Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 11, 1922, p. 4

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teshnab i mi- uciuh 01 sljr ikrtuu rr jlrnxs ii ilr i lr j w wrllii i o lido 1111 a t i llrt lit i irtll l rl ty 11 rt i- or r l tl lr i i in ii ij u tl iimi aiio uii n 1 rl ii t t e i vfar u ivm r 1 eiuu- i i it i t i lu ii n i tt i ilrl sui ii r i irt i wllrl oiucilill al j 1 u i 11 ulc i ii li el alvktlsin wallvli toil nivtil ulr i uti i liply ilvrlj lilhly1 rlu r r lr m u id cmtx lr 1 it i h alvili 1 will i nclc liftlu will i i 1 t 1 l iii l w i tl arur i a i- r 1 u ii lirmlitt lcllcil a 1 mil r a oil i wi i ailtnl kjl r tuhiwnr- vih rial u i tl i kfllr jo i treal i thursday morning may ii 1022 editorial the farmer courage and optimism the farmer 11 now ktnrtiiijt on his annual gamble with nature he has tho promise that as long us the world lasts seed tuna and harvest will not fail but between btjotl time and harvest there aro many anxious hours for the man who must depend on sunshine and moisture who must contend with insect pests and other unfavorable factors farmers de serve credit for being courageous and optimistic farmers sun president harding view speaking or prohibition in tho united states recently president harding said debts uro more promptly paid men take homo tho wages they once wasted in saloons families are better clothed and fed and more money finds its way into the savings bank and mr harding asks in tho face of so much evidence on that pqint what conscientious man would want to lot his own selfish desires in fluence him to voto to bring back the licensed traffic unnecessary heckling iroved of no avam h h dewart got nnqthcr black eyo in the legis lature on the budget vote when ho mpved a voir fif censure on the government tho house sustained the drury government by 42 to 29 during tho long- drawnout debate of six weeks on tho budget dewart wastod r hours by heckling and censorious and acrimonious oppositipn in this manner the session was prolonged by at least a month longer than was necessary for honest busi nesslike conduct of public business with tho interacts of the province uppermost remembering mother mothers day next sunday 14th mat will bo observed through out tho north american continent every man woman and child who feels that ho or she has had the best mother that ever lived is asked to observe i mothers day by wearing a carnation in honor of his mother and as a badge of lovo and loyalty it white one if she be dead and a red one if she be living the carnation is chosen because ft is thougtit to typify mother love its flower standing for beauty its lasting qualities for faithfulness its fragrance love and its wtdo growth chanty if your mother be ill with you show nor some special kindness this day in words of affection and appreciation a gift or a visit to her or a real old fashioned home- loving love letter if absent from her it she bo nor living bless the life of some other mother in memory of her canada has no need for revolvers tlio belleville intelligencer strongly advocates th pi ohl bit ion of the revolver in canada it says 1 ho common icnta of tho revolver question is t rtop itn inanufncturc and sale i xcopt for police ptirpo ci mid this could bo provided for in a mensutx to prohibit rovotvcri ihe revolver is of no use for iniytlihig on cur th except war and not likely now to bo of niulh llo in that somebody in the can id tan iurliumcrit member or senator ought to try to do ii good turn to humanity by proposing a men lire to prohibit tho manufacture importation or sale of revolvers in canada kd1torial notes if there were not so much less drinking under prohibition there wouldnt bo bo much wet pro pa fronda pioneer thats quite manifest there ii bo more careful driving by motorists hereafter if hon mr biggb amendment become law he proposes that tho penalty for third infrac tion of the law be a term in jail t with tho encouraging prospects for a ocd crop tin i year trade showing a continuous upward trend and peace prevailing within our borders canada doci not need to covot exchanging places with any other nation on the face of tho earth 100 miles of provincial highways in three yearn ontario is in a fair way to having good perman ent leading roods throughout the province north and south east and west within three years inside that time construction work on tlio entire provincial high way system or 1800 miles will be completed if a bond issue of 25000000 00 proposed by the- honorable f c biggs is