Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 31, 1922, p. 2

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hr artou 3tee jlrebb tlhiitlllla a1k1uht u tl wt ill tt w4mi i ill r oubl whistle 1 1 i moll- tim i hit iculn outrun ik- half u heaiia wi nly jolly if rivttia wrv r ral aiil tears of inuniuly wmn llillit- tint how not tl n love w ull kneel to luly an1 all the woil i would wem a lri 11 hower of beauty a diiwm wltbln a draun ir ull to worry lu alsh lury alt1 w and all 1 u whlltr ita ie 1 itrl kik of telglu r as love demands of all tl rust would l tin tuilx the spear nty tin llw well ttian vry day vi ull allten and wy eye wi uld ahlne an i ud vuld pauss la listen and ufa would 1m divine sj etwkbn and f o clock on wet wintry evento alighted crowded street car ftnd hur ried along tha g i latent n street to be dingy tenement where one lived bbe was a girl who would he ye attracted knoro than pasaln attention anywhere tall and shapely with ttpiur fea tures and dark brown hair that strayed in natural ringlets over brow and ears mima would have called her good looking and men beautiful idesplte the plainness almost ahabblneea of hsr attire abe wan droased with s-crup- uluous imkumo the daughter of an eminent city or- luilm who had latterly fallen on evil days klate amcroa possessed a rich and carefully trained contralto voice this talent aba bad tamed to ad van face when the dark daya came to her home and at the time with which our etory deals aha wu earaln a modest income by giving leeeone and single at oonoerlm and other musical tune bhe had had a loam and exacting day with uninteresting pupil bhe wu tired and wet but it u neither of tboee things that caused her to hurry along the atreet and mount the ten ement etaira three stopa at a time letting herself in with her latch key he pa quickly into tbe sitting room without uunf time to dlveat herself of hat and cloak here i era mummy aba cried brightly u abe stooped to kiss i ho lined face of the inyalld lady who lay on the shabby couch then lookla haatliy round and with a traoe of ill- concealed anxiety in ber voice aha added wheres father t jio went out about an hour to answered mrs cameron in a hopeless voice then meeting tbe look of pain ed reproach in her daughter face ah put out an eppealln hand f did my beat dearie abe pleaded but i couldnf keep him lie amid ho muat d out for aome paper but be pro lea to ootn back in a few min ute lis hasnt oonr in yet add aha added with aj break in her voice i im afraid dearie hea siren way folsle walked wearily to her father table looked down at the half copied ehoet of manuscript music on whjcjt be had been eogased uer touo heart wu full of bitter tbevwttte not alnst her father whom abe atlu dearly lov ed in spite of hla fatal wi oft broken promises but aalnst tbe eoolal conditions which made snob thine possible v oh uo cruel motber its cruell aho exclaimed with a cnoltln sob for answer mrs cameron only surb ed beavtly bualo dropped on ber knees beedi her mother and buried bar face in i the lap which had so often been ber refuse from childish sorrows o mummy ebo waited brokenly 0 mummy mrs cameron eould no lonsor keep back her tears as ahe stroked bar daiii fnga benthead wtb tender trembllpa hands o dearlel ahe aald with ineffable tenderness we must on trylna to be brave and trust in god jsule arew calmer and rlalna but toned up her waterproof cloak i wbere are you coins dearie ask- ed the anxious mother you havent had your ea yet and you must be ready for if after your ions urms eyna of father and aushlr mot then a deep nuall of ahame spread over tlfe nun a faoe and he droped till heud hi hla hai la at that kulu tuluiinu toara i ur y overuumu lit r 1 ut with u datirult mtli ft nli rtulied hur t diiis katlx i ah bhij mottiei and i aiu walllnif ua for y m am you toady h m- hi mar ml i m lt hlm it u thalr elnk a msa 1 a aua aa whan an aiil muat aluy a- tlimuiili ia wlih my slrll li i i li ut1 well ut leuat h lia u aim u flnhylu a- l 1tiu hi intlliluit iv artuneotl atiuutixl u tuiih faied in illvlduul vtx aat in a oritur a at that la i ad la i iroulcally if her ladyehlp i i will illow yoill cuintirni a eoiif catnaoiii a aoiiif alu u i ilia imlf drunken tximimtiv in t hqrua tllrtir cameron hiutad ictatem pleeillntf hand un hla utm i rhapa dar it would be lha lat way to humor them ha wlliir1 you sea 11 am heir ohslnnan chuliman of thu ballierliik y n rathor the aoorn which she could lit t ke out of her voice eearod 1u vry auul n a amis j cumeruna aonl the ioy slrlna becuma tntlra 111 allien t tnuet dl ii fcuu akulii whlnju l her fallir with uvarted eyea h- only way nut of it how hi ma and set tea ready 1 ii follow y u in a rw m in u tea liut leiala knew too wall by auil b perience imw much liar father a aa aurmnce wa worth oh do come with tne haw fathnrt atowl- aha inauied with a i leak in ler voloe than aa her rathar heal tatad aha turned and fared the com pany who were 11 un impatiently for lumtron a pleaaurv