Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 19, 1922, p. 3

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utijr artan 3ttt jib0 tiiiiuhijav octollku 10 1p13 wlikli mult i autumn m uwnxlly llmuulllrf ulltuiii y do iiixak in uk f uu fruiiruiit ulr i liullow kuhi no d-light- uf ii lhrh m full upon tho ping up uurh hill unary with tim kl i nrl illn all 1 mvurywhor roith it- knightly ta cut oh it flushing ulull i rurlliml un1i up ii brilliant and llk u untry guunl ouch wind lug utrnum willi puriil uolundor luvluhed fr uinl wide ahj iviry tangled hdi lift up it of lemall where falru lv to hllu rliu wrap glvo forth their perfum rich and rare tlit orouird bend with frull which feast til yn rim wuyuldn irwu and foml ovory- tuka on ho tnlm of glorious kuiumt ski tha shy blnli skim th log wine ti lld rurawoll tn ulr tuih familiar tholr rasping nhallangi rtio knlydlil nintf vtnm every hough u night comm llut wun too soon the frtisl will do it work ami all thi wealth of beauty fad iway vor vn 111 thus lowly day there lurk th forou which insure it wlft iluy and yet w love thl tlmo which orowiu the year and though wu read it prophecy aright with mrh rnturn it ever trow nutn and still rvvnal an vu- ireol de light dehorn commercial cattle a strong argument in favor or de horning i put forward in llullalln no 15 of th ijvo stock itranch of tb uomlnlon ie port men t of agriculture the heading adopted for the llulletli iminrn your comtnerical cattle ct- r to higher uorket irlco it ii confidently expected oy the author tie that for strictly economic rcuoiu grower and feeder pf live stock will unite in a nation wide movement wltb- in the next twelve months to eliminate horn from commercial oelt la refer ence la made to the resolution pa weed ut a recent live stock conference held in western canada urging that all uch cattle should be dehorned tween llarch ik and april ie or during the month of october the reason for advocating the periods mentioned furnished by the fact that it i unwise to perform the operation in elthor extremely hot or extremely weather instances are siren of tual experiments at the dominion kx- parlmental farms and stations which prove beyond a doubt the wisdom of dehorning it in also shown that nettle so treated invariably bring better prices and command readier aale than animals that have not been dehorned horns add to the cost of production and from the calf pen to the block are a bill 6f expense to the producer and the feeder they are of no economic value to the farmer the butcher or the exporter but are frequently he causa of unthrl fitness discontent and injury in the feed lot and stable result in the placing of inferior meat on the markot and cause serious iosm in the killing proof u given that it not only pays lo dehorn cattle but ebo if purchasing to buy animals that have already been operated upon the lat tor are more easily shipped show less hrlnkajre and damage in transit and are more economical of apaoe than horned cattle in addition they easier to sell and command better prices a prominent dealer has de clared that no single atep or operation in the handling of cattle yields larger returns in money than the single act of dehorning at a conference of shipping inter ests in ottawa it was pointed out that in the event that a store cattle trade is revived with great britain consequent upon the removal or the existing em bargo the absence of horns would be a great commercial asset o the can adian farmer methods ox dehorning that should be followed are given in the bulletin which tnay be obtained on amplication o the publication branch of the department of agricul ture at ottawa issued by the dlrno tor of publicity dominion department of agriculture ottawa october 1911 jackat apinch many young people object to being jeokata pinch the girl who was to take the principal part in the high school pageant is taken sick and it is hard to fill her place any number who were eager for the role la the begin ning now hold trttck a young man in a business offloe is aaked o do part of the work of one of his superiors who u oft on his vacation