regularly 40c lb week end special 32c lb assorted chocolates in hard and soft centres regularly 40c tb weekend special 32c tb smiles n chuckles dont forget we will have a fresh shipment of smiles chuckles for easter in lb 1 tb and 2 lb sizes ice cream parlor open our ice cream parlor will be open in full force far easter with a full line of fancy specialties sundaes and sodas bring your visitors in and trteat them to a nice fancy sundae we also have bulk andtirick ice cream- mill street acton h wiles w will bv you mony if youtsj lt o easter footgear speciai womn sllppr t 276 nd 296 and man oxford s vo r can nc not address the correctiv unless you oreyoicrr i my your 1oolwoar for easter now while the hikes are nil here und the unsortmant good we huvo a stock of now tipring footwear that would be luirt to beat tn tiny largo town ur city at oualy 7ko to 1 60 cheaper liucuue our overhead axienses are so uiuch uninller wo cat ufford to sell l ho in ut these low prices read tho following list i vimens patent i jleatliar tjhues in oxfotds strap sllppars combinations tn gray uml patent fanoy stltahed cutouts 111 all the newest styles at prices from 206 1376 f400 h0 mens patent oxfords calf and kid oxfords and boots newest hast and toes ajlt0 of goods we are selling at 0imrl50 woo 1700 all qoodyear wells ulid wirth tl00 to 1 60 pair more than we are usklng chlldrsne in slippers boots all leuthers ull sixes best styles and wear at iuicom that defy coni petition from it 00 to 300 holeproof hose mens and womens new farm factory and school boots harry harrison the shoe man nrw close of travelllqo baas nd suit oases ouelph district meeting to be hsld here tho annual meeting of ouelph dls trlct of the methodist church will be hold in the methodist church acton on thursday may 16 the ministerial session will convene ax 915 and the general session at 11 ik in the fore noon report from the various churches throughout the district wilt be reviewed and schedules confirmed and sent forward to conference which meets at niagara falls od may 2 itev c llackett chairman will pre side at the meeting muton district wirrsqnvene at muton on the asm day s16000 farm fire nsrthe glen reflections froln tire which de- stroyed tho bonk barn of albert dal- son on the town line cbinguacousy betwoon glen wllllatns and norval were seen hero quite vividly last thursday evening the family had just reured for he night in addition to the barn and contents a quantity of stock was burned to death and feed implements and an automobile were destroyed the cause of the fire la unknown it is estimated that the loss in buudlng and stock will amount to 1 16000 this nro was in the neighborhood where tbr curk burn was destroyed a few months ugo i they burned the books a week or so ago inspector roevely provincial countable atkins and chief macpherson rnldod a certain domicile in tqwn bus pec ted of handling liquor they surrounded tho house there was hosltutlon in opening it and inspector reevely walked in as ha crossed tho threshold tho rami or the house and a friend were observed in the act of emptying their aupsjy of moonshine into the kitchen kiovot it blaxed up furiously and the evidence ngulnst the place was thereby obltteiathl this resident has been iiruvlbusly convicted und he has a pretty guod idea of the penalty prescribed for subsequent of- fonces clean- up and head off disease tbvwarm weather of the past week and the qulok melting of snow haw revealed an accumulation or filth and dirt almost everywhere and particu larly in many back yards in lanes and other places qaon the frost and loe will be gone aahe disease carrying ftlos will bo awjirmlng on the nith piles and the soaeago from the flltn piles wilt in some coses be going into the wells from which you get your drinking wutor it makes one shud der lo think of what the consequence might bo if precautionary tneuuros wro not taken it is up to every ultlsen to see that all objectionable muttur is gathered into a dllo wht the soakagu from it ean do no harm am that as soon as possible burled or burned in our advertising columns rtve liurber apprals to nil oltlsens uo clean up and pqt their prwmleii in good condition when tho bunltury inspector makes his oftlolal visit aoton ladles base ball club tho organisation meeting of the acton ladies baseball club was held in tho council chamber last frida uvenlng april 11 when the following o tricars weru elected fur the coming season ilonorury preside ntjklr peter smith president mr a fc ostrander secretary