jlttim jsttt ft i orty eighth year no lfl 12 oo lmic yslail acton ontario thursday morning october 10 1022 ttmt in unitkd states single copies fiyo cents v the methodist church acton rev cha8 hackett pator prmiugt- willow bt u 00 u m tib mllllu t subject a in ut aim h t 30 n iluiiluy ilchool 7 it m uuv j a i van of win a wrlivomifl ro aljtj v ihesbytehixn knox church acton mlnlalar rv a c stewart u a manso wiuow street iiiaiiviciij 11 on mllm xllnlihr subject tin muum of autumn 7 00 thn mlnlstti purity knnduy i tcli io i and hi bio clan at a oo p m stranger leaving iutlru usher will l nulled upon iaator axti anic coudlaljw invited huhjrwt k niw advertisements for bale a good driving nisru good in all harnnm apply to ham i j i- f wiooinh h it no 1 a ton found on mill htrwt u lutlr of whell rim mod pctuclc owner may recover same ut the 1 kick i uksh or fi k overcoats intensified values at 253035 wanted ilnajeru for wutkln 1k0 dlrpct in th cumumtr writs 1l waticinh romixny hamilton ontario roomers waited a oomfinriublo furnihed room suit able for two yiiuntf mm apply ti 1 o mx ml acton onl jtf for bale a iuuntity of tnlmuli sweet apple ply to j d h young lfcone 47w main bt n anion for sale oood cheer no x coal heater i dod condition aly to mlbs ha ha ii molmmioai u frederick htrw for baie three rood hauwui 31 cc0 small da- poll for quick mala apply to il j kbiul heal fcstato agent acton ontario card op thanks ur tnd mr malcolm hnlllnger d sir to thank tho friend and neigh bora for their kindness during the llli nm and death of their litq wn itert auto for tho rioral tribute fox meat wanted old horse animals with broken loss calve etc- and anything suit able ror fox mat phone 16 r si ooorcalown hlakh vannattbo ib- georgetown ont property for sale number of new bnm listed per tana intending to purohaaa aeo r j kerr h know heal kstate agent phone xe acton clearing auction sale v j ocrvala will hold a clearing auction halo of farm stock lm pie men ta furniture etc on thursday november x at is o clock at lot 14 con 7 kaquoalna a lot of good atock 1x hen petch auctioneer wanted oood aalaaman with conveyanoo to salt fanner at their homes ihla fall and winter balary tloo per day and boniu state bbo aelllnc experlenca and former occupation when applyla write it s hiaupffon tlraphlt arta illda- toronto notice to turnip growers to contradict report being clrcuwt d to the oontrary we he to announce that we will be ahlpplnv turnlpa ut acton aa unual thla and we hope tor many com in aeasoha ur jamea ilamahaw in our repreaentallva nere w will pay the hlaheat market price aa we have at way a done we take thla opportunity of thanking those farmer friend who have aold ua their turnlpa for the poat thirty year and we reapectfully aollolt a continu ance of their patronace i4i m p uaittir a company farm for sale a ahort dlatance from acton 176 a 1xs acrpa under cultivation lvel and free of ikjonea clay loam lit acren of fioavy rtmber worth half the price of farm splendid barn and tables cement floow hot poultry houafta drlvlnk ahed stone houae with ten roamml water in tho houae and barn 2u uorea fall wheat fall plough inn done hural mull una stephone irico 13 000 fgooo ouah llanne on enxy tornut oood reaaonj for aellfna ypur choice of thirty five other farm for aa jr a smith heal katafe aaent phono 10b acton onl wonderland friday october 20 the woman who walked alone biartina dorothy tlalton thla la a oeonr melfnrd produotlon the inme who producetl th shelw and momn or the lu ly letty you will be lodklnn for ward to the treat oiim ploture haa in btore for jou c mcily pair of sexea vox wa ono how beglnnluk ut i o clouk saturday october st jlroadwuy pauooek feitlur in pearl white habiib in canada ntplaon trall com edy st policy tuesday october 24 quoenle a tx production featuring union fplaode 4 of with bunley in africa com edy bdjcar the detective coming lolua kuler j c silverthorn knowing a thing or two about human nature wc hair suipcct that tha general public in more interested in secyr ing value than in paying umt most stores throughout the country consider a reasonable profit having had many years business experience we certainly arc convinced that a great number or customers each at a small profit is boiler than a row thousand each paying a handsome tithe cutting two and two together we are carrying out a policy of