Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 9, 1922, p. 3

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ijr artatt 3fa rtaa tliiiitllltxy malujh 1013 we go this wav hut once w u ihlu wuy imt micii o heart of kill ho why not muko tli journey wll wttrth whltt living lit thiim who truvtfnn with um a h iping hund u won i of ohwr u w lo ihlu way lillt miro all tvvr tuii ww u lutflk ul tlg tilt twu hubiu wuy r u i itoi out or ur litido t vo u thlu wuy hut mir tiibii lot mi muko i in road wo truvol hlouuomy und uw t l with hpful kindly daod and louder wnrdu hiihki tiu path for bruuud uilll hluryblluk rt 1 lomnti jonnu lladjey a good impilesslon ul willi you lxfir voi i d llko inavn cuy tho yotinr ft mow alartod uud til mtlot rhunioit hut tut took a chair hy iho window and wultntl th other if thn umco forrtr wmit out casting kit tho wultlug hgnro gldncou of ourloslty in oiiti or two ouao tinged wltli twin- migration 1iki mployor a ml tha nowtut tmplnyoo worn loft ajonn ln- utlicr mr uluhnp did not uwm in u hurry to upuik tin ghwtoed it noma ulteru on hlu junk und signed mm tmnwt to ono or two tluu ho swung around und fur i ii vtury unxlnu youth it u two week tomorrow inco you lulila to um i lmlvo yen mir i hope said tho young r i low hi troiihlml volco contradict ing ti wunl ho inuda uw of that my work huu ihhiii aatlafactory mr ulahnp did not satisfy hi natural nirbwdly on tluit point how many thiium in thouo two waok iwvd you pollnhod your shonar iollshod my mhoomt clay repeated blankly vm why i im not aura iho collar you um wearing wu nvhtoiitly not clean thl morning you know clay whut ploaaod mo mot about your uppnamnm the day you hmiliotl for tho position t no nlr riuy utamtuerod it wu your look of neatness taking pain with yourself your clean rroah wnll groomed appearance cant afford to wear my boat olothn every day no hut you can afford to kava your ohj nun nmuimkl whan it need it mul to huvo tho winttn acounml ulc you jtn uftonl to wnar damn linen d to kmt your hnlr woll trlmml und your uiumm imllhiid now b frank didnt you npond rsliwldorubla umo nnd ttuo tmu and ixlnm rixkur youraaht to nail on tt mi that you would nka 1mx1 imprtuwiont vas lr i did the itoy tuiknowl k1rh1 helulatmly woll clay tharaa ono thin i want you to ku in mind it you rot position hy making a good imikraaalnn you muat konp right on making that lrow lmnreaalon in ortlw to kp tho la thafa all ooodnlcbt jack- on jnnoa clli- ui th nfmiikh liy uu wllllm the rteal home itottor homo ufa uoam not naoeiiaarlty iraan a ettiir pluco in which to live but btttlnr llvlnj in tho nuioo in which wo are it la not a matter u improve houava aomuch na oflipprovad folka a ruul homo dooa not conalat jit thlnhrt and it cannot bo tauula battar by lnrrooaliuf tho number or tho vali t ita ikiaaaaalona a kin- nautco or a rich pwnb manalon may bo a urlaoi and a poor nuina ho vol may bo iba ubodo of bapplnoaa kuma bottermout la a cooporatli work in wbloh avory member of tho family ha hla or bar own place am aharw no ono liaa unjr right to at tempt to ahlrk or ovado obtliatloii for thl uud to export otliara to ki responsibility for it on tho othor hand the otronr pr- alatant tmrfmnht tho awnet and unaol- dfth uplrlt of a alnsle raomw of the family will often work wonder in brjiutlnv order of cpaoa peace out of atrifo and in maklpr tho home life ap proximately to its hbjheat and beat ideal in tho rival homo love la tho prevall- uik and dominant nplrit bn all tho rnuitloiti nf ita vurloua members are marked by tho nuna court eay and def- eruiibo an characterize rotation with thoae who uro outado company muniiurm urn the common everyday mummm of much u home tho ixwt home llfo la boaod on re- llicloti and the mium of reaponalbillty to jod it la built around tho