Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 11, 1922, p. 3

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iiitaaliumtl 0 1 hultliriay may 11 103 mv mothcn wild r 1 nm from imr u tl hr and hu ir too in h r id inn to i ami mi my hnl uwil kin my iimtlun- uag uwit hill ily ami rmkd uj that 1 uhould uyt iryt mi moilinr wlm imt mi i wutihit my infant ik win ii aloeplng in my rrullo ld alii loirs if nwmi lkkmoii uhudt my mother u in n lulu und fdrkimus undo nm n who uuboii upon my heavy uyu ami wit tin rur that i iihnul i din my mutlmr ip lift iv wild i nil 111 all 1 woull or kl tint my i id ma hurt id mollur wlpl tty ti tiub i fill lory hill it w 11 wlio ti 1 ami taught v ld walk i my iity jufu it llu m llolv wurl wludom u il mntlo r in kill pruy duy iii w anil nil i never r mm in attorn innate uliil mini 1 t wlio was no vt ry kind 1 my inotlmr l ok no tin thnugbt i utmdt hour ami if flod plnuun my llf to muito 1 hope 1 uhull nwitrd tliy mm my mntltnr wliii tliuii art funlilci tlil uml gray my healthy arm uhull lm tly utay an i i will uimitiif thy pain uwuy my mi i ti r ami win u i nmt thno hang- tliy heai i will ho my turn it watoh tliy bed and inula uf uwni unn tlun hml my mother ami taylor just what i expected there rmn 1mi no doubt that a great many till hum ith good and bad hap h n bnruuaa w ospeot them the jf pootntluii of rnrnvery lius raised in ii sufferer of whom thn doctors dos- iialmd whllo others have dlod fur no particular roawiti except 1 1 vat they thought thoy would wo expect that our frlundw will provri ilia loyal that our employer will tut unjumt anil nuf i imitations nm realized while mm who goes through tho world looking fut- kind anil generous trnulmont seldom disappointed consciously or unronhclously our expectations not in motion fori4m that tnd to realise if yuu greet a mwnrtuna with thi exclamation just what i oxpootedl youmiavo bidpud hi nxpwln tut droit nnw and wilbqiit ilotibt ihima of your dearest joym urn luo to tho nntlclptt- jlopn whlnh want to moot thom tr than hultwuy a relief milliliter who followed a very ponuhtr preacher wu ho oatuttantly nt with fiuloguw of tho latter an a pulpit orator and a pastor that juft churltablo forhflartuian m put to rather u hovar trat lis hatpned ons day upon u gojly hhotnakr in tho town who wu known for huf allonco qui to an much aa for hi rvnuinn plty aflor fixhauatlnk tha uaual fcuh- jnclm for rilaoiuuilon tho mtnlatar von- turnd tho romntlr thut no tloubt tho knight or tho tmhoh couomx uto mlri- ltratlon of the recent incumbent f the pmrlnh looklnif nvnr it in iiuiaa rather warily the nun of leather and bristles mild rather cautiously von wa a fjllb talker but he wasnn mucklo of a preacher i m dootln th nik ood murmured tho visitor audibly booro ha could check hlnutelf a jolly game eft u a jolly game that la called tto crow without a perch it can be imtred in th smrden of the flode and any number can take part tn it aa aoon an th pbursra have acroed to begta the t they cry out the laapev8i4 firovfl ttpon which ewrjr trie to et perch uavnt fafa oet off tho ground nkewhtrff may alt on tf kate atand onebpjoe of wood or in tact do any- thfibu only their feet do not rout 4q ta eartbr tho one who la lonsoat flndifur a perch must be crow tho niaarar then alotutl to one another aj9a vhanae plaoes or fly to new perchbe and the crow tries to catch thetnwhuethey are off the perch be aveceeda or course the one whom he haa touched become the crow in btq turn k thh most lopty town uthe aoat joftlly located town in the kprlt laifharl in thibet which aunde icm4tet above sea level in addl- tism being- tle msbeaf town it is also reputed to be thn dirtiest its principal building is the ruined fort which occupies its his heat point and this with its eurroundlns wall slyou it the appeurunco of a citadel tho streets of pbayl are acarcely more than dirty gutters nd its baaoor usually t5 prldo of the oriental oluca la merely a fow starvod looking stalls the dwolltnii are prliiclpally peat hoyus tim dlraato of pharl la one of intense cold and it la made mora dintcuit to ur by tho famous tibetan winds which rise with perfect recular- ity every waning about oclock the inhuhltnnut live iii indescribable