Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 19, 1922, p. 2

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tmilihilay octohhnw nti what will they bav op met tluo vrao written by xv llyron kthuirw w yar or two uk am to til frlmids id liuvi uumm 1 up ms own vlw of itlh own kolf il hint liu faull tin itfu it uh1 mi tin ti1uilrml much ha rnudu soro- big mlaluk atld wumui ulrvillti lit inuliy a uwilnw ull tlml u true all ht and oil muv tnuil buy of in wlioll i urn uo thut i kit luast wax full iii wary right unl that tny fault worn not of hosrt interna tint w uulil ktt tho older one un well hay nhi to in or row id kulunuy h broil off in iimn hlkninruntiy mnthnr lnk ut tha girl s nhtmifa tlliitlitkl with uni miiuhiu and let hr mi wlnif ilmli lititih ilud iii imr in li n hoed vuakly and with itr ml lirnubni tt uv- i rury uui fciiurl- imiii titu i u hiiikitui tlm tru hku thy i id ux to k uhud uw far iu wti ukrl am lig in to tlm ilft iwn grudua tu miirrow and invito kvy lilll in rmiri ut tho u clock ualurday mrn- huturdyt what ar yiu ifuko it u thut tlmush iki nleu i wwi harsn in wont win thus i iiivd i hot th mniur rlght- lr thay will ay lint i wtimxl ty th nvr riiiktllliir him wlionl fate brought low that two iny uahlt cheery vortato nd whni i iiuw i jim rruahtl by aln i uhu lorry f i i tid lohl him if they will ky that litlla chlldr and ihuw1 tna kit their plaything vrlthout fr thut folk willi burdens spoke about thn asm with oiwik hnart bhvlng wo rhaps tlm hjird will oount rny raoonl mfc 111 uilltalty st inassantvala m c wah what aroblne ulmmona dolgnatd as a uttta one- borso kltalr tajtan mt- urorcounm by tha vlusrm nj wholly unappreciated whan bar remark roaftbed tha vara of th trtiatoea thy wef at flret in- dlanant than krudrlnsly admit tod that tho klrl wu right mia morriaon bad been ifbrerun over alnc the aroall bulldlna- waa dedicated to the purpoaa jf aha hau any idea of ad dinar to thn uaafutnoam uf tha library aha kapt them tu haraeir kww aver took ad- vantajro of the reading room and tha children a room had ions bean cloaed buoapt on batunlaya tha jtohajcur of hooka draignd woexuliy if 1 had chaxse of that library id arouae the viuira lntareat if x had to tay awaka nbjhbj to think up m plan aroblna declared one day to a ftroiip of elmaamatea juat before graduating from the hbjb acbool the audden hush which areetad her worda cauaed her to look around quick j ly iir eyea and the ayea of mr icnowlton chairman of the truateaa toet in a challenclnx slanoe all un dlamayed axoblne nodded her etmny hoad and added atanchty i would r wonder if you really would ha welhed each word carefully aweeplna- tha btrl a erect thjuro with an apprala- ina ghuice as ha poke f really would ahe repamted lauah insly than hurrlod down the treat from that minute the truateea kept their aye on aroblna bhe apent iodk houra of her freedom from school work amonjr the duaty books tn tha ntock room for with the belnnlnx of the college year aha expected to take a courao on library work in a nabxb- oorin- city outd of her company alloa morrison taught her their sys tem of ttuur of koepltur records and aocounts and of thb annexliuf of nw volumes to their store four times each year by the btllnnlna of saptember aroblna knew nearly as much- about the work as did miss morrison at the next monthly meetliur trustees aroblno was ottered snd ac cepted the position of assistant the villagers received the news with vary ing d of astonishment- why should property holders be taxed for two aalarlee when there wasnt enough work to keep one husyt kven at home they refused to take tha appointment aerloualy six dollars a week for just looking pretty teased a ro bines brother john a student at ho college n the next city miss morrisons position is a sinecure it looks as if yours was going to be pretty nearly oleur velvet well it utn t gave hack arpblne with sparkling eyes f am going to earn every penny of that six dollars it is a disgrace to havp a village so uuappreclatlve of such a farreaching good as lleasantvlllo is of our library we are going to do our best to make them realise what u village without a library would mean oh 1 eeel you are going to revol ution 1 so the town laughed john flow are you gotiuf tu induce people to make use or what has been a free gift for twenty years t howt aroblnos voice thrilled with hope in the first place i am going to take advantage of that extension course offered at swanaon i am to have every thursday afternoon free that i may go into the city to join the classy and then wo have ideas