treasurer miss btella moirftm manager ur ed kyder munaglng cummlttee mr robert bcott mr ii m kennedy mleeea olio u armstrong jessie andsrson mar guerite ityder patrons und patronesses mr anil mrs hartley uarrlsan mr and mrs w d anderson mr aud mrs wm jahnauin mr and mrs amos maaon mr and mm james uymoh mr and mrs p ii undsay mm kd llyder mr h u harrujou ur j it ander son the season promises to be a good one and tho management is endeavor ing to secure a number of good games iissstf tat tb bajj l r- funeral of miss olive mclaughlin large attandanos and moil affeotlno beans at the methodut church the funeral of miss olive mclaugh lin daughter of mr and mrs nelson mclaughlin last wodnoaday after noon was ono of tho most affecting held in acton for yours miss ollvo puo xlimujuiqo ioo u itjoauj v wn her frlondshlpkrworoso nunloraus thm nearly every home was more or lena associated in some connection a brlaf sefvlro was held at tho homo after which the cortege proceeded to the methodist church acton whore deceased had been from her younv girlhood associated in many ways the funeral sorvlco was conducted by rev c llackett assisted by rov o h cass more of nassagaweya kindly words wore spoken of the deceased and comforting messages tendered lo the sorrowing parents and family the choir of the church of which doceased was a member took part lfi tho ser vice the pall bearers worn cecil aklns george bomorvlllo rudolph bplelvo- gel itay agnow w o moffat tint william mcdonald tho members ol acton ladles ilasoball club acted us flower girls there was a great wealth of floral tribute these wero contributed as follow pillow tho family panel u f w o and u p o spray lillian and ai- day mo nil harp aoton matho dlst choir wreath i o v k pillow loyal true illuo womturn star no 3b8 toronto spray mr w v moonoy wreath mrs t iivnte spray tho ruth noliu i mission circle and the c a r t motliodlst church cross and crown th ilasoball club spray miss nellie hull spray mr and mrs t moffat und fumlly gates ujar emplom of hewetson company spray mr and mrs j aklns and family spruy tiki halton o love faa- sory spray tho methodist young peoples leaguo liruy miss annlu macddnuld nifray mr and mrs t near and family pruy acton high bchool literary socluty spray tho olrls tho ollowlng srfnt floworh to olive while she was ul for which she wished her slncero appreciation expressed they brought her pleasure and she spoke often of their kindness carna tions madeline masajea carnations mrs pyrne tulips the basoball olrls carnations mrs bishop and ooorgo reas shoe factory girls carnations steve borton among the relatives and friend from outsldo the vicinity who at tended tho funeral were tho fol lowing mrs a allan and horb mrs r oulley mrs r j tarkor mrs ovo stevenson mrs e johnson tor onto mr and mrs t r aklna erin messrs j and hugh harrison ash mrs j powell and mrs f watson zimmerman mr and mrs r currle camp boll vlllo muucs minn tooele and jean bell mrs w ryder and miss emily miss gladys mccullough mr ai daymond ouelph miss flora den yes muton miss mary vanatter georgetown mr henry daymond fergus c police court news 111 fate attended a group of rum runners who according to their own story told in the police court at oihnwo attempted to open the sea son for liquor shipments- by rood be tween montreal and the windsor bor der only a few hours ouj from montreal their car a msdsjmfarloed six became badly mired it cost them 1100 to repair the consequent damage then shortly aftsr they had cleared oshuwa on the road to whitby pro vincial oracsr mason and chief lov- ery of whitby stopped them as a result wlluam lavoy was nnedl000 and his two companions emest la butt and daniel dec h ran e drivers in the employ of lavoy were fined 1260 each following conviction in the police court the car containing ul cases of whiskey was confiscated accord ing to their story the shipment wnu the first load shipped by road this year two meafonl men apt into an ar gument over the amount of a bill presented and one drew a revolver on the other later in the police court he had to draw flb 16 out of bis pocket police magistrate falconer of shol- burne presided at a case in grand valley preferred by provincial ojrico r mennle against a young man of tho town for playing cards for money the do fond cut pleuded guilty and was assessed ffioand costs two cases of inf ruction of thu on tario temperance act came befor police maglatrate moore at tho coarf house brampton last wednesday about the lust of fc march arthur pos- trlck