Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 31, 1922, p. 1

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eht jvjciim sttt ptjess poriyciphlh year no u 0o pkh yelah acton ontario thursday morning august 31 1022 ixu in united states t single copies ipivo cent a the methodist chuoch acton rev chab hacketf pastor aqe willow st ti iaitoll hijmiia kn tt illnuuf i ul wl unh an i lit luhor iluv- uo m iluiulu 1u liool 7 p ni tl- mlnllr ituhjoft th on holutu i tl golden hul a vi lt 0k to afl iukskytkbian knox church acton mmuui rv a c glmmri u a uh willow lltreet kkuviclol l0d u m tim ulnutr tm m tlw illnuir 1 unday fxdiool and hlhlo luh at lim v stranger uavlng addrea with th luhai will b oallad upon by th jvsum- afjf auk cokwa1uy invitko new advertisements wanted tuy about i or 1y yru t trad llox 10 acton lrkh hkith wanted a good reliable youth for delivery jaukh faiuiiankil lluker watch found a liver tn reod watrh owmr may hwovnr at kltkk ihwwl qkwck for sale pint rum brick houee with all n- venlencoa well altuuted apply to it j kkitlt heel lknlat anlt 1hon ss acton i for bale tnnulowl 7c hii- huxhol it a trroiihv queen htreot acton ids btwn 13 and i f in- old house for bale two stony log boarded owr sxsl valuable lumw and urn bora would also bo aultabl tor hoy pen f moved j o i1kndkiiaon b 9 lot 31 con 5 kaqueelng seed wheat o a c ho 104 cban seed wbaat for aal iijs per huahel ix j k1ncla1k it- it- no 1 georgetown lot con krin property for sale numbor of mn fuvui listed l-r- aon intending to pinrchaaa aoe r j kerr ha know tej katato aganl pnon anton far if s and town property when wanting a vara or towi property iwour list hunw z0 vaxtn and is town lroprtle to choose rroxn w aim in plnuw you j a huitk teal batata agent iiono 10 acton ont furniture remodelled etc moulding picture and frm mad vurnlture upholstered remodel lad and repaired uedlclne cabinet hall rack and aarvlna tray made to order lollhed ilui shelve aiwt mirror any else supplied 7 4 h v kenton ho t echo ruoe acton ont card of thanks the council desire to publicly ao- knowledgo i ho una community aplrl which prompted tho action of tb ihike of oevonahlre chapter of tho i o dk in decorating tho auditorium of the town hall the work haa bwn co pleted and th council appreciate every dtucn will alao tha tmprovml i appoaranoa in tho auditorium of the municipal liuildlnjr and tba ttunner in which tt wm aooompllahed without bdrden inc the taxpayer school days get tlie boys ready for school or course ihcy will all need a new ami to start the new term right vacation time i hard on olothes and there is not much left of that spring suit by now macdonalds are headquarters for the best value boys clothes made in canada and rijiht now our stock shows excellent varieties in new tall suits ready for school special sale at 675 strong tweed suits in grey brown and heather greens neat patterns and medium colors suitable for all seasons wear licltcd styles single and double breasted with slash or patcb pockets full shaped bloomers llroken lines from our regular stock izc 20 to m in the sale but not in any one pattern g rcdupvl to 7 good suits with two pairb bloomers this is an exceptionally strong arid serviceable suit in tan gray close finished tweed with interwoven stripe pattern single breasted style with belt fastening at front has patch pockets with flap and button two pairs full fitting bloomers make this suit unusual value at 1075 all sizes 26 to 33 featuring the now famous armour clad suits with all the double service features so necessary in a real live boys outfit a large range to select from thra season at moderate prices 91075 to 2000 with a special safe offering at 1475 british and canadian t weeds in plain and herringbone weaves serviceable greys browns tan grays lovatt shades and ncathcr mixtures every suit has ceinforced elbows knees and seat as well as- double pockets and taped scams a cloth belt with buckle to match each suit many of these suits have two pairs of bloomers sizes 26 to 35 school opening special at 1475 boys strong cottonade and khaki drill bloomers unlined sizes 24 to 33 at 95c tine quality cotton worsted bloomers in small check pattern medium color for school