uy father la not nt to elo to night ahe aald in her clear awaet votoe tut if you tmii i will aln to you iallshted my dear dellshtedl ex- nulmed a bur fellow with tlpay sal ian try and thla brousht forth- a buret of applause from hla companions isnorlna both the coarse expreaalonu of admiration her offer had evoked and the reatralnina- hand of her rather blale cameron lapped to one end of the room and nlled it with slorloua tnualo aa its walla hail hover heard popularity ever increasing the pure deliciousness of salad a nturel lretxif greea term is recognized s the trentiezmciou9 liacretfae l teste de mand for it showa u try it today you will like it 8adbath day tl i tlr mid plea thoush be it ever are end palanea we may toatn eo humble io place like home hector cameron leaned against the wall and wept like a child juualo had been tbe one rutin passion of hla ufa till drink usurped it and made him i la wretched slave ills daughter whose loiioua voloe had been the pride and delsht of hjs heart males in a com- mon taprooml my oodl he groaned my oodl what have i doner there a 1 i place like home day im coins to n father answered klale with a resolute light in her eye i cant eat mother till j know what has become of him but but you can t go into any of those those places exclaimed mrs cameron now deeply concerned for her daughters eafety don t worry yourself munu dear blale reassured her bravely am quite oaoebla of taking care or myself and lm solos to brins father so saying aba kissed her mother fondly and hurried out into tbe street the palace bar was ablsxe with light and the glitter of glasses ir and out through the swing doors pass ed an intermittent stream of custom ers tnsnjnd woman in whose f one might read some of lifes saddest history neckless are some of them others dlstrausbt and desperate sullen hopeless faces tod and some alasl drinksodden and hopelessly de based with head held high igiioriiur proud ly the curious stares and coarse audible whispers which her appearance in auch a place drear from the frequenters of the bart klate walked at might forward to the counter thero w no need for further planet ion it was not tbe first time by any means that klsio catnnron had cone on the aunt humiliating riuid v yea mus admitted the proprietor respectfully you n find him in no t th suuice which h threw after the girl as she passed through to the apartmont lndloited had pity in n cnmerona brought that fins girl of tils to a sorry nfua rvtniurkad to bis head barman x momentary hush tel over the noisy assemblage of ma who m in the heated smoky drfrk laden t- jooaphero of no t a the door gp4- denty opened d aflalo ctamaron stood toeforo them t bar rials had eyes only lor the man who stwth pallhl taoe nttttw bee ot the table- one attire of rmsm though a knur oouree of dhadpauon h loft it unmletatsmbla mitrte 9p0 th hantlaom features and thejerev lntt fnuae wtr one briar mateeiit 4ha the voice of the fair youtts alnaor trailed off in a long sweet note of ineffable yearning than with a pa thetic little catch in her breath aho spoke a few low words to the subdued man around her 1 am sure you all have nice homea ahe aald and your women folk will be walt log for you just as mother and i are waiting for father they will get so tired oh so weary 1 of waiting if you dent go tbe tea will be set and the kettle is singing there s no place like home wont you all go home then and then only the brave heart quailed and a sudden terror of tbe place and its inmates and of the part she had played came over her paint and dlaay she seised her rathe fa now unresisting arm and hurried him out into the street instead of the tears and reproaches he might have expected mrs cameron mot her husband with her uaua sweet i smile and gentle wifely welcome he ids no promise alasl he had made ao many before which he had failed to i keep with a full heart he atooped and reverently kissed his wifes brow ram that night hector cameron i came back steadily to his own ills brilliant talents soon attracted many pupils and he evenpmiy secured one of the most coveted musical appoint ments in the city many a time blalo cameron looks back upon that eventful night and wonders bow ahe ever dared to do what ahe did what must they have thought of mar she exclalma to nor- self flush ins from neck to brow at the retaeoibrance liut the great joy of her reward is with her still hints on handling fruits and veqetable8 the dominion horticulturist advo cates the use of baskets for the local sale of apples he points out that many farmers have varieties of apples that are difficult of sale in barrels or boxes but that in baskets could prob ably be rnadity disposed of certainly retailers and consumers like to see hat they are getting- uven if farm ers cannot do this owing to not going to market but ahlpplns their produce wholesalers could do the work them selves or could it be performed at a itral packing bouse by using ban kets much bruising of apple would be avoided