Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 4, 1922, p. 6

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h i t it lllwlir lilnl i tv ln- rlr i r hmahi at iuimvlh on tlnnully a rll j7 1hv normal h hmwl uml a yuru um1t l in i rlii inwmhlp on wd- in hbiy aiirll ib 10- 1 harriot hmtlh in hlu lifhlv third ytuf lamulclir at t mlll lllrmt ant airil ju ib- jul i r kith uulhluu 4 th y ur family nulil on hutu luilplh 11 iuinlmrt hi le artnti jfmjprgfld tliuilhilay way 1 brief tocal items jtuy it with printline lfnd lu thn loeul mwii vv liny wuu u iwutitlul hill hiirhm uvdlnif lu very uenerul now ill 1 you l yur juim hind ph lur l f ik lu aoton u wlotfun i ho uuuul may uay rnnvliiu1 lock pi tr on monday cunhii muklnjf jonrully lu utmiut u wk inter mum luut ynur inuitu um itt und tulip uro uotouty ilnuriiu rim pretty kiifflliiii i loom und hyuolnllui llllllilllllf tin re wre no idle ruru the liritflil wuim wi uthi ntlhiiu a imcwaler mnlii in twlmr laid up w avoitno lo 1 tower aveniifl umf uuple avmue tin iwuullful tlilnjf of muy uru fly inn thn liliilt uud while fruit uomu wilis thu iiiikui huiuluy wu u tcltirloua april day moitt pouplat wlm ul a e npout ilm lay out of doom w lbdwurdu at co liuvo removed to oooix r h hlnm on muln htroel from tho kurd ourulto bay unlit kavlntf went into ntfant lu toronto on monday monti of it for uu in tlilu oommunlty fefaknrw tiplelvoifel a bin have r moved tholr ulovo tmalnenu to cj c hpeiajitm ahop muln htreet tho our that ha tho urtwttcut upood will uhnw it mill that which hurt tho loudoat horn invariably blow it a kitchener lunch counter uro prletor paid m izoo fin lout thuruday for imvlnir ilquur on tho itmnntaori a llttlrt attqtian to they mumorlnl iiot ut ho uoldlflm monuniont tlili wk would cnliution lt nttraotlvnriohn um j afujhhull kdn muht hiu kindly huu11m1 tha yitwa i snow with intnnuitlnif oopiem of iruh dully how paper kwi uifrtuultura to tho foro front hy hroal and wnll il oil nod prlnnlplon tnnklntf tlm hood ligjp the imnd ah far un pommlhlo master freddie vomuuon of tlh linafad who wuu hurt on tuonday april 11 with a clrnuhtr itaw vt ahlo to bo utound uruin fn llruol th town council iw uxlnir o rotd much i mi with u tructor for motive powr in trlmmhur p tho utroeta a tfood idea tho hunlncjm of tho mtirohant llank wyndhnm utroet ouelph hau bean tranmfnrrbd to tha ilank of uon- trul st cftonmb squurc thoro lu prontatilo employ mo nt li tow a for u oomptdnt lawn knowor mtuurpenar a nvtillno udv win brtnjr in tha mnwrn by tha ncora an oakvllla councillor movod last woak to makn tho cufarotto lloenwo fo 100 it dldn t carry ttmro wro too many nmokeni around tha board may tho firat wan not munpicioun for trout nahlnir tha nun wax brliiht and tlui uky oloudloxa all ay bljr ttchotf of pcklod boautlcm nra rv ported at tho ispworth iasua norvlc next monday ovt nlng on kccount o tho icamtnr trip lu waahln und now york will bo rlvun by a number of tho tvuoheru tim roudtf aro dr now hut in ninny phiooa tltfty oro very roiujh all tho road in thia oootlqn would be improved by iho fm uho of a rttad dn nftur tho noxt rain kill every ny you itoe tho nieo which como to life nt thla ueaaon urn the onom whlrh breed tha myriad which appear later one of theae ulna will it mild breed ono million a party of prominent rltunna of oakylllo natdu vlait to acton durlns tho week und made inquiries retcartt- inn tho price of hoc which they may purchuae und ro uoll oakvllle iteoortl the twenty necond annual meetltitf jif tha women u inatltute will be held ut the homo or mm jul mcmillan jjowor avctiun on vrlay ufternooii may 6 ut throe oclock a mil ut- tendunce i nxjueated lost barn and content wruliam cdckarda