g arfam jtrgg tytes ituilthiuv may 4 lbi3 the worlds mirror or dm of it nil ii u hiuutlful world ti or it diurnal in tvry tunu tlu thing it muat ihi 1ii your utituin i your glue ilapumlu mi ytiiithnlf ulonn twentv years ago thursday may i i hero tm v ihi lurks itn lry jtk llin trs and hill donning tlilr 7mm uhllllf 111 illkllll thluu i look lug- pi ilxtut flirty wild 111 past wn k uu try urn rapidly ur grl rory li ran bull in i mr iminir i tint fin m lk in vt ihur of mr j t rvutlvo iitiiill- knmlnrutii tli optra iiuim uelpli day v nhitr li downey data tho ii rut match of tin uuiuun will tra pluyud by acton ituiuoiull club with tlio nut ion f olinlph thb anton uuht will uppeur in llntlr now uitl- fi rmu for th tlrid lime arloii film mil rod club huvo lutely iunufh will tho followlnif miners hon vrtu a o tluurdmore 1riulhml ttr thou tlruy vlru lnldnt ii if wnrdnn flucretary traukurur it j mwnslili uunaklrik committor w hturk tho cameron and c c hpelsht lrlnclpal moorn will mini lip over 20 candidate to ttin entrance exam ination nfcl mouth mr leor- wild loft tha fiatt ywtm an vutt on katurduy laid by on of hi impartml leichorn whlah break ull fonnr record it vi tithed ounce tn t an rod bf india 111 circumference una wuy mill incline thn nthnr and w 3u in hurt hi diameter died lirankflcy at the general hospital lo tar born on thursday may t 1001 wele ilranklay mlntvr of urn ilea chapman church h treat alton in bar 33rd voar a success as a human being to mmoxi in what you undertake- may bo a grant thine or small onti u flna thin or u disaster for them are successful swindler you know aa wall ha auocesstul atateamon and that bring out thn idea that only ona kind of auooea la worth etrlvtnjr for and that la to l a aucceaif a a human balnv in order to b successful in ibylinr you must first onoos a worthwhile oal i if your aim la to make money by fair mnaua or foul you are a failure van if you maka it million not only tnuat your itoal be a worthy ono hut it ahould be a high aa you are capahla of reach in ir if rircum- atancea had boon a llttln different won hi ns ton could have boon a juic ceaaful sontleman farmer and that la a kind of aunceaa not to bo deaplaod to maka two bladoa of kraaa urow whera ona gaw bafora to oompal old mother karth to render up her rlohea for tha benefit of tha world thia la not o amall ambition out whan tho continental artnlea neadod a commaudorlnrhjef whan tba newborn nation nmded a prealdent it would havn boen unworthy of waahlngton to have aettlad down at ut varnon to roaluj a aucoaaa of hla aatata your purpoao mint ba high aa wall aa worthy low aim hi there la a great deal of nonaenao talkod about aucceaaful men tho man who turua hlmaolf into a mncblno for tho purpoao of nlaking money la a miaerable allure tjto only cdusrlon of auoceaa la to bo auoceaaful aa a human being to havo dovalopod your peraonallty aionfe tho right tinea and uaed your powera forrtho btmeflcof the world wothlng lean can bo counted true auceeaoj jaroe h lan- matqhcb u thou haat lighted tbo lamp of hope in tho bumblaat ufa uthou haat put a torch into tho hand of a child that ha might wiilk aright down tha path of temptation if thoji haat wt in the window of thtno own aoul where it la visible unto mona7ooiidl lighted by a apork of thlno own conviction or axperiarica ao that thereby any life hatii boon guided aright it thou haat kindled an the 4uno of love upon thp hearth of any cold and troubled home if thou haat warmed tba milk of human klodneaa in tho cup of any human being- than thank 3qd that ijft hath permlttod thoo and thy life to be out up into matohea chruitlan century requlatta an tha farmr ttvery farm er and atockralaer ahould keep a aup- 1 ply of r thomaa isaloctrio pll on hand not only as a ready remedy for ilia in the family but bocauaa it le a horao and cattle medicine of great potency aa a aubatltuta for aweet oil for horaea and cot to afflicted by oollo it far aurpaaaca anything that can bo