Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 19, 1922, p. 4

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ttfr y- i i i the home op sll artim 3fm irrj3h 1111 aciom tnivv lui rlnruy ijim si tla 1 mill m atlitn nu k u ji lr r it u mi st i a tlia 1-1- t wiiil mui u indirtl tla fcill advfutiuw ua1i1 men iq tiil ir u vr dili inetlfic ill ml ufl wil 111 liu ii v umui 1 thklikjntjl- mlrll t1 ciuzeiaj and cluztnahip bcopomlbuitlai now that the council has decided that the nuini- cipnl elections bhall bo held month earlier than heretofore it behooves the people of acton to bestir themselves in the matter of the selection of candi- tin ten tor the council of 1021 acton ms like all other enterprising municipalities financial and other problem of importance to administer the best cittjcn nvailuble to conduct the municipal affairs i mould he delected and the duties of citizenship fairly placed before them since the earlier date for the election has been fixed it i very probahle that wo have citizens ot- business experience good judgment mid civic loyalty who may bo persuaded to consider the mutter of offering their services in the interests of the municipality number of such have been mm bio to entertain a proposal for such service to the community when the elections were held at the time of the year when their business activities were at the peckload now that all this has been changed mid the elections will be out of the way before the holiday business is fairly opened some will naturally feel they can offer their services it will be well to remember however that the nominations under the new municipal bylaw will be held in about month neighborhood news- town and country burlington n null i mt ui- unit un kuk i iki it winter avll iltlr from i wru mil rial noil at mr w kuwoattrf mailt tiolr lunm yinixin trlt kfealhnrwtniin mid family 1 ralllitf hi wutardown lw yr dr rlurilnrf tuba uv farming on tlm uy w w 2 urllkhlut cw nnlvomiiry aarvlo wi- hav c pi wmtcn tha nl hnui utnlr hunday ui t watattluwn will rnh at arvlo- tim ialomio nholr will fur- lali tnualfi laat wwliimdiiy nlalit iti it y i xi lt thalr flmt maatlujf tf i ha aeaaon i tha form of a ian lam tact lira an- tlllwl iuidiiim throurh the ilrltlah th churali wu wall nllad and cut ulridlford kapt lila uurilanoa in u llartuun mood for tivni an tumr and a hllarti half thursday morning october 10 1022 editorial lrime mlnifller unity isnt alarmed the oakvillc record with strong conservative leanings venture to predict that should premier drury be again nominated for hnlton cither george hillmer reeve of oakvillc or w h mordcn reeve of trafalgar would have little or no difficulty in do- teating him to this the milton reformer says dont know about that thats orio of those things easier said than done wo have- no doubt but that either of these two gentlemen if elected would make ft good representative but as the people have the say in the matter no one knows how the election would go the liberals would also have a hand in the matter and there are some men in their ranks who would worthily represent the county in the legisla ture who might feel it to bo thoir duty to contest the- county in behalf of the principles of liberalism in any event its not going to bo a walkover for any candidate no matter what party he may rcprc- 1 sent and as the women now have the franchlso it is idle to predict the result of any election why should canada v if the statement made by judge emily murphy at stratford last week in addressing a public gather ing that the headquarters of the illicit drug traffic of america is not in new york nor in chicago but in canada is correct how long must canada rest under this imputation tho judge went on to say l that this is due to the passing of tbe harrison act by the government of tho united states which ab- solutely closed tho ports of the states to the importa tions of narcotics while both of canadas sea coasts j vcro aafreo from obstructions of this kind as they could be thereby making canada tho dumping ground for the narcotic drug trade of north america why should this continue cannot our government pass a harrison bill as well