Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 9, 1923, p. 3

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v 631n artmt stop tyt tiuhhtay august 0 19j3 a oaroem prayer lit i ii f twill r ami i 11 i hw tiling while llllou 11 to i ii iz id i lllnkm hlli ihj willi uui i lot nim rrulialuitl i i i m my hit rl h i ttn llsnt sky ny j y my iuvm triim m r aull un i sunnier nulty n i li i in uitil 1 lltubolh htxillur 1 the first steps toward the crop of 1824 tt may upimur to beu llttlu t begin thinking oc next ytura i uny n 1 hut the successful hrukeepoi know that the uuccees nt next your i row depends upon lh6 prnparullon made for it und the tltue they ure made a successful iuuhoii depeu in to tu larsa extent upon good wintering good wintering tie pond upon throe things namely colonies wall i ida with you nit bees it it uhunduntn of wholesome b tores and ado mute pro tection from iho varying outsldo tem perutures during th winter and early spring the flrat thing tlwit tw to got uoloulea won filled with young imjok und to get thorn before the winter huu in tlilri moani that wo jnuirt tiuve the bee produced between the monttia of july pl 6ctobcr und in order to d this wo muat huve a proline queen in tho hive during tho month of august andl september tho drat atop therefore in producing a crop of htinay in 1824 la to that every colony la handed with e good prolific quean during tho latter part of july or the first week in augut a good idcoml your tjueen will often produce the require 1 num ber of bee in the tall but 8 ho 1b vory likely to get lost during tho winter or fall the following spring a young queen reared duringthe hitter part of june r tnlv l the most denendnble fall but mbe la comparatively young and prouno the next spring the two eeaaona of the year whan brood pro duction count moat every beekeeper should examine bla colonloa during the latter part of july and destroy 411 queens that ahow the least sign of falling replacing them with youiig queens that ure prolific kj old queens that are still producing a maximum amount of brood can be left and replaced later in tho season by young queens a good system of requeenlng the colonies la one that is combined with swarm control measures that la intro ducing the young queen at the same time treatment la applied to control swarming during the main flow from clover when swarnwik la most tense and the colonies have larvae in queen cups remove the old queen from the hive and destroy all quean cells present nine days later again remove all queen cells and introduce a young laying quean by this method the swarming la controlled and the colonies are requeenod at tho rlght time the old queen la prollf and increase is desired a framo or two of emerging brood may be removed with her and placed in a new hive this nucleus can be built up into a strong colony by fall when the old queen can be re placed by a young one c b gooder ham dominion apiarist- a dream fhome coming dm oti near about the home coming this year at dour old aclont tho llttlo town down by vuuv luke the pluco that i wua horn in a foe ling strange oomes o or mo and r wonder if i 11 go will i moat all the bays und girls j know long years ago 7 well 11 be thorn if 1 m living ior i want to shake tlm hund of ull rny ol 1 schoolmates and frlon is who worn iwrn in the dear old ian i want to hoar tho school t ii ring so 1 can laugh mid say yni cun ring your blame old hand on 1 don t have to go to day i wunt to wulk down to the mill mum with some friends of long ugn you remember sunday evening after church twas all the go there a so many pleuaunl memnrlts that are running through my hraln j wish that i could go back home and bo a boy ugaln but i can t dp that just now suy i and there is no uao to state but negorra 1 1 bo with you in the old town when they jubllaj the tripping of tho light fan tan h for the young folks gn halurday und monday evenings and hey enjoyed monday a big programme thoy- raved over the lalllhumnlojyv thny pralsud the ttand all the flmo und to think john hill has uluyed by thoiu ull thoint yturs bui mo di you knbw down in my hr irt i reully believe the hi nio comur ippreoluted morn than avnrythlnk in what the citlsons tuinmltto did for tham in the quint rj verent hubliuth progrummn that uuggtrstlon to vlnlt tho churrha they ulloi od wlion hoyi und girls at homn in tlm m rnhig wim irjtpa and they wont an 1 w r sfrepuld in tho real irli or worshju which prevailed overywhnrn an i th quiet social sunday afternoon clint suggestion thut was great and then the big sunday evening service ur ranged for whero iriibytertui am methodists und baptist unl altglt tan and itomun catholics hmutd worstirp together hay they that wni fine and the big massed choir from ull tro i hurclius und