hi gtyr artnnatrpfftatbfl l- riujhfloav hkitiiuiilut 2h 1d13 keep on moving two fro fall inti him r k rnliiif hit y fount tim i wuli l in i fn a 14 h kihh try thn tit 1 1 my im tin iio uhurriiml up th r uo i hind then totliliitf ilk ful mlikl- w wiion tlm iicmt tuiiniliiif thla mktfy wu found on u put f f rim 1 1 i iltl r h rloulod it 1 1 ii 1 hut i loti ilk wlttl 111- 1 k- luvlutf the sunday school lessoh for sonoav octqber i izz lilittii ov john til 111 ha1- i uk 1 h 13 i text ho hull ih amnt in iiiit fir il 1a rd and ho rjhull r atrmiu drink- humor in the canadian pacific rockies as seen by a famous american cartoonist tuese tturi5rjtwaueietowsstkaxiirerr rentue sccmcov twenty ycah8 aqo from tlta ibu of tha fra prh of thursday octobar z 1002 two iiim ku of wihl icwuhi nw wfuth wtinl thu tuiut w k ov i town iuiinrm jir t with their ni iciwhtwii of our iiimnh took im wnolern cvmimlun to hnrnla taint point wont luht wwk kull whoij 1m woklnk vary wll jut now in wnia llelda dim plants urn rtv iiiuiiom ou i ills -i- lux iw t hut unlay oven in wo vb had for- many month there was aomathlua umlas ut tlm pownr kvniy fuiraor whu iimm wood to dla i mum l la pro pur in- to illivr hm mn as the call work la aver it la mr- oily imiiiovoj that riw will rulo hbjh ft at tho boarlnnln of thn ruld woollier than thay will ih at chrlilnuu mr a a wnrmlmwjmr atova dealer and tinsmith hua dorldnd to dlakme ot hla business and after a main of t hla stock of atovm tin and -i-anlte- ware at actual roat will take a situa tion in luelph air c c fat hu purchased the tool and mw dwurul 81 a ban a church presented an un usually altruitlvo appoamnce tin hun- day in ita hwrvoat foatlval dma i ley j k ooddon w a tho rvdor prasrh- lpproiirijto and impressive aauroona tharv waa a aail homo rvmlnc yes terday whan mr fjeoraa wljda or main b treat urouoht hlu aon jamea homo from cloorttown whr h aurtorod tho loaa of hla lit foot at tha lntp on uonduy ivvnug with a quartatta of comiutnlonm younf wild w uftorsofown nn a rmbiht traln uavln hr at 7 30 when they arrived at tho whlta bridan wllda jumpd off but iihh1 uiirt hla foot wit caught by a car whaai and iruahd to a jolly al lha lnat ha waa ramoved to tho curie ifojiwa wlinre lr qy of acton nd lr nixon tif imirgviuwn umpu fatad tho injumi portion of tho foot it hlatorloal satllng 5 u i krwn ualarhl till john t thfm wan no nnmhol our uaaon fol iowm in loflinl ordor in taking up th atory of th hlrth of john vnraa i zaciharua tho tirlnat la imro rohrrihl to tho prlata wn iijviiihi litu twenty four ruuiiox op avrvlnc in th torn flit two whm durltik llio yaar j vofw vtlnirm worn many amall tawka iiiiiiikiik1 with tlm tnmplo mir- viit tin auprtnk waa that uf nnlxrlilk into tho ttoiy fum to liinm lnciiwj tit kim wirn many i rirht t thlm prlvllnco wi not ilka ly to fall to u i riaat tnatiy ttmnm in r liftlllif vor 10- it waa tl4 nuatom of tho dsvout to kuthi in tli rouft for pray- uf at tha houra of tnomliik and avanlna worxhlp vorhfl ii w four hundml yoara koreen railway time tahlra at acton oramf trunk railay syatani no ii oolna waot d ik i1 vllltth w havo vvrao llthb waa th natural fl- of awn in the proaaixi of th auimir tura vtru u tint pruyor nf tho rliim m la not dlaraicardad in hnavan vvraci 14 tho oflmlivf or a aon into lha chlldlmaa homo moant joy loiter john broujih joy to many b john did not urhlovo yrratnaaa acthirdlntf in th world a mtandarda ho w to llvo fh ufi laolf denial not yield in to tha luatm of th fleah li jona mlnlatry la nilmont of thla pmphary varao 17 john waa tho fulflllniant of tha prophacy mai 4 6 that kujah hould pracodo th moaalah aocordlna to human uwn th aitrsl d promlwmf tho impoaalblo inw ib only two haavanly blnca manlionad by nama iabru1 and mlrhaol vra 3 thla