Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 20, 1923, p. 3

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y the iiour or uflje ariuu hfive lreb0 mrnl ff ttcttil town wcaklwa ol ontario 1 1ll acton ihfe ikfss l ubllehrd ve lin1v nionilnif at tl w llulllia inn orit ado tha aiitacriptlun jjlnf tli hill mi price l hrntd hiatal tlio dale in which paid i logical id tha wltlrf advcktisinc ttatbatr m1 o era- in tort ion anil iolfi in ha united uliacrlptltmil i uul latent awardae or ch eulie play advcrtiaa- taenia for yi ufl or room in per inch each orlloo ad our pecifle dlelirina will be inaeitad till forbid and charged at- rdingly ii p mfiohk l and editor c a duus uii and auii editor telephones- edllorlal and nunlnaa baaldnce of ilcalon the fonpcrs wont tlio senate abolished ahotition of the senate r the mm of tlc united farmers of ontario the farmer in convention at toronto last week went on record for tho wiping out of the second chnmbcr at ottawn the canadian council of agriculture in its list of hftccnpvinciplcs hud one to reform the senate liy making it an elective body where it is not uclcf it is harmful argued w l smith and ins point of view prevailed aboli tion wus ubititutcd for reform j not eaully stampeded it would he euty to cxugkrhc tljc bikinhcance of ihc liquor voto in alberta those who urguc that inturio is ready to follow in the f6otitcps tifr alberta must remember that in october 1020 british colum bia fiivaj majority of 35000 for government control hut ontario did not follow iuit this province- voted in april 1021 and gnvc n majority of 100000 in favor of tightening up our prohibitory law yh pendulum is always twinging sentiment in ontario was probabjy less favorable to prohibition a year ago than if h today judging from reports from british columbia the electors there ore far from satisfied with government control but if the temperance cause in this province is not to receive a setback its supporters must be on tho ulcrt star lii r thursday morning december 20 1023 editorial a national disgrace the united farmers of ontario were quite out spoken when the matter of shipping liquor from canadian breweries and distilleries to points in the united states was under discussion at their annual convention last week ithe convention went on re cord as declaring unanimously that tho shipping of liquor out of canada to the united states a prohibi tion country is a national disgrace canada gradually coming to her own more and more arc canadas rights being recog nized by the motherland thomas mulvey canadian undersecretary of state and deputy registrar- general sailed for canada last friday having with tho canadian high commissioner been in conference with tho british authorities concerning enemy stocks and bonds upon which canada has a claim and which till now have been in tho possession of a british public trustee mr mulvey is now in possession of securities amounting to a large sum and satisfactory arrangements it is said have been in ado concerning tho increment upon these securities since the war ourcanadian authorities have officially contended for this for several years an ahyear spirit tho providing of christmas cheer tor those whose christmas would otherwise be cheerless is becoming one of the finest of canadian habits it is done in many ways through churches through sunday school classes through charitable organizations through social service and deaconess activities through such laudable enterprises as that of the toronto star through other organizations which are not constituted primarily for charitable purposes nowadays pearly everyone takes a hand in this work canada is fortunately situated in having a relatively small proportion of its population in actual want tlio average of prosperity is so high that there is no reason why ny