as the united states 1i are we to continue to invito tho nefarious trade from j tho united states as wo are doing in the matter of the taco track gambling outrage tho states on can- ikus border prohibit this crime canada permits it w with irapugnity these things are serious blots on jf our national escutcheon a milton opinion re oakviuen new bridge tho county councjljiiot in oakvillc on tuesday jjljtbty navo another bridge to build down there and hgvhey would liko the county to assume a largo share of ml the cost of building the same in order to put the jfev council in good humor and to enlist their sympathy y and aid in the big undertaking oakvillc people i banqueted the council and with them tho hon f c bigga minister ofr public works and- highways jri ptbe ontario government those oakville people are great on banquets especially if they want some thing they seem to think that is one or the moat leftective ways of gaining tho sympathy and support pf people in behalf of any scheme they want carried 7 through perhaps they nro right they have tried it no often and with a fair measure of success that they ought to know leaving all jokes aside how- kever we understand that when a municipality has an aasessment exceeding two million dollars they are hot supposed to receive assistance from the county in building bridges or public works of that nature reformer m i a reai asset to the town vft h the gait reporter in placing before tho people vypf that city the value of thd kiltie band to the w community says good bands ore an- asset tho jft publics memory is naturally short but it is surely rj not ao seriously abbreviated that the many services igj so freely performed by our own citizens band are easily forgotten other instances of their value btjww shown last friday evening when our citizens jjv gthered to take further action toward sending y- clothing and other necessaries to the victims of the conflagration in new ontario and again on saturday afternoon at the championship junior ball k ab u5ual lhe hand was on the alert to help gkafouae enthusiasm and interest they played on the atreetand at thj town hall and in tho park thereby ja stirring up the people to the facts of these gather- ftfelngs a good band such as acton citircna band is jsfeally a necessity in a community if for no other g purpose han to put real pep into celebrations and 8jpiimio activities which occur from time to time in addition to this there is tho pleasure provided by tho concerts in the park and on tho lawns in town and th social functions hold during the summer jj months acton people have a keen appreciation of fotjiouj- town band and the services so cheerfully render- bgled and regard with keen interest the efforts tho bpwoffi of that organization are making to still jfurthor and improve in efficiency should the countyfelp to y foionfevldvii new itridget the last bridge on the lino of the torontohamil ton highway to b coalctructcd is a highlevel bridge over the sixteenmile creek in oakville tho es timatcd cost of this bridge is about 0ooo th province is willing to pay go per cent of tho cost of construction the other 0 per cent must bo mot locally oakville is anxious to have the county council assume one half of this but why the county should do so is a question the ratepayers in the other sections of the county find it difficult to unswer tho county have their own problems of answer the other municipalities throughout the county have their own problems of public im provements to finance their streets and roads nnd bridges are used by the general public just as the new oakville bridge will bo but oakville has never been asked to contribute to the cost or maintenance of these as a matter of fact the people in tho north north westerly and easterly sections of this county feel that they have already contributed more than their share to tho construction of bridges which are on roads tributary to oakvillc three expensive bridges which have cost upwards of quarter million dollars all or which are in the noutherly section of the county have been built by tho county council within tho past ten years or so the now bridge at oakville is needed