Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 11, 1922, p. 6

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haruvl i uiwutf r llulha lilllmm at ik 1i houghm i mi muy 10jj mil luu nfml u uud lb iihinthu ffihr a rtmi 3frit ijjlrrsfi imnm may 1 inaa brief local items i hlu lu tulip limp oh th inwu muwfli now lloout fin your own town mother dnymixt humluy hit your imljitofm iiikiiuil yult tint twuiityfourlh of muy lu con j h uples will noon hf out in fill kini your lioiilo nil tilmmmt und wear a flower fin lluiuluy llwoot tiw muy plan tod now cor thu imlutdi ntupowurfiilly plousa a iothr lu u mother hi iolloit thing ullvo coleridge t liuru i being tuinn llllo iliiw spnrtjul by fit lunula vv 1 union t 1nrtli huu pur- cliuuod john crawuliuwy farm un thii ihulolul lino iho rural school pupil thllod up tho uitmol round uml pluntod num ber of true me amim motion will hooh bo veudy to put mm now knitting mill into nporutloii mother liny service will lm a fill hi re in tint ohurrhuu and humluy hchtwil nuxt hunduy i iiiiimiito tianyum mudo h- lust ojlhdal visit for tho school your acnii h ill no lu lut krlduy tim tlrst dlutrltmtlnn of liulh and nmii1m for ha neuon hiut bout i utudo by acton horticultural society orungovlho also hu a missing inun mystery jumo muy 36 your of uuu hojj not been socji tor uwook dont louvu all the lrotuto blujiting till tlio twentyfourth glvo ilia boy u chance to un ashing no mo tlmo that iluy tulw an hour for your moth of host sun tiny wrtto liar a letter 31m will enjoy tho letter uiiil your remem brance commencing next sunday kuox church ttunday school service will bo hold it 10 u m- instead of in tlio afttrnooit knox church ha uocurnd 1rof charlom kelv of quvlpli an loatler of tho choir lrof knlly coramouood his dutlej lawt sunday oukvlllo utid acton buvn ijoth al mady thlw auflon otton ovar tho 1100 000 murk for purmttx tor now buudlnjrf in oounto of oreutlon county otiliilo hold h30 to wll- frod grunt a farmer of iflllarello whoaa borao wow electrocuted wlion it tftoppvu on ii live wire on tho highway 1 think it mut bo wrlttan that tho virtue of math or a hall bo vultod upon tholr children an woh oji tlio nln of tho futhorm clmrloa jdinucnu mr a ii duthop irardanor fav orotl the irtini ljikaa with a uupply of tho flmt cutting of ubparagun ot tlie eujton it wu of ojtcollont quality mr morris axa qoontetowil formerly of acton ha purohaaod tb katon farm on tho lhth line below cooriiotown lie will movo to thin line pporty ehortly mr ii o uncartl lian bought the bun i noon of the clovordale dairy from mr a m mdhernoi und added to tho jersey dairy which he reoantly ucourod from mr pun til il acton machine fihop have just uddml two new lathoe and u unlvarval ifrlniler to their equipment tho do- inaud for tho excellent lino of tnotor ucoosborlun 1m growl ns rapidly tbo name of mm jatnm near dnttoft wun liiudvortwntly omlttod rrom tho hat of dauuhtera of mi m lambert in her obituary in hint uuua tr meat wan hero ut her mother funeral the oiilcurs of tho qlenwlluanm athjotla club are prenldent win mullln sonretary lsd itludtl treaji- urer cea allen committee jom kry wm bohonk arthur ileaumotit und j thompson a lurxe apricot tree in full bloom lu mr jamen macules icurdon on icistn tttroet commanded muoh utten un baturduy ani lunday uelnir om of tho wry aurlloet fruit treoe to bloom it wutf very noticeable th inembore of milton l o l nrenented llov a e3 mara hull method let mlnluler of that town with u fine umbrella und an addrtuw in view of jila rnovu to tlllnonburff noxt month wliure ho will bocwio pautor of tlio methodlht church awked if ho wan nut htlrry tlie prlnolpul hud found out that he woe amuklute oltiarottum a bright arue- town boy ituld the athor day no hot ttorry i wua foiind out for i think pie tlndtntf out will mean t hut ill leave elsurettem ulono after thle a itummy luiyme tieta off thin nprlngtlmo dlttyi with awlneln of awlihiku und hunblnff ecreen doorw und dlsiflnff up burtltinn