Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 4, 1923, p. 4

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ip artntj jrrrr tteeb member selected town wcaulua ol ontario aik the acton fret rrksflji thursday morning at th mill street acton uati price it jm per year fnailvanca charged additional lubualied cvarr uujloa cilpuoo itaga it united stale the dale id which uhacrlpliaaa are paid la indicated oo ttio aildrcaa ubfll advertising rates trapalcnt idwlue- meats 10 cents pr line again maaaure lor i first inaartloa vtuls cnia per linn lor each aubaa- quant inacruon contract dlipuy advertiae- pr iotb each out apaolflodlri mot and char a ed according ly will be inaerted ill forbid telephones- editorial and dualneaa office luildtnce ol president the prime mtnistera aaaurance during thp obsenco of premier ferguson on his trip to northern ontario rumors were ripe to the jcftect that some modifications to tho ontario tem perance act would bo made nt tho next session of the legislature without a referendum the premier j promptly laid low theso unwarranted suggestions he stated that his administration would grant a referendum if it was considered ihat public opinion demanded it no change however will be made without such n vote this is reassuring and it is likely that-some- considerable time will elapse- before- tho people of ontario will manifest any considerable desire for a referendum ontarios newspapers are faithful to the low what stronger or more convincing arguments do our pcoplo require to stir them to greater activity ia forcing tho ontario tempcranco act than the activity of tho manufacturers of intoxicants in an effort to make tho act unpopular that ontario holds the ndvartcod position docs in the character of its laws for diminishing tho evils of alcoholism is due in no small degree to the help of the press its sympathetic attitude to temperance effort whether by moral suasion or restrictive and prohibitory enj actments materially helped to mould the public sentiment that broughtthe better laws into force the editors of this province are still faithful to the cause j3owmanvtue statesman the brother of a poet tho poet jolin qroenlonf whit tier writes a contributor had it brolhdr matthew pranklln whit tier who wna nearly five years younger than him self when nt nn early ago tb poet luid hogun to make a reputation mrs whit tier wondered whether hor young er liny alio might not huyo llternry so sho talked with prank on ho afton wati called and asked him if ho wan aura that ho could not writ ixwtry- matthew franklin won quite uro that there vrnii no spark of genius in his make up hat ho aald that ha was willing fo try to wrlto am bthntrir tiisnnotti or wtramrarninn bjoot that moat holpful mother abigail humey whlttior did hor part and we give below the subject and the result of the effort daniidt in tub icons dkn i thny took old daniel by tho hoota a ltd boldly throw htm in and all the mono then began to grin uut danlfll mustered atoutly up his courage did not fall lie cuffed tho llona on their oar and pulledthem by their talis wet new york city it in trunttfat 10 oflwctvu post wtotob thursday morning october 4 1023 editorial j hon mr drury not standing for lennox v- a return to ontario politico will not bo sought by exprertiier hon e c drurythrough the medium hvof the byelection to bo held in lennox on october 22 next although tho progressives ox that con stituency have invited him to be thejr candidate it rvfcas been learned that the invitation is to be declined mr drury has made it quite plain that he is ready tb serve the country if his services are desired he 5twill not however take any step toward seeking public sivpojition h tunas been quite frank with bis friends in stating that personally ho much prefers the quiet useful life of the farm canada leads in forest possessions it has been lately ascertained that of the total sft ares of forests in the british empire canada posses- glfysea more than fifty per cent it would seem for- b tunate too that more than eightyfive per cent of ermine forests in this dominion are owned and controlled by the governments of canada and of the provinces ijthe people of canada gain from our forests posses- aions the substantial revenue of five hundred million sydollsrs annually representing all branches of our vforest industries more than ono hundredthousand j men are engaged in this country in converting forest f nroducts into wealth in some form or other nearly i other people depend upon this forest army of workers or their food shelter home- maintenance in canadas pulp snd paper jaqls thirtythree thousand men are employed who are paid forty million dollars a year in wages the lumber industry alone pays fiftyfive thousand men jatety million dollars annually in wages taking in the fair vs being taken in by the fair the fall fair season has been with us for a month mr muir of tho central experimental farm says it would be well for all seriously- to ask them selvesthis question do 1 get as much out of my visit to tho fair as 1 should fairs and exhibitions provide a- meansof social intercourse and entertain ment for the people of the- surrounding community but fundamentally hey are educational particularly to