weas lined throughout and have belt loops and button fasteners at knee sizes 24 to 31 school opening special at l39l hundreds of pairs of better grade bloomers in solid tweeds and worsteds mostly suitable patterns and plain navy serge tho best titling besi value bloomers we cart buy priced at 200 to 3jft d macdonald bros ltd guelpirs leading and largest store news of local import- hi noma w at milton n i n miry wui wired hrn on uatur to ihtrn if frunl ir william 1 ruh uvad hr ho hal boflu kllld on in u c it tranka hear aylmr it wu fuuitil that ilctaa4kl m wa t ullian tuaaday and wadnaaday oetobar 3 4 tlmt itlractara it arton vail valr ahouh bm pnparvd for vlallora to acton on hptmlmc if mid it tor tba dally iimtrtf am allll miinouncink thoao nuc fair iliiyn acloii vail plr tiow lw l i ii octolxvr b and 4 acton firm opana braanpten branch arlon pl la bppear to havb ty fir lumil inn thaao daya tltrxttry la hulldlna a weekend specials quaker kisses quaker kisses per lb fkench jeijjes french jellies per lb week end chocolates our i amous weekend chocolates per lb flrat maatlnu of womana inatlluta tim wiunxii inatltulo will hold thxlr llrat moatlna of ilia aoaaon on tuk ayi uplnmlxtr i at tha humn of un mini a il itulup at thran i i lm k a hltn- nlklrlrt iin11 ut wl m thfl hirxtliia icvrytxhly n tltoalni tlta n iihia th k jt alun hav i ualnnam of w w 1 rl ilurt ttila naw hranoli a um hualnaaa ur wlco ntomlmirod by old wil nlol rtant tl ny will with thalr will ha ra- i of atou card of thanks ur and mja ara uarahall drelrn to xprea very atneern tlianka to thalr belhbor and friend for their kraal ktndnea to them durlnc tho tons term ot chair quarantlno wa will ever hold in armtaful remembranoo the many klndneaaea with which we were favor ed tbeee helped ua areauy in tho trylnat expert noe when we were aepur- ated rrom all our rrtenda we ulm approclatod very fully the aubalantial itreaent rocelved from um emplojlea of tho aole leather tannery tenders wanted tender for the lay in at a hard wood door in the auditorium of the town ball at acton will be deceived by the underebjned until saturday september t hpaclncattorva and full 1ertlcuuua may be had upon applica tion to the clerk ii k kaltueit clerk acton auuat 1 a yeu should p frul of thla quality and price the pricea are ao reaaonable and the quality ao blah of the pea then and pluma now on tho market that you ahould preaarve an era aupply the beat varletlea of preaervlna plume are now obtainable together with crawford iteachea the mark of the nlaaara ienlnaula urowara umlted on oontalnara atanda for earefully packed evenly- sraded hrytt the acton cafe for a real meal or light unch stop at the acton cafe centrally located appetizing food and the best service our motto cleanliness and quality mill street acton h wiles comfort the house of distinction why not treat your wife or sweetheart to a community houpc suqday dinner they are most palatable and delicious and are served to the finest trade i we cater to particular people wonderland friday september 1 loves redemption keaturln norma taimadaa comedy ilriaht kyon kux nawa- 8aturdav september 2 north of tha itlo urande a paramount picture featurlnc jack holt utid llebe ihtnleu comedy oh ilutlrty iatho newa tuesday september 5 a rerfect crime an allan iawn production tjha ad run turee of itoblnaon cruaoe epl- aode 18 comedy pathe new coming the ijiuo mlnuter- i- j g suveruiom d v ritchie proprietor method ut hrvmt feetlval t hominy heiilembor 10 a hmrveat faallval will be held in the uetbodut ch with appropriate aarvltmia the rhurrii will it attraotivaiy dooitd with frulth qowent araln and ve- lablrm from w farm and garden hay ur llmknll ih puatur wlui haa had tan ntmrliir with uprvloaa of thla chararlar will lnnduoe teaturea of inteivnl tb aidrlt of thank halving worhhlp will w imprnalvwly met forth 8paui cara an the toronto suburban in addition to ut reaular anrvlr ipeclal cara will upsrato on tho eloc- trio rtad to toronto mmnuinolnf to day ad ranttnulna until tteptmnber ktlk at f 41 a kn ittoc l d onpled and returnlna leavlna keele t ut 10 30 p m other upeclala run on ibor ihiy laavlng aotoi tor tiironto at 48 p m and return intf leavlnk toronto ut 16 a