and wuxln flooru u follarm kept buny tliote balmy bprlna daye tryln to set to tho ond of th ihithumonmo mule af tor between two and throo yearn munukomont of the hunk bf toronto at lathany maurlro if tunton buu been eent to toronto uu manairerof the dundiur btreet und 0mtlngton avonue brunch air ianton co mm en cod hie baitklnif experlenoo in acton the l0bt ofqca department hua bwbati inatruotlone to llurnl mall car- rlom to curry etampe only in book 6rm tbeae uookd ure twentyfive centn each and may bo had n 1 2 ahd tfa donomlnatlona xatron4 of tho rural route will do well to hour thin in mind j tho hah1taomwyn mn luvvo of cotucrevatlnic on tho ntreetrj ut various points oblliflnr tad lea to liana tlirougli tflia bauntlot tlielr eara often uelnir rooted with unaoemiy romttrk le mot unkontlemanly no santleinan would bo kulity of anon u breach of common court on y bo ifentloperu a newnapor may booat and ovon puff a man oft and on tor a deoado wluiout alarm but lot thit paper print ano little lino that tauchoa tho umd man indirectly and falln to tlakla hlnvanltyl ho nhowa hbj tooth the tnot chimerical inunuonn aro imput- cd to that paper still an of old evil to utoso who ovll think itong live h narntor of fablo neighborhood news- town and country rjaqoaoawdya of mi iln ml mm liihiiu of thu uiu uiidly birft vvljoii hnlr in i jtby ilituulitm murtfititil ann ihumiliiy ovi nliii i lit jin i ttl b witkti with nif bi tirrii inu- ft- 1 tuki iikluu lit j ititi i bi it ill 1lul tluit i lioll ilonkj tb min iiii ovfntf until tiiulilimly vlio helnif hliv kour lltll tlulihor ixiyti notod nu pull ixuroim john llluiu uxoi mid ai fob unil jlmmli flul tin i im bymiuitliy if tin ir iiuluhbom i ml frlomlm tio n mr unil mfji urlmu li llmlr und birvuvi imnl duitlington utllll chun mi win uililiroid tiou of cupl lthl- iliroul of lirunt lloupllwl cuirieil orf dm rhumiiloiimhlp of tho dubutlntr lun itly of tho wthkiulook colleuu n ho uniiuul uoiitit udwutd ci klllott lutu btmii iippolnt id oi 111111111 ut hit iukom cluinh to iniofooil mm i hyknu who nmlui rmently i in iiovuntyiiovtmth iiiinlvoruiry icunv church will ho oolohrutnd on humluy muy j ltov dr dninu and hev w m kiuinuwln il a of iluuilltnu will niiliiil tho horvkou mnrnlnic and nvnnhik at u wiioolal inpntliiir of the council it wau dm lil ml to nil bin it the juontlnl of puvlnii llraut htrtt to tho rate iwyn htll report uhowi unit i oot of infloqo for i pavoinout fliikottu milton i m llton a tutf under u bylaw of the in till owibiii of dofu miibt pi on oi ihifnm muy it l out ki dowiim huu purchauod tlie rul- diiutu foflnorly owned and oouuplad by thn into john iiweon corner of kohltiihtiuit itnd ivytllit avuiilte mru iiiwhoii will tukti lip hoi ruulduune in lorouto lirliiudler cdw whlm of milwaukee wlw who hiui junt roturnod from u rip to kltirltlu and culm hpent laat rltluy ultcht horn with hlu brother h white of tlio jfnformnr tho town imhrhfir haw returned hla roll und from it wa ttuthar that the population l ubout 1d00 thoro tire 70 diitfh in town the totul iiuhouument lu u4us17 laut year it wuk ihj1b30 an luqrouuoof j30h1 lut haturdiiy wm ooorife jforth wum found di owned lu a lurjo tuuk in hlu burifneur twvlllo mi llorth wuu it furinur und watt illicitly eutevm- ed by hla neighbor ho wun ubout it yearu of uo and unmarried about u year ano in bin burn he waif crank inw n inrffti ruhoiiih enrlna it back tliutl und threw him nurobh tlio floor ulid ilown it ohutn into baement j nknll wax fraoturod und lili brain perinunuutly affected champion rockwoob hockwood in in a fair way for hav- ntt a real live volunteer vlra urlgndq m a publlo meotintf laat week col mutrlo wan ohouen ohlef und u number fltlaena lrneil up au mem bent- of the proponed brigade the mombiini of the horticultural soulety will do their boat to bauutlfy hockwood thu hummer a largo col- ion of fruit tree nhrubu and bulb have arrived mr wm uajrln tho prealdent muw tljat they wer prompt y dlntrlbutod colleotion wwk taken up