admlnlaterad tht wino was blowing tha prlxea had been given out und the ohldren atood vln iwred allenco hh the headmlatra introduced u famou j apaaker who wai noted for hi putroluo fervor i toward tho end of hta dlacottrae ho waxed eibqueit and now children ha cried if yotl aaw your glorloua has wnvtng triumphantly over the battlefield whut would you think there waa a prolonged pauo and tho apekor amllad genhtlly cqmp ho aald encouragingly wont aomeono onuwort a voice from tho back broke the uenoe 1 plooaa air id think the wind blowlp youthful satire kitty aged nlx hui boon naughty und bar rutber had had to udmlnlatar vigoroua oorroctlon beforo golna t liualnaaa that an irapreaalon had been raadi oa apparent when on hi return from walneaa in thq evening kitty called upatalra with frigid polltneaal mother your huabundv home tne sundav school lesson fqr sunday may 7 1b22 iraiaiiii idmatj 1 oil a woiui at hi kit qii i 3 ji ii 1 d tlulilflii ttixt ciimn yd uml lot u u nlk til xd lltfllt t jnhovnh laa hulorlcal batting a unit i it i unknown imiio vvruo 2 in tlu puiauul lutukin th hut loobu layoii 1 thu tniuliuwimo uinui in whloh ho wii llvlna ii mhk hnuuo lif xt hhi nlairiih umaltmt i i iulir of ull iiullmim llowliig into it vn 3muliy hruthxu huv tiliown tliulf imunrnmu to know tha tru fltxl t of lii thliurrh of tho llvlna- imi uml nut of jdiiihiiiitb wham thu pal wmi flint prvut hud liun klin iii tli law for llii uulloti rui 4 who i lli will of holt 1 the tourt of uiuul mi ii will hav mi intirt iinif rir liiilt iiidiiiw of wurfara 11 i tin piophut tl of the uom- 11 in i who vu to oom to the hue of jtwuu ukii u uliiiot mirliinlntf frtim tho tout or u tii ililtt wm mod to i li ml phhut umt whun tha luiuim of in run hinntlnuty i md tuilhlnil in hope f vri 2 all if uiim wiix vrinl in chrlut i run 3 thn four of jahovuh uprlngm myu out of lova untl not out of iid jeuu took illlght in being- aub- imivo to the w1j if hiil father chrlmt reud lh hnurtm of man and wn iut to lw ilt irl vul by nulwunl ap- twiruicn vt ro 4lliunuii jiulh larlna itavn ton oflon lion 1 1 ugulnut u tnonnyleaa uml tli imp who wctotnot aelfuaaertlve imucli to demand thnlr rlghta jeaua wum tho champion of tho downtrodden in tho nnal jiilmnut ilia wordw will hjc tho doom of the wicked vnrac t the glnlla upheld and fitted for urtlon tho attoniith of the km- mlah wwm to bo in rigbtomuanaka virt 8 7thaao am htrlklna plo- tuma of u world whoro poooe relgna men in thn gilpof evil puaulona aro hot liam cruel untt dangnrou than thn wild lfoimtm heroin montloned when chrlat ahull rnlgn over all roan inhu manity to man will be a thing- of tho paat in a limited wenaa cbrlat la now trunwfortnliig the beaatly and vlcloutf into beluga with whom the woakeat and moat defpimateaa arm aofe verae 8 a world with the polaon of jn removed mijtna a world without fear vorae 8- all of tha tranafortned eurth become th mount jllon of qod illualraud truth termanniit peucu hua ita root in uio hour to of thown iihiotiii whom it pra- volln v b illuatrutjon the word went out in commercial circle that tho little lan- ahlra minn that had boon counted a burden rattier than an aaaet by ita hucooualvo owner waa bolilic operated t a profit no wo are not bothered by etrtkaa and ronlnnlloiia aald thn prealdant of the com puny fcvury workur belong to tlio company and wo are of dm mind topic for raaaarch and dlaauaalon i a ulorlou iroapoot laa 3 1- 1 what do you understand by the jattnr duya t 2 what la meant by tha heuae of jehovah 3rliow thl prophecy being- fulfilled -t- how 1 eageruoa to rooelve tho truth being uhown in what aena la ylon tbo aourco of the uwt tl on what lu may jfjfo jo for tho end of rart tf the chrlat vomled va 1s 7 in what aonae ww ohrlat like the brunch referred to 8r- how have the promise in varao z bean fulflllodt 1 what do you undavatanjd b the fear of jehovah 10 in what doea hi judgment differ from human judg- it 11 in what aena la tho word girdle uaedt iii the uelgn