Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 19, 1922, p. 5

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if r artmt 3flrw jlrwib ilhthhilay ctoliail ib 1djj twenty years ago tit uaue of tha frea praa thursday october s3 1002 1 ho cnil atrlko of wood in ulrimily lining nvor tlm prl dm clllil i u 13 r lit ji hiurh iirihint u gitutly ltliplllvil ul pirillll lllltll iii tllo lll- tuilor unt thn xtt i lor uu tt laiilt of tho mkiutiji work cc ilk pulntnru who liml tho i lntruot fir- thn liuprnviin nim mi a 11 i via if u illn hua uiii l d mr j i wul luii uh tiu uur of the moroliunlh hank tho mtximit limiuul at hi mo of tl mtliy r w l uliiy a hon wiim hold hint w dnnuduy nvonlng whon nnuily nil tho miloyei ntijoy 1 tho aplni hi auiuor uml tiu ovonlng th ludhu kuo c lunch hud u wry limy luut thuraluy und ut xlk i i luck dm tuhtoa wont rnudy with uliuuduiio for ull i owl imtutoo und other vagutfthluh tllauppur 1 in nmr valnualy quick order tho progrummn w on of high merit thunkagivlng day huvir huoli dellght- td weather for un outing tlmt hourly every mun in town yountf or old who noaaeaaod or pould hurmw u gun wnnt utlng oxpodltloii ijumoa mora ulorulful thlh full r tho intuit of them wmra mora or ihhh auicueaful tji ooul atrlko iw ondod tho min im imvo return ml to work tiftei tiding out itu h uml roil and fifty throo dayw a lauding toronto ooul deuler mild uurly thim morning tliut ooul ahould hegln to rimoli thu lty in ubout two wl thun a sense op humor a muiihii if humor dou not liioun tlm aumn tiling lo averytiody homo jhio will etiunklo over mm of char to ijtmb eaaayw und will bo indignant uml dla- guatod ut u uruntlcnl juwit which nntnu irrawlatuhly funnv to thnno who hvo no uppreotntlnn whutbvor of lamb humor a grwit utul of unpliuuuuitneaii urine from the dlfferonoe tn our idouu of whit la funny tim young man who up hliia of humor u to jark lck u ohulr julokly wiiu home uuu im nlmut to nit ilown in nutu rally olijochonablo to thoio who atoidard la hlrhir and h for hln yurt 1m very much illneuiitnit with th people who un hti luiyn ount take u joka t5omatlma of cour thnro in ground for thu oomnlulnt homo of um find it quite imnooalbl to laugh whan tho joke in on ournlvo thoiigh w ahould conn id at it extrnmely funny if un- othnr worn tho butt boniutlmou our o oonaulttubnoaa or un tnuigga ruled idti of out- own dignity uot nx brukn on our wotiao of humor it iw u good thing to bo iililn to tuko u joku join in th luugh that 1m hgulnat um it la too muati to aak that unyonn hall im ubla to laugh at thoao coru yraotlcal jokum which stand for humor to aome undeveloped tyiia ilrldom and groonui ur fruquontly tho victim of joke ao injbeolla unrt dlrfguattng tlmt it la hard to aeo how thoy oun upimul to th ponto of humor in anything hlghiir in thu noal of orotttlon than t baboon hut whllu it in out of tin uueutlon to luugh ut theao manlfaa tuuona of low montollty it 1m not worth while to get angry ulwut tlium wo do not lia our tomimra with poopla bvcuuaa thuy uro color blind or rnwjubo thy cannot toll one tuna from unother thoao thhiga uro mil- fortunua and to bo unable to dla- tlnguuh tru humor from itn groa countaruurt im u greater miafnrtune which hhould cull forth our ttlty learn to tuko a jok even if it dtoa jar your dignity u uttla do not hypocritical n rgunl to uio thing that uro mount to make you lnugti and whan the munlfoatutlonl of humor are aa olumay that you foal dlagustcd rath or than umuaad oven than do toot gat angry about it for hibho mmltu tlona of humor mhouhl awaken oui aymimthy rather thuli our oontcnjpt camolla cavenuiah the sunday school lesson fon sunday october 22 11 mltfl i 1 ml i aoidii r ut nth uurfiroil u in 1 lukn tlmt i hltorcl flttloo mun i aftr iii i thu holy hplilt hud il i jlullh u lllillt tho m it tin j w huva li u yn fnat