unfortunate one should be ovcrlook- 4hehrtattna se lc aticidcflvor to do our part in bringing- y comfort to the homes and hearts wherever tho opportunity offers prosperity of canadian fair visitors tjio secretary of the federation of british indus tries mr b m bell as io in reporting tha results of the british- section of the canadian national exhibi tion at torontolast fall saysr the fact must be emphasized that the canadian national exhibition fs tho largest annual exhibitioa inoio world it is very difficult for those unfamiliar with tho country or the exhibition to realize this or to grasp the full value of tho exhibition from every point of view it must be remembered however that although it seems extraordinary that the largest show in tho world should be held in a city or only 000000 popula tion and in a country with less than 0000000 people that the spending power of this population is very much larger than that of any european people of similar size exhibitors from england were much struck by tho apparent prosperity of tlio crowds of visitors even those of the working class and by the interest and intelligcnee thoy showed in examination of the goods this was the hrst experience of the british industries exhibitors at the toronto fair tho result la a matter of much interest not bnjy to the canadian- national exhibition directorate but to canada generally canadas dairy output while tho production of cheese hab decreased in canada during tha present century the making of creamery butter und of condensed milk products has greatly increased- in 1000 tho production of cheese in this country was 220120 pounds in 1022 it was 134530653 pounds in the tlrst year of tit century 3fl0ud73l pounds of creamery butter was produced last year the production amounted to hu 803517 pounds in 1000 the condensed milk pro ducts amounted in value to 200520 last year they reached 6830232 tho barteroutput of tho rvairie provinces in tho last dozen years has increased enor mously from being importers those provinces have become exporters und their products have received a good reception in tho british market as regards cheese if canada would regain tho place bc formerly held in those markets if is plain that she must adopt progressive measures such as that inaugurated on april i of the present year when tho official gruding of factory cheese and butter intended for export commenced in the three prajrlo provinces and in nova scotia government grading of cream at the creamery has also been instituted with good results so far as buttermaking is concerned tho more spent for education the ijchh required for law the warden o the county of wellington made a significant and very encouraging statement at the annual banquet at guelph last week ho told tho members of tho county codncil county officials ajid guests assembled that he had been making a compu tation and round that during the year it had cont the country in the neighborhood of 100000 for educa tion but that it had only cost them 15000 for the administration of justice ho then toolc occasion to remind them that tho more they spent on education tho less theywould have to spend on the administra tion of justice ho also intimated that because of this if was more than likely thoy would get a two mill reduction jnthcir tax rate in 1024 neighborhood news w town and country milton in mil inn at uiuhi tin urn apponr in lie wry pnpulur urxl well pa limllluiiiiiih jihibtiiik frubt tho ititluej ii infill although th wo r wn imtht unirnpltloua on wln juy of lin wmh i io r dpla ml on ojiuri li puzuur iliut iluy utnountod ubmu ijju lit r j iliihlop liuil tho nilafortiiiui to hla vuluulilu 10s3 ovtirland mi on mnmlh ovenhiu on ilia roud in noimoo poultii wulter i loud h ml n furni i lio liroko out around tha etnor- lnif ro from u xltorl cironlt it