and he points out to his friends the injustice of it that he should be called on to perform the work of an employee whoee alary la jut double hi own the people who objeot to being- jack et aplncfa fall to reatlae how often this u a etepplngstone to prefer ment tho worker who can satisfac torily ah the place of a higher priced employee is marked for promotion mt the first opportunity a girl who tilled in whan the soloist of v country church lost his temper at the rehearsal ox rentals and refused to fill her role got a start in a musical career which carried her far to be i jacklna pinch la ucoept- ing the i hunce to show what you can do and f you are the right sort of worker tha is all you hoed in boyhood days twoultl never uovur do to set a bad example but don t you remem ber that old orchard where the apples nearly broke down the trees 7 and by gofly if there wusn t one loose board in that high fenoe klrst of 41 course you just peeked through djdn t intend nuthln at all and then some how or nuttier you just naturally filled that blouse full of apples und akld- i addled an if you got awny with it those apples tasted bettern nny you got that summer but when you were caught and farmer jones came to see 1 dad about oh boy i owl owl treat fob johnnik tom suld his wire i dont bellevo you amokod one of those cigars x gave you on your birthday that a right my dear tie replied iql going to keep them unlit our johnnie wants to learn to moke ft jhe old hap of the big clock pttfrirnstff-r- the old man tess of the laat of the old temperance hall that old tsnilmrunno hull hud tn orltu of the uitlnsu within iis w intercut intf wlul initiative tli m kathortnga wr rul soclul in uf thms whlls tllf young folks mould h playing carpet ball tho o w folk itartlfluuriy the ladles wtd rehearse their exiierlnnone at the erp rag bm which wre in vogue in th days lug cur i ml wnre popular acton had two or three splendid carpet weavers forty or fifty yars ago old nan boy tier- jucoh who lived on the hill was counted one of the iwat to he found aiiywbere ii wus grand father of our james who llvew oi mill htrnet the father of imalid nn toll and henry and william ml adam mid ilolmrt sad abqut let tii wnromnoat half ilnuii daughter i think iviuiam our oldtltnn friend who ltv at mora u tho last son of the family llving and perhaps lh lost of the family too well old mr hnyder wove some mighty nice carpel in thoaw days there were stripes and hit and miss design icvnry house in the land sewed carpet rug in those times and 9vmrjf housewife and others who expected to be ddl rags for striped rug carpels why when my mary and i were get ting ready to get upllrod mary said to ma one night now i v got the carpet rags ready for the sitting room in our new home and i d like you to drive me up to old mr snyders to see about getting them woven why mary i said that mm a striped rag carpet to commence with that will be great why i ilont think many of the young folks getting mar rlod this fall will nave new striped rag carpet to commence with well said mary i v got the carpet rag all ready mother and martha and borah bmlth tommy jiumn and mary moore helped me to sew them and father wound the ball i 11 go t to bymons tomorrow and buy the warp and if you can get away and can borrow mr hills wagon and your fathers driver well go up to morrow night and arrange with mr snyder for the weaving well we took up the carpet rag and the warp and in about thi weeks mr hnyder sent word that the carpet wo ready mary and i drove up next night to get it and whan old mr snyder showed it to u i tell you we were proud nf it i think the old man was proud of it too said he never turned out a nicer carpet for anybody wall say 1 ve wandered a long way off haven t it this all grow out those carpet rag conversation in the old temperance 1111 tiiu hag oaiuet weve got a nloe rag carpet in the sitting room brand tiew all of u cut and picked th ri and pa ho pricked hi thumb for the evening pa and joe and mar cus they d sew too and we reeled soma off and colored em and made great ball some and we took em to the weaver and be wove