perhaps needed more than either of the other three it does seem unfair however to have 20000 of the cost of this proposed brldga saddled upon the other municipal tics 6t the county and many ratepayers hope the county council will take this view of the matter or at least sufficient of its members to safeguard tho interests of lhe county as a whole 1 mm h w kruuciatl maplo aviiu ha1 m vlall from tlialr amuat wl t waalay vwwimtt ut haakatuoit lit witi ii rte th cunornl ciinferwiiimf at toronto iualtf hilton th kltfh hrlnol 1m uvrirwll mtii ao thul ilia itounl will aal uau tho council- tit lulhtlrik two ailtlltloiiul runmi at lh irovlrtcul wc t it omi- voiiiivn at oalihwu thu wflu nva winner at allvar innoulu for tlioii illatrlnla iiinlltn tor t kii tnxla mua juii lfiwar mlll i ha will uc lra llliina tit tin ixiloslutl hurvn ottawa 11 rnlurilhl frtuil i tin ilvif oil rovlttn mituiit tlmiduy flth iiim iiurmita ilr arxt um icki mr mlifir h hl tmlh lltty ui in hulhliifc- ui lrinrilul of lha iublli oiiiiht hlw family horn uml iyln nminn ut thd koynl i u tlniw uh u aullxlila milton upuoant t im 14 orolituhl- nl for ttklur jiuikii froiti tholr rrmjuattt vliiia tu tho town uvi llniiia i hla juuir liny lmv trul4hl har and uhi thnri not away with vulimoln atutf without iwlntf ruiitliml or louvhiir any trmi ua to tliflr idan- llty liolommr georgetown tha lby koouta tu ivuy wum a hikvxwa tha amount fxillactl roach hi naarly 31 ur urn um i k hnk hiohtr to krus ia laat wwk ami nimiit u tnw laya with falatlvaal ihnra tin t lunnma if owan him nil aimiit u tw iluyn luat wmk with mr- a morrlnaton almlvrraury aofvlioa will 1m hohl in tha uattkhllat churvll on uuilllav novxinbcr is juv h ira in hull lrltl- nllwl r tha ikiinoiiiqimm nutllinal training mhhtl will 1h tha uraachti ho van rar load of htamhra tit tlm i k illhla claaa ui lha mnthotllat imn h njoyt u iwiaant whui avm- llltf ut tha lioma of ura allan hflh lay kditooial notes the tail fairs this season gave ample evidence that good crops of all foodstuffs have been harvested nnd- that live stock is plentiful and in excellent condition it was a very sane and practical philosopher who remarked the other day that the man who does not obey tho laws of state and nation has no right to oxpect tho protection of the countrys laws for him self the manitoba pree press says one can look at the western harvest from any point he likes but tho fact remains that there are half m billion dollars of new money dug out of the earth that ought to greatly help business it is very manifest that the hearts or the people of canada are sympathetic and their sympathyprc- tical the generous response everywhere to the call for necessities and comforts for the sufferers from the great fire in northern ontario is gratifying mani festation of this computing the loss in wages to miners the loss in legitimate profits to the operators the toss in revenues to railways and tho increased cost of coal to consumers tho most conservative estimate places the cost or the coal strike at 1100000000 and who gained anything by the strike that canadas pqwers of recuperation in financial matters are healthy is amply proven by two events announced during tho week the national debt was reduced last month by over 3000000 and maturing victory bonds aggregating over 200000000 have been rosubscribed for by our oyn canadian people a year ago 84 prosecutions against bootleggers were entered at hull 1 q and over 60 convictions secured yet despite this and the fact that good liquors can be freely purchased in hull under wise government control in that province the bootleg gers havo continued in business and now it is an nounced 100 more cases are to bo entered thanksgiving day isonly a couple of weeks away if anypeoplo in this community think they have no reason for giving thanks perhaps a moments reflection upon tho present condition of the residents of haileybury and district as compared with their own would induce somo cause for gratitude and thankfulness too bad that that story of an american destroyer being fired on by tho turks was not true but of course some nations may still be too proud to light especially when