rn n b 46 p tn ltnducml fu from acton to toronto and rvturn will he alvni dbrlna ih exhibition at ii s6 for uilulta and 70c for children blrthe marrlaoea and out he th annua import of the llelatrar 4enerl of ontario juat 1hui ahowa that ul year in the province there were tfill birth 1 male and aslb female of thoae llxltun county contributed 473 thern were ib lo4 marrlaaia und 173 of thaae contracted in thbj county the total leathm in ontario wax 4o 440 ttt which 176 ikrurred in kulton the dei inutlntin atatua of ihuue rnarrleil in the province wah aa followu kltho- dut 14 17 anaucanu 13 70 tnuiby terbmriil 13 7s l toman catholic lo j35 lutptleta 3 483 xilheraitm 1 ibs hebrew 7i halvatlon army six uthra 1 ih the band tattoo at goernetown uncun- aclona iart in the mw ical evening- at oaoriiatnwn the ferali aaya a very eniuyable attil novel everi- lnatt entertainment waa klven qeorsotnwn park on friday evenlna uatigrhon the luitiih from anton ullton and rhjprcetowit icuve hiualoul miio- llona hliikly an 1 rnauaed the llrat luikid to taka tho etaae waa vrhna aelectlonm wire imlh urtutlo nd entertatnlnc utea i uaaon a rend urine whan ttio tide cornea in um a oomflt kolo waa aplendldly ivan hnd bteatly apprecuteil by the audi two heloctlotut worn rendored hy the acton male iuurtelte evoking irty applauae it hi alncerely hoped that riomt acaaon thla ideal mualcale ill he mure extenalvn and that they will he heard at frequent interval itftrr the prorrumma 4h henda wara ilerulneil at the iublta library by the women a institute who loaded thp tabloa with an abiindunce of btmmi thinaa- an xetoti boy on cariboo trail the follow in in teren tins not from jim carnahan who haa tteen a patient in the kuntariouma at quapele haak end trunoulll it c mhtee the way will le appreciated i received my dlachanre from the kan i tart um the flrat of june and have come lutok to t trill mi columbia am worklna for the aanltorlum here and enjoying p lend id hoalth 1 have juat returned from a uplendld holiday trip rour frlendm und myaelf took u motor drive over th hlatorla curiotm trail and down the famnu trraaer cuiiyott to ullovet kohl field rrom there we knt to tyton another famoua auld minlojr dutrlct thu irreaer river liaa aomo of ttte flneat aoenery on tta banka that iravellor can find anywhere the irreen helda of the valya and the now capped mountain peak which run from 1 ooo to ooo ret above aea level make very interest i na oontraatn in ihl country there la aome of the nneat hununc canada aftorda and on every tittle etream there la excellent nahlnf hooka ye aalmon are run n ins in the pruaer orchard are numerous apricot are a nne crop thu year on our return trip we madojb noa vlalt at ahcrajt ill get hie meaeur o k dan ly aaunloml into th villus in 1 uiiihi with u uuporellloun io yoii all puppy blarulta in lien little ahopt vea air our ih nhnpr in ly two fin change harxla xl wnnk wartlon john 11 hi llott itn liriit ttneve of tuimnln huih41 the oroehlnaa llrothere n ih luat lot in trafalaar- ad- jplnliitf the or of wilton it w ut by wm klolun ur ici hot luyi 117 000 for thla nne proinhy john 11 llnnry of toronto brotlmi of i hrae henry of the late hearst rumunt ull 137 000 for adam ttirol a00mro f i tcm lownahlp north of milton whl h hua u brlrk nald mtt lr lutrn tikmlrn liulldlnaw and all oiivniilonuea laat wet k the aeton baptlat church servloee ijurlnir the tuiat few huntley llev k ttllorf ii i f toronto haa mm lined thla church ulul he intorout cortdnly rowing iat hutiluy vnliu he lrunlil rrom the teat wliul atnll i lo with jjawar a iua haa to anawer it truth went home und impraaaloii when the upiikhi was tnadn to decide 1m tohllatnly fr i hrut if nloaed hy aaklntf what wilt you do without hlmr or hllco la potkl to prsach aaalii nut kabluith tat lth aervloea wliul atlull i wl tlun tliull nvery inukr whm evldint ihat th thare wnw profoui improved rodb being conhtructed in r section seconal une ehquenlnir second ur erin seventh une itase one second line to milton boon to rt pcbuilt it i arutlfyliv that w i kv eovuflh ivlty in id in ihu moulli tu- provini lul work im liformnhir illithway ixiiwmiii corii talld other h ni improved in gem jars this is the season for gem jars