seasonable uinta the horti culturist emphasises the importance of picking handllns and pocking ap ples with the greatest care to prevent injury of course tbe same care is advisable for all fruit but in the case of apples intended for exportation it la than ever so thorough rack- ins of the barrels to nettle the apples will obviate the need to a great extent of the preening to whloh bruising often due another thins is that tl plokins should not be done by ro that is at tbe same time every year but should be governed by the weather fruit ripening quicker in some seasons than in others fruit should- also be deposited in a oool place immediately after plcklos dealing- with vesetablaa it is ad vised that potatoes be laft in th ground until there is danger of in- jury by frost that onions be thorou li ly cured before storing that when cab bases ana i aft in the around and show sbrna of splitting the plants be loos- ened by twisting them that aelwry lie kept srowing welf by continuous cul tivation and when dug be kept crisp by storing in a oool plaoa and keeping the roots moist that the storage of beets carrots parsnips and turnips be kin as cool a place as possible but free frpra freealng whereas squash requires moderate warmth vegetable seed should be dried and kept dry proaarvallon f the tuhliath lha inroada i f plea euro nd labor la th nhuf purpoae lord a iky art it la hi fine anyoun lo be religious ev n aui h u hi in wit possible nor la lo a wlee people to go to church a often urtirmad 1 y thowe who do i mvor iite ttiu day its in ohm la lo praeaivo u day of ret to aa many of our oltlsfliis aa la possible and it has actually kalnoil a weekly reet day for ulxiut i co 000 tollors in canada uit t nly ahould all chrlatlan people lun lay hjihoola and young inople u ho- ruu labor for ita pnwtarvatlon but all patriots aa wll for pat riot lm aa will aa piety ought to make ua earn aet therein ivngfellow aaya the hahbulh la ti golden leap which holda together the whole volume of ttui week the link which hinds alt ttia communities together and with iff they ntand r rail to many in our time aeam to have forgotten that it la jod a day and has been aanctl tied by him and ills command is itemember to keep 11 holy when ood wrote thou ahult not atpal in half a line and gave the law of the bali bath 2s tlmea as much space hn ifnetly did not think a thief worse than a babbalh breaker he would have ua rise above a selfish wordly pinion into the divine opinion that atnal a dollar la a lees offence than to steal a day which enwraps both the rights of ood and the must sacred right of man our canadian rebbath la imperilled by modern forma of di itlon which have been pointed out fti 1 iowa 1un necessary labor irdlnate love of pleasure j itu le greed of gain this last named is n of the mightiest forces operative upop society at the beginning of thla century and which would hold nothing sacred neither the law of ood the ntereete of hla kingdom the fellow ihlp of the family circle hor the in dustrial liberty of the tollers uhearer aaya thero la just one pact it seeks more gold and it c not though every holy and worthy thing tie trampled into the dost under the profane feet in thn unmlented pursuit of this object it is amid or the am man that hn worships the almighty dollar and perhaps it can be said of ne in our beloved canada that there nothing they ii he ao much as the dollar unless it be two dollars this plea though perhaps not e iunh habbath vlalunk u done they cannot afford to spare the time from the six daya with these conditions and others named what would seem to he the duty of all loyal clttaenst rtrsl hauls t at who ere atrlvlns to preserve tor us and our posterity the babhetli aa it has ixnn handed down to us and bfwondly by example and precept to influence all we can in the better obaeryance of the day leat we lose what we have and thou hopelessly mourn for a good that is rorever gone eternal vigilance la the price of other things beside liberty and if the bloaa inga of a ciulot orderly wnllfcept bab bath are to be preserved in thla country wo must be on the alert this is the day the tord hath made t ua rejoice and be glad in it hweet is the day he has sot among the days that are common it has n light of its it dawns upon the weary world o other day we are glad of its peacefuknessl we are thankful for ita rest and may we always enter into it as right divine and enjoy the calm and be healml and soothed by the heavenly aerenlly d h futurity whai j wise do a a kfihool boy tells how n tu jiemanl dog brought him a paper ho bad lost unawarea jgg i wag oomlns from school a terse bt bernard doe come ap to ma with muu paper in big mouth tried to thaka me take the bafeer and then pot it down on hie paw for the ground was muddy then i aaw it ai the paper on which ray bottfework wag copied down thteh indfoet without knowing- i took tha paper and the do woe stiofled lie muat lum seen it fall ott hf wr tidcleeana fbuorweflvme i we were