em in hi loom and now weve got a new rag carpek in the sitting room we like to go and look at it anof walk acrob the floor and count tho stripes and talk about em cause we km the pink one 1 jen old pink dres and my pink pinafore and the brown one with little speck thats dill old wnollen shawl and the green one ma old silk cape i went and stole long time ago and run away clear up to dasoomb s mill and soared em so and theres a dress of marc us when he wa two year old and tumhledtln the cistern und the first jacket be had and the figured gown ma made for joewhen he caught such a cold and most had the lung fever and tha blue and the yellow plaid that dill earned wooding strawberries for grandpa saturday and the old blue stripe we ull wore made over different ways and rn she say us prettier rt the carpels in tha store and just about the handsomest in town shea not much doubt and pa he says he paid first rafa for pricking hi thumb sore for pa say its a regular family hl- tory all spread out and two carpet rag and memrles that got wove up in the loom and out in htrlim and siwed and put down in the sitting room km ma a oppor in tha course of time the various churches organised their young peoples socle tie and these largely too k the laoo of the old temperance lodge with the church societies domundlng th interest and attention of the active joung peoule uf th churchea the at tendance at the lodge gradually dwind led and eventually it wo found im possible to keen up the meetings thl did not indicate any lack of inteoaat in tbe temperance cause tha church socle tie had temperance for one of their loading tolc the inculcation of the principle of the old temperance society were just a strongly em phasised by the church socio lo and naturally there wo lo and les in centive for continuing tlm lodge this was much regretted by soma because of the association and in fluence of the days when the old division of the bon of temperance flourished but the leader saw that us work was done a responsibility was left on the hands of tho trustee only two of them wero now left surviving john cameron and ii moore tha hall and it furnishing ware free of all debt but it would hnvu been u foolish thing to louva tha promises to go to rack und ruin a tho bona of temperance wnh an in corpora ted society the property when no longer used for meetings of that aocloty naturally reverted o the grand divi sion the trilatoe roterred tha matter to tho grand o incur nhfl were in structed to sell tho property and remit tho proceeds to tho grand treasurer the property wo therefore advertised for aalo there was no demand for had tho town hall un i uatlhnws hall und hill hull snt thn uuin am od ifnllow had hulls of thtlrqwh iriirty in a ion wa icuo much in dnmand twi nty flv yar ago as it is to day the lruste motived no offers uii 1 wro horn what nonplussed 1 itiully trust cum n rim sail if ui onn oimv will buy tb hall i think i ii takfl it invslf i bmight iho old ict yt rluil liurrh and mud llirun ujood houaos oot t it und i think thl hull ling will make two an i mr cm n ii i mi uk lit it th pt 1 u paid wus uih iii 1101 u kh1 hi usui prllo nt thut tlm mr cumurojtwnut to woik t vrt thu building into twulllngs and a rw months hur able immm mnrkel hud not wltkibidiod on transformation wutll 1 nwr liuvw dreamed that thu ol i turnix ram hull wu tbo iwuls tor haul tw dwdlitls i utu tt tho thl hiilldhi- wus frt a nw roof wa put n the tsrli t wall wro muili luuttd buy windows und porohah wru ud io i und wbn romplthl thu nw houihn wre in lumaud i ant not iuli hultlvt but i think iho nrsl lununls wi m two finnnr himnlwra uf i ha iton of trowiain jutnv mot jim un tho oust si le and lllrnm m wordu on the west lloth of thou i twined rltlseitv hava nine- pujuwi uwny mr moljim wo a strong mason and mr wonlen jut as ulniiig ult oildfelltiw lloth were mumber of the mothudiut hurrh and thlr wives active worker in ihu ladlm aid until john mslh ir and hi family movwl out lust spring 1 1 iunuiit for u liumur of year 1 mt hav 1mii llimuti calbolli mr and mr mullon und mlu liuffy and hr nl- mr catsllo an i so tho worl i