qujr artmt stm 9kb timiiinuay hkiticmiucu m dj tell him now if witt ill luulw you un vluwlntf uny work is lining ir you lib jihii or lv liui ml lm ixj nt wlt hholl lour uppmlutlii till tha imiuoii n mk uiutlot a djn ii willi i nowy ii1is cr lii- fo utlr ii v yon uhout ii ti rnully u1 l mm 1 ii ho wont know l rm you li luvn uh ir yuu tli ink mr no prulua it due him tha lit ii ill 11 in him ii r ui tultt r ud hw tooilmtoto when h i leuil mi rr llui i funic mill iuru than inonoy is t jut kind mtul hunny a il tlni limrtv wurm approval of a anil makes rnu your iinilm imiitnw it if llku him it lilm know it nf true tinoourugamant neighborhood news- town and country tvbrton uv ur 1nrkhouh of sault ble murle j will preach in lha disciple i churrh fur the next three month ml- j m hmullhorn has returned to mongolia uiw having spent nor vacation with her muthar mrs john bmullhorn ur henry urlndell via i tad friends id the old horn her- durg tha wmil ur orindsll itss been wing at fort william stnae ha laft acton un twalva years ago duhlinqton mr unl mr george ululr have turnod from a trip to montreal quebec and the saguenay t mr c j corwln has sold tha ula ie doran property ut present owned hy ur w ii korea to ur y ii umhiim of north liny tho inmmltlee in charge of the pro- loaod hoapltal for durungton an ur- rungiivit highclass concert for oo- tobr 4 llryoe andamoil of the i toys i sank stuff maw york und wife are visaing ilia puronu ut tha man anniversary sarvlooa will ba held ut kant plain methodist church on bun- day onto br b of ternoon ulld evening hey w w peoootl of kltchsnar former pastor of several years mso will preach at both service r nelson hural school jtajr was bold at nelson village on monday a flapuuulon from tho jlothodlat hnnilny school pld uaurvfu vlalt to tha homo of mr and alra win copautnd onn ovnlnc hut k and ttmatinted thorn with a doun allvar too apoondnnd a butter knlfa ur john f ucdrath of tha icnn- aylvanu jlnllwny now york city v s vultad mra iraoott of apploby will procd by boat down tha lrat luka to montreal to vialt tha orlclals uvt rsady for tho rammift aal u ba hold in tho womnni wairare build in on baptamlmr so undar tha aus- picaa of tha lad lea aid of tha uatha idut church if you want cloth nf and houaahold artlcioa cheap mako plana to vlalt thla aala about alxht oclock on sunday vn- tnf uutt tho fireman war a una monad to tha home of mr jomm on clark afonuo whr a flnt had atartad in tho floor from a aruto tha ocou- panta of tha hotiaa and nalshbora workadt for nearly an hour with a cardan house in the oeltar trylov to put out tha flra but upparantly waro una b la to locals tha aaat of tba trouble km it contlnuad to amouldar thoflrl- rnen on thalr arrtvaj tore up the floor and aoon axtlnjrulafaed tho lira oaa- etto ulton town hall uat uonday nisht it waa dooldod to oraanlao junior hockey club for tha oomlnjf mamii mr und mra uatt tolfar of wid- hnm apont a fnw holl day a at hta old homo hare tho otuunplonanlp school fair will ba held on the flrat day of the imiitoi fair friday saptamber j although a many nj over a hundred prisoner have been oonflned in the 8ol here durlna the paat year the number baa dwindled down to one with two out on bail the four new brick residence belns areoted by judge bluott and ueaor m l nixon alex armatroiut and c davldaon will when completed b qulta an uddltlon to mlltona jbaa dwelllnaa a4vernor and ur a mcolbbon whq have been on an extended trip to tha northwmt and rluh columbia re turn mi home liut friday much plea ed with uielr outing- which waa aleo banefloul to the if health knosr- church unnlveraryarvloa will be held ori bundoyroctobar ie itov a c stewart of acton will bo the prhr irampton and ullton eiujvaed in friendly tonnla tournament on t court of tha utlton tennla club lat saturday of the nineteen event the reprenentatlve of the 1 tramp ton lhh school won twelve arninvom are belna made to hold the fourth annual