in nuppoitud und mitxtil up xi milddnnly that urn tlorltir iiml cjim ulon who wnn willi lilm inn to jump to iuvk himmjv h alii lhtos loat hi in trumoiiut untrvools tlio utr wnn u jul louu it wm in uurrxl fur 700 uniin by law 33h tlio wutor iff turn- h off uif noiipuymnnt of wutof niton tin wittr will not lurnnil on ujculn mull ujl nrnurm in- utld und one dol- lnr umitlojiul fur turning- off mid on will or after thu wuvk all purto in uriourn f wutor rnton may nxpool u cull from iii lniipdotiir kntormr old time 8aloosi in ii- oiiju treat pro up i ll urinlirml in tow j urn iigut hunk vim utid i i i i u lit l cxi i i r tiixilotl plentv of time to repair it olio tluy ullol ai tl lor in u mm i wil drtiboml nldcrly n r uijtv of tho local jnw ill hroltuh town and ui la my wuli li riaily an ihi itii iko nud at i of lb i il for wilkt und i v n jurb old at thin u of or oioih nilnt will kny ill iih ih th t li in tin aldnwulk worn ly liiiinp of ma iy driinknrdn- f t mi tlio mlllili limit rtiiikik lup- pliiu li mo nun h idiy v v i tiuliumod to drink it nil in on pin lli m o o k n il hi ih ikulmim wm w ii i md t low tin din wum dip fiu ml it polony poji t mind lilrn hi n uwoll fllv vlmi hn lmi t oakville new broadened out proensudve party the big farmers convention m toroitto last week wai fruitful in many respects the abandonment of the field of politics will bo followed with initial steps in the formation of the new progressive party at a convention to be held in toronto on january 3 r h halbert m- p who assisted mr drury in carrying the resolution which paved the way in the convention statcdthat all u f o members in federal and pro vincial houses would attend the meeting on that date t which the situation would bo gone over and action decided upon asked if the new party would be known as the progressives mr halbert said he pre sumed so that was tho norms by which rhey ere known at ottawa it is said to be very probable that former premier drury will bo chosen as the leader of the new party caruuln the worlds chief contributor of wheat i the position of canada as a producer of wheat hos somewhat obscured the for more significant fact that she is the largest single contrlbutor to the worlds supply having more surplus wheat for export than any other wheatgrowing country for tho in ternational grain year ended august i 1023 canada exported according to the international institute of agriculture no less than 270000000 bushels of wheat and flour reduced to wheot compared with 109000- 000 bushels from tho united states 144000000 bush els frpm argentina 53000000 bushels from aus tralia and from india 28000000bushels thus to the total of 006000000 bushels exported by the lead ing countries canada contributed twobfths for 02324 canadas contribution to the worlds re quirements is likely to be still greater the farmers solid for do prohibiuon outstanding perhaps in tho conventions declar- ation of principles at the united farmers convention last week was tho insertion in tho council of agri culture programme of a demand for dominionwide prohibition without which according to w l smith the mover of it no prohibitory law could be satisfac torily enforced the convention in tho samo connec tion also went on record as being in favor of rigid enforcement of present prohibitory laws tho farm ers of ontario have had much to do with the enact- ment of preventive and prohibitory lows respecting the liquor traffic io all the years of tho past they are standing true to their principles and will have great influence in securing dominionwide prohibition when such a measure comes before tho people as it assuredly will soopcr or later f kditokiai- notes a contemporary remarks that tho biggest trust on earth is the weekly ncwapupor it trusts everybody gets cussed fpr trusting mistrusted for cussing