lots of them you wait and seel ill waltl johp picked up bis books preparatory to going to his room for an evenings study as he went bo threw back the words 111 wait three whole months if you last that long aroblno threw back her head and met mothers laughing eyes valiantly t don t mind johns teasing not a bit perhaps i might if i expected our work to end in failure but i dont and even if i did bhe paused and mother finished for her and even if u did you ara nqt the crying- kind you never were bui truly aroblno i dont see how it will be possible for you to earn your salary oh 1u earn it all right aha flashed undauntedly j the truateea held tnoetlnc this afternoon they said that we might as well close tho reading room now as wait until utter miss morrison has kept a record of how many use tt and in month mother just three have been inside the childrens room just oft the main room has boon closed tor two years mr know ton said ho doubted if tan people in the 1ibs were even awara of tha fact it has been closed t mothers eyas opened wide nut there arnt go verj many children in tha vulafw b gan defensively morrison and t havo beeqlslunfrtlmm f j t k tlm htmilrmls t picture li mim wlilli ran b- uaa win uaad lllll4lril- liwu wv ills tn uuk fur each ott in bring ihh arlhhorx uml u blank lnxk ulmd uorrlaon is suing u holml a htiry foi- m to limil to them uttil 1st llluutrutu it willi plctum the truhtim upprtivnl of tint pluli aj wurn bat thy ar kllnu to offer a prise ilia ihlbl who prnt hi ixhik fur u tniintti utitlit-i- uroao liaatlly stul croaaing ut- timik ola girl m rmv tmtw botw thalms of in r imni- you are kolng ulxiut ilm work in rlsht aplrlt aroblntf when yu uke ilia muskatliiu appear to come om mlas morriaon rathar than from yourtm him uuvm th girl no op- pjirumlty to reply but nutokly added tli urn thorn will upprttulats having tho rlillilron iuh1 for tuiturday morn itmft ami tlm kldilo will kiever mis trunt thy ur ixlng lnutructeil nil well tr tallied inurvalluum gst tho next m invltatlmi lc quality and charm distinguish salada op the most delicioua testa yvu can buy vlugt frjjrtjr in the first two cmua aroblno gave the figures jkubur j 1 t thxm it win u u nlnx aroblno o the children hh inlernated as the pupils i tlilxk thut 1 will drop tn for awhile o hiorrow lo how you pritsrvamlng ulaa coleman teacher in iraila una told arobli taarher wum anurcnly 1111 titan thu blrl imraelf away from horns bar hat unlays hail dragged interminably one or twr alia had gons lo th hlirary for u iwmiu and lurrud fur a fw tuluutbm t but with uuui horruon hut tlm nlder wnman a dry pbraseiilugy hnld no uppaur and tatter that uiom colnman had pl thn day for aewlng mandliig letter wf i tins and an oc casional call aroblna was iulck to so tha pooalblltlrs of that pmpoaod mru piling in and urged warmly 1 du rumal well he your help we ii all have to he optimists to mor row thouifh for the flrat day of u new vnnture is apt to lie m big duappolnt- klated over mlss colemans w op eration aroblna flitted up thn stair to urude two thire a genuine sur prise awaited her your ides la u wonderful one i miss ib1bs had never before bean known to accept anothers plan with auch a display of enthualoam hut what ever wlu voa do with all tlto ntleky flngars and the disordered table which will be sure to result from having flirty chlldrno around it you think of evnrythlng dont ynut laughed aroblno but miss morrison and i thought of that part too as a beginning we are paying for enough paper towels out of our own salaries to insure the children leaving the building with clean hands after our idea has passed the experimental stage the trustees will attend to that part as one of the necessary running expenses of a public institution ml vales looked ut the girl keenly then remarked with her usual abrupt ness i i will say one thing aroblne sim mons if you make a suooeos of this experiment i will personally compl- tneut the trustees on doing a ulg thing for the villsge when they made you assistant i thought it juat a ut of money when i beard you were to be miss morrisons helper rut x am already beginning to change tny tnlnd qnstead of being assistant to the 11- bnarian you are being assistant tu the eqtlra village l1 11 be on hand to take charge of my grade to morrow morning dont thank met youll find your hands full with both miss coleman arid ma there to help you aroblne felt as if ahe weretreadlrig on air when ahe sited back to the library to report her progress to miss morrison the drudgery or prepara tion was nothing in comparison to what