of feac va 6b 18 to whom do tho wild beaut refer when will ihi bo completely fuj- mled dally reading lor next weak monday may 8 a godly king cdlot 2 chron 301411 tueaday may b the temple cleanaeds chron 10 11 wadneaday may 10 sacriflcee ontered 3 chron 29 31asl xhuraday may 1 1 soorhlce offer ed 1 chron 19 313s irlday may jicii to worahlp 2 chron so 1li saturday may is the solemn aa- embly i chron sd 1137 bundul may 1 joyou worahlp pa 10 worm oauao frotfulnea and rob the infant of bleep the great nourlaher mother oravea worm ratarmlnator will dear tho tomach and inteattnem anci reatore healthful neaa sunshine j morrla itlgh school lut a sunahlne club organlaed among tho utudenta who rank high in their nchool work for the purpose of giving a lift to thoae who are backwartl and- find t ajctromely dlfacplt to keep up with thalr olaaa all member of thl unuaual club volunteer their aervloe and of courve receive no compensation hut la doing thl helpful work without thought ptreward they are gettlng omethlng out of their nchool year which la quite w important a acholarahlp they are gaining- a bapae of ruaponalblllty to ward other who need their uaslaf- nce and are having a wonderful chancn tu develop churaoter along with intellect praia this asthma remsdyv a graloful uer or dr j u kelogga amthmw remedy nml it tha only rurnedy tliat will tclve relief though for thirteen yoar ba hud nought other help yurf needle muttering may be prevented by using- thl wonderful romody ut tho flmt warning- of trouble ita uso 1 hlrapto it cost la slight and it can ba purchuued utmost any where the rediscovery of isleauxnoix t barraeka at lala- nol x main entrance to th fort after having bill in neglectud ob- curlty for upward of alsty year vlalled only by occasional tourlata aloof thn historic itlclielleil tho canadian oovnnimnnt ba lunuid the rixro of islo uunou over to the national lark commlwilon to lw preihirvoil a an hlalqrlc rello of bygono day in u lcturo on history in tho making along tho itlchellnu dellverel lfore th hi jams ijtamry kixlnly of mon treal in novaiuw 1920 the rav x 11 moore of fit john queliec unieil the oowlrablllty of such a ttlep thl influential moolnty at once made a ruuuaat to tho flovemmont to that effect ihw hon banntor o o lutr k c ubly ueootided tliolr vqucst and tbo result 1 a slated above tho lulu uutc molx la repleto will huiorlo nsnoclatlim iyliuf in tho rlcheluu hlvrr whlih wa known aurreaulvely in luiat yoaria u the lni- quola itlvor the ht louis and thn ell ten knllum from thn line be tween canada ami the unltnd rtatu con lain lug about uk acre of aurfaoq und quite commanding tha river thl uutnd ha much 1o tntorest the atudsnt and thrill tho tuatrlot cbam- jilaln in 1c0d wu prolmlily tkfirat white man to set foot upon it it waa tmitosulblo to mis it strutetelo value inirlng tho lvench roglmo it wbh an outpowtnrirtnwatam b wag 1 idnrw ilku itogvrm and hcliuylar hail to make u dutour pusl it vlxllallt aantric isle aiixnolx wa on guard i it hprong into prominence lit 179 when it rccvlvi d iv itoiirh muiiuo force of rooo tiinn rtlrhik lnforii alnherht uimrnr farms u round ijiltit clmm- putlu lu 1bc0 amhnrwt wrote of thl 1i lie ho ilotlrli tnuquu unttml ijut h a humbi of work uu to ri nd r it ly mil account lmprhlttblc and every- nn ajtrm who hu ta l view of thm that tl 11 h hud it baou attackad would have bn the churchyard of the urltlnh army llavlland otinimped near tha ilaaui i aiicuwt in iboo llougulnvllle udod thn prenoh barrlhon ami when ha wiw thu island so thomughly inyosteil be made a aucceuiful retreat down tlio rlvnr lurliitf tho ilht of august zi liavinic a fow men to n- luun tlln jittonlloii of tho knitlisli at- tui kt rs tin y took kwsiuiiiiii shortly wftorwaldw und tho rail of iain altx- nolk ojw nod u tho way into fctviirh culiuilu til tight for cunudu pruii- tlmlly ended at thl strualo point thu isle aux nuljf did not rigur much in tho war of j 77176 mont- komory and kohuylor hold