Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 20, 1924, p. 4

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the home or qhjp artnn tsz fiwaa mur cltctt towa wkli e oeirk n kuee ptess 1b pub tl ixlar morulas t tb wa uulljla mill strut yvclun uamu the utcttin price u j- ir yr la u1bb foalai m rbaraeu addition lo oflicaa a fee jailed soic th tjt lo whkb aubacrlptkma era paid la ledicalcd m tb uurtm ubl advebt1sing ratestreakemt dtle- tncnta w cnl per lio act bmmur lo 6ral tmrrloa and j tata pr lis o esch subee- qucnt wrtlan lontrcl dlaplay edvertiaa- mania or sb in hca or amor p mtua 44 csta pr inch ach inaatloa adrartiaaaa with t peelfic duxtloa will be taaertad till lotbel uarad according ij te1xpuones- editodal aad dualacaa oac kcidac of itcamctti thursday morning march 20 1924 editorial aiming to reduce fire losses the provincial legislature is evidently seized with the unfortunate lact of the abnormal tire loss sustained in ontario year alter year and is prepared to ftifce steps to enaoie towns ana viuagcs 10 secure flreflgbting apparatus more rejrduy than in the past ibe second reaaing of a bill enabling muni cipaj councils by a twotiurds vote to buy nre ap paratus up to 0 000 value without a vote ot tnc people has been given the limit at present is 5000 another clause of the bill will enabio in cor if porated villages to purchase fire- lighting apparatus i assessed separately for it in their municipal the bill is now being considered by the mum cipal committee fortunately for this municipality there is no present necessity for taking advantage of this bill when it becomes law our waterworks jaystefflpwith auxiliary tire pumps and a steam tire engine gives ample protection in the way of fare- fighting appliances but there are numbers of town and villages which will be essentially benefitted by the pnvacges secured by this bill improving our streets acton municipal council will soon need to decide jh on their road improvement programme for 1024 it might be well io them to consider seriously tin advisability of reducing expenditures of general re pairs and centreing their attention upop properly resurfacing the roadways on mill and main btreet these streets have been showing very plainly the need for resurfacing for several years they have ex i cellcat foundation construction which it is necessary jstt preserve by resurfacing last year there was p k manifest evidence of disintegration in places and the consolidation ql the road bed can only be pre ved by a liberal coaung of tarvia macadam or faapbalt the contractors for the new torontosarnia hf highway which traverses both mill and main streets will be engaged on the outside sections of the high way the coming season and will no doubt have tne necessary machinery on the ground and materia easily available and satisfactory arrangements ma p- be made with them to undertake this important work their experience in road building will be gi worth securing for the proposed undertaking keep jn up the roads under modern traffic conditions it one of the most difficult problems the council has to deal with members of the council are thorough ly seized of this fact and realize the necessity of making a diligent and thorough canvass of the roads situation as soon as convenient with the increase of traffic through town upon the opening of the riew provincial highway the people of acton will natur ally desire to see our section of the highway pit into creditable condition s hydroekctric vindicates the project it is surely reassuring to the people of the pro vince of ontario that the gregory commission found upon the minute investigation for several years that r the rash charges of irregularities in the development and construction of the chippewa power project were baseless and unfounded complete vindication w and unqualified praise of its engineering features in ihe iongwaited commission s re port which was tabled in the legislature last week by premier ferguson charges of irregularities wastefulness the improper use of property of the conimisslon and other wrongdoings of a greater or less degree states the commission a report were ghost stories stones which upon investigation proved to bo baseless and faded away concern ing the management it soys there is not a breath of suspicion of any personal wrongdoing there are special references to the efficient and loyal aer vices of engineers f a gaby and harry o acres and as to the results of their engineering efforts as j represented in the qucenston chippawa dovclopmcn v plant and its efficiency n states surpassed even their t own expectations one paragraph pays tribute to ft sir adam beck who through anxious years has jk shouldered responsibility jr the worlds premier public ownership power project at chippawa his fighting qualities its says stood him in good stead and enabled him to overcome ail obstacles lfrom tbo beginning ho tjas kept the commission free from paralyzing influences of officialdom he has rendered great andnotable service to