bam destroyed tha farm lantern the caue wlllum crlckarrt who bousht tho lllacklock homeatoad on thp town line botwoon kequein und maasacaweyu aoveral yearn ujto had the mlofortuiu to loao lib borp und utable by nro loiit thuraduy oven ins- mr criokur waa angused in doing the evening work about tho barn und hun hi lantern in tho accustomed place in the aublu on u uni book and want up utalra to throw down hay when hu curio down drain tho atablo wo ablaxe tho lu litem had evidently oxplodod jhi nno herd of cattle won ouulde pi tho time nd ha euaceaded in uot- r out hln hontoa a few hoqa wore burnt moat of tha farm machinery wna also deutroyod the barn und cqntonta were iwrtial- ly oovered by inaurunce but the loao will be heavy may 1 bt fibhenncii i it in li u vl w of nt if the puruin or fli uicnum on tin munii uro tin ih nriii on mond treeltwuu limit itll duy if thlilku nillik tlm ruht of tho uouhoh otlur4roiit mfr mmi in t lilu iivllilorhihid thn llwh hiiiiury tlrut of mity uitilumin i t xt worth inn h for ii uhitllurly luiohd i y itahcball seahon now open behblula drawn up for the county leaouaand 8trt may 13 now that thu ulc uu hkuiii tho r i nit but mil ho hniir i ul i hit a i hurtjlt kuifi 1 on 1 thu miihuue loutllm llllt liuutlhitf i pi w utlur lu with tha hull orf th- n out nvory v n- htm ihioii form ill of tha vtirlouu touiul ulunttijr up a m etlntf of ull con iiitd in lukilull muttiin wim lull hint uvonliiu- a t hvlulo for tho hliroh huiiiio wuu dniwn ii a d huiilloii ropr u ntliiir tliit acton chili if do llultou ihuiihtill ijihiiio titloiiiol tho pkiiiiiu luld ut milton 1 tut l humility iilbt wlu ti tlm lit lixluh for tho uu moii wum lnwn up mid lu uu follow ti muy 13 cumplillvlllo ut mhton llronto nt llurlliufton oortetowu ut aitm muy co acton ut llronto llurllnuton ut ciimpht llvlllt milton ut a orun- town muy j7 lb onto ut milton 0 oru i town ut lhiilhiuiou cuniph llvlll nt anton juiu 3 hurlhiitoii ut llronto mlhon ut cumplhllvlllo acton ut uoruo town june 10 aotou ut milton uurlluuton ut nnorcvtnwn llronto ut tump l llvilh jtiiifr 17 artou ut iliirlhilton cjoorsn town ut cumpbollvllju milton ut itronlti juno j4 flmiricittown ul milton carnp- imillvlllo ut ilurlltiktou itroittu ut aoton july 1 liurlliiutou ut milton camp- bellvlllti ut llronto fittutw town ut ac to it july b aoton ut cumplhtllvulo llronto ut qoriiit wii mllttiri ut hurlltyf- tou july 1 milton ut llronto cumpboll hle t florrfltown lhirllnnioii ut a ton july 32 cumpliellvlllo ut milton llronto ut llurllnuton aoton ut ooorik town july 29 milton ut aotou llnrlhilon nt cumpboltvlllo tloorifntown ut llronto a rraolutlon wiiu puuitod ut thn moot- in in milton ullowluw ouch tiatu to buve twi nty pluyorn tho narnn to bo llulhlo undir tlm o a j i a realduuco rulo eximpt in taoml linulu when thay iniiat imi 1muu flh rulli ntu from january 1 103s j v noluon of lluinllton ofturitd to donate u ullvor up or tnadutu to tho inuin wlniilnif tho ohumplonuhlp munnm r niilmni of tin aotou toiun hum boon puttlnu hlw nion throiudi uoverul utlrf workoutu during tho wok und hopnu to have u cum rupnhlo of kivhiif u ntlrf ufkumitt to all comorn in the huua ho huu not uu yi t inudfi known w will form tho tuim but plunty of nititurlul uppouru uvull- uhln for tho imuitlonm tho uouuoii huutu on uatunluy muy 13 wltll ooornetown provldtnif tho opiioaltlon j ho rutiu will makn it u point to be ut tho openliie kutno and rivo thu ixiyi u rtml mtart luelph policeman killed lay speejloo motorut at mldnlaht an tuaaday wl ilium hollo way a quelpli police mitn nuntujuo1 fuiul injuries when utruck by u motor cur ut 1 30 oolook tuoluy moriiliur dylnir lator in tho general houpiul tho uccldent ncourrod