intensifying values a policy which lessens the buyers cost on each oavercoat but which sella more overcoats and so wo are concentrating on the popular prices of 2 30 and s intensified values sufficiently attractive to bring any man to guelph from acton mens and young m cnb styles ulsters raglans slipons and chesterfields a wonderful array including all the new models and the best colorings the rich now check back materials models with leather buttons and polo cloth linings youll not regret your trip to guelph if you buy your overcoat at macdon- alds d e macdonald bros ltd guelpirs leading and largest store m weekend specials assorted chocolates our famous assorted chocolates weeknd special price 32c per lb creamy toffee neilsons famous creamy toffee finest on tho markot tegular price 00c lb weekend special price 49c lb peanut bock a nice soft cream rolled in peanuts regular price 40c lb weekend special price 34c lb the acton cafe for real meal or light lunch stop at the acton cafe centrally located appetizing food and the best service our motto cleanliness and quality mill street acton h wiles news of local import thoworwl with euetlen m modarator ltw j a ufmuvry m a 1 of it im church oilth wan tfnl tfoilrrutor of lite hynod of toronto klnaaton at tha meouii- in tor uat whk aeton odd fallow chureh pared tim wliitnr measlon u acton inla no 1 i o k la now in full xwink tl ihik i meetlna vnry tucwliy nvenlntf ut h o nlork aa uaua xt tjktajr will uttnnd dlvllut hiivlod ut alluaii a f tiorch on the flrt hunday h kovontur arbitration cih at geerqetown the arbitration tntwrxrt it 1 ur- rj l ill the c rn rntlo i of oeoraetnwn to iliw i w tliiiuatloii i f oomtxinihtloil ror the foraaea lot i rt main htrrtet takon for watarwtirka puipo hin untummiuy in tha laonrtitiiw t town halt mr lreoryai wltnetumit oom- ploted t lutlr nvldentw and the f lee wan ul journal till the 34th inat lr t i j vnnrnr la urhltrator fur ur lfaory ejlwufil mrcannali for thi town of otoraetown uhl ju ten iclltot u th tllr1 urbltrult r j jz ia r n ring dials specials for this week a great reduction on every article young mens overcoats regular 15 00 for men s and young mens overcoats regular 25 00 for mens blue altwpol serge suits regular 4000 and 45 00 tor mens allwool check suits regular 4000 and 4500 raincoats regular s15 oo for mens all wool serge pants regular 7 50 for mens vneck sweaters regular 4 50 for mens working shirts regular 175 for mens allwool underwear regular 5 00 per suit for mens caps regular 2 25 for 1 mensadress shirts regular 1 05 for do not miss this special sale 7l50 1493 2z50 220 695 c50 jl90 125 150 l50 100 the royal clotjuog and gents funushing store n j c c speight om stand mill street a0ton ontario national flah day october si tuaw oolohnr st haa irawit act aittlt ua national klah imy for all canadian blnoe the flrt national null uy wn oonotlvtml nik yar no the mir caflta conaompllon of flah haa increaaod to altout twenty ttuunda per year tcnsland uar nrty mix tmund yvir tvuroihwn oountrle cenaralty rty ova to forty whlla in jaiwn the i lit ion l j oo boun a yar ttie irhirtnant of uarlne and wh- hum auya canadian phould umm hah at louat unoa every day pej county free of criminal justine uowat would hav boon tre manted with a pair of white clove on hi arrlv4l in hiumotori to hold tha kail a aa i seat mm then wern ho criminal caoe nn the docket a there were no civil cuu vlthtir 111 jllonor wrote to instruct bhfrlff llanderaon to ad journ the court and lha juror war informed that their lireoenoa wa hot ro4iulitw1 at the burin aoalsaa jua- itlddell woa uremnted with tho ouatomary whlta klovea a there were ho criminal raaea on tha docltat con- ator rv mr caaamore laat sunday iuiv a b caaamore w a nf ka aajtaweya oocuplod the pulpit of tho uelhodlat church laat sunday there wa an eiohanae of tulplu through out the tjulph luatrict luv mr llackett preached in naaaattaweya and at i took wood tha nubeet of mutaton n freaented in all the pulpit where ex chance were effected lie v gaaarooron aermon hatl much of in- torel and mlaalonary need and to- tlvllle wera oonaldemd from 1 anal4w and with tnuoh intereatlnk fart and information andrew molozala pin u remitted ur 1 uj wrmrtr who w oounael for andrew unjuul in the reoenl chure afcatnat tha latter for an in fraction of the inland itevenue act ha juat been advtaed from ottawa