family altar it reooonuea ood aa tho aivor of nil lt uood thins tho friend whoea preuonoo ul to be doulrod above that of all ot horm and tho tjaeil whoae will la to bo done in alt thlmn tho lomt lubricant for a amoothly runnlna homo u lovo which prompt to uiimolfuh thoushta vntl apoech and kindly acta there can be no roal homo wharo tliere i no love and wtior it ximt thn moat unfavurabli conditions and clroumatunoe cannot prevuut u home r itay aprlnum nlnu t ll y bomui not only that my old txumuti lii ntlrrlnu ui in a wuy 1 lont llko imt ovirythliic around um howu indhittloim of uirlnit i bo ultlo ivuliitu at ihi roiiilulihn on tho hrluht iiinwuhiy daya tlio wukunlnu of tho irlu in thn turly niornlimt i ximl t ui ar tho rollnu itny hum now tho uipd lmiulmllnif to run and tho hard- vurvnitiii urn trolllntf out tin ir nun ltui kolu und upllc a and thrro arn vurloild ojhur ulnm whh i i huvn limul ludyliur for uuty oi aevtnity yvuru lutut und whh h nlwuyu imluatn wltlut out uny doubt whuluov r dint uprtntf u twimluu hut dont you uo uinl nhuuiro your lluuiinlh for llwliti r- oiua mi tho ulrnnutli of thu old mar el hi auro to do wunu klrklntf iu l 1m fori lm lotu uo tlir ii 1m uouio bluutor mid a tow anow lliirrlua und imihupo i trip in xuru for u tiht or two but for all that unriniiu romhiu thorn u woiiiiitliliiu in tho utr tliata mw and awiot uml rum a nlout of juimtuur thliutu a whirr aa if of wliiifu and thouah on plain uud hill tla winter wliilor wlllt tlibrtia aomethliuf uihitml to uuy that winter hud i la day ami tomorrow or today tho brook will brouk uway j krom thlrioy fmkn uluup and run uud luuuh utid leap and thn noxt thliuf hi tha woodu tho oatkluil 111 tlielr hood of fur uud ttllk will utanil a uturdy llttlo bund yo aprlne coinluu lako tuy wonl for it and prvpuro boq8ter8 not doastetls lip a mooater u te alotmn frtmjuontty hoard in bltf lampniinui any boy who i a over climbed a troo know what it meaiia to net a booet tho booster 1 tho individual who gota behind thlngm and cause them to move the boaater however la quite a ilnarnt character although wo apell hi name very muoi oa we apoll that of the booster ho in iulte a dllterent claaa or pereon in- atuatl of puohliu he atunjui atlll and hrtuj of what ha ha done und tolls about what a clever fellow he 1 jjouauna never yet laid a foundation or won u battle lloaetera are aelf- oentretl uml never vivo movement to any undertakm uooater on tho othor hand aro tho people who do thlnsra thoy uro overywhore in de mand it 1 to them wo look whon rmpaijiiim uro launohntt and whon leader uro noodod if u man tnakea hla biialnokh a auocea he must be ft booator j udvertlalnat expert aaya the ulan who hua a thing to et and imea uml whisper down a well i ant so upt to collar tho dollar aa ho who climbs a troo and holler thh may not bo voiv roo poetry but thurq la aound philosophy in it tho moat important movement of our day will not bo u nuooeaa without ad- vocatom anyone can be a pessimist and throw dirt but it require cour- oe and pluck to be u booster on ward sandys siller handy mtuvlnh wu u iilshlyaklllotl workman in unow aeroplane factory it happened ono day that ho won naked if lib would euro to ucoompaity tho workn aviator on on of h trial flight id a machine handy after oma heal- tutlon uerooil to do bo xkurtnir tho ftlbht tho a hdvr ha was on joy i nk t to toll tho truth answorod the enjoylnic tho irip avuuor i bx i wadlrathor bo n tho krouml tui tut ropllod tho flying man im thinking of looping tho loop cor huavonh aalut id o nt doe thatl ynlled tho now very aarloua mtavlah ive aomo alllor in my voat packol an x wjcit low it 1 r wall now wo 11 do u llttlo liloru travelling ovor young fltrout utid young aurvoy tho bouuo next to tho old mothndliit vmitry im not old aa per ha pa