Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 11, 1922, p. 1

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wht jvjrf i u mtt tkm i forty sovcnth year no 45 100 lkil yiqak acton ontario thursday morning may ii 1022 mko in united states single copies l cents this methodist church acton rev i m mover pesto- pirmimo wiitow at uotkicu14 hay ii it ni tin mini ttr himmihi music by u f lilll iri m holr 1 30 l m munduy iciiimii a moth nm uuy irogrummc 7 110 p m tho miiimt hulijft mother anil ho homo tin f uolr tmdir tin huhruhlp of mr ano muuou will i rovlda u mu 1 you ann invi ricr rouw presbyterian knpc church acton mlnlatar- rev a c stwsrl m a man willow fltreot hhiivicml 11 u m- tho minister moth- horvlce mother choir 7 li m tho mhiiulnr huhjsct compassion holiday iirhnol und tllblo class at lo a m fttrmngur lonvlng addr with the tisher will lie nullwd upon by tho fnttr aw asljb coihjially 1nvitkd new advertisements r loi wanted washing- to ilo ut luimn apply to uox eo acton o found a chevrolet htartlng crunk muy be reoovoml at vjtlkfj illkbtt offick acton ont gold locket found a child it rowi locket with initial n graved nn front uuwr may recover it khkp plmota officli tire chain found a motor lira chain ioar nws ro- rovr mint at fkhw 1uioth okwicw anton ont for sale g roomail mughcmt cottage largo cardan ey term c uolubh jg tf bo acton hides wanted highest cuh prlc paid ror nil kind of hide lt w j jattttltson phon 111 acto for bale flratou brink house on lake annuo with largo lot and stable it j kkiul 1hona 3 anton tenders wanted tender will ho received by the mi derataned up to junu 3rd 1023 tor the decoration of tho town hall auditorium the ktwoet or any tender not neces sarily accepted plan and specifica tion may be had on application to waao a conway conyi of i b committee property for bale a number of farm for la ranging from m to 0 acre if you want to buy farm or town pro party oak r j kerr h know phono 38 acton titsl farms for sale it every also in tha count a or iton and wainngton if you want to buy or olt a farm wa ua horn en in erary q garter of aoton boro t fettroctlvo prlco for quick oala w an to ploooo you j a smiti rool rauta affant tolapbono 105 mui st wlueav sanitary work and plowing gardens a o ueforaat la propwrefl to olaan cloaet plow amrdami and elaan away rubhlah promptly upoq reoalvlna ordar work aatarantoad aatlafaotory order loft wtn7 j coony or by card to ray adores will reralva beat attention a o ixvoubst soeno btr acton for saltl 3 vood cupbntird 3 milk can 8 gal lotui 1 blook and tackle new xnro quantity of miry nicked hen feathent j 10a a lb vultablo for pillow or or cuahlon quantity of crockery and dlahea printf waaron polo abaft und atock raok partlea can m the 1 1 article by calunff at the bau h uimftoan 44 x mill and toung bt acton geo soper mm street acton pou curtain materials scrims ncta marquisottca lin oleums floor and table oilcloths orders for linoleum and conooleum ruq8 fill ed promptly- all sizes wonderland rmrav may it quo vadis puoalon of imimrlal itoiwe under the monatrog nero oomtmly or l4nrti qaka vox ijrwm one show rt 8 p m qaturpay may 18 tho blu town hound vi jvturrln tom mtic ahru oqtpofly 9crmn bnopetlou tuesday may 10 tho ixtat of tho mohjoanu a mfturlco tournour production chapter it of winner oftho wofl ono ro of vodnvii r lu gkegory a superb array of new rug floor coverings every single rug carrying a speeial w price wo aro iliowmg unusually fine assortments of domestic and imported ruga thi cason wiltons tapestries- brus sels oriental kinds etc a handsome showing that affords broad choosing for all homo needs every smglo rug carnc a special price and overy price is many dollars below former figured tho era of high rug coils has gone and overy rug now in our present stocks has had its price readjusted to conform with tho riow low er price levels hvery homo which has de layed tho buying of now floor coverings in expecta tion of lowered costs will find all those expectations fulfilled in the new order ot prices in force at mtcdon- alds o wallpapers immense vattlety prices onethird less patterns and qualities aro suited to all