Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 7, 1924, p. 1

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efoe korlyrfinth year no 12 thursdav morning february 7 1024 acton ontario canada thursday morning february 7 1024 single copiesfive cents the methodist cuubcii acton communion huni1av 10 0u ii mi lovo ntjsl i 1100 u m the minister hubjoot our muthudlul do triune 3 30 ji in hominy hi hool 7 ik p in tmiiuiiloii knrvlro ttluiii nnrtihin ioyulty kviit holiv wklcomb iuesbxterian knox church acton tflnutor rv a c stewart h a mnd- willow htreel ij 3 oo ti m hundny kchuol 3 00 p m iilbl cthim himty in matlhuw chuptnr v 700 ii m tim minister hubject a biography ann of avn h t rangers leaving address with the usher will be called upon by the pastor aij auk cohdiallt invited special notices use jms if farms oh sale heveral co iiml 7ft ucie town ask iveilll to alio thoi pound uuru bearskin mitt for loft hand call itt fuee pheuh office position wanted i a place an maid in an acton homo phttnn to hockwood p wrlto clerical work wanted advertiser seeks clerical work of any kind accurate ut figures and good correspondent occasional assist ance with hooka etc at low rate 122 po jiox 160 acton stove for sale hadlant homo parlor cook with oven apply to geohob dillh 322 west bowor avonuo auction sale nail guiios jfc bonn wllljiold an ex tensive auction balo of high class live lock on monday february ib- full particular next imun hen ietch auctioneer for sale thoroughbred whltn leghorn cock erel for naif apply to joiidan uwron mill htlotl no room wo havo not lufflclnnt space in our other adv for the many bargain not listed you will hava to ciime and mo them iiaitny harrison thq shoe man wanted good live uleimnn for acton njid vic inity for a canadian llfo insurance co with head office in toronto hpare time or full time commdnlcato with w n towefl 313 royal hotel ouelph card of thanks the ramlly of tho late william cooper hr doalce to mtiim sincere thank to their friends and neighbors for their kind sympathy und nnlghbor- ly assistance durtnc the illness and death of tholr into father y for bale 100 ocrejinownllno erin ajid era- mom near highway b0 acres cleared balance put lira acre wheat and rye 30 acred soedod some ploughing done oo6d buildings plenty of water edwin ckipph s0s hox 42 acton phone 33r4 qalmo natures ointment for the skin for all kinds of bo roe ouu burn boll scalds chapped hands etc wonderful hoallng properties for ale at your local drbggesl or by mall postpaid upon receipt of price 26c vejiutab rupply co 194 dunlo koad toronto ont farms for bale 4s pnrnu in the ouuntlo of h niton and wellington varying from 40 to 300 ecr let us send you our list a number of home and business places in acton for sale fire and life insurance monry to loan j a huitii ileal estate agent phone 106 acton ont farm for sale farm 1u3 acre lot 1 conuoiwloii 1 krln mtone iwrn 00xb4 with itood com fort able atubllnv iimlornnttth utit other outbulldltitfh iurgo etono houau comfortable two uixxl nowlnu nprtng oreekji and two wdllm vail pvowln done lurni in 111 itood mlutu of cul tivation aliutiiioiikiiitw inuy bd inailo for liurohuin of 76 nrrun with all huudlntc l lrliu and mnm uply to coming attractions ikon trail ut to win- loyal lives y the ijovk kuweb in the name ok the law j a- mcclure son l home sewing week iarty spring finds nearly every woman cagcf to got nt her sprinj sewing and in anticipation of lhii week ict aside 10 take care of the needs of the woman whp docs her own sewing our stocks arc splendidly complete with every thing from pins to the loveliest of new spring fabrics n matter what your owing needs may bo you will- be able to choose here and choose satisfactorily a number of specials arc included in this list well worth a mail order nainttookk 40 inches wide a regular 50c value for a homo sewing week special at per yard 35c an extra fine quality in ho same width regular 100 per yard for 75c a 36inch width regular boc yard marked for a homo sewing week special at 15c mercerized mulls in all the pretty colors for undcrmus- lins 40 inches wide regular 75c yard offered for a homo sewing week special at 50c mercerized embse