it ohd when arnold 1h1 hi brokon urmy tiu k from hi fullurn ut quelmni he sluypil ht ro for a tlm vavnr broke out ami wroulht havooumona hi tnnn many of whom iu 11 it nnglect- vd cemetnrln tho amnrlculi effort to capture tho tit in 113 fuhil the imperial sovemmnnt waa now fully aware of the importance of inlo- ujolx a oonimandlng the great watrway from lk chum plain into canada and the prwnt kurt lr statidlnif on th southern and built hi 1b23 i urn thn quad- ruiufular work of the old french fort hnnifiine runikart ww ralaeil a moat surrounded tho fort ihe entrahco waa oromamlikl by u druwlirldifn and inushlvn cot alotin bulldlnu of impos ing dlkn pnvldtwl nuartor for the troop und tholr offlc m tbiwa lieau- tlful bulldlnu mum in stately splendor to day shaded by nuouilve elm and spreading buttiritut that could tell tha history of a icnlury i ittw don tho proiuiiit geiiarstlon rvallsn tha inti nuu uttlvily li naval opiirutlon tliut once luiructurlsid the how placid richelieu tint isle auv- kulit uharml with lit johns thu ac tivity in pn puratloit whlrh itnublml lllr uuy carnllon to miiuter a naval force in 1770 and wlim out tli amerl- rull tliot iii tbo lluual battle of tier li nirii in th fight at ijiwilln ull on uurch 30 1814 mauirlul assistance was itlvni to the defender of tli- mill by two sloop anil two nun bonis that umi fntm lalo ut notk vritm tha liuvul yard at that place wnra launch ed gunlhiat carrylnif uu many thirty guutf ail tho visitor to isla nut nolx htunds on onn of tha bastion tliut ommiind a vlow of the majostlc river and look through tho trvu urros tha upaclout iarude grouud within the 1ort ho can imagine b hear once ulinln tho 4 ull of tha bugln ha ran see ornceoi and men isauhuf from thalr quurtar in the resplendent unlfnrtn of tha oldi n duyu i in canhear tha iharp wonl of command ha cun see ttie children playing- on tla connnon acroaa thn moat and all the whllt tha vigilant uyu of the imaginary ui utry at hi ulilt acaii tho rlvor nounu as he it nurd hi fortm home hut thn day of these thing lia xing hismh1 away iii ihet the imperial troop were with drawn since thm thu hand of lime und othirr ls hoinwt bunds hav lven huay impoverishing thl treasured spot of lis vvldxnce of lint activity iol hos tliut lindnr the care of the th aoutlmm nd r piirvs commlmiloti tiiithlmf ulpost of the kmplre lu former day ussy of accos from lit johns qutbeo tla isle uuxmoix 1 well worth a visit boys health chores 1 i washm my imnda with woll and water before each meal today washed vny face ear and neck ami cleaned my finger nait toiby 3 i kept nngar pencil and wvry- hlntf likuly to in unclean out of my mouth ahd ooe today i drank four guise of water to day including- one beforo each meal nd drunk no tea coffee or other in jurlou drink to day g i bruahed my tooth thoroughly after breakfast and thl evening- 0 i took ix or more slow deep breath of fresh air to day i tried to tlay to alt up and stand up straight 7 1 played outdoor or with win dow open more than thirty minute tor day bti wa in bed 9 hour or more ibuit night and kept my whitlow open i tried to day to eat only whole- mocne food and to eat alow i y i at tended to toilet at lu regular time lb tried today to keep neat and cheiirful coustuntl and to be helpful to other i wa aareful to protect other lf i spit ooughed or mnoeaed i took a full bath on ono or day of the week corn cripple the feet ami make walking- a torture yet euro mllef in the ahapo of hollo ways com uemov- ar 1 within reach of all scotch thrift donald maotavlnh lay adylng me hu1 been all day about it and hi wife who had watched with patient ex- lioctaliey ulncaeurly morn began to fool tha call orr lulvmd household duties aweel don she said es she mov ed the light to tha table by hi tied i mu guhk along to the kitchen urn noo ye ii no bo tmkln yer departure afore i oome back hut if ye should ye not forgot to blow out tho caudlo afur ye dee will yt scientific proof i tfleinpeer for canadas