the result of the venture would be there could be ho question of its nqt being a success no carefully planned unselfish effort was ever wasted the girl told herself over and oyer again through the golden hours pf trie- day thoughts of success were with her thta next morning when he slipped into a crisp blue linen dress adding spotless oojlarnd outts to give it a dainty u well as a finished touch it isnt going to be easy but it is going to be every bit worthwhile what is work compared to teaching the children to love value and appre ciate books t well yinl she nodded confidently to her veflectlon tn the mirror and ran swiftly down atalrs rly if you dont look good enough to eact admired john openly i shouldn t ha a bit surprised if you woke up sufficient enthusiasm in this burg for the trustees to keep you on the job permanently after all roueas i ii drop into the reading mom some time today i have some referenoes to look up and if i can find the hooks it will save me the trouble of going to bwanson if you can find them scoffed aroblne if you aren t every bit as barl as the rest of trje villagers john sljnmons iont you know that we hsve a tine list of reference books in our library it a just that you hove gotten into tha habit of going into bwsnson for everything and forgotten there seems small danger of any one ever forgetting again laughed john 1 never before realised what an asset a dyed in -the- wool asstalant ooutd be ynder the light words wnn a note uf genuine admiration causing aroblna to flush with pleasure using an assistant held possibilities of which the girl had never dreamed flha would do her utmost to be worthy she resolved finishing her breakfast and hurrying down to tha library sho found mum morrison already there worried and uneasy lest their plan might end disastrously aroblna haatened to reassure her hut with the advent of miss coleman und qnule one her optimism again fled bhe threw her assistant a pleading wistful d es pairing look when olose on their heels came miss kales and grade two immediately things began to happen it required several minutes and much diplomacy to get the children amicably settled around the two long tables- then aroblne began reading bhe be gan wjth mother ooose rhymes making the pictures presented by the lilting tripping lines vivid to each child then taking the pictures they taught the children how wuie hoy slue blowing his horn could be told on the tlank pages with the aid of paste- pot and pictures as readily as by words tho first morning was taken up wltr sorting selecting and pasting tho pic ture to illustrate three rhymes the enthusiasm of the children was unv pounded when they learned they could use their irnsglnatlon to make the stories mora rpal it waa the noon- inour before anyone thought of belnf tired tha ouudrsn teased go ardently to alliwin ka1 la ttlh after- nqon that aftaar morrison compromised fay havtnf fatm ootos in m four oclock ooncluslbnwwe oould get tho cuafonttor toffy hour aroblriwoald wu tha story tiy wr to uluatrula the tn xt baturduy baoh una could ask all thn pjaatloiiu dtalred thy rurrlutl hom am it clowlng re pi rtu of the morning piit in tha i tm whlth had bean blood for two bole years thut in the ufiurnooii thalr mothers won nut in full force ml no the opening day uf the little library twenty years lxfore there lutd not been au h a oonatutit ccnililg anil go- ing uh theru wom that day lloth miss morrison und aroblna were kept busy with the issuing uf cards and booka its all right fur you to ante uln the children alyu harney on 1 the iflru in the iiruniinur tirade told ito- hlne when aba was stamping a iard whlrh recorded thn nrwt imku alya bud drawn from the library in months hut what about ua ollur ones tllvre will he aurn t aomthlng tar you promised aroblne one of her pet ideas trembling on the tip of bar tongue hut ahe restrained il lla- fnrw tneiitloiilng the pluli aroblna tied liu uha wanted lit talk it over mtah morrison if the woman ukroml aha hhoull tm thu one tn bring idea to tha attention nf tlte trua- tho ilixl ltad hud conception ut the meeting or tho truaioe thursday a- i mr k no willi n ltad remarked iryly that it was porfecty all right to lieu 111 with the children but that the rlr la und hoys nf grammar mil uga needed to be instructed in free use of the library us well us did tho chlldrwi turning over hpt comment in hr mind aroblne remembered the dreaded monthly essays which had made her grammarschool dayu mlsarublo until a writer friend of her mothers had an s brief visit imparted a secret which turned