aqua i wireless on cusoesisland juun rnandes fasujfhui itohln sou crusoe island now uoaut i wireless station nialntalned by thi chilean fovecdmant one policeman and five hundred native inhabitants recently a party of american tourists vultedthe island their steamer be ing thcuflrst lanrs steamship to enter the harbor of the wand in 79 years the passengera relived the days vrhtin thoy were thrilled by reading hobln son crusoe for by previous arrange ment triads for the entertainment of the puaaoners when their- atjqanaer anchored in hhelter day u modern crusoe come out in u native boat with his umbrolui and parrot carried by uie man friday and welcomed the piuumngmra to his island where thoy ware feted elaborately in native style horaces punishment itlttle horace was sent to his room as a punishment for taking forblddnn cake from the sideboard ills mother thinking to moke the punishment more impressive went up to ills room and after all was forgiven said i now horace what dld i puqlsh you fort horaaa looked ut her in umaxement and his fuce woro a pained expression well mummle he replied i like thatl iluro have x been kept in bed all the afternoon and bow you con t remember what you did it fori will i full yii my oiouciits whirled imiu nrty or ulxty yuurb jill of u uiiihloii the othar morning- whui 1 wuluid up mill htiol tnwatil join illllu wolgh uuu vh ri thoy wrt wtlghlinf mttui ihfoirt ulilinuont fr th toronto tiiiirkttu i lntd luut up piimt tlm hultlut cliumh win wluiumt horo i t atklnsoiiu ii luiriiu riin plaoe look 1 it u yrlotm linl utiuk it 11m front drh liitf horn nml nnir uiil thut big lun william ijvry whloh joint wllllumu ulwu tuurlfd with prldu f uu tlut and thuii i romomlmivnil hat iiw alklnmi whu praparlnu for building u nnw brlok kurngn and rttildour- llu old sit an i gaxed upon th limol building v found mylf gulnit uwuy buck ulxty ypum or more i at one tlu ailed thn limn nviu n ham ilghthi ur tiujlt a horn wlir atklnuon m iioiih now utiiiidu u htnltlu ut thn rur o tho int for mm homo und wiw uml tin cimm r ulwipu uiil utuvo and lutrrnl ulmdi oi the wont uldu of thn prnntrly nox to mr illllu lot or buli th horn of wlulutii oruiiiiiii th urp utnr you old folks will rnidemhrr fhuu fuitn llghlhoitrt and bin family lived imrit and whut a tiuuy nluoo thut ooopor uliop wuu- it wuw u lnwy plao about th houuo too for tin ro won iult u fumlly of tlmm ijitu wi oun rvmumhtir tom nml lnry und william und clntrllo nml thy hud u ultir uml i think hr i uum uxxle but i m bloui if i rumuinlhir luir tiumo vury dlutlnctly though i mind uulto woll whnn ubi gut murrlod and wt nt to llvo up at oh springs hour leirolou the ught haart girls of via vurlouu rum ii leu lind illl sortu of fuuoy names hueli murlllu and crluma und amanda but i think hulov daughter h uumn m usslo woll hu i uuld the cooper uluip a busy placa riiuro wuu ham hi self and john his bnioior ubd think ilnnle liuvw workwl thtrrn some- nu uml tbtin tboro mjih two or tbroo journoymun oooperx and tliu buys town llkud to uut uliout thorn uud the cooporn lurtly shaping tha stuvns and nutting thnm up und drlv ing on tha hoops und tnnkint thn chlmns and firing them before thny hfuidud thoni up wolt in thn courso of tlmo bam uglitheurt uml his family ramovod to iindon uml tho ooopr sluim ilound jim mghthiirt u hrothi turns had a hluoksmlth utiop uuross from hill s sloro and lilt ho us wuji ncrdsu from tho old coopor uliup tho bluakxmlth uhop wiui lurnl th built then jim llydor bought it und afterward his now nhop won humud and bis hojum with ii ami now tin llaptlst church and shod occupy tho slto of the blacksmith uhop urn house was whom tho ohurohs lawn now is after mr uglithourt minnved to iimlon iloliert mwun bought tht pro perty mr mwun wan anton h tint poulmumtfir ami gavo tho pluo its nojno he built a front to the light heart house and it wan conhldarod u very fine place in thouo old days with its old icnghsh ulms and tine kurdeti mr bwnii dlod in this homo thun mrs thurtell want to liva witll ber sis tor mrs hwan there and mm bww also passed away thcro in tho mptintlmo the old cooper alop property awl tho burn ut tho back were utillsod for n livery utablo think it was kd mutthnwa who open ed