nour the top of thn ttrumoou roud hill ut tho oarner of 0 linen btreot in attompthlb to htop thn car whlflh it lu u11ok wuj truvolllntf ut u hlfjh ruto of opoed thi olllcnr wuu utruck und druknu1 u eii- uldorubledlutunco conutahlo jtolmrt llrauh who woj with hollowrtiy at thu time und wai ulo hiuudlnk in tho roud uttomptlnu t bult tint muahhio narrowly ji- cupod iwlnir it ly tho cur tho motoriatu wru returning front a dull oe more important than father fathor bjul been aloanlnp- the bed- room wlndowu autahje when uttlo mural came in from the burden und raid the gas and possible oil wells of thecaledqn mountains tqrlllintf for iu 00 oil huu ulwuyu uruutod conuldernblo eoltofnout not ulouii in tho imniudlato dint riot wlmro trlllliiif lu tnklmc pluoo but often very fur uflald duo no doubt to tho luftumubto nature of thu product and uxtraardlnury poullilltln of pro fit lu un invotttmmit mon und wuiin huvo booniu mllllonalreu over nlsbt tlirouiih hucii invoutmuntu und thouo ihmuilbllltlou exlut to day uu much uu th y never did lint tha upeoulntwo feotro ox i a tin- huoli u marked t in many of theae pokuihllltliu huu in the tat wellu now bxnft- drilled lu hacuiodoii muun- tuinu near inalewmiil bijon eliminat- ud lu tho fuel that nut ural ruh of tlm olouiieat und nwoatuut typo ha already lieon found in conahlumhla quuntity und huu boon lylnrf dormnnt ror tan yturw uwultlntr dovolopmant of thu dutriot tho dover oil compupy with throe ther viiluuhlo holdliiuk in tho uo knnwlodifod rich oil und k dlutrlotu of wuutern ontiirlo uiiik who i111v1 do do niirom of um und ull rlffhto lu thu v unity of thlu kuu producing well ut iuriowkxi whlnli they uleo control uro now uturtluit to drill aovorul lurtior hum well in tho vfoluity tn tin turn i huulu wlui many vulloyu ndluir into it which uuthorltiuu uud expurtu htiitn lu avury indication of inrifn dnpoalt of uuii unit oil und uru looking for oxtrutirdluary rimiiltii ut th 700 or hd0 foot lovol ittit itu th level or dlutauro hoy will liuvo to drill thut lu aiinoiilatlvo ruthor than will they utrlko uun thoro no question ubout thn uau itu uxlatoiico 1m ulroudy prove 11 und by doop ennuih oil will bo obtained nay tho uutliorltteu alroudy fruiifhlucu for pipe llnee uro unilur notfotlutlon and tho commercial end of the venture lu moiumjnit nt- truotlvo miuuibllttlcu too con 11 1 durable to i10p0 enumerate tho dover oil oompnny reallujne how important lu tho uuoetlon ot mincing- thlu larso und lntoroutlnir pro ject buforu tho public who alwayu want tu ahuro in tho tccod tlilmru t their dlmrlct und t their country uu wall huvu now pluood tho entire aula of tho runialntnjf uvullublo atoak lauuo in now and oxperlanoed handti und the soour- itleu halo borvloe uulto jos 70 ado rloido st el toronto ont will here itudiotelcphony in a ihield of lis own haa qrt poaalblllti but i hot competitor wth any praviaua lrvrhon lu uu lulorii tliia url to 011 tlm uu i t tho win imiu tub lunif uhlluhml hi u iwi nt iumuo of 1 orlmk muuuxhi win ii luuitou huu thlu to uuy nlml rullo toll ithoiiy tu nin of tho koiiniiifo uupirt r thlu in w inturprlio uro very lnl t luif it huu lu tho tlrut pluo or tied whut lu pruitlully u now lndii try win n hh tlm huuhuhu in rullo upiur- utuu butt 1 wi 11 linn tofom v ry llmltod it lu now rtninlntf into ninny mllluinu of iloiinr unuuully it lu nlw bnemtjiiu iho nation by providing flm furmi r with a tiinuuu of tf ttluu iiutthiitly rniwx inn rift r ikirtu wuthir forecuutu und oth r imn fill iliitu un i 1 bin by mnliliir lilu turin ii ntixli more uttm tlvo plucu for lilu fumlly umu it huu h 11 imp toforo 1hit thlii will i nt vi uiiinn lufluium tu improvhiif uttrl ultiiiul tondltlonu tii hiiilly