complete stock of all sizes call and get our prices also rubber ntgs and sine rings cert0 is moving very tost have you tried it yet best prices on sugarfor preserving d c rusgell mill st acton a year on london taaehlna staff the canadian taohora who went to knakind a year are to exchange with a similar munler of btivlah teach eru who came to canada to teach our aehoobv fulfilled their enaataenta in july and have returned borne anionic them were ulu maraaret rennett daughter of mr and lira itobert ilen- nett lake avenue and elate r of mlaa ktlpnie z bennett tbtt principal of acton 1ubllo hchool mlaa vennett went to icnsland with tho other teach er of toronto stuff who were released for tho exchange with the icnsllah teach ere llhe taught in a number of the echoole in london in various die trlot some of these wore in the cosmopolitan aeetionh of the aat end and other in the more exclusive aohoou of the west and cent re of the city the experience wa no vol but often very try in a because of the varied character of the pupil and the en vlronmenta of their home and be cause of the difference in method and text book to thheo in vogue in canada durlnc her your in london mln tiett took advantage of hot school holl daya and vacations to vhtlt many in- terestlua and historical places lit bnjp land and scotland unit enjoyed trips to pari the war arena in france and jtelflutn home and other noted oltlea in italy and hud a trip to bwltxerland vtaltlns a number of the noted point in that country ao intereauna to tourist mies bennett enjoyed ex cellent health during her year aero tho sea enjoyed many phaaea of her urled experience but return to can ada quit aausfled to resume the duties of her profession here and more than ever convinced that canada i tfle finest place to rul homo to 1m found ony where f maaniheent floral du r lower lovru would have lo travel a ion- way to find euch a remarkable display of anus tladlotla and aster a ar now in bloom in the wpacli jcrounda or the tleoraetnwii ploral conjimliy the apondld new varletle are piully utticuctlve there are literally arms or bloom and the pleoa- iti- contrast of otrlor in each of the lower tiamnd above tor a plottli nee clrarmlno and highly cretlualile lo the expert krowerw meaara kirk and uclnlyre ur kirk exhlbltl i coo kudloll at the mooting of the canadian phirlsu aaaoclallon at montreal a couple of week efo whjch vreatly admlrwl ho waa honored with eloctlon ua vice lroident if the as- mmilatlon a gift worthy of emulation th 1 mo ton ouxnttn hy plot own er in wulllnaonn cumetnry are shortly t have the udvatituk of a complete mutnrwnrkh system throuah the ener rmlty of harold hubba of toronto who liu donates the tin urn plant brua will always bo sreen th nowor liltkimlna ovnr the aravna of the departed through the k i mine or ur iluhuw the wutorwork plant will ronslst of uu ulectrlo line motor pump pupip houxe pipe line und boae in- c i ml i uk instullatlon tho coat will bo ulmhit 600 ur iluhb la provident and murium r of lluhb und hubu ihnltthl real oalale tuoker of toronto he i one of the mutty wellington imyu uho have m lo nortd and hi a won of ur and ur wm huhu of that the band tattoo at milton the concert hy acton looivolown und milton bund at wilton lust 1vhluy iinlnif whm a crownln auooem the atlnduneii ut the agricultural orounda wu the luraist of the rln tho fol- luwinif illsputch to the toronto paper next duyahows uutonu estlmato of the happy event the musical festival and tattoo h id here tohufht wu a rrd euooe lon- iwifore the parade munaed juinda from acton oeoraetown and mhton both aide of uuln klreet were crowdixl with hun- dred of apectator from all lurt of tho country who were dellrhted with the excellent playing of tho seventy musician who made a ood upuear- unco in their uniform loth tho vbtlthiii liatidu were accompanied by clt latin from their mtotlva t6wn at the akrtuuuural oroundm a varied proaramme watt rendered hy tho throe hand which wu greatly enjoyed hy the many hundred who were present thla wuu the uat of tho aerie of band festivals this year hut it lu likely they will continue nxt year cam to aeton 8 year aoo last uuturduy wllllum a kle who ih in hln nlniity maoond year