the rural community their main object is the improvement of agricultural conditions by compari sons of inferior and superior livo stock crops etc and tho donating of premiums to the latter class the pleasure of the social and luro of tho entertain ment features should not be allowed to supersede the interest that should bo taken in tho educational features every agriculturist is or should bp inter ested iii making the most of his business and he canflnd numerous aids in ji daywellspeat at the fair motor vehicles passing funeral processions there are evidently many motor vehicle drivers wboaro unaware of the law respecting the passing jift funeral processions the motor venules act fcpaaya tho driver of a motor vehicle upon any high- jijajr shall upon meeting a funeral processl6ilstop jtlir vehicle including the motor or where practical jjjimiau turn one into an intersecting highway or lane fsjruntil the funeral procession has passed nearly js every week funeral processions in this community tji are passed by motor vehicles and are thus chargeable wiui violation of the law this was notablytbe esse in respect to s funeral procession last saturday six vinptorcars were passed between the fifth line and ffyonngstreet three of- them observed the law by stopping on the side of the highway with engine sri funeral procession had passed- the pother three continued on the highway running both tftbelr enginesand their cars aside from-tbo-un- b vawfuj act committed there is a disrespect paid which fctiitjiot creditable how the local newspaper functions w v a very wise and successful public man once re- marked in tendering advice to a young aspirant for pnblic favor dont get in wrong with the news- papers you may think you can flgbtaenv but they have a way of coming back that is surprisingly affective the newspapers havq made and broken many publio men tho important question is what 9 is meant by getting in wrong with the newspaper no editor worthy of tho name will attack a man v because of personal pique or on trivial pretext the t public man must have done something to get in wrong with tho newspaper and when he does ho probably deserves all that is coming to him news papers have brought many worthy men into promln- ence who otherwise would never have been heard of noirspapers hsve introduced to tho public many men who have merited all the prominence given them v sometimes tho nowspapers have beetf kindly remem- iy bered landjnuclloftcner they have been forgotten v by the beneficiary many men have sought and been ft willing to pay for the boosting that a newspaper can give them but- few editors are for sale and when sv bcosting articles appear they are usually placed along fi with advertising matter a good and worthy man bas frequently been helped by annnwarrantod attack feii of a partisan newspaper but generally speaking the j advantage u with the newspaper tho better way bjv if man who wants the help of a newapaper is for fe him to go to the editor and have a hearttoheart v talk with him if a newspaper attacks a man unjustly vp and that man will lay his esse before the editor the 5y chances are that the newspaper will be fair enough aad manly to retract its unjustified attack there are however many fren who think they can successfully fti- overcome the fair criticism of a newspaper but they tfi flast out in tho end that a well conducted and goner- tj ally fair newaeaper has an influence on the public n i v 90 hatt is not eaay to qvorcome and should not l jtfv aa speaking more particularly from tin live stock mans point of view he should malco a point of seeing as much of the live stock as possible as it is- being judged so that he can see the good and the bad types and correct his own breeding operations ac cordingly undoubtedly the spectator will not al ways agree with the judge as the best of them make mistakes as do the best of farmers but to the dyed- inthewool stock- man there is no greater pleasure than to stand at the ringside and pit his opinion as to the meritorious animals in a class against that of the judge it is well to remember however that the judge has the advantage in that he is ablo 0 handle the animals and view them from all angles and may see or feel something that is not evident to- the man at the ringside the management of fairs snd exhibi tions should endeavor to plan tho livo stock pro gramme so that too many classes would not be going on at the sarno time this of course is difficult at a oqe or two day fair but comparatively easy in the caso of a four day or full week exhibition having the judging rings located fairly close together would help considerably- for then two classes of stock could be followed at tho same time fairly intelligently the programme of tho judging of live stock should be published in the press previously to the dates of judging and on notice boards around the grounds while the fair is going on so that the visitor may go to the ring of stock in which ho is most interested for instance at tho central canada exhibition at ottawa this year notices were posted around the grounds the thno of judging of various classes and sections of live stock a day intelligently spent in taking in tho above mentioned educational features of