Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 4, 1922, p. 3

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mumiaa ojhr artun iftw tyteba tiiimuiuay may 4 1033 manv bpeiakq ir to iil r- tiurw minori u nlllt hum- wl liiuinliiu ivirywliinl jvint mid luluty martha alitj ii nulurti a kmhnnl m lhf hulllh tht wiiiimlng- pool uarlhu html of uiot kw it ml hl it to 1m k tint conic iii lultt oualng ut nd thlnka til 1 motor cwru ata him i oft uturwl fuila lllfclltp for in our world ut muny umncn alwnym thuro must uurthua win lukn lovt uiul ttorvu 1 no imumlllngly aiul tho llwryw of llhu largnas oh how hi it aro wo oems op thought hu schrima of fo ivib to our t holcu pursuing thutu um of nil our unliun- lmu4itmtlu on which nifar ii om and inrottdlunry li tlfi grvstoat aust idiinwa aiiiiihou nvr rhasu u lui hit it ulunn und it will run ittuir to duath i i uii work out u good rburoctsr urn nit faator than unyoim tjin 11 rn out of it lyman lorhr l not too curouidy into othor nwtt m fallings imlthor int thit one- o kin apouk ll of unotlur in his ab moob koran art or u spirit or dhtconoanimtmt tha next riinsii thing- t tlio world oro diamonds unit paarls itunjara wo man 1 curt ul ii whsthar duath imi hot the greatest kood that call brull u man lutarch bin has many tool but u lit in th handle that fits thorn ull o holmes but btaor yourishlps by tho stars don forget thn uml hpurgoon thn playthings of our eldo called husluosa st atiguatlno offended vanity 1 tho ureal mturnt- orin social llf a 11 el pa t friend ts to coats from buffalo wool tha butraloe tlutt pwa domes tlcatod in tba yelloarstouo pork mre now eg- uocted to pay their board bup ported in royal idleness for many years say tho new york time they mut now become producers instead of remain lng mere ornament all that tho park authorities salt or their star boarder is hi old o loth cm every spring the big yellowstone jlmrd of five hundred grown animals sheds several hundred pound- of wool which could be increased by clipping in past years the wool has gone to wasto but reoently a oo i lection of eome of tho nneet fibre um been made for the purpoee or mokln ooata and blanket tho canadian covernjnont and pri vate individual in the united state have succeeded in utluln buffalo wool and oirtclal report ahow that the cloth produoed la llchter in weisht and offera creatcr roalstance to cold than material made o aheepa wool it la thowt qnalluea that particularly interest the pari authorities who have thn comfort of tho ranger at hpart the men have to tramp many mtlea on ski or anowshoea and carry heavy pack filled with irab and boddlng under auch oondltlona way ounce that can be saved 1 of sreat im portance oldest milk no cow a arade shorthorn cow 39 year old and ull bivtn- milk enough to make about four pound of butter a week has oeen round by dairy profeasors of the ohio bute university on the farm or alto ubby hamilton five miles southeast of columbus thl thought to b the oldest milking in ohio and possibly in the united states ulu hamilton who is bo year old has had hew- since april 1sbz when hoxy wasbom tha cow 1 now almost threa umes tho avoir age say the university dairymen and la to be regarded aa a curiosity equal to a person 160 years old ur older quito aa remarkable aa flexyv age la the tact that she has a daughter eight years old having freshened at the ago of m creamery journal r i jhl lli man of ruk big clock 1 ijn 1 l aifr 1 isbsssti 1 i pull your own weioht i vtikw w ui i ktw away sifsms- ruxt oin iwrktiikaut or m1nw i mi utx tho i ink mmboinut and th llltlo hmkurtd droau hho woro win i nrnt kluttuil bur ami mho uiiuwurail tlm i uruux with tho wrlltmi b rlrtlini thit au hiirnly un tho vlim uruw ntunil thn hlihiip uhu lovoitiio rimt old uwm ihuurt ut mint 1 ii warrutit you uiiimi wumliirlnir lu- ollix tlonw of inliia brbnf muny of you buck to thn old courtlntf iluys tboan hwulhurt duyo or yoro rhoup lidlipy duys whii w umul to wulk with bur duwii llowtr avniiiio and up the rail way trunk to tho old culvert ur down tho tm u to tho old mtunuiihore do you romtimthtr tha ciouvuuit itarupot the old oulvtrt bud in tlin daysr how ffonvuiili nt ihny wuru to ruat on bomro iirouiimlliiu 