Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 14, 1924, p. 2

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ittfhmi rft s k j rjiwsprit lir arimt 3rri irifl i0i tlluuhdaiy j illlluaitv 14 1834 the vacant place tin pueai and ruinl hi ii xitrli wo him i vlllugu hum ii in trlikllng rtow familiar fut i lv their kum in viiiuii pluoe ny ihlnk vvtio i n u it it i- limn wait n in full un tio m i it n ntnlirnra now and in ol vat ttil place w uhuul i not abov in nliim th mulllll bti ponce und joy mi it i our i at nur brighten he tour of sudtuims chase if w lov him still our hei uiirtwn nit vacant place keep on the throuoh linei ii hi i i irked hlu way upwunt from hon mil in division cnl f lie i w the nitunlinf or hurtl wurk do- lloji to tluiy obedience talking nil ir wh iii u group nf yuni jm wurn atudetltu iii ikifd hllrk iiiuh hm ttui iu utlon wlmt is tho surest to win niiccuimt thi ol lullroudor answirod n ly mill with much emphasis to out through lino don t bo side tracked hml out whul you urn bunt lltlid to do und propuro yourself the voiy bti you cun to do it ihl wum ilnln enough yet the young tm ii vvoro not altogether aulls- ibd afini u brief silence another one of tho group mtld htlcklng to the throukh unit tniiy he the right thing but bow uhoul our doing u lot if studying i ii high school tliut doesn i iii in with our respective neods lor in- ellnatlons htlok to the through llnot tin tcruyiiiilrui railroader repeated witl tmphusln right now and for nil thi time you urn in high school sludytn should lie your business high school fjlje jffrpp irp0b art giiirj raising a raise a valentine shower iiahiu1 i wmmih hmitii kol imtli m i i bml y uklug dlimpptar r ralne y- i iiirksott hir wldij i i nib by with lln vu lh arttrimhiil of ho 1 iblrtiiiilb of i briiury unl an j iiomt inn n happens in thin pri i mellow mil inu li r mut spring itiit i turn tli inlshei h work hhould you dont nlddlrn concludo that you itdoukii that h thi you poanlbly nuld biff thlnir with k gtt tlrtwl huva oducutlon blggout mlilftko tho old rnllroudur pausud u matnont n nil bin i yua turnod in tho dlrixitlon of tbn dutnnt yardji whoro tmlnm were bojnir tnudo up fur tho main ulna division switch orbinoa warq xnort- ing buck und forth an they hontd th liinuif nf freight car to and fro if you will take a look ocrotui thoai buy rullroud ynrda ha told thorn your lmprnalon nr ft rat allmpaa will im on of confualon you will arm a parfnot mujto nf track and aldlnss with cam polling in ovary direction to you it may appear a hopaleaa lanajln and you wondor how the yard man can over form a train out of nuch dlaorder but if you twill observe more cloanly you will dlacuver one track that la kept clear this la the main line hwi ft- moving poaaenser tralna through freight und expreaa tfpeluu ruah in tin thla and out again umbatruatod and unlmpoded by tho disorder anil confualon of the aide- tracks ajtaln the veteran railroader paused and fastened hu tnutn on the youths you boys while in hhjh school shoulj kmp pn uie through line he told lhm oncntnoro don t let dlstrao tlons of any kind turn the switch and throw you off jobs to help you on your way athletics contests social functions thoae and perhaps scorn j other thing will demand your time should sive to them just such ntlon as they deserve and which my bo for your general advancement hut never let them take you from the main line from your main course the way that teuds straqjht to graduation once you are through then you will w in a position to know and to judsre just whut will be your main aim in life indeed you will have discovered y this in the meantime and your course of study will naturally be selected best help vou tt yourself for a ua cessful life work v lu ulr on if wu it luui on iitok tim kioiv bunkn hml dlm- utlbly i liu moriilnif 1nd ill ntr ut i rinmlruim tu riiow in d it runulilnif blltlmly untluf fim ixnd uwdy hplrltli mdy illuaolvlnk lii- mu d rty wuti r a llttlu group of