ontario it is certainly just nd commehdtblo to thus ac knowledge the services of the man who has been austria appears to be more humane in the treat inept of horses and dogs than most countries a municipal regulation compels hackdnvers to stand then horses on the shady side of the street and it is a punishable offense to allow dogs to run upon the highway trying to keep up with automobiles or bicycles neither may anyone ride any poor old ontarios saviour so far as hydro development borae jhat is being taken to be slaughtered neither to concerned through his skill nd foresight on ttrio people are enjoying the advantages of electric f current at prices tdwffrrhsn 1s being paid elsewhere tbo whole round world must pay the price professors teachers publishers arc filling the air with lamentations over the loss of the riches of purity and reserve among girls since jhc war ah countries art echoing in the terms of the bankruptcy of morals of the pitiful unpardonable neglect of parents of the intrusion of lowering liberties in the high schools and colleges tho discussions and denunciations and danger signals may develop explosions and get the air cleared those who dance through tho pipings of life will one day have to pay tho piper carle tori place canadian conservative paper bays there la no demand for a plebiscite in the onllia packet one of tho leading conscr votive weekly papers in the province the following comment appeared editorially last week in the face of strenuous opposition from the progressive mem bers the bill authorizing the government to take plebiscite on the ontario temperance act passed its second reading in the ontario- legislature on tues cay the main objections to the measure were that it did hot name a day for tho vote or set out the questions to be voted upon as to the former the government is pledged to give a vote whenever public opiniqn calls for it but so far there has been no such demand in fact the bulk of representative responsible expressions have been in favor of giving a fair chance to tho act to show what can be oc complishod under mr nicklo s administration the government would not bo justified in putting tho people of tho province to the expense and incon venience of another plebiscite 1n response to the noisy clamor of a few ward politicians in the large centres as to the second point the chief question must necessarily b whether the people wish the on tano temperance act to remain in force if this issue is put squarely to the people the packet has no fears as to the result nobody who can recall con ditions prior to 1016 will be easily persuaded that prohibition has failed to work a revolution for the better and the electors are not going to be tricked into giving up its solid advantages for the specious arguments from moderatiomsts whose zeal for true temperance did not awaken till the bars and tho liquor shops had been closed the packet voices tho opinion of thousands of conservative electors as well as that of moral reformers generally pf all shades of politics editorial notes tho canadian government has prohibited tho entry into canada of cattle sheep goats or swine from the united states on account rf the appearance of the foot and mouth disease in that country a very wise precaution he was holding forth to a group off a main street corner and he said this ontario temperance act is no good there is more drinking done than ever it should be done away with and a sane law put in its place so it would be easier for a fellow to get a drink when he wants it and ho wasnt an irishman either shelburne economist for a pedestrian to be drunk is a misdemeanor and punishable by the ontario temperance act he is not so much a menace as a nuisance but for a driver of a powerful motor car on the highway to be intoxicated is as it should be a crime because of the peril to the public that is involved and the highway traffic act provides heavy penalties for this serious offence a general increase in flro insurance rates in western ontario amounting to 25 cents per 100 00 of insurance went into effect isst week in country districts and small towns where the are protection is below a certain specified standard this shows an other advantage acton secured in the installation of an adequate waterworks system with auxiliary pumps for fire pressure what is success it is achievement how do we measure it b tho benefits that it confers wealth is not necessarily the measure of it for a man may be successful and never rich or he may b rich and fail of success true success is measured not by dollars but by service and health character education and industry are tho foundation stones upon which is rises companion rumors are current that the budget is to be brought down in about three weeks and have led to an inference in certain quarters that tho govern ment intends to reduce income taxes the inference is founded on the idea that the budget is being brought forward early so that any changes made in the income tax may come into effect before april 