memorial er- vlco in victoria iark sunday af ternoon octobar 1 next order of ervloe will k the unn a former ocoaalon and will include an appro priate uddrea by a promlnant apeaker the milton hlgb school athletic am- jkklatlon ho boon reorganised for the onuulnjf year with the following odlcomi 1realdent s uobortaon vloe- prealdont j a ikon secretary treo urer l uttle form itepreaenutlve flrat a c hill flrat u c cannon second j hannnut third jl stewart fourth a uoore talk about u land flowing with milk und honey where will you rind a better or truer raprettentatloti of a laud of hut dnecrlptlon thun our own province of ontario and eapeclally of our own rtifht llttla tt lutlo county of uauont if we urn not a favored people thoti there never wu i a favoreii people champion nan in tli rnunn of tiro ron flu tod tha t iwth r won thn awvat- out klrl km lw tl my nojtrt l mwhllo ll tl ihly i ir of lv nl mn ky than ono nna day rot henry und klhr wr iww ur awry uml thl luinu im umlr ut u huppy limin ii tu 1 ml mm i awry tun tkint any oruiit tnitii in liiwn ftrowliiu oruiiifii lillam und hu kriiw wtiiiuah evnry yr for u wlmlo twntrih of july puruitn whyt iiihuuhu ulio wuh tiorn uml lironaht up hi imluiid hour tin twiiku of th 1 toy no perfantioi oniiitfini lint i atlmbro 1- tliurm till th okl man wedluim on the autumn and lb activities tliu kmh1 old month of tjetmbr mibm thi lull hi tlii road fril thu kmhi old numnwr hint th vututloi duy ut th ym u th htmnuitu ulu urknt parhxl of autumn tm ulmuti an told li that uutuutn nnimnncwl laat triiunmtny morning the llat of tho mouth but tha nun jlid not cro the eiiuntor until ilattmlay ntornlnk s oulock wlth the i i mil nit f ij fall atiuwoo tho ywir uctuatly iwaliw hy u mlumdwiituri home pooplu would my u fnuk uf tha uloudur wa our now vmuk day in tnldwlntor wherau knoat people know ttiut c tualky tha new ytuir oomw wlthbop- tambor und mnrk th eschanse the mimawhvt lalaurely uctlvltlo i holiday pleasure uf tha aummnr for tha inoro aorioua upd iwirpoauful m of tha autumn that moan that new plan tnuit bo davbxl it tnnun that programme outline through tho turn- mar or talkeawurur u a imitative way during the prwtou month muat bu pat into operation it mean that the loin muat he girt and tha lamp hg hi nd for now nntarprue it mean that the ailrlt of udventura and achlava- und ufa futur nd ufa opporti ue and ainmplo that the fall and winter anaaon offrra it mean that boy andglrl f our luunw lnuve ttie home achool and go to the city col lege it moan that junior membor of the family ure promoted from the lltbllc to the high school and ai more aeriou view of tha real activi ties of ufa it aught to be one of tha boat of year it ought to he entered upon with the aplrit or oatuructlon und enthualanm it can be made large ly what one wlahe by thoughtfully and meditatively taking a right view or lire and ufa future and lifaa opportunl- m tha old man wlahe every reader aucceae in hi undertaking at tho beginning of tbl autumn of 1b2i i when does a boy weigh moatt whan he la beavleat what l the difference betwec donkey and a beet one get wax whack and the other get honey which can ee moat a man with two aye or u min wth onet a man with one aye see more than a man with two for in addition to all else tie can see the other man two yu which can only ee hi one whnt i that whloh will iuiup a chimney down but wllj hot gojown a ihlmney up or will go dawn n chimney down but not up a pipe up i nd yet when it ha irono op a pipe or down a chimney will go up downt an umbrella j iteauraing our reoollactlon of church street in the oorjier day a llttlo over eventy year ago samuel fipalght brother uf john ami ulko bought the lot acroo willow street on church from the rear of ur hymon ganlon and built there the home neat for him- elf and icllaaheth vanvucb hi brido whom he had just married ham wo in partnership with john and mike lie wa an export carriage pointer and ran the paint