by tho puplbi of tno ituqkwood iubllo boboola for the huaulnu children famine fund which amounted to 113 co muater wllliert iuttoraon had to be taken buck to tho duolnh ooitetal uoa- pltal for rurthor treatment of lite in jured leg mauter c rat tup uurry who watt con fined to bv mlahiiala uoapltaf tor onto for tome time la tmw homo with hla parent und u trukng rapid itldfte toward recovery mr if u aulll 1 a member of the central fixooutlvo of the ontario ilranoh of the dominion alliance for tho your xllh ftthool standing the btudnl at th march ahd april emmlnmon i following iwtmritlmonthly r- nf tin alton coiithiliutliut hqliool uioiitliu of mm di itniapill loin ltn ily jorhui iy nibboiii fikd dunouy v mr llimwlnk murlr tin bxiiinoily jin k uobert- utiuill mi iii nmlo uoum jjilrd mtin- hull 1 c ilntlmiiv vutu lltirnt miiibimi itu ltyiloi kduu hoimlenion jfiuu ilrlxir ijoyil keit- ny form ii ciiilh i wllhiid hinllh ciunh it jiititi oir miulnliliie clh- btmu will 1 llkln muurliu fltuikniuii fiigkiui miinlhoitioii jiuiuvbvn clur- rld hirultin lloltlj uumhoii itiiati nellie hull mhmlo jllulr cluuu 1i jutite mutthnwh iullt mut in aguom mttrin llonubl man- riohri olive mcuniglillu perm i cliihti i llu cfixo llulpli huinwr- uoii wiiuimk ltllll cliliu ii uolnn mitcdoiutld tjlulu huvuui4 ollvn coujior dora idilnbort ivy riiclouu mil gin l young ltiuilrlte lllulr llictor mur1onullt tmulu vlg- linu oliirhn tioyil ciiihii iii joo lturel ismuy yo 1 g uurvity kuwiioii alfred llluhop ada nolllk tiy qutiibln marguerite cow id i rl no j pal ihiwuvt osprinq mi unil mm a j hmnio o inr- otilo mpeiit the wooknml ut mr lugh mcutahnu llm frlindilhja uto ulwuyu gliul to woo auicle iimougrlu uml huvfl u hearty welcome pr iter hiikhuiidulxo mi11 iittj uuhnrwooil lu doing nice ly it r tor tho opurutloii hi tho ouelph twimpita ludlcatlouu ure that thoro iuve baeit jiioriv flhhennit on tho trout mlrcuinrt in uilu uoolloii th put wiuk huu in uhy wlmllur territory uiiywlmre tlun have btmn hoidu good cute bow hut for tho tiioufe part tlio cruwu luivn not bwtti over welkhly uimehoubt mr a ivonn of toronto vinlto1 fib nib lu ilmehouiio ovu humluy mr d m clowdy wait home from toronto over humluy mm jqj d tjine upont bunituy with rrlendx in leorgoown mout of tlm furmrra huvu tholr imvilliig oomtdetiid now mi q run i or lluy city mloh in vliiltlug ut tho home of hlu brnthor mr uumah orunt mr and mr umwurd mumhull vllt- itl rrtonduln florueltiwn on hunduy mr win mar hull und llalph were homo from toronto over hunduy a large numbar of fuh liavu been cuugbt in the iitreumu around here in tho pout woek und it half miuhom olive und icdwliia murhull were homo from toronto over buuday mr unit mr c kongnter imil frlriulu totou4 frn toronto and iipont win iluy with friend in llmehoune erin tlmo to get the up rink lor out mor ehuntg on main htrmit are omplnln m of the duet i lev etid mr j d htopliuu art vloltlng with mt- and mm a hlephu thoy huve junt returned rrom a trip to calif 0111 bc where thoy upent tho winter mer john and wm mox luivo ieturuad to thnlr home ut mug- notawun after vultbi wfth ml con- boy ninl othoc frlemlh tli old bund atumt a relict of early day ha been removed tlio hulling tieauon brought out num- boru of anglers but none of them are houatlng of tholr big cutuhni cloorgo henry a well known farmer living near luglewood had hlu rjjrht log broken in a very unuual munnor while removing a hinge from the guto the wronoh atlppeil anil truck him itetwaon thn mtklu ami thn knee reuitltlug lu u serlou frunture- advo cate mimosa tlie heeding operation urn ubout to a flnlnh with he exception af u few low wet pota tho bad cold or mild flue huu till no mo of our neighbor oonflnnd to tin houne mr a 0 oerrle huu loaned hi pa turo farm to uome oattlo muit near kergii who have alreudy carload of good htooker on it mr wm icnllu lont u valuubjo horse lut woek by bdlngjatckud at the watef trough by km mate mr ju tallwt lout two of jile valuable ilolwteln cow from