Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 11, 1922, p. 5

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jwirartmt 3frrv tyrvsa rilinthuav may ii hi2j unsatisfied an old furt and uwi a bright i j wltl tilt uilnwm will nit ithr mil looku from ty ami wluhiu this nut thought nil duy oh if i um it fly uwuv uw lv o how ltiiy how mtiy i wool 1 li amll tli cllys cutnatuul din a mhti who mun i tho world ltuu imm u wlxi ml1 tin tumult uiil tlia throng thinking thinking ull liy long oh till i inly imuit iimiii moro tim field luth to the firttili iuu door tim groon 111 tnn i i iwn ouhr i son how happy o how huppy llnw huppy i win i1 lw twenty years ago frm ik luut of ths pros proeh of thursday may 18 10qz applu hloiuuim time is lit huud only hllulit itnnmui wuh iloilu hers by krlduy night hmvy front t section tni n m wuuvif wore inrreuwml in xfouduy 1 ho foreman now raonlvtut 4o p r month und 1 30 is thu minimum wug air unction tnsn ity the toronto dulliuu w unm that flas ada krutklm iuim t nturod notion against tlio dlty t lulmlug itumuge of 000 for tlm 1 rokun utcn she sus tajund luat wlnt r from fulling on no lay puvemoit it is hinted hut tullk will go up in iihm m only thing- that luis de- orenaed iii rout is i oul and tt dldn t go down until tlm aiitt n to ft hi heating houses for nothing aguijist such wim- ikrtltlon tha nuul moil hud to muka u the first baseball pmn of tha season of 1s0i resulted lit a victory for acton with a- acorn of 30 to 3 wnro m to be proclaimed in bouth africa tivxt tuesduy at tar hnvi tu rn tha burghers in tho neld anil ex plained to them thn hritlslst terms thn itoer leaders were to mnt at verwrn- icing and ranch it flnul decision on tha subject of puce a despatch ways after their wnfotrmo tha iloer leu d em will proceed to 1retorla and unnaunnn to lord kltchmer their decision born camiilfllw luillfaisfed on hun- day may it 1902 to mr ami mm inorsta campbfill a duughtor ouiiney in toronto on sunday uay 11 103 fo mr uiwl mr itobart j lurney u aon died kennbpy at drydn nw oourto on sunday uay 4 1b0z uajcslfl daughter of xaul knnnody formerly of kaquaalns ag3 ill year btoitby- at htrmtford on friday may 1b0z j6hn if htoray former ly of acton ased 40 yaara how to do bq thii08 lay ins out u buj enougjj job to b worthy of on a bat bftorta mid than atlcktnjt to it until it f flnlahod ara tha two allimportant aantlala ur uo- ceaa at nny vanture thoaor ttaaen- tbtbt that may b moat tlttlnsly applied to tha junior who 4a juot deciding to b a fanner it 1 quit beyond human ability to tell n poraon whether h la flued for auch work the only way he can and out la to try it la eaay to a tart many line of wdrlc or project of gnat importance and whoop it up in greet phape for n tm and then loae jntensot tn tt porhapa we find more people of thla type than we do of thoae who have the atlak-to- ltlveneaa to atay with the job until it la dnlahed it is human nature to wont to chance work and it happen so often that the noaalbtlltla mnd result to btf aooorfnpllahed look much brighter id the nw field our aacesu 1 not mjiurd by the hjf dosen or more places of work which we haye attempted to- carry forward to completion but by the one or more jobs which we have been nhlo tot do better than anyone elae the worker who la constantly chngin- from one thing to another finishes ndthlns and is doomed to failure whan the attention is divided areatly the energies and abilities of the worker nro so dlsntpatd thai ho cannot matte sub stantial probtoss we havei hcajd the old saylnff a rolllns stonnsmthers no moss w must have stability and constancy of purpose poor itlchard jr says ability nsver amounts to much until it acquire two more letters stabil ity k it is better to npeclalls on a few problems maklns them an qualahdlnv suocess than to spread out over the whole field of tho extension work and fall bite off