the work into play if she could only win mus morrisons inter est they could establish a tthetorlo clkss having it rneet onco or twice a wnelc they would work out tho jossons in a manner tltut would make esuuy become instead of a hat ed task a fascinating game in that way they could gain and hold tho interest of the older girls and itoya st as thoy were doing to the rhlldi uut there was not time to mention then aroblne was too busy ex changing books and making newoom era familiar with the uae of thu cats logua to do mora than to let the idea flash through hr mind at alya words in the lull of the dlunorhour she and miss morrison would sift the plsi thoroughly she decided juut as the lock trilled the hour of four and a hrde of clamoring children swarmed into the room the next hour held not a second for stray thoughts it kept every ts keenly alert to answer the questions that beselgml aroblne from every quar ter hut the story hour wm a tremen dous suoonsa losaesaad of n active imagination and tha ability to under stand children the minutes fairly flaw it wait only the promlsa of another saturday us full as the presant one had been which induoed the chlldrei to pass quietly out at the conclusion o the period af an hour later came a cessation of the strenuous work of the day llu instead of having the quvit time for discussion of her proposed plan aro round herself in charge of the library hha was busily ut work sort ing tha books on the table when thi door opened and mr unowlton enter ed afterwards aroblne wondortvl how aha happened to mention the id the tlhetorlo chios to him before se curing miss morrison s approval only his warm praise of tha days work suddenly loosed the girl s tongue rapidly aha sketched her plan- lie shook his head gravely it wont work they will soy that they get study enough in school with out putting in extra hour which they oan avoid uut it wont he a bit tike study pur knowltool any more than posting those pictures in for the children a rot lines face was an inspiration as ahe explained if we can give thorn information sugarcoated thsy 11 bo eager to itavu it i know how the majority of them feel for i used tu hate creative writing intensely thau when mothers friend taught me that the foundation utona of u writing was a largo vocabulary sentence structure became just play why csnt wo have a contest and bigln with little easy ttlngt in the apfrlt of working for a definite aim theyll absorb the ideas almost un consciously if we could begin with having therrl search for words that por tray sound instead of hunting for just words they would get lost in the fas cination of the game not sure that i just under stand mr knowlton looked puxxjfd thut is bocauso i havent put it plainly aroblne pushed the book toward the lower end of the table and leaned furwurd ougerty no ulnglu word will deocrlbe a sound in all its phases you know how it is with ruin it falls and pours and beats and splashes und souks and patters and soothes that 1m the way u is with other- sounds to search for word for a definite ubjoot then work out the idea in sent noes without even having to think those sentences are going into an essay but just that we are making a picture is nothing in the world but just pure fun to be eligible for the contest every one will have tu take part and to take part each one will have to make tree use of the books hooks are such vital things it seems as if every one is deprived of a great good if he does not feel the need of them dont you think it can be doner she held her breath for his answer yes do he declared emphatical ly his glanoe on aroblnos sparkling face glowing with youth and earnest- ness if miss morrison doesnt wont vr to help with the class with you for a leader 1 11 donate two evenings v week far the work 1 ii trust you to find the way to keep them happy and interested the idea of making words from pictures as a way of winning intorest is every bit as valuable us your idea of having the children use pictures to illustrate words you have made u rbjpord this week if you cart only sleep it upl keep it up repeated aroblne her ayes two deep wells of darkest blue well improve upon it if we keep the children interested and establish a rhetoric class which will make the girl and boys oxcel in english we jtaye got to work if wo work we can t stand tlll we have just gat a go ahead i arp glud mid bmteful every mln iwned writers hardeat to rnuk glad 1 am 1 think thut 1 know already with that spirit there u ho doubt but what i will keep up the record he up vnd just as seven year old