1 to tlio main htrwit orohxliitf thomi wm the buiioy day thou tin ru wi tlwi walk ilowu to tin old mill duiri unit down to ljvirv imtnt ut tho wmt nnd of luiu- wim aditino thld wh ru tha mtu tiourly hurmumlm tho lttl urovo 1 can aoa thu pink uunlxnittot and ttui prntty nhockered itrt ux yut advertisino if overy item in vour stock was a rapid seller youd raako a lot of money shelfcllnger alow moving srood out down profits and tlo up capital saleamen call on you every day to introduce hew product why not uak them an important question wiii your firm advertise in tho local paper to holp me move those goods r your customers all read the local newspaper thats all the reading- that some of them ever dpi bo newspaper advertising t tho sure way to roach them insist on newspaper advartlln if the salesman says no you got rid of hlra uulckty what ib circumstantial l evidence an old darky had been in trouble for stealing chick cms and wa convict ed on ctroumstantlol ovldgnoe whata clrcumiitanual svldencer he wasnjotkd wall- he said as hour as i kin aplaln it rum do way it has ben splulned to me circumatantlal evidence bj de feothara dat you leave lyln around after you has done with da chicken choice op routes to western canaoa lust wwik i told thn htury of tho lirui bufd wlinn it whm louitod on ilowr awnuu uiul tliflu btroet thoru huvo immiii ntuuy cbuliifeh nvnn mince its removal iwtmtyuovtin yours the only hualnoas laoo nvor locat ed on itowor avuniio was tho ounada tllovn work this fliio factory was erected ly w ii htorey ulwmt forty yearw ago it was u hno factory aid has always glvuu aoton u lino reputa tion as u huwlncsh place itu command ing location guvo tho urtmiao full view from tho grand trunk 1 lull way and paaacngcrm havo during ull thrnm forty yours been uttructed by the aub- atantuil at tract i vo building mr htorey was always proud of thin building the pretty line l of inninn wutor in tho foreground lunda it a plitureaiiuuness which is very ulouauiit the nrat electrically- lighted algn in town was erected on the roof of tho glovo works it wam orio hundrtnl rwet lung und told ill und aundry tlutt it was tho home of w j btnmy hon oiovo uonuractururu uatubllahnd 1u8h ii htoroy was a bualneas man und manufacturer of oxcvptlimally ublo qualities ju persona1 tittentlnn to dtitiim in y j buuitnuxat ceptlonal lie had gruat pleasure in admitting bin won william into part nership when lia bocume of uga it will wurprlsnmany no doubt aa it did mo when i begun to oomputo the yoars to ruallsu that it will jmj twentyfive years next march since the lamented death of w 11 htoroy dul so t a no other man wuw so greatly muaid who ovor uasacd uwny in acton tho glove factory undsr his managnmont guvo employment to thouaundm of rnnldenta here men ard boys mid girls tbare mudo their livelihood and this went on for mov ent generations or ithu aiuhu rumllloa mr btoroy hail more ooncern for tho mploymnnt of tho peoplo who were n the vuy roll of thn canada glove works than he wiim vcr glvnn full credit for often hi loan yuan when business was poor und unprofitable he used every effort to keen employed those who wore depending upon the wages earned thorn for the upkoop of their homes when mr htoroy the founder of thl business passed away in 1k0h ho was sucoeeded byhl non mr w a htoroy ma cpntinuel the bunlnoss on tho lines of policy which his revennl father hud lnjd down no son was over more anxious to mulntaln ho good nume of hi futhnr and to proaurve thu reputa tion of the canada ulovo works fur products of honeat worfkmunahlp and good value lor eighteen years or so he continued at the head of the buttl new and then retired messrs t h arnold hon ruc- ooeded mr storey tliey are astute business men and huve oonllniied the nufacture of gloves und mitts under the anmu flrm name in f they esteem it a prlvllpgo to trade undnr tho timehonored luuno of w ii storey a bon ftay i think ill out my reflection short thm woek thu iwckwurd aprlng weather has made my clioumatlc unusually troublusome und thou mary 1m nt that everlasting houso- cleaning which coraea every spring and fall no matter whether it is nevded or not most of you men know what i m going through those