Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 14, 1924, p. 3

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mgm j vjwivwwk yv ilp jvrtmt 3frr jlrphb tpnilhiia y kchuiaiiy 14 1024 home builders it in llllod hut im i ihi qwnatnul utilllod b luntit 111 h longest mild hint were till hlutit pleasure ii 1 i the til of tolling or lh kiw of our ulgh i ility within ua all the rest ppod route until thut lit tho gladdest u oiil thai build u homo ndtrdr a fluent a costly luxury u title o pouslbto ulllht jis i huuuulunt hut it x recent muguxlnow loading article it ciwltt llluo tlmjro is in to thn truth of thh ouiti he rcmiiiji rui anyone to uupikma that money was ull thul wo inat ly giving way in fit a of depression or that tho drunclal toss win i ho greater it costs health to ho blue if yoi yourself aink into a condition of mel ancholy what u thn result t first your digestion u immediately affocled you lose your appetite nothing tanton um it should iven the food thut you out falls to ugroe with you your it loo 1 1 in unrooted no ont in suffering from tho blues sleeps soundly in u very short time you and yourntly in thn minora bin state whoro th i oust effort foom a burden und you seriously qutmtlnn whether lift ik worth living ir you hiatal on pus- nraslng that doubtful luxury wo call thn hi u mi mmnmbr that you pay tor it in health it cohtn friends to bo blue bonn- times people who loan thoir money or undergo no mo other m la fortune com i in in that tholr rrltinds dasoit them und aiuumn that thin i a proof of their lnnlncorlty now this la some times true utid frequently not true til ull btomotlmeu tho friends of thoae who huvo lout money stay away be- chum limy cannot on d urn tlm utmos- ihoro of depression they encounter nvory time tlioy enter tholr home it doos not make any personal difference to thorn whether john la worth a hun dred thousand dollars or a dollar and eventyflyo rents hut it makes a groat deal of difference thai every lime thiy encounter john they ore obliged to im sympathetic it will save you young people a great deal of trouble if you rcullao at the start thai dtlurubcialuicountenande repels that those who nro always telling a hard luck story wllflnd tfielr circle of listeners continually growing less the inalt net of self- preservation warn a pooplo away from the one who make too constant a demand on their iym- path to the blues are a costly luxury you pay for them in money of course but you can also pay for them in health and happiness and f honda hip clar- enoo e liars lead trrr ivtl fc- jr vpihxnmk bbbbbab itbwu ybbbat mpaocxm jgvji bbbbi i p- 9 bbbbl bbbbi m bbbbbbbsabbbb bbh its mi lrethnh i xr met d hut i prlx hint h liter jual tho sun rzr well thul w us ll itc n wrtlk ihnl m loriilnff i ind i oltj y il th n ulml 1 hutli wlfl nil thrixi tif l thn ill- tlmiii ouch o f whom like i rnyi llli ho r liei tlvltil l ai ion for ii ivnr ul ity yvum whats the good word when mother cooked wilb wocl yard hard tiled uxe hail vu n in hod froni the the choppliin hlixk is jrono om is no pile of cordwood for boys to work upon there is no liojc that muat im each mortilntf to the hoo1 time in its ruthlrsaness hns tho paoalntf of the wood and yet those days wont fruftnil dnyii and spicy days unit ritro the kltnhon know a choorful blaxc und frlondllnoss was thrro ani every upitetltn wus breakfasts that were it whvn i had hcurcoly turn and mother rookod wll for i uaed to dreud my dally cjiiim i to think it tobich when mother at the kitchen door id not i hopped nnouith and on hnr tmkhitf duyn i kno shirked whouow i iinilil in that now happy ion if ui t mother rooked with woixl i never thnuffht id wish to pile of wood uiculn ihick there it only biemod ti n aouifo tif care und pain it now id kindly tfivo my nl stand where unco f htimml thime mrx days t could riull mother evoked with wood urn the a home town creed the real man is not always to bo weighed in the balance of what h but jn what he believes her is a creed an aposuea creed of the apostles of civic growth pride the reading and memorudrur of which will help the place you live b i believe in the place where i live i bellove in her people in her girls in her boys i will make myself committer of one to make this a good place to live in i believe in the place where i live i believe in it institutions i be lieve in the street broom the street sweeper and the paint pot i bellove in never an empty can on vacant lota but many a full one in the larder never again will i throw waste paper or rubbish in the street or alley i believe in the place where i live i believe in the trees oods first temples grass instead of ash heaps and flower instead of weeds if i cannot speak a good word of my neighbor i will hold my peace when it costs nothing at least may ood bless the tongue that gives honest praise and commendation and may lie doubly bless tho ear that is deaf to scandal and gossip i will spend