i ill ut thu i t thu von llllu huv li iilr king hihiilf i mill unt iuv 1 hi unrrltti in ono lho it of tlm ti iiintnr wiiu h liullkiige v run i in oil uiim innu huvti bti niniiti i kvpilt tlm hr ul uud hutttr ikithm iii at a inuti mut llv litd in iiluio 111 hltt i o vnut r wlmt u dullutf vlalon ii tint iinui und uiiluiidor of tlio king of tin hll vii mi ii tllio dtivll hum ulwnyw ln on n omluoh ho iiuh no miw litton tn km n 1 tho worahlp liro mni li urtuul ilefyhig of lluluu i tuitutuln would huvo dofuuti tho iiiimiimal itj lt t inlliy n r r to m und rd ptith thnt win tchtm out b dlr you 1 1 wo k jiiiiim dnsh not urgun with tiinplir icm u tinin ho hitu tho il of flod iuk for him irau d riiln limy huvo tivn any of ufv rul high ohita ovn4inking joiduu vnllny again tho tnmptuf i thu taunting if thou urt tho tii of flod via a 1 11 hulun lukoavmr xorda uhi uiul uuoti a tu rlpturu though i la iiaiiul in auoh cuhbm ho mlaupplhia ihiirn lu no iiromlmi of prnttifitlon ivo in tho lino of duty vorm 13 thimo who lull imnoiwx iry llakm ut tint ihilifia- of tlm uvll ki oat inault lu tho fuoo of ood iiimnlty h llkoly to in wiuk ut thlu point muuy u oun huu fullon botuuao i wiim too rowurdly to rtifiino to tuv lwrn vt ran 13 wo ur jirouo to think of m wild rnouh utrngglo uu tho only no our ont nuuand tlirough noto tho luat thrvu woitlm yf tlfn itinmon illuatraud truth ln world im atrown with wmoka the t of man a fulluru lo ilutlngulab imtwiiait ourugu uud crimlnul foollah- ihm v 12 illuatrutlonoiin of thu jmnl thing ii many il young man tn rlat 1 o dnvilm inaount i dure you nour u rullroud oroaalug uomo mllum from ilnnutl la u uiulatur- looking algn- rd twurlng u wkull unit u oro-ut- hoiiim und undonunth theao tho mil nation that four tuuu were klllwl lkmuao thuy thought they could i tint train orohahitf the trunk kvnry life thiij him boeu wrnekud tiy atrong drink or klndrnd evlla im u warn ing to the muium i rfrrnt koino mm dur- nl to tuko the rluk when fluking wum in lawful topic for raieuroh and discussion f piirty tuym in tho wllilomou va j 1 worn thofo uny k oukunu for chrlata going into u aoll- lury iilum7 3 how do you oxplaln tho fact that tho hnlrlt 1ml him htiro to lx- tonptixlt awhut lurlng did ilia huiigur huvo on tho t xpi rlonoet temtitutlou to mlauae 1ownr va 4 whnt would huvo boon tho harm in cltrlatu doing um tho tamptor hiiggioitodt s wum th re anything dungaroiim in tho manimr in whlnh the uggatlu wum tnudut 8 how dom cliriafm unawer kjuuro with the do- utlon a mnn muut hvot 1 world y ambition und lyumiimp- va bts 7 whut wro noma of tho grnut kingdom of tho world ut the tlmo of the tnmntutlout 8 how muoh truth wmm thr tn tho tomntora rfer7 0 what im imiillaik in- wor- hhlp um uanl mr7 lo what would yielding to tho taut t mn lit utlon he utip- poaod to uooompluh in chrlata hnholf 1 what wo a wrong ulwut tlm uae f thlm horlpturo upuitloii7 1 how do you underutund the luat ia of thu thlrtnonth veraot whut ur aome of tlm commonest wuyu in which tho devltoinu neople tojduyt dally raadlnga for next wk monday octobr s3 a hlghtoi muuon imu 61 1b tudny ootolmr 34 bin u national itoprouoh wntv 141 38s6 wediicmday ootober 35 tho trim foundation mutt 7 lb27 thumdajr ootobor 20 national nogloot horn 1k23 frhlny octobor 37 tho nutlonh toated amo fti tfl butunluy ootolnjr 2u the natlonu judged matt 36 31 4s uunduy ootnltor 3d johovah jlolgn- th im 03 doug and mary in canada i mary plokforil anjoylna the vllw rm m window n the chateau lake ou 2 mary end douri boaad for the camra dm arrival at wlndaof station montreal aa a souvenir of hi trip douo hold c t r portera cap i huvo had u wnmhrfiil trlji ovr itoilihia 1 think thty uro oiuully iniiutiful uu thu all und on for ijike ijhiiwo it wmm ulmoit loit wnn- ualy litiuitlful to ho rnut i wuiit to hiiiro u fnlry ih1 thi rf ho