nobody baa been at the job three years ahead of them and no one has yet borrowed any noney for a war on tho unspeakable turk- gfllt reporter the dcathof non j a stewart formerly minister of railways and canals in the meighen government last week doused a profound regret among his 4el- lowparliamentarians on both sides of the house the late mr stewart was well liked by alt members of tho house anil was highly regarded both as an i ur utnl ura w v chowu of whlt- hy imt tha waokaixt with 11 r mini ulaa uncoll churua hlraat ir john uodyhoi who uurwtiit oiwrat ion at jualiih lloapltul r- cvittly la kroraln favoruhly tha retntruulm fni tha lw arrnul imvn lmn lal an follow i hamilton hrhljjn nltd construction co in antcl th ai work tend t v normali oamirnj c tractor toronto the baunmi all tha work lu to imp comiiluttxl by wtmli g iuraj1 oakville tmi council liaa txirrowoy 120000 to carry on the work tit inauluitlon of tha auxiliary lumilnar lilalit chlaf karr ly liht ankraatln purault uf lawbrnttkera aarnml tiawrly u thuuaaiiil 1ollnr in tlnm fur tha town laat month tha llonoruhla harry ultht uml mr ullla hiiva tukati ura 1 h hurta hnuaa ui rxiuua avohlio for tlta wlli- tar hunday octolwr 31 will 1m ynunf immpum unnlvaraaiy lit tha uathoillat church text- naive lira nam i ton m ura bolna mada for tho humlay util for tha uotmlny following tharo will tha annual at homo ulaa cmlly m itunnuh of j n j in viltlnt tho horn of lr unola wm hannah dunilma htrat dr w a cooko of wlniilimi- who ao utxxiptiihly nilad tha lulilt of tlm uathtxllat churoh on uunilay wah tho kuaat of j it klllott doualaa avmiuq who waa una of lily iiurlahlonura in ti wt b uuaaall hum uurlihad tram i c v cbuholni th nroprty at tha mntor of dunn anil iundua rtravlu fronting on itoth atraata uml will oiu a modern funeral parlor thar mi uuaaau who eomau to oukvml vry hlshw ruaommaltdad m utt utidartukttr imlkalmar and funvrul director 1m j ton of c uuaaoll of aoton llano rl erin krlnai ma fair moorad utiutliir huo- mm laat ur aoorttn hunl of tooiito mroiit hia hollduya at hlm homo horv ura arnatt and ulaa ariiatt tmvn tuot to toronto ui tt c auatln haa raturnml from lualnwaa trip to ttootasuartl haak tha wodnoaday hulf holiday hold by io local rnorchtiuta haa boaii dlaoon- tlnund t vralik of iotarborouah wttm hra for a fow day a ut hu inreiitiil ip owlntr to tho lllnaa of lila tnothar ulaa mtella tbolt wm auddonly taken i by an utuiok of imoumonlit laat wook at laat roiuirt who wua dolnif i woll ka could bo ttxtmtotod ura w uattbawa of toronto vlult- 1 uy end ura ir uatthowa luat woak ur and ura hurry krankum of harruton ara vlaltlna with ur ultd ura w hull ura w itrutow uml dauahtor of uonkton vlaltlna with ur uml ura xj overland during tho wook ura 1l w hull ami llltla xtuth huvo r turned homo uttor vultlnc with hur tuintnta ut ulwocton tr wunlt hunt of st thomua cams home a wetik ago and hua boon aufforlna from an at tank of npu- tnonia- uaater tloltort cunnlnaham uovonth le krln iindrwiit uu oiratlou for aiinemllnlua ut tho lord duff or in hoo- liul orunvll1o a conoirt and ula aoclal will ha hald krln uathodlat churh on tho ovbii- lna of thankaalvliiai novombor tf advocate rockwood tftwcutive member and as a dehater v utnoa mr qulldu now hay pnuwi and caaollno true tor have i wan inalullod hay ahlpidna luut beau condualed here on nv laram acato the hew outfit hua a capacity uf forty to in tmr day mr a u biulrem u t u uol la onjoyinr u fortnlahta hollduya ut uontreal und othor lolnta 1 r ur mtid ura wm juo ofhalley bury have informed ura j h crort ur java a mother that their home in the dm atrleken town wao one of few houaea which eaeaned the devaa- tatlna oonflacrutloa joaeph 8 to voll won nrat prlae in tint i lock wood acrloultural hoolotya com- petition for growl ng oropa of turulpm tliiimvn priaoa awarded were ua auw joa btovell 87 thompanu btnararf llott a v aula sb arelt uanabh ki v lunsdon hg iloht tuok b4tt t ullfllun hi thoir ware thirtyel x heldm lit tho competition tha laraeet f any uoulety in onlurlo ur- w v swltxer of streetavllle wua tho judtj ho auld all tbe heldm were exflellnnt und he fulled to dlo- oover a alnale diaoaaotl turnip