Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 11, 1922, p. 2

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ssmem uil i with 11 rlil rlruriilntr nilvln lllil ml took thu hllvy ivlmiji 1 tllllt lllld jumt i witii trruji if lit it ililvlu vhiuiiii hupp i hi 1 ninl in r t hindu il 1 uilly ii wiut i hilly mi mix nil iiuuiii iiiiii nl it hi int xiki nm uijllu ti i l r i hiivijl itwuy il i illtlii 111 tin rniih of tilth inbis ami you ovr told im i rli il 1 th i dliulntm itiiouohfiillj i nuv i lulil i uiiul diok jiiht ilfdt- m ik ol ilrn d in j in rutlnjj- jlo iiiiu nil hlil lkiwaru tllllllll ho run turn rlutit inlr bund willi nil if ui limtruium an 1 umnh uwuy us u id u full luiim til vir play- l pur u do if in still hut mirth wo iulu 1 a ilull did plu id b ciwl 1i i if tliir i buay uttu wind lutnil out tho wood run uerous tho tannin oollrt ftuttorod tho louvos of n ixiok that wan lylntf mound snatched ut tho hulr ribbons of tlm mpootntors at thl husuotball uumo und finally rrlaked orttho hut of nun of thorn and whirled jj to yrii iliul iho ownor uf tlm i tut ttprunif front tho bonoh wars sho wu sou t ml llllll ivn to mcovfir it- tin ulrl lht other und uf tho bunch sturtad uflur it also- a mrv not of holpfuhioss for emily itoaloi jjut tho first itlr i tuuirht it up in ouu liinff owooy of hor crutchos cu turod sho tried and luushod up at tho othor novor uw hint ah tu lamo till uh got lib emily murmured to icthol dioklnaoii tho ulrl not hor when sho luul raturnod to hr neat- oh hi i via vaughn novor noed uny hulp uhas boon lama over slnco who wu llttlo oih kind of runawny ud oldunt und nho knowv how to manatfo unit ifit round wonderfully kmjiy who won now ut fit uar- hurus turned hor alow ruthur cold ulmioo upon thu ulart flsura und cay faco of the lalna girt jh doeun t look lajno uh murmurad how ntia must hato it hor frlond otarod she novor said so nho replied thoughtfully tho tnlnuta tho muna of basknt ball wait flnuhod members of tho loams ftathorod round hiivlu with oaicer quo tlons do i set awy from my guard tinttof sllvlar axo wo tmprovlnk uhout bunchlnfct th warda aeomml to tumble over ono another she dooant phjiy banket ballt que tlonod kmlty asnin of bthttl ploklti won fiha could l nho werent lam for mho know fcnor about thv gome than any sir wouool at tho nntroneo to tho main build inw a group of four or ftvo itirbt all ulklnjr uarnovtly blocked th way but when thoy raw silvia eklpplnv wlonir on her cru tehee they at once hepnrutnd njid hailed her si you muut atop a minute to toll roe about my par i cant set the hono- of il hut rtrt you must eo if my oostumee the thlnir for that kind of play oi she doeant otr omked krolly with ffrowlns wonder she could if alio werent lame poor dear no bally no jean silvia replied twietlns away from their dotoinlrur hand i can t etop pno alpgla woonot i havo juet thirty mlnutea jn which to flnuh my chemletry betaw dinner rtodaym the laet call why child of fioodneao tho time wan up yenterdayl jean cried it wasnt the date u the nutconth ell today m uio eevontoenth 1b it really t asked silvia qood- ntmml then i ii have to throw myself umiii tho mercy of ir urownloe right thlu inetant bhe tip- tapped up the vtalm tn uia chemistry department halted on the landing to catoh her breath and sain oouruga and then knocked aoctly at tho door di lirownloe recolvod bor ntlhy and lint oiled to hnr eiylatiatlon with evident disapproval have you ho calendar in your room allan vaughn r ho ask ed bllvla colored i have jhe an swered quietly only you see i forgot to teat- off tho loaf so x thought that today was stilt wadnosduy the six teenth wan it this wore tho oonwt day y ijjpmo- cull the postponement of you topln till the last minute u mcholary hnhlt i uflno reason for allowing you an cqrtkislon of time in i which to do yoinrnifprj buvlu stood up and as si e