that in reaponoe tn hla mtltion tha lovemnr fleneral in council haa been pleaaed to remit the 9100 one impoaed iolloe mattlatratn moore aunreated that thl c4urae he taken when tha trial waa held it train- manlfeat that mol- oaxl who 1 a foreigner thoush now haturallaed did hot intentionally ootnnvft a breach of the inland itevenue act i by tha oraea of the kino caul w c- kenney v r who waa an officer with the imperial force in krancaa fccypt and ialeatlne through tha four year of the great war received an orlclal utter from 111 uajeaty kin- oeonpi laat week advlalna him that in view of hi valu able aervloe he had been placed on the nanent mat of imperial officer re taining rank and had full permlaalon to wear hi uniform and decoration on all military oocaalona a the privllcce are srantad him for ufa capl kanney naturally reaarrl the dlatlnctlv honor tkmfarred very hlfhly umra rpney tauaht behoot hera xt the nienna of too reoent ealon of ienaral conference in tornnto the w k- tlanay and mayor maaulre rered addreaae of weloome mra ltaney accompanied her huaband the writer waa introduced by th attorney genera to lira tlanay who at onoe oald why i know you mr moore t tauaht achool in acton bo fore i wa married and you paid tun tay cheque for i remember that you were secre tary treasurer of the hoard i wa mla vraaer then and boarded at cap tain allan a kindly enaulrte were made for mra sidney bralth and her aona eptrclally vviuie the eldest alao for mra caraon who wa then ula tat allan a very uleaaant conver sation reapectlna the earlier day in acton then followed follewlno their father lad tho salam orecon statesman laat tueoday aaldi caraon a carson i the nam of a new law arm here and tho tnembera are john if caraon and hi brother allan o carson son of the late john a citrsqn who waa ono ot the most widely known lawyers in tho northwest john caraon ha bean active praotloo hero for ibout six years and allan carson reoently wa admitted to tha practice of law before tha oregon bar john a carson the eminent jurist whose professional acumen led to hi belnk called to wuahlnatoij on a number of important cum wam u native of kaquoalna hi law course commenced in aoton over thirty year ajro mra caraon w o wo melue allan a punt her life here until her marriage she is verrytroitd of her boy they deserve suooeaa and will no doubt attain it u did their talented father acton jfunlom defeat muton in th first of tha championship qamea here on saturday a it n juiil ii dxfaiuttml ulllon junlnru in th iutu hr on hutumuy hy a utart it k to 4 it wan th nrat awma for thu i iwru of llulton county junior lai 1iiimi in thn imik ror actou wua hi ihiimhi by alkana of milton ho hi luycrm hihi koo 1 imll hut olhthmui rtrnlvaxl luitlnr aiit port from hi lifl id than did a1ktil tho t til- lltildu dlil not imv muoh to do but mihou brri11 i to huv nn 1aa t r tha aaton irl of fly dmr- whltn in rljfht flflll for aoton irlml to xrv4r kht tmirli uromtil an 1 got mlxml up with tli uuurdlan of tir contrv lot a roup of ttnifu and ih1wk4ii them tilt y iihihihhi up luunn nlnn ormal in tbo hrt purt of tin umnti aoton got u roupln of run and wi re woll uway but uu imuul jtm that had lnnluau that uu arton team rnray n- rountiim unil uiuoii nhovnl four runa uirtuui iwfora thn loul lad toultl not lrulhtiitd urttund uuln however th y win hhi up und it kali m 4 4 tlti for u faw lunliiuu thnn with diroa inoii on wlilt of addi u thn hit tbut prn llcully won dm ramo utul li ok tbtt propx fiom iminuath tha uu ton tnum win n tho iltwtt had rlain atilm winoruiid wlhiioru by u neat ncore of 8 to 4 tho aoton lhyu worn otithlt by tin lr rlvulu hut tbuy hud than iwut tiviry othaf way kmly ijore uoliimll und maatrtrri wnre die anton lunem whlla mumuic inn whlta and ituiuru pluyl tlm outtlald jut- bhi tuirl t chlilroii to pirfmtion th t mi ifi4 to milton not saturday for th t4rii i uminn of tho sorla it thay win unl tli y almtull thu aerie will h- ov r if thoy loo u thlro cuni will i hi iixoobuiury tin fil low line lit thn 1m aourn m if ton all it i io a t obituary ithvrilsowlu a mitclikfu ii a in tha dutli of i toy ti tu- a mikbll it a ut lurotnba ahrta on monday i urn 11 ton confoirix0 if th method churah 1 oi- of thr wwihiteht cliurnotitr uim oa it mam wrahlp itav mr mliohall wa in tha ministry ror hourly ulsty yoara twi ty nvw ynurn ao ha wa tha minlaor of