uitld mary ill krird tint fumoua moving plotuit imtr un mi urrlvul hi moiitroul iiftor a tilp ovi r tlin ciiliudiun 1ut illo kullwuy fro ii vuiicoiivnr mitry wuu urcoiuiianlihl by hur tiuu bund do ii if lu u lulrhanka imr mottiar and ml uiul mia john kulrlmuka tho luity nioppul on ul fko ixnilao alhurtu aftur aiuiullng thu morning viewing tho huutifiil uoeimry ut kjiko iouuo and llml lug tho tuddlu itaok inomi- tulu lho puitjmnft hy motor for itunff ith vht- i aald john kalr- if doug w hail ptlnii ioug bud to y whllo my own wlfo wum iv fmm mo liko a tilp on i huvo ikuii villi mury uml il chimin chiipliu through iiiuiiy llh ity ttuii drlvh hut wo nvor hud u ipllon liko thla mru ihkford aull that it wau ul- wityit lur hiitinu in mn h u ruah lo hldo until tho duiigur wuu ov r an nho flpil tn unfoia- h hind u door know ing hint au noon uu mmy got uottlod alio would uoml fur hur whon iiuhtloixd uu lo cutiudu lug u ih id for tlm moving nloturo iiiduutiy dougluu lhiihuiikm mtutixl tlmt lho liiounuliia would muku u iimrvi lloim biidkuromid hut tho aoitlnl ihliil wuu tho wtory i would lovo to in ilk ii u ciiiiudlim plot uro if i light kind of u atory im hi i workin0 doth ways kv urn ot in our reading of imoka look nhvuyu for tho nowoul thoao uro tho hooka of whloh our frloudh tulk and limy uro tlm onu to road if wo uro to tuko port in tho rinv rant on of othflra wo loutluuo to roud now hooka uhuiilly lotting tlm iiuggcatlona of n vlowora or of iidvortla menta at- tlo wlni t ttiouu hookh mhnll ho if th r im uot curt fill hoh o tho timo will not ull ho will lnvtulnl ono irnxdy u offrrod ny un old puhllutilnu hniuio tliny ti 11 uh that ovory tlmo wn liuy u u w ttook wo mhould hiho nud un old ono tho lomoily hi thla hi imy to u u if wo hrtvo huhw imok und un old ttook ln- gvthir on out inftlrtamulla it im im poaalblo to nnd ut imlh without a oomniiiiaoii nf pinllty tho old hook ih rhohuu ulwuvk inouumt countlokm rad- ura huvo nnld tlmt it im good tlio now book liiui morn rnkdoro to duy hut thoy uro often omiiiht hy tho now llonti und by tho during hhuu in tho now work ho tho oniituml nf unlld wollwrought rouillnij iniitvrliil lu at iking if th now ihhik hiionh to w innlgiililcmnt n reudor will kinp ut it trivial u hainan pudi of lltoiiitino if th old uitnhllah od vol unto lu lylntf biuhlo it tiny by duy um u atibutltulo uulli davlu htlivjua the oil of 0war it im uot olulmod for lit thorn un tttlmltrlo oil tlmt it will rnmvdy ovory 111 hut um iihom uro no vurloiim thnt it muy ho lnoknd upon um u genoru palu killer it iium ucdilev- od thnt umatiitihu for itaolf nntl km oxcgiuuoo im known to nil who huvo tiiattid un virtu u uud luarunl by ex- porlonou v he felt foolish n riulni tt phyhl lun ivoturing u group of nitdlnul htudontm wuu taking tin in round tlio honpltul ward lo give thorn prunthul dumonutrutlouu of hu runmrku llo utnol b miiih a lnd wheroou u tinin lay with u viry promluunt ohnat llio phyulciun having ltt itoil from tho hlak mun th fuot that he wmm in tho huhlt nf playing u wind inatru- mnt uld ivo nil the blowing und iitraluhig ih vary liijurloiia to the luuga vury injurlouu iuditod what wind inutrumout uhoii you to tiliiyt ho oiitirilio1 lho mull mil uud faintly thn roncttrllnn air ho auld am u viiiiuiruko uu nffvotlvtt propuru- tlnn lu mntlur oruvifa worm lcxter- mluutor und it run tin glvnu to tho moat dollrato child without f or of injmy to tho ooumtltutluii wilful ionorance hoirkmiwhduo la not mo d i moult um uudtuhud wo do uot know what wo ut hocauhd wo do not wunt to know thn inuhtui- of a wftknhm uciiomm1- lutoh tint lui roimtgnltion uml many of um would rutin i lut it go unoorrortod than fuoo tho runt thut it exiatm lhveii our tulonta urn aomtitlmna puaaod over ihxuuho thotr moognltlon bring am ohllgntlon wo uro reluutunt to fulfill it im truii that moat