my money here and by sn doing leave part of the purchase price to circulate in the channels where us equivalent in wealth was originally created to do good among immiple who are part of the place of which i am a part ln the place i call i the athenian oath we will never bring disgrace on this our city by any act of dishonesty or cowardlcn we will fight for the ideals snd 1 sacred thine of thu city both ulone and with many we will revortt and obey the city laws and we will do our best to incite a like reverence und rnspect in those nliout us who ure prone to unnul umm or set them ut naught we wjti atrlvo unoeaalngly to lillckeii the publics sense of clvl duty thum in ull these ways we will trans mlt this city not only not leu but greater belter und more baautlful than it was trwtismlttad to us largest wheat producers the pralrln lrovlnoes of canada namely manltubu huskatohewari and albert u srn the largest producers of wheat mji acre on the north amerloan continent according ui a table c piled by the farm and itanch lurvlow quarterly showing the comparative yields between the ivulrie provinces and the principal wheat producing status of thu united htutes the uver ago for twenty years shows albertu laarta with im bushels per acre hai katuhewa next with is a bushels uhd manitoba 18 7 bushels followed by kansas with is ft minnesota im houth ihkotu 114 und north dakota id u bushels the farm und jlutiolt ituvlow quurtorly slutew tho hvonuru und actual ruatilts of farming over a long period o years is of uuur the only infallible hi o i hod of estimating the productive cuiuuilty und roultunl prosperity under normal oondltloiim of uh ugrluulturul country in addition duality of product must be uousldered and the hard wheut if western canada is u superior product to that of iht prosperous jurining huuoa of thn union und grown on cheaper land and under lowur taxation it is thoraforu logical to suppose lhat u greater and more porntanent iirosturlty is being ateaillly developed in ilntarmhome and lommuultles of the canadian west in fact those who fell thut due to hit siibnorniul priod from whlnh ugrloul- ture is utnergitik u would require three good orensxor tho west to noms iwuk urv uaaln forcibly re- minded of the feat that tho western 1ruvlnces have often the eiiuul of throe good crops in one bumier year and under one years expenses al berta has the bumper crop mis yoar andjkln addtuon as shown heads the oontlnant in yield per acre over period or twenty years with only wo poor orofi cycle in forty ywara 1 dont kntow who it wum who wrotu this homely ixmtlo on union upon a very homely oldtime topic i found it the other day lh a drawer in which keep clippings 1 havo gathered from time td time during the past fifty years and which ida ry complains h always cluttered up hut thoroi rather an interesting colncldonpo re lating to it- as i suy i came acrasi it the other morning and it impressed me so when i scanned i over that read it and reread 11 because it took me back so vividly to the old dayi i could put myself right back there whore tlto poet found himself when h composed those lines gut of his ex ucrlence it was mine m u t i recoil the old home wood pile and my chore of cutting wood for mother most vividly and i remember what a pile it seemed to take o baking days work hard as i could i never seemed to get any ahead my old dad used to come along sometimes when i was at it and cut up a stick or two for me that always lightened tho load considerably and the work of putting and nlhn the wood box went on easier after that well tho morning after i read that poem studied it and recalled the old days i wont out for a brief forenoon walk my route this time led me up past tho town hall and around the corner to dower b tree l they call lf ooe avenue now bay id hardly got past tho hose house at the town hall when i hoard some one with an axe splitting wood my but it sounded natural in fact ttwas real musla to ma under my reflections of the poem and the early days youll not be surprised when 1 tell you t hobbled across the street and up to the fence so as to ascertain where tho wood cutting was going on and whoso was the sturdy arm which wus wielding the oxo and making the fire wood add splinters fly say there was a sur prise for me when i gut into the line of vision u und behold thorn was my young friend a e nlcklln j i at work in real earnest spllttlnif as pretty a ptlo of body maple as wnanvr seen in that or any other yard here since acton had its first wood ptlo und it wasnt a utile pe olther when t gut als attention he told me with a lot of pride t have tun single cords of prime wood tho re and im rpllttuue it all myself i dont think i ever had as big- a pile of wood ut my house before well say x could believe that without uny trouble i can re member ai when lie was a little chap at home uhd it was his job to cut family supply of wood lis was juaf like the other