ho doubted for the uvrumi dwullor in u town t r city it huu urut odututlouul lvouu- ihlllthu uu it biiiiku fo him tnuulc id um of u kind thut bo would imver otherwluo icnl nor uhould itu aptolul ublllty to brldtf tho uurvict u of the church into thu homo h overlooked tbro lu u power for itotid lu thlu thut c in hurdly lx ovurnhtlmatj wluit tho fiiturv will hrhuf forth lu dl moult to dtertnln with ortalniy but thut thlu hyutotn will huvo ftirrt uchlnu upclul und etoiiutnlc ri uultu lu iwyond qiiutlou onlto uu importnnt to tho cnmmiir clnl world lu tho reutlxutlon of noma of tho thlnuu thut rudlu will tint do lu npltn of mnny prophoolou to tho contrary it will not injiiro tho bimlnow of tho wire t hiphono cmnnunlou tho v11i110 of the wire tnlephono lieu in tho fix t that 0110 nun talk hack over it without thn itlluhtiut dliiloulty tho radio telephone on tho other hum 1m nlmplo miouuh uu fur un it rooelvink or hourlnu- onl lu oomarno1 but itu trniiumlttluu- niechutibun loinpllcutod util xfwinalve and re- iiulrtu expert operullon thro uro 1 ircuihhtuncnu where thn radio tolu- phouo run ihi vt tu pructliul ue for hfloroommunlnutloir uu rrom ujirlurfeu or xhlpu ut una hut for land uue u fw doxon rullo ronvortmtlonn would block tho ulr oven if u wimple- truuumltter could bo dnvlitod on tint othir hand tho radio tola phono will dom nil in rtf ily uioii tho wire tolephouo for mucji of ltd hnu- lerlul lu brouilcuulhur un ojiert cburflh tmrvlco for nxumplo tho t phone wlro u tint uiodlum thut con viyu tho uoundu from the biilldlnu to tho triiufcinltlhiit hatloiti conuoauonl lytmofittvfeutsd aauertlon thut tnullo will put wire toh phony out of buuli i uuully lulliclogi lu the ideu thut tha rudlo totbphono will injun tho liowupupor it lu true thut un item of uowu nun tie radioed to lutontnu million nlmont imituntly llut uucli moiuiuko uro tieceukiirily opliotueroul they much only thouu actually llutui iiir- in ut thn tlmo und they miut imi iitrlpiie1 of practical ly ull dotull tho only ruhull from u nawumimir utund point or rudlo tolaphonliiu on lmikirt- unt plocn of nawu hi thu ualllnu of inure nowupuitoru tho next mornlnif nor will tho rudlo telephone cuuuo u iliorouuo in thn uuluu of pbonojjruph ncordu or concert unit opera ticket h 1m in actuality u nationwide uumpl inu medium for tnualo and u nmr huiullhoru know mumpllnir b of tho mout erfootlve wuyu of incroau- ititf haiom heinle tho radio telephone h dlnict campotltor of 110 oxlutlnif enter- prlm in an untlrety novul way it la uddlnir to thn happlnema and comfort of hpndrodu of mioiiaund und it u uut tin re fori be regarded uu u real uddl- tlou to our fllvuivutlon he qot thi3 cash lkm turplnu priuiu uiinnt lu uald to ho rentwiinlloe fin u utory thut tb median udinlroni t njoy whether it h true or not lurpl npproiiclithl the teller of u htruiiro bunk with it oheque to tut tjiuho1 tho teller did not reooffiil him hilda lu fume j iluvo you uuy wuy to identify your olft uukimt tho nun movie uttandlna teller hiiro replied lien und ho become rrouhoyod un 1 did hlu groiit tllm fall now do you know tnet ho aked couilduntly t no answered tho teller but here your money you huv earned it fall down juat nowt i no replied tbo mother well bald tho child hfbll down and broke three flower pole i told daddy ypud be croaa o doart aold mother i faoiie your daddy bunt hurt hlmseifr i dont fjilnk he ha yet aald little hurlol hes etlll olliujlnc to the wln- mother did you hear tho bidder n take over tht vary important svtoj end of the bualnoaa mr q jl scott who ha quartom ut acton community novum und t lmolr ropresontatlve of uo company tor aoton 1111 bo rlad to furnish full and lnteroutlnir jnfnvmutlon on the