tha uatliodlut churrli laoraauwn iln waa eltcbty two ynurw nf ha wa miiihaniiuutihl it yur auo urtor u aiiroaaaful luiutoruto ut llutrllon avniiun chlirdl hjatollwrn 1i wa lh futhttr of ia c a mitrball of toronto who dutlnauuhwl lilmnt in thu uita war and i r mr it if mltchall of toronto itav mr mitchell wa lust winter hi california in muarua o health iutor b wont to vunoouvar wlinrn for u tlmi hn ahowikl improve tneiit in health a faw month su ha went to thu homo of 111 dauxhtar in urtimthi wliro ha had boon hvinc to tli tlm of hlu hulli thu rtnu t wim brouaht to toronto f r inter uhit a11c11i1iaij h1nclaih hill u at i u i i c 1 1 3 1 1 1 t 0 1 i o i a o allan n f uith i r fay r f hernial r alkali p mlltn fairs ploupgokt ftho four allescd pick ihck eta qeorue thompson of ilrantrord ueorvo miller alia samuel ureeu hrank carter and oaorae hick of hamilton charred with operating- in the aarl cultural iark at the county fair appeared neforo polico masuitratc dice with crown attorney dick prosecuting aa no loj than six lawyer for the tlcfenoo c w llell k c m j ollellly k c il h tatea and another k junior from hamilton j w currl of toronto and t a ikutchlnaon qf allltpn tha men evidently have plenty of mbney or money l um accor41nir to one of them tho lawyers who trf huth- tirloed men were all paid baforaythay went to the trial additional irifdrma- hon worn sworn lo by tjldel con stable chapman one of them a ohanf of sleallna ll from wm rcptt of tinjonlo tho prlaouoni were aj re nutndod until tutnriuiy cliajnploo jltiafu c clblmmu t kuley 3 h dmnn ti f ijorc li moloiiul i 3 h mautnrm 1 li msuilr i f white r r itauer r f a o o i o i i 0 o 0 0 snoo30 3 4 s 34 d acton all ii 11 io a k 4 0 0 4 4 0 4 s 0 0 1 4 113 0 1 3 1 0 1 0 j 4 x 1 0 1 3 i 7 s 0 3 0 0 13 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 31 8 6 11 10 k hniini by imiina milton 00400000 04 anton 1103004o summitry stolon ihaoeh 1 unork z chluliolm 3 1 inn z allan kayo kmuy drone ftoro molouuld 3 maater itauer buso on iwlls orf aiken 1 ollilwui 3 hit off alkans in 9 nihil 6 off llhlkin in b liinlnia h w pitch alkun left on huso milton acton 7 umpire crawfonl rehldlaconal conferane t guslph at the atchldluoonal confemnco held ollelph ut week there were nil dnlutcuteu from bt albans ohuruh the afohdeuoon for two licaierloa of hol land wolllniiton i the ilttv tr henlwm of hamilton a fond fare well wnu ttlv n tn the ven a c uank- tntoah who ivooome arohtlouoon of huldlmund and wuntworth gradlno tha egtf crop with u view to stimulating tho market for canadian egg hy estab lish i nu definite tandarda of quality tho ijve stock hranch of the depart ment of agriculture at ottawa ho devising a uyntem of grading and king whereby tha purchaser may know the character of the product ha i buy in before the price 1 paid put your own nam on llavo your own name and address printed or written on the outside of envelnimm en cloning letter or parcel sent by mall so they may be returned nopened if not delivered malt matter unreturn ible without the name and addrnuf of aeudnr on the outside and hu to he a nt to the icud letter owiw ruuwlng iloluy and tnqonven- 8l albans woman auxiliary st albun branch of the woman auxiliary held their oikenlng meeting tho ilrith hall on thursday last h n go4kl attendance it wa ui devotional and hualnoat meeting the ivealdent gavo a abort address and rafroahmetitm worn aervod h wa ilcclufwl hy the rnnmbar to hold a buumir und aula nf hakng the seaond yitiek of dvcomw thre day deanery meatlnfl the teautirlem of halton and weir llngtnn hlit a three day conference ouiph lust week ut ut aorg and ht jurtim churot uev q w toblm itural deun of halton had oh u ra of thu ohapter meeting of thin uuntry unil tuwlstei lniha stir vices in bt goorgem church aa wall a speaking nn young people work dur ing tho conference hav mr da ugh of ht alluin church attended the fere nee elmlra scholar dont want mueht tolmlra high mohoot uuptls nra hav ing a party election and feeling 1 ning high aspirant for oltco are making the uauul political promlaea und some of th popular plank urn shorter hour und longer holiday fewer leaaon nhd better- liutured teuohom longer lioura for lunah und ahortar hour for study rnoro nhado in imer and more aunahln in winter and froiiutiut plonlo cnllvuned by loo oreutii mupplhd hy tho school hoard correct lor in thn 1 in list