irlrln hud jul om it at dm lollugo lllimry whniu ihoy lltul in mi ut work mid lit nod imttliltf i llit witlk 111 front morton collide un u nmall oo mluciitlomil ncbodl hl i nindo u lit uiitbutlithiiv wlmt it litrkt d lit iiuniburi und niidowrniiit 1 bollovu my t nimtionco la rirttuh ton lutty croahy iiilulmul hiid ib in to uyiup uugurid ruluctiujt uvimrufu l olhaiu lo kod ut in r indultfun lultyu 6nurlnihi was ulwuyu tro liuf lit r und kuurully with icihhi tusiii him was one of thoao uilslvo teoplo who u t nmt und hulr thlnklnif afterward frotiuonily vlth the dlarovury that tbey have done tin wrong thing uui botty wua ho uuity to ai knowlelge liar mlntuk u kid ho lovubla in lior puttlteiicn that no ou uvdi- hud the least dlltllulty in forgiving hoi whut huvo you mil up to now you lud clilfir uaktitl i utillle lluii- ootk with a hke bloildllitf of flrmncju und aftoatlou in hr tone third dint tbn y o ut antpt fn i of fllllgll oii mmlnwti hit whllllmlull oftord lo i in nboiil n in tin tin tulip u voi hxiliu vuku lu hetty a lib vlljl- llll i i valontiii i uhouldnt all thut a crime liiuklmd hue chum bom whltn jluultt lookuil upprehenalvii whut kind ol vulintlnt demumlud hue when 1 nt in johnston h this mornlmf tc hi l u wr lllng tublat the counter wn j v or d with vuluntl inus there wuh oliu thut w urn foully funny un awfully lull man vlth hla trounors lfiarhltllf o nly to bis u nk lea und hla heck htm it hlnb up u mile ubovo his makino and fak1nq op qems- whon buying stock jewellers have always to be on their guard imita tions made from gloss may be ignor ed for even the finest reproduction would not pus tho roost elementary test thai of tho file for hardness perhaps the cleverest counterfeits of goal a huvo been constructed in laboratories where the exact chemi cals constituents of the real stones are taken and fuaed together urider great heat tho article produced when out polished and et possesses in un ex traordinary degrtte the hardness dur ability and lustre of natures own tones the sapphire and tlu ruby have been very successfully counterfeited but the drawback to this method of repro duction is its expense and the ions process involved the stones produced in this wuy are invariably sold ua synthetic noma another method und una to which ho torm falunr might be applied hu been used to obtain the emerald and aaunmarlne for this purpose ordinary rock crystal lsaku6d this stone la cut lu the same man tut un emerald or uquumurttio would be cut it is then split coloring tc ter is inserted und the atone is then carefully rejoined with invisible estn- wnt wlti the result that the o trunspurent crystal becomes u rloh colored golii of enhanced value in dealing with diamonds the count urfelter la up against the most won drrful of natures gems the vurlou u torts of scientists have met with ulmpluto failure or suotna in suub un infinitesimal degree uw to make tho reproduction ludicrous what is voub bloqant muuk deihinds on slogans wutohword t hey shall nut puss worth moru to the jyench lu world war than a shipload of tr liberty or douth inspired the fight ers of an uurller duy tho great re form moveinniil which has cfiuugod the world and made history have owed much to slogans hut a wutchword is nut always in- spli liitf it may hinder the vouth whu makes jtiuv my lpk his slbgun or lok out for n timber one is kept from uttulnlng u high ideal of life it is u good thins to have u slogai of your uwp lo express in a pithy scnttitilft some thought which wltl be uf onstant hblp and inspiration hut be sure that your slogan is in reality u help if ambition ib lacking it is butter to fall to realise youi umbltlon than nut to b amblusua indeed it is hard to fancy a less in spiring human being than the one who uioks this quality who does not cure to do anything worth while who is not interested in making something ot him self wiio u indifferent to everythlnsj beyond three meals a day it has been truly said that not failure buf low aim