northland northern canada gunerully ha led to offortm again being rnado to build up herds tit these anjmaui in the reglona referred to the hudson s ltay com pany ha takeiiholdof uie enterprise and recently landed 9zb reindeer moat of th cm p4 jlaqlii l4tnd tomo month ago lloqause reindeer in common with other animal are liable to certain dlntidao and parasitical infestation thu department- of agriculture ut ot- luwu through the health of anlmahi drunch hn aeon tu it that tho im ported stock included only healthy specimen tho inspection of the unu inula wa made by tr 1c a waton chief animal jfethoiogut who wa uont to norway to examine the ship ment before embarkation bojnu year ago importation wore made by ir orenfall in connection with hi mission work in the ibrador tho herd -prospered- well white under the cms of lapp herder but art or tho lapp returned to their native land tm mil main became scattered and lost float ot the 418 reindeer ooraprlelhg tbo li resent ahlpmant have boon landed in an oil that is famous- ttuh canada wu not the birthplace of tr thomas liloctrlc ou it 1 tha home of that fatuous compound lrom here it good name wu spread to central and uouth amerlru the west india australia unit now zealand tliut 1 fur uriold unough to alteut it excel lance for lu ull thbavi countries it 1 oi sulu and in demand ready for anything it wa u vary amall country hotel built of wikmhiiii pretty illmny hut it wa all tho town u fronted and tomp- i had to stop tharo wliau hu wa shown hi room he said to the colorwl loy who wujf iweo i urn glad thnyvu got a rope here caa of tiro hut why a tublet that uh ald tno w6y i in case do lire am too far gone for you to make yo escape auh h vitamines precious healtbbtulding ele ments ore essential actors of growth to every child scotts emulsion is tha foodtonic oi special value to children it is rich in vitamines builds health and pro motes growth hnt a bownc toioolo out e k cook cn biuplx you wshicts collars ties handker chiefs buttons and studs arm bands garters suspcndersf shoo laces gloves mitts in soles shoo polish andjiedoesnh ask ftp lyojitfl either call and see e k cook home life thn best of life should bo and i r tiiost imioplrt thu linmo ufa those pervon who uru unfortuiutto uiuiugh pot to liave nxiiorlenced tha truth df thl fact liavo not known what is beat to if a man looking- hack over tlie hod that hi gmatest aatlsfac- tlon and lutpplnos ho c4tme from a moclatlou and experience ouuido of hi own family circle 1l 1 a bleak and dcsolato carear that ho survey how ever succeoatui it may ecm to other talk and walk that a boy hae with ht father and a girl with her mothar the jokea that to an outsider lierhuli would liavu llttlu flavor oven the quarrel ending u tiny do in re- conclluttlon that mako tha affection more warm than they liad been be foro are there any better axperlnce nd minuirlra than thl for apyonet home people fear that the vuluo home life i leab appreciated no than it used to be they think that auto- knohllo und iocs and movie and maga- xlue fiction tend to maka people reat- les dlct in tented with tlie quut of homo discontented even with their home wo thnk that there such rranon to be apprehensive the love of home and family 1 thu deepseated instinct hi amusement and exritemunt that pre- vnnt or diminish tha manifestation of that instinct can have only a tomjor ary ruschuttlon am for the uutumpblle it i for moat person a con vent once trat hetlw to enrich the family life though wnmetlmo pcrhap it impov- eriahn the family tbo people of thl country are too sound ut heart to be come careleb and callou toward the family tie it 1 on the homo llfu that our olvltl autlon i built if the horns life decay our civilisation will crumble in the hum ltfo of every family tlio mamber are rwaponalblo not only tu one an other hut to the nation for the hialn- toiiunce of a high standard jn spite of thoprevalonco of lictlou that p ro an nt domotlo u n hap pi n cu as