crepes among the loveliest things for undcrmuslins and night wear plain shades and colors with a quaint printed figure 32 inches wide regular g5c yard for 59c white flannelette 3s ins wide regular 30c value for homo sowing wcok oj per yard 25c another home sewing week special in 27inch width at per yuird 19c pillow tubing 40 42 and 44 inch widths at the old prices in spite of recent ad vances 50c and 60c yard tjlenched sheeting 72 and 80 inches wide regular st 00 and 125 yard featured for homo sewing week at 75c and 100 ill cached co to mi 30 inches wide ejetra fine quality reg 35c value for homo sewing week nr rcr yard 25r new wash fabrics new wool dress goods and new silks have arrived at 200 yard a splendid value in wool crepes which we think would please you on a mail order if you cant get to town samples will be sent by mail upon your request sand silver cocoa saxc rose navy and black 40 inches wide its undoubtedly the thing for spring d e macdonald bros ltd quelphs leading- and largest store mil street acton weekend specials assouted chocolates assorted chocolates in hard and soft centres this is an exceptional bargain when you consider tho price of candy regularly 40c lb weekend special 29c lb jelly beans a favorite candy with both young and old regularly 40c lb weekend special 29c lb smiles n chuckle the most talkedof candy in town take a box home with you packed in imtnd 2 lb boxes 60c lb ice cream wo carry ice cream in bulk and brick wo will deliver to any house in town ught lunches after the show or rink come in und buy one of our light lunches 1 h wiles footwear midwinter clearing sale february 1st to 16th inclusrve seo last weeks free press for largo advertisement bettei prices than ever this week wo have put another cut in our sale prices coods must go wo want the room no winter goods carried over felts or moccasins chlldreilm hlttlortf to clour rjulur 7 fit for 0e woiuimm kelt humier 1 f0 or 11b 1336 fur bound foi ft80 wiinw h liootx wli lnuttur to i ii if 13 00 for 128 wonutnu indian mitxaeliim fm hound houdolr utyh 1 mj fur h1b wurrienm uuudolr hlllpeiu with heel bluok rtul iiimi liiown for fl15 lillukakjn tiocnualna reu- hit- i33 ult tflce fl26 woipenw liltfhtop boot krniii ii heel lu clour ut ls theee aru real tioud xoiiiu ul kid and patent leather 4m to womenh llootn uo 3 4 t vonner jrai prico 13 sg rr 25 wtunwijl himtml in fawn unit uroy und lilnck ruular prlu ii u6 fur boo mtmx ouotlyeur wultu black und btown howy ami uuht uolum hulu iloo 4m won- loodyour ofnnu buok und brown cut uiftodutu utyle l co for m mkiih lluu hllpiioiri in felt ciiiut luutlun browu und bluuk till ulkni to vlotu- ut 20 bit ffulnr inlccrf vfunu lv work hhu- i j6 for j78 u60 for i3 ihu0 for 4 loyn hotivy hihool uohm issu for 1295 hlk4ii 1 to 6 u lu 3 mliui fckiinm mhiu in tun uiul black fur 20 and l26 uubbere infanta 70a dri rin 80o i minimi 90a i men- 100 boytt 116 u 1j a llburuk dleooiinl will be i on uny jiooda you buy ihlt- ncws of local import leave tor attractive poeltlen mr alliori icvo mumirlntondttlit of tliomuon motor huiijiiiph ilmltod ha nourd n ttonltlnn in a prominent timmi factory al totodo ohjo ho loft on moiiduy for that ohy mre kvo uud children will follow to their now homo ahortly ft sacramental service next sunday tim quart urly hafrimenui hervlcea fur ioliniarv will b ronduotod lu ho methodlnt church nuxt ftunday the livo teaat will bo held at 10 a tp und tho hacrutnnntul horvlcn fn ton- ni hon with the nvnnlnft eorvicn ilev mr haukott the imaior will itroach hutti eaornlnff and evenlnff reoiplent of priced helrleem iju l wnnl un mr krank moonny waa vixltlnu bin urimdmother at lloulne wituil alio proiionted him with a fin wutthurn icold wutch which hod been irrlod by bur nun the lute conductor lrunk horry for thlrtyvo yeara ii ohurn of a jinnaoiitir train betyeen colllntfwood and toronto mr uoonoy valtipe the watcji very hlahly not only for ftii inlrlnalo viillw but for tho fact that li wuk currlod for no ionic by hla unolo beoome a member if not one already thltoniaerm of acton horticultural hocliity um how huelly onjtnaod in tholr annual convnm for momlmiri the houiuty hud over 200 mombera enrolled luut your and