milk fevef and hu replaced them with a polled hereford recently purchased ut park or male the young pooplo of tho mlmoaa iribyterlnn churoh intend holding tlielr young iooplovclulld every oth hunduy evening ut 8 ooloak commonc- ing hunduy april 90 imitead of every thuraduy evening- mr und mr w j oordon und little daughter florin vlultod mr gordon mother mr ii tornnne ona day 1 week mr j am on orrunoo ehlpptwl 20 and mr jumeu oruen 1h ftm aeleot buoon hog to toronto itixt wotik mr a d viir u tho flret to flnlitn htwllng in till hdctlou alex tiu the right ideaof funning and getting hi crop lu early georgetown the council grunted the lutobal club 150 to put the ball grounds in tlio park in whnpo 108g0 hag been paid to tho ownorn for tho wuturwork property rxpro prlatlnn i the town lu loaning tho georgetown arena dim hod 10000 to jnuiut erocllug a modern rink and ulao makfl grant of fcoo towurdu puroltaae ot he 7 itovlvnl ueivlae are being held in le daptlut church the horticultural hooloty have plamited a lurgo number of flowering uhrub on queen btntut boulevards 1rof hutt waited 011 tho council und nuked that tho aouth epd of mgln btreet bo ecripe and mudo puanablo for trajtla j mr john jaokeon wan the roblplont ut week of a very kindly letter from secretary of regent sydenham chapter dresden or whloh alio wan a valued member expressing regret ut her removal and thanking her for the uctlve part alio hud taken in the chapter mr r d cdutu of aumlnlboio soalt 1 lenendltig tlio wool with friend in town roevo ii h iieartwell wa taken suddenly ill thl morning a number of our atorea on mnju ireot have been vulfud by uuovo on vprlouti oocaalono during tho past few month and considerable quantities of goodit token ant friday evening one of out- stored ion main street wo enured through a fron upstnlc win dow the thieve vtdefitly uqln a 4ddot to teadhtub wlhdpwv urld oakville the hpeolu1 attruotlnuu committee nf the oakvlllrf- kail oculr aro alreudy hard at work in the effort to ueti moro attractive fonturiii than evrt for next fall a car of ulx ardited dairy cuttle of exceptionally good breed lug paused through oukvllle tho othor day routn to lloneybrook irarm mm j gray whoao husband died suddenly several montlt ago left lout week for rtjo old country wherff shi will muko her homo lu future mr walter harland smith is home from the hnapltal und recovering lnw ty from tier recent lllneu mtf w f icaton ha returned from atlutilla city hutimlum josephine kaon lhhtlll in mew york oakvlllo people aru invited to motor to rathel mothodut churoh drum- iuln on tho nowcemont road ion tho evuitth lino thlsxhursday evening to hear llov hyron stautfer eatur on pie hubjoot tho folk next dot iiulldlng lu oukvllicu of both stores and houhu 1 inaremflng every week und this yeur certainly will lie a record one lormll ulreadyjasuodtotui m than- 160000 audsavaral mora nw htorehand houc are contemplated record j notice to contractors hopiiruto nauled tender murkqd touderror contract no flflb will be rooelvod by tho unilnnilgned until 13 oolook noon on ltrlduy juno 2nd 10j3 for concroiocrulvcri rtnnolpovlnolal highway in the township of vsiiue- lug iliuis spealflcatlonti information to bldtlor tender form und tender on- velopeu may be obtained on and alter friday may 13th 1033 ut the lull of the undersigned or from o q fralg resident knglnoor wntordown i a marked chequo for- 1600 00 pay- ube to tho mini tor of iubllo works and highway ontario or u guaranty corupunys bid bond for u nlmllur amount muut be ut inched to the tend er a guaranty com puny contract uond for go per cent of tho imoilut ct tho tender wube furnished by oon- trnctor when contract is signed all bondtf- must t be made out6n riepnrt moiitnl forms tho lowest or any tajider nbt iidcew- arlly uocopteol w a mofcman 1 f peptty minister of highway department of public highway on tario toronto luysiid isss thp jersey dairy risons a 14 sollckn your patronage fur rich pure milk delivered every morn