muvu und change come tho ohl tompuratiro hull which for av many yi wulded an inlluann tor good in hi onimunly il a blaixi of oonvenlsnoo or publlo and otllrlal authoring i now th ttappy ho m of private families who appreciate it comfort and rsgurd it a home and such is llfu fur well yu old hall of many mingled mum oris finish or quit im going to quit i would he have gone into thi if i had knowi wa such tough work and clara mopped hi perspiring brow and hung himself flr ahada with an air of disgust 1 intend tu bhek tci it hl rlnlnh m now that i m in l aywy the wok gatssamallsr all the time said tom b he tackled another long row of corn that was badly in nad of hoeing tom sturk to hi work and niushed while clarence rested and watched him awhile then sauntered home und an nouuoou to hi mother that he waan t going to tat karmpr holme pot off any such work on hto getting that corn in shape let tom do it tf he liked to bo clurencu resud and idled away the rest of the afternoon and tom finished tha work received hi pay and went home at supper time with the coin in h pocket satisfied over a piece of work accompllahed there are two worn in our language that have not even a nodding lualntanoe with each other they finish and quit they have nothing in common and would never become congenial friend if they were close neighbors for one haw behind it tha sturdy spirit of determination that ha accomplished all the worthwhlli thing the othsr i the incarnation of all tha failure clarence choo quit a hi watch word tom chose binuh w which are you choosing day by day a work and problem coma to yout iluby hkulton what thbv bemtmbcbed i have a good memory for date aald hilda 1 can recall when any thing happennd almost better than tha thing lueir can remember face aald iteth never forget u faoa though the names slip easily from memory i can remember alight declared isabella darkly i dont forget a single one and i cannot again like th person wbn slighted m it your turn helen laughed hilda what your memory special ising upqnt i m not cultivating my memory just now aald helen flushing im con centrating upon my forgetting 1 m training myself to forget every day each disagreeable happening tha allgnta tbe hindrance tha unkind word it astonishing bow fast they ellp out of mind once you turn a trained forge tier upon them i may never have a good memory but 1 m determined to have an unusual forget tery i wont to be happy and a good power of forgetting i my best aid in that i the test of obedience tha other day the ownership of a fne collie dog wa settled in court largely by the dog himself a girl who bald claim lo htm declared she had raised him from a puppy that she had rnoognued him on the ground of a man living in a different section of the city the man who wa in poaoeoalon of the dog declared that he hud bought him of u new york dealer before the data when th girt had lost her pet a far a human testimony wa con cerned the two aide were about even but it wa the dogs testimony that etlled the case he paid very little mention to the man who claimed to be hi owner but he obeyed tha girl im plicitly whan she called him he ran to her when aha told him to lleaown obeyed and when she put him through several little tricks the dog baying her directions implicitly the judge considered that tho case wu settled the girl went home with her dug beside her riodle9 of ii candle like why im tha wick athanst because it i in the to ids t of g reuse oreoce what is that which ho man ever vet did sea which navr was yet always i to be to morrow whut la it that burns lo keep a secret t bcallngwax the traito op leadership 4 whut makes hilary such a good iruuwt naked one of the boy a little wistfully he ton always get a fol lowing while some of the rest of us make up ripple at alll hilary never dictate never i one hi temper never refuses to skn hi place ut the head when there work to do ail well a leading there you have the three trait of a good leader if you want to add one more for good measure add kind noes of heart hilary would put hltnaelf out any time to do anybody a good turn bo you see ties always