und re side with a son at wulerdown vtsuvt aulon fur the sake of old time ur icdao came hare in 1bb after athng the upirer lakes and taklna a trip ihniuih the western htutha he live in acton for a time also hvnasaa- weyu kvqucslna and trafalgar ha worked in the hlg uw millit at st helena hut apeltt most of hi time farm i us alter he came to aoton he married and fourteen children blearied his home wr icdge wu here the time of the kenlun raid und en listed in the 30th huttallon under capt william allan ho enquired for hi old comrailem in the runks john ultd hugh cutnerou aw h brow n jim crelghton charlie wlogr and other lku dickey the landlord of the old california house on uuln street wu a special friend in those early days the old gentleman la well preaerved and enjoy life notwith standing hi old gp- he ha relative till at umehau duxins hi visit he met a- number of old friends and wu- th auest of ur and ur john crawford huroh btreet nd cmwi in tt ughfurts leveral direct inn th new stone road tli construction of thii imw alone ouil from the limit of the conioratlon v alton lo lb hrln town lln liu heii ciimplntud it is u nne ploo of road uy und with neceoaury mr for main lununno should make a pennuntoit x ail conatuiil tiupervlslon will lie iieoeuitry howevir ror it is limvltuhlo tlmt plicu hr- util ther will dlsln tlixrul unl rthiulm teimlr th now base lin roadway the pltit lid iww atone mud on th hi line fn m tb aocond line to horn- by i a grvut immid lo tbo lmoil who use that roadway u win in tiatl con- illtlun for many yeur the county lloud co in in lux lo liar will tvfpilre lo give rlinw ultantjoii howvr to thl road in vrul piano ulresily the bmkn uton bun workod out of ptac and del renalons annoying to driver are arowlng utrir ulnor reivulr now will mean th prirvutlon of the road otherwise ilwlll oon ant out if repair ua so many other of our county roads tiuvn dom improving the beeend thu influoniw of a rimui exampl vlvlaly seen on the booond line krti th work of improving tli second 11 n kauiwlrig lias juat been complotod up tu th town lino and on uomtuy work was rommcncml in imtunvlng the krin miction of lhat thoroughfar work of rvduclna the hill anil nlllng in the drop just uhov the uriok church wus cnmmiinced on uoniluy reported the roudway i lo lie put in uood shape to out rliiv wbem it joins the jueli h to vrln gravel the aecoml line krhi is a deslgnalnd rotinty rouil thu mddanta uhmg that highway aod those who use it freely will appreciate smry much if the county of wellington will emulate the example of hullon county and construct a atone road of ilmur width and of equally good type of oonstrui ion very little tikinoy has previously ixmn upent this roadway alnro it was luhen i the county rouil uystem obituary juwik hih1h uruli uh of umlaay th tiowm wa recwlvwl on lri luy t lb doulh ut hi horn in ijinlmuy that m ruing of 111 honor judg huh uruiiuiti oounty judg of vli torlu nty judge ucuuun was hi earll luyu a wall known liarrls hi tunlpli ii aurftiml a paralytic sliok duyu ippfor til death an i hu ihu tl waa rgurdd a rrllloul from thn be was mr ikon th ut judg ucmlluil wa u natlvn of krlu town- bhlp wlmrn h wus liirn 73 yeurs uu i mii of the ul hugh urmllluu il of u pnmlntint tanilly iwiiii d whm later uw student in ut l il riir wing admit toi to the hr tliuhl hu profeaalon with the lute r ii jolmsloii w a mclean and u w plll und latterly wa u imrtit r furc i iknkr in 190 this imrt rahlp wudiolvd whn ur uc uhun trolvod ih at imilnlmenl of ige of victoria county ami 1 r v i to th c4 unly town of lindsay ir h since lis i rllwl tlo lalrf dg unuuluti was twine married i urt wif imii mis uargarot cattaliucli who prwlocnd him tnany yari o and ills mary tciiuilmih curk dauxbter of th ute col walt clark ouelph who survlvn lcoas ml i ulao survived by thre brothers chsrle and joi uculllan of tcrtn ind arthits id of woat toronto und wo alator ur ucwiiuama of lus- iixli und ura curri of icrin seeend j- in erin of a rimui the sseond line to mlllen the county council huv in con templation the iimminsttufitlon of the mmind line frtnn anton to milton thl wuu one of the llrat stono roaiu built in th county under the rood roads uyutem or a numlier of year