approved by tho legislature this month tho plan of the minister of public high ways is to capitalize a portion ot the revenue from motor vehicle license foes 2000000 00 a year for tho hext twenty years thus providing immediate- ly a fund of approximately 25 000000 00 for the construction work of the next three years the talnnjtcr seeks by an amendment to the highway improvement act to oftect this object the ontario motor league urges the scheme or captaining motor vchiclfc fees for thfb purpose what opposition tholo is tthis- proposal is based principally on the orgu meqt that tho roads now being built will riot last lor 20 years andsthercforc will bo worn out beforo their cost has been met through the retirement of the bond issue this argument however is cluinlta to be fallacious us at lcast two thirds of the wholo wofktbcing done is of pern anent value permnnent work such as the construction of bridges and milvorts grade reduction drainage cuts ud fills in fact all but the surface work will have- as great a value 40 or 50 years rrom now as iwil five years honco so far as surface work is concerned tho average surface should last from 10 to 20 years if good drainage is provided and a proper system of main- tenance is established theroveiue from mdtor the western physicians tire not given to issuing prescriptions for liquor promiscuously the sixty physicians of iteglua average less than six pres criptions per month while some months they have averaged less than five eaeh per month the coal industry admits that it is asking too much for coal but with tho miners refusal to accept lower wages and the operators unwilling to accept a lower percentage of profits and tho resultant strikes there isnt much hope loft for the consumer iho report from the hydro electric commission for i02 issued durjng tho week gives very gratify ing nows respecting tho hydro business in acton the report places acton as one of the most successful of all tho municipalities which aro being supplied with niagara power prohibition is not in force m quebec and liquor is freely obtainable yet reports come from through out tho province that illicit stills are making homo brow in large quantities the stills will bo driven out of dry ontario much more quickly than out of wet quebec an effort is being made to havo the government increase tho grant to tho small fairs by 50 000 this would make the grants about onehalf more than at present and would abate much anxiety on the port or tho fair officials in the strenuous elfott to make ends meet year after year upon the evidence of no less an authority than james haverson k c it is shown that t h len nox m p p failed tp prove attorney general tiainoy made any allusion to debauching british columbia lennox will now resign his sett in the legislature if ho is an honest man and keeps his word the renfrew mercury has commenced its fourth year under tho management of v r davks who purchased this rno property from w e small held son tho mercury has been one of the leading weeklies of ontario and its well earned prestige of ho past is being admirably maintained by the present experienced head tho now tariff of tho upited states is ovldently proving quite a boomerang reviewing the bffect of this emergency tariff on trade between canada and tho united states tho new york herald says it is strikingly clear that under the emergency tariff we have been going to the bad in our soles to canada faster than canada has been going to the bad in her sales to us tho trap system to catch motorists who fail comply with tho law on tho torontohamilton high way is not in vogue on tho provincial highways hon mr biggs declared positivelyjn tho house last friday that no fines had been levied on provincial highways as tho result of traps his instructions to the constables aro to control traffic not to per secute it a wise policy tho government amendments to close up the leaks in tho ontario tcmporanco act were brought down by hon mr raney last week by this measure swamp whiskey and adulterated whiskey aro regard ed as poisons and carry penalties of not less than three months in jail for selling any whiskey not lawfully manufactured this will give a black eye to tho bootleggers and in all probability save tho lives of no mo who would otherwise imbibe adulterated or poisonous liquors 2y t holmes and mckenzio are owners of the sarnht license fees last year was approximately 3000000 00 observer while tbetwo former also control the this revenue is increasing from year to year