wva to ha both a tiunlahroont and mrowf to zarharlaa vnrao 11 it waa nuatomary for tha poopl to larry for i ho bloaalns of tha prioal the critical barber nov i lata it aooma aro no herooa shjmti- barbnrm mr thomaa i lardy a ruer recently conodod fo mr v had- land tavbj that fn hla opinion tho novollat la a aadly ornrratad man tho follow a comment am report td by mr avla to tho itookman wpro thoao buch a qutot utua man you d novrr know h waa thonuu hardy buch an old ovitroout and such a bajecy umbrallal he uaod to talk to mo about ijonrion aa it waa yra ao whan cock rbzh tin waa all tha race never read hla boolfa and never want to american seem to think a lot of bira orto came in hrn not tony ajco ijeld ha hean thonuu hardyr oh yaal i aald he aat in tha chair you r ittinjt in in thla chirt a ho u ted tha ameri can much excited ya i aald 1 out mr hardy hlr old you keep the hali you cut obt aaked the cuatomer pultiiur hbt hand into hla pocket i no aald 1 t dldn t well that a a pity replied the yankee becauae tf you had 1 d have bouabt it t the name of lacrosse althoush the white men adopted the v came of lacroaae from the indiana they invented their own oamo tor it 1 it would have been impossible to call it by any of the name uaed by the indiana with the poaalbl exception of tmunrtaway kven that one al- tbouxh you can aay it u rather mouthful ijefn to aome of the other the alfonqulna called it tnlont- avalkaaneka the iroquola aave if a name which baa been rendered thue tehontehlk- aheka the french found it eaaler to invent a name of their own the atlcka that the indiana uaed looked tike a blahope croaler and acoordlnsly the flrat aet- tlera apoke or the implement mm la craaee in the oourae of tune the two inrench word came together into the modern lacroaae there are atlll soma old fashioned persona who apeak or tha ucroaaesuck aa tho do not allow worm to amp tha vital ity of your hudron if not attended to worms may work irreaparablo harm to the constitution of the infanl the utile aubfarer cannot voice their ali ment but there are many abjna by which mother are made aware that- a doae of mllura worm rowdora la neaaasary these iwdera act quickly and will expel worms from the system without any inconvenience to tho child sentry and general it was blr william ilirdwooda prac tice when tourliur tha tranches carry hut helmet in his bond incident ally he always jwom hla hair vary anort on one occasion a certain sentry did qot salute the aeneral no a atant office fall behind to oak the reason the man replied that he dldn t know who it was and muttered as tho officer left how can i know tnt with fab ed ilka that why doesnt wear reavers like any other bird would f once in australia a man uaked bfrdwood ir ho remembered him the general didnt wall you ought to said the man awcause in the tranches one ntsht you put your foot in my stomach woh was the retort it evidently made a deeper impreaalon on you than upon me a household med loin they ttut are acquainted with the aterlln pro perties of dr thomas lcclectrlc oil in tho treatment of many u menta would not be without it in the houao ith truly n household medicine uud as it la effective in doallnm with muni ordinary complaints it is n lna- pensleo medicine o kop it at hand ua the call for it may come moat un expectedly i ii- it was easily iosblba for tnaka thla much known vii though he oouluv not zacharlaa to them speak illuatraud truth moat of un ar alow ut heart whn it cumm to bellevlntf that our ion da layed hoiiaa huve bean rmilinnlv ib illustration a man who spont the bnat yeant or hbt ufa and all of hla money pro bin ft for an underground etreanrof water that waa to transform hla arid land was angry and declared that acme one waa try in to play a trick on him