ing at your homo if you want good alaan whulenorrio ihllk phono 114 wo give sorvlao h 0 unpard saturday treat o110 tiny 11i every yens in sot nstitlo and cnllod mothers day j wo nxnxt lint you lot her know thnt you hnvc not forgotten jior by rcndlnjj her u box of our chocolntcn wo have v box lilted with our best chocolate sco our window display icr kox 100 mimc cuqcqtjitk ih0is 25c id- wo huvo nvod tint big special tor mothers day 15lws of theso hljh jrado chocolates may not bo enough so fthop early sellg ut city ntoros at soc lb salurdny special 25c tb ikpikrmnt hum buck 25 lb our humhurfiv hnva lotn of pep in them our customers call thorn rcnl humbugn nnd dont forgot mother loves hit old- fashioned cuudy alunlny special 25c lb ntilfsons cream cakk3 3 fou 10c itojjiilnr 5c euih saturday sicclal 3 for 10c ice cream xm invito you to our parlor to enjoy a chocolate soda or n fresh fruit sundno t h moorehead brampton georgetown milton acton hose specials this week ladies silk hose li pounce nnvy blck cordovan nude nnd white hnckscnnicd halo tops this week 100 1lack silk hose llslo topi seconds tho mnjorlty hnvo slight minds in tlio soles goc pr pair shk lisle hose in silver snnd nnd nnvy only 75c ljr pair indies i1lack cotton hosemc per pair ladies cream cashmere hose specinl this week only 3oc per pair wd dtock detten qoodo at a lower price l starkman acton phone 69 opon evenings mens and boys shoes i would cull your attention to tho foot thut wo curry a first olnh line of menh and jjh hhonw mid our price nro rea- iio n utile w jin reialr anything re- pulrublo and having heaurod help will now bo ublb to glvo prompt uervioe t e gibbons mill st acton guelph ajrmouries madeinguelph exhibition may 8th to 13th 129 manufaclurers eililblunk ideclrlcal exhlbila dancing orcheslra tea room baby show finessing contest limerick contest drawing contest movlnejplclures taken lots of other prizes maypolo dancing crowning queen of the may grand formal opening monday may 8th 3 p m by tho ij eute no ntcovemor of ontaio col cockuhutt nnd other ivoralnent men tuko out your gusollne wagons and spend a few hour in ouelph the conimlttno lu churgo huvo spentover 9j00o 00 in erecting buautlftll iwothm electric light eta m adjsglonadultsrf 15e children 10c r t why not today why dony yourself for another dy tho pleasure and con venience that como with possession of it ford if it is a question of monoy wo will tako euro of that our monthly payments are moderate and can bo graduated to moot your puree you will buy a ford eventually why not today fprd prices touring coupe i 1 s40 sedan chassis itunabout t30 ks starting and to joo trio lighting ph cliassla anil opon modal fl extra standard lfrjulpmont on closed modou all frloos vj 6u wrd qnutfio a cope- acton ont notice to creditors of the jert ate of john cunnld llm eieiltor ut john currln luu of tli vi i 111 ho of aatnu hetllor kinnoi who tilol on or ubout the olchlixiulh day of iteoomber 1021 ond nil ollmi u having olulm agniiiht the maid hi- tut urn roiiulred on or imfurn llm iirth iluy of jtinn 103j to semi by pot pin- paid or otherwlun deliver to tm 1i1r signed solicitor for thn admtulftrutrh u statement of tholr uoooulllh the lut turn of the awouvlty jf nny bnll by them und full iiurthnilur of lixh numoh addreasea unil douarlpllonu and notice is hereby fuilfior glvmi thut immediutely aftm tlie hiiltl firth tidy of june 1022 tho unld admlnlu- trutrlx will proaeejl to rtlutrlbllti tin ushiiiii of the uuld ehtutu itniong th purtlnm entitled thereto and ulut will i not ha responsible for nny olulm or ajnlrnw of which she shall not ijuvn rooulve no tlm ut tra tlmo net forth or suit llstributlon lluted thlw fourth day of may a ii 1023 hallah amlj mnodouoat u avtmiulutrutrlx notice to creditors of the eot ate of helen nioklin deceased tlie nrodilmo of hloi mh kiln lulu of the tow iib hi u or icfjuhlug tlliinter who dld on or ubout tho nth iluy of maroli 1bj3 nt- vuneoiivi ll o und nil other pereonh having