johnny llteams came in for a ixxik for his mother as aroblne turned her at tention to making a wise oelnctlon mr icnowlton murmured under hs hr there is no doubt about what you will urcompllali but what i wondnr la how long will we be able to keep you fur our assistant s bav it with v in that 11 words it rnuy iki true thut ullanoe is gold vn but there uro times when it might halter iki culled leaden itecausa of w certain heaviness of heart that it cxeatew it taka mi this quality when our tlpd give no axpralmi to uoma of the gratitude uiu appreciation wo may have in our hearts we are apt to takn loi many things for grunted wa allow tint many things to be simply understood young people often take on thla attitude of mind wa hav a case in point a girl verging upon womanhood was away tsom home and was praising her mothers cooking and declaring that she was tho moat won derful houaeketiper lio you ever tall her so v asked the girl u hostess oh yea indeed often and often 1 wu hurdty aver eat a rnnul without telling her how good this or that dish is hnr houtaa sighed and uald with a little tremor in her voice keep on telling hat so dear i know that uha think that it is a rich re w aril for all that sho does to win and deserve your gratitude und praise now thla hostess wus also a won derful housekeeper and an equally wonderful rook but rarely indeed did uny hiemher of her family tell her so they would huv resented it hud any one clturgnd them with hot ap preciating ull that ahe did tor them all that aha did to give them a perfect ly kept home und a table that could not be surpassed in its excellence ut their gratitude and appreciation were simply understood a pound of such appreciation is worth loos than on ounce of spoken praise tho greatest reward that oomas to many a motlter is the spoken word of praise on the ho of her hustmtnd and children llcartfeft appreciation is of no value to the mother if it never gets beyond tha heart we read of the won fitly spoken if ever they become sweet und gra cious it is when they are spoken in praise of those nearest and dearest to us who deserve our praise confucius said tltut words were th voice of the heart the alienee of tha heart when it i full or kindly and ton- dnr feeling is a alienee that deprives roapy home of the happiness that might bo there xrwapnon declared tlmt it he sweetest of all sounds praise we doubt if a sweeter sound over comes to the mothers of the world who are try ink hard to do their duty hi the homes uf tha world the poorest ahd flimsiest sxouso that can mrynuda for any of us is that we mean wall when- wa constantly do ill too much of the meanness of the world is excused on this score but it is about u easy to excuse a shortcoming of this kind u it i to excuse those who rnuy have grutltuda in their heart but who never aay it with words mbrri wade musings uto that you made me atfllant ig houra am it la glorious to spend long houra among tho wonderful thoughts of world-ro- a sanctimonious- hypocrite- tan ttt mk anything but the rotten side of lire tho prudes version nf the sove commandment thou shult not commit a statutory offence- it was such an unusual won loo and seemed to mean so much it a shame to lose t isnt there some thing else we could cull whiskey wives to some people are like trick ut bridge the first six dont count the irish proe btnta treaty iloesit i suem tn have tukan the ire out of ire uttid home church close for tha boated term hut tiatun never aloaes hi heated terminal a rnovlo uotres nf spirit ht one who does her own shooting instead of hlr- lnt it done how qothingand fwitishing sales are increased vy long distance samk v from rooenf rwpoffo lone distance brought x ni n much buxlnci that wo expect to enlarge out jactory i triad sulwtosutlon servic and find tt vcrf gatigfactory for belllng rooda to distant point thankx to loos tanco wo aro able to car ry on without a largo gtock of goods wo call up wholesalers for our needs j we call tip customers in outside- towns and msko appointments for try- on a weuknown firm of ot tawa retailer- write we often use lone dlitaneo in rjrexerenco to writing waoonfehvod aoafo qppy long zhslono to olmoof any 6 0 h lantz uaiuuretr halton town upon a hill interesting dit ef history cortoernlncj our countys name and early en tent h ii hurt jo ltd of tore n to loiluind u i of arms for the county if llullon suitable for municipal sla lonury for county officials tha com uny found the following in format inn t nothing hut nutnas giving the origin of the names of the countl 1 townships nf ontario