mora than you can anew then chew ft xy out more than you can do- then do it hitch your wason to a star keep your seat and there you arte no surgical operation la necessary in removing corns if holloway a corn tlamover be tised a youthful philosopher the little boy in this story from touch e a tout was evidently u firm believer in the old adage of two evils choose the less turn ins a corner at full speed he collided with the minister y are you running to my little manf asked the minister when he had regained hu breath hornet panted the boy mas go ing to spank me what gasped tho aatonfshad min ister are you eager to have your mother spank you that you run hom- so fas it no shouted thp boy over his shoulder urn he resumed his homjwiird flight lut if j dnnt get here i before pa be it do itl asthma doent wssr off alon do not make the mlstnko of waiting for asthma to woar away by itself while you are waiting the disease is surely gathering u stronger foothold and you live in danger of stronger and yet atronger attacks lr j d kel- logga asthma remedy taken surly will prevent incipient condition from becoming chronic and saves hours of awful suffering the sunday school lesson lor sunday mav 14 1b22 i1kuicia11 li adm 1iih 1uol lw mvic hi loij j chron 30 1 p 13 lloii r ki hi d hi uruoloua und mid will itot turn an if y rxttirn unt fwro fror 3 thn 311 him hiatorlosl qattina tllm 731 ii c 1 liin jnrimnuffrt ton commtnil oi u 111 v klh til thlrtoonui klnu- of judiili wan it notn aon of i wliltol futhir ii limums khif flv yiiiru iwforo tin nnnl down fall of muni kdnlliclng that tlm wrdtrliud utiitn of both klnui ntd vnu tluo ihtlr forhautii jnliovah i mi aonsht to f tihtmhllnh the lkmhovor he lnuiil rulkl kiuiuiiii uml lilu broad mlitil i innas in nllwi ilxothnr kluu lorn ti virum 3 3 whlln tho iiihsovkt will to olobnit 1 tho first month tits luw rovidml for u ihalonaiitoilt lo tin hooond month thmt wus not tlmo for hnttlnif upurt for lh anrvlun the tium- li f of prli utm tlmt would ho ntxnaaary viiiui 4 thu funt that tlm king was randy to tuko oouiiaol tin i tlmt thn king und tint puoplu woro of inw tnllid portoiulvd uod virs dun on thu north und liner- hols on tha smith tnurkod thn limits if ilia litinl glvuu to ocds m pa vrmt fl thn mnssonkars wnrn to covor tha ontlrn in t til thoy wr up- huihi ti not mm mnuurutu pooplcii but um cli i ul run of jod uti 1 us douoaildants of al ruhum lurunl huil ulrftuly suf- u rod from untmrtatloiim ut tlm hutids of ilia aunyrluiih vorss 7 thn oxutniilo of tits wick ed should w rv un u witrnlng to tho as who coma ufti f thnm verse 9 tltilr fathers bud refused to ho 1ml by juhovuh und hud for saken ths pluce he hud hit apart us a mushtigpluno u twonit himself and them vnrao 0 tlm htrungoment bntwosn floil und mun lu ulwuyu of mam muk- ing kfn t homo who ur led away iptlva ware to uhuru the gruclous fruits of thulr rapniiluitcii irsu 13 tho printsd xt omits thn story of thn rju tlon of hesekluhs uuiifd liy nil hut thrnn of thu ribs tins hud ulruudy be n driven from thnl r lunds and muny hud boon made cuptlvns as it wus groat numbers cinme tognthur uml kept tho 1asaover the week of unleavened bread illustrated truth the time to begin toset wrong things ight is the earliest moment whan it is possible to do so v 1 illustration the new man saw that the stono wall some one else had begun i out of plumb 1 ve got tn begin this wall straight he said tha fors- objected you can straighten it a little at u time us you work he doc is red the workman shook his head 1 begin strulght or j dont besm ut all ho declared the longer you put off beginning the less chanctn you have of gutting it right thoso entertain a foolish delusion who per- luude themselves that the thing that s inherently wrong can aver evolve into that which is right topics for research and disoueslon- i a vromlslng 8art vs 14 1 whut uo wo