in demand t the fellow will follow hi lead be t cause they ilka blm and because they the mall oaauch for by this time aoloiroly upoa htm r the three miles back thflru wu a rather sharp grade from mr llubroflk kui to tlm tu k of tin houuv and the ntnut dm pi gra hoiuoh lued hard to haul tha hauv manhlnury around iho laut sharp curve hnvnru of t lid lnuf nlughlhiru wer th mil of curiosity for moul nf llpiti hud hover sueil a well drlllinif oulllt tiiy nuked iftlon of 111 stout uwurthy man in rhura tli iiuln un i drill wur st in pluu mu wuu it rood many year am an drilled wiu wro a novelty in tlm lixullty lmiilu itubrock wa on i lhi ilitorvutud i nlooknru 11 had lu all th wu horn fnm u hool und wu hi iii out of broath wh i l ie to aottloa- th drill tlm tint hmii mhiiimi to tnu uomolhlng unt wnt rumbling liuutlly through th tool i- wharfs ttu1 douhla link jor h ullwl to his uuuutunt a slim wtll i ullt young fellow who wu hnlplng bin thrw it down thur on the around when wn wur pulling up und told vou to put it in i reckon vjin tt r t it uumu a y u dl i th 4st tlm i rutty kettl o nh thsld he its good ihrw mile rrom liure if ii u rod ijiuhlu felt sorry ror jua a ha saw thu od lly suri rised dismayed preuulon on hi fuc lot afraid i rtlin t put it in mr bherwiant ha con fussed a red flush rising to hi chk in runt i know i lid t i umw it lying there but we wru buuy utuudylng the nglno along thut slu bill un und it slipped my mind i guouu i d forgot my huud if it wuun t ruutensd on tlliermun ooowleal w i an t do a stroke o work wiihout it tha othr on w bud 1 twlstl mi it won t hold ut ull liuulnuu stop till somebody gou wok tu haunderwon and fetches tlt double link w ran t much mora than gst set up to night mr hhurman joa aajil hiuhitng uldawluu at thu sinking rod sun aflar sui iter 1 ii go uftr it i ii huv it her in no tlms h tun drlvn old hen ovr if you run ctrh him mr iulcocuwvolun innrwl lies iwun running- in the pas ture tot a fortnight an i he pretty wita just as much obliged to you joe rpliml plauuanlly but if i foot the fli re mile ovsr there ill have so mo thing to remember when 1 m in the way f doing a fool thing ilka that again thata how h malulgu it aald bhurmun while joe wa huntlna ror a huuvy block of wood to brace the en gin he wu th caralesoeat rrltter i ever saw when took him on ooule o month ago he just set on ourlng hlmlf und i reckon be ii do it if he keeps taking hi medicine strong same a he a doing now ljounla nabcock utamllng naar the talker sensed the drift of the oonver sutlou rathor slowly ho knew what it was to 1 curlusu he wo cureless himself borne i me he laughed it off sometime he felt rather ashamed of it and again and again he resolved to break himself of th fault but joes way of doing rather staggered him lis looked curiously after joe a he uet off after hn had gone to bed ha kept turning over in hi mind th walker way of doing after a while tha lower door opened and he heard jo atumbllng and trying to light the back chamber where he wa tu sleep the nuxt morning mis steele hi teacher stopping at lonnie desk in school aald f wonder if you remembered to bring that book of recitation this morning lonnlet no ma am td ionnlo lushing he hp rang to hi feet and hi slim shoulder squared resolutely if you will xxcuue me mis htoele ii go back for iu outside the door he bald to himself a he adjusted hi woollen muffler it only a mile but its hard walking and a pretty stiff wind that will help make it strong medicine i gubu year after lonnla habcock wa heard to say when making resolutions was being discussed woklng resolu tion do not amount to u row nt bras pin unless you act on them thats one of my maxim charle t white the nauwasawcgra council paase lsno llat of account at regular meeting en sept 26 the following account wore passed ut the meeting of nassagaweya coun cil on september isl albert allison bridge repair 11 38 murray crawford ltd jas hum gravelling u v may gravelling underbrush- lug- i 1 iuey moving stone a mofhall gravel d hunoe grmveulng j mnlntyre apraadlng gravel ju hlmtaon soldiers memor ial w o morse tile howard grading u