did so i her foot truck her crutches which mho had laid beside her on the floor 1 i instantly dr id rfnl uri i wliol atllrut ihti r lut would uluitil th dm tr uf tlilnuu ittr twful ulld i i oil lut write wii wito drtnlii i willi toil a l iurnrlu1 i n ally walk uiiywlu rwt lu umiiai mi ut mi i ukuto und do ul iioru win n llil jimt u lit tin hit i- ohm on now ill 111 lliirliurlt u no irl wuu ijlllto m ltuiiy thut full uumllvhi viiultll tim iwit mil 1 1 uilnim ii of dntiiu nvi rj ahlnu f 1 mlf the jny of uvlujr hm hod uil ulu wllli d tho rupturn pf vl iirlaim iihyulcul irfiirt u thai wuti limn llii eluiku liticiiiiiw hrown br yn uri w i rlht ninl nho wltlnttut anil unu ut all hourh yi t um full ilrnw mi to wltiti r und wlntur lliclitmind towuiil sprliig dlu- milioliitni nt dlmiiim jmr linbihiims a it 1 1 o null lurveiiiii was complntn iiniild ullulu u rfurt fatntuitli only uftnr illow htoiitliu of putluucu him could not ukuln fur oi run fuut or lilny ten him or imhkut hull nu miim hud con fliluntly pivllilnil it wihirnnil ihut wli was not to tn nkii otlu r glrlu utter ill nury hrnt i row n lee k oleuk ex- presslon softened ah oh miss vuuglui tho two laboratories are on different doors of course you have been forced to give mora time ami effort than othur students you may havo till- tomorrow ioen to complete your topic thu oolor fled from hllvtas chooksj and herllpuqulvartrd but her oyes mot those of the man unflinchingly thank you vry much dr slrownloe nho suld the laboratory work is no more dlltlcult for mo than for uny other gfrl in tho course i cannot acaept an extension that way although her voice was low mid gentle dr jlrownloo reoognleed a quullty in it thitt oheoked dlsausuloii vry woll miwh vaughn ha suld lu h kindly one your topic will lw re- culved tomorrow butlowerod in murk forjbaag late gj aaimomoiit uterjnhi silvia stood by tho window olfe landing- ahd stued out upon the campus in the light of ho golden sunset au that was roai faded from hot and she aw a largo dim library in wttloh her father nat with a slmdii over his uycnf sho herself outeil lu a llttlo poo of light on tho floor bonldo her tcrptahes was reading aloud to him tr writing from tils dic tation how often he had said to her you and x silvia must be careful that the kindness of the world does not spoil us wo tuuqt nevvr nocept for our infirmities what wo have not earned fairly by our merits we nust fight always ugninst oursutveh w must cry to oureotvos always no quarter i hiivlu drew jn her breath sharply it hod boon hard td refuse dr llrown- leea favor i havo tried dail alio whispered indeed x have but fte a torrlbly hard pull tho long summer holjdayff were just over and the little comer of the vlu dripphiu duy lu early hprfitk 4 umt on tho floor beslili slowly ihfliik re thinking forlornly pt tlm nelliui ku of the winter tho holeotloiim for sprliuf itumus lud immhi mad the night liefoia ami the water piiln tennis end busket boll teums hiul ihhm chosen how uh longed to bo vi u milmtjiutn on onn of thrml una huiuiid her urnui on tho edge of diulr und two llttlo loaru cnpt into imr eyiui 1 nay mill- why whatever i lulinnl mthul dlpklinioii ullililiinly it 1 1 in rod the room i ui tired of ihilng nobody und doing nothing why you ungrateful toudt kthni was on the floor imnhle her head of your itn ndltor of the ijurburlan oh i dont mean things lko that i want to skate llko kmlly iteston or pluy banket 4uj llko jean or tennis llko euthor write m tor goodness saitel lilmlly is in class by herself aahoot nuvor had such u skaterl and jun is u dor want to be u wonder too x want to do something i tell you ethel w heart ached with sympathy but there soemed to ho i nothing to say aftor an uncomfortable psusu sh tried totiirn tho nubjoct are you going to the alumnuu tiamp election t this is the night you know it ist id forgotten whom