when a at ream or water aruahim up and ik- sun to overflow hla nelda i topics far reeaareh and disaueolon i in the holy place vo 8ji 1 how do you account tor the absence of prophecy ror four hundred years t 3 who waa icachariaat i- what can you tell of the ouatoms about aervln ln tho temple t ii a heavenly vision vs u 13 4 how did zachahaa fee when ha saw th anr it y was it or was it not to hla credit that he waa afraid erhw would yoo fllatlnsulah between the rbxht and tbe wrom kind of foar of oodf hi a wonderful meaaajre va 11- 17 what was the first informa tion imparted to zacharlaat 7 to what petition did the angel refer t i what wra aomt of the thin he i told about the child t v a doubt and a bum vs jbsi 9 what did zanharlaa question tell of his attitude of mlndt 10 what proof waa liven hirot 11 waa hla loss or speech merely a alffnt v dally roadlnos for nt waek monday october xy the ulrth or jeaua luko 3 1 17 tuesday october 9l the shepherds visit ijiks 1 ft- 10 wednesday october 4 the child in tbe temple luke xi h1s thursday october b the boyhood of jeaua iuke s 49u friday october ft the doyhood of david tl banw 1 4ls saturday october 7 the woyhqod of timothy 1 tim s 1417 sunday october 8 the kln illrth and klnsdom 1st 17 ip she were tkacwfr little girl if i were m teacher 1 d make everybody behave aunty how would you accomplish that 7 uttle olrl very easily when clrla waa bad id tall them they dldnt look pretty and when little boys was bad d make them alt with tho glrb nod when bis boys waa bad i wouldn t let thorn ait with the lrls many have been relieved of corns by hollowaya corn ilwnonr it has u powor of ita own that will te found effect i vo patched in wrong place a lady advertised for a man to work in her ydeni and two men applied for the jtjb while aha waa lntarvlew- injr tboro on the lawn she noticed thai her mother on the porch was making slons tor har to sjhooie the shorter of the two men which she finally did whan the ladles were alone tho daughter said why did you alttut 1 mo to chooav the shorter man mother t tha othe one had a much batter face face returned the old lady when you are picking out f tnan to work in your uayden you want to go by his overalls if they re patched on tho knaea you want him but if they re patched on the neat you don t worms in children if they be not attended to cauoe convulsions and often death mother graves worm kit term 1ns tor will protect the children from these d is trees ins affile lions what the reindeer does the teacher had been glvlns an ao- oount of the telndcer ita haunts habits and usea one uttle urchin waa not loylnb the slightest attention bo iho teacher asked hbn now what is the use or tha rein deer r tho startled urchin looked up and u1 f qt mukosj everything in tha v card en ioyvir tattohec jthe ready answer a city bualneos man was vary keen on having proficient clerks in his em ploy before a clerk could enter his office be was required to pass a writ ten examination on his knowledge or 1 uslnasa at one examination one of the ques tions was who formed the first com pany r a certain brbxht youth was a little puuled at this but was not to be floored he wrote noah successfully floated a company while the rest of the world was liquidation he passed london answers tha man with asthma almost lonca for death to end hla j surf oritur he aeee nheud only years of endless uf- fortnv with intervals of rest which ara themselves fraught with never ceaslnc fear of renewed attacks let him turn a dr j d kellosata asthma itemedy and know what comilete rellaf it can klve let him but use it faith ftiljy and ha will find hl asthma a thill rf the past prepare for winter wo have now in stock a full lino of ladies and misses winter coats the materials aro velours