little the future-seem- far ahead as the fairy tales seemed ions ago we had bright dreams of what meant to do as life has come upon us day by day aver since we have felt at times in dignant with fate for hustling us into evonta scenes situations for which so often we havo felt unprepared we have not been given time to adjust ourselves to a new order of things to make u deliberate and careful pre paration ere they happened to us tbe responsibility has been precipitated on us llkn a landslide down a mountain like a bolt from tha empyrean without fair warn ins the past we know the present we have and the future keepa arriving be fore we want it to coma we hes for a delay and the peu4n is not granted not masters of our autoblo- craphy which above all things as suredly should beons to us pur own lives take part in the conspiracy of crowding nocldent and incident huatla ua we lay large plans and frame sood resolutions to slow down to be easy- sol ng to make time to live nd to become good company for our selves but things keep hap pen ins so fast because of unoontrollabls oir oumstancea that soon our virtuous re solve is smashed to kindling wood if the future would only remain in futurity well and- good but it won t it keeps hurry in to meet us it is like the case of two children trained by a maiden aunt in that horrible thing- the piiottplcwtlon table she would take them on a joyrlde down the road they must have the table accurately recited aa fur as twelve times twelve by the time they reached the little white house at the cross roads under penalty of turn in back howj that little white house would make baste to meet them halfway i jt never waited in ita place aa it should it became animate it had wings it teamed to take a malicious pleasure in spoiling their fun the best way instead of trying to ullns lo the present is togo to meet the future mm one who is unafraid if wa wait till we think w ore ready to go forward we are likely not to move st al hs who procrastinates u go ing to be shocked one day by a per emptory eummonsv it will be no use s thst time to say uks the indolent schoolboy not prepared his wishes will not be consulted ho wl not ba asked if ha is ready or beeousht to declare what is hie pleasure t the future he strove to evade or at least to post mine has come inexorably to seek him wlm re ho la autumn bown seeds llurlug th past year exparimnnu have hn onnduoted at the collage and throughout ontario with winter wheat winter lire winter tcmma- winler ilarley iinl ilajry vntrhee mom than three hundred varieties of winter wat and many aelectlona mid croaaea have been tented at the agru ullural college within the peat thlrtytwu years kourteen varieties of winter wheat have been grown under lot ut th colleg for twenty seven yura willi average results for the whole porlod aa rollowal yield of grnl per nnni 43 1 liuahla yield of atrat per a tie 2 b tone and weight per mees- ttrwl buahel tl pounds tti eroent- uge inrreaaa inn- acre in ittll with the average for the whole period ita lo is in yield of grain 11 li ilnld of straw and 3 in weight of grab tier measured hiiehel it will there tor lie aeon that th winter whaa ills at tha college are ooitadarabl rm the average this aeason the vflnler crop throughout ontario thla year is in moat dlatrlou a better than average i rop tha most 1 ruminant varieties bf win ter wheat in ontario at the preeent ire the ikawaon s ooldan chan the o a c no 10 the no and nierlul amber tha dawaon a cliaff produces stiff atraw of meillum ungth beardless heads with d chaff and white grain the o a no 104 was originated at the col lege by croaslng the itawwna uolden chan and the uulgartan it la a whlto wheat with whltn chaff similar to the bulgarian and has a heard las hd aimlur to the iwweons cl olden chan it la a vlgiirouj grower and has been leas subject to winter killing than olthcr of its liarents the no re- aemhles the bawaon a tlolden chaff but hsa a aquarer head the stn a purplish tinge and the crop leas subject to injury from imul tha imiwrlat amber la a bearded wheat with rod chaff and red grain hupnrlmnta at the college have shown that the beat results have beep obtained from sow in large plump sound wvll matured winter wheat need of strong vitality five variolic of winter wheat have been grown in on operative teats by farm era throughout ontario in each of tho past at years tha average results in ylnld of bushels per acre for the six year lieriod are as follows o a c no 104 37 3 improvod dwr wins loldon chan 181 improved isi- irlal amber is 3 kharkov 33 5 yeraslaf 31 i the o a c no 104 duwaona onldan chaff and imperial anther varieties it yield per acre both at thn college and throughout ontario the mammoth white iuhmu and ietkua varieties of winter rye have given the best results of alt the ryes tested at ouelph winter bsrley la not quite aa hardy us wlntrr wheat but when its sur vives the winter it produce high yields distribution ef material or exparl- tnenta in autumn