it waa writ tart by ii k lardlner- fiirmeriy editor t thn hamilton tirana this is what it said shout helton helton county oriouilsed 111 till ounty was named after major william llalton who was secretary tn mr trad- rrlik lore uautanaiit governor f upper canada iiobivii 11161111 after his retumto knglsnd mr llsltun 1 as agent for upper canada and engaged in editing the manuscript jnumuls of thn provlnoe in u lettar from unm to onullium lleplamber it 1ei ann hal- death thoartlovtar said tltst the aaaemhly of upper canada ha ik nod to can no i hultons uppolnt- itenl ibut the henata would not con- lur mow during tha vacancy the fnoe will probably be sttollshad tlore also wrols to unit land janu- ry 1ui2 respecting the journal of he hands of the llalton family and staling that ilaltons heirs hud offered puy nvr the money mr llalton hud uppllcattle to tha journal tha preaent county of hulfon was iglnuliy included in york and was lutrt of the indlun reserve llut wtipn n county wa oonstltutihl it in- 1 besides its preeent limit north went worth north llruht wellington mil wuterloo hy the union art nf 1140 tha county f llsltonwa divided into two riding ha east riding consisting of the tnwn- ibllul of trafalgar nelson tcaquaahig nuaaugaweya kaat und west vlatn- ito rough hrlng and llellevllla tlie west riding consisted uf uarafrasa nlrhol woolwich tluelph wsturliwi wllmot ihkinrrlii 1uallnch krulniwa each riding to elect one member the word llalton alanines town win a hill there aro twelve vllluge in rusts rid lieu ring name two or thn name of township in the weat riding of llalton will puule readers krlng and ttotloyilla the t should no doubt read krin hut it is hanl to account for tho second llcllavllbi in the poheobouno amateur photugrspby 1 very llksly to show home portion of the anatomy painfully exaggerated because the be ginner 1 not sufficiently careful aa to what gets into the foreground broth er ueorge reposing in an armchair with his lags crossed gets a shook when he see his counterfeit p resent ant in which his right root seemingly measure not less thuti thirty six inches we get the wrong- effect in other things sometimes and for the same reason you remember how changed the world seemed when you dlucovared thut kmestlne wus not the loyal friend you have believed her to your fsoe ahe professed affection behind your buck contemn the secrets you trusted to her were mude thn means or entertaining her listener at thn moment- most of us have hud similar nfpnrl- anefs at soma time or other but you mude fills mist uke you began lo feel that friendship wa a sham that tcrnestlne wa typical you put her disloyalty into the foreground and in the picture a you saw it tt wu biggest thing in your experience and yet that is no more true than that llrother george foot i a yard tuns home people are disloyal frlanilx and sooner or later we ooma in contact with that sort tha experience painful one and is hound to leave a sore upot in the heart u spot which may be sensitive a long a we live hut dtsloysl friends are in the min ority cnnstsncy la commoner than treachery lo not muko the mistake of putting in the foreground the injust ice und disloyalty which you rightly tenant u you do un you will give them an tmporianca tbay do not de serve and whut more you will upoll the picture the qender was muddled in a oountry churchy a bubo wu brought forward for baptism the minister taking the child in hi arms spoke u follow lleloved hearers no one can ore toll the future nf this little child h may become a great astronomer like hlr isaac newton tr a kreut soldier like oeneral fanning lie might even become tho premier of canada then turning to the mother ho ask ed what 1h the ri mary ann w nof thtschiidr m the reply the remedy juck llrokelyi told your futliur i loved you more than any girl i ever nut hho and what did papa say jack- he advised m to try und meet some more girls kenney bros boots and shoe- for everybody school kh0iq a specialty lai i bt styles i oh men ano womln ihom canadas nrsr makcks we have shoes 1 oh sunday and tok evphy day in the week and rok evenings too mens hi iocs ikom 8rb w hepairing neatly ant promptly attended to mux stuebt kenney bros acton ontaiho tr t independence the dominion government annuities system jfsaroutan unequalled opporturilty for tha irivasitmsnt of small or large amounts tor the purchase at an annuity of from so to ss00o a year i or ufa to begin immediately or at any future age daalred and to be paid in monthly or cjusxtoriy instal annuities may be purchase on a single lifej or