t hfrnia we believe that by fur gratf r liumlwr of amurlcan meet tha rcslkmalblllllc and rejoice lu the hap- pliiea of tbnlr home life companion i moat raon cot your comfortable old shoes hade good as new rvn una the bast lea ii mr and ki ull tho latist apidluiipl lp il out a tlrsl i laii jflb bt faction guaranteed v iitavn in utocu a nrl rl is i- of hit ii and lioy sliik vi ry riuiuiriablit prlcn t e gibbons mill st acto n railway time tables at acton grand trunk railway byatem going west no iisbu no h lo3am no 33 3jftpan no 3 j t 09 pan no 3 b3spjn no si tlufiday lo34am coinfl eaat estjvfejshei 1672 b kuslniss haromctcrs seem indicate that the period cf easy money and hijh prices 19 ncarinc an end a dollar saved now in the torm of a savin ki bank deposit will ho wortli in licit more in the next couple of ycsn after the reaction hat wl in of hamilton tikokgetown wtanch g c maciuy manecr lationa western way canada tub new route winnipeg saskatoon prince rupert brandon calgary vancouver reoina edmonton victoria and all westettn points choice of routes leave toronto 645 pitas daily standard sloeraoa car toronto to winnipeg via north day and cochrane through tountt 51 n car toronto to wauupca m tueajaye thunslsv salurdaya and sunday 1 t iave toronto 10js i ta the national moodv wednesday ami i rulaya via sudhury and jod arthur ixjl througb ban with stsmlard ami tit ilefmafl cara coaches colonist our and dining car service connection wmmpcj lor all punta woat gal full partieulara reserva tlona le from local afl arest agent of the canadian national grand trunk hal canadian ration al rail ma ij s a hirschorn ladies tailor georgetown iln just held an attractive opening in his splendid new premises in the mcgibbon block tho now store is centra and commodious attractive new stock of latest spring styles equal to the citv shops best rosshtlk services given in la0ies talloitlnc at rosanable lricc8 our customers uccotnc our friends wo always have wclcomo for ihcm a- hirschorn main street georgetown 6no day a toucher waa having- a firstgrade olaa uv phiftffology she nakad thorn if they knawlhat tlwra wa a burning flro in tho body o of the time one llttlu girl poke up und said l yeamrwhon il 1 a cold day i can jea tho avmike wuller worm lowdorooon do no injury jto ttjo moat dell cat o child any ehlld or infant in tlio state of ndoles- obnce who la infested with worm can take thhi preparation without u qualm 0 tho stomach and will find in it a ur relief and n full protection from good condition and it la hoped that at jlwiallua aihhtal urlilr i b m m n luitplilnlntf imw lutnn hhiim i h m uieae deatrnohve pest jvjjich are re- sponsible for much wick noun und faroat aatrarlngu lkloo of utu onaa a beghining ha been made in estnb llhlng a reindeer industry which may prove oxsrent value to canada 1 not that he cahed a mqut woman ulway took two theatre aeuta for herself so a to be more comfortable on onq occasion tho attendant aald rxcuae rnu uuiduoi but who in going to use your second tckot i um gobiy looccupy liotli aeut replied the woman just ua you like madam only they happen to be on opposite side of tha alale nature v mint makes oat of c c to the 4barei belong tha day whv it gold nugget could lie shaken from umong the grow root hut thank goodno the day or opportunity are not yet gone for the boy with grit und push i to him nature offer giild green white red yellow all within the ii i tie piece of rround whlrh ho can cull my garden here ho can ralau beans so transparent tondcr and snappy to ran too o fat and red corn of molting sweetnea all those hu can sell to mother tar ami near hoed oost lut little lavrry pure bred seed ura 10u a liaper they are tho blue blood of aeedpm t pick of acre duvoted to aclen- ilrlo growing and selection of seeds iluy them at tha store qronnd tho corner bend for iorry a heed annual ehockful of garden hint tll which vegetablea are best for home garden write today nn early atart on xour garden