of 1b2z aa long as thn supply tan a material will lie distributed free of charge in tho order in which the application aro received from ontario farmers wishlruf experiment and report the results of any one of the following pleats i three varieties winter wheat 3 one variety of winter rye and iu of winter wheat x 3 hpring applications of rive fertll isers with winter wheat 4 autumn and spring- applications nitrate or sods and common salt with winter wheat a hairy emmar and winter barley c hairy vetches and winter rye as fodder crops 7 mixtures of winter rye and hairy vetches for seed production the also of each plot is to be one rod wide by two rods long vertlusers will be sent by express for experiment no 4 this autumn and for experiment no 3 next spring all seed will be sent by mall except that for no 4 which will accompany the fertilisers c a zavit2l agricultural cojlega luelpb ont vw fri bad left it unmistakable mark open with it i t j lm th handsome features and theweh tjlrs w monh wat- tos pan yea 5yi huframe for ope brief momatbe vk ion ip his aim was o0oq are you superstitious t asked bmytha of hie neighbor well i dont know replied wind- ley xllve me ft case 10401 with bunpoee a dog stood howlln on your doorstep at mid night exclaim ed hmythe t would ypu resarfl it as a euro sign of death r a sritn look shone in the other mans yes yea l should if tbe do atayed anonh weekly an expression of affection whan ur gamer stient eo many months uvlns in his iron cage in the jungles of africa studying apes mon keys and gorillas ha discovered that if monkey licked the body of another monkey or of man it woe a signal of surrender a traveller in boutb african woods along the amason shot a monkey the poor little beast was badly wound ed but not dead when approached in ita last agony it licked the hand of jh man who did the mortal injury iho look and the a save tha traveller a fojqlin of sorrow and rvaret for hi deed with other animals the act of lkk ins indicates somothla akin to i am your friend so when a do licks tho hand of hla master or attempts to lick hie mastera face it is bis expression of fidelity affection and devotion tha uct doubfjaes hark back throufh die asee of time when the do wolf made the choice between man or other doswolves end selected man aa hu companion out of tha dun past thsre remain with the do this instinct whloh is often not understood and which is best and noblest in do nature dark suspicion ullock hoy day a sump n funny bout de way you rolls dam bones yeah said the successful manipu lator of the ivory cubes its da way 1 speaks to em son bey hears me im ywlne to look at dem dice an ir days educated ilka i spool day la day aint swine to hear you ey no th in hut goodbye when using wilsons fly pads bwtpr an vty infer 10e per picket at ill pranttta jqrocm am gusenlgtora w uuv wfuit y i lhn 1ol2 food jchopper i la a necessity in the kitchen particulahlv at this time of veah try van i iopira cut li ut tnaahliia yih ueata valal 1 if all bin la an i wtilla 0 itilv raul rriiilt willi y f ur bnlvr roiiran iiifillum lino and vry flna ft 7 1 iiilverial z 2s 3 itnivral z ya 3 ijulvnral tj m i wir- canning hurki m any boll catiarlty i iiiarfa mrli fed i preservinq season supplies op all kinds llie bond i1ahovvabk to i 11 ou want ouelpm this stores policy jr to represent ood ex actly as to their quality to sell to those who know and to thoeo who dont know at a uniform fair price to rulflll all ctuminteca sod cheer folly correct all mis takes to deserve your confidence by ajway fiving yon asttsfactloa savage co ontario grand trunks vms i the double track route tlktwken montreal toronto detroit chicago unexcelled dlnln r bhppln care on night trains and 1erlor cars on principal day trains pull information from any grand trunk ticket agent or c to hondo iustrict passenger agent toronto a s holmes aarmt acjon ont a warning breathes there a man with soul so dead who never to himself hutli said my trade of late is getting bad ill try another teninch ad if such there be go mark him well for him no bank account shall swell no angel watch the golden stair to welcome home a millionaire tjhe man who neyerasks for trade bylocal line or ad displayed cares more for rest than worldly gain and patronage but gives him pain tread lightly friends ct no rude sound disturb his eolitude profound here let him live in calm repose v unsought except by men ho owes and when he dies go plant him deepi that naught may break his dreamless sleep- wherein no clamor may dispel the quiet that he loved so well and that the world may know its loss place on his grave a wreath of moss and on stone above here hes a chump who wouldnt advertise r noble ltd acton elevator at grand trunk station jnat arrived car no 1 feed oaa a quantity of feed cobn and oi cake just hechvkd flour peed n0bval bsan and sh0bts feed fl0ub r noble ltd advertise in the acton fr vj mkema qjalldren ory cra3toria

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