la crime and it is not failure of rsmlluon but look of ambition that t cowardly ad cvntasxtphbls collar thorii was u little verse below not exactly insulting you know but rather pert to whom did you hnd tr uskeil lucilo with the aoconl of authority whlcli wan natural to her i sent it to alonxo humphreys it made me think of him you know lie is just the same long ungainly sort and alwoya seems to liavo outgrown hla clothe i don t wonder your conscience hurts you cried luciw you to ik osliomed of yourself j hettys eyelids fluttered know it sho admitted n sarah diinton apoko up its a pity you sent it to him betty now if you had picked out kirk pry or or any of the popular boys it wouldn t have mattered thoy d have taken it ua u joke and laughed hut poor alonxol ills feelings will be dread fully hurt oh dear i the brightness of hetty s blue e yes was dinned by s mist of tears what ahull i dot i a better send him a nice vol- ontlne suggested lillian beeley maybe the one will offsot the other luclle jumped she was one uf those girls who cannot stop with re glsterlng approval of disapproval every instinct urged her to express her approval lt s all send him valoptlnes if he gets a regular show er be wont thjnk so much about hettys valentine und feel that some one is making run of hlso it was little wonder that the cari cature on the valentine hetty had purchased had reminded her of juon- so fos so far his growth had bean largely upward with little attention to glrth he had a small buck room lp the home of old mrs forbes and paid his rent by tending tho old ladys furnace and doing other work around the place he prepared his meals over a small stove in his own room and lived largely on oatmeal and corn- meal miiih because this did not call for any great degme of culinary skill alonxo might have lived muchmoro luxuriously had ho been willing to spend less time un his studies but whllo he had rather u remarkable mind it worked slowly although hla first recitation on thursday was not until ten oclock alonxo hud home work ho wished to do in the library so he started to leave the house at about halfpast eight just as ho descended the steps the postman came up the walk smiling looks like mrs forbes has u real ikipular roomer not till the man put a huge bui of letters into hi hand did the boy roallxe the rorcw of the remark why he exclaimed in astonishment do you mean this mull is s11 for nwt bourse its for you you ro mr h humphreys uren t yout but 1 dont understand why i in getting ull this mull the postmun taught cjut you have forgotten whut day it bi why it s thursday hut 1 dont the fourteenth of i uhruary buinl valentines hay alonsa gusped a oomprehunstve blush travelled uruund imhtiul his ears and tnal at tho huik of his neck ho took his malt into the hound climbed the stulrs to his loom und shut the door tightly his ruling- wum one uf apprehension ruthur thuu uf untlolpu- tlon aomebuily wn playing u jokn on him with nngtirs taut were trumhllug tt little jie opolled the flrat envelope hue chunioers hud taken u poat card of the while huuseln washington and in the foitiaruuud hud drawn hi ink a future whose extreme hulght und slendernvss suggested alonso on tho reverse side she had wrlttun the following effusion alonxo llnipoctid dud it me by its if it would jinvi huw him l r rlhly for like moi ynuthu of hlw typt ho wuil ixtremrly a naltivi jiut followliik uu it illd m vi ml whnwo pn viounu not v no illrr runt alonxo rend it wltl- u uiilt thut liuv n lu i fiillow nslty did look u llttl ilk him li if iluvt i willi linlnilulim chiirfulixnil he took l th li t in ordi r i ii hun ml y l b n h m ntlti liliu u lumlui r hi t r if brothur uiul uitini on u tuilili nflii puh him hud ihimiui it tin n uu veuliiit nnd mulled it fo alonxo with cunt on whh h i ti und llllb jo oh be vuslly oil tt by the blu fellows wh u it c i ii i ii ii und proiniitlonn lint you hidd you bud unvt rul hilom lln ir thu jun i mother to her son huvti i i ii