do the girls want dlckf why emily preetnn i guess what does everyone see in hort hho s u kprong clever girl v strong yes as utrong us steal and is cold and hard well maybe sho wont be elected icthol ahawervd or if she is wont go any girl would lovo to go the camp ik at a beautiful spot and you have canoeing and suiting and owlui- mlng all the time janet alclherson told too bo rthel was silent for u few mlnuti then sho got to her feet abruptly have to bounce along aow to my greek she said out ip tlm corridor icthel charged in upon jean aid alloc underwood ive oi o plan she cried i want you 4- vote for silvia for alumnae camp member tonight will your lloth jean and alice who were good friends of silvias hesitated sho oouldn t stand roughing itsutd joan she ooutd too and she d love it you know poor little silvia has never hod any real rup ike that sho wont boe to plunge tnto sports all heed do is just live outdoors add go to the meetings id ubout decided to vote for kmjly preston said alice shes tho girl we heed shos not one hit brighter than silvia und not half so sweet and you know lu keep culm dicky joun cautioned sllvlasiu dear but kmlly does gut things done i ttthel dashed out into unother room iyqii mary ieeds and kutherluo haw- telle vale yorsuvlikvaaghn for mem bor of alumnae camp tliat night all the school gathered lu ltoom n to vote tho alumnae camp was a society composed of twp mem bers from each olaas of graduates ujid one member from the senior olaas at school every juno just after com mencement the members met foi a week ut camp there all tho younger members joined in outdoor sports and good fellowship among tho graduates was thus increased hut even mora importunt than good f lows hip were the meet lug j that were held uvory day to consldur how tho school could bo improved und how it could best aid in outside educational and churl table work the accommodations of thu cump were limited only the members who wero elected could go tho president of self- go vr nmcn t nt pied with her gavel and a few moments tutor unnouncod nomina tions for ajumnuo camp member aro in order instantly mury trfteds was on her fet i tiomlniito icmlly ircittonl abo tried like a flash allco underwood uaio v uotuluutu silvia vaughul a third voloo culled i nominate icstliur wright tho laut uumo w tu u surprlso for no onu hud thoughtr of esther in u dase silvia left tho room und wont buok 10 hor study sho had never droainod that sho would bo nominated und yet she suddenly wantod this thing more thud uuylhlug in thu world sho liud never donu unythlng in her whole life und here win bor beautiful pportunlty i know i can help tho school too she thought blie tiled to study but her refctlens- ish was tin greut that she could not llx hor mind on any book after a long time who heard girls trooping by her room they wore talking excited ly bu oho aould not distinguish whal thoy were tmylilg whut had happen ed t hiivlu wultod trembling ethel jean and ailooburst in on hor its a hot ciled jean you and icmlly got exactly the same num ber of votes und thor got twenty- four now it ui has ti ho voted over next week und thu uno who catches the must of those votes for usther vi ins jean said sllvlu taking hor friend by tho tipuulders your head is on fust toll me what ilo the girls see 111 icmlly that they want hort shoj so cod thut she repots mo its strongth hiivlu j in answor- ed soberly when icmlly nus hur shoiildtir up uualnst anything and pushes eoruehiing ulwaysgtveu later when silvia foljowod lei friends intqtho corridor to say goad night oho ran intpi ktrtlly hersolf ohl aha said ongerly hmlly you j what is left in library dookb inn lift in honlm iilljiu hlirurluu tii iiiidhi r of days f mm nlntlim filiiidh hut uhii hiivlu to he s the uullsl wollm not upnul to liir liiurimt lint full to lilmy lit 111 i eux tin i lout tho