ah op on agnes street where the speight wag gon and bugglee ware painted samuel wa thn aoul of honor but peaalmutlc and unfortunate he wa chronically dlapeptlc and perhaps that account xor it things were never quite right in hla judgment in tho ahop in the horn or in the community whan ho wont noma to his meal they oft an werent ready und if they ware didnt ukethem lie was qulte considerate ot nls elisabeth howovor if he hurt hlaonger at the shop hed go up to john house and have john wife drtta it because you know ehisabeth would faint at the sight of blood elisabeth had a penchant even in those early day tor bargains she would go to guelph or a supply or family needs and if thn storekeeper there john hogs r william stewart ir a o nuoham could be persuaded to deduct the price a few cent per yard on goods shed buy lavishly often more than tho family would need for months or perhaps year skilful milliner but buying malarial for bonnet and hat she would lay in such quantities thu the coat would far overreach the price of all the headgear needed tor the four girls of tho home and herself moat f not all tha membor of tli family were born in oil home martha the eldest married jube smith the sawyer right while they lived there or shortly alter they moved out to the fnrm now owned by mi alf storey martha liked tha old home so well that when she and jsbe ware married they settled there about forty year ago the farm was bought and ur and mrs speight and family moved there hera in the course of time both died and finally the family became x scattered tom speight hi georgetown the machinist and elec tric urn ta their son a goad many clllsoits had this speight home on willow and church streets for their homo when charlie vn allah the tailor moved from georgetown he leusoil this place and conduated his tailoring bualneo in the parlor tha lata john moore lived l hero for several yeurs thut was tha homo of john forbes for a long time mrs james quantlo alao lived there for u number of year now it has been the home of john llrown and it haver looked more homelike and attractive than it doe now the present owner is w j akin of masaaguweya who uxpect when he retire from urduou work of farming to settle there and enjoy a wloarnad rest during hla inter years where the mailer house of mrs mo- arthur stands on the south east cutv nor of the lot there was once fratna bum one summer day a good many year ago the little son of mrs itoliaan who llvftd uaross tha street 4 got a bunch of mat cites and went nver to tha hurmtn play with them wo built little honrirq near tho burn and wu delighted with it that he heaped urc straw und shaving on tha fire it leaped up a gust of wind fanned it ugulnst tho barn and in a jiffy the burn wu on ire ilolng very dry and containing it fiuantlty of atrnw and hay tha building wa soon a mass of flame the newly- organ lsed fire urlgudo xnnned tho tire to the build ing und it burned itself out in u remarkably abort time the ilobson luddla was the most frightened person nt tho fire ha had no thought that his uttlo mutcb could causa so much damage und nearly cried hlmsolf into fits over the cutustrophy the barn all that pavoritism can do throw down and llta in ouilg fallow up tul and wullod ilrotloi hoi iu iiiilln unpivpurod for the um- whloh full from his employers imttoi them to im tha tha young mulim vlnlailt blurt fh ih hi iirprla but ho iiwwerid a promptly a if lie hud lnvon riven twanlyfour hours to cinialilrr thn ll lir id ilka it vry much mr m is 1 wlxii could you he ready to sl irtr i rum id aaally bo ready by t inof row night hut if iiuloaaury i oul kiturt nurlur the frown dlaupihuird from tha fuco of thn worried buauivas mull un amllo took its pluce wu only talc to tell you that you will not ttnd your aurrouiidltig pur- tuiulurly dahlrubla thn hotal whom you will prohulily twiurd is very poor 1 understand ya air suld tha young mn with nmlimlliuahixl chnarfiilnea and