the mtethodlst hunduy bchool i rchusti this mudo the immi coming vein really worth whit and th n that suvrcd coivcc t by tho ci 1 1 kens umut thut surprls 1 und pleased every txdy i heard moi the rolkn ay that whnn they ware itlda at home they thought aetdn iland- when john hill and two or three of his brothers find jack cameron jako dempsey und iiu wllllnma and joe speight and tom kennedy und harry jen nor and a fow others 7010 the players was thu best over hut he acton cltuens uund which yml on hnturjjav hunday evening monday was really finer and their music wos superb wal how tmuil nay goodbye for this time and 1 m not half through more about thin big aobratlon nnj honae oomlng next week lublloto and jlmmle waa here and us much a boy ugaln aa ho was forty years ago ihtow to help your home town editor first of all give him the news he wants it give jt to him even though sometimes h doe not gat into the paper he hasn t time always to tell you why some piece of news is hot used but ten to one he had a perfectly good and impersonal reason give him the news even though you may not be especially interested in it some folks never think to give the editor news eg cept when they are concerned in ft tue way or another 1 second dont give him a piece of new and tell him you want it printed jtmt a it is written there a a right and a wrong way to do even such a simple thing aa writing an article for x country newspaper one editor hud to leave town beoaus he printed every piece of news jus aa it w iumded in spelling punctuation and all and printed it with the name of the person who gave it to him third dont try to play a joke through the papei unleaa you explain it to tbo adltor a thin in cold typo looks a lot different and aqirnds differ- ent from a thins repeated by w6rd of mouth when tho voice the facial preaslon and a g eat ure perhaps help to show its meaning fourth don t worry for fear tho editor h making too much money you should want him to be prosperous he can and will give you u batter paper he will be leas likely to huve to compromise with bs conaolenco oyer certain kinds qt advertising and anyhow ho can t make u big fortune out of his paper he wl bo lucky if ha can keep it going klfth be ready to tell your editor when something pleases you once in a while you tell yyur preacher he ha a good sermon so tel your editor the sums about his paper blsth get your copy w him early take it in for the next wuok the day after tho previous publication day you can it takes time to set type and tnake a paper did you ever wonder what the editor did all thu time be tween publication dayat you wouldn t if you were a country publisher your aelf lastly go in soma day when hi paper la being printed xia in several times during the day and you will have mors of a realisation of what a job it la to make a country newspaper bootleg oanqer t 1 v t ii r f 1 the united htaies prohibitum com mlasloner gives warning of the lunger from the use of bootleg whiskey great quantities of dungsroua und ud ulteraied liquor ure sold to the unwary labels and package wrappings uppur cptly are no longer a safw gultt iht are freejy counterfeited klguiea are also gven to ahow ths great luurattse in thfl deaths from wood alcoholism and acute olcohql poisoning such evidence maybe rgardod ul flrat sigh as telling ugalnst ths f flcacy of prohibition but more cur fully considered it may have quite a different meaning the use of those adulterated upd danrerou liquors in such quantities is an evidence of th growing scarcity or 110 rosuw iluqors of commerce in time the nitpl will learn the truth about thu dungerou charmoter of the substitutes and out of qodlderstlon tor health and safety will avoid tham there is aald to be u conajderabla truffle in ontario in liquors that ure dangerous if not absolutely polaouous peojile who hoe reapsot for utajr own health and welfare will feel more 4411 pytre the wisdom and necessity of ex erqtalngm eauttoivatratford deacon- ttmaa my but mary and i have had tho time of our lives during the past week the jubilee celebration brought about the happiest time we ve had since our golden wedding was celebrated the preparation for the home coming or old friends was in itself a joy say the cooking and baking that mary put over was a wonder and it was ail oldfashioned cookery too i said to her why don you do some of the new kinds of cooking mary which other folks now seem to think they can t get along without not for us this tlnio she said the old boys and girls coming home will expect the old f time cooking which they always enjoyed when the came to see- us in thu old days they wont look for froeted cakes and naiads and lady fingers at our house oh no 1 ii give thorn the good substantial things they used to enjoy so