kipds of rooms for all manner of homes from the low priced lines to tho very high grades am wallpaper prices at macdonalds this season thir ty threeanda third below last seasons standards menfa and bays clothing womens and childrens apparel the best that tho market affords in the way of style and quality and value everybodys price represented in the scale a range of selection possible only in a atonj of this size a measure of valuo made possiblo by the largeness of buying powers macdonalds in guelph a good place for all your important shopping d e macdonald bros ltd gueuits leading and labgbst stork mothers day candies ncxcsunday may 14 is mothers day dont forget tho candies vfo have four big specials for mother this year dont miss them 4 n first our noted weekend chocolatw regular 40c per lb for 26c ibv second cream sandwich chocolate and vimilla and strawberry and vanilla regular 30c lb for 24c lb third neilsons hosebuds 39c lb fourthhandrolatcs regufar 00o box for 49c per box bring mother in to ourlco cream parlor on saturday night and start off mothers day right by buying her one of our delicious sundaes or sodas try ono of our fruit and tout parfaltcs lor this week special at 20c mill street acton h wiles news of iocarimport paoy exparunoe with jalu tim lud who otolr mi jume moor w ruitar nut ii n ftunduy hud nn ummuul xirlanfi on ijondny lie wa lod- l in fjuiltib jail ilbotjt mldnltfbt wu hroiikht to anton ut noon ulid h wised lit jull liero ut four rlikik ha lalmn from aoton jull und ilucul in tlin atmiy jail at milton lnurlln0 fatur at knott chureb at tho roiinlifulon of ilia norinun nt rioif churh on humloy ovenlritf the onirfkutun vuu fuvorod with h mlo hy lllliui i inn rulnn nf toronto who in vmtlnu it tho lioma of mr j w j chin id hhw it uo a clour rl ii voire rr moio wua upnrtmlatnd by all mlum rnlik u u iwtnrr acton alrl in i itnr f tlin uto holhrt cralne ml in ilwuyu a fuvorllu in a tn communion hoption sorvlea fthn luut commtiiiloti hrvllt of tthv lu4imt f llov i xf uoyir wuiti hew to mi tliotllxt churoh lunt hunday a vry hnliiful lovu teaut wuh ctuidunt- ml at lu u m rlor to tho maular iriiln ucrvlro nt novin tlioro wuf lurui uonifit uutloii at tho vmlnk mtrvuw thu wuu davotod to a recp- tloti of ii w mfmbor and tlm admin ihtrutlon of thn knoramont of th lord t mutkr kirionit nnw mmln wnri ivod nix by 1ottr and nlno uton jirofi uuum of fulth an imuuuully lare numlmr of cmtmniuiilcutitm purttmik of ii wi rutin nt sulnfl far 1000 damaqe thu oikkruntown creamery whloli wuu cliuncoil by iribjukor kldd or the ijulry induntrlom llmnoh of the th- iwrtmant of aarlcultur or hsht welrlit huttor dlacovared in tliq hunda of u toronto dealer bohn the craim- ifyn fimumrm and liied by 1ollro muiclntrnto moorn in murab hit tukott action uk hut t tho tovotito daalor it pimturu tho buttur whk hi mind to thin douw in wlmt 1m known to thn nraam- nry trrii uu aolhu tho toronto man had m nupiily or the crcnmory wrau- pera und thn lliihtwolsht butter wu put up by blm n thino wrat iter thltt nvldenco ha hen dlacoverod tha trial und mr suxa olulma thut bu rroumery wan tljorfrn in poot rnnponulblesror thellght wnlaht butter koiika by the xnmpertor uelph road and provincial highway tho ilnimdary line conmlttc of tha wwllliujon county oounoll met ttro ilalton lloundary i ina committee at hockwood th other day to look over tho ttoundafy lino road and brliln bntweon kulton and wellington coun- tla tho wellington county counoll took fivnr tha road connecting tho m nnd he put in tho bloyclo its timeto change to a hydro range and at the low cost of hydro current ita economical too tho avorflgo cost for cooking and lighting in acton is 4 00 per month about isc per day wo will givd you full information with regard to cost of ran go and installing just call in and inquire it puts you under no obligation lfee hydro for cooking in your home acton hydro shop open tuebbav friday an0 0atuodav evenino0 mh street acton maple syrup 7 1 30 gallons turo mnplo syrup just arrived from muskoks imperial memuro tbo best over try it and see j price while itxaste per qallonl300 d c russell mui st acton fourth und tti conoooaldn linen