of priaa wlnnure hat of prlao winner nt acton 1ni1 kulr puhllahatl lu tim kaaa vuxta laat week a couple uf crrorm ipud verteutly erupt in in the dairy ehtm thn huoond prtxn for the heat live pound of buttur in a crock was credit ed to mr it n urown ahd tho real win n or of thlu prlsn wua mrs jloht wurnt in the roou and vogetclde ciuhm thu pruo for the beat table hi at of thu turnip vurlwty should imvo been cradlud to mr i a smith instead of fcf v illnkham a son unoo ut kden mill friday oc- tolrer 30 strand 8 piece orchestra the dunk uhooung noanon is again a fuw duck are keen from ttma to tlmo on fa irl lake there ara n rtuntlmitr of young uoy in acton carrying lire nrmn around inside th town limits thlit constitutes a breuch of law tm well urt endnilgorlng tle llvoa ot uluaena tbairw punwrxl uwuy at lot 1 id i 1 rln towiinblp on yundsy ootoiwr 3 in bor 18th year mary bin lull- tha tttttoved wlfa of archibald hlnululr retire f of that town ship uml lnotbxr of mr itonald and uiaa uuruh sinclair of acton the lata mr sinclair wboa maiden liame wua mury mcluinhjirn qtnu to canada from isluy scotlund with her parent konutd and murgarat mrkucliarn uf whom hn was th only child wevanty- nvtui ynur ugo at tho tin uf lvar tlmlh ahn hud mi married to arthl wl 1 sin lair 01 ywr a urge family of the moliohnrii came frtim htlnd ulkmlt thl tlmo und anttlail in lha idin nlghlorh4h4l enduring all the hard- tiliii of th pioneer when tliat tatrl tory for many mlla round wa twin lug hut bush thoaa inclu la1 toul biothar luui- john archibald and ahgu and nvo autar ann margaral klora mary und catharine ann bo- tumn mr alex iferguson klora mrs llurr mary mr w u tyon of mil ton and catharlnt mr ilouald bin- ululr mr lyon rsprosenled thl coun ty in the ontario iloglatature foe huverwl your the dottiooed lady had a family of thirteen children thri of whom died in infancy and only si of whom survive her thuae are be- s itonald and barah kate and muloolm at home and archibald and in of oaprlngn one of tha da cuaitn4ln daughter triors who prode muomk h r mother wa the wife o uv matthew cree now of ilon don the decased lived with br itualhind for ulmul forty year on tha third una of icrln townnhlp about four mile from acton whura all her children wore horn and family moved to the present home about two mile rrom icrln village re they have wince resided she a first cousin of mesar augukl und itonald mcicucharn and uf mra wit lln oi allan of th 4tcond line btrin all thrno urn well known realdant of oil amotion tho funeral tha reaidanoe and grave on tuesday last wera conduatud by the uev- job llndauy und th largo turnout unlghborm und friend toatlfted tn the ttateem in which thn dapartotl held interment took place in family plot ut conlngsby the aiding the fire sulterers cltuan contrlbutlnd money clothlno etc and th council asked to donate s100 thnru hu 1mm n a good deal of ac tlvlty among our nltlaen in the otfort to uld in providing comforts and she tor for tho unfortunate wurforer in ic oontlugrutlon in northern ontario vn weak ago at the mooting in the town hall last prtduy evening called by iteevw har bor to necure ooncerteil acuon in thl imtkirtant enlnrprisu mr c c hon- uoraon wturuppolnud becretary-treaa- ths meeting pasacd a resolution re questing th council to forward a cheauo tor tj100 h wa also arranged that private contribution might be left at tho post otrtca or either ol tha bank friday was flxitd a receiving day tar wearing apparol and other article which citizens may oontrlbute tica will bo received from two to four and packed and sent forward on saturday morning an effort will ho made to secure u few barrel of bottled fruit to bond forward when it i remember that all the leunon s fruit prepared for winter uae for b 000 people now home- lea and destitute wa destroyed there vflh be few home her whluh could not spsro a jar r two ror those in want the member nf the molhodlat church commenced their act i vl tie be fore the meeting of oltlaen wa called they ahlpied last friday good valued at between 1400 and ibq0 and have tnnde cash contribution of upward or iso beside r iinderon b4ctaary ask u to btatel contribution of bedding and ulothlng of all kind tor children women and men arc urgently renuot- underwear of ull kind pnd chil dren clothing are especially needed mlttu cap aocka hosiery and wnlttad good ur also particularly