much when they come here long ago what theyll jook for und expect la the old fashioned 1 filling cooking which we always had ln the old days and bless me aby did with a real vengeance by saturday noon whan the home comers began to arrive mary m buttery shelves were groaning there were mtnee ptea and the good old pumpkin plea made from mary s dried pumpkins and there was an aid erberry pie or two and four of fresh raspberries then there were dough iuta or rather i should say fried cakes some of ths twisted kinds and some with the hole in and there was gingerbread galore and ginger cookies doxen or so of uietn in the shape of men and animals you know and there were sugar cookies and chi cakes toe and then saw a cold ham and a leg of lamb and mary be moaned the fact that it was too early for spring ablckeiut because of the late spring you know then she bad brought up her prlxe jams and jellies and pickles the ones she took the red tickets on at the fall fajr and besides all this there were the etceteriea which mary always throws in on special occasions well when mary got through ibuk ing and basting und cooking audi a that her layout for the jubilee cele bration home comlrig was all ante shape she admitted to me that ens was tired but says she it s worth ll and if you could have seen j10w ths old boy and girl rrienda who stayed with us for the three duyg laid la marys provender and praised it with every mouthful you a have been obllg od to admit that mary had a real good tune over it and even the children they brought with them weren t peev fd at ull over aunt mary a old fashioned cooking though some of them dd come from the city well they didnt come to the homo coming just to et my but we had a great tltno at our bouse talking over old times tho old boys and girls took me buck to scores of things t badnt thought about for years we had the talks and the waks und good old fashioned run overy minute thoy were with us hut say this was ut our house mary a and mine but the good time dldn t atop there it was good to see the folks coming in ufter u stroll about iho old town und meeting old friends who still live here and other old friend who don t but who lcaioa back just like themselves to nee each othor and those of us who huve stayed ln the old home town through all the years they were just bubbling over all the time about somethlng- my but they had thu good time and were jflud to be back- uom- say these home comers came from cities and towns and villages country places in canada and the llnltud stato thuy cwtne from pre tentlous places many of them places toatji ut qiiu i rs lutfljoojfjagsntir j ully on the tittle tpwns und country places but bleaav me they hud nothing but praise for the old home town my how you ve improved they would uy the new stores and the big factories und luvey new homes tiifa a silent sermon it pays n mother tu t ulone sor her rn good but for that of her chlldhan to pructlce what she preaahos in deed the force of example will often es be sufficient without the preach ing klxample is a silent sermon do not forget this when you sometimes reproach your children for doing the thing you yourself have done in the words of the old adage example is better than precept we were re minded of this one day when we heard a mother say to her son johnny i havo askod you again and again not ifv vonr m vtr pac7alrcaok c r all right mother i ii ry und re member next time was the reply temperance and the press but mother you always throw yoi coat ovr a chair when you come in you know there laddie that a the tlmo you caught mother lent ut the mother asked smilingly well wo ii see who will got rid of this careless habit first but 1 warn you going to try very hard johnny was quick enough to detect his mothers weakness most children are the truly helpful mother is the one who is on the lookout to discover and correct her own railings as wall as those of her children horse sense the following boyhood experience wss related to me by my futher a few years ago i got the job of driving a grocery wagon around in a town that was unfamiliar to ma can sequentry i did not know thp streets where i was to make deliveries oh that all right aald the boss you ii soon learn the route but you are going with ma the tlrst time erent yout i asked nope you can depend upon hi horse and so i went off wondering whether this mysterious horse was really a man and the wagon a jlnrikiaha no the horse waa a horse and a beautiful one he started off went on for u block or two then drew up to the curb and stopped in front of a house what la he stopping fort 1 asked myself then i remembered you can depend upon the horse i went into the house and found them waiting for their groceries we made about thirty deliveries that afternoon and