30 next when tho first payment of income taxes for the present year is duo intimation has been given by premier ferguson that further encouragement is to be given those in the rural sections of tho province where hydro power is available to enjoy the benefits obtainable therefrom therewasreport recently hat sir adam beck advocated that tho government should pay tho full tost of rural primary lines instead of fifty per cent s ur present that may be the plan in tho mind of the premier and it would no doubt meet with favor by those concerned premier ferguson says that it is his duty to got the views of both extremes on such measures as tho ontario temperance act ond that thcro may be a middle passage between those extremes that language can mean nothing except the abolition of the law- prohibition is described by its opponents as one of the extremes tho old license law was a middle passage between prohibition and tho unro stricted sale of intoxicants and those who oppose prohibition call themselves moderates toronto globe a may 4ne with animal i his wagon leave them at tho door of a cafe or inn while he goes in to have a good time this jut the ordinance says v the height of gratuitous torture j a biro party tmat8 nw knelt iuml was invilotl lo com rap rraontlnc bird an i to prepared lo lve mm imitation ot a eon and n deacrlptlon f aome of ita character latlca ttis roomi were dftcormtad wltt green to give an atmosphere ot th wood a whan all imd dmcmhlid ilia hoateaa annuunood that concert would ba in and aha caled upon aaxh one in turri the ueeta ware ivan paper hi it pencil and ware aaked to wrlto live names ot tlia feathered feonaatam from the eon e and deaorlptlojui the one sueaalna correctly the arqait number f blrda wa awordacta bird book aa a pel the aueata were next invited into an adjoining- room where plcturaa or different varlelee of blrda without nimn ware faatened upon the walla kaon picture wu numbered and the ueata were ivan card containing aa many number aa tuera were plcturaa and were aaked to write jhe namea ot the hlrda oppoalte the oorraapondlna number the winner of thla oonteat waa alao awarded a prlte then the gueata wre aaked to be aented and the follow ing queatlone wont paaaed around eack to be ana wo red with the name or a bird 1 what bird makee clolhlngt what bird la a royal a port man 3 whot bird repreaenu the nation at colorat 1 wtui t llrtl la not truthful c whut bird keepa tale hourat 8 what bird la dorlatve t what bird la dnpleaaantt i what bird la inclined to hi motancholyt v what bird la a irlrle namet 10 what bird la a ceeatal body 7 ii what bird i a part or the kit chen 13 what bird axowa on traeat is what bird la a believer in cor poral punlahmant 14 what bird u very juatt ie what bird la dlahoneett 1c what la the moat frollokaome blrdtt 17 what la tho military blrdt 11 what bird la a church dlgnl taryt 1 what la a do meat tea tad animal 20 what la the mott tempeatou bird the one who anawera the laraeat number of queatlona correctly recelv ed a prise the anawera to theae queatlon will be found at the end of thhi article a bird gmme waa next in order th gueata were eeated it a circle and the riret one waa aaked to name a bird then the aecond to nuns one beginning with the laat letter of the one prevl oualy named for example the word nightingale waa given by the oral player and the aecond gave emu and ao on down the line no pauaae were allowed and the player who could not promptly name hie bird waa obliged to drop out of the game the pne remaining longest in the circle won game the next game occasioned much merriment two leader were selected who ohoae aldee aa down for a ape ii ing match a cord waa a tret oh ed down the centre of the room and the two eeta of contestant lined up on either aide of it borne ught reathers were blown or floated down the centre between them the object waa for each ido by blowing- to keep the feather from fa una on ita aide of the cord if a feather felt on the floor the one neareat to whom it fell waa obliged to drop out of the game the aid having the largest number or player at the end of the game waa the winner and the leader waa awarded a prise a variation of the animal ve table and mineral game waa played one of the guests left the room and the remainder decided upon the name of some bird when the player return ed he aaked a queatlon of each mtm ber of the company all of whloh ha i to be answered by yea or no the- aueatloner determined by the answero the name of the bird if he was un able to do ao be had to go out again but if he waa eucoeeaful another play er was chosen aa questioner table partners for aupper were mo cured in the following manner j tho hosteaa passed around carda oorrea ponding eeta tot the ladlea and gentle men on the cards were written the harries of birds a different aet from thoae represented at the beginning of parry these were mostly com mon fowl andj birds auch as the hen goose duck crow owl turkey gobbler rooster whlppoorwlll chick adee and other easily