mppholl grading d tlunoe gravelling town line fusil nch in vie culvert utc wm mclarett gravel w lalng gravel malntoah repairing crusher h tjn1 work division 15 w d thomas repairing bridge it j anderson crushed stone- ja carglll spreading ston henry verrter grave ling ate it maokanale lumber for shed v h white balance con tract mooregor grading francl gravel t kutla gravel wm wit tie gravel n marshall gravel jas harden gravel a vl itichardson grave a alexnuder gravel llunnnl a llrltton grading icd rrltton road superintend ents ja cubberley aheep killed john blmpson sheep killed municipal world supplies council uiljourned to meet a at 10 ti m john marshall olcrk 3 ka 13 bo s4 bo 1 00 4 bft i 30 to 00 14 0 is 11 11 sa 3 7b 104 is so 78 8 00 0 ss 3 go 11 so 17 30 360 00 10 ih ik do 143 70 40 00 a bo 6 sb d 30 3 0 1 bo x it t d5 3s uk 00 as 00 10 00 as po ti si n nov knowina how to work one who ha worked in the factories declare say the uvlng aige a the result of her acquaintance with hun dred of working iglrls that tha great secret of their nonsuocea is that they do not know how to work they are not lusy anything but that but they go to their workshop or factory ig norant incompetent and with an in stinctive antagonism toward their task simply because they never have learn ed to put their heart or mind into their labor thn value of uuh knowledge wan strkirigly ttluatruted in the rose uf one worker in n certain factory tho girl was physically crippled so that it waa il moult for her even to walk across the floor yet in spite of her heavy hnndloup aha wa the quickest worker urrtl made the largest wage of any girl in the abop simply because she had atudled how to husband her resource to work rhythmically and systematical ly and to make each stroke of work count it utmost the lesson la one needed scarcely in by women in easier ptaoeg to learn how to work no matter what ono tusk 1 to learn one of the grout leason of life j it i to gain power inntead of wasting strength to find joy instead of vearibeg of boart roberit steapb greatest rook jejghboru is nearer the heart curtudu than any othw of th fimou cunsdlsn authors y u will iinvur have to usk that fin slloii whut is t unudiui litem turtir uguln when yu havn rad it bfrt llliutd lalant und m fur lita itifilfut nov i nelglilhor thuie un fw uiulluiu who w not fiimlllar wllll thl uiithor rormr in vein tim llomeuleadfrs th this nw ihhk li i iil u to th hto quarantine op corn borer trufalaar township in th llsu t areas from which qui of corn is prohibited the following ulnutrlal or i f it uuru lit itilng tertuln nreua on wn mil f the presencu of the ktlropi un i on lhrr and restrh ting til- liinvniiu lit i i rn und com produnlu in thu nuii areuu has ihwii pusuil um in atni rrxitlvt on und after h i anil r 7 1 921 let raot i mlnuter of agrloulti hereby given that an luji iilnil by iho aln r la nshli in il in iiui kobebt atbad uugsbmuna buaulsa rsut ttas uauosaa ute tu mssssr trudltun of u good utnry real humor pure ffwn am u riul idea uvtl i turn rul tnyut ry und it ha tnore of the ivul uttmuiph rn of life in it thun any other whllll i uu oomo to is in a long whllo ii is true writin g- h id will udd fr uli luurvl tu the fam uf thl ulrouly well b loved uuthor neigh lru reule how two umlllu of young people brother and slutar iiulghlhir in a liltl ontario town tielghlhiru tlftoon your bit r on ad- joining homesteads in tha baskslahe- wun country find llfo und love tholr ktorlu run smoothly until a young hnglluhman noltle in the community an i npnet ull expectation including the rouilor but tho best part of nulghtmir in my mind and what inuka it u great book 1 the picture of thu poptu wlw mak up that far- scuttered nelghhorhoor or homo- steuders jake is tha old villain who find locations tr the gullible new renter tho hnncalts are a gaunt big eyed ioluk family who live in a isvn that thn preclnu live stock may hve the hulldnd shelter and tha widow and th hcotah family nd ui wl- dlngl all of tlust i writing of tbe linnet typ and place thl canadian i look in high order among the best llteraturfl of toilay neluhlors a happy