on tht boundary lino between ha i ton ami wellington noma time the hal- ton county council imvo nqw deoldoil tuka hleph to ftko it over alao thus nootlntr the tmw 1 rovlticlul lllahway oajnlntf up tho fifth una to llo ok wood with tho utonn road coming up the fourth llmv of naannanwaya to tha town una thl will vivo tho peopla of nuhaubuwaya and aoutborn lcr- tnoaa dlrvt winneeuon vjth the iro- vlnnlul hi knox qui d otfloera at it meotltik ut knox ieopliij oulld thn following oinoera ware elected ror tha eiihulnir yrar rnry jrldutt uev j c btawurt ln nldont mr tonurl a wordaii vloorroaldentula nullla amler- hn hoorotary mim attle unoonald trvaau ror mr alax matin cnnvenei devotional committee mlos 1 an hoi anderson convener ictlucatlonal commlltm mbu marjory wardtaw convanor mlaalonury committee- mr ueorsu andemon convener wunlcol committee mr a orr convenor hoclal committee mra a 1c whitney convenor lookout committee win colllnr imniuat mih vlolu- uunuv awluuht ilanut me j lloaa jeek qlvane loea kour finger jack olvenh who loft aoton a year or two no and mttlud in quolpb had the mlufortuiio jto loo four nuaon ot tha loft hand laat friday whll repalr- liilf u motoroycla the olielph tlerulil oayrn trjolin ci i vena whooe homo br ut 33 karlo utrvot und who run u motoroyolo ropulr uhop on uua- uonunii street wam tho vlottiq of a moat unfortunate accident on friday afternoon which mgltod in the umi of four of the finger at hi lof hand mr cllven wuu tent in out u tnolor- tydii on tha atroet atyor having made mimu roimlrn to it and ho tintlned a uiohq bolt nn tho toft hutid aide and without htopplhs tin tnuahlno roahhod tlown to tlfihten it lit aorne way hli fliikur ouuaht in the chain of tlie byolo uild in u twlnklino the end of hli fou- ataru were taken off ha bur rind to thu ortlou of dr walah but finding thn lattor not in ha returned and hud aomeoue driye him to the uenorul doapltal and there found heaaaaury to u inputs te below tho ueoond joint tho unfortunate i dolnif a wall u oiki ito x- peotod under tho alroutnatuiiouu mlua miirtlu and xwlle went to oualph thut evtlhlnif to aeo their foatur brother in hta tryintf oxperlanoe father ooojrowa new pariah monthly th6 rtr humlter of tho latttoral a new purlah monthly journal under thn editorial wupervulan of hov wm o ownlrow pariah prloat of aoton ha juat been laaund in t intro duction tho htatement 1 made that whllu tho pnatnru1 1 u urinh month ly it will not bo parochial in it uira und acopo there wll bo many thing t ui intureattntf nuturo chronicled in it puaou urtklo oh cuthollo to pi cm and there will be in u ward urnent endeavor to maintain worthy rellgloum und literary numdard which ahoukl commend tho xatoral to it rwadffrb thp flnrtr number oertatnly fuml thin worthy prokrainme a aerie ofxcellnt artlote from the catholic uduolnl i arlven in te real i pa in forrn a lion relutlvo to the poator and hl lock paatoral obeervatlon and lieraonal referencoer oombln o nutko a journul of uvlnir ijitereatto the con- utltuancyaddreaaed parochial note und hour of church and ojuety er- vlce aro also furnished tha rint number aive an exoeuent portrait or iii lordmhln the night rev tboma dowllnir d d tha 11 lollop of the ploceaa tha pabtornl neatly print ed on plate taper and 1 quite attrac tive tha cover dealarn i unique ar- tlatlo and original jt wa dexbjrnod by mua dolly olbbana daughter of mr thomna t olbben tha youna urtlnt whoao drnwtair creatod qulto a furore at the lout fall jalr nnd rvn for her numoroui iprlaba it 1 a fln0 piece of pen work and reftee l tnucn oreult upon ul oithminf iflitu motor car is stolen from church door james moore crewnomi comers ijoaeu 1iu car while in acton hunday school the car becungu ov guelph police anb thief afinested aoton hu boon alnuulurly froo trt m tho tlntft of motor rurw kovnrul hnvo n rrovrihl hnr but tho llrt one viii ntolnti lu thin town wum uppro- prlatud by a auolph lud on hunday afternoon moorn of crnwmiiiu cortier who l u henthr of tho motiimlut tlultiluy mflhool orahnatra wu t thn uorvlou on hundny utttr ntum ii loft hi tur ut tha puvi maiit ut tin front of thn church wtmn hu wnit lo thn hunday llchool