and if it busts from trusting ftets outieed for busting mr geo unrber but been elected reeve of acton by acclamation for a sixth term- mr barber was o candidate fo the wardcnahjp inst year and should receive tho honor this year burlington gaictto canadas forest resources constitute ono of the dominions most voluablo assets they contribute to tho trade of canada upwards of 200000000 a year and play on important part inour external commerce i hon g p graham was right when he said it will take as itiucli putlenco among nations to bring peace a it did to win the wor it will not however rcqulro so ruinous an expenditure of lifo and material re sources farmers sun ill llllm ocftlad to lntl u iut ti in i in wyitnm nt u iot of 408fl pu hun tor hu puymunt of tnaon xtuklol to doocivi txir 31 lliinlny aiulron mm ut tho tutu i mm cyrtim w andnrnon dlod in ivotwtiktlitm c n quitja vurlnty c rtowcm mill un- hnrtrintl by front urn noon tn onkvllln kurd ft nit hno wmllinr ood road and a fowl nuppt ut th ii other end tl trip nttrurtod u argtt number of onk vllln ltlcoiim to tha amilvermry nfr- tiihunont of munnu church un tumi dity uvonlnjf tho onkvlllu gltixkiih j tunc k protfriiinmo of oucmd und claiotfcu munio n thn tlroory theatre oftor rhurch xorvlco on bunday ovonlntf o nowull of thn mothcxllat choir con trlluitd u wtrrnd aulo thn oakvlllo hm1 ciom boclniy uiukd und nhlpiird n chrlatmna tkii tn d imilrtlfrrn tumlly in northern on turlo lusl wnnk all klndm of urtlclrut round on tha utriiath tiro fmquuntly llrnn1 hi nt un millon olhrw tim latont uddltlon t chlaf icurr oollantlon 1m u t of fuli timth tlw ownorlu probably iino o tliuttfl jtutlvliluulh of whom it in ald would loaa thtilr lnad if thoy won not fawtuned on hvcnrd l iulotly in funlh h iilnlo of iii lu t loavi jw ttiut pvtli a iuiitn nun wiih dlajuhiliif thr khij dilxn imi liuiikihiillclot vtiim i criuth four www tlmt on would act tn iiltpouti thoro unit unnthor tp nl muiimu th lowdon lyp tlmt hurd drink timiiully woinnl up wi it wum it il thi uiiih r till i hrlltli w thro uud in iluld in rlmhlltll mi in tlin k mtrlppd of thnli mimrt boltln georgetown tho town council pld th iubllc hchik luiard 13 300 00 or tho maln- tnncn of tho achool durlntf tho your mr t j bpolght ik arectln now auto uom rouuim on hln proporty on oulph htri ciipt j w wulluct of tiio 1th ibm had pantdntf btoomlne in hlm curdan tunaday utnl iruntml tha herald with munm tha unnuul llljjh school concert und cornmunciiniont axerclnca worn hold in tha town hall on thursday and jmdty bvoninit of innt wu and m unual the hall wan nilod to ouimkdty on both oo- caalona tho uimt maatlntf of tha council ap- linted tha uavur luova and coun cillor ouniun aw roprantatlva of the own qf inornotown on it deputa tion to walt on tlw mlnlatef of itera tion ro tho arinnlan home mr win tuifoluy ium roturnod itpmo uflur utklnifa throa wmk inaulln trvuttnont at a prlvuto hoapltul in toronto 1 1 k many friend wilt bt plcaaod to know ho 1m foollns much bottor hinca hln raturn ir 4iml mrx ivod h noar liavo ro- moved to mnnaowootl where thoy will raltlo with their mn mr wm near uoorictitown l aorry to laaa auoh sthxl cltleonm mid their many frleniui horo join in wlnhln them tho boc of health and haptilnotf l lhlr now home ilcrul1 burlington mr iilttm j lapatouml fatlmr of mr t a 11tttounl of thu town liummod uwuy ut hb hojno in hamilton i moiutuy nt tho ua of 89 youra tho chrlutmom concert and tro of knux church sunday bchoo will h tiud in iho nchool room this thurm- tlay uvunlnar at sight oclock wanton irvlnjc mid mayor iarrl at- nilod tho warden dinner at llranilt- n on itiday nlht laat ln honor of o ic churahwimipf iofllcounty mn tjr campbell of rho liiui tif vlaltlna mm iopporut tho mo tii od jut lnnionaa for tha puat two tnoutiutluui tpturnod homo for tha chrlatinum