ijklntf u tnw men oini ii who linvn inadu good in j toll mi tin littfcwt huluenro loulrlbiitvd to tho ahuplnir if t hurui t i iolli wv bclleyo tint i i nlii urn hlatory ihr snllnif i roof tliol vi in are fruit in life thought inn omi h un i is uiiawerod tin ro is u ytilniif n who hi muklntf go mind und u strouj ilui ii lu ntw york lln imii u keen he is in his for gic cleaning change i did ho think thuu by th tin th v kl x unit wn ned lo nt h u ornitihin printed muy this u umoful puiun mui in comlnir duyu ami ymni and muy you mvir nuud im uiil to wipe mwuy your inuiif n t lint vltlelilllii hurub urluton u oft rhm wuil tin hint hi the pile ttoluc uu urtli hi younif ludy she bud ink n pululhinili lu hnnil utid tin rinult uuk u x ii itcoratlva llttl card or bird fount uguhmt u vivid kj uuibirtuuth ulu hud written as birds are kuldd in thi ir llltflit ho may your utopi im hd tirluht alonso did not uv tin hoin till it was almost time for hi 1ml rtillu tlon nu hu wmit down tb tttopi ik was not thinking nf his ciiihm but ut what had hup p nod to hlui hit fill in his colli jjn life hn hud malv pun tl cully no lutlmuto frlotidw xhern wn no time ho hud beiiwd nut nullalju that half of iducntlou toiihlulvil pf tlih friendships timdo lu school he nul lxed thut he wus shabbyund uwkwui i and meycr dreamed thut any tflrl wim aulucleully intorestoij to mrn for bin friendship that fourteenth duy of february was a turning tiolnt in alonxo s llfx though it was not immediately apparent to anyone but himself how radical u change had taken place in his atti tude a at once he iwgon to go to the social attafcs of the clans und paid motv attention to his porsoiml appearance he no longer pussed hu classmates with a nod hla ulr imply ing that his time was too precious to be wasted in conversation and though he showed no especial upll- tudo for small talk he soon provtd that ho could ln interesting if he w rv allowed to select tho top id oim spring afternoon he actually walked horn with lucilo iicciptml her in vita tlon no into the house and tuti r hi i mothers invitation to dinner and everybody liked him- 1al afturward told the dormitory irlj hes shy of couran but if ho l started talkihg ho forget ull about it father took u groat funcy to hint a year want by ihu boy cuma h i from the summer vu cation und plunu ed into tho activities of oollii ul once he was actually becoming pop ular asd had a grcut inuiiy iunri social invitations thun he could uu cept when 1ebruury cuinn urouud it was almost with lncrodullty that tho girls recalled the alonxo to whom they had sent their valentines only twelve months before ho seemm like an entirely tllrfcim person doc lured hetty it would take more than u comic vuletitlim n to throw him oft his balance oh well hu a yeur oldtu li he was then remurkotl lui lit u with loys that makes u lot of dif ference 12 van luejjw who ttud parhupw ihihii ore of alonxo tliuii uny of tho otheru ould liave found it hard to lllv tluit the chuiige no uppurunt to uvi n one was due not to tho punning ot time hut to thut very valentino shower which pluuiind to romiiiru the effect uf hetty thoughtless joki had accomplished vory liquet inoi unit given to tho ambitious youth n tttook on life itiurulouuly wbiit ty u w t by there n j nut the twif id ulgninciily und joes li with m d with ilhilirutundlng u i w huven t uiiy money ubeud fu do torn bllln hld ihoughtruliy lip iiiultert 1 oi wtrve gottln utopi n air und iiiik on mini hon jo 1 enmlmw if jroii onljl tiuw htr i ild hr pr tty fine till iighod murlm will d to his uruglngly gut tho nhuf7 boy hut i wuu wh ho ikik of ciiinmorcu mid that the in duy was th with lultiutlve ovolv ku tlm uiue of bearding thut eudlng id i joe before thu chum be i uuvod it for you hu oubli with iiujiiumh luck of young men he said uny oyv ideas ulxillt ill ignmt tin ils whut ho uuyn from uwny up top of the lieai mmworud joe siiori 1 know fiom experlono tut if i huggut unytlilnif now somu in liniii 1 