the fairs orexhibitions which you attend will be something to look back on without regrets as there is everything to gain and nothing to lose on the other hand the sido shows and other question able entertainment features invariably take in fliuvl cially and otherwise more than thoy leave with tho community and their attendance at fairs and exhi bitions should be discouraged by the deadly method of withholding patronage tho good mothpr did not call the attempt eucceawiful but it la truest hat later tn ufa at tho time war tula brother of a number of humoroua letters tor thv prone over tho lcnaiuro ethan bpk of hornby tutlrlftlig- thu dolmen of tho ioalavery politicians eyes front don go around with yuur hood hunglaa like a bulrush or your eye down as though you were ashamed of balne around while the say i rut ha the world owes every man a living m nonsense there is no exouao for tho fellow who takes the other extreme and foes about as though be were apologising for bjn4vjlvc there are some people who aroum the qur with his tail tmtween hi lege invito a kick and a fellow feels condemned if disappoints them tho moo who holds up his head in the consciousness of his manhood and looks his fellow tn tho face with the knowledge that he has nothing to fear from ecru tiny ta one who can call the earth his in nlno caji eat out of ten the man who cant look you atraight in the face is crooked ills ahortcomlngs may never take the form of open dishonesty but there is a secret mud puddle somewhere that is reflected in his iyoa there are few men who can brasen out sin oven secret sin any man with falrjbdg- ment can pick out of the passing crowd tho aneak tho rogue or the libertine their eyes speak let thlna eyes look right on and let thine eyelids took straight before thee shoo and leather journal kant week i rot urn od from a ton iiiya visit to new yorl- city with tilt that in said about thu repoul of thti tit ate law and of tho warn oh of americas eastern metropolis my x- porlnnco an an obearvcr was moat gratifying if i had been a roshlont of tho planet mars and had com to nw york or my nrst visit and bad never in my celestial abode lieural about intoxicating liquor i would have ro lurnod from my visit to maw york an ignorant as i came during inn days and nights i was tn new york i neyor saw nor em oiled liqu n lntwinfl nornna counter nor yet on anybodys breath thin was not because 1 remslnod c61atered nor bocauae 1 stayed sway from tho oldtlmo busy martsof tho liquor trade but because whatever my have been the subterranean streams of bootleg pobipn flowing in bidden channels there was nothing to attract tho atten tion or offend the taste of the passer by heaven and hell can acarcely b nro in contrast than the now york if today and the new york of tho pro vols toad days to ono who etrolla along hor teeming thoroughfares one evidence alone i saw and that was tho evidence that someone was uuiforclng the law passing along i forty nrst 8 tree l inotlcsd a building vacant ajid with doors- tdeked and on tho front where it could be read w one who might be running even rum running tho following nouoe in largo bold letters notice three kings iloruuurant closed for one year by order of the u s district courtfor violation ef national prohibition act new york juno ib 193s i went to my room got my camera and photo graphed the sign forwtju benefit of others who might not know that oven york tho way of the tran-ei- grosuor la hard wjulam b norton patb qountrv ru was highly indignant at buing railed u canadian although imrn in canada im an irishman ami no canadlar at all ho nvorruil no iat aulil lu tortnttntor how can you bo jin irlsbiniui when you were ixirii in ihlii country your par- ntar may b irish but you are n can adian youjakcjllm mitlminllty or the country you aro lorn in ii6ktrriiimin imt jcltuuis in tha- -ovaju- tham blskltsr if the cut ha 1 i tould- you call 1 acton monument works pi5ali5ns and imrokterh ov monijmntu oi- all icindm ordorii for lettering on htontut already oreotod promptly nt- tended to expert workmanship and reasonable prions j nicol jioxibi mill ml acton business mrectory drj a mcniven physician and burgaon office and healdonco corner i lower avenue and elgin btreet the stove season js here and we are here with the goods lf you have a stove need we can supply it from our stock which comprises quebec heaters with ovens banner compact and good cheer in the larger sizes the happy thought ranges mccurys and pandora v see ourwjnd6w display or better still come in talk it over phone 95 wd talbot main street acton imionb 88 dr e j nelson fltudecrick htkis1ct acton ontario dr w s laird ok oublpii 0 woolwich htreet icyo ear noso and throat legal weather forecasts editorial notes with most of the population of england betting on horse races rtnttthrs pcopleof france and get many- play i rig lotteries sanctioned by government the people of europe have gone gambling madc- orillia tiroes he the prohibition act of the united states closed 178000salooos 1100 breweries and 235- distilleries it savei every year about 20000000 bushels of grain that formerly was used in making whiskey and beer drunkenness has decreased 60 per cent in the past three years while in england with