chap who never seemed to get enough for his mother on buktnjr days i guess we chaps who sre old now worn all like thut when wo were lads well anyway als got u dundy pile uf wood und i believe its ull split now and piled up at ibs sldo of the wool hod to union for summer baking t f paying for judgment food word in moat kill inliln jrolijhly u mere form ho sail 1 iillilinf friendly ilki loav y u 1 or how iyiu dof puy him iiin for i thiuuln it imlpii hud bnitfhl t ik in our mltd ut thu didnt halt t paying the dill hihty llirtit l iyj tom jone our thinking il i in nil to th froi at th irlvlng tlreniont ihlofly in nuyhiu nl built ujl fron ord und intollltco to uiinnthli or thoy hut f hohtit hnrvlr prl the ownoi point wh illc i for u thoy hod dollill thoy hn im elttlm two mon wore db uhuiiik 1 tlott ut lunch they agreed thul thnuuam ure wull pnld for loiiur not i two tiourrt work a day wlpit are the paid fnrt for judgiheitt jiiinod on once ufd tho othor tl liuiniiiir tlm proiltn but inn down lonatim tho wllllutii the doss is human if you have an idea you think would nilo tlm bustiio spilng u on thr lxas dont bo iifiiill hoii hiiniiin ho wants tho idea mi much ns you want him to have it ho may hot be nbo to uho thn idni ho may not ay why but dont lot that dlumuriiit you koop on thlnkinir mid keep on nugbonthis kvtry big ninn is tin innipoull of it tliouxiilld oxput ikikoji hom picked up hero thio und ovcrv whnro hoh eonatunlly oi the look- ut for mnn ijvon if your idmi lant accepted as practical it bus holpod yoli to grow bocuuxo it luis niado you conslilor the problem maltn up your mind if you havent an ideii to dig our ut und ttftor youve simtroatnd hint turt right in to tltf out another nnl suggoat thul icaglo a tlulty kni talkln light loy oi pit kin own i mot ilill m- ail 1 didnt imvn to i ho uimil wrd wan rly nouted when ho bout niitlo ii in u f ulxtooii und h told mo it uliow of unlmatlou of klgnulu frojn two dlhtunl etatlons tho ovonlpg before on tho rooclvlujc hoi ho nxihlrurtul himaelf i-n- home wriku muio has been th ijood woid with mill und something- uboiit tuiilitff ollx uoiinlh loadh oi hook up him pfippod out every time h oi i iiim mouth that may continue for uovernl woekn to come but ultliiuitoly it will glvo plalo to oiimothlng ebio many yuarn niro wo niu1i dlucovof it wuii much the uuinii way hui h murvuls mi rimlloa and jnurlng curs ui violroliui wore unknown then but th the lilhklh of tho people worn llony ikcunhxl with thu nxtrema old woath- ur water for the mllf and dip xikfety of tho lotntooh mid vosotithlom atored in tho lollur hlmply eintod the good word tw whil in iipporniosl in tines mind iho ougrnaslng intorout the iiiiiii- litint idtii one ioniik manulwaym unnwered th iliiontion whats tlie good wordt by tin liidolciit oh nothing much per haps ho didnt realise that he wus tolling tho exact truth but he wua i tti hud tho luxy nlowmovlntf type doubly an agnostic rofeesor haley had boon much un- noyod by tlto persistency with which jt young man who ttoaatod of being tin tignoatiry dlscuasml his rollgfoua be liefs in tho history clue one day ho i giving hi- cluas h brink oral ex- umlnutlon the young win ulwuvh ready to argue was having a hiird time flth the tllront tolivtvd juoationf that rttfensor haley shot ut him i i believe remarked the profonuor ftor a bit with his uiua 1 llap that you are an agnoatlc in rellglnuth rant- lorth ye sir uiiawerod tho young man promptly scontlng an opportunity to iiacupo from tho kttllinjf tu which lie bad been nubjoctod i can uthuso you s4t1d the pro fessor thrtt ynu uro an nimnmlo in hlthtory ath well the waiter ready to help levd ilalfour praiuoa the waiter liut ho mot in washington at tliu confor- once on limitation of urinunients and tells the following story i was ut a hotel when nil the wall ers were colored mon on the it rut evening i pushed uwiy the moiiu unit guve the wultor a coin junt bring mo a good dinner uncle i suld ho brought me an excellent dinner 1 continued this plan for a fortnight when t left my walter auld to me goodbye suh an good luck and when yoh or any of yoh frlens como here what cant reud the menu jon ax for old calhoun clay the attraction advertising is such utt art says u publicity export in the washington star that many pooplo uctunlly buy periodical as much for ithe advertuo- mnts a for the readlncmultor i sat in an editors office the othur day when a poet entrd glad to sen youve accepted that sonnet of ml do the poet said fever ishly pushing back bis luntf italr i hope it will be widely reud its eure to be said thn editor its sure to bo ive placed it next to one of our most striking uds slightly misunderstood a charming hut diffident girl was atod next to a bishop at u dinner party it was the first time she hud been so close to nucb u dignitary the continued slloncn became em- barrosslntf to her und whoi aotne fruli i passed she suutchod at the ohunc to say