lately ovei mu throws it jwii or else uaum it und gnbl tho dlt rin only wuy is to attract tin ti nlloti of homeont nour the top and u huvo to wult fur the opportunity no you don t joe exclulmiil illl clarkaou eagerly mr mar- w mild hint it wus u false idea to ult foropptirlunlty ii suyri you ua e to glvw opportunity your ad tiv we ro boosting you for pmlduiit anil be it sooti ur lute oh dun t forget ihuse colli ge frloiulu who know you would be grout the ltum of morton collugw will witli uddud luster shluv dont forget your alum muter or your humble vuttmllne a this was alonso s itiat vulontluii he wus pot crltlcul fhe doggeml seemed to lilm really beautiful ho guxod ut the peuundink its u re etand- ing ll front of the white house be fore turning over the t ur1 to reud hues lines again he hud no idea who his hunible vulontlue might be por had if ever occurred to him thut any of hla college mates believed in his ability an agreeabjo warmth suf fused his heart dout forget those college friends then he had friends in the college alonso bad almost forgotten that waiting- missives but his eye caught the pile at last and htfplcksd up a tooelaborately decorated envelope vetty had atoned tar hjsr thought lees joke by buying the most generous val entine in johnstons stock again alonso was not disposed fo be critical thats mlfhcy pretty hfs said aa be read the feuahlng eentlntent aa usual iaiohb hod done a utua biore uuui tb oumre th previous eraolnat he had majled to ajomma odd b oi n a with tt i ir- wsme whwb pfowd tfa tab ta should be able to maintain selves our duughers is the subject of an article which u reader send in for this page and whlth contulni spmo thoughtprovokhuf points it follows the curse of our modern society is that our yimnif women ur that the first set ond third fifth sixth sevuiith fiftieth sundth thing- lu tblr- life l somebody to tukn luih of thv stead be tiiw ht fourth thou- to g t l ln- tlwt the tlrnt lesnou should under lod they muy tult turn of uiomsolvii- th ulmiilo fuel i thut the majority uf them huvti to take euro of thumiuilvi a ulid thut loo ufter tiavlng through the fulse tiotluiih of their paroiit wustid tho yiurs in which they ought to huvo learned how muocessfully to luultltujll themuulvuil it is hihumuii and ru i fur uny futhot or mother to puss tludr duuchtr- hit woinunhood having given uitni in facility fur eurnlug thulr livelihood mudum de htruel mld it u not tin writing thut i um proud of hut thi fuel thut 1 have futilities in tlvu uu- ouputlontf in any of which i t uutd muke u livelihood wo should teuuli our daughters that work of uny kin when uecossuiy la a in dlt und honoi to thuiu it is u shume for u yoinu womun belonging to u lurgn fumllj to bo inefficient when the mother sin futhor toll their tlvos uwuy fur hor supiort it is a shumo for u dubglitur to b idle while hur mother tolls the washtub it honorable to iw the houssuuke beds trim huts ut is to play flie pluuo twist u watoh- chain ot embroider n sllpljer moreover mklety ut present but fostur the precious meek and quiet spirit it 1 osuiitutlolia und bolater- ou young men run to legs and 1l mors than formerly und young wui seem to strive to be nmnnuh if yoii will study the mutter in places pulilli osort ym will uti the truth this it seems that thmi is not imn trucotif the tneek und uulut spirit the del lulu us nuihtonly linrvn und ntodusty which is the chluf ornuiiiunt in uod thtluiuliiui are wo striving to bring up our children in the nut ture und udmunlthui of the lord puttiers and mot horn fl tiers espm lully und mo tbn r ino usaclully think of this opportunity your address ys iok joe why dou t you go din ily to mr murlove and tell him thut you havo initiative and ulcus ulid muko htm do something for yout joe ii uyus distended wlih umuxo- hunt oo to morlowor vti youre not ufruld bf him ure you slirj chullengod vou suld you w reu afraid of any man i know but oh ull right thu im xt morning u somowhat nor yous joe tlurkson