from a huatna standimklnt there urn drawbacks you will have iinw rupulous com pall lor yes sir theres a lattar thar from imilhow hlncluir ho ha written mn bagging to send mime one to tska plara if you cure to read what he ha to wiy tha young nun lookad ut tha typa written shihils without tntariwl i wont alfaot my docuion if that whul you meuti mr morrl its promotion and i wunt it im glad yuu take that vlew of it curtar ur morris replied i it imtcause he wa my nephew if j hud considered the record of you two i should have sent you in the flrat place hut t knew tills was the ti bunco of u lifotime and i wanted my nephew to imva it nank favoritlsni you the expression of the young i was one of frank bewilderment but ur morris eyas were on his desk and he did notse sinclair has formed the habit of giving in to difficulties hes formed the habit of avoiding hard things him a clerkship and there hell stick h want to coma home and ill glvo to the end of his days in all proba blllty favoritism may give- a fellow a chancn carter but if anyone tall you it will take him far dont believe him no air said the ybung follow a ing wont because op goinq too far one of the reason why we should be on our guard against carrying any good thing too far is not only that it may go far enough to become a fault hut that by our exces we make the oppoalte fault seem almost admirable probably oil of you have met peoph who talked in such a stilted proper fashion that it seemed a relief wner somn one broke in with piece of slang aline came home from a visit not jang ago and surprised her mother hy saying ill never find fault again jack leaves hi tennis racket on top of th plann and hang his cap tho marmalade jar aline mother opened her pyf um afraid i should hut why ho you y thutr 1 never saw anybody as fussy a grace ut if you movauvhslr an inch a soon as you get out of it she moves it back to the exact place where it waa bo fore sndlfyou make dent the sofa cushion she plump it up and smooths it nut and acts as if you had dented a piece of silver ive always thought i was pretty particular but after vial ting grace for two week feel as if id rather enjoy having s house atslxe and mivniu that i the natural result of carrying any virtu to axcee o careful that by going tljo far in a good tblng you do not make us opposite appear at tractive hyl comparison jesalo ken d ricks to bore a square hole what promises to be a wonderful tool has boon invented by c schmldgull a tool that i nothing mors or lea than an auger with whloh to bore square holes ileelly tha auger i five augers in one four little conical rotary cutter milling tho corners of the square a main shaft sinks m bole through the lumber in boring through iron stone two operations occur first a rourid hole is drilled through and than the four rotary cutter mill out corners at a single operation drill ing a square hole through a one inch piece of marble by present methods takes four t hour -or- mora of careful k by a skilled man by tha in vantlon of schmldgsll it can be done and has been done in five minutes and yet tha square auger is u sjaiph machine with only a dasen parts care fully adjusted and uocorrttng to experts it 4ii h manufactured at s compara tively low prion hy making simple variations in the whupe of the cutter it is poaslblo on the same principle to make the augei bore holes of almost any imaginable shape hoy holes for doors oval many- sided and irregular holes ejdwln tor- new lamp burns 94 per cent air beats electric or qafl rebuilt tha adjoining lot wa vacant for many years when messrs klnnlard llrothers who had lived un tho farm ut dubln school whore donald waldlo now resides docldvd to glvo i up hard ork thay bought this lot und had the comrortabln hpme which stands there today built for them when they passed awny tha property came rftothe hands of ksther 1111 their ileca who had falthfullm cared for and nursed them during iholr ailing dayu und