tfndjf j2000000 00 annually is set aside by means of a bond issue for construction work there wih atill be upyqrds or 1000000 00 vide for 00 remajnlng each year to pro- ir the provinco of saskatchewan is sottmg a withy example to tho dominion in tho matter of tow con sumption of liquor on prescriptions the total amount of liquor prescribed monthly for tho whole provinco including medicinal uses for manufacturers and for educational institutions averages about one gallon of spirits one quart of wine and one gallon and a half of mult liquors for every one thousand of pppu- latlrfffthis is about eleven quarts of liquor for every one thousand people once a month for all purposes for which the sale of liquor or its importa tion is legitimate tjip worth or ah hour a day ono if tin tnnut nolo 1 man of thn iirr nl timn in alfmln trt mlmistl thn i tit linn lliiuuut tlio t in wliluh him lr ukht i i in into t romtnana 1 rtrt of wll mi ulm nooonrt rovrnnn tw kllkl vhlflli will not h turnail uit nr liinllii- wliul t limiiiuim nid 11 t tilll iibuinuiith uruouiitnroil muy ltd a r w yi th tmiforo thn wur tttluu tliut tlm y nth uf lull 1 wan in inliie of ufittliiif u ii4i hlilod d in it ion dm icliitf i italy neil it lurifti uruo for tho i nut runny mi tho ntudy of 111 iruiititu ilutiilro lit of i cumolot ror ii mmiy of hi in wnll knowi win i it mi liit whnn tho rult of th onli it wu hindu known thfc nurnv i thn wlnilnl- wum flluii i to im tht if d inmi tl una had ovof hoard of in itomt or lltirimcc or any of tho fai- ouk unlvtrlty town- alfrolo trom llottl ita wax rmiml to lm a tooohei- in n rhoot in tlio towi of citiao mul vary i- lln whm junt a much muonuhftd to urn tliitt lm had won tho klnc rlno um ilia juris worn to dlaoovoi n til u n of hi irurnlii in nucli nti nut- of thn wy lam wltrh tha ohoflk tt r 3 100 unit luoidnd him hn ttlmoul fnllitthl it wum u irliic4ily fort una to onn wlui hnd imm ii kti in lilmmilr n wlf und mivkii 1 111 iron on mm biury if 1300 u yout ily unit by it wuii illvcrod that lit win ntlrflly unit ukit d yot wu nl in i writ n tl iak no 1mm limit ilfty luttiiuukkh am a hoy ho hud 1 ntin ut iimittlfn i in u harbor to 1- util iiim trw 1w uli t hud ikiiiii to tudy krvm h in hlh miurn momontu from nti grummur whit h lm imnulit tt i n ill mo t u nncond hulitl ixmikatiiro lis want il frtnn triiih to hiiunlah and from tunluh in icntfllhh it thou tausht linitnlf uvihiuii an i h eh row t ayn lm iton dimint iobk thon bnuur a day thl work yt in tho oouraa o twenty yiurn ha baa lcoma thn tnnatnr f fifty liltlbhabom durhiif ilin war lm kava blu morvloetl to iiim uovarnmont am an intarvot uttd iiiont vahlabla thoy wrnro ita- ontly tromhattl ha xumn pointtl a laotumr on iununao nt th unlvor- ujty of itolukitu ito 1 htlll atudylntf und by lutoat ucoountjf jia juat miu tnrod his nttyelwhth lnua uy on ilointf ho bam aohjovod mm great umhltuiii which way to equal tho mttirtl n f iiim rutnouw cuunlrynuin car dinal xlcxkofatttl who aiokn lu all flfly nlxht luniruuaen tho laat olicht wtiloh tromtioltl ha unjulrod oto orli ntnl moat of thnm indian dlalatcm tho hnxt tlmo wu am trmt tod to lileud lank of limb fur not loins thl t r that whl oh we would llko to do lot u niinnmlmir- alfrodo trombottl ami wlmt ha nacumpllahod by investv intf an h uf a tiay thorn urv raw of un who nan tint iiirn a muah am hit hud to ulvti what ho did with un- kuaawa wo rnuy do with othor tblnss if wo will -nru- htrnnro taylor flowerb think i uthur llnrhanu uuy that niwm ii ink ihut ihoy tuivt ntllliconno and ionihiii 1 1 our th nitht il nt limy know whothni- wu luvn thtin tr- ro lli- llnfirvi t to thtini komn loil in lm hi unywlmrt hiinulllik whllu ollilru titn do nutliltuc with thorn un lor hi mi at ruvorahhi nlltlnmi that lu 1mm utii um mr llurluiik auym iho lltth mind olu of ii iwotu mi 1 t lit nt kn w who ilko words op wise men tlnttor to hold your tonauo today than rotcrot your wortlm toroorrow tho irrutut vvll a man can do to hlinwolf im u ho unjut to other tbnnt lw no wrontf a man cui do hht lu u thwurtlmc of tho uvlna riht iaan u ertalomt fault u and romaliim ihut bo iuih mo many amalt tmou truth 1m tho vt ry ufo blood of tho itlrlt wo ktnrv in it ultmanoo the hlifhflmt harnluat 1m to lm wutt mil thn bratnmt win loin i to bo rood aim ti vim himjvo morality ilo not imply uofld hut eood for aomauiluir to uiilu a uood roputatlon lot mm on ion vor u lm wbut wo tlonlro to ap- ieur it lun t ulwayu tho man who ltau ac- itujrod tho tnomt information who known ti moat the toad it haw lxton