it ntond the i rut ho wnll it narrow width the oouutunlly increualng trnl of motor cura and tho fuel that repair for mnlntonioicit were greatly neglect ed have rt ulto i in the t reaklng through of the hton coating very gen orally tho proposition is to widen th rouil give it proper drainage and re build it under hnprovod tnelhods o conutrucllon it i reiorteil that this ork will lie comintmcod very shortly this rouil wuh built lu 1d16 und has hud up immense volume of traffic di inir tlmt tinio lining one of the main urtnrlnw through the county the truffle is constnntly inrrnunlug und when the new toronto to hum i provincial hlghwuy which crosses he upper section of the county is completed the trurtlo over this section of the second line from ulllou to acton will be greatly uugmnntod tldcf session of council nw hardwood floor- in town hall to b laid bator baptamber 30 cttum ii umt in regular session on tuewluy von log with councillor liulmam tin tford and 1111 priit and the hv in th rhalr th ho no committee preeanted thalr elghtsentll report and rcommniid- ed lutymniit of the following acoount gansral account tltxt ih llw lulor at motery wallace police uniform ki ltltthle toamlng- amim pas iiut printing and und advartlslng icarli uaraliull groceriea etc while under quarantine a o tkvreut culling wm1a rand trunk hallway 1 co 40 00 sb co 37 s hub ot waterworks account cunu halt kslrliauk morse co muppllo l a worleu imlnt for hyd- lit as the 1 i wirt wu adopt the clerk mm instructed to udyertuo fr tudtm for the laying of a hard wood floor lu the au iltorlum of the town hull th work to be oompletod hy huptfnrber 30 uovod by k t that fori secun jy v ilohues tliat u vol of thank be tnndtr0 the udte of the v o d in uppria utloo of the work done in decoiutlnu tho auditorium of the town hull curried counrll uajoumed at b 10 p m social and pergonal vrr mm mr rr uvtr ii wm k mrs k j llukuur i u ni u trip in ur unl um h illduyiug ut wulton hoy wonabrouili of i oro coi ll i i will lead toor l heplemlmir 14 and is th lady bowlers tea yesterday ly tiowhir iff aolon athlotir ashoolutloai hold u very eiijoynhlo tea in tho orchard ut tho green yeaterduy arternoon following an interesting kutna a number of ludle who are not liowlor wore guest on the happy oocaalon anethsr motor vehlolee act infraction 1rovlnoul ontoer cousomf charged arthur lleuumont with havlnrro motor cur on the seventh line tuutueulng without lights nn a recent luturday evening ut 11 36 o clock hnuumont pleaded guilty tmfore h 1 uoore imllce ubglstrate on uonduy and wa fined ii oft und oost helton mothers allows no gommla- idmiincuthhed excursionihu canada iwenty nve member of the krlluh house of lords and common huvo ulrvudy accepted the invitation of the uontreil lhrunl of trade to be it trip acrua canada in irttnti mlker lo celebrate the hundrodlh rnury of the organisation ao com til ml ut ion has boon socured for one liuinlrnl member of the lloanl of trsil tlie idea of the hoard i tu lilbuto tu the mtereat of the dom inion und kumplre by affording mem ber of tlu imperial larllament ameuna f ucelug canada and mooting ropre- muat not bell on sunday it is unwwrul to soil soft drink and chocolute bartl ovor the counter on sunday according to tho judgment lianded out hy magistral watt at uuelph ihlle court tuesday mornlna thla l urv important decision beoauae a numher of upunils have recently heen erected on the various highway com ing into uuelph whore in aoft drink und other erpull otult la aold without uny provision hulna made for consum ing tho same on tho premises warn ings have been handed out u these partlos uuit they are contravening the taw aiid noverar of them hav clpaed u on sunday thla judgment will probably dispose pf any other which have kept coin the deculpn waa gfren in connection with a charge made agtoat a il peeves who kept a eland on the york road he waa charged with unlawfully selling certain vooda i wltisoft drink and ohooolatol v on the lord dy ofootrary to tho acl the defendant pleaded not trullty but ii waa toatined in evidehoe that the cooda were aold over the ountor and were not cohnumed on the premlao in irnpoatng a conlton moglatraio watt and ithe defenchnt iso and touta