something to him are you fond ttf bananas sin asked the prelate a trifle deaf replied since you have uukod rio about u jupius i will statu nut to fruttkly ttml much prror the oldfusbloned night lilrtt of mind ind wum iii tver deeply in- that naturul tori atod in i anything nan illcui light have boon ovorenmo in purl 1 ut voter i never look the troi ibl lu oxort blnn iof und ond ml hi duyn oh u duy lain irer merely he- tali mo iii i urticiilar bu ihiiioss or ocou- putl lofl 11 pp ulel to bin i more strongly than am mil or the u iblt of hnvluga good word hi ono highly to bo bunun ended it nerv- oil u in loflll purpose to imvn some- ihlr ilf foi rou tost in th mlnd und heart ull throitgh life und it arrvmi a useful pur pom too to have a minor lnter- tut or ono sort or anotlier boliblng up now undugnlu to ill dlif nliy uf u keen intureet which absorbs the at- tontlon whutovur wo uro doing soon gnlm to be the uiimo old grind unleiih wu take palm to diversify it its wou to start each irw morning with nmnii domlnallug lilou nlnnif the lino of our work uhd its well to have uu inferos ir a fad ijultn alart from our work for roluxttlnn wijvo just struck quadratic i the tituobnt claim u bih school boy haldtlie othor day lie didnt make u wry face but poke with- animation ho aeomod to be curious to know morn alout what was new and ntrangt to him his keen wholoaomo intorout will curry him over dllucuitlca which might duunt sonio of the les onter- pruing niomborn of his clans a school coorsii looked at ono way is a long hard road but looked ut another way it offers hances to make fresh begin nlngs every few days and reach the end all tho sooner for doing so in one of irving iuahuliars intel stories haniaon truylor the new rng hind migrant to tho middle west almost it hundroitrymirw ago puts out quostlou v tho uttlu lad on tho seat lueldo him as ho mounts hit covered wngou for another days journey to thu country of tho bangamon well my im whats tho g word thin mornliigr to which tho youngster dutifully toplum ood help ua ull und make hlii face to uhlno upon us that wounds rather stilted for u iinmll boy and i surmise some plou mother had hliooim1 him to say ii thut w but it was a bit of whole- moiiio schooling for which no toy could be iho womo the duy which opem with a gruteful thought u clods good- iuimh und n titiatful idiiihi of clods in oseno im u day of fair promlae any heart in biuvor fot thu assurance thut it ooirt not imur- untried puthx ulone und that if mishap bfutls us tnluhup uuiy the icvorlastlng arm uro close tit hand to support unit surior and thut lant all tho trlllos of tho dally lound take h it itew dignity und vuluo when the vatheta face mhliies ukii tlto worker dotulls are rvdoemod rum dull commonplaced n ess 0 wo realize that they ar impor- t oujhugh to nllst our fathers help 1 win our fathers approval in the rullhfiil doing of them to sum up the whohf matter ti good word to in the day with could hurdly bo better than lod charles x white lo mr wohv id hi mr woi 1 im n got nted wo loul 1 wall a mot hill will puy lleod oil imy ho und said i wn lvo none to food yi mighty mar if y miro hujiend iltllo lima to pa wilt i the farmot fl no ho took n iipln in mr hhep- nrds nl i op lit to was warmly wel- liliid in ho no 11 i iteiwl u lot ool i turt pay you today but if mr hhoplmrd snriner heap get some hny beep tiut mon th inc and nu like to havo n pay for this horo foiwl inor noolod iwlno to ta bin roii uf outs be bought the stuff fiom meichunt illitlik lo be pold when ho lutil iiolil hlh nil oat- now mr merchant hud in buy no mo gimjits to keep within tils store and no ho wont and bought on tick hod oflon done luifore ttlq man who nmilo thn merchantx goods hud noitght to buy his iilalu and so ho bail in urn homo men which to them was ijtilto a shock then these men hud no pioimy to buy their families food and an the whoola of trade stood xllll und tlnioe worn far from good if joitkln hadnt failed to pay hi uttlu bill to jones jon ould have vuni and liunded hheurs hi utile pile of honvht hhcurn could have tvought bin clollt for lush and paid it on tho dot whhh would havo imoii tho cheap er way und nuvod him itulte u lot ho weaver could have got his wool and handoi out tho tin and mr shepherd would bo plmtnod hed invite waaver in and kurmor hup could havo had hl laeli for that big load of hay und mnn hunt tioedut wonder whan kainmr iteup would pay then mer chant lould have imiught his goods on iulto it dlrferont plan and mr munufuoturer might huvn kept his trusty iniiii the man his wages would fiavo hpoiil on things to wear und ent ami ho the ylll man iluslness inulit have kept upon his foot school boy howlers ttioho dallghtfu schoolboy ocordeir ure tho following a grit ii u whiow 1 ii 1 the wife uf a dead vegetarian tor hum ipild u it loga term mean injf c hd ictiluutt n is th o nolsn you roako whyu you liattera h 11 oo bo- in slopli llg print are in hy- may