tho first livery there and icd was in his element among the homus was always a lover of horses was kind to them arid woe lietldo the man who hlrad a horse from vm amr ahuned it when out on the roa 1 think kd sold out to jauk and hi wordan and thoy run the llvory bust ness for a timu thun hurry mo carttty of hock wood oumn to auutn und he purohusnd tho nutllt llrry hud some big lqeas und uu uyn to the future ha round acton a growing town wltn gokl prospeoth und he de cided to incrunsu thy livery niiulpinent with more horses und uddltlqiial rlgg to his end he want in work to remodel m building thn old cooper shop and ulieds won torn down the old born wum moved from thn rtsr of tl a lot and stabllnar hullt hi the rear a new front was put pin then he was ready for tho increased business and ho got it nearly forty years ugo john wll hums cumo from krln and bought tin husliiess houha and ull john wuu thn host t very matt acton rvdr hud lie improved ills promlmon including the residence kept thn livory outfit up to date uddod new nnd rnodnm eiuipment end guvn it hi host pvrbonal utteatlon to the huhlmun john bougbla flrstdumm bus- nnd mot the trains arid cutrwl tho mullk y took tlmo toa s ovory aood olllswii should to do clthenshlp dulliis was a i her of the munlolpul council years and was honorvd with oluotloii to tho ileeveshlp john dlod u law years ago enjoylnir gonnrul steum yrl present proprietor uooutod th huhlnflss from mr a h mccmn who was mr wuhiumi bucensaor uml is now chnngluu tho old nrvmliiuj and lwnging them up to modal n ruuulro tnenbi tho horuh llvtry is holpg re plncutl with motor vohlnlou and ur atkinson is getting into line with curd instoiul of horses a fine new brick gurngii will tuko the pluco of the old llvury uuibln und whim thn now high his popoetter one ot anderson s arjpiteal la his absent -mlndodnejb- jffio other day he camo out or hl3lpph walked td the edge of the pavement hd aud- donly threw his right leg- n the alr wltha vaulting movement of course i he fell sprawling on the gjround hello antteneon what are afoii flp- lnr anderson rose to his fee ok nothtna ho muttered ahoeplahly j thought 1 was moupting my bicycle i jitirgot x hadnt the beastly think with nui r i i down mill street ui will be the first on the utroot to uttrut inotorlsut with upcossorles or uarae flxtureaor lumalng for cnrji tta roaf required and sotho old order oluuigettt wonder if no mo ijuy in the hlatoiry o this aaodpld town this new nrase- tle old cooper shop slto wu ing roomji for an urrodrome whore nreoplunos or uerlal cure may fljd rcfiige stranger things have huppin- ed why since i cume to acton bicycles motor cars tntctors steam freshing muchlnes eliffitrlo i wuehing maahjn telephones olectrla light and electric poorer ataraophonuw uud radio wireless outfits have come into ginaral umo right mr in town wu for years after t cuni hero ndt opo pf thesu tilnga wal over droit mod of well in view of thin tho urw tarugj mny in u quhrtor cailtury or loss reasonably ho discarded for mord modern in nnrlul servlui and now ftof a few rmlnlcenca i again on bower jvanue tho east and i if t iv mm whom it lu int mected ty fuijidi htrnil ut ihi liuiid ttunk lu1lwiy whu tb noillirly limit of in atuin ruinous wood plli u fifty yjir ugo llmu- irnuutimi i litis of bni iinii inuplo in rdwhi imujtliw xlndnl fiom llnwiir av nuo tlimiiu1 to mill hlr t ovrljpuuel und fh wholn of ibrtriikrty now owund by 1 rf i lhlm llil p uorous ilio hhxk from mill to hinli hti in okiipyinu ull tin luml whim john ill ihmi lildom1 ind thn xlo fut tory tituml und forntlug u bu kgtnund foi 1 ho riiiinx in win ru ull tb gmiiil uud uportu i bo qu on irlh- iluy ub brutlinu otillmlwt itytuurtli uud th orunii 1 nioiiktr uu uu on tho llmfoiiu iwnlfth wurn bold tl ji lhe blk wjipil pllfii xtuuld uiijiij tho blink rrout churcli to agues fit rum i ov ring ui lotm wn r jdluujl duvld wuuumuoii and mia uui rgo mrlliln now huvu thnlr italdejicos i hiiihiuilm of orils f iho bout of hurdwood wm piled ovur this lnl lory troitl llowaj av liuo to agntu lltiufl during th win torn in tho hinmiior jtmiuiim gntniully utnirk a tiiuuln with tbo llruiid trunk tr tb- woo1 uml it won uuwn up ut thu lulu wuy u llu wood uhud und