days for you have a icood deal pf the ouhio oxperl- nro that 1m if you lov you rw too nil mnkiy a tnr offort to do soma of tho hardor work which they fool is neoeaaary to do vor irwtuiua during tho bust wbek i vu immiii boating carpets und laying- them down ugulu carrying water for thn hcruhhhiir and iwlplna mary strottdi tho laoo curtains on tho rrarne hut this last job aim doesnt npprvulato tlui holp i ulm to glvo her sho hays irir tliikoru uru ull thumb und thut i havent u straight nuoiigh eye for hor hut morjr lu reul ol- nuurod ulxiut it hht alwuym was hho gives nin mul good provondor right through tho house cleaning ulid w never hud to cat my dinner on u barrel head yol hay j hoard a good ono tho other day a lady frlond of ours was ialkhitf uliout tliu houao- cloanlng work bhw said sho had al- wuys found it it splendid plun to glvo the man of the hnuso especially goott meals during house duanhig time urn it worked jlno thoy hunlly ever noticed thou tlutt housoaleuniiig was iroing on und thuro was nary a word of complaint about unythlng a good plan perhaps but blent if i don t think it la rather hard on tho it 1 ready overworked women folks ions until next week feeling- better und the sunshiny surins weather hhut thawed out my rheumat ism i may give yuuu little lunger und mors varied nerving of recollections next week to to with mi r b i put till i uf lio nuttti 1 iilxnit hi i for tin ir amtwi n uiutuesti d lulur momy mul itiiruu lllubo jiiu ltoiiiy uj jllli tho iitlxr tlv ibt ii toiiiild j ick la a kw i hut ir you imiyu tiitrbuii d glut llltalliii tho canadian national railway in addition to providing unexcelled ser vice between kastem and western canada offers patrons optional routes you may travel westward via tho port arthurwort william joato re turning the northern route via oooh- nuto and north ilay or vice versa this means that you ore in uew environ ments continuously a train leaves toronto orand trunk railway at a45 carrying stitndard bleeping car to winnipeg via north uay cobalt nod clchraue dally alml thtpugh tour 1st sleeping car toronto to winnipeg on tuoadaya thursday baturdays and sonday tho national a solid through train leave toronto for winnipeg at hub p m overy monday wednesday and friday via budbury and port arthur with atandard and toorut aloepin cars oooehos colonist car and dialog ear ervtoe oet full poxtlcylars reservations attt from ixmoi ont or nearesi agent j- ll ni hv wn trlwul t i jl i first of the season a tho fisherman t flbhlnm n man stopped beside him and sajdt ilow many havo you caught r tlio osherman nn wared without lak- ing h evos from his cork when x get this ono im after and niiiuiuy m ugrkl llvvd lu 1 lirtlubt om lout uu thn tt f lln itufe i ot t m ih vi you d uuu jihu to go on u wk mul trip llkn thlu you ih ibu tiuutilo with jack lu that li wont do bin ahur on om llttlu jhiiiii a mo of ii will havu to rook ami miijm will lluvu lo wumll iiihiio there will bo wtujl to bring and water to drum uiul w ii huvn to kvep tho ooltagn i1m utly tlly if we xmt to havo uny morn libit tkouiuuia if wo buvii jack with tit h ii imi strong for any fun tlmru im going but ho ii juat liaturully fudd uwuy wlmn thnrna work tut hand m i tmdnrututut itufita uiiuwnrtxl with u nod tve at 4 u that kind b font ii uil tin y ru not thu uort you want w wn yuu rn out in thu wood i take liark hiy miiuift utlou if jutit wuiubriml why bo wau not llivititl to u willi thn iwlym who had puiiud u jolly wk ond lu the hor- ton oltagn at itkn hi ploy hi dla- upimtlutnient was ahurtllvvd fur aud- il illy ulid unerrpvchtdtf tht re rurin it cliaiigu in hbi plans for thn summer m iuuy jatk fathor found thut it would tut iiitcthuary ror him tti make u buslikh trip und urgnl hi wife to tnuu tln tin of hi uimhoiiw ror a id iu poatlhuird vlult o ult old friend it wa arranund that jurk aboubl go with hia unclu marahah for a noth in thu north woodtf und he left klmdulo tlio uume day that tho ollnr iniy went to tho tutugn at luk itlpuy juck found tlu denna ftimat of tho north vury illffon ut rrom any wihmim ho had aoeu btforw und wau pirfnctly willing to itcop lu thu company of rierrc who had aurvod bis uncle us gulilo on his previous trips