mentioned all contribution a above will be received by the committee at the council chamber in the town hall on vylduy afternoon next from two to four oclock the need im immediate a rigorous weather cop tilt ion have already act in lu northern ontario and from eight to tan thousand neoplo nave lost everything thoao dealrlng to make contribution in cash will kindly leave their dona tion with mr c c henderson se cretary treasurer up to saturday ning next all subscription will be acknowledged through tho column of tilm van jaxa tho farm of mr ollwrt fcimnwf lot 31 con ceo ion 1 uuiiuealng ha iwen old to mr john w kratik halo u mudty by j a smith hear icatuie agent farm itoyu club a fin opportunity for we tarn far era sana to gain instruction thu organisation of club for boy on tho farm of manitoba ha become un important part of thu agricultural education tn the province club are organised- among other purpose for the ruining of pig and ta boy mem ber uf theae club ure spending thla wenk in winnipeg tho guestu of the lruvnolnl department of agriculture while in winnipeg thoy urp rostdlng in the manitoba agricultural college tho mumlng will be devoted to in- utructlon in llvo atock judging and to innpoatlnil uf tha atock yards eta theatre pititlf und banquet will fur nish thu aoolwl aldo uf thehr week vlut lo the city i court news violator of th ontario ttmpirinc act and other pay penalties on thu night of ooorketowu halr thraa man who had nvldently ih en ln- dulslng lit intoxicants ran into tlt- clutchrui uf hispvctor ltamvety and chief ju kaon thny wore summoneil to up paur ufom 1 olloa maglatrute mot r ii saturday for trial on tlurwuy artvrnooii on of th trio thoiriun hykaa ram- to th msgu unto ufthai and phuidtwl guilty lit wa niiwl lo an i ttwtx thl being hi nmt onton4m vhiiii put on oath for discovery of the nmr of hi 11 i uopply tha dafandant sworn that waa th laat iwitlla of a supply put in tor ukklioo lu 1031 1 got wat lha day of thn klr and took too mu outla m drunk thl will not ttcruf agahr a my wlfa ancur tha bottle und smsahwl it thuriwlay ovunlng another three m h it id rnm to maglsuau moom sod plnadnd guilty in tha chargn of balug intoxlrulihl in a public pluo iii exnuihi wu that he secure a scrlt t fiom lr william for alcohol for extruul upplliatlon with thl he bought alxlneii ounm of alcohol uuiimw ai drng store h got wet and cold on lulr day und want homo and dllutod mome of tha uluohil and drank it it mutlti him drunk and sick whan my wlf auw i wu drunk ah got the utllr which stilt had about all tiunrcd of alcohol ami smashed it hugh iogun of olenwilllams got on u sprim on wlday tl eth inal und wa t uttlng up dido at terra ott insihtctor itanvely wa notlnad want to tarru cot to anil arras ted uguli ha wa iwllad out and hi trial oat for tli 11th inat on wednes day th 11th h- pleaded guilty bafora muglatraln mtnire thl wa not bt first oifince nor bt second nor hut third tha magistrate ramlndod him 1 whan hu lust appeared before i th nun wua mod sco oo with nolle in court that ror a aub- swiuaiit oltuitoa thn maximum penalty il bn impomml the nno wa therefore fixed at kloo and coat a haqua tor 1114 10 wu accordingly i resented a toronto young man wa charged by chief cihinoy with spwullng in a motor car over street intersection on hill street thl breach of the motor vehliln act rtut him 35 00 and coat rootloil tlnorgetown boy charg4ht willi wilfully damaging the nvotor cur of harry tlllaon and llobert und oliver hu k on august 3c last mmc up for trial befor iollce magut- trute moorn ut the town hall acton on monday i afternoon it oeem that the rourtenn lad wwe member of lkirgetown junior llaaeball cluli thoy warn ut campbell villa nn the abov dstu und won their first match of thx mou rrom campbellvine that day they ware returning home in a motor trmlc and oealng tha lulaon und lluck earn on the slda of tha road aume of the troy connalved the idea of celebrating their victory hy atoning the motor cur the windshield were muliix the top broken through and other damage perpetrated certifi cate wer prekunted to tha court from a milton ruruge proprietor showing that dulnagv amounting to 31716 auaulne by llllaon vr and 37 00 to hunk fur tour of tha lad plead ed guilty to tho charge laid and their oomu nloiul idgnlfled their wllllngnt to aiuilht lu tho lutyment of tho damage und roalx the iwiy