mirvfdc juut um thn prlhiury iiibimua wera hnlnif dlttnihoiml u yoiitiii inun wuu uoon ilnlllhtrutoly wtop into tha rur uu 1 tlrlvo off it wuu t n or nftaon mltiutn i- bfifom thn illitcovtiry wum hiudo tluit th drlvor wuu not tha vor of thu rur i lblof clonjy wuu notlniil aflur i liivuutlkutloii ultout town without uurctiuu tho pblloti ih purtmt ntu of utl tho nnlshtxirlntf towuu uiul i itlau wuro tlboil thn thnft and tho deucrlp tlon und number of tho mltmliitf car klvorl llotwo filavvu uhd twnlvo clook thut hluht hlnf hub of ooalph wired chief coonoy thut ho hud tho rar ami tha muu who utola it chlof loo my wont to jualpb xlonduy mornlntf in ompulty with mr moora thn cur and ti nulprlt wiro bruuifht ltu k und tho lud lodged in tho ct at 3 10 olook tho ruuo tultioup for hourlnif iwifoni 1 olio muulatrute moora tho bay numml webb a uuvanttxiii your old youth ttiidlna u of tho uuilph hihtml wuu tho lprlt ho plaudel eullty und told thin nlory a lualph chum und 1 want out for n rbla on our tiloyi lax on hundny and wu vuine to acton whmi wa want to uo iturk the wind wum no hi uvy from wttat that wo fouii i it vary hunl ihddlintr i loft my nhum with tha hlayalfh down by tha old mill und i ont lutok up town to oo if i could snd u ear no wo could kt iwck homo euuler i waw tho jr ntundjnu nt tho nhumh utepiuxl in und dnve off with thought wo d drive home and leuva tho cur on ona of tha unroot in oualph i ilrova down to u utroat near the uullon thuu tin neuv over to u iwick atreet und itot down to the milt whore my hum wim tbnro wa drovo thro uu h nmimuuuwayu und bdoit miiim and than bp tho yoru itoud to tho city aftar drlvlnur u round ounlph for a while we mat three ulrln and liadi- thorn uot lit for a drlvai a little later we found the jmilloa ware uftor uu wa lot tho atria thon bout it with tho car tha ouolph jkillcemen bad u fautar cur und wara mooh rulchln up to u they fired two ahnu and than t atop- pod tho vollro toott the ear and look- od ma up the bid la in hi a olkhtoeiith year ho had bean lu tha north wont for two houona anil numo homo to auolph luut fall to hi unolou home whare hud lived ulnno olilldhnod ha ualrl ha had decided to ro to urhool und preparing- to wrlto on the nntrunoti ounlnutlon thl uuiumor hi am bition wuu to become a locomotive imlinhir with 11 vtwto nnqulrlna into the lud u ohuructor lu clunlph the mania troto remanded him til tha oounty jull tat mmton for u woak tho recovered ear wan not much n worue for the joy rlda tho hloyclo bundle punchel out tho reur curtain llithth one tire wum punctured a tire suuaa wuu mluttlnjr and four aallonn of anmiillna wa ennaumad a choral peatlva for hilton at thn haltnn lunary rnootliitm bald ialarmo itav a w tahhu bucra- tury f tho leanory wum ruqueutad to confar with ull tho aholrw of the angllcuh churohe lu ilalton count with a view of holding a o horn i fonllval in the full iooul tnuulcal olroloh ure lu inif artuitly intorvattd in tho propom- al orange daare team vlafta aoton tha ftoyal arch 1urplo daartio team of loyal orunso td no 3631 auolph canto to acton luht ifylduy oveiiipir upon invllutlon to exompliry thl ilakrao on a number- of tho brethren there lira tan momlter of hi team and thiy bava a moat hi- tureatlna evanlnir to thalr aoton hrathraii at tho clonu of thn uatui of tha lodso rufromhmatit ware ttorvad liefore tha ouelph pnrty vuturuu 1 home social anrl personal muu nlllo alllui vlultad in llwon durhiu thn wnfk mr malcolm mclcuoharn of toron- wuh hara on tunuduy ilr w n c kmmay wuu homo from loiolito ovnr tlunduy ilyihdu of toronto wuw toronto durlnu thn homo frora muw myrtht kjflla wuh homo rrom toninto ifvor tho wk und vol a wluahih wuu homo front toronto ovar tho wnk nnd bom a from vullo1 rrlmnlu ih homo mluil htallu moljim of toronto vlalt- btr homo hri ovar thi vat kand mr kruaut llurr of qult tnuda u hrli f vlult at bin homo hero lujit wk mr normuu momurchy of ltrump- ii vljitml friend in a ton on hun- duy io of torv i tlurlntf thli itm wm cluuuu of hamilton vlult d with mr und mm w j could ilurliir thn waak mr und mru churlo qorvul ware ut toronto luut woak nttaiidhiu tha rum rut of hi brothar mr henry hall of toronto