stood on the t tiros li- luild of rrunklln marlowe s private nltlti murlowe glaticod up with a look of am aliening his rather cold gray yes i nuns to give opportunity my ud itivmi said joe murluwoh gruy oyes drew together in perplexity jun hwullowod oulnkly i road the hpoch you tnudo before tho chamber of cnmmurco bolleve- i huvo nllia tlvu nod i huvo orlglnutod somo ideau f r which i never received credit think i uiu juirly nhstirving and i feel that if you will grant me permission the whole pluht i will be ubl i td muko suggestions that will save iiwliloiiihlu money l incun you want me lo crouti special position foe your s sir ut my present salary you e und joe smiled i am trying to tutu an opportunity for myself murlowe hesitated and smiled ihut is h rln gin tf it jiotno to mo pretty well i don t see but what i will have to muko good and glvo you a chance yjjw tt lu up to you to make good have you any ideas lu mlidt whyjnot deniiltdly answered joe in cotifusli he dldn t have any ideas utid thut knowledge robbed him of much of thi pluiiuuru he had anticipated in tolling nt hin tliut murjuwa bud given him un opportunity to make good never mind suld nellie encour- lktngly yu ii get some good ideas kuy imn you use u lot of article a th i e uny hung you cuii suy about th in thut might hulp rim young wife e pretty brow puck rod well i dnnt tike tho way they put up huklng powder und suit and some other thing when you open tho pwkug it is only a little more thun ihrixituurtoru full i mind tliut ucti more than i would buying u mining uii lulluti luninunltyt hi it jy his mi ul hi pui keln ti in i inthrs nulokly ihul letiir will interest you loiber bn nuld referring to a letter bout his work hut it wus another uiu r iihn ii turned u yellow rumpled hi tu note win hud written him whin he wus night ynuru old the first thun ho hud been i parutod rroni her it brtuthed the uumo thoughts and prayers thut lie in the honrtu of nil mother him had forgottun she bad ev r wrlttn it tim y mug muii wus embarrassed for u mnnnnt when he sawwhvt held then he nuld thut upho moat jirlielesa lions anion i likve i ai lug to lurry it in my ixjeket uu long i llv i huvo be n idmptud to do why nro male ties- angry ttilngiit hi cause they tlurn up us soon i ou htrlke them whut oi k tun an lf trunk lie i phunt la that for nadur s trunk will why a lit t uun the loh y in ns like gr iove by i ihhhl l irlnif whut illkot lottur iii muke all n otte jl thu thin ul of your b in thi uy life and it i had that und thut it ha steerud n lmy ii lie f the time the iiiothtru iiiessuge which rind jn hu iocket until he let up wlion call d in tho morning wuuh before dr suing wash your teoth a clean month beltings to u cluii heurt he ohtdlt n t kimmw the world miuld be crushtd int ot obey the law of luat surffl if you do ho truthful only c ro not a cowurd he kind it 1 pie clod i if it did and you th orld e greatest gift in t forgot tliut you have promised 10 oo some kind uct uvory day wuuh your fu u und hands before going to the tublu llnmembor thut your father is a gentleman in hi iibaonco it is up you lo it a guiitloi lu kind und truthful and clenn and quiet he lntoitjltl in everything huvo a gotkd lime home n ho i thut 1 love you with ull my heurt bay your prayers ask ood to keep your heart clean and bruvn und true and your body well for your mother mnlloi package paying thut glvr niu i hw exclaimed up th twould be foolish pan t you wulil to buy u litry rldo urouud your furut uskeil hardware clerk as h w nipped nulls theyre cheap how 1 can sell you a lrstoluss mm for s3 id rather put 36 in a cow- re piled ths farmar but think persisted the ulrk bow foolish youd look riding around on a oow ohj t dont know replied the farm er stroking- his chin o more foolish t tnieia than would mllkln otno dayt lali r joe wus summoned into murlowos otrice hir cbirksoti said tho firm s houd yiu huvo made several suggestions hut i think will prove or value that tint rul ruing