hop to increase the nimnlhirehlp thla tour kvory uddl- tlonul tncmbdr moanu more flowora and more knnoral ttttraotlvonoan of the town member havo tho privilege of murchualnif through tho bocjety uerunlume ami other ixxldltijf nuvnte ut low rat on arransemente uro auo boltiit mado for uddmaaua on hortloul- tur by export an attractive spectacle on uunduy evening with the hoar frbjtt rryetallxlns on evory ah rub and true the myriad of telephone and at otrin hki wlrea un fence and building outline the view wu pretty indeed then with tho light from the traet lampn eel ntila ting through the npectacla produced a veritable fairy laud the effect of the nutnorob lljfhta which illuminate the lawna at bundorland houite through tho apple truo evergreen and ehrubbery wa itroatly admired by the hundreds of altlxan going to and from church nature i indeed a wonderfully ktlful artut the whole stock is on sale a good suitcase for fl50 harry harrison the shoe man whir quality count we win deal here it will py you th home bank affair ilavlnit already hoeji palx 36 of tholr claims it 1 unfortunate that it will be a long time liefore home uank depoaltor reoelvo another payment from the eatato of the bank and it i doubtful if more than another fifteen per cunt will bo realised even if it goo that high nothing further can be uocured fur the depositor until mortgage held by the bunk are in aunio wuy rouluod on large parts of thn property which will eventually return home part of the defunct bank lonna uro located in iirltlah columbia und cannot bo aatufucturily dealt with iii the near future a maker of mn tho lat of the aerie of motion pic ture ah own under the auspice of tho young people guild of knox church was shown on monday even- in it was a ttlm of an educative and inspiring charucter under the title a maker of mop ho v mr stewart gave an interesting eynops of tho plcturo and tho1eons taught tbe aeries hu been full of inlereet throughout and uttmotod large nudl- ia win- ii preaonted lit addition to urn- picture u duott was ung by msiiri victor humloy and leonistworden und miss viola humloy prealded at thn piano for the mualcul sections of tho nim fsbruary woman institute msetina the regular monthly meeting of the acton womens institute wan held an frlduy afternoon ut the home of mlae icniniu huwthorna keardmore cres tant the meeting was opnod with hurt prayer by mrs j it nelson at the roll call u good number an- rod tu their nutnes a vrqg class und u summer mooting wero arranged fur mrs juntas mcmillan tare a hulendld paper on tho woman who could not und era land which was bnjoyed by ull mis hawthorne con tributed utt article ott the atraoe- phore whlolt all upprociaed aftor rupiiatlug in concert tho lord prayer u mootul iulf hour wo spent and a dainty lunch was survod by the social co in ml t too former aoton musicians still duy tlio hustings btur says on wed- tiuuday evening february 0 the at h- lotlu ass4tclutlon are putting on a concur i in the town hall tht concert will be in uhurgu of mr nell mao- tkinuld und mf aluk bhaltd two now urtlntu to our town from aoton who uro urrunglng thn complete pcpgrunitue tim procoud uro cogo towards clour- lug off the ludubtednea ugtllltst tho ausoulatlou u statement of the flil- uuoea will uppour shortly vuller uit- bounovtnont later itespecting a puh- llu welcome tendulwd by the town luat wk to wurden voulds uoeve of hustings the utur uuu says ur tthund a newcomer to our town and u muster of thu violin gave a couple of uuloctluii un the violin which wero thoroughly oiijoyed mr noll mac ijouuul ulsti u nowcoliloc delighted tll uudlnttoe with u couple of eulos li hnu voice s mis carrie tloxsee uctui ua uucompunlut in bur uauul prorlolunt uiut gruceful inunrtetl tk o q i t olrl sbow how the cuiiudlati olrl in trulnibg un- dor the supervision of thslr instruct tis miss clura k moorv gave i vury intettistlug demonstration of thi woik of the moolutyul the lit b ting of tlit young ludplus league ot monday livening thy ttret idunlfeat id their luuk of training ut un organ isation mooting ut which there wu ull ubaunco of ilourum atid rleot uccoinpanlott by guiiirchuwing und othur unladylike exploits this wus followed