apeut lunuduy with frlnudu in tha old homo town und he mat many of them mbiue rana und muraaret crulno if toronto vultod at thn homo of mr i ntd mr w j ooiild ovor the weok- in it mhoi miliuld who hnu imoh vlnjt- ug ut tho homn of her brothar mr mall modonuld lart on tuouday for llutowol mr hoy itrown hu puuhoii hla yru inclination t toronto unlwralty lu tho laiootrloal iqnklnoarliia twjmrt- oitt with honor mr hurry ii norwood who ha ikjoii uuruluu an lnjurd hand for uov- arul waokm rnturnoil to hla work in a tannery on monday mr itotytrt iulufe who ha been iiftttvd to tho hoiiho ulnee laat fall with uorlouu lllneuil i pronraualna favorably now und wa ublo to walk down town on moiulny r if v xrooro i attending iho hn i ry mi rr mmuatf qx tmayvcut i vo nd nmeral imard of tho ilookund iuhlltilnjc commit to of th metho- dlu church ut wc1y ilulldliucu tor- nto thl weak mr leonard o muuaell of tho national club toronto wa in town hunday vlult inu hi brother aors ii muaunllo who lout hi laft hand in the unfnrtimuta uccldaut at tho tan- nary luut week hnv vathur ooodrow left on tueudai ornlntf fr dutrolt to attend the ifraduutlon of hi uuttur mlu hit flood row fromoraca hnapltul com munity irruduatlna axorclma of u mout intcroutlnir character ware held or- tnonduy avenlnif r and mr it n bhortlll an- liounoe the onsntiamant of thplr eldout tl mi t liter margaret to wultar impar hogarth m 11 dot uon of mr and mr w v hotfurth of lirt william tho wedding- to taka place in early mr if a u ltauah wa in hamil ton luwt week uttandlna tho annual noiivoiiuon of tha wutnan auxiliary to thu m h fflc and made tho reply to thn udilrtihhfof walcomu thu year wa tlm luniuut coiivantlon ovar hold hi thn niocomo of nnkura tharo huius ovar rive hundred wotnuu pruut rrom tho vtihou luirluha new hardwood floor to be laid in the town hall al an bftuinmekl cofit of m of which the council expect to pay 200 a prize opfereb to school pupils for signs at the stations of thu cvimill l anliitf couu- d lloll unt ni tl ltaav tho riuur wum hoi i o tb nlloru ilolmu hurrluou war in tha olutlr tha llnunoa commit tm thalr tvntli report an 1 rntomr puymmit of tho follow in accoui ganaral aoouunt owi illllu laluir ut cemntiry i al huhop lultor ut ismolnry t mu kaiiulo inmlxir hull tlphona co hydro loloclrlc commlaulou ulril us lit inn hydro iblootrlo cojninlnnljui town hull lluhlliiif a 1 crlppn curtuire old arnm vutat 10x011 prlntln and udv rtiulntr toronto huhurliuu rtallwuy rrohuhiif v waurwork aooount alrom fuk plum advortlalno i lloll tlttihoun co a m crlpim urtuaa nlo hydro icloctrlo commuulon luiwnr ut uprlna hydro tjoctrlo commli lwiwr ut flru pumpa 3 ih s ib 3 30 1 f7 buck from hunaary and roumanla ur and mr t j larmi r ar rlvod homo from their vlult to kouthorn icuroin luut thurudiiy mr ynrmur wont overuoa to lludapaut laul tull with bar daughter mr hon willuoji lint thn drj followed lu tlmo to upend ohrbitmu with tho family at cotimulato uiuro they enjoyed thalr vlult and the travnl throutcti new ucunery and the muethih with many poople of promlnonrhi hilt u a plaoo of raaldanoa canuila i kimhi eiiouah for tli om good woru la appreciated tho followhih- kind word tautlry to the cluan of work enooutod by tho iruum phkati aontlatnm tho 1 000 eople ot tho akouda forshu fftmlna ueuulau of hamilton confumnoo ut fjt catharine have boun raoalvud lmoaaa noept my mot hearty thunk for the liromntltudu ami uxoellaiit workman- ilka teianuar in which thn work ha been done it ih juuf whut i untlcl puted when i uukeil tho committee to imjrmlt me to huvu thn prlntlna done at acton it wu heuaune i knew i would hay no trouble whatever after endlnk in the copy 1uaulbly a lltiwbbinih dii myiuirthot reoult havo juutlfled it llohert jefer becretury of conference compllmant to county traurr tha followlnic ilu utl extract from tho report of meoant it 1c yodiuf a co of toronto chartered unoountant auditor for county ttf ifalton on treuaurer llutcheonn ucoount fo ldxli wo uor to teatlfy to the eltlclpnt manner in which the treaaurar hoi oarrteil oui 111 account lint duties dur lnu th yearand the ulenrne with which hi vouchors ura fyled for uudlt and