of uh uro extruordln- urlly iguomnt mgurdlug ouraolveh and um jgnonmt of our pouulbllltloa nu of xiur iihortoiiiiilniit- hut thim la dun loan to htindii hm thmi to our ilolltmrutoly dynamiting snowdrifts in norway whon lho towiiu uud oltlau in thla ountry nro tuiowod in with il full f it coiipln of foot nr no ii froquently liilioa ull thu nn n und miiow olourlng ippnrutuu nvnllublo iiiukm tho atrmta ivumtiihlo wltlijn a day oi two hut all tlilu iikort lu iii urn child u play oom- pitied with whut lho pooplu of nnrwuy iiivo to rnntaiil lu thutoouutry tho uiowfull lu intt only v ry dop hut thu ntiiiho i old frinxnu tho unow uo uolld hut nothing uhort of a plok will nutko uny impnuulou uinn it am nlourlng uu importuut thnroughfurtt in thla mniiei la vi ry alow work dynun m fimjui ntly oiuployid to krok up tho diiftu uftir whloh in on wltti hiiovoih i plikn rhiu uwny thn frugmtmtu randymaile madlolne vou nood phjiulm foi ordinary illo whon you liny nt huiid u ihiiuo nf dn thouinu 1cloitih oil tor ooiiuiih ooldu hoio ihionl hionohlnl trouhlth it la in vuluuhlo for houmm burn brulani uinilun it hi unuurpimuid whllo foi i utu uoiu uud tlm liko it 1m un un- ijuowllonnbln hoahr it nnodh no teutl- mnn in i othor thun lho uho uml thut will uutlufy uuyouo uu to um ortootlv safety roles for qabolln j nemambar that you mut tuko no chanoea with guaollrml it im ono of tho moat dungoroua oxploalvea in common iiae it muut nlwayw be kept in tightly fuatonod oun nuwr in gliaa bottloa 3 it ymhuilld nevor bo uncovered within tho houmo nor ut uny point whortt it fumuu uuti truvel to un opun lame u live coal or u ajiurk 4 do not uao it fur olounlng if you cun got u anfo oluunlug oporutlon s daaollnu in uiuitlty uhoutd imi kept in undorground tunkn t ij no one ahould be ullowod to imokn in u guruge 7 n ono ahould bo ullowud to amoko hi nit uulomoblle whllo um gnaollno tank im being tilted b do not umo water upon u guaolluu or coal oil ftro duo u oliamloul tlngulahor or ulae throw earth or aaiid ukn it reluvea asthma at little xpanm- tltougandm of dollnfa huvo been vainly a pent upon remodteh for uathmu und aeldom if v wln mv r j d kellogg m aathmu llemedy do pita lt utuiuranoo tit benefit oota m little thnt it im within roach of ull 1 im th fnutionnl remedy jor uathmu far removed from tho oiiibh of doubtful un ukpavlmantui prepuratloiin your dual r can muupiy it no oun tmad on 1 uro tho agony of lornm with hollowuya corn itemovei it bund to romovo them u ho fimergonry workor la ti tivery employer im looking for when rythlnif im golngjunt mm juauul thure llttlo dlrtdronoo liutwuen workera hut koran duy an nmergonoy oximm homethlng hiippeum thut no ono expoot- i no auperlor im u round to glvo tllr- tlon tauoh uud muat not on hi own initiative thun u dlfforenue im bo tho emergency whloh purulyvu workvr putm unotbur ut iiim heat the or la la which frig litem und confusea brliikm out tlm cup unity of unothui who tn ttio rout i im of regular work hnd no tiluinoo to demonatruto t mtinorlorlty it im a hud hlgn if ii worker im afraid of uu emorgonoy thut ih an indication that ho im a routlnu workur lucking inltlutlve guided too munh by prco- dent you who are auro thut you f tho root of tho mutter in ytiu und thut ull yuii nood ih u uhnnoe ahould wnl- oomo the oinorgonoy whlrh lvrt you that ulitinao l if omergenoy hpalla dlauatur to the routhm workori ut otm of it dirfurent mold it mooua opor- ttnilty v i specials 2 only 1 llurncr florence automatic oil btoves with success ovcni uapulariy wo 00 halo irirc s2500 1 only 4 burner florence automatic oil stove with succcs oven wxkulafly w kale iril w3j00 scrcctl doors 20 per cent off regular prices lo cjcr all lines nt ilnball goodi reduced 20 per cent to clear wc need tlio room for i alt goods get our estimate on ull heating pluhiyilt and iltcinc vintm