Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 4, 1922, p. 4

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mtmmis iii uomj ol lie actntt mxzt lrrb un i rr i n 11 in wr ll nrwiurr i l i mel irts iff lown wtlii l tmrl iii al11 ikiilui u itilluurl tfvy aiivmn im wkxw rruiri ivfti th v ik1ni khlorll i i hon li 1w1icc lrril thursday morning may 4 1022 editorial enforcing the ontario temperance act according to hon w ewnrt gladstone five times premier of great brjtqm ono object of law is to make it easy to do right nnd hurd to do wrong the hon w b uanoy ontarios attorneygeneral was surely impelled by this motive when ha prepared and presented to tho legislature the proposed amend ments to tho ontario temperance act they also make clear tho purpose of tlto government to ade quately enforce tho act which was determinedly rovealed to bo tho desiro or tho pcoplo ofthe province whn the majority of over 100000 was given in favor of tho prohibition of importation of intoxicants into the province tho proposed amendments to tho act make it illegal to novo m possession any liquor which was manufactured for purposes within tho act but have beep adulterated by the addition of any drug liquid or other substance the provisions regarding essences will bo much more stringent and the carrying of liquor on tho highway is placed in control of tho board of license commissioners then tho amendments will give greater effectiveness to tho temperance act in tho matter of penalties for some offenses the act will add a term in jail of from two to six months and other changes will make tho violation o act an increasingly serious experi- encc it is very evident that the government has properly estimated tho determined purpose of the people that liquor shall not be imported into or sold for beverage purposes and those amendments are reasonable efforts to keep faith with tho people wo heartily concur jn tho following from an editorial in tho toronto star opponents of tho ontario tem perance act do not wunt tho present law to work they hopo tha legislature will refuse to facilitate its improvements tho morq loopholes found in the law by the variety of crooks who try to circumvent it tho better the wets are pleased tho less vigilant and vigorous the authorities aro in their efforts to stop practices which are contrary to the spirit of tho law the greater tha satisfaction of tho wet camp rumrunniug bootlegging tho sale of vile concoctions and tho illict drinking by youths and v maidens being all calculated to mako tho public dissatisfied with temperance legislation are to be en- couraged and if tho government falls to assist this vicious programme by slackness in tho administration of tho law undesirable conditions arc tobe exagger ated by tho circulation of false gossip the criticism of tho governments administration of tho ontario temperance act is not coming from tho church and temperance people who have tho most right to find i fault with any lukowarmncss in applying tho law m it comes almost entirely from thosa who have always been opposed to prohibition who are disappointed because tho government is getting such good results from tho operation of the law and who are alarmed lest even better results may bo secured by removing flaws in existing legislation membera atiocks tend to foalcr contempt for ijiw j walter curry m i i for south east toronto i mindly corcd the ntincko by members of the- mouse on tho ontario temperance act and its administra tion ihcso ntincks lid snid were calculated to footer contempt in tliq public mlud for proper law obscrv- j unci 1 he attorney general he satd hull used every effort to enforce tha act fully and completely accord ing to ms termi keep on keeping busy llio thought rcposcq in most monfi minds that as n un they can see the way clear they will give qp ihiuiich or position and take tho world easy this course almost invariably fails to bring tho expected