refecenco and to tha care und acotiruoytyuiiplmyed in tho hanflllna of tho many oiwl intricate bntrlo involv ed und the fow error ocji veryminor nharnotar oommre with tho volume of trauunctlon pnaana through hlu hand mr hutohoon i to bo um- ratulutod on quch a oomitllment from mtcoh a iuurc3 champion c- welllngion preaa aasociatlon met at drayton laat friday und euat- d ohlaar far tho comlna vr the welllnutou lraa aoclatl0n hud a mout oiijoyublu and prarttablo authurlmr bt thor annual moetlnu at pruytoti luut friday two mouaioo war hnld ut 10 30 u m und one 3 l m tha following innnilmr of tha a jim in tlon und uuoutu waul prauant it buyle muniiror canadian weekly nowupuimiru ahuoclutlon j c tom- plln faraii maw hanord a w wright mount foruut itiprauantatlva u ic mlllu klora uxprox it j oar- butt drayton advocate o it wallace of tho wulluou whiting co quoli h 0 u hhlbhy lulmoratou hpiatmoi w irwin hurhum chronlcla ti mo- kunulo lahtlay advocata j it altchl- uoii clifford iqxprohiii mauuru a iigun craltr und toh of the oiuhd vullay fltin c kontnor of tho laimlru ulgnot mid o a iid of tim amus fuw 1 ilknm numo rod huhjnou of ititarofct to thu ado ware dlaouuuid und much beue- llnlul information raoolvud by tlioao ho hud tho ploauura of uttoudlnc tha haualou warn bald hi tho mav- taluut inn a hoiilol which ally town light well ui proud of mr it j ourhutt wn tho hoot of the oooaulon und utl axaaltaht dinner wa iirovldad by hi um nna holol the place dnrlvo lln numo rrom u muunnlum wall that i hltuated in tho baaement uiul uupplla water for tho boue omprluau twauty room und ull thu luiiulremautw thut go to make flrat- olau unrominodutlon for the travel ii11k ltubllo vitrloux othor point of intaieut warn vial tod in c lulling tho town bull the chutlicttjnid jureiiuml uurvny oftho town the omcor for tho follow ln yuifr wure also e loo tod at lb la meetluif ih 76 70 88 i ho ti ikiirt wa ndftptod j coiiuldoruhlo dlaiuliuilou wui mulltf- 1 in on tho utoount of thi toronto ohurlmtn itallwuy for i0b 4h for tha crouuhir- 4t mill ktrent tha bill wu thought iiiunh too high but a the thwn hud luksn over llilu hontlan from wiinvilnif bnd koouaulnir hud entarod into tha axreemaiit la ronatmot the rrohufnif thn tnwnhud tharafore to ay the uocotmt uu they hud uuuumad jkinmliik liability tha ho vo tnrniml in u nna of e 00 uld ror u brouch of thn uro hylaw a toiitiilttim of thn iunlor i o k diulnd to know where tho council lood in riunl to putting in a floor 11 tha town hull tlry utated thai fund nmountlim to 1m worn ulroady iiuhunxl jovimi by v holmo uocondod by hull ihut the council uocopt tho izou uiuj lu on bund und that thoue tuiiluthu ml mi further prooeol to put in tha floor und in thn meuntlino tho council prooawl with thn putting in of tho tlor currlwl tho uouurll nxpeot to puy 300 to putting he tho flooiv of the estimated rout of taoo it wuu undaratood that thn work will ihi itttno on with tm- mndlatoly nftr the decorating i com- plated iho tloclaty 1 to htve tha froo uua of thu ball for the first dunce nn i tudmivnr to ruhto the remain uitf f200 do ly furthar efrort mr j clarke jr wuu protortt on imthulf of tha acton tunnhir co to ratiwut u llmllud supply of wutor for thl plant it rmiuomtml a four inch muln 10 thu property line and tho irunt thero from hero lu thu plutil mr hi id slutcd that tho liauedatoro co had uignotl up for ull tho hquau thy own in acton but had hot con- iiaottd in tha majority of the nouoe uwitud by titu firm ha deulred u know whan theiio houue would be connect ad up u tho town had tha material to put in tinno harvlceh and if those connuctlon warn to iwnuilo it would ha u docidiug- factor us to the uupply utlll avullflhla mr qlurke 00 uld not ititu when those connection would be made but h tilted jt wa thalr intantloiv to oounint up but the present did not apjxur un opportune time tha council 1 daulrou of koourlpg tho aoton tunning co uu a customer for iho watorworku hut muat protect tha supply for thn town mr clarke wu quite nulla fled with thli -vrranso- mnnt und wu quite willing to coma hojond in tho matter of oupply tha council will no into dotull and tuka up tho proiwmitlon ut 01100 