worl it will pay you now u tlic time to have us put that furnaco and tin- stovciii bhapc tor winter when wo tui eivc you rood service vquautv ooi4 ukasonaislh prices i j kennedy son phone a5 main sfkeet acton hut lay nuly llunday only vralght dallvurtxl by apllal mllrwu frslght livlght pi kod up tit uu ad- imu in toronto k it thlctfoltn an nt acton the store of quajity acton cooperative our opportunities llun i uro many who think of op portuulty uu an irifroduont vlultar homo ponplo k through life mounting n lout opimutunlty um if it worn oni ono lu hf and it lu trim thut up otucnliir oportunltlom do not p miiiit rii wry frtiiiutntly to unyoiio whlo wunn of tiu mtver hon thorn ut hut mnh npiioituiilthu nro uot tlm nly hurt 1hro mo tnnumemhlo thoru and tho otto who doou uot dlu- covoi thoin lu uhurtmlhtod your ilully tuuk glvou you un opportunity to ahow your mi tlio and pnivo your iour dully contket with good tilvou you tlm opportunity to dovulnp htiniotor your uauoolutlon with othf i human im ingm glvw you oppoitunlty to ahnw klndnphh to homi- imahlno oppnittiultlou uro ull about iih lowdlug upon um forolng ihiiiiini ivoh on our ultontlou luutoud of bimouiilug tho lout opportunltluh wo uhouhl iiuiko tho inout of whut wo have deadly enemy of fruit trees a fumlllur poat i tho unt caterplllur which la vary domtruutlvo to ull fruit tiea tlm roddlali brown moth inya un m ul the form nf incomplete bolt on lh amuller brunohoh euoh bolt or puaket oonalatlng of hundred of tiny egga glued together und uuverod with vnrnlffhllko mutiatanoo auya the am- urloftn iniroatry muguklne tiiomo b hutch oarly hi tho aprlug und tho joung onlorpltlura iniiko their wy o the noatwat folk whvra thoy hjiiii little totit nf mlllt to protect thorn thoy work but from tlio tent feeding on tho loavon tind oddlhg to tho tent iim thoy uood moro ixvom if tlmro mu tiy wolonlo worklnb on a tree ihey aoqn afthjl it of leuvoa the mubkhat knows a furrlor wnn trying to aell u munk- tutviout to u woman ouatomer yea mudum he an hi 1 guuruntoo that thlu mumkmt coat wlu wour for yoara hut muppnuo f got it wot tn the lain umkod tlm woman r what of- foot will tho water huvo on tt7 whut witt happen to it ihoiit wont upoll t mitdnm uiinworad the dealer huvo only ono unowor dirt you over hour of u munkrnt onrrylng un umbrel la hniilth cannot bo looked for in tho ohlirt tlmt lo huujoct to worm hocuuao worm ifeatroy tmnlth by creating ln- ternul dlntiirhuitoaa that retard deval- opinaitt uud cu uno- marloun wauktinoh mlllora worm powdenr oxpal worm and f uoimnclal in their action thnt tho uyatama of tho itltlb anfferorm uro romtored to hcnlthfulnoaa nil the dlaoonifnrlh and dntigora of worm luftjotlnu uro removed uud aaoaractocy growtit la naaurod electric washers blue bird 155 abc 135 miss simplicity 98 we arc now able to supply any ono of these three lines wlilch rivcs yotf a choice vhon dealing with us or any stylo of washer thnt ia on tlio market easy terma or payment may bo arranged tor and there is no need of you waiting until you have tho ready enph let the washer fw for itself each month a machine will bo placed in your home on trial without any obligation or expense of ony sort on your part norman h speight georgetown distributor for gtrgetown milton acton rrampjon school ebsav competition pupil compote for oroatry br a no euiay prlno tltrouuhout canada hcnioii of mohonl olilldrii in ivory iiiiluiiil dlutrlot of tlm dimtluloii uro ixtlng thuho ilnyu 111 tho uattonul hoiiooi chhay cnmiuitltloii uu pout try und l r o iluiillng luuuguratot ro- oontly by tho cuhudlun wjiimtry au- 11 oi illtloll quohiiuiih un tn tho fnrout rfwouroom of coiiudo tlio dumiign do no by for at druu what troou to ohoouo fur planting mil how to plant tlum are biung aaked by ii multltildo of young propta u th iiuultunt iufnmuttlon