feebleness henry awrey ut a new oil lamp that gives an amus ingly brilliant soft white light even better than gas or electricity has been tested hy the u b government and si leading universities and found to be superior to 10 ordinary oil lamps it burns without odor smoke or noise- no jmmplngup la simple clean safe hums 94 air and common kero- ssije coai oil the inventor i n johnson 38 craig st w montreal is offering to semi a lamp on 10 days fiuqb1 trial or even to give one frkb to the drat user in each locality who will help him introduce it write him today for full particulars also ask htm to explain how you can got the agency and without experience or money make 1 360 to 1 600 per month the school fairs otnprlxo winner among tha puplle at the fair fnntll if fron ot frwl for jwy khquiching faill louf hit in r oiuuolviii mccul- loiiuh iiognr tjuwnrf mrt numai out junk hornby tr 1owii jums corner imuf f a tl no 51 ltarlay hurry mculkh luigar iwiwm lnr arthur hlald faua john itud- dl quart arthur field laoj john llddnll siliiln 1rfkswthml imoii juok hornby j uurt gunlon fwia illclianl llnii- i lurgart a llrown murjti iruhum hulph whltilnld j nun nlx intt tcurs wlucouali mi 7 field cor john lunl juigar down ina liuru g4iblnn itaiituui hwnot njoln d lllutk grulum far noil 1 south tlrsld tlruhum ltuby fllntori noraan llomett hrw yallow iv hit bun muikla luldle iuuuii hxrhl luiiutt legg ion fred ferguson alluu mccul- lougli ltogor downs hi lift roll dark itwl lut grwhuti iriull gordon thlrulon isrry llully tu gruhitui frtwl hlwirtlll oaborna lowii three cartsr nvirla turnips junli hornby j k turner ontmrne down dirk ktundlah uurloii gutau six chuntonuy carrol grubum furnall hrhlo luiuil mini wutuoit j k turner allan mcculloiigh kogar six yellow glob danvars onions mury stuuduh gronfall wrlgu dob bin couplund linger iwm ilula m gruhum llilla ilunan six hollow crown faranlp ullxa- iwth donulhon fred shortlll iugr down oalmtrnn down wrl smith dirk hta lid uh twelve irish cobblers ohorna downs frunri thomitaonj hlchurd ilantou uurgarat waldlo chuholm hum hurry ilawson half dunhel irish cobblers osborit down francis thommhin ilrry iuwson harry uocullough twalva dooley potato john d illuck mury cola jack hornby 1c1 sulkith honsthoii marjory grahutu mary htandleh hulf huahal ihiley iotaloo join d lia k juck hornby kllxulwth llonuthon kiiiim ikiwn flvi northern spy apples harry ijwuiii irrry iunati jack sniat buret herble junsu ltuby kiln toft fivt snow apples herble liuuun tlaggl iinon hurvny iisty harry iiwann felua iunun ircy dully flva ituldwln apples trcy dally norman hally collortlon wlutr apples mary mlchln nnrmun dally wrcy dally ivouglus hum five llartlett intursbddla ilunan herble lunan deggi lunan hurry bwmin itiyllls ucafeeklii jack hmathurat- j lteat five tonuitoea john bird francl thompson jack hornby irtnu smith hasal sontt harry ijxwson iumi llox applo charlotte mccul- lough john illrd host field inimpkln francis thompson slots graham arthur houtt gerald graham gerald stund- uh mury mlchla dent ile iumpkln farcy dully jamos corner feurl smith harry ilawmiu rrlc whitfield ltuby flln toft lut huhbunl squash mary stand lnh chlaholm hi no molvln mccul- lough itoger downs howard web ster dost summer squash mnlvli cullough dick standlshj francis thompson surah btandlah mury htahdlnh ljat citron john uuddell soger downs d u gralutm douglas hume chlaholm hume oersld orahom heat individual collection insects- john ulrd lulu mcoullough u huddsll hugh undsoy heat individual collection of weed ercy darker llaxel sontt chas mccullough harvey iusty j dest individual collection of weed soods fred ferguson john bird charlotte mccullough heat individual collection of leaves of native tree lula m graham charlotte mccuiloughl itodger downs fred shortllt dest school collection of wood of native trees h b no 14 heat hatred hock cockerel mar garet drown john d stack dill donathou douguts sknlton