silvortoncs and chin chillas and they are tailored in the latest styles among tho styles shpwn aro tho loose back models belted models and the popular mannish styles tho fur trimmed models have nhawl and convertible collars of rich beaverlne black nstraknn and coney the colors ara navy black maroon and tho seasons favor ite brown it would pay anyone who contemplates buying a coat to look over our stock as our prices are lower than the city stores and we have an extra largo range to chooso from we stock better goods at a lower price l starkman acton phone 69 open evenings 1 hectric washers blue bird x w55 a b a 135 miss simplicity wo are now able to supply any one of these throe lines which gives you a choice when dealing with us of any style of washer that is on tho market easy terms otpwyqtenr may be arranged for and there is no need of you waiting until you have the ready cash let tho washer pay for itself each month a machinp will be placed in your home on trial without any obligation or titponw of any sort on your part norman h speight georgetown distributor for geoqtovnc milton acton brampton specials i 2 only 3 burner florence automatic oil stoves with success ovens regularly 30 00 sale price 2500 i only 4 burndr florence automatic dil stove with success oven regularly 3 00 sale price 33 ogv f screen doors 20 per cent off regular prices to clear v all lines of baseball goods reduced 20 per cent to clear wo need the room for fall goods i get our estimate on all heating plumbing and electric wiring work it will pay you now is the time to have us put that furnace and the stoves in shape for winter when wo can give you good sorvice quautv goods reasonable prices j w kennedy son main street acton phone 9 exaggerating the value of community tastes mont fit uh ura in tliwikor of vxnuiff uliiiu tlx impol tutu a of k mi hit tu at ftiut lliut hoiitt ono liku tho uam lionkh tlutt w do or t njoyw tlm taimo mmuth tli on not ptovit lilm un lilnul uhhixiiuit ft r tim niiiolldum filiii uhin lu nil tho more i nlihil nil ilio moro ullmultainic be uumu of llialllllllir ttlutem tho ool nuluii will lt ititi iiatily littoritattnl in tli uu miiy hu more luilpid by the fr itll luliln of it mtiklliiiiu aluoamutii than by th rli tuluhlp nf of a hitlf udosaii uthlotus i ho iflrl who huou to imam vol u hook of khjinh will do wall to t iiltivutii tin uoflloty of lior pruollcnl ih itflilwir who htuj it way of turnlnif tho miiut oommnnplucit lioum hold nor vl u into imntity ft ilr inulliiu if like tho pioplo who onjoy lie mime thltitts we joy yot notiiliio is uo iiiiuifo u foun- dutloii for filoijduhlp us community of timou wo ahnulil not uloot one n hlli i lima in our nffitotloiui bo mo lin iroforetl puiiipklll vlo to nny or ovtn thoush thnt wvro iiloo out prfaraiico anil similar taatna in ut tui ilmlliir mihtlol loyalties or lomluiitlonal pi of uinnonu sliould count hm lit tin ewtarnally or it is good win n uinillnil extorniilly by brisk ibhlnu jjf thonuta luclctrlo oil npniih lliu lirei iiimi ponotmteh tho tunilu tnuclilutf tho mut of tlm trouble toiil immqllataly urtonliiuf rallef ail- inluion i intemiilly it will still the irrioitloii in tho throat which itiluota uifhltu uiiil will rtlluvo urrotlotia of n jiroiuliul tuhfim uud rosplratory r iry it uml bit tonvlniuil more than vour share holf hui rlltoo niunt bo uuimlliui or it ilufcuts llhotf wa nil know poonle who iirii aoirihlfoi thu simula roaaou hint nonin one aim has yellod to thurn aontiinmlly uid uo nooilleaaly that thoy huvo boino to fo tlmt thbj is the liuturnl tliluir jolhlme is more uri- lovnly than thoitalm uhaumptlon that ones own omfort uitl ptcusuro nro or uupicme hm urtunnti and thla is only pomitlil whan thu fat llntf tuui txuii foatcn 1 ky lltirtiutkinublo