bought u gallon of alcohol in toronto in company with victory mccann he started in the motor truak of charles martin brampton at dixie on the dun das street highway the tin can in which the alcohol was contained sprung a leak post rick and mccann stopped at w thompsons house to transfer the alcohol from th leaky can to bottles- whuo there pros tick mocann and thompson got intoxicated inspector roevely beard of the matter and within an hour or so in company with constable cope- land of cookaviue was on the scene they secured about half a gallon of the liquor postrlck was charged with having uquor and mccann with bel intoxicated thompson was an portent witness for the crown neither pastrtck nor mocann obeyed their sum mons tn appear ample evidence was adduced to warrant convictions pros- tick was lined j0o 00 und costs or three months und mocuuii jlooo und costs of twu muntha crown attorney morphy prosooutod acton athletic association officers and committees appointed for season of 1b24 the annual mooting of acton ath letia association was lud on tuesday evening the officers ami comtnltteoi for the season were olocted uh follows honorary prosldent o w beard more presldont a o t hoard mo re 1st viae- president w j gould 2nd vice president l jj hhorey sec re wry treasurer john wood assistant secretarytreasurer k jhassard howling commltloe ii l harrison jos holmes aeorgo hynds mrs e j nelson mrs d h lindsay tennis committee amos muhoii c h moore w k graham mrs l it storoy miss helon mucdonnld social committee mrs a mason urn w j gould miss pearl smith mrs a m mccann a cordial voto of tlinnkii tomesrn iwanlmoro co for tho ittoaf li uthlotlc rounds and clublioumj win tossed und tho secretary was in structed to forward copies to th members of the company a very enjoyable noasoi is lookod forward to on those splunuld grounds v addition or anothor solendld new tennis cburt will udd muchxto tho ac commodation provided when com pleted lng rod and gun magazine the first lart of an actus tlmbur surveying trip in northern ontario li given in the may issue of hod and gun in canada by t a hlgglns deal ing with every pluise of the work while o p bladen has u good story on u novel canoe trip in may with the snow still on the ground rustl ed by a arlxxly is an exalting a- count p a perilous adventure by jobji cook und murk g mclslhlnney glvtv nil interesting description vf his trip to beautiful banff park the during adventure of captain doudero thu man who went after timber wolves in the north in winter makes fusolnatlnii readlng and ull tliu regular depart ments are well stocked with interest in preparation for tho summer aouaqn the may number of rod and gun in canada contains some phase of piao tloally every sportsmans interests r j kerftb sale libt saturday april dc r talbot und bchurlo at lasbys barn acton 24 choice dairy cows saturday a nil ib john withers gordon llal acton household ef fects ate saturday may 10 l hturkmsn uu buml mouoejwu afleota etc hon peter smith is arrested for conspiracy tho former treasurer of ontario charged with conspiracy to defraud the government was arrested and liberated on bail of ico000 to again appear in eight dav8 th anticlimax in connoetlon with tho oxhml nation into the affairs of tho provincial troasury department during the incumbency of hon potor smith as provincial treasurer was reached on monday afternoon mr smith was summoned to appear before the public accounts committee on bolng called for examination ho de clined to speak atntlng that ho wui advised by tils counsel not to do so under the circumstances because of his refusal provincial of ficers ware called in and hon mr smith was arrested on tho charge of conspiracy to defraud the government ball of 150000 was given for his ap- poarjinco at court next morning ho appeared in toronto police court next day and was remanded for eight days ball of 102000 wua given thon twelve friends from stratford und sobrlng- vllln wenton bin bond for 4000 each und ho gave his own bond for 60000 tho warrant on which mr smith s taken into custody rcads as fol- thai potor smith did consplro with one a h pupall and other persons unknown to defraud tho on tario government by obtaining socrot commissions in tho puce ha bo by the said government of certain succession dijty froe bonds speaking editorially of this unfor tunate matter thn toronto says the arrast of tho hon pater smith doe not juntlfy tho termination o public accounta committees in qulry into provincial ismuoii of bond and treasury