inuoliiu week wuii etidod thut ululit tin voting would bgln urly in tho tirnrniiou whlili wuii mil ml mluy itilvlu ulurtnd to thu gym milium to work off u pit of ddgulu wo ttipliiniiori puddid ulong bvhli ii fmt yi ui mi wits uuylng my ids- tor wuu ahiinuiio pimp invntlmr from in r cjuiiw uhn was uruiluutod 1k yuru lilt und ulia told m that nt tllq illlitllluu ii llrl fluml si liopl wum ulwayu tulki d ifowu by tlm oilier liiom hem flllvluii hnurt tlutt i t i hull replied tho oilier mipllo iiiiii ii kmlly 1riutnn is tlir one we int uliut noiody iiuld nvur buck hut she htuird reply yen uhnt roiirugn utro igtli uml tulk ii hlvli thu other ifirlu ui ut i hho huu h udi rshlp hiivlu look the unit hyiiuth sh lout her iiuhiiu lo go to thu uyimiii 11 ftlio wun tod to he out in ttr cool ulr whern she could think clearly imlly iliutou miiiiii i sol sliu suld to ho run if mhos hud everything always u ten uis prim- the skutlng t hutiiplnnuhlp ninl titmu on all ho tewhiff him doewnt iwxul thlu i vii worked hard for sohool ami i know hint i cn hold out fot hie nul good of it nt lump jomi and sully appeared round a hi nd lu the path you rn us good us ehiited uil erhd hully jublluntly you re thu fellow snojool wants nu id jnun luughingly hiivlu luuuhed uiho although sho could not utmiuk well she thought whut if knilly did have a power to fght thut she lierwelf lucked t llchool knew the gim who luul repreueuted its hpirlt and idnuls she would let no thought of emily muv her iupplnonh trviinntly sliu left her frknds and lll pod into the llbrurv at thut hour it wus almost deserted but over by the tiro alice underwood and two juniors were talking lu wlilapcrs they did not hear silvia nu she went for t ixkik hi the alcoyo imhlnd them i was going to vote for emily om of thu unlors whlupcrod hut sino you put it like that alice her lumo nuns keeping her uway from any fun und cttmps lie lug just great fpr- silvia glided uway with a gvomt fear la her heart ho that was the tloneerlng tulk of her friend h trembled and then limping slightly us nho ulwuys did when sho was very tired she left kha library in her own room sho lay flat on the bod and burled her hond in tho nlllow jliiully sho otuod up turned light und went to the mirror to brush her hair hiivlu vuttghn she said you cun t let school idvo you that gnat hbf honor just liecauuo you once rouldii t rate mid jump its meant for u stronger girl than you no quarter hllvy no qnarterl hho opened her door and walked out quietly to thapol that night while the eloctfoii soothed und bubbled in uoom n sho studied lulmly by herself suddenly there wun a noise of flying foot and high voices utid then tho girls burst lu upon her youve wonl twenty votes ahoad of emily i a grout thrll of delight leaped through silvias wholo body und then died away thu meeting 1m t over is ut who asked why no tho glrls replied muoh ustonlsheil at her cool nous thoyn busy voting tho mnnuy now for ox- pon now h a moment later hiivlu was standing in tho doorway of ltoom n the presldontt sho said her voice was quiet und her eyes were big und soft and bright us if with liquid fire hiivlu vuughuv said tho president i appreciate very very much tho honor that theraohool has shown me in mukltig mo alummui camp member i should enjoy tho week up there tremendously she hesitated a little tho next part was difficult to hut she added suddenly i go this summer i truly onn t und i know thut you wont urge mo to go she looked slender und dollcate and tho color was gone from her cheeks a murmur of what they felt wuk sympathetic understanding sounded among tho girls bilvlu began uguln 1 move there fore that tho secretary bo instructed tn tast u unanimous vote for emily j teuton r second itl several girls urled with out hesitation tho vote was taken uulokly und the secratury noted kmlly 1runton was on her foot sllviu