you ulcn to learn to paddle t ilarre aaked him ono morning soon after hi urrivnl whan mr marshall bd decided to stay in camp instead of gnliitf out on the bike jack asaeutud he soon tuught tlio knack and 1lerro praised hu sklll tho next morning thero were two puddlou in thu luuit when jack and his uncle uppaarod but jack seemed not to notice and did hot otter his help why the other paddlo ftlerrnr mr marshall asked to which 1 lurre made answer 1 thonk perhaps mater jactiuos woesh to paddle too then boat ho go faster so how about it jadkt hi uncle ask- tnl bu jack unxwiuixl oh i m not cruxy ulmut paddling uncle we lu fnat enough when 1ierrn laldle the answer pot tha uncle to think ing ills keen gray ayes studied jack thoughtfully ut interval all day front jucks comrortuble relaxation he would glutico to tho guide teuue muscular attitude aa ho doftly dlppml hla dap ple now on ono aide of tho boat now on thn other llu notwt that whan it wam lieci saury to make u abort portugo lo reach aiothorhmall lake jack uovcr on tired to lend u bund with thu boat until it was suggested to him and thut whra o- u jack throw himself down lit tho aba do of u tree leaving- ilerro to gather tho wood build the urn and get the meal marshall s firm mouth tightened and u gleam came into hi gray eye whon they reached camp late in the day ho lingered for a few word with 1lsrro while jack strolled off to the cabin no spoclal plans hud been made for tho day for mr marshall wanted to drive into town fifteen mil os away vou can stay in camp jack or go out with lerre uat an you choowi ho said as he drove uway it did not take jack long to decide f tu would ask 1lerre to take hhn to thu fomt of tho ilmnkhig- fall at hie farther end of the lake jmorro had upoken of tho trip but his uncle had uliown no enthusiasm this would lie a good day to go ilnrro said if you puddbf too then i go you no paddle i no go vou vo had my uncle out all day and never asked him to paddlo i re nor titt rated jack your uncle no youoif any more you young ypa have strong body you pull your own weight in so boat or we go not ut oil jack was anxious to make the trip and accordingly accepted xleixea con dition though with bad grace 1 ii have u row things u say to hni lo marshall tonlgl bo thought ii he settled himself in hi place and picked up hu paddle when tho two voyagers halted for luncb and jlerre asked him to gather wood for tha orti jack hesitated but ouly for a moment ue doubted v hi getting any lunch if ho refused whim jack and 1lerre got book to uimp lute in tho afternoon after glorious day on tho wtor jack drop ped down wearily on the oouob in the cabin tlnd asked kin unclo surveying hi nephew keenly homo jack answered adding- a little resentfully oo you know uncle ilorrn wouldnt stir from tha camp unless i would paddle tool 1 vo been puddling all day an i tell you its some little work i wondered what you would think about hi laying down the law to ma the way ho did jack hud meant to put bin uguiiimt viorro more strongly hut there imothlng about his uncles gray eye and firm mouth that mudo htm boo ho tlui milder form oh i dont know tils uncle said lomfortahlit picking up hla tackle from tint rough table hoar by ilerro umuully know what hu is uhout when you gt out of hoho4l jack you 11 be xwumi to begin to pull your own wilght and by tho limn youvo been hi buuinvjol u few years youll prob- ubly imi pulling tbo weight of two or thn it other people you do your part now got into tho notion of pulling your own weight und you ii find it nualur whon you huvu to do it further on you re u pretty vedblood4l boy jack and i dont helluva you want iiorm to pull you weight the loju von if he i a hired guldu jmk brought hack from hlw month hi tho north woods a health and vlffor thut dellghtod hi father und mother and hu had gained something elsa uulto ail valuable lit its way bo had leu mud to pull his wn weight to curry his cud to do his part wherever placed joint gordon wright quitc in character lu tht drui u poluil t ilx adlphl 1m tmihlnu lohuvn im lu il ixtoi with thn tlmiuottnl bo playwl out day willta 1 ii u t rry lu in i- itiiitlv puhlinbod look lint hiory of my lift hu ilium into tl hi ut r