that same day i came upon other incidents wlikh toog mo uwuy buck to the goimi old days i going down mill htreet und in pusslng- 1 called tu ask for my old friend nancy ilrowu oh but you you n if folks wont know who i meant u wus un thomas bumurvllle but to nio she always nanny iirown old hqufr itrownn daughter you know well when i mjulred of iter de voted daughter adu whu repllml oh mothers pretty well for bar today shes culebrutlng her olghtyflfih birthday today wont you ctunu in und see her fur a few minutest well well well it wus hard to rulxu thut he really had attained thut good old ago and i knew her when u youiis womul atuiudlng he methndy hunduy hchool and singing in to choir iliw time files if i am hot cumful taumtt- ikmly will be lulling tnu im goltlhg old too one o these fine days wull 1 went fiom there to the post oftke lu tukiuire if tlioco wore uny letters for mary or mu when i went to the post uttlue wiitkofi thur was my voneruble frlettd j tin nil mst- thuwd liulidlnk out letters us uaulll juat uu he has tteun doing fur hiu for ovnr sixty years a ususl he uskud for mary und 1 was glad to toll him muiy wus us wall us oould be uxloctad for her that she wus doing lus cum plullllllg thull 1 do myaelf thesit tluys and then uf oourao 1 uskud for murla well he said uiit sorry lo tell you i matthews is not very weji hhoe unui in lod for huverul wooks not i but jum tired und wanting to p ull the time uho ihlnks nheh y from home or down tit huf birthplace ut htrootsvllto i nuulrud f blm us to her ujfu why h said were both in our eighty itnth your i told him i was sorry ids wife wus uu poorly and hoped shed soon i itettor buy jlmmla i said to him 1 way very glad to see that letter from tlto fost offloe depurtineut lu th fuw pmaas congratulating you upon being ao ions in ofloo and on being so well thats pretty guo1 for a oilt quvarii- mni lant itt- ye he said it id afhaid of losing your job the young follow who is nil the tluto ufruld of losing his job probably doc deserve lo keep ft it is thu 111- ipetont worker oi the luxy worker who is always fearful that some one will be put in his pliue if you urt doing the work you should do und ure doing it with the iniliulmni i soul which belong to it the lust thing that will enter your hilhd lu that midih thidyelse is going to get your place worth knowing well what did yi today ivoddlo hrothn learn ut school iskud his big utrth h oh i learned thut tound said krwddl- that is ntlililiu new columbus knew thut long ugot said his brother ye- but i dldntl suuikroddlo wires to pine for siaht tungsten the luvtai from whluh nnl- aril electric filaments uro niuilu run be drawn into wire so ft no uh to bo invisible to tin hakod uyu only whdnl held uguluet the sun a pier od dltt- motid servos us a die to spin thlu tjjb- weh luetul which 111 hpltu of its til- inoat imitulpablu fllidiioss u utroilg oiiougli to bear up u pair of ordinary desk shouts wire of this uort is used oh lu it y ud tlima in dellfuto eloo trlcul oxiwrhnett whom thu luuut xauss of nurronl would deutroy in- rlcatu and costly uiuralus tuiigelwn cjtunut bo suiuessfully kiifund shupud uold hecutlsu of this peculiarity tho cone shape ru- euts of oerttflit types of lumps uro tnuito by winding- the tungsten wire round a slotider stool tnumirl or or and uflur rulug it with lutit issoivlng uway thu steel leuvlllg the uhuiied niutnotft uu it uppmirs in tho ithed lulttp an accident j teuuhori who wus that who luugh- i out loudt 1uptt 1 1j1 sir but i didnt mean to do lu teacher you didnt uluanto do ut lupll nu sir i laughed lu my hiiwvu and i didnt knowthere was a hols in my elbow an unusual well problem after tho well digger had sunk tlm hulo to u depth of 110 feet the drill struck a sloping apparently von of lock which set ut such ull uugle thut try us thoy might tho bit was aworv- ed fiom jts downward course will the fourth ulternpt to pone trtitu uio hard stratum it was doclded thut fur titer progress under the olr- rumstances wua imposalble tho cont fur th depth dug was c tint mly us u inst resort locution for thu well ha vlsable finally hue of tho m pliiilng u foot tf cone rot wxti rock ullowlug it to burden then drilling through it la claimed thut after lioiiutrutlilg the concrete tlto drill wodld bite littolhe rock und would nut work to one uld though thu owuor wus hkuptlcal he ullowod the suggistlon to jio carried nut and it worked thu concrete was mixed- thoroughly than just enough wutvr uddud u make it ilump ami tiie mortar waa dumped into the hole the impact uf the full jumping it lu pluce two days wore allowed for it to tut though it was claim thut this wua longer than nnoossiiiy islderuble oul1 a liou propoauil tup at 1sychn was a black boxer who fought curpnntlur two crochets mako one quaker ambiguity is telling the truth when you dont mean to tood goes through the windpipe to the lores und thus pauses off your body by evaporation rough