bills and tho depositing provincial moneys in the homo bank investigations become clrcumucrlb ed as soon as they take the form of o imlnal prosecution accused persona cannot be mud to give evidence from the standpoint of the public desire to know tho whale truth however unpalatable it muy bo it is ragrettuble thnt more light hau not been thrown on the quostlonabli transactions boforo tho former pro inclal treasurer was formally indict- d tho arrest puts a dotlnlto stop to commlttoo probing of the chargou against mr smith and may give tem porary exemption to others who maj be involved with him in u limited sonso it tokos the inquiry out of the hands of the people and puts it into o hands of tho courts but the government should recog nise that tho public wants the search light turned upon every feature of the 4000000 bond issue that was sold one month before the 1019 general election those who direct the committee must realise that more is required everybody who had any thing to do with that issue and who can be reached by tho committee should be put on oath and bo required to tell all ho knows l the publlo accounts committee the legislature and the government are in no position today to say that they have left nothing undono in theli efforts to secure all the information to which tho publlo is entitled news of local import mission circle pageant a pageant entitled tho spirit of ens lor wlfl bn glvon by thn ruth nelson muston circle in tho mothodlst church on icautor monday evening at eight oclock b noclal collection for icaster than kufforl tig kvrrybody welcome eastertide echoes in hough top und in briar hprlngn hlddnn fire loupe up with tret d again earth feels ho brill from lilll to bill ami youth must 11110 jitt will now nt riving uld now hopon euci buds and opes uku flowers on gonial lop eo the nky is warm and whlo llft glorified for it is eastertide ploese pr the hsna now at tlili time of year ownont of lions i ho ii 11 knop i horn shut up us much damago to narly rhubarb sucdn and bulba ore uuaod by hon scratching in tho onrth complaint has boon made und tho officials are determined to ntop the nillnaiito at oncp owners of fowl will goodnaturedly take notice and govern tlicmuetvoa accordingly ten per cnt added to taxes xhn btst cull him boon lssuod for payment of irreuro of taxes before may 17 nnd du hood should bo taken lo this notice the oakvlllo authori- tlou liiivn tfatormlnod that ull arrears of taxna munlho uluarod up wlttloul nxcoption uii muy 1 a penalty of tan por cent will ho nddod to all taxos iiunulnliiii unpaid on that date oak vlllo star young people in debate an intitohtlng doliuto wn held in tho young pooplos league onmonday ovenlng on tho topic resolved thai tho bonentii to canada from tho great war woro groatr than evils tho unirnutlvf wiii argued by mr will ilnckott iiri misses vlda ramshaw and clura havugo and tho negative by i mr arthut hackett miss stella mclunt and mujor mervln kennody the negative dobutere wpre awarded ilrst ptucn by tho judges miss start mrs a t brown and miss minnie bennett social and personal minn ruby joy go of guolph visited acton frlendn on sunday mrs jamoi in hamilton i hynmti fow day lulled friends hint woak mr ray gambl taspon a few days tuft on monday in kll honor new hooka at public library new plan of purohaslnd quarterly i being tried out tho book committee of ihe publlo library has made its first quarterly election or nw books u follows adult nonfiction juck miner and the birds jack ulnar- the shepherds purso llvsssy canadian comniurolul corruupond- iim itussull before the whltv muitcumo ulru- liolder adult fiction tho winding hiulr muson a husurd it blue oxonhum tin wolfor nlvou wheels within whvols wolls llruiltor and tlilutlodowu- fvui balls- pul us city of lilies pryde once aboard the luggut hutlhlu- tho myatory boud opeimolm ttie luoky number hay i juvenile the uushton boys duveniioi t the wishing stone horlus 3 burgess joannes house party calvr the klngm wish marquis hold i spyrl scouting in tliu wllderituss tom unaon k lady areon satin hunt lejfisuture to clone today an eleven weeke session lsst veer fifteen weeks was required the first session of the sixteenth parliament of ontuilo wilt ounaludu its deliberations today and tiro rogue closing of tho house today repre sents eleven weeks of session even a session at olovuit wueks is oomparu- llvely short as tho aussloiul of the lao uovernment nun from twelve to nfton the present session opened on aoton not in county lesaue messrs w j