ita uppoaranuo woild indicate in fact h wua built rooently that i cant recall who yreotud it ur h held tuluvr and hla family bavu realdod thoro for u numlxif of year llrom ttmy wunt there mis mcvuin from krlu llvml thoro for u lulto u numlxir uf ytvara mlaa jwfu- ioanm hospitality um lira cod- all thn old nelghboru from thn old home whenever any uf tho icrln folka camo to acton thnro waa u wol them ut ml mcljiun und that moatit that he waa aoldom ulono huqjto turnod jftli lioiohia u fow yeum ago ami i understand im not tmjnyluif a good boalth us could bo don i rod tut her frlonda uro vury kind anil lio la thankful for tholr kind uttou tlonu tho uoxt property at tho coructr of young und lwl tttrootu itulnng to our venflrublo friend will i tun andoi mr andnraon owns two br throo lota uml hi place runs through to wulling- tou htreet 11a luia a lino brick tal don co on ishii btroot ubout midway lmitwimii young and wellington htroota mr anduraon ban buttu ono k ou niont romurkavlo cltlsouu i don know whothur ho wua born in nua aaguweya or not but i do know ho lived thuro in hla young luuuhood rtaym he ouriod thn bluukainlthhig bimtruwm and oithtir ho luid william utopboitaon tho inventor of thn htupllotihon plow and htnphenaon btoam plow for an apprentice or workod with hlin whon ho wua in tho uttltt buslnoiai ovtir ut kuutchbull away back in thn anvontlou wall aomo of you will rumombnr unit hill atephomton movod hi bualnosa to anton in 187 and formwl uio aotnu jow coiyuy i havo it in niy old hunl aiunowlioro that william anduraon workod at tho huinkainlthltig in acton wluut a young tjiat wimld bu about autyfi year ago i didnt ricouiliitod itl him then for ho lir alwuyu boon a iulot mnn and rather niow ut making now rrlonda anyway lio got bauk to nuaaaguwuyu unl for ytur m mlid furmliitf und blackhinlthlng iii luat vonturo at hla truilu wiih in a ah up at crowaoncoruora whiiutti wuu a gooi bluckumlth uud uttraotod wo much huslnnaa that whun int umid tho thrnoarore andtou pnrlod ho oon- cludml it wua tlmo ho got into u loan nrdtioua lino of dully toll with a view to taking tho world onslwr and enjoying u wollouriuid roht ho camo cton und hottlod with hla family in tho oomfortublo homo ho thou pur- huaod on lerl rtroot alwuyu uo- fluntoirnnf to hbraou hu brought wltli him to acton u favorite gun urn i iur uwa horse und u inohoruo waggon and mlolgh he took a fnw wka to got uottlod lit the now homo und thtui mtnrtod to take thhigh ouay and onjoy a lotignontomplatwl rout hut through hi buay llfo hla wulfnrmd hubltu of luduutry woro dooply implanted and doing nothing- failed to autlmfy but ingrained hublta of ucoompllhhlng thing useful during hi waking hour it waunt many week btifuru mr anderson wujt busy ut u ateady job again iio brouit hla horao und iwligon into uoinmlhiilou und took th work of dolivoring caul for hill coal yards he camn to town to imvo thlnga oaay but who ovor ilrouinod thut aliov- olllng cmvui wua uu uuuy job ho wua thn moat obliging coal man anton ui had und dot ivor coat early or lulu hed deliver it boforo hroakfuml or after aupner if it would nult john hill batter or ucooinmodato tho mnn of iho hoiino to uny toitout am ii roault wo could hoar mr and mm uiiovelllng ooul ut ul in tho morning mid itl eight ochwik at night novor in nnythlng but tfojh humor rjtd itpimiontly iioy tlrod think of tlilx for a utlaen bo- uvimiu auvonty und vlghty you tlrod young follow who talk altout your ighthour day woll thut wiiuut busy iiiiotigh for our grnyhulrod horo ho mo tod tho vutnut lot adjoining tho coal iihoda from mr hill and opened a wood yard ml thlh ho dollvoroil ua well ni thn hut mr alidnraon hnn at hint gl i thoan nrtlvltloa mid in now really sting aa hn rluhly donortuu to do a hua u happy homo with n dovotod ifo