uuppltid to ihi loiomotlvou for tbulr funl llim wnit no coul binning nuglms in llxuin duys it took lut kelly onfl i uk 0 ltullly uud ttuii ijilrd iptmy u wury hour of thnlr tlmw in fcouplug tha cord lunlai full fur the freight ud iwtsuen g r iruliim lliiililiig uirough if ilu ihom iiildut uoll to the urupd trunk hlb wlntnrh ml of wood onu iwiiidii mil ki it through until the uoxt ttd then thuy d b glud to got t in thoiiu dayu rifty yuru uml nioi ugo wbon good wlulghlng prvullud murly ovary wlntnr acton haw busy thmui with thu huullng in of itnnuom aiinmh i urilwrtiod and tho hemlock hnrk to hie tanneries rtinre would iifitoi ihi forty teams ut arton in u duy und they rani from icsqueslug und niutssguwiiyu krln und liiruuiosa curufruxu und culodon nlool nm chlngilucouhy thoy mudn lively thnom liulmd und actons four tuvirns wore ftin too well patronlxnt uw wvll u tha thriit or tuxir utores with h hail uhop licoihou for sailing liquor thnn llunaom used his wood plln urou for othir purposes 111 thu summkr time the double rxiws of wood wr plln1 tun or tin oun feet apart to allow rrvo pusuugn of ulr mo thut tha wood might lie wll drind ami scusoniil about mlduummr thn gruus would show a luxuriant growth in tliesn spucus uud itunihim wotilft tethnr ids horses in tboro for cltoap footling if a btlay iiim ojj- vlllngor got into these pre- uurvim thuro would txi trouble mid uomtttimns tho liovlne would lm found tit hansoms pound with thuuo immimii pllos of dry wood ut uu ling unprnlut tiui it was utirprlhlng that tboro w ro not tre nt nrrnt hut somehow they tu- uped until april 1870 whslt a oro broko out unl night in the group uf pllqs nour agnes hi root tho firs wum itartod by some trumps who were hav ing a hilarious time among the wood piles tjiu nro was wall advanced be fore mielng illijoovrrthl it bud uateii into tho hourt of the- pile of dry lieech unll muplo und jt wus a hot one i can toll you it looked hh if anton was in for a reul conllugmilon cuolph waa wired to solid down their flro brljudc they came on h siioctal ruin but ow ing to luck of water thnlr servlceu warn not of much value the lire wnu lluully coufnnl to uu uroa bj the ltuns currying uwuy a huodrud lords orfso of the wood thus louvlng i bare space between the pllus homo lx buudrvd cords of wood vr con- mumod thut wus tho only tiro of run- soquenne thut avr broke out in iluu- sotou big wood pilis well sny i huven t got far along bower avvitun hut tho old story will keep and i ii try and gut along this popular thorough fu re fuuter next time 1 write study tour for boys about thn boat thing a futhor can do for his boy is to encourage them to travel and seo something of the world heforo thoy booome too keenly engrossed in commercial life travel lu a great jcducutor it enriches the mllid and fitsi the youth to better nil bis placo in llfo a normal loy is observant bo assimilates unit retains knowledge trawl gives him his op portunity it nts him for every phase in life a tour of kurop is at present bo ing organised under the personal super vision or mr t ii matthews u a oxon assistant irofoasor of mathe matics mftciill university and lata inntrtiotortjlou tenant iloyal navy iri addition local guides wilt be secur ed to conduct excursions and give lectures on the artistic historic liter ary and nconomla significance of the sights aeon nnd the places visited a most carefully planned and in torentlng itinerary bus been arranged including visits to montreal liverpool chestpr st rat ford on avon oxford irfindori paris versailles litontali bb all rhetms xiyons marseille cannes nice monaco uentpno genoa 1lxu home naples rorrento capri iompat vesuvius kloronce venice trent innsbruck munich uto passion play lit oberammersuu nuremberg muyeiiqo thn ithlne cologne ilrussols xjiiivaln and ostend returning through iondon und uverpool this oxooptional tour starts from montreul on saturday june 34 calling at quebec by the splendid white hiur lino steamship cunoplc 12100 tons a period of approximately two months will be occupied by tha toi by tho ttlnorsry tho return trip ts madu from liverpool by the flno steam ship ituglna 10 too tons arriving at montreal on august it thi iirntngomonts for this tour moht conipleto