patterson major mr- vin kennedy noll mcnabb und l i atkinson went to milton tuesda nvuliia to u ouiiforonco for tho organ ization of a county baseball league uoorgotown was not roproiantod and us it looked us if tho leaguo would he nrtfiil omposod of teams in lower ond of tho county the acton toum dec id oil lo withdraw last years oxporlenc showed that tho transpor tation costu of playing so many innici at the houth ond of tho county wai houvlt i inn wuh vvtrntntod a league ro coiilrully located muy oakvllle n tqwn nto vislt- hn wnok- mr stanley s uumixll ipant tuosday with frioixlh miss vera harvey of tr id- at her home hero vir ond mr and mrs karl ii vlnront spent the wookond with frluutln in rock- wood mrs john loavone of rock wood sdont u day inst wook with aoton friends mr jack lcmuindy hft on monday for detroit lylioro li tutu arcoptod a position miss itlchurdnon of calgary visited with mr and mm v c huhsctt during the wook mhutoraco hunuy of guolph vslf- od over the wookond with dr und mm nelson miss helon andortm jijiont a few days during tho wook with relatives in kitchener mr and mm l union kaunoy of kitchener spout u fow days nt the parental homo misses vfolu rnpiliy and kathleen meyrlllsu a pent a fow duyu this week with toronto friends mrs a mctavlsli was cuilod to hoaforth on monday owing to the death of her nophaw mrs william thompson the womens missionary in hamilton last week attended invention the u ico it a pest of walnut treea thn intiimooglcnl branch of thi deoitirimoiit of agriculture hits jiut ssuud circular no lu e nil tied th- walnut tulonilunr nd control nrepttrtid by mr c ii hutchlngs as- minlnnt intimologlst this circular dlsuuiuats brloiiy the ufohlutury and imblin of this iriscnt enemy of walnut und tilckorles and recommonds certain com rul niolhnds kurniom hut grow- trn mill mliuiii who muy be interested muy obtain 11 copy of this leaflet by writing dlrtct to the ppbllcutluiix llraiu h fiuiniriiiiont of agrlculturii ottawa this limed lius boon special ly doulructlvo in wslor otiturio dur ing recant yttat careless with garbage other toi m nm evidently tiuvinif iroutihh ulwm gurbiiue as well am alton the iowunhun news published tho following nttlco from the councl liuit wou cltlxons are advised thu they aro at liberty to take their gnrbuge 10 ilm orpurutlon dump but they an- warned that thoy must comply mfuf h tt eolations which do not permit iloud unlmulh and such like to bo taken thither suh nhoul be ultlier burled tir hui nud another tiling all garbage uhi be taken clear in und dumped tho proper placo and not utrewi ulong tha roudifldo those who huv tlonn this uru hereby notified to hav uine removed at anoe prospeota for good fruit crop leading fruit growers of tho ntagsru fiult bolt ugroa that the orohurdm uru t-cln-nhup- trees are lookttrg tholi bht uiul ulvo promlsu of an iltumluticu or bloom this uppllos to vurloty of tender fruits of it is 1 h tn led out u heavy rain lulu trust could du eonslderuble- dumagu but undur normal condition there ttlmuld ha u full crop of fruit in nhmuru district this yeur as for urajitu li is too uurly yot to glva un uplnloii us to crop uxoopt that thi have wlntortml well the nla- frult holt is situated butweou toronto und niagara fulls and is one of tho most productive ureas in norm am or leu for untiles plums peart jiuoliuri ohurrlci strawborrles gruptw olo disastrous fire in ouelph damago omtliiiulod ut 14u000 wu caused by u tiro which biotui out ubou 7 oclock tuesday night ut thu fuutorv y the matt products company limits d uf cunadui 11 waterloo avonue luolph whlnh ompuiloly nulled tha limit thu ulna- which wua tho must pot tuiiilin 0110 thut hue oootirrwd ln lunlph ulncv tho big liro on wyiulhun mtrout lliroo yenrw ugo lu ullppuaod to imvo orlglnutod in thoi tiouilcul luborn- tnr on ttin uotond moor of dm build ing owing to th plunt being ou initio ttle t ity hut i the rt rumen wore great ly hiindlimppud nothing hut tint wutu tiro now stuiulliitc the pruinlsaa wero orliliuhy ttio hllvui ciuok brewery und ihn building wuh uroctod ty ovti hleimun in lum tim lns m prutty well covuivd by limurance a commendible cnterprl the vllluuo of mulkhuin hui develop ed u vury worthy und now utltaotion for its puoplo in tho way of a hosn tt ilot to which fumouwtobw giowurh in tniflutid lroluiid hnllund tliu united status und canada uiu con- tiibutltig thu ulcoiiomlst says thu muruhuin homo tost plot is aettlmi uwuy to u hploudld start and if all kiiuh well our roso gurdon in morgan mxmoilul iaik