mr iroalouu uu behalf of tha 80 uu of england requeuted thut tho council lay a tlla in tha oomotery on the nutd- way to conviy tho wutor on tha road way uwuy from thnlr plol hi the pruuoiit urruuifauiunt thulr plot wutiliod uwuy each your and it wuu impohhlbta to kuep it in condition tha council u rood to attend to tho mattur movnd by v holme ueooiuled by c h harrison that tha nrut meeting of the court of havlulou hal lx held at tha regiilur council rnootlutf on tuouduy juno e id3 at 8 p tn und thut the kuld meeting bit udvertlued in 1 mm lutm iuiwm carried thn question of udvortlslng lgu cuhia up h wuu deoldnd to oftor u prlue of 13 00 to the pupil ut tha lublla holiool for tha iteut wording- of ulgnu to le plutixl ut tha utatloibf thu limit wu 300 lot tors und thu deulli must ihi preuanted ikiroro tha next council mooting a numbor of prlrah were uuhmlttad upd tha ulgnu v lit ba probably bn mada of shoot iron with u wihiih 11 edulng movod by v holme seconded by 10 t tholfnrd that limvo itc grulitutl to introdiioe a bylaw authorlxlng thu itouvo anil treaaurer to hot row a fur ther turn of tnonoy mr tile purioua of iliirmylpff durrent oxpotidltura for th yiur lu jj und thut the uald bylaw he now given a tlrut reading cat hod tho hylnw wu uluo glvau a aeoon i and third reading and puuaad by tha council council adjourned at 10 ib p m police tfouh cahcri ura plnoil t0 closrottos to school doys ijimt tliuiiihiy ah xun loi mi hi naln autumui 1 hiforo 11 foor 1 hi 11 ugihliuu with imvinu nut 1 profuno ul imiiiltlnu- luigiuiu to hlu mlli- or mru ilinty uol lluiiii llowir vi inn ilo wiij ouvrli 1 iho lino 17 10 lnltoy otiiiul tt mo ll ilu flio k usl on rim chh cufa nut id nil htuuruut uft pi lllnii oljurtt1 orui town the iuuo wuu t of luhpol 1 ruuti ioll n miighitruh 1 ilmlpul or 01 ti 1iiii0 1 thut ho of tha tuhool wi ii report d tho lloird tul wuu avid 1 i lay iiflonioon 1 00 mum u itoirhtoi if tlui qui in inukh a jiwlsh iv in rtiurgid with o uihool loy ut moi 1 a of tlu luhlid hihool hu 1 foim 1 thut hoyu o uiuoklnu cluunttiu iiiutlar o iho 1 rliut ulithorisn 1 to imuri no iiiliimt tho vlohitotii f tha luw lly qui utlnnlnu thn ixiy hn m- m rtulm d thu niiip 1 of iho douw who woio uilllntt to nilnoru und tha lufornlutlonu w ru i1i1i kour hoyu fioiu 14 to 10 yuir of g ttuillfii d hoy hn 1 pini huuul ifur- ttm rpi iti lly from tho iluubru un nm i und hud 1 old fir thou rhay uluo ututi 1 thut liny hud not pros utod wrlltin r qui ut 01 ur h r rrori tlnlr itruntu r intrilliniu foi iho 1 urott hull tnuklug tllnlr piuchiiut 4 convii tlonu win rglutrod uguluut both vtw hum und druku and thoy ro fluid fio nnd coutu 1 it li ho muiclutrtitp totk ooiuilon to upllmi nt tho hoyu upon thi ir frutik ami utrtilghtforwiird ovldmci and ax- pruuuad tha hopt thut thoy would lavur iiruiii lkiiliilf in miinklug lguralti u during tit ir unban duyu inasmuch us m ii ittlflo liivtmtlgutlou irovi thoy uio vmy harmful to ull utudontu with rotnuhuta to tha 101i0 of igar- tlttm to mlnoru ho couul hn 1 it a orallxluu offnfti i and uuvi nolico that uuy futthor viol itfott at tlm act ipaotlng tha aula of 1 iguii ttru ilguth tohndoo to mlnoru wlilcih tomuu bo- e him will ha pimlulm i with iputli tvhr ponultlos my lddl jhond in llytrqulic prjd drloltt vouno enuliahmart has bad accident t tunnry luut widinudiy fori noon wlilln oixirga h muumoiiij wuu opaiatlng u hyjlruullc piiuu in tho work j of tha mi 1 tinulnu coiupuuy hu hud the 1 tnlhfnrtunn to jmvi hlu lift baud uught hi tho pri un 1 hn utonk bolllau hlfliu wuu rutin r rough und in lightening- tlioln lit tha pi oh tho young mini limdvartoiitly rabiiuod thn uton lovi r und thn ptuton of thn pioun itmt down with tho uu 1 rndiiltu by hloh thu youui inun lu muliumi tor ufa ir j a monivon wau culloil ami 1 promptly on the urmin uml londor rirut aid rho young inanwa thon lomnval tit tb homn of mr mil mr rank ibiwijiiew cuukfk avtntl jt flluro hn iiuldau and toi monivon imslated by pr ih i no ho 11 amputat ul tho lujipvd ninmliir lutwiion thu wrlut und thn bow iho young inun 1 making jooil progroi and regurdu unfortunuto ttccldnnt with rnmnrk ublu fortltudu and philooophllul out look mr and