mubjoct and whare invrmtlrutor uro inoero and raoajthualtiaaa will tuao them oiniatjewthkl to aatlafy thorn- aalvm ot bljrttwneqr secure your coal for next winter at tho retail coul convention laut wuok wo tieaured ono cur of nut coul from thu ln lunula coal co from their atoratfo yard in hultalo thlu will 1h tho luat cur we will buve till the atrlko lu uottlod which in opinion of operator will but till juno or july irkc odiveml in cellar 1475 tiuvo order with norman molood j b mackenzie aoton qaoraatown geo soper mill street acton -iron- curtain nets oleums materials scrims marquisettes lin- floor arid tablo oilcloths ondebs for linoleum and oonooleum rugs fill- ed promptlv- all sizes farmers attention i ou will ntxl th mkuhutt timmi mill htrim t whim cm k mhuit fllluon 1uvlmnku mor und iiiii ii umklii will im kii t homo klul burxuliiu 111 aixwiiid bainl iiibin nlii j w italuleiuuck f t youi- motor cur r paired ut iho uuiiin miami by rompetnnc- wiiiknn ii special sale in ouaran- teed tires and tubes w j kentneb the west end garage and implement shops quality and service- our motto mill street acton went of main street farojn specials l acres peel countyi on provincial highway close to school churclicn etc not fur from krnmplon 135 acres under cullivation 10 ocrci hardwood hush nico orchard wcll spring creek pood fcnccb solid brick house 10 rooms and basement like new barn 110x31 steel drive- hounc blacksmith shop and luipmcot only inoa 14 acre dice jjnrdcn land overlooking viiihrc of glen willmnii with olid brick house of eight rooms first cinhk repair electric lihti new furnace stable nice lawns with tliade and truit trtci inct 4000 h 201 acre georgetown 2 miles iha ucrcs under cultivation 12 acre mixed huih two houses lura barn with water drive house pikkery silo splendid dairy farm price 18000 wtevans go 1nsurange 6 real estate ge nt phone 183 servk and protection c saturday treat comfectionery chiiaren cry for it o notice a big increase in tho demand for our boxed chocolates wc hnvo boxes of chocolates nt 50c 00c 75c and 1 00 per bo again we remind you that mothers day is may 14 and wo suggest that you remember her by giving her a box of our chocolates let us mad it to her if she lives in town wo will deliver it j cocoanut kisses 25c pek ul 100 lbs of this great favorite at this low price will make business hum finger shaped pieces of rlohorcam with cocoa- nut in them strawberry and vanilla flavor regular 40c tt saturday treat irlce 2 itrazil nut toffee 23c per lb artch butter toffee with lots of brazil nuts in it regular 40c saturday special 23c weekend chocolates 25c lb to judge tho valuo of our weekend chocolates is to compare them with other lines we ore proud of tho quality of ours try a pound saturday regular 40c lb weekend special 28c neilsons cream cakes 8 for 25c thoro are not many families tif more than eight jus think of it you can treat the family for 25c your money certainly goes far at moorcheads satujumysunday chocolates 49c box this box contains ono pound of our high grade chocolates that sell at rrom 50c to 70c per lb saturday special 49c rox t h moorehead brampton georgetown hilton acton farm implement repairs for international floury toronto wind mills pumps and engines idelavalseparntore and abo other makes seemed tu your order water bowls water systems installed i metallic hoofing sbo fell rooqiu callat our naw steel building and got prices before ordering elsewhere c e parker mill street acton g roszel phone 84 free press advertisers art always reliable q1ve him achanc well tommy aull the 0luto7 i niw he ymi like your bnby htnttu rt oh lotu und loin only i don l thttik j i u very 1 right why pott we vn hud