a lot of little holoh catlod capillaries a circle is u round nt might linn with u hole in the middle an ikjullutorhtl triangle is a throe sldod figure with ull its ungles equal to its side ttdng which are equal to the aarou thing ure equal to anything else- odlpses nro of throe kinds an annular oclliuwj comos unco a year a partial ocllpho goos on iat of tho time only but a total eclipse lasts for ono of th chief ue of water la tu tuivo pooplo from drowning in- thu partition of lolutid wfta a wall built by the huaalans to keep the germans out no pills ultra theratf nothing be yond i j inter some peculiar facts and pigure8 nnl fou llir nucb a n carry hack un n borne a silk worm lu its brief lliotlu apliin about 4 000 yards of threml tbundornah ririutilliiit of ii itiver nile glvo u iihurp electric hikk tho a ted if hi if thu earth is ft 000000ooo 000000010 tons nobol foiindur of the nobel owed ills vuat fortune to iho din of dynamite ihi dogs were killed for f germany in tho firm quarter ol ngalnat n141 in 1022 pullman um equipped with loun receiving sols will bo n shortly oiiitho various rnllwai tho at brld with innate humut lolago animal a in the m the tour years but lo live for thirl marrlug lo which u ajddor tu ilk on a large plate filled o kant indian arohl groatest variety i vegetable life of tiny pllic rid oil ir printing hank lunuractiirod at ipshln wlvefo paper in knglaml notes special mill in wjvker is alio of tlm building other than the roui where ha is employed the largest oil btoragu lank u th world has juat been lomploted in call fornla it is on uoncrnln and hul under ground lovol it rdvere tweut acres und holds a million and a uuur ter lie els oil a little wisdom hot words cool affection if pralae is duo puy it if you cant take criticism di offer it if ut firm you dont succeed ask yourself why if you cant afford to imm ynu ca afford to win iook aftnr yourself und tlm doctor wont look ufto ynu how to succood lu itoat learnt from why others fulled huah througu llfi and youll com to the end uf it far more quickly the length of a friendship is often dot mi i nod by the shortness uf a tem po r- if you want to draw a good salary you tnuat earn the reputation of being worth it if you cant nee your way- to fame uhd fortune it may be becauhof you have lot ao many get n front of you worried the waiter a little woman und her tail huabuhd tiered u huimii restaurant und took scats tit a table you will havo soup of couruethe hiinhund suld glancing nt the menu said tin little wonuof he tried to reuch tho floor with br oes and john i want u hassock joiniiudded und us he handed his rdor to the waiter ho suld ys uhd rills u hussock for the lady ono hussocu asked the waiter he fidgeted for a moment got vary red il then bent over johns left shoulder i suy mlnlur he said in u low voice i havuiit ituen here long and im not n to all those thltigh will the laily jiiuvm tho himsock bnltod or fried r a wise reply the hliuh olio uskvd u group hit courtltm wliom thuy tliought th- gicityr man lilnihelf or his futhur at lltet ho could gut no ropy lo dangerous u question the answer which might ttat the courtiers their heuds at litht u wily- old courtier said your culhnr ulru for ulljiuugh you uro niuul lo your father in ull othei luwpeclh 111 tliirt im liy superior to you that im hud u gimutor uoii thun any huvn fat hut not stupid hu mlout old ludy waa atrugllng vulluntly hut ugiilumt odds of somu oopoundu to mount thu high utup uf ho waiting- jllnoy uiiii ii long tnu urged the con- motor if tboy hurt given you more ynust when you wus a gul votim bo ublo to i iho bettor yes young map she lutoitud as at luul hi houtoiod heraulf trhimphunlly and if theyd given yi bit o joust youd bo hut tor bred the utohks rival mother littlo archie said il wus it thu stork that bfousrttt habyir who wu it then v bis motlier iked ourlous to hear what idea her small sou had in his head it wus the milkman archie re plied with absolulu poslllveueos ho lias u sign painted on hi vajun ramtlla frfiipplled oteuy real stewardship a ntuily of the prlncljilo of stowurd uhlp uu given in tho word indlcati thut giving hlloiii1 11ic jroportlouuta uu to income tiystutnutui uh tu objects generous u to quantity itegulur as to methods ohoerfill us to uotloil ijivlng us to motive hhouli lnftudhi girts of money llfla of tlutev lifts of ability fllft of self iikcaithk kioely y huve rutelvud fruily give a live agricultural society tho arthur agricultural hooiety foiilplh fitilli ull uourcad hint year we well over 1tutli while the luily dil no torn huvti u soiurutu bunk ucooui with stiveral hundred doltorw to their crelllt the rloiaty bus silent ov tujmia uu their now hull in tin past tlve yeuru thn hull ulwi serving- thu purpose of u rink lu thu whiter month x cout uvur iuc0u uhd thi liulebtoil nnhtt tu now rdutmt lu 16300 in the wrong rank it was winter und a hard front was numbing tho flngeru and toes