and the charge which is u minimum nuo covers uverythlnk in thu way or transimrtatlon hotel ac commodation with three meals a day transfer uighusocltig foes in brief ull necessary tru veiling expanses for iho entire tour apply to any agent of the cunuduui nutlunul ltullwuys for further partlcu- urs 4 his first latchkey anyihxiy would think i wiw in kuli k i ho k ru liihit ud of u hiikloy m f nti r i m kiowii up mothnr i m piutliiully u mull tboro walr a lioto if prouid in muxwllu vnlon tliu otb r f ilowu i know dun t lmv to ih in ut just mili u tlmn wry night thny i it v tiilr own luthkoyu und tno und go uu thny wulit o just ilka their full is ml arinntrnug who had tiosn ruh- lug by thu library ubb whlln muxwh wuu volulilg hlu grlsvumu luld down hlu tvnitlug pupnr nnd limikthl i roes ut hlu wife i in pot uum but tho lxy is risht nwil bur au ho wnyw bo is utmost u uuill uljd pnrlilips it is tlmo wo gnv hltu u little tporn liberty lino bote ion if wu glv you your owj latob- kop uud ullow you to ihi your own jiiiibo uu to thn tlntn you come in at igbt will ynu iii rvturit primlso your mother nml mo thut you will keup from comiiituy und puiens lou know wo woiildu t approvuf wui thn pronipt reply muxwollu liouiht gry oyiu mt his futhirs in a long it irulaht forward glunc you know dud who t with tho crowd nml were having kkid tlmo 1 don t ukn to bav to bmuk uwsy ut just uuob a time no biutter whut k kolug ni i tmdurutund wall ioii youi limiting to you gnat privllog of uotui draws music pnom a saw attor brotructo expnrlmentatlon a now york mini has suocedded in koi- iltig vi ry ugntiuliln mualo from an mdlmiry uirimntir s saw lie holds ii miw tfun 1w tietween his knnns tip of the huw in one hand um iiku tin umiiiil violin how with th her dm vllrutbig stool blado mills fl upikiullng noloo n pitch of whluh is vurlod by changing thn clirvu- i of thn hutlh all liorlu of qllnnr rls ran 1 iltuliid liy thn udopt iliuihitldii of tbo hludn ill fai l in in1 ilrlvnd by this imumi run illy ih ihir1bd if anything it mbleu lb htlmuli volcn then okuhl it huu lh nin r walj if thn hawaiian homemade measuring a two- toot nila was given l a laborer in a clyde shtpyanl o meusura an iron plate tha laborer not being woll up to the usa of u rule wus some while uwu now mick asked the plater when ut last ha roturnud what also is tho plater well said mlok with a grin of hutlsfactlum its tho length of your rifle and two thumbs over with tlih brick and tho breadth ef my hand and my arm from here to there bur linger i suits arjd overcoats a fufhous judku while trying a caeo was disturbed by a young man who kept moving- about th the rear of the court lifting chairs- nd pry tug aindur seats young hmn exclaimed the learned judge at lust you are making a good dlul of unnecessary noise what are i doing my lord repllod the offender i hiivn lost my ovuroout and am trying td find t well came the reply paoplo often lose whole aiim hero without making all that fuv j il hlu father si mother and i i night on of manhood freedom d wo count pit you bof to t dud you tun bo sure i w that aw mnxwnll ullpim d tho treasured lutohkuy ujuni his ring be felt that lm hud taken hlu prut step into man hood tliu soooiid cume a few woew lutr wlmii unhool iibnl for thu sum mer vacation whut do you suy to working througb tho summer muxwolir ids father ask- od una evening as th family guthered hbout tho dinner table the kent lltatlonnry comtuiiiy can use a young fellow like you through thn vacatlo u usoii ulid you can have uut place 1 you want it that will suit me all right max well uiwwtiml readily dismissing with u brief high of regrnt various pli for bull pluylng and lukeliathlng that 1 uir bm forming lu bis mind after mil it would bo u grout of satlsfuotlon to ik oornlng tits own money to feel thut in a hmsll wuy he wus beaii to take his plut o in tho world as h man rather thun as a loy tho kent pooplo will expoct you to stuy with thom thn entire summer liutll tbo high uohool otiens aguin in full mr armstrong udded and muxwiill ugrood tho following monday morning he nd hlu father atirtsd out together ut half past suven und maxwell imld bis hlgii us they wont- down tho strtiet toward the elovuted station aide by