kavlntr ut hm saw nothing of coldness lu her face sho looked oddly oxoltbd and hor breath came unevenly and x move situ cried that tho noun fury ho liintruntod to cast a ui imouu vote for our first graudate member a year from ths tlmo and unit that momlier bo silvia vaughul and the voto wont through with chueir riddles boy walking up tho street had twolva patches in his trousers what tlmo did thut showt it showed it was tlmo ho hud a new pair what is it thatj huu three foot but no legs 7 a yard mourni re if u pig wuntrid u homo what would ho dot tiou knot lu iis tell and cull it a plguly tnlgs tie theiflilh rimh filhwlnk kin n who off t 111 mm hj this mid suupnutlng ii l i will tin lining lady bus goldiui ulr lu uhout four ftt tujl and u itiiiillng hluh mliiiol hho wears j ii ilug on uhi thlid nuger of her uht huiul und low cut ullppuru una my milk houn und whoul the mend gasped yon ivu hhirliuu ilnlniuu bunked on the up how ilo you know ul that npl i hen i hi i photograph film led it foi you imill u i like thlu tho curloum us bookmarks iro vi ry huuiwhu wonmn wltho rklng thu tuign will inn u liulrpln lirofnuuloiiiil nijin frnqllntitly pulu l u nilliiiu mini und dsnm thut a forget pinion with wuk eyes will often put the mi i tuoli limn in tlm hook ami go oft and rvi u t it and nvary atudont in tlm city minnu to dollubt in leaving u pi u ii or no lu ovi ry book onou i found u m um 11 wdor purf which hud hi en uuid uu uibookmark then thoie um niunples of inco hilnl- kerchiefs no no nun huu over uswl u pluin of home th i niiii niot so iitnualng have i tin used too onto i found a wnd hair doing duty undoubtedly the woman hud in n tombing her hnlr lis he rend uiid jlut dropped tlm wad of it info pliuo um u mark it is otlmi i uny to tell the chuructor of the pi moil who lust used the book a umokir will loavo bits of ashes on the pugim a chewei of tobacco wll nlmoht alwnyii iiuvn u stuln uu tin pugo from ills thumb which he moist ens willi bis brown tongue often rjulte vimiiiio ilmmtltlus uf fuco powder con bo fori in j uu woll as drops of ink grniihii upotu jmd such things i m pattintly wulting for tho time when hunkmukfru wll make liook- murku uuir trt of lyery book thine will 1m no neceeslty for rolng through ouoli hook und linapink up tho junk lifter oudlug of it the campatqn op the wets therv im growing t in hptarlo a genorutlou tbm knows strung llquoi only im one kuowu hlhtnry they know thul hm logul huiius was abolished boiuuun it wiim no longer posslblo keep lip u prnh iiiiu of umtrollillg uu admitted evil of lt influutjce for till thut- bj bud n public und private hfo of its devliiiiu toitrscs in tho attompt ui mulntuin mi ulr of respectability bolted by evi ry pnge of its record tho now g nerutlon huu no first hand lcnow ledge thut gullu tho dleouird wets the vinton of u province practically clour of tho i t ton in km lliut forever keeps its plui c in the train or tho liquor trutric fllhi thoni with despifratlom thut fact lu borne in mind a good deal of what lu now gnptg an wjll be up- pmluuil nt ltu trim value in war tlmo tjin oitmaiis wore often given thu crodu of bolns the best pro pugutidlsts in tho world the wets of ontario uto trying hard to win that distinction for thumwlves there may be a few in tin ir ranks who are sin cere in their conviction that xhera is no wrong in tho liquor truffle und that prohibition lu u uilstuke for is it fair to ussunia thut ul of them who oppose prohibition pie pad ugenjs many ure not hut nil uru ono in their dasll to illncrodlt thi ontario tomtierance act und tliouo who bellovo in and sup port thut lutftmuro no opportunity of tldloullng thu act isitost on the stugo in ho proua ut public meetings every whom tvry urtlfloo very half tiuth or downright he every trick of quiliblliyc oituivotutlon is restored to lit the attempt to break dovn the hurrlors of