uud two talontod duughtur at niu both momberx if tho touohlug stuff of aotou nuhoolund ida old out dnuglitor mr hriihoii reuldlng just u block uwny und with t two or throo harming gmndchildroit wllliji tho old uontletnan takvn tlwft to mollycoddlo nvwrly vy dy aotoa imj wmlx b qlid kplltnllm for indu aihiomoii 4i iii nrt fioin mr andir- tllit i i hoiuo ofmim uolxit tlixvlii inl lr luuithtir mlaa mau k ftitdady tor w ii htoioy a hint a kim 1 rl la hi lha drug huliirmi in joionto and wo daligh- iim mrw noiiiiiiu muuiihm and mm cluoi mi ijiti imiiii rhlda in tho liy wh n mr mid mm tlurvlu jim lo anton from inn houin twunty y aru oi nun u ugo tboy wr u happy family all id homo anybody imild i hi hapjiy uud good iiuhti nl with ltob ourvln ho wan a liiy nil but nt- ald of inmiiuiau limirm tlioif wif ilujr tlftngu ho put bfori uvoy thing i iiikio wax hla hou hint wuu hla pal- in 4 and hlu ile ar oik wi m mu mi prim ami iirhoma to him thrthr wau thn oildfiillowu lodgo toh wua ono of tho truoul uml most loyal m mboru of thr lmtlrn f llui lhr lluku i uvt r nut kflvii- u lodin miilliig but b wua tlu r and lautly m wuu all url nt trout ihttrmi u hob njoyod iliihltik uhoyo any nthrr puatlmn lo- iwiun him uud hlu hiotb-r- alvx 1 iihtioii if thuro wuu u trout holo on 4iiy utr u oi within ilvi inllia whlrli thoy old 1 1 jit know ltob wau un mux ith h itliihoi of trout loo if than uu mi invalid within a mlln whon ho hiouuhl homo iiln mtrli of huh hla ik wuu dlvhlod und tho dainty upmklml boaiitliu trinipti d tin wuuliig pldiu of iho nun who wau iii hut nui fi i ml huh bliuuolf took 111 mid dtnd i lion tlmo wuu a uonly 1 oft homii how ho wau lulum d thoi no oiitaldn tho honio irolo ran un til hd ilia vuiiiut dhulr lu i iii u id in u t romliuli r or tlm liupity dayu n rou ml ihu flrouldo whun fathor wuu with mi iho uarvlnu nouroit nalghlior lu mr w luiiiuhuw and inr two daiightoru und tho ai allhit th la prtty brlok ri uith mo iihu hot u hmnfi to tho family ovt r iilncii thoy auio lo ai ton uourly lirtnou youru ugo i im dauuhti ru uro il upoolal ciomfoit to thidr tuothiir acromm wolllugton ittliut op inml thoiti iniliuu uio of tli moat luduutrl- oum uud us ful of our cltlxutui mr 1 rank kounudy uud hlu family mi koniudy waa a glovo luau lu wliiglmm uud tain it to anton with w j chap man when bn bm umo lnanugnr of tho htoruy olovo worka mr und mro icounidy wuro not long in fulling lu lovo with anton und wlillng1v muko tholr pormunont roulilouro htro und purohuiilug purt of tlilu dnublu houuo which wuu built by j u iouny mr icouuody lu auaocluto hiihirlutendint of tlm xliitliodlut hunlay ilihool und hlu tulontod daughter jiriui lu plitnlut for tho famoum ornluutra of thl uchopl jack tho aou lu with mooroboud tho tanily man at hrumptoii it lonku uu if uuolhor wook hlnry woll nluur up tho young tltroot unction of my rofollootlniiu all thn mumbl ing hinm havo been built within twoutyilvn or thirty yourw thoy wm nouuikiuuntly modtnu hlutnry rnv mindinq youm own du0inc8s h ww t th ii to bllhilf tin ii logllliitn tlnilr oiiihut lu fiul it worku tlm iitlu i 1 houn who mu always going nut lulr way to nffr tiuuollolted ud iftiui iiuwi h uiin iidvifo tita ilknly to muko u falhirn of ihnlr own iiiihiiiuioi mm a j is u nigiohuliiu thut thoun who iiihlivo it utid it noiumiuiy to ink- a diidtid krfoln tpm their thoughlu uwuy fnim hu ullurmiioutu to olh i p n m urtulin it lu oultf ulunlrluint that tho uu- pti 1 j li hutu foi leuautuitint ut aii- otlu i u liitnrfi mm lu mind your own buuliinu wo do not uuy iit lay liindnium ultino iho linpllnatuili uuutnu to he tlmt no mind lu big uuouiili til dn juutliu to itu owii affair utid the af fair m of iiiiothiu ut tho auine time homo of you may havo untutd lu yourwidviu mi inollnutlnu to luildl lu nihil poopln h