know of ifereklaht l how did he begin his reign 1 whut do wo know of religious condi tion in tlm two kingdoms 4 in what wuy did ho shtiw his nobility of churuotort 5 what was the regular urns for koplrig tha pussovort s why did tha king change ut trying to itounlto urethren vs 6 s 7 how fur did the messengers got 8 how did the icing show his wisdom in appealing to the people how did ho use tha tntampla of their fa titers 10 of what did he n utemt 11 how were the mes sengers received in isrueir 13s what buttons wuta there to this 13t what is said of thn keeping of the feast t dally rssdlno for nkt week monduy may igcleunalng tjte lund 3 chron 34 17 tuesday may ler ke pairing tho teniplo 2 chron 34 833 wednesday may if hllkloh s great discovery 3 chron u 14si thursday may 18tthn message of tha word 3 ohron 34 22 38 friday may 10 the wotsl obeyed 3 chron 34 29 s3 i saturday may jo teaching th word it tlm 2 i w sunday may 31j the priceless word of clod ps ib 714 a bit ha8tv tommy had been spanksd by miss qoadq for disobedience but she told the second class toucher that she had tiotvreached the point whero she felt she could do justice to hlra in spite of nil his naughtiness send him to mo whan you want him punished sold mis mariners oria morning after her colleague hud re lated bls many misdemeanors about sloven o clock tommy ap peared at miss manners door bhs dropped her book grasped him firmly by the hand and administered a severe punlahmenl when sho hud flnlahod she said now tommy what have you to say 7 please miss mulss fjooda wants to barrow some chalk was the aobb ing reply worms food upon tho vitality of children and endanger their lives a slmpto and effective remedy is mother graves worm lsxtermlnator served him rrpht tho great london tqng banker ulid brewer whltbreud was once paying it llttlo curd dobt some jcb5 to beau drummell in acknowledgment the dandy impertinently said thanks mushtub und in future h shall never drink any porter bit yours tlio brewer rejolndod i only wish every other blackguard in london would do the same i x f canadas cold production for the nat two j years canada has ranked thirfl nmonk thosroid r duolng countries of the world south africa lyjifs the united states is second and canada climbed into third place two years ago an i held her place last year out o a total world production of 15 sos 800 ounces tn 1021 tho urlttsh rmplre produced ho0 boa r ounces canada produced oboooo ounces the holllitger ml tie at tlmmlns on tario was the greatest producer of gold in the world last year j w- not what he came for a small boy was fishing una morning and ho accidentally lost his foothold und slipped over tho bonk inlp the river an old gentleman whp wu naar by fished film out how- did you coma to all in tho rlvetvmy little mant ho asked r didnt come to fall ti thu rlverj repllodltha shlveruiff hpy i camo to fish a worms iru encauragpd by morbjitj oorjdltions of thojlomuch and bosms uni subsist muiora wprm powd ers will alter tfteso conditions utmost immediately and will sweep tha worms itwuy np 4ostruahvo paras ho can hva in contact with this medlcluo which ih not only a worm deatroyoi but a lieulthglvlng medicine most bo ho lt n in i to thn young- constitution tiunter remarkable iropifv head of dlghorn or rocky mountain qbssp ssourad isat ootobar near lake louise alberts this la yona of the fjnsat and israast hesds svar cured tho wosliiin provliwnu nf cunuda jjro fumentto rtuoitu of htg guinu many kinds are 1 found hut iiuiong thn most sought urn bighorn or ltocky mnuululu din ti lho hunttirs tlmt got u hlghoru l i ocui it lluiiduoimi trophy in thu horns it in suld hut the biggest and hwt blglioin hnuds urn to bo round in tho itooklns ijimi oo tolur u purty of huntorm uiidr thn 1 ndorshlp f juinuu mliui uon w ii k mi w n uatiff guliln tm it limiting out fitter started out from tjiua louui thy