clitlmm dtinlitut hnr uuhitn ure rtiulrt on or buforo the 13th day of jui 1u- to snm by pout prepaid or otherwh ilollver to tlio tinilvrnlgikid uolloid for the adiiilulhtrntilx a ututonim of thlr account tho nature at tl security if any held by thmu anil full purtlculaiu of thnlr name muro nd dohiirlptlonw and notlf is hereby further gh that huiiieillutely uftnr tho mild 13th iluy of juno 1023 tho uuld aduilnlu- tratrlx wll proceed to dlntrlbut tin uhsni of hit uuld icatato uniong tin pul do entitled t buret o ulld iiho wll not ihi rouponulhlii for nny clnlnth oi which nia uhull hot huvo i uonlvnd tiotlne ut he tlmo set foiui for su dlstrlhutlon t ateil ihlu 11th day of muy 1033 nor acton out her chas kelly 1 tkaciihlt of singing mandolin guitar banjo and hawaiian instruments agntit for ulbuou mnmlolmu und oullaru 1hotie mow 331 woolwlohut o uian 1 1 ont apply lb mr cooper bedding plants geranium cunnn colcou verbenas aloru ietuula and hnapdragnnu sweet whxiam mining luulltlrypluuts tloo a d iio n early vegetables tomuloo celory cahbuge und cuullllower ordar hiso taken for all vru- tlaa of flowering shrub johbing work done a h bishop fslrvlew ave tslsphon 04 iseif 603 aoton madtuin guelph exhibition week may 8th to 13th una tho leu uriiullng muohlnery u eporutton u the dig dhow wo operuto tho only iuim hur- fuce grinding machlnory lu this district hro opticiak mm umcc augjlih ohkj our finest slipwing of spring suits arih topcoats menri navy kcrco hulbl nt reduced lricctf vc hnvc jtuit 2s of oieio ull pure wool nnvy serge suiti in stock sizes 10 to h with no one triinmiitfi fland inndc good valtlo at rokiilnr price 3100 hpccial thin week 2fi0o yountc menh rtilbi in tweed liiht nnd darlfnhudcf pure wool sizes m 35 30 good value at 30 00 special thfa week 2200 mcnfl tweed italncontg all pure wool tops in brown grays and green nnxturci iho makers fcuarrinteo goes with tvcry coat special imcch 1500 and 1800 per coal mens sockfl lu bhick grays and brown regular 75c special thifl week coc menfl fine shirla stripcn siyc h o 10 hojjular price 1 05 for 165 menri felt huu new iilutpe new nhiidcs nnd rsw prices special vrlcch thin week on menri and lloyv overalu mens odd veabi mcna bummer underwear mens tien tho new uuliber belt in stock mclean co mllivstiet acton ont or some of thu finest bulming in tho tlty 1roporty owners who rnullo the tmportanro of ra- lability nlmoet invariably seek our uervlce without competition they know wo use only the htmivlimt sheet tin and employ only skilled help and see that every job is thoroughly well done also that our bill u wuy n mod orate a we can flvtke it 1 rhone so w f mooney act6n oht faritl specials iso acres peel county on provincial highway clfise to school churches etc lyit far from brampton 135 acres under i cultivation loncrcs hardwood hush nico orchard wells spring creek good fences solid brick house 10 rooms and basement like new barn 110x30 steel drive house blacksmith shop and equipment only 15500 14 acres nico garden land overlooking village of glen williams with solid brick hoube of eight rooms first class repair electric lights now furnace stable nice lawnu with shade and fruit trees price 4000 200 acres georgetown 2 miles irs acres under cultivation 12 ncros mixed bush two houses largo barn with water drive house piggery silo splendid dairy farm price 18000 wtevansco 1nsurangf 6 rkal estate geop nt service nnd protection tannery cooperative tlje store of quality and low prices 6n au kinds ov vrksh touits and vegtrralltes c0nstantl1l0n1iand special price on sugar in 100 lb lots see our summer hosiery for women girls boys and chil dren at very low prices u i wo have a fine tango of meblneltoote ut a bargain and marked at prices that will appeal jp yiu spring and summer underwear for men and women cash paid fob farm pkoducb kv hit fi aws ttuniiery qooperative c a conway manager store cloew bverywinhlay at izm oclock vhtj i acton

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