on the massi of twst parsons jointly guttar soantract iaaue no restriction as to resldanoe em pl ass may purchase tor their ernployasa school board for their tsachors congregations for thalr mlnutsss- cannot he salssd or isvlsd upon no medical examination required free from dominion lncocna tax security tue domihiom of canada daacrlptlvt i booklet may be obtained by applying to h by writing poatag free to- at t bas supattntandant dominion gonmnwmt annultla ottawa whan writing kindly state sex and age or ages last birthday 3x ir n happy thought ranges make happy homo yoil the woman with a family irnow wluit it mean to have a range that is so carry to regulate that la a good cooker and a dependabla baker there is too tlnglo fixture in your entire house that 1 important at your range every woman who does her own cook ing knows what it means to havo even beat and plenty of room in tho oven eho rcauxea what a larree cooking sur face means and the benefit of regulate ots and llttls tabor saving attach mm ts throo hundred thousand canadian women know the dcpcrulsbuity of sloppy thought rangea from actual every day experience they have found them eondatent and eatuf actory cooo- otnlcal in fuel and easy to operate ask any of these- happy women about these happy thought xspe ituxoaoca defy winter tn any part of the liome hppy thought stove have stood the test of years in home hold 1v j w kenedv son main street acton ontario es rufndce advertise most when times are dullest cyrus h k curtis of saturday even ing post fame bays all my business life i have spent more money for advertising whenever a busi ness slump came along than in normal times and if i didnt get ahead in the race i kept from slipping back andvas in eon- dition to shoot ahead of my competitors the moment conditions changed dont let business get dull keep advertising in the acton free iress noah wa commanded tn lilt i 1kb on uiu li u 1 unil the ntilshl it tin aru why tn sv urf l lit ufit lllirlul evnt 01 k i in in tin ysf j4i7 ii t tho havn tli uurfuie sl ry lutu lan hulitu ilsvii thnuuh mil lb uiik mil 111 day tain ymin ltr wo r irliitf your alt ittlon cf llu srtul wlil m nf thu uilvh lt into tint it of saving y ur hulmlnau ugslnst wpmiiii by the una of thi- lu u martin licmnur klnlsli for very surfim- c ma in wti will k ly furnish you willi information ulmlit your partlrulur lur or smull in nii or txilsldo save tha burfaca and vau bsv all- the iiond maudwark co 1ml wo lluv what you want phan 1012 auefph this stores policy to represent gnails ex actly as to their quality to sell to those who know and to those who dont knov at a uniform fair price to fulfill all guarantees and cheer fully correct all mis takes to deserve your confidence by alwaya giving you satisfaction savage co jewellers guelph ontario court op revision oembnt sidewalks take notice that th council of tha corporation of the vlllsgs of acton ha constructed as a iocal improv- mont a oemont sihawnlk on tha north wostarly slrto of knox htroat ialwoan tha northeast arly limit of ivoapoct lark and thn ttorthaoatarly limit of imt number twantyfivrf flan nnmw nlntyalght tho total oost of thn work is 1440 60 of which s340 sg is to 1m psld by tha cnriorutloii ami 10ois by tha ownar of tho proparty arfootmh tho stlm- ntnd llfn of tha work is twntity year a court of ltitvlslou will ho hold on tuaaday tha 24th day of octobar a o 1022 at elsht oclock p tn at tha council cbamlmir frr tha purposo of bnurliig complaints ultulnst tha pm- pnaml uasassmniit or tha scours cy of froiitubo mbssuremants or any other complaints which pflrmia intaraatwl may ties ire to makn and which aro by law tuignlaacla by tho court any person wishing tn examine tha h toc i ul ahsdsamant itoll prepared by thu aurveyoi may do so between tha hours of 0 so u in and 5 pm wad- nosday und saturday afternoon ex cepted at thn otllott of the clerk 14- lit n kaitubft clerk to see better- s ee avage ight pecialist right at tha past offlos t queltph ont the double track route illqtwttwni montreal toronto detroit w 0hi0aq0 uunxcollod dining ont sorvloa nludulns oar on bight trains and 1 urlor caro oujniiioliutl day traliih lmll infnrrnattin from any brand trunk tjoket uueut or c et llornlns district tuusangr agent toronto h a holmes agent acton ont lhn t alex l noble at grand trunk station tio following gratlci on lund- manitoba and pasty flour oat chop and rolled oats bran and shorts peed plour and oiloaki hav and straw at loweat prices alexx noble f hekry awbey honunt

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