by a demonstration of u invutlng df thp c o i t propel ly oon- tlttrtud with u lady ilka proooduru sxlislbtu hpeeohs and helpful resulu ion a pretty pageant followed by which it wuh ylvhlly shown how tho huruuter conduct uitd asiirutlons of tint girl members uro diruuled und eu- nourugud through the training inuuk ruled by this very helpful course of sane und practical effort the gsil who took imrt weroi misses clara hovago owen muddook umttia ljttlo minnie lllalr ilaatriuv lllulr madeline masulus olive mclaughlin mens umith ihoreuue mills nelllit iteeuir lhrls hcutrow dora iumbert sittlji wurii given by misses nelho lteestir uud olive mclaughlin and miss uen- iiitt illnclpul of pie lubllc bciukii guvu mi jnlerestlng tlw on the stars lu uonuscuon witb ib nttln- ten years experience as inspector school inspector denycs presents facta and figures of interest to hal ton people teachers salary ten years ago averaged m0 while today thev averaqe 1114 tlio uuiiuul report if j m denyes it a iublld hchool luspnclor pre nnted at tho meeting of thu county council lant viunu was u review of th ttinth ynnr of ltb inspectorate natur ally sorou compiirluons uro mudn with tho flgtirns of hia nrt report tlieri arc curialik lntw itlng dolnlln which invito dm attention of ull who uro in- leriutfl in tlui i iitimi uf nluctitlon h haltpu ouuty mr iuyos rvportu us follows in the rum uchoolu of thin nounty only three tnfichoi s um on thn alhrf who taught lu th county in 1v13 und in the urhutl schools therelire hut twelve two now aoctlou wer formetl at is nelson und ut no 17 lljulng ut milton llxlghts u union twtlun with the township of nuasagnweyu ad ditional tone hunt huvu hocn tmodod ut now 1 und 0 nitshitgawiiyu und at lironlo in liurllngton thn slun bua increosod from six to thlrtouii toaclier and at oukvillo from atvn to nfteou othor fiutuii lu hu ximparihon may be seen lu tht following paragraphs numlmr of toitahent in tho county 1013 04 103 120 icnrollmuut of iuplls in lsuutlng townslilp 1013 coo 1023 7ol enrollment of 1uplls in nujouigu woya township 1013 431 1923 414 enrollment of lmipils lu nelsot township 1b13 474 1033 tit enrollment of luim ttr traabmr township 1013 c78 1023 06 enrollment of iuplln lu lirlmn schools 101 1d48 1023 2s6 total enrollment lu county 10131 4338 1033 4u3h total avoruio attendance 1913 2621 i02s 3ih0 total sulario paid teachers u 1013 tccioo 1023 113017c average salary in hurnl hchoots 1013 js02i 1033 jluco averuge salary l urbun schools 1913 jc4b 1023 11114 ieglslativo grunt for all purpose 1013 580736 1023 2214 total expoiidlturus by hoards 1913 t79u70t 1023 1227021 64 estimated uluo of school buildings and attos 1013 lhl70100 1023 66- 17000 coat of maintenance pai- unrolled pupil per year in rural schools 1013 i20t0 1933 40 30 cost of maintenance per enrolled pupil par your lu urban schools 1d13 11700 1023 13167 it become increasingly evident to me that tho highest evidence of the efficiency of our public schools is not nucussarily to tie found in the acquir ing of information in tho lubllc hchool courses not even in the facility with which tho practical work in these sub jects is accomplished the highest success is found ruth or in tho dogrue in which the boy and girl uro imbued with tho ideals of bouor truth and morality and trained in habit of in dustry application and clear thinking it is these ideals and habits which nakft for good cltlxenshlp and that is ultimate objootlvu of all our teaching tho sohool room suns tho kind of organised life that ought to give play to the natural impulses uf child roil towards selfexpression it becomes the function of the teacher to koo that these impulses receive whole- ii direction and that tho whol spirit of thu school is such us will lead to harmony und goodwill among all it is thus roally that permanent impressions will bo made upon char acter h goo without saying that the en vironment should be as attractive and ipiring us possible every feature of hi surroundings has u cw action upon tho childs mind and it is certain that these early reactlons have thu strong out influence every effort should be made to sea that the physical conditions uf tho school and premises