oat lna a tod that tho valuo 1 u toud nil tho farm to thn farmer u 110 4 tho wnrvloo of tho humbla umiihlbluit uro worth good money lit oloarlnir awuy certain undealrablo mmiu which aro likely to alvo the farmor trouhla ilo hlmaolf la no nuiaani la any moiimo of tho word it h fallacy that tho toad uxurto a uolaon which la rononlblo for tho appoarmnoo of wartu on thn handa of any ono who handle it tho liquid 1 a milky aub- atunoo which luuaaa throush tho imala akin whon it la frlbhtonofi uttd it ham a nllbhtly irrltatlna etteet upon tho human floah but thr 1m no datibr in it toad uaualiy alay- for many your around a ptaoa if tho onvirotimoiit in oonuanlal and thoro lntancom on rouonl whom thoao have ln uon yoar aftar yar for twnnty and thirty year have vou the couraqet to moot folluro and olwtaoloa on very hamir to moot your etinmlom wuh love for halo uotxl for ovlit to inova mtoadlly toward your noal with u aoratio mnd whan you know that othor rldloule and oonuldcr you u fa lluro t to romulti in obscurity to nupport a paront or u bulplomm alhtor or brother whon you bavo tho ronmolouanoaa of tho ublllty to do big thlnrnt to boar tho blama whlnh bolonsa to nnnther bocuuaa you diriot want tn iirlnb pain to otherat to aftaak tho truth when a i to would help you out of a difficulty t to fnrobo axtravubatioa ao that you may prxwldo for uta futuro wolfaro of thorn tlepoitdent upon you the truth that makes free yoti ahull know tho truth and tho truth ahull mukn you froo iicnoranco make for auvery and o nil dht tinmen t load to emancipation oooif roaillna a jiboral oducatlou uttd travel an open mind and wldo mtxlnic with tho world not un fro from a lot of huperatlttonb and teura know indbo in oanatuntly frmlna up rrom our limitation tho mar w know tho broader our knowledge and ox- portonco the froer wo aro compare for iixumplo tho degree of vroodnro of u nnrrohmlndod liiorant man with that of a broad- ml tided uboraliy educated man ouo uvea in a prluon tho other in a limit lean unlvorae vorlly the- truth makom um free the gait daily reporter has pfrssed into nev control the new concern being tho gait publishers ltd a syhdicato composed of allan holme h j foster h m houston und a d mckenzie allan holmes is the president of tho now company and h j foster is secretarytreasurer messrs houston prince albert herald then qre all experienced nowspapor men and their various enterprise premise success mr holmes js a former georgetown boy who vent wcstbrtdniodo good about a decade ago irnd i a cowitn of councilor holmtfi abtan choice op routes to western canada tho canadian national pallway n addition tn provldlnp unesoelled aer- vlua hotwoen loaatorn and wok torn cuttada orrnra patron iopuonal route i you may travel westward via tho tort arthurlfort william route re turning the northern route via coch- i rana a mt north bay or vloa venuv thu moana that you are in now environ ment continuously a train leaves toronto oram trunk hallway at e 4e carry lis standard bleepink car tn wlnnloit v north iuy qobalt and cochrane dally and thrpuh tour- lat aleaplnc our toronto to winnipeg- on tuenduys thursday saturdaya and stmdaya f the nauonal a ootid uirouah train lavrn toronto for wlnnlpeff at 10 s6 p m overy monday wednesday and vyldny via tjludbury and port arthur with atandnrd and tourlat loophujr ourm eoaohos oolgnlst oar and dining ear service get full particulars reservations euu from local agent or nearest v of thn canadian national orand trunk nnllwava iho hid ti rdh uly a vtry hilolliitont won y ihut sh pnver foul i brow n wnn und that l liny will thn mo man ahti t uim tham on her kinum all plant llf i moi itlvo to our thought to our montal attitude tim fartnor who litatom rarmlnb nnvnr liam tho huccohh with hi mjui that bla tiolbilxrm who lova urn win thl no ituvo iii mental ullllu in 1m not rlbhi un 1 hi crnt mrouimind lo hi ihoueht in kind r w- hall jr b a sc abch1tect jo vou intfni to i1uiu ok makii alterations why not consult an akcihtpct box 524 1 brampion phone 166w farmers attention ytiu will hiil iho cotikhhutl lot your motor car tnpalrotl ikii on mill htroot whorn cook ut th mam aland by compototit ahull 1 lint m fnlrhaiika mt rw worktnvu and itiudon rihhiu will imi ki t j w haluleitkkk special balk in ouaran teed tines and tubes w jt kentner the west end garage and implement shops qualitv and service- our motto mill sinxi aclon wt of main street why why are lartridxe tires increaalno in popularity amort our cufitojmas why are we so enthusiastic about pnriridjje