peter sosay john dirrf dest darred ilock kullt feter heasy margaret drown dill dona- thon douglas suolton john ulrd john z dlaok seat trio uargsmt llrown 1 mai campbell john bird who htrlngerj b turner hast pair xvhtto leghorns harvey luty chuholm hume det pair tlhode island nlj w on iosan white bggs dordon m wsynei ohlsholm hum ons doun drown kggs douglas hums idolloe durgessi charlotte ho- cultough john ulrd omvo wrlggles- worth imu smith heat fair kabbl norman bally ileal del arthur llgselwoodl hill lions than farcy ilallyi harry lnw- son hoy hurt norman daltay wooden stirring spoon norman da i ley percy uallay towel holder john lllrd john hud- dell fred shortlll t hammer handle- fred ferguson milk stool norman dally osborne downs nail dox iteggle nunsni herbert sinclair liugti lindsay percy dally harvey lusty wren house jack n drown tie iluck john ulrd hugh und- say percy dally wooden msllot john illrd loar dread susslo press wood bast dark cak irene wriggles worth duncha wright 11 it louie huddatll annie huddcu llgsel scott- dost light cake its desseyj olive wrigglasworth marjory henderson icilsabeth dons than usrgarst waldla nut imiflllaa dessey dest lunoh dox ilsa dessey irene wrlgglesworth dest oosen oatmeal cooklas olva wriggles worth ilsa desssy dest half doxsn bran mufflo ilsa tleasey mary cols btllsabeth dong thun violet scott irene wrtgglo- worth marjorle hsuderson dest milk dessert irons whggles- umtimldared towol murgarsl gif- mi iorolly watson clothe flu hag ibiixalieth dona- huh marlon glrrn ltaat hundkiiitttd hiarf iriia wrlgglesworth lliwl lou4liet an turn jlkrin down inilo kiiildoll ived kuth iu hurtlu hitiuh htuiidish olive wrluglkhwcrth hist doiiqiiat iiilok ixok slaixllwh iuu iiowsoy lorriu harris marorln gruhum fllxuliatli hoiutliult lluby fllii mrt hast hoiiquat mixed- flw nrw chur- lolla mccullough jotm illrd mui llrown fruiu ih thompson huhoi hondnraou mury hlwliduli imxllmt mup of gnlurlolllolmrd itonton aunlu ituddull icthni jutil- uula huridall pertiy hally uuth glffail map of itulton county cliurlotta mciilluugh kognr down fri1 l- rii kemiath mnalpltiti arthur loott hnxol tarry wall lunlu mcnne murguril wuldla murgunt llrowri norman hulley lulu m orulmii fruncl tqampson itarbia lunan t cruyou drawing of fruit yunnan itslly hurry lnwaou dorothy wut- uuii mux cumplmll mutibu murruy may couplund toluctlou of fiv fruits in wulr tolors farcy llully lulu m gruhum el rott aruolt noblo doha ma- irth beat apple ple- wrlgglas- loulo annie ituddell gysm 11 tt tte itcn bbima of gsjtnij if sore irritated in- j nud ororsintlated i ituddell hsu desoey csssle drydcn dest pumpkin plontll ponathon irene wrlgglesworth louis ituddell i annie dudatill beat halsln pie irons wriggle worth i found dov homamsde candy dark jghsahnth bona than llsg boasflxl blanche wright pound dog homemade candy light dorothy watson irene wrigglas worth bebe mcueekln group csnned vegetable ltuby fllntofl best three jars canned fruit mar garet a drown duby fl into ft plain apron handmade ituth fc ailton rllsalmth donthan fanny apron hand made chariot la mccullough margaret rjuffani wild davidson annlo campltel plain underwalst handmada pearl smith handmada ilemstltahed handker- chief hassle cole margaret qiffsn idonathy watsoai mmklu icvi culondur of september in ponnll liorothy wutaoti murla klnlll7 jean mlgon hurry luwon normuii llully writing two lltunxus f o cuu- udu murjory gruhum normun llully icilxulmth hotiutlmu 1nrcy llully normun dully loim harris wrltluk two httttixam of the muplw iur rtalmt uomkiu icthsl cuaolyj lcdnu lunuu lulu gruhum uuth glrfn huxi scott icssuy fourth hookltuth glrfeu lubi momankln proy huily icasay third book imuu wrlgglas- taorth muc wutaon joun nixon icusuy second hook iqiisabnth ln- illian public hinuk i iiif for hoys over ten paroy llully lloyd huth public hpuaiilng for girl over tan uuth ginen weed naming couiost malvlq mc cullough annie ituddell john