not qnce did 1 have tossy whoa or getup the horse aald all that part to himself horses are not only used us beasts of burden but they also halp a lot in the thinking dcur hlr 1 think it is genera ly knfwu thu 4 nr he uinl- two or three years uf ox 101 wi und expansive prtipugundu hu 1 11 urrlad on by the liquor lit terestu i f the lulled stutes tt dls mill if they run their prohlultloi jiw on umullar snule it niay tt yt l u hlmllur effort hits ikvoii made 1 ontario in durrtdll tin ota li one iut that fulls under my notkt tin first luht days following tlie elca lion f june 2l twenty six inthuu 1 upu wore unod for this unworthy purixisi to day it lu u qu lit ion trttn 1 canadu to murmw from huturduy jlght air now it iium orturre i to mi many times to ask wlmt lo these papers mrant after a trlaf of the o t a for three or four years 1l waa votod upon uus lojni d by a majority vote of 406 070 und it is un insult lo these voters to send into thulr homne dily ufter day such matter as ubovu n ferrpd to idlt rs feel it to ho their duty publish such items then fur thu sake ur truth aqd fair 1 lay thoy slioul i publish some facts showing thp great goq t uocomihjnhed by the uct phis is noticeable nvarywhero one may go und the omclul reports ure of further evidence j it has cut down the amount of liquor consumed to one fifth of whut tt was under license b it hus reduced drunkenness in toronto aluno arrests were roducbd from 30 1 lnr thousand of population lit isu to 7 a iter thouitund in 1913 3 it huit mducd crlmn through tllo trying yuars following the war 4 it hus helped business the liunk clearings in tort nto ulone increase i from j 103 066 006 lit 1914 to sb 104 813 007 in 1031 g it hus helped thu worker a thousand manufacturers in ontario say it has increased pro duct ion tnr reused tho regularity of the uttendunco of the workers and their ability and capability us well 6 it bus helped the homo more com fortuble homes und better supplies of food and clothing fat wives and chll dron ono hundred und fifty eight tichool inspectors say it hua improv homo uumfundlngs drunkards cease to stagger on our streets and drunkards yflves wlpo uway their tears and take fresh heart ugaln these fuels should weigh much more han ble statement bandied i about by those who ure influenced by j- nnl tusia and financial gain all who have ut heart the moral and material welfare of ontario and es peclaliy the highest good of the young should resist all efforts 10 rob us of tho victory guinea no matter how oun ing und well disguised those efforts neighborhood news- town and country may be d it fall fair time approaching the fairs n which our reader gen erally are interested the following- are the dates of the fall fairs of mm in which exhibitor an j visitors of this eectlon are inter ested october 21 october l october 46 september 18u september xs is september xi 21 september 18 19 september is 19 september xsrl7 september 1114 oatqber x x october 3- october is october 1 acton t aberfoyle allutop arthur ancaster brampton bolton burlington caiedon colli ngwood cookstown cooksrluo erin freelton fergus gait costly sugars theru ure incrollblo us u may set m sugars thut cost from 7 to 37y a pound thrro are sugars for which suoh prices urn asked und whloh people buy 1 ha most expensive them is culled tlulcltot and brings 1376 u pound by comparfcoi the ther sugars seem chtep mannnae for nxamplu costs only j140 u pound rfoimoso is mudo from tho scrups that are left aver in the making of vega table ivory buttons another sugar mannlte is made from munna the nutritive gum with which the children of israel were fed t wll lurneas manna forms in little flak llko scuiuh which the wind blows into the ulr und curries to tho ground ut me distuncu away it hus tho ddlcuta tumla of u sweet wafer htlll ut other of the augurs culled xylusuis niudo from corncobs und is price 1 at 120 u pound the coiollneits of these sugurs is the result of aha excessive tare thut must bo exercised in making them for tho presence in them of uny impurity or of any other kind of sugar unfile them for the imj ortunt uses to which they urd put isvery bucteriollcul laboratory baa them one is particularly iiiefu in de teetlng typhoid the organisms that cause the disease ure so fond of it thut they pounco upon it ul once und there multiply so fast thut their presence is easily detected others ure invaluuble in detecting cholera germs oakvllle kncu august 17 open 1 iromoti h wurlnti pirty in vl tc rtu park i in yt ung p hijiio i f llowujd h 1 lurk aveiuith held u most allien u1 surd ieu lust lrlluy ufterntmn on mrs trel lo a luwn in ul 1 f the 1 renh al i 1 imdj it l intlmuleil thut ut i uh u ttilrd uf hie uutomobllcn pusnlug through uwn thane duys urn from the united hlutca