com tort and fatkfnction tjio realization is a long way behind the anticipation life becomes dull when it ccaici to be iitrivuig 1 he people who a up work to live on their money have just one refuge from absolute boredom and that is totake up now work but whether thii work is called philanthropy or a hobby it mutt be real work persisted in faith fully or it will not save them from disappointment 1o mukc life interesting keep buiy vacations aro ull very well as interludes but aj a habit aro fatal o happiness keep on keeping busy aclonh jubilee next year acton was incorporated as a civic municipality in the year 1873 next year 1023 wo will have reached our jubilee year of fifty yearn an incorporat- id village it would bo very fitting therefore if steps were takeir to com mc mora to tho historical event wjtti soma suitable demonstration perhaps it would bo a desirable thing to prepare for incorporation as a town or to arrange for tho erection of a now public library or the opening of a general hospital or the establishing of some other public benefaction or utility most of the citizens would probably prefer incorporation as a town as thq most fitting recogni tion of the jubilee year tha matter is probably one which should have the consideration of the municipal council in order to accomplish some worthy end ion should bo taken at the earliest possible moment standing by the kit brigade there it a fine spirit of co operation between the citizens and the fire brigade slow prevailing and this is greatly appreciated by chief mcdonald and his men the other day when the rrc started af the residence on young street a couple of trucks and several motor cars hurried to the are hall to assist tho firemen with their hose reels and hooks and ladder equipment and the firemen and outfit were at the scene of the fire as promptly as if the brigade was furnished with a motor equipment of their own it is this spirit of helpfulness which encourages the firemen to put forth their very best efforts so long as the citizens keep up this spirit the chief says acton may depend upou the minimum of disastrous fires and heavy loses our brigade a a volunteer organ ization and it is therefore in tho best interests o tits citizens to stand by them loyally municipal elections in december an amendment vjo the municipal act provides for the holding of municipal elections on tho first monday in december if tho municipality desires to take ndvantagc of this provision thus if acton willies the elections may bo held on monday de cember 4 hcxt for 1023 all that the council require to do to bring this change into affect is to pass a bylaw adopting this provision before the first of november this change has murih to recommend under present conditions the nominations elec tion campaign if any and tho election come in the midst of tho christmas and now years holiday season when citizens generally aro at the busiest of the business season of the year and when family and social festivities aro at their height by follow ing the amendment provided the elections will bo over and all tho attendant turmoil sealed nearly a month before tho holiday trade and the christmas- tide activities t qood luck follows thrtfl lhul lniirnrmlniil hnwiirlrht ktild tim ihmi tonality t nlil um plmmlj k uriltlloluti altf v it tf tim ftolow who 1u willluif to uy hi i rln fm th riullutlii if lilm dmuttikl whn hant limiktue tut- cimm hurtfnlnm uluirl ikilx to iiim uml i in unit r mil mill atablllty win utluliw to ono tiiiwitvnriiib ulnj whotm rtwittn lu tlilw ilna tliliitf i do tl tiiii vim id nil diem ull on hb job win nuiu iii work it m tilmtht frl ml mill ninifh hlii urn lulu ii tint oiitrwtin iikiuh uftor tlm knnn ut llin uthpi- nd of tlm tut m it in who unioinitrutril that hdniaty la tlm boat tllry tjiu hwii wliolufoii to liiilartvk tlm thlnir t tonga in ilo who bilov id lihimlf unit in lliu mnumukit 1m ham imhiii muit hro to jollwr thih win