hunted through clenrwutor ioep crnek and thn humbutohi walt hlwr munysblghorti and wild lotitt won atcn m 1 uiiii ngut tlio trojilili i fund wh u hcu1 with a iimno is imhoi wide n lid hoi it 4714 inches ill lttl t m mi 10 li hiu lho mil in i whllul ato rinr were tw ivu tilultorit in tlin group from whh h thin rtmiiikullo hikcltimn wuu liiknn mil two if tlm hutu lot knd jit m lurgi llluh in mo vi ry thin h it fiuld of limn uml thuy niiki tholr imuiiu lit tin inout tiduiu 1 pine m moiiu uood hllutlng dlulilolh nut thn uouthoni imctfi of lirltiuh olinithhi icimt knot luty mount iiiu dkiuuigiitt dlutrict vulhy of tlm ihllifo und chlh otln lllvi i u tho mtiiniliit iiilntry icuat icootnn ly in om of lint inout fuvored dlutrictu nml hunloih unt nut from ooldfit inv nmro mhhtl vt ml and crntilirook a pardonable error a aiiuy tiiot was holng shown over tttuti o war ror the llrl um in hlu llfo nml helvs keenly intniuhtait in ull ti hiiw piled hi guide with all sorts f junntlim the marines seemed puiiloiilurly to intureat him mid gqlntf to onn hn polntel to thn k in lut murlnn s jip and mikt t whut it wus tho murine lookdl tit him in rprlno don t y know whut thulst lip asued why thstx a turnip of achi man replied tho kent wbmn skin alioot yr hsld thc r1qht viewpoint a deaf mun was being married and the parson asked thn usual mtcstlou do you take this woman for your luwful wlfar ichr said tho daaf man du you take this wumnn for your lawftil wifat this time a bit loudor the room snemed lo got uuifry oh i don t know bo said rhn in t ho awful i va seen wuss tliax her that dldn i have much motny rricketsi a bopodlseoao of earlj child hood may be prersatcd by the falthfnl ose of cod liver oil scotts emulsion can tains the wondarful tmti- rmchitia vitmmlnln abundance it j tha ideal way to livo cod- llrcr oil t children ocott at bowse torouto ool douclas cgyptlan uiniment i the farmers friend relieves caked bap gar- get eptder or infection of the teat also thrush in horses feet flstula etc stops bleedlnff at once removes proud flesh soreness and swell ing at all baftlars and dranhu red only ht napanka oau six times the champion 3duu tan i dial wxvilnclns p the utoreoan teuliuia wa alv boy or i elm buauieaa t at any lima sekoou do not cli julf anil ausuat saod sow fo r mlstsab cmtf phsali vbusm rtotonto cu4wbuskssvl nos- lay flat poultry fence your flock la ofer behind greenings lay- flat poultry fence the openings are arnttll i no one enn climb the fence and little animals cant get through the fence is dose end toven from tor to bottom t it turns eyeri high flyers like minorca and leghorns dont v worry about your flock use greenings feoff est t3 a 72 facau isalj l fw hxrjam ovautf the b greening wire co united hamilton canada v easy to control te- wtjs hat ivhen you enroll u loval to ireland a wellknown journalist was touring in ireland and patronised a jaunting- car jvoi sop thlm mountains f said the driver with a wave of his pipe xs thlms uio highest mountains in the world is that so 7 asked tho surprised ijtourlut it is assured the driver aopt- intf nv course thlm lofurrln purtsvr r natron wide ftm hero is senroo- ijt a corner of this groat dominion whero thn merits of dr thomua se lect rlo oil have not boon tried and proved it is one of the worlds most nntclont remedies for oorc throat lame bock and many othac nl intents nrlslug from infiummutlon stubbed on the skin its honjink power is radh ab sorbed und it cn also bojdtan 1nw urnktly farm implement repairs for international floury toronto wind i mills pumps and engines delaval separators and alsopther mnkcr seurlid to your order water bowls wateij systems installed metallic uooftng also fcu lloonnff pall at out now steel building und gut prices be toco ordering elsewhere i g e prfeer mlir street aclofi g roszel phone 84 an entihe didle t a mun inlint diihont to b lunghol ut if