nourly uvury stula in the ut inn blng rnprnaantnd cum huve uleo i men noticed f r m ull tlin westt rn i rovlnces nf cunudu hurlos illnun a irlvar employed by the trufalgur lumber company fun narrowly tuckpod danui early monday m irnlng when u ornnd trunk pussnnger train irnvelllug oust ut the k rr street crossing demolishing tho truck anl hurling illnun a distance uf 30 feet heord erin hov miljjrsil j humphrey ure sm ndlng i heir holidays ut port dover miss margaret mcklnney hus re turned to toronto to resume her duties with messrs bertram a wudsworth burr 1st or mian kule nurno introlt mich is nmti ling ber vnrnlim urith mr and mr ham nurse mr lemuel hi ortt f mimim jw hask is visiting with dr und mrs hljortl mrs wm justice und son an i daughter of winnipeg mun ure visit ing with her father mr john oawth roup mr james ilrydon of trnnel bask and mr m campbell of htevensvllle visited with mrs dave mcmillan dur ing tho week miss kathleen cumnron a t c l und a purty of musicians und profas sldnal uwomen of toronto ure com plating a two weeks vacation ut luck nuf mrs jordan hartley und daughter veru hpokane wush und mrs j d plough of hoc he tor n y are holl- rtaying with their parents mr and mrs 3 nidlo 7th tine mljutes mulslu shut und peart yong who attended toronto norma school this year huvn been successful ln securing sacpnd cuss certificates unit also in 1 rocurlng schools for the followlpg yeur advocuta new beauty for dainty fabrics and much longer wear ruc two worrlr you hive in wash ing line fabrics diinty yirmcnts are rcfiiovcd you can launder them now with full ctufnlncc thtl fabric will not be harmed of dclicitc coloring 1 dulled silks satini crepen and dainty ex pensive cot ton ti come from the wash witlv now brillihiicc iik beauty in thouimintls of homo women arc uiinp pai mouvl princi ss soap i laki s these pure white crinkly flakes cive 1 woudcrful whipped cream lather that dissolves dirt magically and save money in two ways by giving lodger weir from fine fabrics and being nothing but pure soap thcy last longer cutting soap cost you cant find anything better for use in the washing machine nor in fact for all ltundry or household use in handy one ound package 01 bags order some today and begin sawuj next time you wash the patmolivc company of canada limited made id canada mulo toooet- p a l o l 1 v r princess soap 5 1 1- newspaper writings the sort of newspaper thut would be published if everybody edited would be something wonderful but nothing for which anybody would sub scrlbo the newspaper business is perhaps the moat competitive of any in existence people who make newspapers must have the mass the people in mind every moment- no newspaper cun uve by catering to 1 chosen few there is not lo any 00m munlty enough business to support a large newspaper designed especially for what are nlunglly called ths high brow the commonly supposed to be the type of cltlaans who take no teres i in any highbrows are u bogus class but are subject except on co dimming things that would be djs cussed ln u fuoulty ur a one trt con ventlon or a symposium of the higher clergy no newspaper made to nt clientele of intellectuals or near in telleqtuals could subsist- op what th intellectual would be willing lo pay und the flowers and th lawn und the clean tidy streets and the playgrounds ut ths park and the athletic axsocla tlun a grounds and the old school re built and enlarged with ten ur eleven teucbers where there was only mr llttlo und ann jane hill and jiattio speight when we went to school and the decorations decorations every here on the stores on thu public ulldlngs on the homes on the streets ud ull for ua bay unci jo tt was worth coming- home well talk about thla good old town to our childron und thtlrs aa lung us we live and then theyd rave about the three riuy programme our citlaene com mlttee put up for them something doing every muiute from the tune we cuiub until the las train out and the committee evidently- studied every taste for there were baseball gome gomes by both hoys and girls- oh thoae girls thej aald tny but they are real playsra and the exercise they get put of h wllf be good for thorn i and the iooba4l and th raoej and september 1031 w september xi xx boorgetown october bb orand valley september 17 3 london western fair septembers 1 morkhora october 4- ullloa september js x9 oaffihua n september 1x1 orangsvllle september 11 14 ottawa central cenadu sept 7 17 newroarxat september x72f hockwood w september 18 19 uockton october 10 shelburne sedtembar 1110 stratford september ii xx toronto can nal aug 1ft sept 8 weeton septsmber xi x9 why honev was slow she left her hubby alone in their room at de hotel while she did some shopping she returned the many doors and numbers confused