tho new ore biladdo waa culled out on u teat cuae one ovonlna luat week three nrew were atarted to rank the teat idvnry member of tlfe brlaade wm at hie poet in record ttmo and operation were curried out with aueh facility that all hree were dromptly and autlauotorlly extnaulahed the wateralde 1urk hand aeiwuudad col murlo andetakedvjilm to oocept the poaluon of prealdent or the hand for tha ornnlitk year the colonel in uery flltliitf reply aoceptad the honor loffflrtxt him k uov chariea lluokdtt of auton ourcl mi impreaalve aerninn lp the imothodbu church on qunduy evening a poriceful personality whut tb world la in iieod if la roriil paraoimlltlori uoat of ua um mwnot ulniiif hy the currant a rw ura the mirront moat of uu wait for ttdliiithllik ttt haphtn a faw tnaka tlllllltl llhitmlll kom rul la wit lutratliik word am you any it ovr jim tiutilk rowu llluiti you it aimaaata iownr ulnl am ry it muxuoabi un imloitillublu jitullty am wn thills f mmrohaful hum thu winn rhurunhiriatlo la hi lli- all oiho thy r uy lw ulto hallini- dlrfrvttt unit ilka moyd loorun und ltooavolt for nxulnplu ura um fur upart ua tlm point in moat r- poo la uuiilkn icdladii and iruhant llll ui ulmoot tho unlllkxalm of unh otlr yt in thmn ul lu romrno cliuruoliirlhtli riupa aoma of you iuy wurtly that you work uu hurd uu unylmnly mot writ ttmt it wm tlono muoh for i itlim your hourtat do noemr hliya unu ut tha iiuu tlmt forco im i hint um worktnajuirk if u to pull hla uutoinohlln homo omothliiu- im wronet with th nicln ha workm u kwh deal bardor thun ho would if ho wor runnlm uloua lli tho oiillnuly way tha nnulna mui- mo that u vry hiut h mora f than hlm hurd work of tho inadliiu tnuiiufuoturnrm of tho word huw uuld thut thon ur for forceful lnn than tharti uru fornful man to fill thnm if you uix oho of tho youtuf tun i pit who huu n uoinl iloul io auy nlmiut limikw iwiiik auulnat you thn huniuu ure that you will ixivar iiuullfy for imu of tlioan wh it in if itoata you muy bw wall lulan- ttoiitid hounat ouruoat imtunt rioua but you aro not forrol and foron la uhit la wuntnd in the good old eummbr time ho aat tu tho lunoh oounlar of uio roataiiraut he nnliiliod aandwlrh ami tha klaaa f milk than pointing to u jit- hank of tho oountar bo aald ill huvu u blloo of that liluakbany pin thiiih bl khrry uuld tho wuil- ualurd you cannot inherit success you uiiunt inhnrlt monny uml up honoiwl nuno you run inherit l uml uhlllly but uum imlmaalllo for you to inherit uu thai la aomtlilntf avoryono hua to urvi out for blmaolf und jkikii from what wo mm about um u lu juat um illlllc lilt for tho paoplo who inhorit woulth und poaltlon to iiiu thoir own mirmum a it la tor tho youth who nturta with nothing but hla hrulua utid hlm ituro humla burnt tlmo a catch bombwhart fan nn r lauaad a field to a furm- nd tha uinta i waa to be nnn- h of thn crop ralaod harvaat ruirto in dlia oourae but tho farm un amaaad to find that ha aot nothlna tha tenant haulad tbraa load of produoe to hla own barn but dior waa nothing uf for tha farmer whn romonutruted ifowa ihut waant i to ul a fourth if tlio nropr ho aakoil yaa you wam the toiluul uiiawot tu but um it turnod out there wan only three loada more head than heart mother jo tho naxt tlmo you hurt that kittle t arti uoln to do tha an mo thin to you if you alap it ill lap you if yoii pull ua ara ill null youra if you pinch it iii pinch vou jcauo after a riomnnt thought mamma ill pull iu tall s the store of quality acton cooperative store seasonable specials itlaukct cloth for bathrobes and kjmotias a soft woolly material 28 inches wide only s5c heavy corduroy in blue burgundy and brown this corduroy will give splendid wear and is specially adaptable for school childrens clothes special per yard 79c lloya winter coats of dark grey wool and cotton over coating lined throughout siies 3 to 0 years special at 325 mens worsted trousers rood winter weight in navy brown and grey stripe special price 2195 mens black worsted socki only 39c special prico reductions in sweater coats and pullovers for all tho family our sweaters have only one fault they wear too long ask to co them we stock better qoodo at a l6wer price