quelph horald lei the uothor allowunoo commlnslou of ontario bus appointed thn following a hulton s local bourdtjeo hlllmer oakvllle wm tlrldgmun iturllngton k v kurlr ulltou j il elllutt es- ilueaing ur a t brown acton mr iliuii kdvlngston georgetown annuo crawford champion cheeks r player angus crawford of alton checker champion of ontario defeated ur uo- litnea ikrplnlon champion fit van couver lu a sorlos of 34 games for the dominion title last week crawford uhmluif eight and drawn ten ur uclnnes uult and would not ftnlxh angus is quits proud of his newly won honors the great toronto fair toronto exhibition opened on bat urday with a recordbreaking attend ance it look very much j if utlsj new record will be maintained through the ealr the attract ion at the exhi bition this yeur are in many way xaperlor to those of previous year in thn government building the lvovln- olnl deiiurtment of land and koroats has installed an exhibit of wild unlmuls rrom algonquin lark where citlaeiin hao mi opitortunlty to study these u close range in thalr native surround tng i panadlan ohtaliv oakvllle had a tatf day for the band und collected new pish and game laws under thn umendeil mull and game luws iihumki ut uat uossloti aieckld trout cannot be taken under ueven inches in length the length formerly wus six inch no more than eight may be caught in one day and muy 1m taken under ten i no ho in length helton county school fair the date of the coming hchool fjr in helton ure lounalng hop i amber 13 itroouvlll heptember 13 ham by heptember 11 nelson heptember sg irufulgur heptember se ullton hcptt mber 33 hulton ahsmplonshlp ut ullton boptemher it and 30 ilronte octolmir x special o t r service to bhlblui a khmlal train will leave acton 3jb p m via grand trunk on august 3o 31 niitmlr 1 x 4 b c 7 and arriving at farkdale 4 46 p m toron to inlon station 4 es p m ro turning irving pvrkdale ut to 00 p the exhibition t run on daylight sav ml ufutru churbu ul if ti ii itlo wjm h mm edd uus j un uolfut i from jitlnli cuirul ii duy ulu nettle ilryeru visiting her inuny ac week uls uurguirllu hit ultl rri nds lu the woek uihs uurbl uukou ivent u few holl luyu miss jessie c rvulu of toronto mihiiil fw holl luyu in alton thl weok uls uargurt kenuely of toronto spent couple of weeks 11 hur in mo her ur vro1 kustwood of toronto 1 spending the week with urn w l graoa ut uh i ura csorgu jjoffut of iiu k liort v spent yosteruy with acton ur john rawson un 1 musur arthur speiil the wcwk end with friends lu hamilton ur jumetf aiclnlotth hud a vry pleasant visit with his brothr r john in leuiit last wek uaaters arnold und ceruld ch uroy of ti mm to are visiting ut th home of ur john kennedy uih uultel howli of ut outjiurlne wus lh gueat during ilui woek of ur and ur a t ilrowu ulss uryl hill up i hor brother cllrford of ullton huvn ikhiii uk ndlng u few holiday lu acton ur und ur c a ci uatthwhhd uls hull of toronto jsltd mr und urs jstmu uutthuw on huiuluy itev clturle ii elliott of hillsdale wus the gutsl of- ur und lril john hrurf churchill for u fw duya lust week ulid mr lllelby mid chlldron of niagara kails huvo imkiii vlalllng i mi itolmirt wutaon during the weuk ami row murray jr who wu louuy 111 is now r invuhihclng nloety he is ublo to drlvo ujout lu bin cur now mr und ul- v h lohbla of tor onto have iretn upending tholr holl duy with uv i mrs c cios at dolly vurden and mr hoy mdtitouh und orant visited friends in th old home during the wnk and n turned to oshawa yestortlay mr nnd mrs walter uluott of chicago 1il spent u fluy lust woek with their nloco mrs wm llliilr and ur v wlldersplu mr und ur vrd vtink of toronto visltel ut ur james uoor u thl they will uhortly remove to tliuglutintou n v ur uary cleurey and daughter kvelyn of toronto spout u couple of ik at tho home or ura j j ken nedy und other rricndu f end ur churles h gumblo of hurrah n y urn spending holiday with relative ut cruwuonu corner with atitpu rrhiulm r juhtun kirstbrrok of toronto spent the week with aoton friends looking o well after her rvoent lllne- ur joseph a luuby huu ireuu upend ing hi holidays with his friend ur n gregory of i indnuy ut his hummer home at penelou falla ho hu re turned tu hi