should be not only nctlvo but ulso stlmulatlvu of re gard and pride school accommoda- is have a very direct tieurtug upon tho success of school work lighting heating ventilation tioaa uro ul of great importance tho school grounds play no small part in the trulnlug of pupils in their recroiition boys und girls nn opportunity of devuloplnif uud exer cising the qualities of solfdlaclpllno und control of unselfishness uud co operation which will play u large part their after life both toaoliura und trustuau should bo selsod with tho importance of the fuctors in chlldtralnlnff in conclu sion may 1 hope that ull who uro responsible for thf administration of our schools olthor tiuddu thu school or out will give the altuatlou that confronts thetu thu tnoat fcarlnuu und practical consideration f george millmer m p p for hausn who took his scut ut tlm opmilng of the mennlon of the le luro yeatorday oakvuies fridge crack explained engineer bay it is expsnaic which was provided for it was understood that thn new bridge over the hlxtmiu mile crook on the toroiiuihumllton hlghwuy would bo formally opened for t rurrtc on thursday but owing uy climatic chaniiii tho ourth till lluu boon nil im possibility the opening hu themfore been post pound until next week or some lutor dutu them rumulllh yd suveral foot of earth tabe fllledln at- ui west oitdof the bridge cruahud utonu wo boing phi cot i on tho new rtiuttwuy on jh east end buv wus taken up again us thn nil was still sinking a lurge uuaiitlty uf stone is being plucod in it convenient locution for pradlngon the roudwuy whim it is doomed roudy tho cleava tit tho oxpunsloh joint ut th vast end of tho bridge grow greater dally muuy thvorleu are ad- vttnced u to thu why and wherefore of this u li fort un lit condltlnu but our engluovrng knowlodgn is not suffl- clently ticuia for us to puu an opin ion in thn tnuuntimo tho bridge is u uuhmi of lnptictlou und wonder oukvillo news on monday uud tuesday ongiuuors examined thu bridge h a cumml- furd engineer for iho toronto uud hamilton highway commission stutos that tho socalled cruck near tho oul urly end of the bridge is not u cruck at all til hridgn is of tho cuhtllnver type hi sayu and ut either uiul there is un upprounb spun fifteen feet in length oim rind of tho approach span is supported by two reinforcod concrete posts uud tho other end rests on thn end of tho cantilever untwoon ths end of tlomnlii bridge and tho end uf the unproach span is an expan- slou joint two inches in width which was left whn the bridge wus built tho wulght und pressure of tho now nil required to rulsa theurudo of the roudwuy to the same uluvutlon u the bridge catisnd u certain amount of vomeut to tho cunemto posts which supported tho east ind of tho omit approach spun und ulluwrd this apan to settle this uoulctntiit in turn caused the uxpatiulon joijit to opn ut the top tho result being what is gun- rally termed thu cruck on pttduy und saturday the east end of tho short spun was juckad up d the uxpauslon joint wus closed to its original width i cumlvuj on lebruury lu hu t good list of uveutpuud prize obituary mhh hauhy janeh of ltlylh mr william icotly wus culled to liurllngton lust month owing to thu serious illness of bur inotbtr who wum living at lite home of mrs w 1 icelly nt that town um janes who wu lu bar 74th year died tfo junuary hhe hud not humi lu good h nult h for some tlmo uhu lived lu arton with mr and mrs william kelly tr yeur or so llur home was in lllytb mr und xirs wlllum kolly messrs michuslthinnus und murtln icully und mlsso luuhuol uud karah kelly tundedthe funurul ut uurllugtou fium aotop william colhkll hu i mist thuisduy itxulh indiul thu suf fering of wlllluni cooptr hi onu of our oldest tesldmitu mr cimiimi bud iumiii uurforlng tm- nom tlmo tumi illubutus uud dropsy und his passing uwuy wus u lojtkudfor rulluf to hlm- sf he was bom un lul 32 conces- slun 6 esqueslug sevtuty yours ugo all1 resldid tbfiu until he letlrud fioiu furming und tuiuo to a tun or twelve ytmrs ugo his lust days wuru punt with bis tlaghter mrs john hilton und itustiuud ut their hiuiiu ou young htrst mr coopor wu mar ried to miss kukuh juni neuf of ualliliufild hhe plodocuusuit