it th golden idea that paya ferrys purebred seeds 0 ii onnn its dm ferry co windsor ont mending the church small church wu aadly in want of general repair und a mm tin wa ulng hold to raise ruud for that pur- the mlnujur having- said that to do the work loo would la rtwjulrel a wealthy fund equally utlngy tnemher uf tha congregation rose and sold he would give one hollar just us he eat down u tump of plaster full from the celling- and hit hhn umiii the head whereupon he ruar huslly and called out that hu had madn a tnlataao ho would glvo nrty dollar that wa tow much for uli enthusiast present who forgetful of everything calhuuout fervently o unl hit him ugalnl the resemblance a wriiwhit talkative uow pnimlwr of ihn houn of ouinmonitwum being shuved a wt k or si ago they tell me i look like hlr wilfrid uiurler hn rhattarwdtf wlulf do you think or thalt ih you think there i uuy resemblaiicot well i couldli f aay replied the tnnsorlul urtlst you remind me bowaver a llloe of thu lutn hlr john a mauilonalil ho ventured rather timidly well weill indeed was urn dn- llrhted rejoinder 1 it thu fan the lnud or thn genaral oiiurot no ruphm the barth r with a little cough it la tho breath children cry for fletchers castor 1ai fletchers castozia is strictly a remedy for infapts anil children foods aro specially prepared for babies a babys medicine is emu more essential for baby remedies primarily prepared for trqwiups interchamjeable it was tho need of a remedy for the common ailments of infants and children that brought castorta beforo tho public after years of research and no claim has been made for it that its uso for over 30 years has not proven what is castoria castorta is a harmless sulntituto- for castor ou paregoric drops jand soothing syrups it is pleasant it contains neither opium morphine nor other narcotic substance its ago is its guarantee for more than thirty yonis ft has boon in constant nso for tho relief of constipation flatulency wind colic and diarrhoea allaying foverlshness urisine therefrom and by regulating tho stomach and bowels nlds the ihnilatlon of food giving healthy and natural stoop tho childrens comfort tho mothers friend genuine castoria always bears the signature of wztu in use for over 30 years no 24 lluoday 7 ui m 11 ibam a 3pm 017 dai a os pm c8pkn allway 0 17 a 3 33 p 8 00 p 1102a lb p t p t ik m a 02 p m em p in u kb a m t im p in im v rralu mo s 2 4i iun on suburban electrie cemd wt dally ur pt holiday i hully riiflpt llunday i lully xc pt fluiauy oly day gainaj east llly vxrapt hu tially axcpt lu ikilly t scpt hu llm day wlay idy iday hindu which i ft toronto at itutimliiu durhuf tl ii now lcuvii at 1 4i lri llit delivered by spfdul fix proa frvlght rnluht pli bod up at an sd- vmm in toronlu 11 t tuiitioim ant aihm albert d savage registered cjptomerist and manuacturirur optidaii savage optical building right at th peat ofna guelph we herat tbe only iens snr- face grinding machinery in this district hahdwabe cutlklly kivkhwaut ollan itfc wa i tlc tinwaue spohting goods ifocltky tknnlh gramophones ittucoiuoh ml- eoocfi prices right c c mu1 street speight acton the ability to make good itualnea man are unanimous in their pralae of the guelph itualnea col urge method in enulpplng knuluata for tryapomilblu lioaltiona the uniform ability of our gradu ate to maka good in th bualne world invites your investigation of our metttod guelph business college herald dido- guelph ont a l bouck principal vou can start on monday t56e acton bakery phone no 77 fresh jbrcad and buns rolls pies and cakes orders will be delivered at nil times doughnuts walnut cakes and fruit cakes lty the pound or any slle our own malm waggon delivers every day will call on you or phono no 77 and waggon will call ml edwards co acton ontario glare closed every nioht except fri day and saturday at l30 pn l free prqss ads bring resiilts castor i a for infants and children in uaorw over 30 years alway beers the qarnaturs iv