liikv no tkik in luck u u fui lor hi th ci ir auccaam ut puah ilicut und do tlm lnt thy nun umur ull olri imimtunno thn mull who ciiltlvuto tttfit jourt- swy nnurukf hslf nnflrianrsi will iniwui nntlmlaiii linultli unit ijiwwi wilt to hi mmi rival blddino rihi iiv b1oijihiii hiuy have ull iin rlt unitoyml to until fall rt two oonoutlvfl 1m ul fnilt tlnl hut un oht ilullni tlm mri huntliiyu tto urlitf- uarvlrti fin tha imicoiul wu k im lolil urn itoy who an- iaiibu1 lh mnmihi- tlmt hn wiiiimi lo ak in him in tho vtry uy liny nuiii tho mlnlitttii whn thty wiro rlohfltot idkathor who id thut uhlnrly kwntlniiikti you uttnl nlm roll wltlit ormidiui wnm tlm moly wull uulil tho rlnrityinan it v vul only knop him bwnkfl durltttf my mrtnuiixrf 1 ii itlvo you u yilckol tuirh k tho ixiy fall in with tha urrane- ittinl uiki for tho mt two wmii tlm 1i kiitlnihii lhlmtw1 utttintlvoly to hn mtruinn tho third wnk howvif foiluil lilw notindly uulmii th vuwl cloruymutt iwiit for tha ihw und uahl um vry unitry with nidu t i iirotiilna yon u- ttloki1 a wk to ki hint itwttkot vmf rllixl tho mv hut rriid- how itlvnu mo u ilium hot to iluiurh til m advice to a salesman tcvory tlnm you full to mwk ritmomlwi- unit it linvdtit h ull fnllurm tha tlnu u not hmt if you iwva him with hu h u lfturv in mn mind that h will ituy uftor you have anna tltare fm h mall i hnvri mot a rval annultio l todity its matin uu i mn reunion iihin ni for- lib manllnummt hla nhar nottir t hlttiil rnmnmhor him hn a ral uuvfl hlln with m rikmi plotura in mlmt no thut ho will tuy to hlmmir hv int n rul tiuin ttlay m 100 wontlomun 1 uko that fellow you navr know my frlnnd when tlmt wilt niil 1 huvft known of mvrnl tuiru of thnt kind wham a m1- nyn who lout un onlar wpj iraeom- lumiuliwl ly iiim hmmummit for v vary much tmttnr imialtlon tliuii tm lutd you in lenow whom thn bad imprvaslonm you makt will in ml you i you rjin louvn u man with n rood tnuta tn hlu mouth mko him fowl that hum iiitt u rnro ohinmctor you tiawi nijl fcml that your tlm in wuitod or thut you huva fulled whvhe grinned mrky mulvanny wont to tlm vul into u hroad icrlii in moto o th ol nlty tit thu miriohlkllnbn and tho limhiincn ut othorh i th room kit wifn wuii of rournu tthonkod and kn thny loft thn tirtimlunii niio mmunntmt- d with hot h unhand mi iiim uniwamly flonduot in tho nrnonr of death hiiro 1 junt cdultlnt hulp it aald ulnky it wum too funny for any thing ho wnnton hura tlm wum whut ho oullad un ntlmlut and didnt bdlavn lit ttlveii iioll nor immuthory ii n whnn i haii htm tlxotl up in liu roftln tho thoiiffllt tutna to mo all draaaud ii and no jj luce to iro un it muile m amtlo the shortest wfll two kiikiihii wiiin of btirprlulnif lirti- vlty loiiwidnrlnk tlm minount illaihiml of thut of mtv ttviiihxiy jaunu whoj lift tljkio0o nndtliat ut ulr il llmuiliump who left liluuoo huyn jiut li mi provnd uilli wrltlon on u littler uhict of notapuh i tut proluihly thn rxord lu thlm ytliht htm rimulnu with ii woultlty menu imwhiiup rpro- rltor i- ii while who iihimimhi or it hlu fort u tin tn thn hhila xontonru i ulvn nvnrythln to my wlf tha will of tlm rumoux kurl of ktunnll ioid chiy jttutlr from 17 1 lo 11kh iihivohi of hulf u million iiinrllnif in iv fw wordm wrltttit hy hhn own hund on u uiuki hulf hhmit of iukir did the minister fiot utnimii buhl ihu llttli klrl hnr yu wld with llrmmit i do bo- lovo tlm tnjutr toht u utoryl why tlm lit uuld imr motlmr you don t know whut yu um uuy- i tlo in i tut uuk him how lontf li whlukoru und im uuld tlmm ull hlx lf f imunl iuiui study youil fort bovs alvout um tout thlnif u futlmr tun do for iiim hoym u to nmnurukfl thnin to ttuval und turn uoninthliuf of the world imforn tlmy ihkiihiii iihi kounly tinurouifhl in m un morn la 1 llf travnl til u tcrnut luluculor 11 i tirlrlmm hit nliitl und ntu tlm vouth to liottor hi i iiim ptui in tf a imirmnl iniy lu iilwrvntil hn uualmllutoa ami krotulitn knowlmlr truvnl