he bellnvis thn hi rl turjuj homo oim u iys vou don t hiirf rnully be llvt nil tlm utory of tho lurdin of i tm do yiui7 vu iim iiiikii uu t i novo llmiu wnro rotau j n thn gurdnii hint htttnmi r hut limy nny y u don l nit i ly loluvi thut th muii uml inhott utood htlu7 iy uml if i imd utivimth iiuiliuh to inhtn u unit und moon i lonld ntuku tlnin uunl mill or miiai tin fruition of tho hiiiih iyu uo tl y wi utd uliptiur u to do hut i they uuy you don t it ully tmllvo thut tin wlul uwullciwel jmtuh yum mid if t wuro utrotig enough to niuku u whulo i i ml 1 liitvo mtuie vnry i usy lllgixaw for th lafiuotnry piojilutn ixiviug to i vol u tlm to ojit jilm if i wer mi tinwot thy tuniuitt hut uuy tiny yoit dun t loully hullivu thut thu wutur wuu turned into wli yns jtiut uu uuxlly us wuti i now in oft n ii ttirntil into wlin with un ud mist tin a it ln inuulu und dytulurful hut uuy tlny you don l luully 1k iiivi ttiut biiintoii uhiw a thouuunt with thu jawhi n of mi tis7 yea und i think thut thu limn who in ttiu iluy uuuitultu tlti hlblu lu wlcl ling thn touiiti wuuponl 1 hur is tit thing in thn hlhh thut niumih ru m 1her t itiiiny thlnuu i do not uudorhtuiid 10 not pi etiuiil to utidiiruhtn 1 ulmll in this wui 1 i un leiataiitl hut thut would im ii vnry poor and who roull no fully ulidurutnod hy tha lill- iiiun thut would ha u vnry umull iufliiltii thut oulii iu moiihiirod hy thu dnlti you iituut not oxpnut to wi iglt tlm liun tt rholtu of utnnlihi teui u in un ui otlmi ury u i uluttonu hturtlng with tlio iduu thut ood tuti do unythlng und that ll wuu prumeuf ut thu hntiiiiiiiiig und tlmt hti in prt ui ut now kioto ih nothing in thu holy hi rlpturnu to hhiimii uctipth ism hi my hotirt on thlu poultlon 1 utmid a fouull of tlm iiuom dug up front thn tortlury formation fullaii off thn shelf of uu stitlquurlah a man in tho latter intrt of the glorloiiu uluntonnth ctm- tury hi tlnvlng in a wholn ltlhlo from lid to lldl homti uuy thrio urn thluirw in thu hlbln tiuftt to hu mud now i huvo to uuy thut if it tilllli is ihooknd with whut lt mils tho indilloacleu of the wo id of clod ha in rurlent in his taste mi 1 illumination if u tnuti uunnot read thettook of solomon s hong without lmpuro uligo ho ih t it her in hlu 1mm i ni in hlu lif u llliertlne 1 hu old ttimfmnunt dt u i iptlon of wlk vduonu uimhuniithii of ull nortu ji i iirpoholy niul rlithtt mmly u duguat lug uciuniut ipsliud of tlm iiyronlo und iflrlulun vi ciiuoulnr wliloli mukes win itttntotlvu inutuud of uppullliig wiian thiisit oil 1 rophnts ikilnt you to it luaurntto it lu a lmeiiratto hon u huvlng li to do right fit mm t e gibbons got your comfortable old shoes made good as new wt in tho hint huthr it if v jllv ull til luttrnt ui lillllll nl to turn out u flrat cluus job btlfacuon qusrsntsad wo huvu in sot k a llrt olusu liilo of i n on u und lioyu uhoes ut v ry ruumonablu prloou mill st acton railway time tables at acton orsnd trunk hallway oyatam qolnu waat no ao 8 13am no hi w 10 34atn no 3x 3 3d ji m no 3c lld li n no 3d hsdiim no 5g huiiilny 10 u urn lllluhs i llliu d inttgrlty thn ullild iiim not uuy hu wus ovi rcouiii by thu fum imttloiin of tho festul hour or tli it hu beotmu u llttlo fust lu hie intuitu i will lull you whut the ihblo uuys the tlusf u turnvd to his own vomit ogiiln und tho sow that wus wuuhe 1 to her wallowing in thu miro no gliding of iniuulty no gurlunds oi a duth ttheud n lioundlng awuy with sliver mallut at iniquity when it huads hu iron sledgo- hnmmur i oun easily underatand how nsople broodlnk ovur tlte description of unalftiinuess lu tha ulblo may gut morbid in mind until they aro as full of it as tha wings and the bvak and the nostril nnd tho clitw of a liuxaurl mo full of tko odors of a earcass but whnt is wntited is not thut the itlhle bn dlslufoutid but thut you the crttlo hitvs yourhturt und mind washnd with rbollc uo id i i