hr husband foityftvit your ugo knur children wre left till ut whom i 1detnamun w m coopui murchu tailor kred coopui furtnii and mi jvlin hilton ml luviu cruo uitntbur daughter dlud twve yunm ugo mr cooper was u frlundly mull u gmmi neighboi und always loyal to his community he utleuded the ivushy- terlan chtuch thu funoiul on hal- urday uftvi iiihiii wus uoudttatod liy hov- a c htiiwurt m a assisted by hev chuilus llackutl liitetinut was mudu lu tive family plot ut i uwsjad comino enteriatnmenti vraatll in charaouri varjsd in ln tsreatj ail wltb attractive features february 14 thn acton illiioball club will hold u vulentlno concert on thursday evening with un excellent programme by local artists and acton ciilsons hand tho umoers of tho orgunixud club urn dutortnlned to inuke a sucochs of the coming sousou und provldn real un joy able baseball games by welltrulnod pluyor they will ondouvor to uurn the upprovul und liourty patron ugo of thu community kobruury 10 a muukod nrnlvnl will lie held in acton rink on katuiduy afternoon und wveillng with un u- uround progrummu of intoruat v hockey mutch will open tho cur nival ut 4 p in oood prises ureoffiid for costume uud imp tutors acton cltlsiiiiu hand will dlaiotimu music a inoccumln dunce for thosu lu funcy cou- tumw wllbhu u ruturo of thu carnival fubruury ai lap yeur will be in- phuslxcd by tho mans of eugluuil with a luup yiur dance in tlm town hull on kilduy evening vubruaiy id lllglivs orchestra will piovld hiumic tit- committer to uupt intend thu oviu is moski s little hcurrow mussey uiid mulder march t uud 0 tim hand mlustrl fclhow will b held in the tpwn hull on thesu dutes the hand is going to tuuku this loiicurt u nul old-fuuhion- tuf negro show and thvy clulnt to huvo a progrutuino lu uoiiihu of prupurutlou that would uiakc uny southern rotn- pany gruuit with envy t canada on top chumiiuix kiuuce beb 3 wild en thuslumtn urxitud the losult of hie iluut i utile of th olymplr hockey si r us hero toduy in which cuiiud defuutud thu united bllutiiu 01 with out uny gut dltllnulty thn canadian team wus uvhluutly vmy superior und on its showing nl todays tiuulli cuninls wins unco titmu the uuiututir chuiuplousblp of thu wotld uud re it its its utipruututy lu houkev the standing of the public school pupils at tho fintt examinations for the new year at acton school a healthy effont to win places on the honor roll tjtn following is the first report of honor roll aland lug 1p acton public hchool for he new year senior fourth otudys bcurrow 270 adu mills 271 nthel james 270 junior fourth frank cook 272 mao fuwurl 241 phoubo amnry 245 total 400 m v- honnett teacher 8nlor third leorge cook 40g mildred hnlllnger 404 norts maildock 3d7 moryl urln- doll 307 total 600 d folator teachor junior third allan marshall h2 icathloon mol- oasl lit llort oltilmins gi3 total 0 m 1l moore teachor senior seaand ciirrlo 340 howard hwltxef mccomb 331 junior second isabel itruco 331 kuthln 304 kalhun mccomb ko i andarsc junior second adabel hrown 319 marv olbliens 304 lois atkinson 300 total 400 senior first tommy nlcol 304 toddy elliott 370 iabo hwltxer 381 junior first may iiruoe 358 ella woodssift churlos wuterhuuse 306 total eioo ojla ii armstrong toaohor first class oeorge moloxxl 1b9 doris hollo- way 160 joe mocunn 1c total 260 senior primary wilfred mccutcheou 16 harvey hasaurd 164 isabel hruco 102 total 200 n anderson teacher primary a jack kmith 18 lorraine wilson 17 elslu anderson 10 ii murcuoritncurrlo ib dorothy coxo 1h norman kcurrow 17 c lrucu ijintx ib harry hurak 17 jlmmle ohhea 14 total 20 u gardiner teacher 330 urn i hiawart total 400 toucher police court news druggists who appear iti toronto pol ice court ehurged with soiling liquor urn to bo mom severely dealt with in future by magistrate jones a number uf auth eams were befom his worship lusteek and ha issuml tho following warning the only way to stop this sort of thing is by sevorlty i want to make it pluln tu every druggist in town thut if he sells liquor the fine for thu first orfonlo will bo 300 on a second conviction his llconso will be rancollwd polite constable melvlllu of ouolph has sworn nut an information against a man