illrd percy dally buth gutei hogar v boy hitching und driving contaat k dredge j hornby jjirla hllnhlng and driving contest margaret drown iulry calf harry mccullough ualvln mocullough school iuruda s no fl ll h no 1 jr s s no 7 hrj s s no lo h s no v s s no 1d a dov cant understand why why tin inliut wush hi ruaguml hulid hefor1 tfohig lo bd und th rliit tin pnxoitu tha illat thing iii tho morning why 1 mi mil i ba lunula to toll tho truth uml than im piiiimiimi uflar rutl- etu buva id for lallluu- u why ii ulrl iu ufrull of u poff i hiirmlhl ihlin llko a mnii-iu- tie- f ilklitfnlly wlggly thing ilk u uurt siiiika hit i tli ilalilhirhhkl why iwiyu um so thun tlny worn win llltlv a goal for today tim ohio with cry ottaii i hut our ki lu too fur on thorn i thoaa who pliiti to llvu u wortllwli lift hut thay ur tblnkliiu if un honor- utla old uga uii in thn luhiulug many oliutiom hat a gout rnr yoiirmlf not jn tin ulm futu to- duy ahllccoaaful lifn is only a luultlplu if minmiaomful day ami i ufa uithluwinnnt 1 u moaulc tnudo tip j if luinniiuiuhlo uniull unhhiv nttl logthr into u shue of b it is u nixasuiiry thing lo imva u goal ror your ufa but it 1 just um ii miry to liuvo u goal for oarh day horse ailments of many kinds quickly remedied with douolas ecyptian liniment brora nuntpmo imrrarny navsjtrrs blood roiflonino olfbkh til bob it ribtuia brgalns and bbulbaa tba uat all anand tjnla tabl si w11 aa far r 1uui ix handy at au daaurs as kenney bros boots and shoes for everybody school shoes a specraltv latest styles for men and women from canadas best makers we have shoes for sunqay and for every day in the weekand for evenings too mens shoes fk0m 1385 up repairing neatly and promptly attended to kenney bros mill street acton ontario tax notice 1922 municipality of acton the tutc notlcu for loaj are now being sent out for the oon- vnnlenca ufull touournad puyplaiit have been urrungod to bo mudo in two instalment mt tlm bank t montrau v f1i16t instalment septembkr 15 second in6talmbnt november 15 1 any ratepayer may y the whole of his taxo on or before september lu but midhulf the amount must bo paid un ur lmrora thut lute failure to comply with this arrangement entails extra spusa and trouble i an uddltltm of flvu cr cent will be msdo to overy tax rate or assessment remaining unpaid fourteen days after the said 16th day of september for tbtt first lnsulment und tha ibth day uf november for the second tnmulmvit w duty ot the col loo lor immedi ately after tbp hnld seyeml dnv appointed for tmymont to collect at once by dlstniss or otherwise under tha juovllonu of lha hta tutu in that bhaf it 1 1 such tuks or instalment of taxes plkabe takc voub tax notice with you to the bank when making payment- w j reid collector traok makk rtracixljr f62s delivered including governor and pulley as good on the belt as it is on the drawbar i tho uflofulneaa of the portlaon is limited only by thu fimount of belt work you have to do in tho fall it will nil your biio and thresh your groin in winter you can keep it buy grinding feed pumping wntor baling hay cleaning seed grain or running tho chjirn pr washing machine if you regard tho fordbon as a add tractor only lot ui show yourigtjt on your own farm that it la as far ahead al compotltion on tho bolt hb it is on tho drawbar rfbe oun exhiott at the fatt air 1922 tuesday and wednesday octoiieh 3rd and 4th 1922 acton fall fair open to the world races 500 in purses new devised and fouarired lrlze list splendid rvr nljzht concert on second nljrht kxcelleht midway and merryfcroround arinn citizens hand in attendstnce i h a coxe acton ont the prize list domestic manufactuhe3 lhat icxhlblt of llurnoas not1c kpuoa 1 the grounds will ba allolsd to manufaeturers and ugnutu ror tha puriwtae of uuhlbllllig llugglas wugons cutlers farm luiphiilnts etc hut no prise will lis uwerdud for any urtlals of tills kind ladies wokkvuskful quill cotton pieced quilt cotton