ulde thny met other men if he ighltorhood hlq aolng to vrortt who t0etoit mux well with surprise whuts bringing you out so turly xt tiding down with your father to got soma now clothes t to which muxwol answered proudly m ifolng to work maxwell had lteon nt work two wneks and was stui enjoying the feel ing that h wiui earning his own liv ing whnn he wont home one nlghtf to and the nst of tha fumlly in a state of joyful oxcltnmnnt his mother ex plained hud u letter to day from aunt harriot uuylng thut urniln rdwlii has decided to uhiild tho rust of the sum- muukoku and orforinp us their ootttii at while ijko for tha rest of souson your futhor thinks wo hud better go and of course the chil dren can hardly contain themselves max woll lint pond as the eager plan ning want ou through the evening john und margery the twins must have now bathing suits and them would huvu to imi nuw cups and as idols for llttlo juun ad alice ngtuf five and woven john must learn to run tha motor boat and john or margery must go nvery morning for tfie milk daddy would tomo for his vacation ho tho planning tun on at last maxwell could stand it np longer it sounds fine be utj hut where do i come tnt it was not the nrst tlnlo that tha armutrongs had hnd the use of aunt harriets pleasant eouajte at white ijiko muxwoll hud hut hod ulid i mated and flshod there had ploy- oil ball und tennis had tramped through the sweet- smell ing woods and could not picture the rumlly at tho cottage without him ills mother look ed up quickly oh max dear it hurts to leave you out of our plans but i dont sup pose you can get uwuy to go with us mil your and shn turned a qurctlnn lug look towurd her husband whi shook his head its hard son but you promised kent that you would stay through tha summur and of course yon ro not going tu break your agreement maxwell understood tbon the mam hood that ho had olulmed mo eager y brought nut only privileges nnd pl unt resihwislhl titles it brought ahto obligations that might weigh heuftly upon him but that he could not shirk of course not he agreed soberly t certainly will aem queer though to bo fturo lu town ull summer while iho rest of you uro having a cptfr un ut thn lake wo ii see whut we curi do to have a good ume burn in town mr ai strong promised and maxwell tried to think thut the plans his father out lined would lie a satisfactory suhatl tuto for the jolly summer the rest of the family wera sura to have dl would haw been a huppy boy if he coutd have read a portion of the letter thut went to white ijikq two weeks later i m very proud of maxwell armstrong wrote to bis wife lies standing up to his obligations ilk man though i know he is diss point ed ut having to utay in town und work while tho rust of you uro nt the lake it seems too bud not to give him little tustu of the fun so ive arranged th uutit to let him tiff two wueks before school opens uud ho and i will go up to tho lake together jfili gordon wright dont say iti thn harshest worlt lb it hiow are oflnii tin no i tnl tor aro you pliiimd yiiil mi hm ion rn thu mi uu y i hit mioio piopl iiin ti ink lidlitbl in uiiylhlng that uin fti of uplli iii y mil wllbtrr1 ntb i war mi i polt thviu wltli mill llkllluln all lu ull tlv ing uml plbhiif oly t is uturtl very humane unt to murkot ui buy a fowl at one ulull two live olios were ml for huh they wnre in thn care lltllu country girl thn pronpne- llvn lur liuuir uukn1 the prirn of one hut tho girl would not sell one without tint other uemnmlmrlng that b friont had vxprnsund u dnslre for a bird the tl was liiduntid finally to buy lint h klin aski thn girl why shn had refuund to mill bom unpurately girl tnepllnd simply if you pbuun luauiii mother uald as i thewv fowls hud uvml together for fifteen yours uud it would imi a cruel thing to unpurato tlmm now hib honey 1 hony with bis rolls nia calling tha w uply whom u ho ami ordo which had not r h bskml honey t llaii lug awkwardly fniui thn young hrtdn to hor hiiuluiud thu waller stum rhurnd krnrmumlo dont work here riy mors fill to i liy illlulll b nil thn old 1 told yoi wlh in irt urrf ui tl mn who ovi- v ry mtiltrful in ull told ym hou h ull i liji wl 1 i ii hlu yulrul g60d hoiin anyhow thn own r of a ir of