range from twelve itliietoeii leir of age tho total omih unl damugv amounted to fill 10 the hub intro to imlntod out tha aerlou chaructir uf mullciou damage pmimtrty which la a criminal offense wild punlahabto by two year i m prison to imimtoe fine would be further burden upon their parent who are already responsible for the damage t upon tho pleilge of good brhavlor in tho future and an bonet offort to earn money during holiday hour to recoup their parent for th expense incurred by the misconduct which resulted in the trial juat held the boy were discharged on suspended wenteucea social and personal mr harold it- atiirs4tn f tor unto pent sunday hare mr w d ici f t i ovnr ih wk rn1 nlo wa home mr flordou uii of to onto wu homo ovr th wk p 1 mr lrl uaddorb ut tt r onto wa home over thn wk nd mlod olady hurrmuti nf tor nlo wu lionut over tho w k mi 1 mr it m ltolhtrtaou or t nlo wu a wk anil visitor h r mr and mrs twlwln uu llork uf tom ii o spent tha wok und 1- ulu itelwmm llumluy ukcut luut wmu vllllng rriand lir aliut u mr ttio ltumlay uiul her at n vi4tor knoloiad lo a ills tort on tuesday gaol w g c ky wu hou from toronto mtxllcal t ollc over tlo waiuk old mr a ie4h4r uml duughtar null jr vlailtltig iii ti rtiiitu ull i a u ror a thl week mr k j afoom and jolyu lrov u frnni toronto katurlay slid bpant th urtui ut m iifli mr und mr flortlon wutaon uf toronto vulltxl at tho homo of ciun- lllor c if harrison last wk mlaa murjorlo llopv of toronto la pending a few day thl woek at tha home or mr it lw johnatou irs harry mcdonald slid mis corvtia and mr klmira johnaton spett bunday with hamuton frit nd mr j w ttinmiuuni of hamjltnn iflltad with her parent lust week mr ami mr albert f locator ijikt avenue mr harold uowat and ml olive id jesaln mowat of toronto vudtad the parental homo ttvi r tho week id mis iaura spniwt nil run won oper ated on laat vrhluy at guelph hopia for appendlcltt hh i making good anouier 9100000 eridse at oakvllle new hlflh llvl brldo to rsplace old aberdeenbride t oakvllle a meeting of hulton county council oakvllle town council und hon v o illggs minister of tubllo work wa i at oukvlllo on thursday of laat week to consider tha replacement of the old aberdeen bridge on col i jo rn street un tho to run to- 1 lu initio n high way with a new eouurvtn high level the town of oukvlllo can get it much desired bridge over sixteenmile crock along tho toronto- ii am 11 tori highway provided ii ut willing to pay 30 tier cent of thu coal and provided call persuade the county of hulton puy another 3 per cent that wax thn tneaaagc brought by hon if c lllgg mi nt tor of 1ubllc works v ui attended thl meeting of county and town council and who took along meosru w t mclean deputy minister of highway und cjoorge hugharty nf tke hlghwuy de partment to explain juat what would be required of the town and the county what will be rtxiulred of them u forty per cent uf tha wmt of construct ing a bridge which it u eat i muted will ooctl atkiut bg 000 on top uf that the town of oakvllle will be nxpeotod to supply the material for a 34 000 cubic yard fill though thuy will not he asked to pay the coat of jiaulage thl mean an extra throe per cunt added to oakvllle aharo of tho expenditure the deputy minister had with hlro lu borate puum to uhow that if ttfe town and the county both ugreo to th scheme a oemeut urch brldgn will be built practically on thu love i though there will be a three per cent grade at the east and lie oovtjtumunl u wlllltur to iiear 60 per cunt uf a structure sss feet long und hon mr lllgg urged th hnul oiriolul to tnuke up uielr tnlnls about the mutter uu qulcky u po alhhi um tho job i u neumonal one and he want to udd the work to thu yiultituklim uf tiext aprlng provided the itlou goen through thla yoal 11 would take six month to count rue t und in the meantime a hultable dutour would ire provided burn wu ooualdurabli duouualnii ovir the plojttit which ujtowetl tliut imth ouuviiih und tha nounty wo it ii ruvmii nt but they uuked little tnotv tlmto ooimld r matters mr w ii murdeii keeva of trofaigur wa willing to go uhoad ut once and ht aiild u much in the form of a reoolu- tiou but hu lont out when mover j it klllntt uml w a irvlu uf b3quoi lug twine along with a huggeatlon that thny should nut uoni to a decision u hu llijl jlrxt meeting uf the county count ii thl motion curried by