itlvcu htm iiim op port n nlty it nt him for nvry phuiui in llfn lour of kuroiw lu ut timwrnt htilntf oraihtilaoil umlor tlm tkirihiuul uiipr- vihioii of ur t if multlmwm u a oxnn auuutuut irofoaor of mutlin- mutlrn uk111i unlvernlty and hitn 1 im t rurt or- unit tenant itoynl nuvy in uddltlon looul kuiiion will im luitiur- imi to i ouduct flxruntloom and rivii ltxturil on um artlutlr hlntorlci lltar- ury und conoinlo ulitnlflt uikw of tho miwiiim ihuu nnd tho pluimm vlulud niout ttirn fully plumitid and hi- txrmtliiif ttlnrrury hau boon urrutuend inchiihiii viniu to uontroal ylvnrpitol chknttir mtrutfonliinavoii i oaford inidou larln vvmalllnn konlulim- msaut ithcimn iyonu murmillloa culinnm klcoj uonnfo uoiitonti flnnoa a itomo kuphn tturronto faprl nimill vvuiivium klornnti vonlci trnnl innaliruck uuulrh tho iukalon y ut okrimmnrbuh nummurf muyunrn tho llhlnv culuniiv itruiuhflm vuln and onto nil roturnliiu through iondnu und uvarpool thin inptional tour uturtu rrrna montroa on uaturdny juna 34 callinif qiialmc by tho aplnndld wlilti fttai un ntoariahtp cunoplr 12 joo to mi a orlulof upproxlmatnly two iithu will tto occupld by thn tour um by tho itinerary tho roturn trip b tiiudo from uvarpool htf thn inn ntinm- ihlp itraina itlltlo toi urrlvliitf at lfoutmul on augiuit 38 tlm urrankmtintm for thu tour am mout com plot t nnd tho cluirno wlitrh im u minimum ono wivrn ovorythlmf in tho way of trmliaportutton botnl no- comniodutlon with thron rinulm ti day truttrrm klkhtuoolnif tm hi hrlof ul luvceaaury travoltlna vi tor tho mi tlm tour apply to any hknt of tho cutindluu national lullwayh for furthnr purt leu- la rn 434 rr 1 develop the community spirit one result of neighborhood and community ac- tfvity during tho war has been the increasing desire in many sections to mako this work permanent to his end certain neighborhoods hovo organized and others are prcpnpng to uctjuirc buildings originally erected for other purposes and transform them into t community centres other towns which temporarily maintained headquarters for soldiers camping in their vicinity propose to make these headquarters permanent and broaden tho scope of tholl service to the benefit of ull there is a growing desiro for community centres in the rural districts a genera tlon or two ago the little red school house functioned for this purpose now however a much moro com- h prehensivo community hall is desired any com munity cooperating in such an enterprise if properly supervised will confer lasting good upon the rising generation aspirations for persona improvement and community betterment will undoubtedly result making work easier and life brighter when regarded in the proper spirit a word of counsel and encouragement toyoitng people in tho early years of their lifes activities from those who have passed through tho mill of experience will have beneficial results there are some young people who arc always pitying themselves for having to work so hard they como homo at night with a sense of grievnuco because of tho days work the long hours the inadequate wages and so on the worker with this sqirit has ntiard time arid always will have ho overlooks tho fact that every man who has wan success in life has passed through just such an experience so far as hurd work long hours and small pay are concerned young workers should stop making hard times for themselves they will and comfort in creating cheerfulness instead of com plaining of jong hours yiink of the army of men who havo no work at all and consequently no wages coming in instead of complaining about wages being tower than during the wartime activities it might be helpful to remember thoso who are living on charity instead of indulging in selfpity foij being a drudge endeavor to realize that present work is giving tho training necessary to tho achievement of success and wages are being paid while the edu cation for tho futuro is being secured young people