thuronelily muiki l im it raining rrtnmtotkt d aoniu im who in tli i hint in vuu wnt ijhuu itkt h dot nut ut uiill it rrlm art itinly vvk uftt r t tiini oot thai ho bud juniiw1 off n 1 1 uny uteainbuut thavm u ami wuvrl a little ur making the most of life lit tht niimt of life ui l ot inubu 1 fvopla who think nothing throwliut uwuy u hair hour who jutioy that u in fhiuli lo try u ullllan mm nvn or tti in i no tf of walling rir tllnnur who voult lutlni yawn through fbs thnn- uuartora of an hnnr that tlmlr train jm lain than do ui thing urfnl in that time ur not initklng i rtul mncwiui or lfo vor th tulnut tlnty aiuan1 r it bo ot i thoiu lit ur an luttrul part of thn llrt w all prlxo in theory and uo iifltii wi alo win u it okio to prart- lci auntys blue riddbn letters ileitis i vo in ii bavin a lovely kume with tliiu imut otricn aot you icavn me allutln i vu taken a real latter lo evory botiao in the nunl auntie lllw ubi anil where did you get ull tho utlnrat tiortla oh i round a big bundle tied op with hi no ribbon in your ilnk price of tea hldheanrtears nurlng- tisoso much more tea wag protlucod than was required through- nut tho world that tho- market dropped to a comparatively low point bo sort- ou won the position of tho growers in india coylon and java that uiey ugrecil to produce 20 less tea during 1921 the result was that less tea was produced- than won required and now uurplus stocks have pretty well ifoan exhausted to nil thn deficiency in tho lout four months havo steadily udvanced until tho market to i lay lsa a level as high as was boforo reached even during vak re 4 no need to run a liuf hulled ulan mill u llltln lj wbu hki i him the linn will r plbd hit ixiy ul nine i u k ic i yniti bnlr ul und in took to lu iiih ik mid run thn mail ufur blui lurnhig u i m in r bo mini run into a ollr nun m in ly knot uuuk him hu mini vny mm ii out of ltli kit 11 vmi nu unit young uihii riiu- hiiiu itloi linirnt ho unk i m tlm lime i tuld hint tin lillniitim to nine and im uiilil at nine o iilx k got yout ltlr i ut w ii huf i tb pnlutuiun ulauclnic ii t hlm wulili what- urn yoii iiiunhg ror you vn got night mlmitt u yell lgafln to make up your mind lui u to mtikn up your ml ml on iliiltnrm or impnrtiilhui bul ulalld ready to rhutlgu ir luw fnott ul brought ih foro you 1 lu rn la no greater in in take thai to miippouii that dtmldnd pf opla cannot ulur their oplulnnu tm ouly nun wjo ar troubltd hi this rugurd urn thorn who nt v r oonit to t unt lutiloiih and uo uovor chungn saving material how do you like my frocut nuked krbia mutt r winii droituid for u tljitioo its r tmlle hliupln utaminnred tlm young man llmplel aha inlighnd oil tnt know what it coutt on yuu know that twenty golden aovurvlgnw wouldnt cover itt 1nrhupm not aald kiln hut thirty mliht well upreuil ollt it gall stones burlarrs specinc- a borer failing remedy for appendicitis indlaroauon stomach disorders appandlcltul ojwj kidney stoaogi are orten caused by gall b tones and mixload pooplo until those bad attacks of gall stone colic appear not ono in rum gall btono sufferers knows what fn tho trouble marlatta speciflc will relievo without pain or operation for ula at mil drmr btorea car e j hassard druggist acton ont 4 w mjtsuatt v co llllqsmrd st ju tawmjto oat passing alqno prejudices o iwuly ti lljttl t iloui ulm huriklinipk u ur jullt in luiuiiiiil rimti on to another und mint uulii uy in dlvliluul aiirrwiu rrtnl uii lujiottli whhhmhlmlld- h v tilth i wub tht puimn who itlmt1 it uoimtlnua it in hut wo mvil to lo put oft om uuiml agulnut a i umil lulu fur mu rrltuilublp imt it i not filr that wt idxiul 1 mci r t olhi r pnph u pi jmlu n uu gi npi i an hitiidh up u pouhlblil nhnlmhlp tbnrtlfy n lllui ut 1 1 pt the prtjiiilinu ii f otbent nor l hum yyir own along a bad loss a oloretl hid anil hi won lm hi i lit vlaltiil the luratinugtt und wt ro uliown lulu the kilting kkjin tha nilnlater villi rial and tho groom unnounoml their luulrn to be maftn inn it ulid wlfo illu liiuim wax mi dvjnrtml ami iiim up- liuijn so lugubrloum thut thn pnachetl aktl wbul la tholnutter hamt llavo y ii butt the lloenanr t no revorrlnd jwaa tlm nply hut i wa done lot my niithuuluum wiwwp kicmh rsaaaalrct