him neurly two v ow uul ho immi t jittll u word t bedding plants geraniums cannas colcous verbenos afiters petunias snapdragons early vegetabies tomatoes celery cabbage and cauliflower ordare ulao taken for varia- tlaa of flowerlnd ghruba duoav for sale 111 tlood itaualr t jnlihlnk- work oone a h bishop puirvlaw ave tauphorw 64 bom 603 ac ten hade in guelph exhibition week may 8th to 13th fun the lenu srludlnu tnuoluuury in oihirutlou ut the 1h uhow we operate the only 1 uu hur- fuo1 orlndlutf muohluery in thlu dutri t 6j4 nra 0pticiak inner fiumjls omb batteries have installed ujto data hattcry service station to re pair all makes of batteries prices thp lowest work guar anteed will charge any battery for 75c distilled water free agent for the well known hart battery with tho two year guarantee chevrolet garage ilarvey wihon mln 011 al iacton bakerv mionk no 77 i fresh bread and buns wjqwj6w1read rolls pies and cakes cream purrs orders will be delivered at all times doughnuts walnut i cakes and pruit cakes i jlly the pound or any size 0ur own make waggon delivers every day will j call on you or phono no 77 and waggon will call m edwards co acton ontario star cloaad eyary night except fri day and 0aturjy at l30 tvm our fhwst snowing of spring suits and topcoats menh navyserge huitfl at reduced lrica we haye ust 2 of the o all pure wool navy scrje suiti in stock sizes itt to 44 with no ono trimmings hand made good value at regular price 1 00 special this week 2600 young mrna suibl in tweeds light and dark slmdcs pure wool stzci m 35 3d good vajlue at 34 00 special this week 2200 mcnfl tweed icnincoau all purri wool tops in brown grays and green mixturcj the makers guarantee goes with every coitt special imcch l and 1800 per coat mwh sockfl in black gray uud brown regular 75c special thin week 50c menv jine shirht stripctt si7cn 14 tit 10 regular price 115 for 165 mcnd fell hatit new shape new thiidts and sw prices special price this week on mcnri and it4yi overalls mens odd veuht mens summer undcrwcr mens ties th new rubber ttdi in slock mclean co mkxstiteet jicton ont lets go no hoon1 it uuld tbun done when you own u vorl it limy bo u ilrlvi into dm country or it muy be u trip ut town it muy im lo hour u m rmon or to n a famnuu movie it muy imi lo vult thn old folk or to una your younif rolku lint no mutter where it in or what thn object tho 1 orl will k t yoil there mini 1 fllik you tm k i innnwllate delivery of any wo uro in u model mmy tutir toiirlnir 63s i ciiukhiu trf coupe r- simo lunulout c40s th dun 0930 hmrtliijf und i lictric jjidillnk on chuaulu und open ifpdelu 8s ivtru fltalulunl kyulinnent on iwmhi undo lit all ivieoa v o u 1ord ontario ft a coxe acton ont we have done roofing var home of thn nnoat bulldlnc in the city iroimjrty owiirru who realuo the im porta nee of ro- liablllty utmout invariably ueek our uervloou without competition they know we nun only tho in uvleut minn i tin uud emptily only ukmlol help und uoe thut very job lu thoroughly well dona aluo thut our hill lu ul- wuyu uu moderuto uu wo can luuko it phone 80 wf mooney acton ont i tannery cooperative the store of quality and low prices au kinos of lltmil i1iu1ts and vkgctakijes constantly on hxnd spciaj price on suar in 100 h lots see oursnnuner hosiery for women girls boys and cliil- t drenat very low prices wo have a line range of mens fine boots bought at a bargain ond marked at prices that will appeal o you spring and summer underwear for men and women i- cash paid for farm produce j ajj i tannery cooperative c a conway maiuurer x store closes every wednesday at 1230 oclock mill street v irismmai i

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