tell you thut a man who does not uke this book und who lu crltlnal us to itu oontmits and who is shookud und nutrugttd with itu ins criptions hit nuvor btion uoundly con- vurtud th laying on of tha imtulu nf fruubytory or laplsoopucy dous not iliunge u man u hourt tnd mun uomu- itnes gst into the pulpit us well h into the lio w never having luon ohnng- d rudlctilly hy tha uovvrlgu srttoo of qod dot your hourt tltit and tho nihln will ho right t wut tal- mugo d d useful in campj icsplorulit survoy- e liroupuotoru und huuttiru will nul tir thonuis loclotarlo qllvry useful in cump whqit the foot and legs arc wot und cold it is woll to rub them freely with the oil and tho result wl he the liruvcntlon of pains lu tha mu- und should a out or contusion or spruln be sustained nothing oould hu bettor us a drtsslng or lotion watch jew el 8 tho term jewel in a watoh move ment must bo taken literally the small nrccloum ntonos are drjued to to lve the pinions or njtles of the wheels tha object being to provldo a bearing that will hot corrode and will not weur away cosily tho garnet is the least valuable of these jewel nettings hut some of the minute sapphires and rubles used in tho bearings of a watch- are good enough for the setting of a ring or the most part however these frugmentu nf preolous it to ties aro off colpr the sapphire espcalally being pttlo to i mdgni nuance but at tho same time harder und bettor for watch jewels bncauso or this light color eacjt stone is shaped to a circle and bored through the centre each bor ing being just a little leas than the dlumeter of tho pinion dtiod in the fac tory where it is fttully to lio dbxoofl in tlte ifpper or tho lower plate of a watch tlio immediate sotting for tho watch jewel is a mluuto oylludor brassy in uppourance but rally of soft gold composition lie fore tho jowal guts to the s otter it hus huqn put into lather und by means of a mlnutd steel point oovorod with dlumond dust and oil the ountro hus henn onlurged to tit tha hteul pinions wanted by acton creamery co souk and sweut cricam nlw mid hcgh cooi dairy hutteli any quantity will pny luhcnt mnrkot pra for bania provided tho quiuily lrlrlit cami on deuvwty our motto qunlity open kvkninoi tuesday friday and saturday uluo wcdncuday afternoons m 1 om a 11 ihn j rffip no j4 j i n n tin y the acton creamery co e x oneil proprietor latjflll ationa western wayy canada itlb new boute t winnipee saskatoon prince rupert brandon calgary vancouver req1na edmonton victoria amd all we3tkn foints choice of routes leave toronto b f5 m cutly standard sleepmgcsr toronto to wonmpsg viasnorth hay atvs cochrane through tourtat sloepiasr car toronto to winnipeg on tuesdays thursdays sat unlays aa sundays leave toronto 10 35 pra tltt national mondays wednesdays and frtdsys vis sudbury and port arthur solwl through tram with standard anl tourist sleeping ciara omtchoa colontst car and dining car service connection at winnipeg for all points west oat full particulars reservations etc frorts lexis i aont nssresi aosnt of tho canadian national qrsnd trunk rail ways l canadian ntational railuialis k hirschorn ladies tailor georgetown has just held an attractive opening in his splendid now premises in tho mcglbbon ulock thu now store is central and commodious attractiye new stock of latest spring styles equal to the citv bhop8 best possible services given in ladies tailoring at reasonable price our cuattmcrs becomo our friends wo always hove a welcome for them a hirschorn mlfl street georgetown canadian jubtige tito superiority of ouiiudlun justice and the canadian people h uttltudu towurtt law is thu tmbjuct of comniettt hy judgo kuvuiiugh of tho llllnolu huperlor court uu huu uutlsilod him- uulf of tho effect but iioumu doubtful to tha uausu in u chicago news- puper hq is iiuotetl ns follows a few nf thn inout obmurvublc dlf- fursnees lir cunuda