novel of tha northwnnt by luibart htaud hod houghton toronto 11 7e ilodjpr j money does not prove character no on call ekplaln just why it take io u rage tu own to being poor the possession of money doe hot prove either character or bruin in every land and in every opoeh many uf tha most useful citizens have been poor tho founder of th christian religion utiknowldsed avin by those who era not curiatluh to in the outstanding figure of history when be died at tjilrtythru uft nothing but the gar- innut ho wont and yot it tuus more rourugti thun oomn of you young people ihmuhiu to say f can t afford it tho oowanl always make thing hard for himself the young mall who u brave nough to own to tie log poor settle tho fiueetlon onoa for all tbe oilier who ulwuyu give u different an nus keep making excuses till his brain reels in tbe effort to rind a fresh ono which will liihtn convincing the aeiimlblo thing 1 to drop ult sham and pretense if you cannot af ford a thing uay no to protend to be rlohnr than you arc i silly and point- us and few urn deceived thereby if n you can realise thut it 1 little credit to have money und no dis grace to ho poor aoylng can t of- ford it will no longer lake more oourugt thun you posses tiet lteajy for the chase 8pol train lor hunter the open ueaoon for hunting doer ml moose in nnrtlioiii ontario la rapidly approaohhig booth of the vrutich anil muttawa luvar november b to november 30 inclusive north and weat of theao river october 35 to november 30 inclusive north of the truuhcqiitlnentui hallway line the s aeon i from heptamber lt to novrnn- iter ib luoluklve the canadian nthtolpu hallway truvcruo the llneat hunting territory in thl country thl fact with tholr special and regular train service make th nutlunul wuy tho premier line for the hunter the hunting ground are ho vast there i game for everyone he ueleotlon of ground is a most imiwirtunt mutter und one which re- ulro careful study thn territory rwiohfld by the cuhudluti national line north uf parry bound i utreddy favorlta one but the new country st und weat of capreol 1 a yet mpurutlvaly little known to the hunter und should therefore bo highly attractive to the follower of the duer and moose the canadian national hallways are providing special train service which with regular trains will meet all de mands hiieclal train will lie operat ed a follow ieavo toronto union station 11 ib p m october 31 tor cupraol and intermediate polnta and b p m november 3 3 and 4 for key junction und intermediate polutff i usual umpla accommodation of sleeping cars t luggage car and oouohu will be provided the annual hunters leaflet issued by f canadian national railway 1 now ready ror distribution and may be obtained on application to any ugont or the company or write gen eral lvauniiger tepartment itoom 607 itoyul bank liulldlng toronto do not let ambition slumber if iur ambition i to do for tut what it ought it must he kept alive and ulvrt too many young peoplo allow thl indlapenoahlo ally to lead a drowsy existence waking up ut interval but for the moat part slumbering undis turbed the average vcodont is not ambitious to luarn all ho can he i satisfied to gat mark thut will pass him tho a vera go beginner in tha buslnen world i not ambitious to ac quire efflclaooy a rapidly a possible he i content to hold down hi job you will nevor gel very far ahead while your ambition slumber wake it up and set it to work watchful waiting utile pat was invited tu a party iii host nuw he wan not paying at tention to hlu plate dnd uvked the reason why oh suld little pat i am waiting for- tint muslklpd tt obbl ftriio hullon kent ilumlt n lb n 1 iluiuvr if this in ut iwlnu- hi mi i into other dlutrutu ly mason if tho movement of com plulitu or itlouh f f hunts infeuld willi th p st now thicfor t arthur ionuril kltsguruld jarvls th acting ijui uiy of th minister of aurlrullui v r th iomlnloii of cunuilu und r uothorlty conferred upon mu by ta hon 7 f tha iitruotlvu inst sill i l a t tio imward vll cliuptv 31 tin ro by quarantln the areas t iiml rluel in tha following township culcrou in tho county uf llruro