systm of yours making l piirlmutit of stunogrupher instead of euuli executive liuvlug his own und t sysloni thut save several step in huiullltig orders uro all commend ihlv id us iet tun say however thu thy ur mechunlcal now there ure uppureutly sitiull ideas tliat lu- toroat mo why did vou huvo that bargiilu ohler wu had placed for puck lug i mujjllod and ordered instead smullei punkuges that we hud to luy jnuri foi r well mr marlowe we got the first older hvcuuso u wuu for puukago thut w ie niude lh alrvudy hut ut the piltu we ware sulllng thu urtlulo for wo con 11 n t till the packages und 1 know thut womun would prefer to pay mote or gt smaller puukages than to fot i thomuclvu taken udvuntsge of hy unlllhid puikuges mrnwu iiodried and why did yotl 1 1 luoe miss- wjlson in tho mailing do- put thiuut ulid miss h utters lu her plum us the switch bourd uteratort joo smiled miss wilson is ruther lood huiklng- but has a somawhut un- plnusunt voice und doas not ulwuy use the best jildgulelit alls lldtters is lather plain looking- but is smart nnd hu u very pleasant volue i filhhl tliat somu of the aroount we have imoiitly lost wus because of u hud lmprwslou ohtulned from dolus business over the phono ami i huvo ulso obsurved that the men in thw limiting dtpurtmuiit mini to tuku niort interest lu their surroundings with u good lucking girl in their midst murlowo mulled you huvo whut i ho pud you would huve uu umur- htuiidlug nf tin i nun nature now i huve some good idtuls one lu thut you outlnuu this work ut u co in id or- utilti increase of salary mary loury making endless brass rods for vnuny y ur thu making of brass rods involved u jmnibor of tedious oterutlons nowuduys with the aid a simple machine brass rods ure turned out uutomutlcully junt us long ufl the muclihiu is fud with molten bras they are turned out ut tho rate if from thirty to forty feet per mln- ito onco tho machine in started alt labor is dispensed with excepting of irso tho molten whoau duty it is to supply the muchlnu with the neces sary amount of molten tileta tho continuous machine stand somewhat over nine foul n height and nt it lower extrumlty rusts upon two concrete plurs this spacn is for tho delivery of the brass rods for thu tho conventional process for manu facturing rods used to bn to cast mol ten brass into stationary molds with tho machine hnwuvor the metal la red into th tup of it flows by gravity through a guiding tube into tho mold ing bore of hie machine in tho centre and the complete rod comes out ut thu bottom itho machine is said to work equally woll ou common brass und loaded hruss mixtures the effect of tho mac hi no is the utnn us the fashioned two part mold the molds uro divided into soctlons and uro car- rind ni two coopuruting chubid the chains ure set into motion thu two- part mold is continuously formed bdwln lurrlsso 8avin0 court fees a sensible bit of advice wus given by u luhorir not long ugo to u quur- inlsomn friend it wus lu u brink yuii und two of the workman had ti dlspuln which eiulod lu blows in kklrmmi onu of thuiii was hurt und hi employer who suw the end of thu llshi and wps u man of mom temper ttiun discretion advised him to lake out n summons ugalust tlm athtr whllo the matter was under dls- ousslon u laborer who hud seen the whole affair mode hi way to the in jured party and said you don t want to set no summon jim you get yurself two bits o plaster good big one on put ooe on yer ad and fosber on vr mpufh and yyu bw eu m 8mitino an old theory 1rof h it muyberry of chicago university make thu statement tliat after examining and meusuriug s 000 heads he tun see nothing in the claim that the width of a mans forur d dototwliua thu uxtout of his bruin powr tliut will nw us a distinct surprise to some of tho rules by which we liuvo judged such things for yean how often hu the poli tician patted tho sop of tho votr on head and rumurked that he will luuke u grout man see tlu width forehead ami the voter- lias