com trim you want to tell i ydla how to druuu nud to nil vino tom to i liuiigo hlu lioarillng pluo and to nuuijiat to uohu that 11 in drop inuulo and talm up almuigruphy and no on inili llulloly you fool per- foi tly piuluu it to not nil your nc- ipialntiiih i u on i ho right path ro- unrdlotm of thn foot thut you win glvu to tho uolulloii of tholr problouiu only small fiattlon of iho tfmn tlioy huvo miimahly biatowod upon thii i hut hi tlm m nun ii that your frlumbi oftun ram nt your aukuimtlnmi luutoad upptiarliiu motf ml aftvi iiyilla a trlod on liatalu ovuy uitllhinr town ulin data not uuo to huvn you lull bur uiiuiilly hint a wldnr brlu in lira hntoinlug aftor 1hlli lip hua ronildiirtd tho prohlom of llfi k for unvi ml yuani otud huu nt it tiglh diildod on nlvll viigbiuorliig it gofiu ugulnut tho lrulu to havo you reiiiaru that ho will uovxr muko ut in that linn nutl thut hu ulnmld vii utuillnd law i hn iidvlro thrown nut by thoiio who uout ynir intorfori noo in not bad udvhio why lt iingiy whon told to uiliiil your own huulunuut 1 or if you huvo tho nuiiluy nf mind which oiuil you to maldi u oiicn hh of other ponpluu arfaliu it hi naaoiiahlii to think that hy nttmidluu utrlotly to tho matter you tan niuuo a uiiooouh of yont own lolllu cahlll here and there iho only nation that cup lower tnxoti in luillgnntlou your dnposlt in tlm aavlng bank i uu objunt of lntnront don t look for u fruit on a troo that ionr horo u blouuom tho young mutlu onip of wild oats would bo loaauiiod by morn n melon t thr on 111 n f a roformora aoo it uierou too much lulltndu in u womuiiu drohit and not enough longtltudo homn murrlmi tutu uro not boniu long enough to iot homoslck wlion u niuu ulng hlu own prolan bo invurlnlily gotu an octavo higher uuili of tho churlty which ought o begin at tmmn dooant iiogln any- whuro no mator how proud u girl may bo of hor family numn uhoa ooldotn avoraa to ohaujbtug it a man may bu prouder of tho thlnga ho tlilhku ho can uooompllsh than of thnuo ho ronjly can 1oiuilona uro thn ullvor lining of war cloudu tro u bio comou to thoun who havo nt tlmo to wult clroiilato uu much truth and uu few word us possible tlm undortakoi in the man who fol lows tint nintlion profnaalon wondiir how many u noon da thoro uro in a womunu wultanlnuto7 iho mluuto u rnuti i ublo to muko ondu iiuuit ho wuntu tlinm to lap ovr if a muii ovor ludulgou in mature dollloratloii it lu wluut ho hua u nolo to moot if tho day brouku hoforo you got up you should not nxpeot to hud tho whole day hofora you home folka oxpoct tho dluohargo of tholi dutlou to muko a nolua thut lu heard nil ovor tho world a nobripjku muu lu uulng uu ulrpluno driver for ktuxkltig tho ohlmiioy off hlu iiouho hufoirod to tho high oourtu the price of freedom irlnh luwyoru toll tlilu utory bf lortl morris iiiuo iurd chlof ustlco of ireland and boforu then hor order of oulwuy i tho taut mimo ou tho hut on ono ocriiidnii u dispute over a fow all iii- ingh wuu org uod lie faro ivortl morris at kraut length and with much wurmth marrlu wuu uuxltiuu to got buck to dublin whoro tho rourtu were in full hwlug apd whoro lis hold imuortunt lirlufa mortal vor tho dublin train wua anhodulod lu start with a fow mlnutuu iho recorder iciokotl wt hi wntoh but the wrunglo did not uutun ioimj up- proaohing an uml at laat ho auld to tho nppomlng uollcltoih j lardou mo gontlomou but i must tiitoli iv trabi horo lo the sum in dispute and throwing down tho ullvor ho viihlahud from tho court wkat vou will to dc lint tltlnif wi yould ilia to i lu not ut all til i illu hi tin thing w will to ii i in i i many u hi hooldoy who would llko lo b a good ittliolur if tills did not ntall muii liatd woikiind tho nat 1 11 of ho mitoh plnytlmo j imrn is many u buglnm r in intuitu uu whn would llku lo