mix to llvo hon mr ulggh ugceed that tho oilulnls hhuuld hay the added tlmo for cnuuldorallou un h mudti it plulu tbut hn wim nut trying to force their huud in any wuy ho merely i wtm tod thtui know coat and other da cinilltloim and tlio decinlqii would rout i cii with uwrn ni klv u h coasmor ii f no igaweya wa tha guaat bf mr and r w kl wordea church street rlurlng hi stay in town over sunday mr und mr luchurd mlby of tha lloyne trafalgar calebrated their giild- waddlng annlvaraary nurrounded by all thole children twelva grand rhlldren and on great graivhton last thurwtay r and mrs krod funk or toi uto have liaiuvthl tn lunghompton n y where mr kunk ha secured a good poalthm they arrivnl ut their nw home on bat unlay and are now get ting nicely settled r w ii hpelght toronto wa so rr recovered from tho recant aovaro injuria which he auatalnod flvawsek ago ynatentay that hn wo able to be removed home from the hospltal i now making good progre rd recovery r and mra- w george wilson ot tcaujucwlng announce tha ngagement of their only daughter ilorillu kdna to mr john stanley gowland youngest son uf the lato mr and mrs gsorgn gowland of nelson the marriage to take pluco on october is many a glad hand wa ex landed it alex wuldla haa thu venerable senior elder of knox oh urch laat sunday morning when he appeared tn hi customary place at tho warvtce after hi critical illuea uhd itoapltal experience mr waldle ha quite re covered and i a well u most men of hi ago much sympathy ut felt for mr and and mack hollingor or acton in thu death uf their infant won james albert in hi fourth year who succumbed to an attack of croup on saturday last the interment took placai to turhi cam alary on monday lleside hi parent two ulster and a brother survive advpeajta erin had splendid fair the unfavonsbu wathsr dut hot dtr larii attendance notwithstanding that tho first day of icrln fair wa wot ami dlaagroeable and the cond day wu cold and showery the valr provwl to be ono of the most succe in it history if la estimated that about 7 000 person ere in attendance the ahow had many attractive fea tures tho dlspuy in thn hall wa ttetter than for many yearn vegetable flower and fruit wuro o u tats n ding laaoo otato4 mudo a magnlfloent bowing the various olaasa of women m wiirk wern laruer than usual especially in tho oullnary nlaaso bivoedlng in tha ring formed part of the day ovinia tho winner in the fre for all event being ilertlia watah ownotl by dr itlddell orangevllle kdlth mokarron dr ulubli caledon lily direct jerry kauu orungovllle the i 30 trot of para tho winner re mickey todd w hillock cala don jean johnston d mcarthur caledon job my carlo d mcallluter win alt extra good turnout wa holed in ull classe of horse cuttle uheep pig swlno ill tho horse ring thu highstepping olua wu won hy ilobt ksrr acton single road horse wm wheeler erin heat ludy driver mr deaaey georgetown irtutt gentla- i driver j 1 loose y ooorgetown lat single turnout w v orr 1ln hergt j clunnem woat toronto had u big pipe tutntl a an uttruutlon ami the department of cam upd waherle had a very in tore ting duplay on view 1 resident jame mlllow ami secre tary a c mcmillan received congra tulation on the auccea of the valr on ull ulitett- vaul fjl from apple tree deri turner csmpbellvllla while picking apple in bin orchard n the farm near cuniphollvlhu on w4lndhlay of last woek alfred j ii turner had the mlafortuno to full from it limb about ilftuun root to the ground impact resulted in concussion of tho brain he never rallloj utid iluath came on monday mi turner waa rqrtyuoven years of ugo h wa thn aon of mr und mr ii turner und won born ut icrlii lulr thirtyseven youru ugo tha fumlly moved to campbullvlllo and th tntvnt of hut life wsu tin reroro upent liutho community where ho hiulmuny friend and wu highly wtoemod twenty one year ago lust june da- ceuaed wa married to mary jane congntn daughter of mr and mra samuel congdnn nil of whom uurvlva ara three chlldrtn alfred 17 your of nge mury 14 and i uu b three brother and a mlatei uuo uur- vlvei walter at gult vrl in tonuito will at home and mr june ut lull turner wa un t in rt lumln r aawyer und for ynura muwoii at tin murray crawford mills the runeral will bo hold this thurs day afternoon ut 3 o qlock lo st john u chun h cnnipltellvlllo iidgn 1 o u no hulwlll nolclutw 41 eeny ujtu1aaa yl aiitk lw hi