of thut city charging him with obtaining thruo proscriptions in one day from thno different physicians und attempting to cash thorn in at the government vnndor at hamilton tho ullegtd oftniulur will appear beforo muglsirutn watt to give an explana tion uu to why he rwjtilred so much liquor at onu time edward vernum 10 years of ugo who plnaded guilty u week aso to the theft of 114 from william newstoad un llriimosa township farmer for whom he was working was brought beforu mugistrato watlon friday and ueittoticetl to n trm of three months cnrtaln und thereafter to an indefin ite period of not more than threu months lu thu ontario heformatory the entrance examinations the nutpber of suoossaful candjdatss is growing annually a feature of the excellent report of m doiiyos li a inspector ofpubllo uchoolu for this county is an unalyslti of tho results of high school entrance examination the past year und a couipojatlvo tuble for the past ten years he say at this examination tllero were 400 candidates in june 19us of s can didates writing ut acton 68 woru successful at dujruugtun 60 out uf 74 ut georgetown 65 out of 72 ut milton 83 out of 07 und ut oukvillo du out 107 thu honor of the hlghnat stand ing lu the county ut this oxumluutton was won by ivuli aahbury u pupil of oukvlllc central hcbool it is u ulguimaut thing thut the uutiiber of uuxhsful cantlldutus ut this tixumlnutluii lu proportion to the total uiirolliuont of pupils in thu county huu incrmihoil mutkedly in the lust ten yurs tho record is lu follows euiolmont huccessful in ir cti ndldutoj cent 1013 iym 133 31 1916 44u3 ld3 37 1017 434u 106 47 1ui9 4443 201 46 1uj1 4730 38 67 tdl2 48d1 320 os 1023 viua a 344 71 tlitsu figures would uuiil to ndl- cute thut secondary educutun is he- coming tuoru popuiur antong both liurunts und pupils h tubtloss iuino typo of soooudury oducu ion will soon luhumu thu invurlublu rulo for ull chlldrep capable of tuk ug udvut tug if it hoc cut cciupuluury attoiiduucu acts have no doubt hud sotuu buurjng ot tho iticrtiaslug number of candidates for untiunce into tho high hohools cruhu to hliih schoolj the county council grants to high bohoou and mothar allowsncaa ting of thu county couit- wre at ti ell lust wuuk tlju following mudu to high hchools lluitlugtuu social and personal mrs a ho into r apoiil tlm wetillend lu hamilton mr charles llymls puit urn w-ok- end in town mr john clark jr of init irwllt wus in lown on thursday mis hertlo hmltb tdvonto for tho weuk- 51 mr- james hon toronto for tlm wei utile from mn from from mr angus kennedy wnu inn toronto for tho wenkend miss etta dills wum iioiih- from toronto for iho weekend miss jenslo ualhrallh spuut u fnw days in toronto this w he fium mr harold llrlcket apuut thu wok- vnd at his home lu preston mr itoy uro w ii wnu hoiuu from hamilton for thu weekend dr harold mowut of orlllln spent a few days at bis home here mr edgar rath of ut george visit- od acton friends during tho week miss ruth turauaser spent a day or so lust w of jiiulph ik in town mr ueossjn htonomun of toronto wa a visitor lu town uvr thu week end mr and mrs molvln boper of lra- on aru visiting ut tho parental home here misses olive and maria mowat of toronto spnnt the wnukond nt tholr homo here mrs j mccutcheou o oanrlng visited mr hilton and other friends during thn wvok mrs j d torrle of graiigjvlllo was the guest of her brother mr i h young last week miu nora-htathum- of trantford pent the weekend nt the home of mr qeorge edward mr keginald jolinstone uud ulos doris of doit apent tin wookend with acton relatives mr george sopor left on mo nil ay for ltochester n y whoru hu will spend u month with relutlves mrs w k brnham who ha boon ufforlng from pleuropneumonlu for the past few weeks is recovering nlco- lv mrs coyno and miss coyno of ilrnmiitoii wero guests during tho waek at the home of mr n k lind say mr and mrs thomas wannhrough of fergus visited at the home uf mr ri h wansbrough luke avoiiuu last woek city engineer h nlcklln mrs nlcklln and mary uf ouolph apent saturday with mr and mrs a b nlcklln mrs john a hmlth wallucu avenue who has been 111 with pneumonia for several weeks ts now slowly con valescing mr oeorgn