her but lh soon d wus liar room she knocked and called imback honey let me ln no answer llony honey let me in she called again knocking harder honey us e please honey brief silence than a than a voloe id und full of iltgnky came frdm the other sjdfi of the tlirar moduin this is not a beehive its u bath room family pride woolloy doctures his grandfather descended from ono of the greatest houses jn bog land ah yes i did hear a story about the old man fulling off u roof he was apulrlng for lord somebody or otlwr safety in a nutshell a fifteen yar old girl in detroit has written these slogans for autolsts drive right and mure pedestrians will be left watch youc step on it taking the other fallows duat ti bettor than to dust returneth six feat have sfwalted many a drlv ur who wouldn t give an inch right or lrpt a bachelor sends us thla clipping 1 ths girl who think no man la fevht dreed wilt kaeiv it right epough for her may ofltm be right 4 w restore it hut slip s mr often left hafla dont blrl noticed change in wife mr johnson was in badly run down condition two bottles of drsoo hsvs produced a bio ahanas says mr job nsan tlium is nothing inure dullhllltutlng to tho whole syatcin than fuulty utitlou uf thi digestive organs luxy stum tlcli or sluggtah liver may ruuse years of endless misery suub was tllo case with mrs johnson of smith avenue hamilton out until she heard about drsoo and decided to try its effects on her long standing ailments the result was typical of this eplendl i herbal remedy as mr johuson will i tfll you i my vlfe suffered stopiuch unt lvr trouble things alio ale would hot agree with her and would sour in her stomach causing tnutjh distress uftei menlxttwtwlctitnr anotjtnnrin tn fact she hardly know what it won u good meal without suffsrlng uktaiwards shu wus bilious apota flouted before her yos and at times she hud terribly dlssy spells especially when stooping over she iways had to be taking some thing for her bowels we trie i almost every thing without result until we baurd uf dmco hhe has taken only two bottles an1 feela much better i can ee a big change in her her bowels ure regulur ahesata better und la growing stronger we prulse dreou highly the symptom from whloh mi john son suffere i ure common lo men and women uf all ages and in ovary station of ufu they come from i he guss ulid poisonous acids that poorly tunc t let n ing organs throw off untir re aturrd o their lrojier action by ureco this wonderful heulth bulloai tones und regulate these organ a nature intended it contains corrective juice of nature a own herbs roots barks and leaves compounded with scientific ex- octnees u your digestive aystam is if it la mr llcglnuld cata uf australia visited mr j i iteld last weak bov parclval mayes is spending his vacation with friends ut ilcton mr and mr w it watson oro holi day ing in muakoka ut arcadia mrs jos hull f ashgrovo laft last week fur kngjfcnd where she will visit her parents and other relatives mr n l mcleod an old george town boy has been uppolnted general manager of the standard bank of canada mrs laltersan of bruntford is visit ing at the home of her brother coun clllor a duncan ml- motu moore of burrie visited at it j mccartney s lust week mia k hlnnard of montreal is holidaying at the home of hra v a hurley mr and mr john cunningham left luat week for nelson b c to visit their on itotert thov will also visit other points of in lures i on the coast the union sunday school excursion to burlington beach vfam well attended ln pile of the threatening weather about bcoehl iran and adylts attended r t und mrs mccul lough of chut worth and t h b mccullough of weyburn 3a k spent u couple of days during the week with mr and mrs w a wllsonand other friends sometime last week the survoyors slakes on tho road from the 7th line to muln htroet were dulled up and thvovvn away by some thoughtless person or persons the pulling out these stakes necessitates the road be ing surveyed over there is a heavy penulty fur the removing of any sur veyor stakes from any roud or high wuy herald hearing the end am not going to talk long this evening aald the speaker i ve been red of that the othar night i waa making a sjteecb whan a man entered the hell and took a mat right in the front row i had not been talking an hour when i noticed he waa becoming fidgety finally he arose and asked shay how long you been loctur ur a hour four years my friend 1 implied well ha remarked us he wtltfown through jwrtitwf burlington 1 upp in ted vic o succeed- mis mtas ilunt has dreeo la bslna peel a my introduced hit blm at no aoton by a- t brown and la aad b a gaed droagtat everywhere miss hunt has bee torlun order nurse mckee who resigned commenced her duties brant street woe opened trafflc to birch btreet