im hi lug tip- pllul in tho oiouiy oompotttlon lliiou uiiiihuuuiu iiihii prlsuu uro lining glvoli lu uuoh provluoo uud lho mot of tho tiutluuitl vrfort to atlmu- lutu juvoullo thloroht hi thu foi eat m of um counti y unit tho mul- tlplo txtiiolltu of tioo pluiithim ihim uocuioil tho honrtj oiulnthutlun of ilpiirtuuiiil of duoutloi wtilnh ur itlvlug ovmy coopo ration a nevy wav illiio lcmiuilhm wnm on u vlalt to oi giuudmnlhir in tlm rouulry th y hud ohlolu u foi dluuer whluli i pluiihpd tm httlo ffhi very much oh wluio did yon iil tho chit ken nitduui i htm iiukxl i rum tlm ohlnkon ymil dour itti in nf thoho yon uaw thlm morning whut ono of thoua i fod1 yii dor md you kill opot mm durlliigt oh did youl wild knimiillik at iluit wo buy oiiih loitdy iiiadut not necessary win dm urt uw how roiimrkil th nnikii oklng olunil itlrl with lino ocoru it imu t uuoohhnry to muko a lonvon nil iiiplhnl tho other ah tho lomonit vii ov r iim n worn pretty tart nlreudy i acton creamery co will 1ay iiighlt malikit 1hick tok cream and eggs open evenings tuctduy widay and saturday alao jfcdncsday afternoons t j oneil proprietor dodge brothers hfesski studebaker motor cars carriage and automobile repairing carriage rubber tiros applied j n oneill son georgetown milton acton children cry for fletchers castoria fletchers castoria la strictly a remedy for infants and chjlulren foods aio specially prepared for babies a babys medlclae is oven moro essential for baby remedies primarily prepared for grownups are not interchangeable xt was the need of a remedy for the common ailments of infants and children that brought cantoris before the public after years of research sad no claim has been made for it that its use for over 10 years has not proven what is castoria castorla in a harmlom butatftuto tor caster oh paregoric dtopa and soothing syrups- it la pleasant it contains neither oplora morphine nor other narcotic imbatanee it ago la ita guarantee per more than thirty yearn it has- been jn constant use for the relief of constipation blatuleney wind colic ana diarrhoea allaying foverlshnosa arising therefrom and by regulating the stomach and bowels aids ih assimilation of food giving healthy and natural sleep the childrens comfort the mothers friend railway timfe table at aqton qrand trunk railway syatam golnrj wwl 31 kllan 31 n 10 3n si i 00 p 7 oh u i ii iw uu 3 31 p n 0 1 7 p u htm 7 oil p n 7 411 u j 03 iv it dlbu 3 ntc suburb llttric railway culna wt m luliy mi ti t hynday in ilully om it hunday til dully rii pi llundaj i m iluniuy ody i m dun lay only m llunduy only ding east lully oioiiit huiidoy ially 4ii it llunlay lly opt rlumuy udy individual instruction la aaaurw tit atudt nim unrolling in llm iikuh bukinesh coixege quelph ont willtu dolt ialiticijallm v i hiiwti iviimipui pravthgg mricmidwifar ttororrro canada e k cook can bpurly you qhirts collars tics handker- chiofs buttons and studs arm bands garters suspenders shoe laces gloves mitts in soles shoe polish and he doesnt ask biff profits either call and see ekco0k uiil btiikktt acton speights for hakdwatte cvtumvt tmvhilwakb ailanltlqwaltia txnwa1ud apokttng goods hockey tknnib ciumophonks itmconnfl prices right satisfaction guaranteed c c speight mill sine acton genuine castoria v bears the signature j always m edwards co bakery main street acton in use for oyer 30 years tmm ckwtaun compaltr hgw vcanc err bread buns cakes and pastry always ion hand mid fresh as wo have added package goods to pur slock will deliver any ordorl given to our driver or left at store or by phono wagon on 1ioad every day phone no 11 m edwards co wo use the best materials we can buy in our baking get your job printing at the free press castoria for infants an4 children in uso for over 3q years

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