holliluyx mr llnrtruln is wo bat or taootvod ut hor liretty homo bpruca vjija for nrat tim lnc moving from lliunllton about 160 ladlom wont from hamilton lort nabuin and rurtlnctoti hiiy tholr fdaptrulm tu tho hoateaa mr nixt mrj a w luln und daugh ter itotty formarly of knlaiut nru vultlng at th homo of mr und mrfl vm allien ilurlltikton avonuc mra lulu wum formerly nihm vw croxjot and runldod tt lturuiujluu tor a num- imr of ybam tho wlttur attxhmtly onjvu tha pub- li itutmruuy tu go and aa tha art exhibition ut kurllnfton lh school thin wouk ll your ohtldran to net a bvttor eduoiitlon by rlvln thorn all ihu noouruueiant you can co und boo too liloturaa and thua help pro- vldo tha tioceaaary ltatrumititm whurv- whl to leach tha arim and uclancom a mlliuturtui aailatlon wmm fornl- od on monday ufuiruoon in tha itwiuro iikojn at tho mothodlut church for llui- hiikton uml duttlut with tha followlnrf ctlcrm pronldottt luv lift jlalnll- lon uurlliiutoti vlou ivbaldonta 1v u a hluuk wtitordown uv lr mimroy uukvlllu hvv a w monro lirontu h ltoy k a lamb alderahol tho houioty u liiturdoiiomluutlonul and will moot thu thlrtl monday of uach month in luir- uiito und oakvlllo ultornutoly uaaattm lioutcoloitol deckles wlllson writing to the press in london england suggests tho substitution of victory day for armistice day this is wortyy of consideration victory day is equally as cinji- prehonsivo and in many respects more significant k ay her mothor watitm u nouklut j ho jh utlvnr und a tubla a unitly ruw u fancy juif and mn u out of uublu mollla wuiimu hutihlirmt 1 lu wont okitmlvt make if jack dont iot u tourliu la ifu llttl- hotirt will brk aliofl wutitu u bulldotr a rlntf und baby uratul if tom dont ut that motor bo iiull kick io boat thn band urumlmu wuiiim u lllblu and u yiuim hupit ut unlirf tim itorvuiitw tnumt ut mony or tluyll walk out in a huff no mid thlnkd of futhr w old fallhrul miuvmi 1k ii h luisky if tin urtw a hur iut utid u uhavel tho jirml returns in the recent british ejections gives the standing of tho various parties us follows conservatives 2u labor 80 liberal lj other parties 12 one deferred election i total 015 un less a coalition is effected thu liberals and lubor tn em bent have the strength to overthrow the govern ment on any issue hid that ulna oyl i horn mm th lt i b hut hiiim of m ihllnltn numbr ihomi dooply in- riy hvorythliib for n in worth living in imtf institution tho opmly i unlnin in k now und nritt with mmu mumy than tn hold ut u juuri for 0 or tin ih iiiint worrylnir nbout l v inplim a chronl thlrwt li i il r with hn1 juniftliu mi in tho batiks nomont no hrt unko1 in turn whon did you uuvn your oh rllld tin irutn i did in thin nhop v wni ntlium htrfu win n yi t it noimoii hit f uipoitlnl t nllur w h n niiiioii htr oi loon yturo flifo hut i ltftlt with y for i fan you lull ui ihn num- and ih niimlxr of iho wn lit thoy won protnplly clvm ut wll km a diimrlutlon of uio wulii nnd it wan found kxu tly tw ntytwo yura hud iukimii nlnoo it wum ixft for rtpalra yt at lht ind of thut llnio hm uwnrr nllnd for ll mm nuturully aa if int t only ln it lh irtmcdlntf wk why imvn you mil not your ino- ty lnfori7 imkod th j wollor wool rupondl tho jrnun t wont r to anoirlru mhtrtly uftr i ktnt watch would hi nufo with y till umu lutlk hut i luiyd u wo thoht iitor ihtin i inlnndtml hm i dlqmarck8 i1ite lllatnarrk had lltfn rieard for wo rn who ut tump tod to ihlnk cor thrm- ivom in mattnrm of mtiiln und pojjtlon nrtxtvor hn nnver took any pulnn to ixnul hh llallko for iliim oa nully howovnr when hb ndriury ui a rlovnr woman ho fouml oi hiuiii roturiiod as actlftlvaly un lm uv it tltllltw lonrlboa on ouch im llrtit out tluy ho paid a vult to in kiln ulun timtuinmy at ilcrlln tluoijl women wmj wort- prttmont john d in tlm lonvnruutloii which turnnd on moiiiu