hyndu who ha been confined to blw room for many weeks ha been in u- critical condition tho post few days councillor m near of georgetown was here on saturday attending tho funeral of his brotherinlaw thu late william cooper mr wlulam tttllmirtson sent u day or so last wsek with hi mother in tho bcotcll lllock this fin old lady is ir her eightyeighth ytar mr wilfrid mcdonald was hero from detroit for a fow days lost week isltlng his father mr win mcdonald fourth line who has ben seriously 111 ir tliomos stathum returned homo from gunlph on monday even ing ufter s ponding ubout u wmk there ith her duughtur mrs 11 btraussar mrs e l james has left for penn sylvania with master lloyd tu bo with lxr mother wbo is seriously ut while there she will visit othur relative und friends tjk and mrs- j- w ilraiikley of chatham n 1j mado a brief vutlt with their sister mrs quo chapman thbt week mr hruiikloy was a dels- hate to thu lumbermens convention held at uuffalo n y mr john w uond gore lawn oqelph announces tde ungugemeiit of llvr ulder duughler curollnu agnes to mr john tumor lownsbrougb tor onto tho murrluge to take pluuu quint- ly on haturduy fubruury 23nl ut hi qoorguu church guulph m moccasin duncing skating ntca hockey ut tho curnlval at acton link on february 11 norwood uetckt ietroyed by fire adj nt bulldlny bet firs to this fin plant noiwood fob 3 the lino brick building und plant u the nutwood ltvgutter itewspuput ii w nud by j g icuofer and bn wau tolully destmyod by a fire which broku nut ubout rlvo oclock hunduy mottling in u tiuurby building owned by hugit mcdnnuld und ocmipud by m h loosbtry us u butcher shop the building on tlm othur side of thu butcher uhop owned by the puurco ustutw uud occuplud by f a webb us u uiilugu sboi uuil uuo a humhlyu uu un uuto tiro re pair shop wus ulso burnud tho heglutur llulldlng wus u modurtl wollequlppod nuwspup hotuu erot- d by messrs keefor the butcluit uhop u largo twostoroy building wuu a muss of humus whun illscovekxt consequently llltlu or nothing wuu saved front thu lteglutur otllco und thu loij lu u huavy ouu titu vumi pitsuii tixtutids iituititu sym pathy to its valued cunteuiporuiy in the mirlotpj loss uustulued th vslu of cooperation thu llitimvir tost give pui llculurs of uncoilluglug luutllls nf coujuu atloti lit handling he product of thu futiu- era poulu y yuids in tlgut lo ullty tito uutuiul molding uf the tuiu egg clrcln wuu held ictmitly tim circle has qomphitud its ninth nur and has bail u grudiul ittcruusti lu tnuiitbors uud busluess altogether lust yat 6064 dosuli eggs were titii i kutnl from 136 luenlliols tim not ptncuuds of thuse were 16lbg3j ot uu uvorug of 31 pr doaun thu ctrib snt uxhlhltu of eggs to toronto uiul ottuwu exhibi tion uud wum sutiihsfui lu winning nil i tout till thopiuuklilin hiwuidii tin oiucurs uud tneiuhuts wmu giutltlod ti know thut thu cliclu iad lomplotid thu inoat holtssful you of it uxlst- ulica j georgetown htruutuvjilu milton oukvlllu ihuuujton wiitttduwn ado guelph collegiate 1 401 u 8 as3 11 407 43 ul37 87 oucu 84 446 83 cu7 73 i36u04 01 fcjchool and thu itltutu will gut clului fvoin their granlu later a clului fvoin llutulliofi coluglut institute wus laid t n liliit ti info ltlllu thn utuouut orduiud to bi paid to the muthuis allowuuo comuiissum for novembor and duceinbur wus iu60 two byluws wviu puusd one to ln- louso thn salary of tho iurutulun of thu county hulldlpg rrom 160 tu 30u und thu uthur lu add tm noivul utit tuiu cutta hhid lots 0 tu 1j inclu sive on thu own lluu butwuen es- quosiug und thinguucouny to thu iouiiiy rusal systeui the big uvoitt of thu uaauott actons canilvul ut tho rink m hat urduy fiibruury hi church union hill in tvlatutohd ilouae only on dlnur amonu th mimbirt at first rsadlnu wlunlpug- february 1 following a huuemni i by j t hnlg conuit vullvo lo the rfuct thut uv lrt buullr moderutor of thu wssbyturluii ciuhih bus been uuthoilxetl uu thu nlitclai luud ut thu nhultll to petition the legluui- turh of the dominion lu fuvor of ttusugu of the chuich ulllou hill thn intmduoxl id wu ullng in tho i ulilatuto un thursday oly john queull ulhoi halur dls- santud

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