ufnome thousands of yeomanry assembled for drill every man was oayor to move forward and the horses becoming re und more reatlve angrily pawed ground all wer waiting for a big jfawbonod animal to sucoumb to ie urglngs of the starter ami get to line k ilrlng up thut horse i shouted onu thn officers at lust for his pu- nnce hud given out youll got into oublo if ypu dont the youthful rider of the stubborn into looked at bis officer despairingly im as tired of it us you are sir ho sajd with dull resignation but i t help it hes a cab horse sir huts what he is he wont tart till he hears tho door shut and i huvertt got uny door to shut all serene the florida beach und the blue sea looked inviting- to the tourist from n north but before venturing out swim he thought to make sure youre certain there are no alliga tors hero he inquired of the guide nossuh replied that functionary grinning broadly alat no gators byuh reassured the tourist started out as the water lapped about his cheat he called back what makes you wo sure there arent unynltlgntora dpys got too much sonse bellow ed the guide de sharks d0no skoered dem all away excellent a professor had boon lecturing- und i he left the classroom he found that le of the students had dropped into his hat a card upon which was drawn picture of a donkey he suld nothing at the time but the next day when he stood before the class bo prefaced his lecture with the remark gentlemen i have to thank one of your number for placing his card in my hat he was too modest to laaw his name but his portrait wan excel lent close at hand a waitress n a certain restaurant is well known to the patrons of the establishment for her ready wit an occasional customer went in the other t i for dinner j ftor receiving his order tho walt- rt as hundod him a newspaper to while uway the faw minutes that would nlupso ere dinner was served he looked ut it and then at the wait ress and said i say miss have you nothing- comic 1 ilka to havo something runny lo look ut while im eating well sir replied the waitress radliy and without the vestige of a mile theres u looking glass straight in front of you air hom many can you locatet tho ijrdn iruyei- multhcw c thn ciiitimandmentm kxhiiim u tho lloautltuden mult how t iuiil n oiivurlnuacts v tho i rod lttil mon iuko ir tho ten vlrglna- matthew jf tho ilirnhlo of tho tiihnl mot two views of the will tin thlmi am hint haptoi jo lit turret lion chuplei l tho hhephord chaplin john tho ijvo chiptor 1 corlntlthtnu it the tonguo chuptor- james 3 tho armor chuplor- isphosians c the travelers psalm psalm 121 the itlblo hludy psalm psalm iii tho gnulext verne john 3 1c tho tjrcntcht invitation itev jj 17 ua k 1 tho ltf verno matthew 11 3h a workers vers 2 tim j id another workeis verso iualm isa hi v lo llo kuvotl a in 10 11 old i cmiioss chrlatr ifomu tb teiu lieru voruo doiihl 13 a the ginl fommhihlnt mark lo rhrbuii 1ust coinmund acts 1 i tho youths kvangolu no time forceremonv mala iltng was buny n ono of the grout wurihouues nouth of market htreet says tho kan francisco argji- tiuut when a largo motor truck loaded high with burlap enmn itucklng allniit- ly through the door another chlno- wlto wan helping hum to move a pon- i1eriun hafe hpiod hu truck and step ping aside begun lu the quaint ln- aong of tholr pooplo io inform ham of the dunger if you do not lam lo have your hones lost in the unholy ground of the white devils for a long slll then in thno taken up und removed to the lund of yottt uncumlor you had batter junt then us tho truck wus ubout to bump ham his companion finished hlu warning with the oxcllod exclama tion look owl hum jumped just in tlmo to escape itelnif ruhed with a frightened face ho turned io his helper whu fori you no talkee mellcati first timer ho j shoutod too muchca chinee tulkeot crobsing the sahara rive caterpillar motor mrji i roaned the kahuru truvorelng the two thou- sand miles from tufurt algloni un the north coust ofarrhu to tlcnbuc- too in the honduu lroitch wnt afrlcu fn iwottlyono day it re quires at luust three months for camels to mako tho name journey two muehlneii worn qqulpped with rapid fllpo gun to discourage roving bund it tho upperuueo of iho muchluou was the wonderment or nutlves who had hovor aeon uil automobile bofnro facetoface criticism we have u right to bo subplclou- of the ppln who lrltlrlse uslmhlnd our backs outspoken facotofacu rrlticlmn has a kindly intent and is meant to do us good but criticism poketi where we cannot hear it seldom bus u helpful purpose and is spread merely to harm us if nnyone thinks enough of ynu to cam to you and tell you directly where you ure wrong show yourself worthy of that frankness by accepting it in u friendly spirit as for tlto people who go around whispering be hind your buck the wise way is to ignore ihom thoy ure not worthy of your notice develop vjur personality opjyou although in this standardised uge whole city