imitated each boy waa asked to imitate the bird on card and the girl who was the corresponding one if aha recognised her mate stepped forward tbl oon tlnued until all had secured partner occasioned much merriment a aoroe of the effort were very funny the centrepiece was a large green t filled with grapes the souifenlra huwri bokbon th 1a x wor j t place card rarda on which picture of the birds re i rusented by th gueei each one finding his own particular bird thla evening proved instructive aa well a ntertalnlngr thla party oan bo re pea ted by ualngt other games answers to bird questions 1 tailor bird 1 kingfisher 3 hunting 4 lyre e mbjhtlncale uocklnr bird t crossbill 8 blue jay b phoebe 10 blading 11 oven bird is huthatoh is whip poorwml 14 crow because it never oomplalns without awn ik robin 14xrk 17 adjutant 1 card inal iv catbird 30 btorray petrel how trout change color anglere are famular with the fact that brook trout obanae color chain eleon like in conformity with the char acter with the bottom over which they jfleis if the fish frequent a part of the stream where the water flows over white ind it beootnea nearly white the reverse is true if it frequenta a jfitlwhflrnuho bottom 1 of qn rly or moss fervent follower of iaak walton who bad long- been curio ua to learn how raildly thla trantormatlon take place captured a email trout last mm mar mid pluced it in a while porce loin truy through whtdh ha cuaod u atreajn of clear water to flow in a few days urn fish began to grow light tr in oolur unit before the week end was a very light yellow with atrip un 1 epots only lightly darker hu i ukt experiment was to laoo a thin sheet nf hard black rubber un the bottom of the tray lit lees than a week the trout hod wain o a dark pearly biack with the mark ings utmost indistinguishable hl third experiment he changed tun to a dark olive green merely by covering the bottom of the tray with moea thla change took place more rapidly than tho others owing doubt leas to the fact that the flab waa already dark the fleherman then restored the tray to lis original color white and per- mil ted the trout to fade to a emoii yellow he then sprinkled a layer of brink dual over the bottom and the halt very promptly turnod to a deold udly roddleh hut ilia last experiment wo iu oovor thp bottom with miis sand which wrought the most rapid hunge in three days the bab beouma l light straw color to determine thacaue for this oolor variation the angler repeated the m tire vrlea of experiment in a darken ed room here it required three tlmaa as long for the various ohsng to take place l difference tlmi to in dlcate that the changes are produced by the notion of the light raya on tbo pigment and not by any oonscl ou effort upon the part of the troi rout the boyn want to wander dock former members of the free press staff subgeet a free preaa jubilee celebratlpn from lime to time former members of tita hjum ihkms staff have hlnlod thst they w uld greatly enjoy riming hack homo to oetebrat lliu juulltxi ol the founding of tun know lnaaa july itls a letter received the other day front mltahall cobban foromai of the ad verllng department of the winn peg free 1 reaa an id re pool ing theae suggeatlona regarding wandering back home 4 would to do ao i would prefer that many otnera ofn members of the bluff wuul i take tie notion at the eame time and go back whon i da last eprlng i waited tl i july for an announcement of acton a jubilee celebration then went lo the wild of kopora lo climb rockn and lh and bllaler the back of my neck and the enfl of my noae when i re turned i learned that the dud ha 1 really gone off and tnat you and the home comers who atended had a real home comora who attended had a rn 1 think george thuraton and per hap aomn other of tho uld boyj wrote about whut a pleaaure it would be to have a jubilee celebration for ttis fma prs if announcement of auch a gathering were made now some of the boy who might be thinking or wandering back this year would wait until the fouowing year or if hard up for cash they could commence saving up their ducata so n to have the noce aary amount at the proper time i would greatly enjoy taking a tramp a bee line down to tho big apting where you now get your town water would look ot apota where i cut ahlnny atlck when a boy where i picked berrlcji and i wonder if they deatroyed all the lamaraok ashing pole that grew near tho big spring- then id ake a trip out to the gore to flsh and snare rabbit a or have a game of carda on a bright afternoon among ihe rushes along salry lake juet a hundred yard west of tht drill ahed or play duok on the rock in tommy cameron a bush after munday school are there any beechnuts in tom moore a old buah above the school t x supposo if went to tho old bwtmmln hole- would have to wear bathing suits a few years ago j met one of the old gang and we referred to an event that happened thirty years ago which had always been a myatery to me he ovl dently forgot that i must have been at christian endeavor meeting that