often make their own hard times by their dejected attitude it is better always to cultivate tho cheerful hopefulness that oventually brings prosperity some dotbts for hou8e- cleaninq dont uhd water op waited wood work ittth with a waited cloth than with u olvuh tlunnal cloth dont wuuh ull tho ourtuinw at one tlm and dont torch tham t a lit tlo tiro wator or thin anarch in thn lout rlnaa water nw ourtalna aro not aturohoit why adverting that your ourtutiim ura old by atarchln thcmt dont lint rtikn iiuch ua bruaaolm or- wilton on tlm right aide lay them fuco down on tho gran haul and iwp on thv wrontf aide vhan raptucod on thn loom wlpo tho uur- faott with it cloth wrunjr tram hot aalt uutar thht hrlghtcnn and fuihenn tho runi 1 1 r w hall jr b a sc architect do you inrini to hu1u oh make aitrhations wiiv not consult an altciutkct box 524 brampton phone i66w wanted by acton creamery co souk and sweet ckeam new iui eggs good oaltty iiuttek any quanuty ulll pay lugltcnt market price for inmc provided lilo flunlity in nplit cash on deuveuv our motto quality open evenings tucwtay friday and saturday ako wednesday afternoons the acton creamery co ej cneiu iroprletor spring footwear full lh aw flprliuf ihiiti nil dln- i of oxtaulu and htrap wn uuv pluy und hllppiru w hind huvn u full linn of mtmu luwilw und oxfordu und llulihuri of ull utylvn nml ulftum cull in und itt our prion unwrompur tntf iiuullly of tcoodh und prlrj with othurn wn know tlmy ntunot ihi im tt rml unywht r mbsefl children and uoyu shoes in ull ulun ut u tcood r unit o if irlrn wn curry thn rumotin llurlburi tlhnom for chil dren rkpairing llolnu tilthnr ivrimtl or unwoil ituldifir put an an rtpulrliitr promptly i rlkht prlfnn utnd ut kenney bros mill street acton if you are building a houtte barn or any other ttuilulnff large or lraepstoall wejwlidt an opportunity ut furnish imccfl on anythiiul or everything in our line including nails hinges locks glass putty paints oils cement roofing carpenters tools prepare for a short crop this season jbulm a cront llnk blto thn coal of a wooden alio and will lout a lirotlraa ounnmtftad iiotjd workmanahlp and a near v proof aa it in poaalblft to knaka thm wrltn for our rwluoad jihoento geo watson son b r no 1 acton ont we do healing plumbing eavetroughing and electric wiring is a specialty withtjs business directory j w kennedy son kenney imos old stand main street acton phone 95 making expenteno practical tho lute ir jumna uonro buckley waa aaknd ono hmy tn conduct un uxportanco tnaatlii at a colorad church in thntiouth a colored woptan nrouo und ixir wltneuu to tha proiotu- nn of htir rcllblon ax uichtbrlnaarf und comfort aivor thula good alatcr common td dr rutikley doum your religion make you atrlva to propam your husband a hood dinner t loy it make you took uftor him in nvcry wuyt juut than th- uuoklay fet a yank t hlm coat tullm by tho colored prevd- r who whupnnid nrdantiyi rnuut dam uoontlona tiufu my lfal editorial notes medical ijr j a mcnivbn phyal6ian and quruaon ollhi mid ktmld nn coiinr howor avoilun und vluln iflimu rnuld- fnriiinrly oimipi d by 11 m 1iii- iidii a ton out dk i y nelson phyloun ouruaon obltrlolan aoton ontario lluiiior to thn lulu iv oruy jhui tuit ikiuhh mi hridnrkk lit ofllii hduiit 3 in i p in unil t to 0 p in dr c r w lioss phyalatan and guryaon mill qt qaoruatown phona 22 llifuniimii thirirnon flniro ifimpltnl tnrrnilo hpilul uttinl ion to niuumnu of wo- inon unil riilldrni und infant lainllntf dr w s laird op am a bo woolwlrh llrimt 1yn pur noun und lhrnut 1 ivory wmliinikluy ut fliillloru ho ccqal imionn no 22 1 o jinx 3sk haroui nash farmer m a darriatar bollollnr notary public conuaioincar cto perf1vman tjlock acton ont moni y i o loan utouru 030 um to ti ppi h g meir darrlatar do le i tor notary publlo gaaratown ont dental dr j m lipll d d s 1 d s dntlt honor flruduutu of torotiln unlvnr- ulty tlm luteot iniftmtii tin tmati if d