its open barrooms it is allegctf to have increased 00 per cent judge w n gemmill of the municipal court of chicago says thcgood slord certainly knew what he was about- whon he held back the invention of tho automobile until he had the liquor traffic on tho toboggan slide no man or woman could cross tho streets in safety today if the saloons were all running full blast as of yoro out in alberts where prohibition is being at tacked wot speakers are- telling the people govern- mertr control will provide badly needed revenue the average nt operation is t seems mentally incapable of comprehendnig tho fact that profits made by gov ernment control are simply an added tax on the community collected with a wastefulness that cannot be equalled in any other direction farmers sun another feature of canadas important activities in which this jrovincc takes a high place js now being emphasized our position among the leading waterpower countries in proportion to population js now third in waterpower development and socond in electric energy consumed turbine horsepower installed has increased 54 per cent sine i0145 taking tho ayerage cost of coal at 10 per ton the present waterpower development in canada repre sents aq anjitial saving in coal of about 270000000 tntithis u constantly increasing yawning there are number of odd super stltions with regard to yawning mob people remember having been correct ed at some time or other for not pine ing a hand over the mouth to cover up a yawn this aroes from a quaint belief years ago when- poople wore more fuperstltlous than xhey are today that there was a danger of the cvvi jumping into the open mouth vphoi in tho act of yawning among many ntces it is stll ikhcv d that he who yawns much is wfmrui od of an ovll spirit when a hindu yawns hs snaps his thumbs and re peats the name of one of ms deities- to neglect this means misfortune when a mualm yawns he puts tho back of his left ngnd over the oxn moutn and says i seek refuge in allnh from satan to yawn tn the midst of prayers is considered a bad omen it is better according to ancient superstition to begin the prayer again from tho be ginning have a programme whatever you have to do have a programme if you are a student have a schedule for your day with a certain amount of lime set aside for study with a definite period for exercise and recreation if you have certain duties to attend to about the house do not do them in a baphasard fashion whan you happen to thjnk of it even for ihat haveit definite programme and abide by it x great many people sflem to work very bard and get nothing done they hurry and hustle and at tho end of tho day they can point out very htue id the p way of accomplishment tho reason is- generally that they work without a programme and work done in this fashion is bound to be wasteful and disappointing have- a program me and live up to it you wu save your ume and energy and yourself many disappointments i to get up steam a fire clogged with ashes may keep the boiler from freetlng but it will never get up steam too many of u ore trying to get along with a faithful when we need enthusiasm if you want to keep from freaslng or starving you can manage that by bringing a lukawartn interest to the work yoii4utve to do there axe mil lions of apathetlo indifferent workers who tnaue a irving though thy do isry uttle mope if you are ambitious something more than that am bitious to make a splendid success of your life yu will have to get up steam by redhot enthusiasm by intense interest and thorough going work meals pir8tclabs appetizingl meala meal tickets i hcab j 600 10 meals j300 board and room j750 empire cafe mill bthepj acton john v savage btrb main street acton p o bex 4b be independent op the coal and wood mbflo hants burn ooal ou in standard oil burner companys oil burners far use in cook stoves hoatera and irurnaoes three times the heat far half the ooet no aht tad trouble uo risk moiny bank after 10 days trial if not satisfied can be seen in use at the store bale attended and goods bough j oemtnlulon i goods wanted signs of fair or foul weather are noted very carefully by country people somo of them are muoh more inclined to believe in the old sayings about tlu weather than in any readings from barometers or the predictions of our weather prophets evening red and next morning grey are certain signs of a beautiful day if ho cock goes crowing to bed hou certainly rise with a watery head when black analls oroes your path black clouds most moisture hath when rooks fly sporting high in air it shows that windy storms are near whnrv tho peacock loudly bawls soon well have both rain and squalls if the moon shows- like a silver shield be not afraid to reap your held hut if she rise haloed round soon well tread on deluged ground a rainbow at night is the shepherds delight that la- if the wind be wester ly as it show that the mln clouds arc parsing away j i if nt sunrlslng or setting the clouds uppoar of a lurid red oolor it is a sure sign ofl torma and gales of wind the qirl we like tho girl who u gunny the girl who has heart tho girl who has oulture tho blrl who loves musla the girl whose voice is not loud the girl who has conscience the girl who uvea for her friend the