why do wo btconsly recommend them jo you because in actual qervioe partridge tired ar6 demonatratlno tiieur ereatneaa what we have seen and heard about these sturdy handbuilt tlrea convinces us uit for allround economy they an umurpaased rartridge tires are not only substantially reducing mile- ajrv costs but their rugged wearinp qualities eliminate frequent and expensive repairs partridce tires came as their nome wiix afford you comiletk satisfaction fred blow can 99 vvdvertising is the public expression of a masters will and wish his word of power we want to say this to the merchants of- tliis xsommunity you gan make the public of this com munity buy more goods from you you can teach the public new customs new tastes new habits you can make die public do what it ib not in the habit of doing powerful and persistent advertis ing has revolutionized modern life it sends people travelling ithasniade them photographers it has made the motor car a necessity it makes women change the fashion of their apparel twice or thrice ayear it selects the- very food we cat a note to the public does not the publicly expressed will and wish of the merchant of thla community influence you in your shopping do you not co where you are guided are yqu not very attentive and rehponaive to the advertisemenui which appear each week ly tho columns of the acton freg press v k shop where you are invited to shop luuokj by canadian waakly nswspmpsrs association biiainess directory ucdical dft j a mcnivrn physician and bur olll nl itl it i i llowor ivmiiii ami mr i 11k t shi rty at ion onl dr f j wfison physician buruaon obloirlolsn aclon ontario htiodhkor to lb ut lr oruy ortl und litiitijinr l rl hrhlc lit ltl houmj to i i m un 1 1 to dft c v w koss physician an i durgom f mllt st coorulovwn plion 22 vx hiiuihi kursoou rur i hi miltal lirpnlo him jul uttnntuin in 1i u i u nf y- uxiii mil chlllrin mil infant i u una mt w s laird oi- nun j ii no woolwich lltmnt 1 y icnr noun an 1 rhroat l ry w lm u hiy nt u 1 ii in horns olun lcqal 1 hmn no 33 1 o 1 ax 33b harold nash farmer m a rrlatsr bollcltor notary public convsyancwr ele pettrvman blobk acton ont monmv to joan hour- 0 30 hrlol im h g mhir barrlur bolleltor notaoy publlo gworgolovvn ll 1 dental fcfct mdell d d s i d s dsntlst honor oralnato ir toronto tjulvar- alty th iatct annmthtfr umi if lunlrtml y olltoa at rohllmico oorm r mill and 1 rsjerlok htmtit dr f g gollof ddslds dantsl suroaon ortlofl omar jlnnk kova ilooua hoiim0 30 u pao tcvonlncm hy ablmilnimont miscellaneous francis nunan dookbindsr account imnkn of all kin in ton ui to orrti r 5 i rlmllrals of t v ry iloarrliillan curiifnlly imiuii i itullnif ni ally and romttl7 dons wvn i ham btmt ouoltili onl ovi r wlllluiiiu hiiru r j kerr aucttonsar and r ektato atlsnt li year- 3xarumo acton qntario kalou antrumttul to it j jcorr ra oolvti attnntlon from il itn of ihitlnif to dato of oaln j ut your naloa with ma rasldsncs dovwr aumut acton bono 3d acton cll at my lxni nsa roy hindley auctioneer txvw trrooic nicati ic t ami ui3hciiamdrflia conaolidaud phanr erin 17 1 1 ft ft 3 acton j e cbtjeevers book binder quabso b- east cuolph ont llookm and mu if unburn bouu 1 in i la ml mo mo and hulwtuntlul oovru nainns lalterwl bt icolil on jjlblos hymn llaoku and otlmr liookm all work promptly euoauud d alex nivp jurvi ya humlviulmu iliuiu itw ihirtm itamorlntloiih llhi u inru ota cartlllrut for iiurchnn rt tlxl murtuuuum hurvuyu fm architootii liulliiorw uiul munlolnil c unnllm drulnairo uauortu i jitlnuitt u oto mclean building couula st auiuttir 1 bona 1004 oni ojuiciiuantibiwiar tlohonto canau4 tho old and reliable granito and marblo doalors w am matiufacturoi u und dlrout i imtiortsni of all uhnltt of miiniimnntal and headstone vforlt wu a h illroot our oumlotnarn ut wiiouhhii v i thus savin our ouutomuru 40 wr cent i tvo hftvo tho xmt niuitlnno h and th i only nibchanias in tho dominion who can oparats unoumalju toots nnuuurly i wo can slvo rfiforencom from hundrodu i of our customers in toronto dml othor i plaoos wbaro athara havo to havo law i suits in ardor to cauucl wo huvu tlio i laraeat and best stock o orunlto in i uta dorolnlonj or mom ihun iinyrthrea doalors in tho wont wo uro loltl- i ma to dsalars ami uiuuloy no mronm j and da not annoy or hast cnntotnors ssirtlns out ignorant ukuubi sollalt- i ins orders wo employ only mochanlos i and dafy competition hamilton sons i cor nprwlah woolwlaft sts quslpta 3 sl t a

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