on saturday but and by tho end of th week it is x peeled th street will be opened to the central school mr k ii freeman is holidaying at bourne cape cod mas mr will lowq of montreal l visit jug- hi mother mrs k lowe kllxu both street the muson will hold their annual pic nlo to dundaa on wednesday august ii mrs trenamsn upd two sons george and horry have been holiday ing algonquin park mr and mrs arthur ladle und two daughters mr geo ladle of kllht mich are visiting the formers father mr qhas iadla miss mabel hurd has returned to cleveland to resume her duties in the uenerul hospital after spending month ut her home here the authorities have received many complaint id regards to weeds 01 vacant lots throughout thu towp un der th itovlnelul act every person la supposed to cut the weeds on their land in previous years th town men have cut the weeds on many ms and was charged up to tie irvperty owners word hus been received that the brunt military lloapltul wil be closed in hepteiubei i oh whut grounds his place hus beau chosen in irefar enre to chrlatle street toronto is be yond comprehension there is ik mpurist 11 tielween the two places as home for convulosclng waldlur mr i k smith und family have removed to toronto where they will take up lesldance iwrmunently mr smith has secured a splendid position u teaching stun in u school there the removal of mr smith und family front uu jtpwn u deeply regretted they huve ulwuy tuken u deep inter est in churth work un i all affair that wau oasette voters list 1923 municipality of the township of nassagaweva notice i hereby given that i have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned ln sec ix of the ontario voters ust act the copies required by said section to be so transmitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to aald act of all persona- appearing by the last revised assessment boll of th said municipality to be entlued to vot ln the aald municipality at elections for members of the legislative aasem by and at municipal elections i am that the said list waa flrat pooled up ln my effloe ih nasaagaweye on th 18th day of july 1131 and retnulm there for inspecuon and t hereby call upon all voter tt take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected ua cording to law dated this lath day of july 19 john marshall ti s clerk of said municipality eyes examined am glasses ground to fit lenses duplicated prescriptions filled satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded dr c c fjoyd jeweller and optometrist oneill block gemteunrn mlttfl npn l bring in your cream early in the week acton creamery has decided not to accept cream on satur day after twelve oclock a m the government tsanxioua to secure a higher standard for ontario butter and this is one of the methods that will facilitate our work in this direction lot us have your cooperation in this move to secure higher standard and make better butter acton creamery co t j oneil prop we are still baying egga open tuesday friday and saturday quality oar motto eveninos page ss a mm um with dpfinic profanity a muh was ur ohurud 1 beating a horss utid swearing und of th witnesses wua u pious pi i negro did th defendant us improper luhguugat asked th luwysr well he did talk mighty loud sub did he indulge lit prorsnltyt the 1 i darkey seamed pusxled so the lawyer put the question in an othar way wha i mean unci abe is did ft us w irdu that would be proper for your nilnlstor to us in u sermon 7 oh ye uh yes sub replied the old fallow with u broad grin but o ooati iy t huve tar bo ranged dlff- runt hoot in tmnscript hve i claaut amd beautifies bank on this times have changed 6ince the bard of avonput his famous query whats in a name in shakespeares day the most successful merchant was the biggest skin flint his name meant nothing you entered his shop with your eyes open and your fingers crossed you haggled and bargained and if you were especially astute perhaps you retained your eye- teeth modern business ideals and modern advertising have wrought the change to day the biggest asset of any successful business is a good name built up through fair dealing fair policies and a good pro duct advertising creates reputation mak ers of advertised products frequently value their names at millions of dollars they cannot afford to jeopardize the word of these names by sel anything but good merchandise of full measure and fair price a manufacturer does uot dare to ad vertise wares that will not give service he has his good name to protect bank on diis advertised goods must be as advertised thats why it pays you to deal widi advertisers and to buy adver tised goods i i i i i i i i i i i i i i keep your name before the public jm

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