girl who stands for tho right tho girl who sings from her hoort tho girl who knows how to say no tho girl who belongs tn no clique tho girl who believes in hen home tho girl whoso eyes are wide open tho glfl who talks to some purposa tho girt who believes in her mother the girl who dislikes to be flattered tho girl who u neither surly nor sour th girl who abhors people who gossip n w tho girl whose religion shines in hor life- buy a nice chesterfield suite tou will enjoy it during tho long fall and winter evenings we are offering tho following suites at greatly reduced prices call and see them mohslr chestfuid bulte chesterfield and two choirs itegutar prico 128600 speolsl prc21500 another mohair suite complete 3 pieces itegular 127600 spec ial price i1b600 fine tapestry suite three pieces itegular 118600 special price s14m0 cheap tapestry sulte three pieces regular 16500 for 0930 simmons beds springs and mattresses built for sleep jmno 23 v o no si harold nash parmer v a barrister so i lot tor notary publio conveys noer et ferryman blpck acton ont ifonesy lerit on moittaaqcs hours 030 nwm to 6 pm saturdays ir00 oclock h gmeir barrister solicitor notary publio georgetown ont- dental tux uuirj utm kintabcx pit wo carry a complete assort ment of all the different styles of simmons deds in white namel oak walnut mahogany and ivory also simmons hraas beds to have a perfect nights rest you cannot do better than buy simmons beds simmons steel springs and a simmons mat- irene prices of simmons beds range from f4jk to tssoo prices of simmons spring from 475 to 11340 prices of simmons felt mat- trtjsaea from t7jio up v call and see our large displays smiths furniture store i2qi31 wyndhara street guelph onr phone584 dr j ja bell d d s- l d s detiijat t honor oraduate of toronto urlver- slty the latest anesthatlo used if desired office at residence cornerajkuu and sederlolc btnet w dr f g gollqp dds ldj3 dental burfieon offloe over bonk of nov saotia houhbj0 to b10 filvenlngs by appointment miscellaneous francis nunan bookbinder account books of all kinds made w rder periodicals of every descrlptioo carefully bound ruling neatly and promptly done vvyndham stxeet ouelph ont ovpt williams store lodge ddjectory dominion of canada loan 1923 the bank of montreal at all its branches will accept subscriptions for the new dominion government bonds or effect die exchange of victory loan bonds due 1st november 1923 into bonds of he newissue full particulars will be gladly furnished at any branch oj the bank of moistitueal sons of england lodqe woodgreen no 302 meeting rnl and third thursday in each month elf 8 p m in i o o v kail ajemhera and visiting members cordially invited to attend j precious j little w p secretary acton l o l no ast meets on the second thursday of each month in tha oddfellows hall at 8 p m vlaltlng members of tho order always wei- zztw come b t tiietfohd fej f icennlody w m it s r j kerr aucuooeer and real estate agent 17 years experience acton ontario sales entrusted to il j kerr re ceive attention from date of listing to data of sale iut your sole with me residence dower avenue aoton phone 34 aoton call at my expense to the untold legion of 1923 victory bond holders o what are you going to do canada vranta you to renew your investment for another 20 years you know youve had a good investment you know your aecurityts right you know your intereat hasbeen paid with imfy regularity remember you get two weeks interest- a a bonus and to repeat your security ranks equatty with victory bonds wih you renew your investment will you exchange your bonds if so do it quickly please dont wait till the last minute the privilege may be with- drawn dominion of canada refunding loan 19223 6 bonds 20 year bond due- 1 5th october 1943 price i 20 year bonds 9825 and interest yielding 514 ordr may b telegraphed or telephoned collect and eschmngee neadf through gour nenal bond demierof bemkr i guelph business college offers uptodate clurlcux lluslntiss stonogntphy utul ko- cratarlaj cuursna by utmrt kix- perlencod tuuuheni htudaiit may iintui any iluy wjiltk llt inkouxfatton v t sphott lrhiolpal j e chejevers book binder quebec bt east quslph oni books and mogul nes bound- la uandsome and substantial cowra names lettered tn gold on 1 bleat hymn hooks and othor books all work promptly emeeuted ttw old and reliable granite and marble worka we r manufoaturera and dlreoi importeint of all kinds of ofonumeutai and lleadatotie work wo ell direct to our oustomerat at wholesale prloeat uiue saving our customer 40 per cent we have the best apptiatloaatid tha only mechanics tn the tw ml moil who can operate pneumatlo tools property we call give rexerauoes troax hmidreds of our customera lit toronto and othea places where others have to havs law suits in order to collect we have the larsntand best stock of granite la the domlnlqn or tnore tha a h a dealers in the west we ar legiti mate dealers ajid employ no ogenta and do bet annoy or test aiutomerg by sending out ignorantagent aollelt- log orders we employ only nieahanlcat and defy competition hajvdlton sons oov norwich wool w i oh hts qua lob children ory for fletchers casxoria fci

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