quilling conaldar quill fancy comforter cotton hand knit socks lino hand knit mitts wool uuuhina knit not factory socks llsg moor hugs wool hearth hug our hamulis 1yjuma suit ladle ilouso dress machlna not factory made childs irass other than cloth mudo from old knitted shouldar shuwl thru places home dyeing different colors ladies fancy work glass 82 isklr iledroom hllppcrs crochet or knit fulr itedronm slipper- other stylo tea coay wool bat table mats asbestos lined fair tluest towels crochet insertion ialr clueat vowels hemstitched and initialed fair towels swedish darning fair dayflllow hllpshemstltcbed and initialed ialr day pillow slips crochet insertion 1ulr flllow caaos fancy sheet crochet insertion j dressor runner and phi cushion embroidered- dresser runner and pin cushion crochet trimmed fair tray cloths french smbroldary centra imecn silk embroidery luncheon sel centre dollies 3 servlattes and troy ovu muderts embroidery v id ton cloth drawn thread work tea oloth embroidery and crochet filet work horvlettea 9 initialled tluffut runner ombroldored u ituttet runner other style tea cosy embroidered made up tea cosy othojt stylo not listed 14 ztt it three 1 land kerchiefs bund trimmed different styles 27 library table runner eihlnoldsrwl sh ijbrary tuhla runner other style 3s ludles 3 place lingerie sal embroidered ladles fancy tea hag other thlin crochet ladles mandarin hull v ludlea convulttucent jacket sofa pillow silk ombrolderod sofa illlow crochet top bofu 1illow other stylo tatting colors service tray filet crochet piece fajicy knitting- id 40 41 iloce fancy crochet other than listed 43 knbroldery sunburst 43 km broidery unman cut colors 44 kmbrotdery ilanlunger colors kmbroldery oriental 40 embroidery mauntmolllck 47 single piece colored kmbroldery other than listed- 44 single piece white kmbroldery other than listed- 40 sat infants lingerie wear 60 infunts outnt crochet or knit tl doll dressed or qlrl oulde rut and make of r tnents considered open u girls is years and under 3 work dona by lady alter celebrating 70th birthday not more titan 6 pieces ga collobtlon i icej pieces including hon hon needle- r4 ladles kmbrolderotl illcuas in colon ladles tcmbroidered night ireos in white ladles embroidered might hrnss in colon ladles knitted wool suit wool ijtilles sweater coat or jumper in silk shadow work appllaue for quilt lcmbroldared hose fine and decoraivb arts class s3 landscape oils from nature marino copy us figure work or group copy oils vegetables from object oils still lite oils ical scone water colors m fruits from object water colors fuh or dame from object water colors copy architectural bridge of sighs water colors water colors any original subject vumtal figure 13 seplu noone miscellaneous cruyou any subject churcoul uulmu slack utid white sketch iiicll drawing original koduu views 3 winter 3 summer 3 interior s public buildings 3 poses 31 iivat liloco art work not listed und nut previously industrial design hand decorated china vase figure work fruit howl conventional fern rot roallstia cuko vint a three ploovs china hut llstatl chluhteirs w011k class m hec fenmsushlp natlonul an thorn 9 statikus 0 druwlis on shoot of paper 3 poses a play or would use in pluylutr buseuull 71 wutor colored sketch sseotlons uf a muk melon- 71 design for cover for acton fair prise list vi sketch exterior or acton i w offloe 71 collection woods named and mounted collection wild flowers and roud uld plants named collection cut flbwara varieties namd it collootloi vogotublus 7 varieties 3 of each variety 76 collection fruits varieties 3 of each named ttt collection native woods slid barks named and mounted 1 78 cnllentloii cuts f momlkers of thu provincial and dimuilon legislature s il3 picture vast cards public buildings and purku in four provinoes in dominion of canada not less than n n in euch 7- llpt drawing of ontario coat of arms 76 fcoualudcd on page four miki ti