mi ibiwllngu nnd tho oltlo uturf of tho tinmny am miniular- ing to thn young inuiiii comfort in nil possiblo wuyu ir muuiiallo und lit 1 uiothor mru mary ann mutuiollo li ft their old country homo nt hon ford juhhox icngluil 011 march j 1 arriving fit cuhada un auiu 3 two wnok later thu young man uoouiud a poultlrm wltji thu acton iiumliiif coin puny rud jutit 11 fortnight from thn day ho ooninu uo- itd work thn aroldunt ncoiirrod mr muu u hu hluv hutthor wuu with rrlondu in toronto und cabin to aoton immodlutoly upon bolug no titled of thu injury huutuhid the young muu lu lu hiit twontynrwt your jta wuu in thn michotiloul tru import uirvlti in ugypt during thn luut yttui ot thn war und uoquliu him- uolf in nil roiipcuth llkn a ut atiouud uolllor i women mlaalonary soouty officer tha annual mnetlng of tlm women mlnulonary hoolety of thu mothodlut church for tha election of otneor wuu hold on mondiiy april 17 ut tl home of the pruxldunt mrs a t ltrowp tha hunter hov x m moyer proulded tha onicer were a loot ml li folow itahldentrrmr aj t brown vho mr id lleawlok negunllna heorutary mru j c nul- on cojtoapondhig flourotiiry mr n v moure r tretiaurvmr jg c hpolght htrangcr mocretaiy mr jan moore chrlttlun mownrdahlp la 8nelhjll i erin ladles form oranffe society erin bhmrok lodge wo pormed with twentynine mambar iho hrrtt ladle orangu llauavolant ahhoclutlon in tjufrtiln drlot wuu orguiilxail bymr u uoti irovinulal niutid miwtjrfla of onturlo wont uudei tlia pamjofetrjnbhamtolkjlodjja o 474 laut week tlioro aro at prcnt twuntynlna antbir tha olllonr ure nh follow worthy mutreu mru j h olhuon leputy mlatren mr ooorgo hall chu plain mru ilr h uear llaconllng bocretury v j mcpow- acton wontcnh institute ira h s wllaon elauted praaldent and mra e j gambia qoo rotary for the vosr i 011111 of tho anton woman limtitiita wan held on 1 rldiiy iiftoiiioou mity t it tha homo of mru 3ni mqxllllun with tho prouldt nt mru qooigo agnow 111 thu ohnlr iho totnl rmih rcrnlptn for thu your woio i4tj 1j of thlu amount 00 31 wiim oxpuiidoil lu inutalllng u publlo drinking fountain in front of tho idiit olllpo iho ktonoh oiiilum udopttd by tho iiihtltulo win aluo uuptiortud uu wull a viirimm othoi ohjictu upon whloh thlu uruunlxntlnii him not only nx- pondod mnnoy but hum sympathy mill onnrgy lheia ih utlll a in ut cuuh hulunoo on hand und thu women urn midor- tuklng uu limit work for thlu your thu oonuti notion of a puhlin wutorlutf trough foi liorunh cto iho rollowitiiroliloaru wuro ulooted for tho coining ynu hon proulilfiittrmr qto agnnw iinuiilniu mra ii h wll0i lut vi 00 ivouhliiitmiu vi itmlktor jml vlru ivauldmit mill m ht wurt 3rd vuo prouldt nt mr a iioll h001 i trn y- 1 1 uuuuroi mru 10 j oumblti audltorh mian mc manhlou nnd miu w tuuhy niutilut ilhooto- mru id t clumhlo comiiilttai u muilaal mr it u omgory con von 01 mi v knunudy mru f lllow and mltiu a colmor hoolul mru win hull convenor mru wm andoiiiou miu i murohnll mru xtatthuwti and mru a ii illhhon p mr inn mumllhiu onit vciitiri mru w t lhutfoid und mid j c noliton ull financial socrotary h a hamilton treunuror mr m smith flrat loolurer otuui urown buooiid itoturermlnw murray director of ferenloiilys mr j q tuaclu inner tluurd mru n hmall outoi ouard itlch fine flrut commlttao lady mr nalrd aiutlntaitt commlttau ludla mlufl vugrlnk minn haundur mr hr d i mils ul aub111 kiihtvrw mr t ine h rd tun- mr whail uv saquula htvau crewbonb corners mr iurkar hu movi d into tho dwelling in tonmoitloli with tlm utnra und bun rantad hlu homo to mi hiiinr- uou anderson aoton mr llurvoy huupohr vlult u ut tho homo of ml ii a i rl pit luut wooli mhoi huxul uiiiiiih liuiuu-lii-lrulil- ing at otiulph ooni ml houplt il i hlinndliig htr vacation ul hoi homo huru through tln quick wmk op tha part of chlof ononuyanloii und thn ouollili polloo roi mr tun mooio 110011 ro- i ovoro 1 hlu nun which wuu iitolun from in front of tint m tltoiuut churoh anton on hunduy ufttrnoou if bihitniii lu pndr itiako b bottoi by atlvoitlulng hi thu riuoi fltunu if buhlnihu ih good mnkn it utlll huttor uy utwariluiiig in the faxu liuuui

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