l tlio polltlcoj iiuoatlonm of tin day ulniur k wum aa uruff unl uurly to th wolnnn i tin mlmtrpaa t mi kiihouvalou at hint to tho rnllof of ovoryloly illumurk to4k hln loava a faw mln utim lutr tho family numtlff wum huurd baiklnif ut thn tftat man in tho court- the busmesvdirectory z dr j a mcniven phyelolan and burgeon ofllco and itonlilnn n corner itowar ivomiii and 1ciii hduot knocking on wood whon poopla i imvu uvolilcl ui tilcknonii ll in tl 111 tho iiillbhl kno k on woo i i ixlnu th rfit or obviating tin kn a iwiumt that my otafully tiocidont or ommon fanry nvon i lontury to iim of ttoutral- tful ultara unco of hal- ul hhi tdlutnly tho rnuiitoiui rn ll yviiulow und tuillod in nth ntikiy oh pluuaa mill tluur in chi don t ltn ir y dot the nobler in8tinqt hi if talk around tho lountiy about inft iiikiiii on pi moiml lltwrtj nun it futlln arkumotit about brluifinir bin u llcht wlinrf und bn m hut itt htart the coiiutry im dry tho pi oof hi thut thiwit uihiomi no tulk of biliiulni hiuk tin oldtlm aaloon aiumiilttirir oonnu lioll llord wealth that enriches opl komn of tiu mnut iolltury in thin world urn tho mi who imvi of moiuy uiul mouui1 frlnndm motmy and iiiualntniicem do not tuko thn pluc1 of rrlundtthlp tlioro im a uayinif of thn wltn man thai im uftrn mh- aitpllvd who ii kolonion nald ii i that wlnnulh bouim im wlnn ho iad tin rofvriiiit to tho furulty of tnnuana- liilt loplti ulini th linn of rlshtnouh huh or to thn tapmlty of winning mntri tlio wornlilp of tlio almljjhty a that wlntialh moiiim im wiu tho man who wlna fortntiu iiihlo or r- liiwii tfitm hut it iliiuilmr uhuilow ha who nutkom ii frlatid or wiiim u noul tirom un iihhlliitf oahmloii th ti who im ho ikiur in frlondaliip that hohlu no t horlahud placu in tho thouuhtx of othorn lu poor indakt it titkcm a ijnicity for inntnwlnc frlond ihlp iim well uk tulnlvinjr to tnako u irtu filortl ho th liuui who ititikmi iciiili mtikt imvo thut within him hlili hiitktm hbi frliiiilulil valuubln nd itt thu ruhitrt it l twit hloow- i for it hluhlh hln tlmt ulvuu atd im that titkum ho thut wlunrth iiiiuu lt wluo qot rlh in rrlondx not tho hoiip klnil but thoo who lk lldmor than u tnoihr hol- dil in mhoo utid ltalhm journal w modern plasterers tuko thu followltiu from i tout hthoolhoumu coiiimluttloiiur thomua olynn muym that n foroiuuit on u muinol- hotia job loiitly nnoilml a lilitmtoror io wum mutit up from hm union houd- urtoiu ho lookud dm jolt ovr liiro- fully und thou told thu foreman that hn ifutiimoil ho would not tnku th job whafm tho muttor uunrlnd tho fotmiiti i huro u no placn to purk my car wum thwtroply of tho pluator lf that tho ruumim you touldnt work hen any way btxaiimo wu only hlru iihtmtarorm who jui umploy their own chuuftourm rotortod tho foreman what did it an otutor rocwntly lmiconin oiiruifud und thin im how l ltarao dluan- kumihi ill wrlto to you whlln you aio uwuy dfuiuutuho mtirniurod do by ull nntthm m rijillid uh- hontty hut kindly writo on uim midi of thu imtpor only und ourloau utampod oiivuloin or rrtuni in cuuo of un- ultuhlllty futo tli in ia whon ijjjnathl lit tho vnry iarl an hud muporntltloum bollof in mm ipomaturul connection batwpan tho troom und himself ho thought hlmaolf led from ihnm nm tholr iod intlunuto on hurvoat on murrtauo on indeed moat ultlotim of hu lifo wux arofully pruyod for hacrod grovom of trocm woro common to many unrlant i nni1i wo llnd uriivh mnntlonnd hi ho oii toblumont and tho troo prtib- ubly from tlm fct of iih annual death and inrturrnutlon wum nllpmaod to tiavo conaldorubld occult poworm tha enn- moiuonco wom that prlmitlvo man tlu to hi hucioii troo for rofne from dla itmtor nnd iroublo and it im rrom thla thut our touch wood mumirhtltlon wpruiifef riddles what kind of wnrdu uhould u parrot ian in tulklnu poyayllnblm why u u tlolil of