l starkman acton v phone 69 open evenings a hard row to hoe may prove to be b rich row to lurvesc of all the many classes ihac go to tnzjee un the strength of canada the farmer appreciate best the value of patience and industry and the importance of thrifty living with courage and determination he turn hard rows into fruitful ones and barren acres into rich soil thut bank knows the farmer his problems and diihrultiei and knows how to serve him in a practical manner we shall be pleased to have you consult with our v nearest branch i bank of montreal jp estawishetovjr ioo years zr- y acton bronch l b shorfv mg when the wind whistles down the chimney and the logs blaze and crackle in die fire place youll be glad to slump down in the old easy chair and toast your shins anddream of bygone days but unless you get a hump on you and cash in now youll be sawing wood and nursing chillblains instead of enjoying the fruits of your fall business now is the time to push the sale of winter goods tell the public what you lurfle and beat thothcr fellow to it dont wait until winter to sell your winter goods teittjie public through the acton free press about your stock business directory medical dr j a mcniven phyaiin and buroaoa oftloa nnd kaaldanwi corner lioww avanua ami luulii hlrt tlm reald- nl rormarly fiuiil y ii m ihn- ilorain anton out ittj2 j- lhlson phyalaun surgaon obatatrloun aotoh ontario tlurrowuir to tb lata ur oroy onlro ami ltaalilnnro wwlarlck hi oflloo houra to 4 i n and t to b y m dkta r w hoss phyalolan and surpaon mill st oaorgatown phana 62 kixtlnuaa hursaon jfuoa llnapllat toronto hpvclul bttantlon l ulunauca at wc tnan ami clilmrun an1 infant kaedln r dr w s laird gv oukmii 10 wtmilwlrh ittrool kya icur nimo hntl tliro legal vhm no 53 v o llx 111 habold nash farmer m a darrlaur bolloltof notary public convsynnur etc pennvman block actom ont uomicy to loan hour a j0 jn to g pm h g meir barrutar bo i u i lor noury publle oorotawn ont dental dr j m 1uell d d s l d s dantlat honor oraduata of toronlo unlvar- alty tlm uteat annathntln ultad if dnalrcxt ooim at raalilanoe cornar illll and frrwdartuk rtraat dr f g goll0ivdds l ds dantal burgeon otnca nvar itanv of nova hooua iiooils 0 50 to bjo kvanltura- by atitolntmnt miscellaneous franos nunan boobblndar antount hooka f all klnda irvmda ta onlor iurlinlliula nf wary daaorlptlon enrfuuy hound ttulln natty and rrnmptl dona wyndhom tltrts oualph ont ovar wlllluma htor r j kerr aimtlonaaf nd rtaal eatata aont 17 yoara toxpurunca acton ontaai0 talm nntruald to l j knrr r- onlva attnnllon from ditto of llalliia to datn of aula xat your- im1u with tnt raaldanoa bawjaf avanua aotan t 30 acton cull nt my xnan4 roy hindley auctioneer livjfl tttocic uhax teirtathj xti1 ueukciiamdihiq cotuotidatad phona erin ct 11 ft r 3 acton j e cheevers book binder quabao bl eut gualpk ont uooka and nuuibslnaa bound in ilandaonia ainl dultatntttlal oovonf nantom lattorotl in kohl on lllblm hymn i look and othar books all work promptly eautd d alex n1ven ontario land burvayor and civil enalnaar burvuyri hubtllvlaloitk 11 ana llo- porta loacrlnuona uluoprlma ato cortlncatea ror imrcliiutora and tnorurosoon burvoya for arohltocta llulmant and municipal council 1 drolnnso 1 to porta uatlmutoa a to molean buildinq douolaa bt ooelttvlf ibono i4 ont rajuchowo5rvfet tjronto onam tho old and reliable granite and marble dealers wo ro mnufolurora wit dlrt imiwrtwh ot h ktnda of uonumnul jid hoadatono work wo ll dlwkit to ouf ouatomam t vhololo pxlou thua kkvlntf our oiialomom 40 tr ont w havo lha oat uiipllimoo and tha only tnoohanich in tho xomlnlon who cn oparato pnaumtto toou toroparljf wo can rlvo rfronoo from hundrad of our auatomerh in toronto and olhm plaoea wharo othon liavo to hv uw nulu in order to fllal wo havo tht larcmt ana boat aloolt of oranlto la the t dominion or moro than any tbnt flaalora in lh wml wo aro ulu- mato doalork and amptoy no agonli nnd do not annoy or iwt ouatomini by oendlua out ignorant uiconu ollolt- inv ordara w mploy only moohanlm nnd defy com petition hamilton sons cor norwich wootwlflh sw outlp

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