dnubtful vlutugo ultlmwtoly i mil lu t 1 llnfl it iuhhiui ovrrhuullng afh r thn unrugt inuii walulttvmind it s couplo of tlmx bn romurkid thut s u gwul hom you hiivo ltu junk it up and run u now ur under if x prepare for a short crop this season llullil u cnmnnt llldck hllo half thn coat of a wwmioii ullo und will last a llfntlma cluunmtuod good workmanship and uu ndar front proof as it btmmslblo to mukn ttibm write for our reduced prlc u to geo watson son n n no 1 acton ont j gall stones u specific a bmr faujxujf rejuady for appenrudtia indiffesuoo btomach diaotdera appeodldua nd kwney sbmea mre often caused by gall stones mnd mislead pooplo until those had attacks of gall stoatf colic appear not ana m ten gall btune sufferers knows what la the trouble uarlatfs specific will kaliem wujuot pain or operation for aals at all drost btorea or b j hassard druggist acton ont j w svartatt co tf ossrrsmral tm tewvanss out spring footwear we have ull our new during i inns on dis play and a full linn of oxfords and tltrnp bllppnrs wo also have a full line of mens hoots and oxfords and uuhhers of ull stylos and sixes call in and get our prices and compar ing quality of kiwh1s and prices with others wn know thoy cannot tie bettered anywhere mbwfli childrens and boys shoes in all sixes at a good range of prices we carry thn famous hurlhurt shoos tor chll- repairing botes either lagged or sewed ttuhbnr leels put on all repulrlng promptly executed at right prices kenney bros acton mill street double action goet farther try it and youll be delighted with the results eggo baking powder order from your neighborhood grocer- floor covering houte clcnmnc tunc is upproutli lug und you will need a hug or pcrliuph linoleum in some room we have u good stock ot tapestry linoleum and con- colctiiu liurs nlio floor oilalotlm and linolcuinb prices aiu- m0dekatk come in and look them over l starkman acton phone 69 open evenings if yqu are building a house ram or any other ruildlnff large or small we solicit an opportunity to furnish prices on anything or everything our line including naik hinges locks glass puttypaints oils cement roofing carpenters tools we do heating plumbing eavetroughing and electric wiring is a specialty with tjs i st j w kennedy son kenney bros old stand main street acton phone 95 the dqver oil company limited no personal liability v capital 1000500 par value 100 per sharo we now have the gas in an actual producing swcot natural gas well on 700 acres uf leased property lu caledon mountains at ingle wood with a voltirno of 100000 cubic tcot per day and a pressure of 60 lbs several larger gas wells will be sunk tho llrst or which is just started and pipe lines to brampton orangevlllc georgetown and acton are under consideration but this as just onu of four attractive holdings see others below 1lakge flow of gas is struck at dover toold are hurled hundreds of feet into air depth is 3165 feel aqe mellows bell the uuullty of tone in many european twilla could bo accounted for 1 1 only by their ugo after careful in vestigation an ingenious bell maker tteterrhlnod that with a century of use thu bull clapper and tha tuner 1 1 surfuco of thn boll became so worn i that they fitted oxuotty and a ronsld- j eruble surface of each oamo tn con tact accordingly be oast a clapper i in u form that guvouiem a consider- i able contact surface to begin with tho result was all that he had hoped a month of lively ringing is still needed to give any glvim imi i a tone of the 1 1 desired quality but tho ooonomy in i time is obvious chatham le mth union nuturul las com lie ny of this city has struck a wonderful ga won on the farm or william puphette 4tb concession dover township according to a statement mudn publla this morning by tho olitclals thn wull is loosed by ha company and will bo connected to the existing pi ihi line systems lu wus strunk ut u depth uf s 16s fot the drillers were tarrying on routine work yoster- day afternoon when suddinly tlmy heard jl tremuudous roar and all immense volume of hum ihiurwl nut of the well head throwing tho apparatus ill over tho held and hurling tools ami equipment many hundreds of fort into thu ulr it wus with some difficulty that the how was