ktumm llkv u imun ililor than yotimolt licraumo it im pat our ujca paatur whu word im uhortor ufter havlnir u aylluhlu addod hhort hortor oloifhtunm crtujd talk humrlun wouul they whan im u nhlp llko unowt r ahom adrift why im u calendar hko a ifrocory uhop t llocaumo it mntulna daloa a long drouqht thoy wori iiimoukmii g tho u uaht in a apmll w torn town aym i vory- holyd mituaxl iw nnd wonjo ono aak- od an oll rtiir nor how would you llko to moo if r hiram dont nil o about it my mo if tw ropllod hut 1 v not a hoy mix yoara old who woul llko to mo it mln some historian tim oillm ill itoman hlatory hud to wrlt a paragraph on of tho chrutunm durlmr plury wrotn ono youth after ilmii thouihf ioraocuthnr of tho chriittluiim dur- llilf tlto third cuntury it wum momothlnjr norca n iljrocto raooutlnn third t j- powerful address a man in north carolina wam auvod from ooiivlctlmi fur hormoatoalink hy tho ttoworful iloa of hla lawyer after ida acquittal by tho jury tho lawyor uakod honor bright 1111 you did mtoal that homo didnt yout now itmik liora judice waa tho ruilitlaiuumuld tltlttk i etola thr horan but ahico i huurd your apooch fij that jury ill bo duwiconud it i aint ot doubt about itl alwavs learning tim lournlmc and knowlodeo thut i huva id ut thn hioat ttut lltthi our liurrul with thut of which wo u lunoruttt llato homo optlmldtm my thut it lu of no tuii to worry about anythlnjr alnco till troubloa fall into two clajua thoau that can bo utdued and thoau that oannol in th flrat caao not worry hut work j what la ncodetl in tho othor nothlna avaltv hut thorn un wimn prohlcma not no nay to oluaairy no on tun joll whllnr tlioy nan bo aolvod or nt what j than la tha wlaer niunu in audi comomt icmoraon gavfl mund whon ha wrote in all tho loubt of nonrilflt obay tho noblar inatinct tho nohlnr instinct salna trontflh with ufh wound docuion ovary on hua it and thara no una lucka for u icullln ii1unj uk du u j n1ilson 1 itl ihhjck hntlilct acton ontario lilt w s laikd j ok iuvaat bd woolwloh htroet kyo icitr nimui and throat legal decision is never unimpor tant whon a atudont dooldoa to rlan ut ulx oclook in tho morning to attend to onio mclortod bleco of achttat work and than whan hla alarm clock boos on turau on hla pillow and aloopm till ho im ruutol out juat lntlmo to tlroaa far a late brook fax t tie la llkoly to think that tho worat reault of hla fulluro to llvo up to hla roaolutlon la u low mark in hu rocltatlon am n mattur of fact uio cuao la rouchmoro norloum tfor thn will in weukonod by romolvom thut uro tniula and tinvnc currud out if wo moka up our tnlndj to tlo a thins ovon if it la unimportant wo mhould mtlck to it unloam thorn im itomo rouaon for our not don la uo thla trulnluir will bo of norvlco when w havo wolhtlor muttarw on hand a decision may b made in retfard to a matter of trifllnr tmportajico but tho deculon itaelf la novqr unimpor tant tli quaint superstitions for muiiy doif la roaponalbla ijuulnt muporatltiana lu ancient iomlu a luir wiut em ployed to tlrlvo away the doroonu who weru uuppomoil to wult for tha aoul of a tjio indlnnm held tom reaponalble for tho lllnomaom of nhlldlron a amall doff btibiif offorad up ox ah appoaxlnir aacrulca among mo u thorn nectoax tho do la ha tod it in auppomod to havo bon tha ourdon of iman wutchdot who lot tho duvl in und mo wax condemned by ood to mturvo und hunt ever uftor if u dotf rubx ita note on tha door there will hruindy woalhar if it butku in i tli aluop it ponding ovll if a loc ioksm bo teen a couplo it im u tnutiuto to their frloiidahlp whllo to telvo u dotf uwuy la auppoaod to brim laid luck mhould u atramxa dog follow you wauifinir um tall you will trecolva a leltil la a alsn of lm- have you heard this ooc7 jock mrlootl who lovad no thin hnttur than fit alt baalde h qulat pool lod in hand and wall