ight or oeelng nellie home i will explain when i wander baok again it will be a groat joy to have auch a reunion as mitch auggesia if any considerable number of the old mem ber of the staff suggest auch a gain erlng in july 1916 the present staff will gladly do everything ip their power to make the home coming memorable and enjoyable there are about fifty old fan pnaas boya and girls scattered over the north ameri can continent if they all come home with their wives and sweetheart yes and th children too they ii make quite a stxable gathering and they ii find the old home town will give them a real old faahtonod welcome and a good time every minute they 11 a lay just soy the word and we 1 be ready beyond hblp the export in one rial 1 tn ly wholly ignorant in that whloh u ij it nevertheless ho l h umtlmoii j to glvo a louchof a luuslhlllty to hit explanations the tfutumoulllst in tho following atory from the waahlngtoi htar had noma rlnon on hla aide no air said tie m ijorlst tho airship la utterly imi rnutlrol do you apeuk ua a eolontlat no air aa a mun f an eknorf ence huppoeo your engli a i reaks ur your gasoline gjvas out un 1 louvu you stuck away up yon lor in a ol u i bank how are you going to gat a tastn of liorsea to pull you outt ferry ooodurdeoetsl to who i business directory dr j a mcniven phyalolan and surgeon office and hesldonce rt or uowar avenue and elgin htreet i iionp b making others work making other people work aeema eaay enough we all know the para site type which never works when work can be avoided and which re ties on others tor food and drink and clothes and amusement and even for its thoughts such ehlrklng is not what we mean to discuss we apeak of the faculty of using the tabor of others for aome common end of directing it of co ordlnattng it ao that there shall be no haste no waate and ihe maximum of achievement buch direction often re quire colossal labor it la a far rarer gift than the ability to labor with your own tn use lea indeed it la one of the rareat of gifts and the freaklahneai of ita distribution makes you feel more than almost anything elae that all mon are not bora equal you meet every day hard working people vaho cannot manage others who do not discern the aptitude of others wh do n i trust others who perslat in attending to every 11 it 1 detail of great taskn in person so the great tasks often remain undone this executive faculty of getting tho very best out of others is of course moat appreciated in men who all great poaltlona in armies or in nations where chief can only map out the largo of an enterprise and tnuat leave details to subordinates in their respective degrees but precisely thu mtnu faculty appears in the hoi daughter ilack of that faculty is one if tho chief cauaes of the aervant iroblems the gift of all domestic management as of ull management la inborn but to u large extent it can be learned and certain simple rules are of great 1m krtance kirat when you give orders see that they are obyed that in it self implies that orders should not be 111 considered fcr confused or con fllctlng lld no one do what ttnnot be done second put yourself in the place of those under you napoleon walking with a lady in balnt helena and they met a man currying a heavy loa 1 who obliged thum tu turn t of the path the lady was indlg ivant consider the burden madam said the great emperor if you at kll times consider the burden you jfill and your servant glad to give you their beet third learn system work thoroughly planned is half done it is amaaing how u task is tightened when you see the nd of it and lis relation o other tasks and the beginning of ystem for others is to understate 1 its working for you the thorough comnm uiid application of these rules form a large part of housekeeping whloh la un art and whloh can be learned like other arts da hot let mr glrh nirlo t this elementary trail it g whllu thuy are practising the flnar grace of boliui life schoolboy howlers the following is u selection from u lint of schoolbt y howlers j rlnttnl in the unlwralty l rrpoii lent un i thw icducatiuuul hevlaw liuuyati wuu thu invimloi of tl u nonconformist idiihi unl ultto wrote the iltgrims chorua ii lft0 tht 1 hgrlnih uueeed the ocean which u km wu us the 1 ii grlma hrugrvas charles 1 wu going to iniirry the infanta at hpaln he wont t mj her and bhakcepeuro buy he nevur anilu i again q where do we tn inulgoeaf a where woinuii g mss th inflammability of tho 1 ope wus i reclaimed in the vatican idecrect william the conqueror waa thrown from hi hnrae and wtunlod in thu fuulul syntcm unl in dlod if it cllve imi ruloned ms men in tho uluck hole of caluutts un i wo uld the foundation tf our indian rmplre ttjc trade of hnuln la small owing lo ib ineolenoe of its people in hollanp people make uso of water ihiwer to drive their wind mills queen r uxbbeth rode through ci van try with nothing on and italelgh offered her hla cioak lompell was deatroyed by un over uow of saliva from the vatlcun a prism is a kind of dried plum ho