u uw that the majority of ontarluiih votod for and are deter mined to uphold this im u plainly imt view of an ob vious hltuufum it whould not be for gotten us tho duys puss and the die- hard wets hooomo more despalrliigly active in their efforts to plunge on tario backjo tho duys when the bar and those who controlled it worojie politi cal bosses 7 here is u good deal o nolsa jn tho oninpnlgn liquor always was u tonguo loouener hut no real harm will bo done if the friends ut prohibition do hot ullow thexieelwi to bo otntnpeded by thu big winds and iho other propagandists who aro merely ilo win hard in tho effort to keep up their couruye farmers hun a costly theatre the nontllout theatre in the world la hearing completion says the mentor muguvlno it is tho national thoatro of mexico lit mixlco city which will cost npproxlmutiily 30 000 000 til huge ttlructlmo ttruhontad its bulldei with an onglueorlng pussle that has finally been nolvod the wholo city of mexico l on the site or an ancient lake uuually foundation ure omitted from mexican buildings and their place taken by a thin layer of concrete and steel which fsxtendu for a considerable distance around tho building itegulor foundations wore laid far the theatre reinforced with girders they started to disappear before tho superstructure wus erected tills bus now boon remedied reason why no stitches in and i aro rivals hut wo oaaranuun friend too oanl wo she bbjd out rrr hand pmtiy looking very titu ant pdwer m logs in whloh pt dnruaraa vnw nltu fuinttid soilfj beside staaui yhat pulahes have thenit cubbugu pa td lies what piece of furnlturo is a man llko whenttu id hulfwuy on his journ ey t sofu so far why is a short negro llko a white inun t lleoauso ho is not u tall black not ni all hungry sailor foull and whut wind does ilkwt qua tliut blows fowl ahaps alibut whut kin is that child to its own father who is not its own fathers eon 7 ills daughter this world frbt i ilia huaiu tolui there is un iqugllsh diuroh where a box hungh in tho porch itid used for unluutloum for thoqiostor crank a put tin lr notes in it but occasionally does fulfil lis purpose iteoantly the minister preachod byrouuest k niton ui ltocognltloii of lrrwds ill jloaven und during tho witok fol lowing note wan found i la be box dour sir i should bo muoh obliged if you could muko it convonltnjt to preach to youv cungregatlohn the ilooognltlon iif xprlends on earth us x jtutvo neon coming to your church for nearly sli months and nobody has any ndtloa of mo yot lutrlck klliin was ut tho ranee for the first time and out of twontyon rounds he imver hit the target once an officer on looking over tho book said pat you luive mlnsnad the target every shot wfuit is the roasont well sor mold vat the qply rea non ol can think bv is that the man who stuck up tho targets hasnt put them in u straight hub from here youre making better times for us sometime ahgwe topped waiting or business to improve with the aid otong distance and your livewire manager wejtre making better times for ourselves hadnt realized be fore what friendly helpful folks you are more power to you suticriuy ijlf m dunlop tires ensure highmileage doublelife dunlop leadership in tiredom is most manliest mileage records almost unbelievable are plllrui up all over canada the special mlleafiemaklrui process which is the basis of our jrbric thcs tot worked wonder perfect shape and balance stronger side walls to resist curb and rut aljuse special skid tread etcj add the last tnucli to popularizini to the full a wearresisting antiskid liuu tire that has lontf stood in hluh favor dunlop cords made good from their inception these urea taught motorists to expect more resiliency greater air space larger amount of material better carrying capacityin short biutfer mileage and that is the standard by which all cord tires arc judged