trafalgar lu thu county of hultoii tumlmry in 1mi county of huron chatham including thu clora of cliat- hutn iovr kami and lkjr weut lu tbl county nf ki nt ikwn kniilu klllen moor un 1 itombru in tb county of iimhtou urlmsby in tho county of ijncohi albion chlnguu couuy and toronto in tin county t f ieel and burton in the county or wentworth all thu aforunx iillnnud urau lelng lnth irovlncu of onturlo on account of th tcuroiieun toru hor r and until further nolle the tondl lion und regulation rfectlvu under quarantine no 3 ilomustln usut 1 on vehruary 10 1b1i shall api ly in ull ratsnect to the said townships this order hull take uffit im mediately und im in force until furthr notice witness my hand thla duto an f thu seal of thu ipartmsnt uf agrloultun caiuida blgned a u jallvih acting duputy mlnlht r dutwl luptemtmir 37 1933 a qood loaer the lute mu clara ilurtoii nucu told tha writer uiat ma f tho hmuy things for whlnh she felt gruterul to her mother wu that this wlso mother had luught her daughur to ito u good loser it w3 a kind of u cnurui of which mis barton sthml in run f many time in the long year of her life it i a bind of courage of whloh all of u atund in need for thn parunp who lb not u good loser will weukrii under defeat a the genuinely good loser never weakens but girds hfniseir up for fresh and mora resolute effort with each detent a girl known to the writer lost out in a civil horvle- mlnatlon she took but spring no mad lea fuss over her loo than did th disappointment aba full found no expression on her lip all that she aald waa well all there is for me to do lu to get busy preparing for a second try 1 ii lass then now you see if i the good loser of the worl 1 an sometime the first to congratulate iho who have defeated them thoao who huv contested for big prise and lost them have been the first to eon grutulate those who have won ihl 1 proof of a generosity of spirit that obtulus only in tho who uro gutiulne- ly good loser on of the victories of defeat 1 thn ability to rejoice in tho suuoess of those who have won hujolclng over thu success of those who have dnfnutnd us is not always an eay thing to do but it is the only wise und auiw thing to do there u ho situation in life in hlah we are not sometime culled upon to be good losers and tho way which wn meet those sltuatlaiiu lit i lira test of whether we are woak or strong in oharuatnri crulah- tou kd4 jfyrtmdim j suflp enameled ware has cfl tho bmooth rurfuce and polish of 1 line crockery without the break til k and it i bo very easy to clean jutit like china and therefore makes light work of pot washing whenever yon arc buying kitchen utcnxilu be hurc they carry the smp trademark diamond ware in n threecoaled enameled huci riky blue and white oufalde with a knowy white linlnff iearl waro in a twocoated enameled htccl pearl crcy outfilde und inidde you cant ro wronr it you huy either 4sk for pearl ware or smpji diamond ware sheer metal products coxshts boys shoes wa have u good line of uoys hahool hhoa at vary reasonable price repairing ilrlng us your repairing kvery job largn or small carefully at tended to aqent por thelqlobe lauinldrv quelph t e gibbons mill st acton burn less fuel put 3tenr windows o yocu- hee lubldk suuw wteew dow m iluudssfl 1 tu ut lu plw l- uusmulwwuiaup t- ouri uwui torovotutkuicox o uppnmr u pwuh msuevlhlliunqulud qui tuukuu duuwkl ealalwj srw fuu ajwrnlut sibi iwi i nl it mlus hihhthtisi the haixiday coufany uwittd ju ou trwo na when jack frost speaks- when jack frost hiieuku it time to go back again to vest and ton ooala flo ft la with iho car uuor oih n rr driving cease to bo a pleasure soon uftor the riret iimmurono of frost do with your onen ear the same um you do with your straw hat und aim llenrh suit lay it up for the winter hoy a ford cmino or hudun und ride in comfort all winter the rout in low und the uikaeu l nothing com tared with what it would rout to run u big mr ull winter terms if you desire coupe 780 p 0 d rord ontario h a coxe acton ont- free press ads bring results i ii ai w ttf l ki

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