castas smmmai aay prune d prisma hat wall paint dirt dust and grime cannot penetrate its hardy film stains can be easily wobhcd away without marnng the good looking suracc there is a wide choice of tones suitable for decorating any type of room interior decorators recommend it because it gives tho glosslqss velvety finish so mjicb desired it also aids correct diffusion of light we have a qomplete stock of all kinds of martin senour loo iure paints w d talbot main street phone 76 acton ontario bt the eataunmakl of the xaentatlv pemu in cakasa tlawa die political centre of canada and pro- ihrhnwy designated by the late earl grey aa ihe possible centre of the british empire 0 the future never dreamed of the brilliant destiny in store for it when the bonk of montreal established a branch there 8t years ago c at that om was m many respects a terra incognita consisting of half a dozen provinces with differing laws tangs and currencies and ottawa was only a lively lmle lumber camp called bytown today ottawa is not only the name of a beautiful aty but a also a tynonym for the voice of a naoon like downing screet and the quai ovotsay the name of the bank of montrealr tocy has darpl mi m the intervening years it is now recognized as the ntle of a nation wide rn ranking among the leading banks of the world bank of montreal established over ioo years total assets m excess of i650oooooo hardwood floors they cost little they last forever hardwood floors ore the last word in economy their first coat ia not high and they last a lifetime let uc quote you on sufficient flooring to cover your old fjqqig or on your requirements for your new house hard wood floor never w jit out the wear cornea not 00 the wood but on the varnish and wax thats how they economise in money in time and effort they save tremendously in beauty and charm tn actual selling valu they odd im- measurably to the value or yot r home red oak quarter cut white oak birch maple and beech each of which hus ia own individual character and beauty seamaeikcnt e j nelson fnjcdkiucic btiu trr aeten ontario leqal phone no 33 i o bo us harold nash farmer m a barr later 80 ho i tor notary public cenveyanear cte perrvman block acton ont movfy iknt mollroaoi b hour 30 a m to 5 tn saturdaye 1 00 dork ft g meir barwater belle tor notary publjq georgetown ont dental dr j m bell d d s l d s dent lt honor oraduate of toronto ui lvr- slty the latest anesthetic u i if desired offloe at residence corner will and fradarlok street dr f ggollop dds lbs dental ouroer offle over bank of nora scotia hours 10 to 8 so fcvenns by appointment miscellaneous francis nunan bookbinder account books of all kinds tnsde to rder perlodlcala ofjavery description carefully bound bullnjc neatly anj promptly don wyndham street ouelph ont over william store phones ofllc 411 374 dr a l price chiropractic electrotherapy 130 upper wyndham street guclph over 11 years v x orl ico conhultatiom htl i r jw kerr auctioneer and real estate agent 17 yoars eaimjrloi co acton ontario sales entrusted to it j kerr r celve sttentl n rx 111 at t of ukujvb to date of aa list y ur sals with tna itesldotice llower vvi ua aoton i h ne sti acton call at my expense guelph business college offers up to duto cleric xluslnos stonotrauby ni 1 to cretsxlal courses by exp rt ox perlancud toacl rw hlu luilm my ontur nny day wlutfc fcott ivloilmaliov v d bi uott 1 rluelpul acton elevator near g t b station following brands on hund flour manitoba plouh pastrv rolled oats oat chop oats oilcake hav and qrain grain tioueht and ttclallixl alex l n 1iknkv awkey mnnatir flooring cakmed 1 stock by j b mackenzie malco that bedroom lloor look better and bo more sanitary by laying y no i unui mooring any ono can lay it as it is end matched for a bedroom uulo which would require 110 feet at 08c per loot it would cost 1 28 plus 3 per cent government bales tax which makes a total of 9 56 for cash purchase if booked 5 parccnt noro norman mcuvoo manager phone 48 e ciieevers uook binder quebee bl eaat qualph onl hooks hit 1 tiiskuklnos bound u uaudaoins mid uubsuhtlul oovij nltrke mturud lit uol i uu lllblea- lljrum hooks mid otlmr books all woru trrmpuy eueeuud get your job printing at the free press the old and it el lab lo g rani ft and marble wofbu we are manufacturers and dlreot importers or al kinds of uonunmnul uid llaadatooe work ve sell direct to our customers at wholesale prices thus asvlns our euatomers 40 per ooat we have the beat appliance ai i tbe only mechanics in tbe dominion who on opeittft pnaumaalo umiis inilirly we oan give reference from nunlrmls of our ouatomena in toroutu an i other buosa where ethers lve hkvti law ulta lo order to oolleut wo have tbe tarewt and beet stock of qrt lt1 th dotnl or more than any three dlaxe in the wost we am 1- bute dealers and smiikiy id i n ts ja ld pot ami ly or nt t unt icrs by fendtn out lenofunt i ts a hoit- lh 4rdarwe employ ouly ine hautoe defy enrapetlf inn hamilton sons

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