iv5 buy diamond wort or pearl wore idlclicn ulcn- hllrt and nave work they are ho clean vrlth n fllnt- hard amoouh snrfaco thai wiperf clean liko china no hconringr no bcrnpinp or polbihinir juat uho soap and water rvrry eorarelvabla dot fid pan la taado en ftlthet icarl r dlamood wan the two splradld quality q kna- kaelrilwarra uumond ware is a threecoahrwi enameled atoc4 ky blue and white outside anowy white inaldo icarl ware lu enameled ateel with two coats of grey and white enamel inside and oub xilthcr ware will gwp long- servlcp ask for sbaa7rv vssaassb cijd pearl ware or pmr mamcttidwate shgct metal produce cb rcs mdhlneal toiionto winmipro eomorrrom vawcoover cat oahv floor covering house cjcnnnir tnno is approachttift and you will need rur or pcrhuris linoleum in some room f wo have a goj stock or tapestry linoleum and con- koloum ktiknko moor oilcloths and linoleums whce3 altk moderate come in and look them over l starkman act on phonoj69opon evenings now is the time to paint if you have delayed painting your property has suffered do not put off any longer save the surface and you save all look around aftd you yill find many places both irtside and out that call for a coat of paint now is the time nature is redecorating get ia line and do the same the most econoniical method is to use guarantee ve guarantee the start insenour im run paint axcept inside white and a few dark bade that caoroot be prepared nam lead and one to bo made rom pure white lead pure oxfcfcr of sine with colortag nut- trioi proportionate quantities neces sary to make thor rieapcctive ahades ooxl lota wtthpure unseed oil and tur pentine dryer and to becatnely in frota water bea- xlnc whtting and othtrsnuteratlaaa aad sotd auajcer to cstshical am kjmtmgniom martinsenour 100 pure paint amd varnishes tlietr covering power aad lasting qualities are very great it will ray you to insist on getting thut popular orand i or whatever painting or varnuihing you do there is a sicctal martin senoor product each oaa guaranteed to best terve the purpose for whtch it u made consult un as to your roquircments- we hvo u till stock and complete information us to decorative knenxa let us advise you j w kennedy son acton ontario tmvi 1 8t0i mx 1 stsgnsraw jaasst j ix ljsg ji m wm ej ssssssfyrbitmhi greenings lay flat poultry fence you dont have to fuw and fume whon putting- up greenlnia lay flat poultry fenca it unrolla alralcht and avan ilka a carpat it stretch perfecuy and ataya in ahapa top ralla and basaboarcu are unneceaamry it uvea you time material and labor helihu from u to 73 inohat sold by good hardware dealers l the b greening wire co uhited hamilton oanada eav to control ulay flat whmyou unroll u 65 4 a moving sale farm implements wire fence etc aa wo expect ttf move to pur now building about may i we invite the general public to call and got somo of the bargains we are giving at moving tfmc t debts and debtors if wc give a merchant our custom we have k right to expect him to advertise to tell us weekly in the columns of the acton free press what he has for us advertising ia shop news designed to inform us save our time and bring to our attention desirable merchandise every retailer who is alive to the interests of his customers has a message often many messagesfor his customers con cerning new goods special offerings and things that we ought to know abouc cus tomers and noncustoniers will he atten tive and responsive to these messages if they are delivered every week in the form of advertisements in tite acton free press the way to get business is to ask for itu more after may 1 call on us at tub new steel build ing next odor tooub present stand c e parker g roszel mill ptreet acton a word to the public would you buy much or regularly from finrw that never aollcjt your trade lo you not bay tho firm that wants my fauslneati must come after itt n yet some of you bay in effect to your cuitomcra were here if ydu wajnt our roods come and got them but dont exypecluu to go after yout wa a tkwr rule that doesrit work both ways shop where you are invited to shop isrtuad by canadian wsaklyrnswspapara assoolstlnn v-

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