restrained nultloiontly to nommuito tho work of turning the gas into tho line ilate this ufiernoou 1 w james liinorul manager of tbe union natural clas comiuniy said f the well looks gool to me asked vshetber nr not ttwi volume waif greater thai linvprevlous hrelfs ha replied lp the negative hestuted that utiothor well is being drilled on the myers farm some dlstunce nway from unphette farm from toronto globe dse mth 1821 lira aliovo wull is mi adjoining farm to dover oh companys property 106272 cuftrerdar 60 lbs l rockpiessiwe j natural gas llluhtoiin thouhand cubln foot of natural oas lw etpial to oiiu ton of coul for heating punioaig homo hi on tlutreforo of ht immense value tit ii gau wull muy he gathered when you consider thut the preninit prloe in icnstern ontario is ulgltfy units a tlieusand oubin feet and eaoh gus wull prod in lug one million oublo feet per duy would glvo u rovoiilio of two bundled nnd lifty thnusnnil dollnrs per your ut that price dover oil companys properties in ontario all under one management 300 uore itiatto in oovor township adjoining he producing proportleij of tint onion natural nu co whore tho deep llowlug uum nnd oil kfrftlllj ii rfl tfvrru tcwl ito iimo lenho nolle ulvur with u welu ii iii d thiuo wolls will b put on the pumps immediately giving tha company u iivonue rrom tho htlllt odd uoro lauho nonr ormignvlllu out cou- fiiitliig of six uoiiuriitfl icuiies about six mlw north eust bf qiinigbvlllo ont the leases are ah ludutod on tlio autl cliiin running through oraiiktivllle ua dvhrilhud by dominion oov- niiiintint qoologluts anotheh efficiency test 4 you wish to set your friends an i efileteiiny test ask them to write down i in ngures twelve thousand twelve i hundred and twelves they will jot i own is at once then juxxle for a i moment and then realise that there is a catoh in il the ngures that should hti written down are 18312 the dover oil dulds are about to kiel tho stimulus that enmm from all ancosslon of inter est bn tbo part of the publln ur a w iutlu ute president of tho oil hprlngo und oau coni- puny one of the oldest oil companies operating in the province and ur j 11 anderson tho vicepresident af the sutnb concern were lu this city yoaturday on their wuy homo from a visit to tho property of the dover oil qom- tuiny ltd wheru they say thoy found u good pressure of dry and pure gas they were so well impressed with what they saw uiut they bavu secured several leases on futms sur rounding tha dover and those it is their inten tion to prove up in thu near future mr j b munro whb loouted the first lease hi the uoethm mentioned h wei sutuuqd with the outlook mall- a erriplrs jan 21 1822 the caledon cab well a i to 1 opportunity j a hnilud iitxk off ring ut it oil por nhiiro ut i resu nt securities saleh service dover olircflqw of gas is puomising 1 ho dover oil company oxpei tn tbo mlddlo of pi xt inontb to tlnniimmo dillllng uiiou u hoioiul woll uud mr v llhnlvoly uf ilamihoti lias jiibt lie ii u tho property tn innku tho lrohuilcy loilltloil ml hnlvly fnuuil thn prtkhlun at tho llrut well running ttfr pouiulm nf gnu ur u low uf locooo fmit u day thv iuh lu pul tuitiiurly puro nml the oquul of any to tu found blwowhoro in the piovlixe h mr ynlv ly iti of tl opinion thut the dover cnuipmy bun u moht promlhlug future mail a empre feb 15 1022 000 noro liiusfii ut calfidon out consisting of hix toiiiioliohlu beui the qaledou club on one of that leases a gas well driud tan years nuo which was left to flow open for two years when it wn capped and today the prisurs roar whan re loaned csh be heard half m mile away ihla woll wus drlllod to u tlnptli of 1 4qi foul und would reuulro to go about 400 feet furllidt td tlie troiiton w intro a houvy tlow of giis sliould be fnmiil iniinndlutoly this now gus wull minion hi ut possibly 100 or hon foot up gous thr price of shares duy now ut li0 und mukn c60 a- moinber wo huvu the gus now not hunting for securities saea service 79 adelaide ste itironto i utttuotlvo illustrated iliuui iroului uto i i securlf ies sales service suite 2097j adelaide sl e toronto vni bolo brokera name addrt mh tiih iuaj 1 nnfltii w it 4 jtijwi ii j

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