will bo worth torn i nit 11 umu dlstaiioii to lieu this itu miner many of thu leading rose urowurs hi ulngluiiil lielund iiolluliil uml thp lhiltod htutcs uro hotidlng of tho boat vurlothls rot thlri apringn planting an 1 huverul niiiia who found thulr utocka dsplotvit wlah to uoiid for full plum ing from present imlliutluns con- hldeiubly over oni thousund reu tmshvs will bo net out th iiprlng mr judson worien of toronto ipejil the wookond wltti hln brother mr william l wordon mrs j a mcclll of ottawa spent the weekend at tho lipmo of her brother mr jumca symon l mrs w d ivick of toronto was hare on monday to visit hor uncle mr albert gibbons who is so i mr e a itoiu rnturnod from ouolph general hospital on tuonduy oiler eoelvlng treatmont there for several weeks mrs tillus eyro mid mm alexandor park of heaforth wore guetits at tho homo of tholr sister mrs a mctavlflh during tha wook xlr harold turner of turotrto form erly of tho bank of montreal staff hero was a guost of dr und mrs gollop over tho weekend mr ross allan of stratford has bon tranaferred- to toronto he qont u day or so thlh week at his homo here onrouto to toronto master knox boardmore of toronto is spending a fow tluyn with his cousins ut beverly iiouso knax is now a student at upper canada college mrs a t brown was in toronto on 3a t unlay visiting miss mugglo mat thews who has boon vory 111 lately her ullment has ouiiscd grut uuffer- ng foa uevorul months mrs wm jiutics 111 agament of tier 1 murlon alice to mr tin of mr und mm noiiuaes the en- drst daughter jjiwrencw king king nee- aiguwoyu the marringo to tuko plaoe the lattor portof april mr albert cllbbonu who was so terloualy injured by u full in tho barn ten dnys ago 1 not malting rapid rogrcss toward rucovuiy ho is ly- ng at tho homo of mr hugh mc- utchoon and receiving uvory atten- ilon but does nut som to rally a very pmousunt surprise birthday athering was liold at iho home of lr und mm a t brown mill street ast friday evening it was tho blrth- juy of mrs w h walker she op- ti recta led very niutji thu kind hoapl- lulity of mr und mm brown who re always so thoughtful t a note received yostnrday from dr farmer rrooi auunulon paraguay ays i hope this will reach you before i do we havu btiuii 111 days her no-jaw- order jmuliutlqn- rnotullty nor anything vu 1 iiitiorry to say ur und mrs fuinur u oxpected to rouch acton in uuil tlmo for the opening of the troutflidiliig suuson at first of may o t a vs ibvemment monopoly prsotlos address by rev j dm bailey m a of the ontario prohibi tion union thore was u lurgo uttoiuluncit ut the muss nibbling in kinx church un sun- juy evening undir th mimploes of tin onturlo tmniiei union ah lm- dttllvorod by hev huciutury of the 3 it wdn only a hearty huildclusn but it gripped tho soul of it man with 41 e eourugo of fresh unduavor and storied hiiu out rguun uddreuu wiim john liulley m a union mi bulley uavil all cpltomo of the hlstury of the efforts in canada to control und supptonu tlio liquor truffle ho showod that wlluo in onturlo we hud for ywurs thn bust ikon mo law en- uotml li any oouiitry it hud proven u failure so fur un tho lutitrol of the liquor wux eonuirnod ttiduy thai hystotu huii no udvot utuii und no filondu tke history of tlir soiahod gov- irtimont control wuu pruuontod and it was shown that tlinu wttil no control the drinking of llqum whore this law tmil beml iiuiotnd it rosolved itmolf into govwinment tntnopoly re upoctlug legal ualo of liquor and in ull cujcs ths hist fi kulu uwin tn lty hidlvlduul uudor mouiwu luw vl- daiitly hucmno lust for uln on the purt of ttie uovornmont unucttng it it in u uummun thing for ttio 1remior of quebou to bount about tho umount uf piortt ttiat province lu making out of tho sale uf llquoi thoudvuhtugou f tho onturlo tem perance aat woro mtioitulyj impressed htat 1st las woro iiuiitnd proving that uovwrumont coiuiol im not uvuroomlng tlo bootlegging iuiuo but rultior thut it is thriving hioro llkly under that uystem ttiun under prohibition mr liulley upikullmi to tho people tor the suku of tin- inillvuluut the homo and tho nation to vtutul tiy oie cause of prohibition un wu tiav it in the ontario toinpuiuiica aut raljier than to oxchanuo it for tlovurutuent ontrol whlrh has piovon a fullurei wtierawr it hau boon in forau mr not i u ukntuplished tonor vocalist from toronto itang sovara 1 1 urn iters with plimtm orfuct the methodut uifd luptlut oougra- gutlonn attonilol th bi vli u ut the conclusion of thdi rugulur evening sexvioe fe iiistyv