tm i rod dr v g golloi ddslds danlal burgaon otrtoo ovor hank of nova hootla- i tioltitd 30 l s 30 luvtinliun by appolptinunt miscellaneous prancis nunan bookbindar amount booliu ofull idmlu niudo to ordur lfli lodlrttlu of nvtry ibuiu iptlnu rum fully hmiiul htihnic uontly and promptly ilmm wyudhnm htrcft oimlpli oul ovnr wllllnmit ktoro rjkerr auotltmor and lloal lataio atnt 17 vuru icxptirlniiru acton ontario habut ontruutdl tnlt j knrr r- cojv uthuitlon from ditto of llstluc tn into of miln tlut voiii kiilnu with mo tlaaldanca ddwar avanua aoton riuniti 30 acton cull at ny uxiwuua roy hindley auctioneer conaolldtd phono grin 17 11 r ii 3 acton frances remarkable power of restoration t reports from tho prcncli minister for tho regions devastated by tho war show tho remarkable jiower of franco in the matter of restoration threa years after tho closo of the war almost half of the ruinch houses in the occupied territory have been rebuilt threefifths of the roads that were destroyed are in repair virtually all tho factories and shops are re built and ar work and two million of theniorehan three million hectares of devasfod land jiavo been restored history is evidently repeating jtsejlt id respect to this resourceful court try whenafor the ja war of 1870 victorious germany imposed reparations vwhjch they calculated would take france fifty years pipayfthsfj nnd surprised the world by psyingtht k f raflc demitfidoa within todvyeari canada may justly feel pride in her splendid financial standing tho hundred million dollar loan offered in new york market lust week was fully subscribed for in onc canada- is all right well herb if that doesnt kllv prbhibifion nqthlngwlll is alleged to have been the salute of one individual nt the close of tho session at which tth lennox m p p- belittled th0 ontario temj peranco act and stoodagainst using njeaps to punish violators instead of getting into partnership wjth tho race traclcalntheirgainbuqg enterprises as the provin cial treasurer proposes to do the majority of tho people jf ontario would much prefer that steps bo tafcqrmq prohibitaltogether the race track gambling buaffteas as the states bordering on canada have i iav i our cheapest salesman w sell conulderabu by loot distance it is tbe cheapest selling process we have it enables as to boy row material quickly km run short is very use ful inlceepkujin touch with our toronto plant wouldbegroat- ly handicapped with out it camadla wooutn lit istdt jwworo uwaf- i j b- cneevers dook d1ndei1 quabrst eait ouulph ont llonkm mul munzlmih houml lit ilandunmti mid hiihfltuntlal oovnru numon lattorod hi rom un lllbloh llytnn i too un mid othm hooltu all work promptly evooutod d alex niven ontario w qurvayor and civil cnalnaar rurvoyu dulultvlulniia plituu ito- portu lonrlptloiiu illutipvlihfi to cnrtlllontmi for purohiuion und mnrtituutil mlirvoyi fr arolillncto llilliam mid munlnlpiil cnuiiollii drultutk lloportii thtlmunn tto molean tluildinq dounlaii qt ouuuk ihnnn tnll ont lulliukioniirwisr louonlo w thfloidaudrollablo jranito and marblo doalors w ri muinifiiritiuiim und illroot lmtrtrm nf ull klndu tif mommumtu1 nml ifiidutnu woik- w uoll dtrrtot to our uuatomtrm ut wlmlnuuhi itrloim tliuu unvhw our oumtdinnrx 40 pm unit wn lmvn din hut uitil1unt an mill tho only innnhuiiuh in tlm dominion whn tun opurntn niioiimutin tooln moporly we um kiv ri tnr nut on ftom hhuilrudh of our uuntomovii in tnroiitn und ithur i liluimi whuro othorn lmvn to huvo law hutttl lu tirdr to oolluut wn huvo tho inrniiht itiul bunt utoott at fjmnlto in thn fknulnldii or tunro thun any thmu luolurn inllin vnl wn uro ipultl- rontn tliiulurrt uid mnnloy ho iuinott afid do nut nnmiy or tt uuittuiiiorm by bcndluk out luorunt usaiitrimohnlt- inir orxlorm wo cimploy mly ruucbutilctl and dfy ooinpotftlon hamilton sons cor norwich woolwlatl sin uulj aiiliiui n sfmmr vkmww

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