for the flab to bltu had boon ubaorbad in hla favorite oocuimitfon from oorly in tha mom in until ion puat noon of a aultry mm- mor day a naljthbcriint farmer ob- uorvlnjf that tho nahemuui wax enjoy ing upparvntly no luclc at alh under took to remind joak that it wax paxt thn lunch hour yoll havo mlaxad vdur dinner oniploto mon4i aald and atlli ya havo n hah why dont ya gv homer the rlahorman apat aolemaly ut hlx hn i have thru worrrmx loft reptlod that i wouldnt lot o wum to the little new year o i um the utile new yoxr q ol hon i coma tripping over tho unow uhuklnx my bolx with a mery din ho upon your doorx und let re int bulldog sole leather beabonokoa mars twice as ionsasonfiaawl leather acton cooperative store news ihono no 23 i o bo til harold nash paftmer m a barrjatar solloltor notary publlo f convayancer eta pebrvman block acton ont moni3y tjnt on moutaaqes hours d 30 am to t p m hatttrduyit 13 00 oclock h g meir barr later solloltor notary publlo georgetown onl dental dr j m bell d d s l d a dentlt itonor a rod ua to of toronto unlvr- hlty the latoxt aneatttetla uaad tt doalred a offloo at realdenoa corner mill and frederick street dr f a bollop dd s l d3 dental surgeon offloa over hank of nova sodtla ifoohs 0 30 to b30 t icvanlnata by appointment miscellaneous francis nunan bookbinder accduiit books of al kinjla mad a to rder porlodlcalx of every deaciipuon co re fully bound rutins neatly anj prompt dona wyndham street qualph ont over will limy store lodge directory sons of england lodge woodgreen no 3qz mooting lint and third thurxday la each month nt k p m in i o o t hnll momlxjra and vlmltlnif mombeni cordially invltiul to attend j precious j little w p secretary acton l o l no 4b7 mootm otj th aocond thurxday of uch month lu tho oddfollowa ilall at i i m vmtlnff mamherx of tho order nlwuyx wal- k t thetfoild k v kennbot w m tl b r j kerr auctioneer and real estate agent 17 yearx exporlanca acton ontario halo antrttalxdto u j eurv rw- calva atlontjoij from da to of llxtln to date of aalo uxt your aalex with tne ilealiloiioe itowar avenue jvotoa ihono 3d aoton coil at my axpopxe- guelph business college offer uptouto clerical ifuaincax btonogrupliy und se cretarial cuureom by uxport ok- torloitod touohorm htudontx may entw kliy diiy whitlfi ii01l infoumation v d hpholt principal jekgraving g owtwm vhe hlghtplace willi wax tnilntf mettaured for u milll do you want tha anoultler pud- nl my llttlo munt inquired tha ullim noniud willlo xlkiildcantly but pud tho liuntx fflehunc mm keeps eyes clear bright and beautiful announcing the arrival of another shipment of our famous shoes with boludog sole we have a f till line of mens heavy and dress shoes also boys ajid little gents at very attractive prices wsvtw every pair absolutely guaranteed getthemhere acton cooperative store nk ib mill sthbet acton j e cheevers book hindbr qubo bt oulpli ont book tii iiiaul bound tn lundrtin nnd hululuillul oovnr nm ullorud in ld on lllbu hymn jtookn and olhui- uookd all work promnlly exiuud tho old and itullnblo gronlle olid stnrble wurlu w w nniluilturn and dlrjt iwiwrura 01 nil vld of uonuuuul uid llwidlonniwk w dlrwl lo our ouum t wholoimlo drlom thim wivinrf our ouatouinr ill lr ont wit liv tlm boot ablillimoo mid tbo only mooluuilco ln uio dominion wlio on obornlo onounlatla toobl vropoly- wo cm otvo roroflooo rroui hundrodo ot our ouotomoro in toronto olid othor ulmooo whoro othoro bvo to hovo w oulu lu ordor to ooluot w- hvo tbo uysoot ojid boot jitook oi oronlto t tbo dominion or nioro uoui uiy ihroo doolor in tho wool wo aro lolu- ranto douloro nnd oiunloy no miiu und do not olinoy or ut ouotomoro by mudlnk out lnorolit onlo oollolt- ordoro wo oililoy only moohonlo ond dfy onmliitltlon wrri hamilton sons

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