today dunlop tire rubber goods co alirnited heuad office tana fectorfet toronto brancle- in i otarilng oihssj fannmim j n oneill son garage and carriage works georgetown automobile tops we recover auto tops and equip your auto with door opening curtains we do all kinds of carriaffe trlmmiria and ciirrhuj top itepalrino carriage rubber tires we have the latest and beat equipment or applying carriage rubber tirea we use the best goodyear kubber you can get your rubber tire bleel or wood spoke wheels repaired here at any time at reasonable prleca we are distributors for dodge brothers motor cars studebaker lylotprcars for georgetown milton and acton j n oneill son georgetown ont phone 14 i debts and debtors if we give a merchant ourcuetom we have a right to expect him to advertise- to teu us weekly in the columns of itfe acton fre press what he has for us advertising jb shop hews designed to inf6rm us 6ave our time and bring to our attention desirable merchandise every retailer who is alive to the interests of his customers has a message often many messages for his customeiis con cerning new goods special offerings and things that we ought to know about cus tomers and noncustomers will he atten tive and responsive to these riiessagcsif thoy arc delivered every week in the form of advertisements in the acton free press the way to get- mor business is to ask for it a word to the public would you buy much or regularly from hntw that never solicit your- trade do you not say the firm that wonts my business must come after h7 yet some of you say in effect to your cualomere were here if you want our goods come and set them but dont expect us v to go after you its a lpor nde that doesnt work both ways i shop where you are invited tb shop s uauij by oiknadlan vmy nwppptr amiiii t i r v refrigerators that will ncallv kccp tc t rooo wholcuomc no x chvlunus whit numol llu- with nllilllfd win ihislvrm leu itilii r hm 1 wllh uiilviinlsml mioai willi mvpikoii iiii uu 3kt whir 44 hluh prld at rpuoo no 364 chllnu wllh null rau illulnl with iiiiu und lulnosl jill i bull kli luvi wiii 44v4 hluh iiic7tst ftaio no sco cr11no whltn nuumol ihmd rluinohli lllli u wf imloim hi 32 w will 41 blah 1riibil ul 13350 no 3flg chiuooomiido of umii wllh uwlunf luiin tlvii wiillx liiuiilutnd cerlln unt mhiurul wool hlsn 3fh4 wli 6t high 1 rlrd ut fpoxm no 3 lsbrdo huino us above 26 wlilv 4lvi hlh 1rlrd ut 1778 no 4 labidor lt ouk finish rimiivubln uhiilviii ul nmlul iirovlalon und un chumlwi hiko 3d 4 wldo 44i iiikii lrliod ut 21jm the bond iialldwakk co ltd w ha v prions 10iz whut you want quelph k this stores policy to represent goods ex actly as to their quality to sell to those who knov and to those who dont know at a uniform fir price to fulnl all guarantees and cheer- fully correct all mis takes to deserve your confidence by always elvlng you satisfaction savage co jewedem gublph ontario grand trunk ivsw the double track route ubtwkh montreal toronto detroit t ohioaoo uaoxcolladlurui t blooplof ura on nbfht trsdna an parlor cars on principal day trains omu infonnauoni from any qran trunk ticket rnt nr fl k ltorory idlstrlct pasnsr api t toronto u a bolmbs aeent acton out pk 1 rnoble ltd acton levator at grand jrutjl sihon just arrived car1 feed oats a quantttv of feed corn and oil cake just tvovu feed nqeval bran and shobts bjsbd flour r noeiltd henry awrev manaoer footnotes for spring our spring arrivals aro be- int oponccl out ovory day and include nil tho standards of footwear in ucauty and utility mens ilne shoes womens lino bhoea hho for the young votta alu kinds 0i 8uitabik arwho r30twearl ran men women nova olnh and ohil- oren out prfcea are always iught our repairing is satisfactory w wiiuams the shoo man mill bret acton ohildrbn ory ror fletchers i castor a 1 1 1

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