pomltlou in loronto mr and mrs l it hhoroy loft on baturduy morning- on a threu wk itorlng und camping trip they drove to nupunue and then north to one of tho bikes whore fishing- lu ro- ported good itev dr uh t ottuwu wa tho guest u week ago of ir t j d farmer with whom ha hud a delightful visit during his stay huru dr- ullne vultetl a number of hi form r par ishioner iriths boston churoh district ulss velmu murray iluughtur of ur o w murray president of acton vvrmers club who wu opirateil k tstax m r vs b col fred deuoan as a farmer col lred h deacon an of mr 8 deacon late pullo school inspector for hulton who haa many interests lu toronto and euewher 1 tho possessor if a 000 nor term at unumvllle nuor the city whor he a rule in the uummor time spen is his weekend tho canadian countryman of august il contain a peg devoted to col deacon and hpl fffcrm und in unawer to tha question put to him fs to why a city nan like him lake up farming ho maid i primarily to have a place to brink up my family under the moat houlthy condition obtnjnahlo and to give thorn a variety of occupation- it is just about live year nine col deaoon bought hi llntt farm in that district and now he ha your -gr- gutlne in nil some 00 acres the farm adjoin each other and there are ivo atreams or to lvo them a scotch name humo running through the estatvas t mny b called bom tho numo tlluiiburu jiarm take in tho evonlug performance fcor iturtloplsr of reduoed fare apply to nkut wgenl 91000 fin for booxa driver uelvllle campbell of kitchener waa caught speeding on the aararraxa road ir durham last week by a lvovln- ilal ohloer when arreated hi car wm found to contain a quantity of liquor designed for a bootlegger in owen hound the nwin hi car and the liquor were taken to owen hound whpr the lolici mugtstrae him 1 000 and hmtm or six months in jall campbell in lu jail in default of payment of fine looking for th corn borer mr h h bhorl of nrt stanley 1 mivlnolwl hcout for tho european com llorer hu been in every township in wellington county recently inspecting iii idk of corn but ha been unubli find the preeenoe of the huropean corn ilorei anywhere he will inspect the lty uguln when the corn 1 a little in inuture but he doe not believe thut the corn borer will be found in its county this yeur eloru ex pre aoton ladyjbowlera enurtaln milton uple or rink or ullton lady bowhr came to lawn ror a friendly humo on the greens of acton athletlo association uat thurday evening- a y cnj0nble game waa played and i visitors won the honor the score re as follows miifon mr turner ak 1 unr houston a 16 acton ur arnold ek 14 uls nelon ak it the atou ludle entertained their kf i si tor ut tea hoepltat u iroixirted uu making uplen- dld prugress ur herbert elrolth sou of mr anson smith of fllnvuruvllle n y formerly of aoton vbiltetl friends in anton yea- terdny ur smith is a guduute of uoglll medical colhge montreal ho intenu practicing in ontario ur wm fjlllmul of olonwlllutmx wishes to announce tbo eiigugtmout of hu dughteroertrude uyrtlo to ur irwnk hykea sou of tho lute alfred und mr mary hyke grtirgetown tho marriage to take pluoe quietly early ill heptember mr nd mr itobort j luuduu of itelwnod mniounoo the ellgugonoilt of their eldest daughter hora muodon- uld to walter ilwhoii wm of ur and ur walter lawsoii of htowurttown tlie murrtuge to tuke pluco uurly in heptember ur and ur w m dlngmun 37 hadlnu lloud toronto uuuouuon thn aogugement of their daught i wll- hulmlne to ur alitor u krupalb of lorl arthur on of mr und mr john era uuln of imdon tho iparrlugo tu tuku pluoo the middle of hriitnmhor wo bad tho ploanuro on monday laat of moetlug our old mend ur alex wnulle of acton wham wu had nut aeen fur year wo were glad to notlo that allhpughho 1 vii up in year ha wa looking very well he wun visiting friends in town ullton re form r messrs norman lamliart and w iluuley of wlnnllmig were guest of ui and mrs mali olm mcloun on friday they ura both cxicrhnced newspapermen and cuinn over to mooretrofl to have a ohut with the editor in the waning mi uunbart n fntlior wuu fornjiuni of tho ilnw ihuwu nuarly forty yeur ago y zit yijitiviiziri liaikl

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