sucritloa on tho pun of othom do pot bo aoinsh in tha mutter of xnlf auurincu do not ohnut otlut people nut of limit mhr of nlvlnif u tor if you jo ull tho utmjriloltif uml some onu euo ull thu noci pttnr thut mouuis that your gultt in nhuruutsr is olynet by iiontlinrm iohh lht- sura unit you are not imlnltik to mnlm aotnatiody nppoll- illklyaultlhli by tuklnif morn thut your uliiir of tlio opiortiiultlvs to uucrlocti iciiwhrd 0 morton hunduy i oolnp eaat 11a ii axcapt hunday ially apt hunday n dully wpt hunday lluiulay only i hnihluv only hunday only whl h it ft t ronto i hatunlxym in w runs tlm mil loi vmlicht ilawvnrml b spoclal nfprasoj rralnht kralsht picked up at an ad in toronto tc t tit urnoki asant aoton attention bring your cream and eggs to acton creamery co- open fcvejiings tuesday friday and saturday also wednesday jftrnoons b iiiuhest market trice at au times our motto quality the acton creamery co e j gneii proprfeliir dodge brothers studebaker motor cars carriage and automobile repairing carriage rubber tires applied j n oneill son georgetown milton actc qold from ontario acorillnif to ii11 miliary nut i mutes thn pniduittlnn of anlil tlurilijir au from tint ml urn of nortliom ontario ruiictunl tlm liliclinut iiiiionl in history whim the totul ylali yhh valued at upproxlmittnly iitmoooo for tlio thirty ono ilnyw cif tlio month lolabt minus contrlhutml in the outimt throe being in imrcupinu uml llvo in klrkliuul louik in poixnnilnu thu proiluoors lu the nnli r of iiikih ut vnuio pronuooil wero llollliikir coiiholl ilut oil do mo ulnea it ml miiliityru raruuplnn while in thu klrkhiiiil imh held the rive produoora uppoitt in tlm followtnif onlor teak- huuluih wright llurriivi iika hhoru kiiktiwml tjikit mid klrklanil ijiue lri rotary these intuitu b show tlmt for thn first tlmo in the hlntifry of sold inlnluir in onuiflo the in tul production of old nxcoudod u lntv of lisflooooo u yuiil pehbiotinq enehoy that will not give up it hutf in n nuld hut itveniko ubluty in oiiniihti to hrllut n nmn to dlstlno- tion provldnl ih ut into it untiring incrwy mont of us hnva nblllry onouati f i mniiib ii m oohh we full us atuilniiti lint bocauso wo ur atupld but hotiuiho it is mo hnnl to ohmpel our binlna to do their hunt work wa full in hiihliierm bin tun our norify u illvidoil bt iwouii our iiusidihs wml u number of i thui tliliu- w fall to rinllf our hlmils botuuau yv tiro out on tint wuy it is will for uh to realise tlmt fw nun who potato tln top ura uituiik ibln iixonpt in pnnilmtcnt onertfv lint will not ulvo up and anas nnt tiro irummk tlint wl castoria infants and children mothers know that genuine castotia alvraya beats the signature of individual instruction la hitauretl to students onrnllln in gitelph business college quelph ont wltltk will ialtticijimhh v d hikott 1 rlnrlpal k k briatucsajatwof tforonto on ana e k- cook can bpuplt tcolt shirts collars tics handker chiefs buttons and studs arm bands garters suspenders shoe laces gloves mitts in soles shoe polish and he doeant ask bin profltfl either call and see e k cook uxlu urnktr acton speights 1 for v- hardware cxjrwmy tuxvnnwaub dbabatbwallh tinwakb sporting good3 uookbv tbnn1s j gramophones mccoiuml needles 1 i prioes riqht satisfaction guaranteed c c speight mm stmt acton thirty years castoria m edwards co bakery main street acton vlmmt to w st cooler bread buns cakes and pastry always on hand and prcsh as we have addoii package goods to our stock will deliver any orders given to our briver or left at store or by phono wagon on road every day k m edwards co wo use the best materials wo can buy in qur baking v frepress ads bring results casttor forlnfants and children la usrwoyr so years always boats ms rsianamrs of i s3 u n kji