blocks are 11 lod with houses exactly the same np two of the peopl who go in and out of those houses are alike if god thought enough uf you to give you a personality you ought to think enough of it yourself to develop ii do nut echo other peoples words imitate their nets and be sat la nod to bo a mure rnlloctlon all that you ure ever worth in tho world will come tit rough the development of your own personality ho be yourself and on- turjfo thut self rainmaking itultttnuklng is a futile undertaking according to the united states de partment of agriculture it is truo thut in the laboratory a small amount of moisture can be precipitated by iho use of special equipment however to prod u co un inch of rain over una acre approximately 113 tons of mois ture would have to im drawn up into the air und then precipitated the cloud that eprads over the house- toiui represents billions or horsepower und even if soma artificial meuns were found lo cause rain only a small amount of preclpltatlus could roault tho various schomes to make ran and control atmospheric conditions are uaolesm according to the weather hureaii there uro hoiik peopln urtio irtilond to think ihuf hum u n bo him are merely i puppulu and ihnl t w i ii power- lotui itgiiluul ihe foi es of deatluy natuiiilly muh people will not make nuiink of llf tholr attitude u whins the ijhot thoy wult to see wlutt fin in going to do lo thorn hjtul rolling up their sleeves to ueo whin they can do fur themuolves thin ill ii- aro other knplc who lilllovu that the will in the most po tent factor i if llfu that it can cop- iitr ohiitui leo mold clrcumslancus and u loiiipllab all hut miracle and iiikio uro the pixiil who are likely to l hcurd from ai a rule the man who have made their murk lauffh at th iiiu hat they are ihe playthings ofchitiko wtint you think olmut your will has very mm h lo do with thu wuy youutu it if you believe thut it can qo won- daru for you it will justify your faith oomlthing new mother said a lit lie boy utter onilng from a walk ive soon a man who mukcu hornea are you hiio uskud bis mother yes he lepliod he hud u horke nearly fln lulled when i saw him he wuw juat nulling on hlu buck foot our dumb animals ftxtha momky aareos of um itmur who will pens two beera a dty can blp utroasa lalaartewiisisy per- kkdwhttoartacabalecaadbieedl imr laavehadtwaerroarrsaji aipedsoce sod bsts proisja ibai ibsr 1 sxse aaooar la oueltra i l7s4dlj um anr w i oar lm laaabater aadeaalirr eatalocae haantl faurlllsmratwdieoleafpuumfrbb l30gsrltw laqcubfajarsshllacssesw imkmoakdlt cnla 3 41 unreserved n auction sajue in township op esqueing and the undersigned has received in structions from gordon bros to sell by public auction at lot 3d third line ksqucalng 3 miles north of acton on thursday february 14 1034 at one oclock the following cows i durham cow calf at foot 1 hotsteln cow calf at foot 1 rocn cow calf at foot 1 red cow calf at foot 1 durham cow due time of sale 1 hereford heifer due time of sale 1 holstaln supposed to be in calf i uouteln milking 3 months l hoi- stein cow milking well bred 1 iro- row duo february 29 1 holsteln cow due july 4 1 hereford cow duo june 3 1 black cow due march 1 1 kttiy heifer due april 2 i durham holier due march 23 i blue cow due in kob- ruary i rod and white cow duo in march 1 rod cow due in march 1 holstaln cow duo in april 1 red cow duo in aprii jersey cow supposed to be in calf 5 years old a ffood one 3 fat heifers 3 years old 1 yearling- calves j l two year old roan helfex horhkal bay mare 10 years 1 grey team and 6 years old ut not previously gold hogs l iterkahlre sow eligible for reglstration duo february is 1 tam- wortll sow eligible for registration 1 vork sow bred junuary lj 1 york sow bred 1 york sow due in febru ary g young brood suwi b pigs 5 months old a plga 3 months old pigs 2 14 months old pesltlvsly no raaerva as the propriet ors ar going out of th dairy bus ins tejtms linoo and under cash- over that amount tn months credit will b given on furnlshlns approvexl joint notes 6 off for cash r j kerr auctioneer phone 36 acton c o plank clerk m jl miimimmniiaoiimmnmiirmnmmnmimiiiimmiira local newspaper advertising combats mail order propaganda the- advertising manager of one of the big mail order houses in a recent ad dress said we have a bureau whose duty it is lo read each week the weekly newspapers from all over the country there is not a paper of any consequence in our trade territory that our bureau does not get the bureau looks over these papers and when we find a town where the mer chants are not advertising in their local paper we immediately flood that territory with our literature it always brings results to us far in excess of the same effort put forth iii ter ritory where the local merchants make liberal and constant use of their local papers think it over mr local merchant iaennw trmjttl

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