been pleased und greatly- expectations built fur the future of the lud there is undoubtedly kumothlug in whut the chicago professor says und proof of it ionics from the fui t thut many people not outfitted with par ticularly wide turthvud huvo gone lung distance in many unas before they have culled it a day s work i tho stuff behind the forehead und above tho ear that really muke the dutference iondon advertiser a wonderful convenience colliny out ol u wiurm immi to go dowiihtulttf und t nimwer n ttlophono hi its dniwbucka an ok- tonulon tolophono aloiitf- nldo tho bod aaved muny u man or ivomaii that uiiploaaunt iiccusalty extoimlon toluphonoa coalonly 124 n month thu churito tor inatall- iiitf la only 1100 thoy a v o u wonduiful con- voniunco aivo your lwttcr half m u n y fatmuuig atpa muainoaa a n d profea- aloual moil find thorn in- dinponaablo in h o m o a and officea ft ua talk it over tolbar qn t why ilim a cut purr vor soinn unknown purr puns why do some poople imlliv tlm moon to be mads of gremi h wn7 ilecuune of the milky winy way thut surrounds it he has a qrouch the old time horse shoor is ruthoi sore on the automobile nnd the people who use it he says line dress and face powhr make fine looking women and paint und putty miko fine looking cars but ymi can t judge the real worth of olthnr by tliolr looks a mighty good engine and sat of guars ure often found in u dllupldutod old car a heart of gold is often cloth- mi in rags many u man whose health would tin better if he wulks rides to ami from his office in a car wo vo seen women whoan table does not shine as before the uuto came rubbing the dust off a tin llxxlo hpeod cranks should be deprlvod the use of the public roads except be tween one nnd four a m hano drivers aro then safe in bed many a roan drives an automobile on a bicycle income herald und hiar i x- f how to wash and preserve woolens woolen garments or articles cleansed with surprise soap feel soft fluffy and well washed dry woolen articles in a njoderate temperature not in the sunand do not allow them to freeze di a injurious to wool freezing causes shrinkage tphy seed ifesdoniin ford resource tne ford is the product of a eelimjide institution which over a period of years has provided dependable transportation for all peoples recognizing the value o ford rxacsportation these peoples have purchased ford products in such volume that ths sale of ford cars and trucks equals the sales of all other makes combined as a result the resources of ford of canada are now over 20- 000000 these resources mean ability to boy the best material ai a minimum price they mean the ability to organ ize each process oi ptcxluction from the purchase of materials to the completion of the finished car on such a basis that every non essential operation is eliminated thrywywqifhirrp are reflected in ford prices which always consistently low are now the lowest in history this is what ford resources mean to you see any authorized ford dealer cars trucks tractors 1 a vi ml vi ai ml mf v ml im ml ihistlllimillllbm telling the story when the merchant tells the story of his goods in his newspaper advs he auto matically reduces the amount of time re quired to wait on a customer the more completely the story of the goods and what they will do for the customer is told the shorter will he the time required to sell theni in most cases this saving alone will pay for the ad while the additional business it brings in will be so much velvet newspaper advertising is being every where advocated by the largest advertis ers on the continent as the best method of developing business it takes some of them a long time bul gradually they all find out tliat the paper thats read by the whole family round the table is the medium through which to reach the eople by those who have something to sell and the little town paper is theone tliat is most closely scanned in the home tslss4fik

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