may i bo noticed t once iflr mtumplo thu admlnls- rrutors o tho criminal law thorn ure bsolututy bnyond tho roaoh of politics the chief of police in utiy cunadlun olty is securu lu hlu olllca for llfo if ho mnkus good mo ih nvitryiolloeman tha judgo oi muglutratp uro ttero for ufa uitd so practically is the prosaout- lug dl6rnay tho poitaltlus imposed for vloous orlmeu it re twlcu as savore as our own lit fact the nntlro cuti- udlan theory uuems to involvu pruteo tlonto the public with only n aooond- ary conaoru for tho crlmluul auovo all there pruvads uu undti nnod but imlpubtu dlfforelioe in the altitude of two men mi the strtiat thn cunadlah andt the amerlouit more dells k0a the orchestra a minor lodging ut a oartiiln ltonua on tha outskirts of a northern olty hus a gtottt fontlnohs for muulo friend culuil to spmid an ovtnjlng v him mid after 4 vurlod programme of muslu imd hoan gnno thrajigb and ha was lotting his frlond out at thu stroot door ho remarkud ah m tblitkln gettlu a pair 11 dumb belts qeonlloi will yo conjo an prnctlsn wl mit this was- too much for tho long suffering land hnly yn hov a plittt nor a fiddle an u trumpot she shout ed down tha stttlrs no mair musical instrumants eomta lit tills kdoao castoria for infants and children mothers know that genuine castoria always bears the signature of 111 jse forever toronto 8uhurhun ci be trio railway culho wt d 11 u m li illy ki ipt uundsy 9 33 p m unity uxtupt hunduy h oo p in i illy ixctjit humluy 11 03 n in humluy only a 3g p tn lliinility only 0 ud t hi hun luy only golnu est i 4h u in dully txc pt flimday 3 0j p 111 dully utiit h unit ay oitt p tu dully niitjit hun lay dud it tu hunduy uly u4k n ii hun luy only h m p in hunduy t nly train no 3 which it ft toronto ut 12 4k noon oh hatur ittyu luring h uttiiiuier nioiitliu now lo ivi u ut 14b p m weight lalivort 1 by u orlul unprnus fmlght itolght pltkt i up ut un ud- dreas lu lorotllo k t thlqtlhohd agont aoton e k cook can illuily yolf shirts collars tici hnntlkar- chicfa buttons and stutln arm ilands gartcra suspenders shoo luces gloves mitts in soles shoo polish and he ioeini ank big 1rolltx hither call and 8ee e k cook uil6 htiu1ict ac speight for hardware ciitltqitv hllvimwmw oltanbwallk tinwaitu spohtinfi oos gramophones prices right watispaction guaranteed c c speight mill street act natures mint makes out of c c to tho 4 oars buloug tho div when gold ltuggcim aoitl i 1 11 shaken from union g tho grusu roots hut thunk good noun thu iluy 11 of opportunity 11m not yot gono ft r tha imy with grit und pimhl to hltn naturo offnrii knli grtuu white rtul yullow nil within the llttlo plot of ground tvhloh bo can y call my gurdon htro ha can trnlno itnanu uo truiiiuxireiit tondor uhd snuppy tomutots uo fat and rod corn of molting uwootneus all thouo hn run woll to mot tors far and near hoods oout hut llttlo farryu pure brod uoiiilu uro too 11 paper they uro tto bluo iihuitlh of uoodqm the plok of ucmu devotod lo uolsh- tlila growing and uiilttntlon of mid iluy thorn at thn utnro ariund tha corner hottd for 1 orry u seed annual chockful of gurdnu hints tolls which vcgouthlnu urn ixwtt fori tho homo garden wrlto today get an uurly utart on your gut don 1u ths golden ides ihst pays perrys porerred seeds dm ferry co windsor ont copy of wrapper thmy years castoria thc csstsus ooi arvar new veas crrr acton bakery phone no 77 frekh bread and buns brown bread rolls pies and cakes cream pupis ordcnl will bo delivered at all timul doughnuts walnut cakes and fruit cakes hy the pound or any sle our own makti waggon delivers ovoi y day will call on you or phono no 77untl waggon will call i m edwards co acton ontario stsra closed every night except frl- dsy sntl saturdsy at 0 30 pm free presls ads bring results t children ory for flttchers cto r i a lis ailm

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