makii a muma of it if thla did not uu uu sarly houiu uml giving up many hoelil enjoymniitu timi mulorltf of ptoplo would ilk lo bo good if thin dlt not lull foi iiurhlug th t-m- pi loutrollliig lh dhlrtu and milk lug nliu it iw i wupr 11141 rin pimon unit you uio lu if tun fur i niiiovi d from tho 1 rumi you woutit llko to bu km you may lm mm of thoua who tukn tlm nuuy way who lnull tnwutd lf lndultn who glvo tho will pi4 tit ally no txontuo and in thlulaut tduiuai lu iha iptnrut wtuhhlg to bu utrnug und lino and utilfronlrnllinl will not gtd you aiiywliorn milouu tho wish lu llik1 up by tho will au a uiattor of fat t ho will huu llttlo lo do with th poiunnullty of mnut pi tipln thy uro iilustln oly inouldid by ifiiumii1uiiiil 1lny drift about i nut ail at going unmowhoro they uro otrrltid thlu vuiy and thut tnuloui of lining solf dlr otol i buy tuko th iniprlut of tlmli euvlronintuit inutoad of iiuiutmihig it nothing is inoro i und iiuouhm hum wluhtng youruolf iioninthlng you um not ruoluto enougli to will to bo of nuro tho wluhlnif huu it value it provlduu tho will with tm inptintlvn fon iu tin u io wluh jinytlllng hard nnnuuh forrtui tlm will to nrt what you will bo you may bo rlcrnmt i kara uuo u cleaihrja auction sale in flll townflhh oi ituqhlilinfl the hidden places lturtraiu w hlufjliilr tho uuthor nf that utr iking ntoiy inor mans irook which dniirrlbou un vlvdly tho vloluul- tutltiu of thn kjut f lulling indliutry of drltuh colinublu itu uiioofluu und fitll- uroti itu upponl to tho limit in itumuti untlvltlom huu jim i glvon tho public u now cuhudluu novol ontltlotl tho illddon lliuou tho plot of thla very hum in utory 1 li- luhl tu lirltluh rolumblu but thla flum thn uuntral mtoutim uio emu tod lu tho lumber woodu whoro tho inniiurohu of tho 1a cil llo louut uro bolng cunvortod to man uhiu lu tho nf liomeu uud home oouifortu toll hollliiter thn hum of mf klnnliilr i story book from thn war with u faco un dls- fgurod by uhiabnol viouuda that pooplo involuntarily shrunk front blm whon lo wuu mlutukmly but otnnlally m- portoirdnad hlu wlfo nutrrlotl unother iuiu and upunt tlm mrnloii bvlouglng to hollluturw oututo idtimobllikutl ho rn turnod to canada to llud hlmunlf iilnne nvoldnd liy nvt ryono alumni puiiulloum and with only u plsro of tlmbor land of doubtful vulun in tho loba vnijy of 111 itlfli columbia thon ho mot u girl who hud bicomo lillud uu tlm rtiuult of uu urcldont und tholr no- ouulntiiimo rapidly dovolopcj to tho point of lovo ami marrlngo how holllnior pulfllicti togotlinr tho frug tuoiitu utu nluitterod llfo uiidailtlnuitn ly wlin for hlmuolf miinh of whut mukouulfo worth whllo to tjio normal lu told lu an in torout- compel ling uud trotilo mannnrrvhldh pflnuoaueu hlrmlaf ruggod virility to tho locality or ita hitting ni tho ilrltinh columbia coast thn llynryon proax toronto uro thn canadian luihlhilmi still at it notwltliutimdlug thoy woio uniindly lookod in tho tight for modltilnobner tho hrowom uro liitiuohliig another drive tn lognllsm tho miinufnoturo i aalo of light wlnou and bnnr in the un i tod ttatoh thoy propouo au u bait to thla lopuguuiit hnnxo auhomn tho placing of uu lutornul lovonuo tnx upon thoho liovoruitoa tn provide n fund foi tho unlilloiu bonus tho purpouo of thn browoio hi thlu lutout offort lu not to provldi for tho oldlru but to htugo u comnbuck for thn liovorugn lliiuor tmlno iho prnpouul lu ibiolf lu uu liiniilt ui tho uoldloru hu woll nu in tho amorlouli pocpln amnrloa lu uoiyat rtuuly tn put tho wolfnrn of her boyu in tho urulopuu over ftgnliimt amoilnnii doutirit amorlra will ko uh fur tiu klin inuy to inlmburhn hor gallant umih for tho glmloilu dotidu in itlaudora 1 inldu uud uliinwhom blitsho will not liiiiulf tin m by uffnilnu thnm tnlntoil moiioy atnm iofiii honor whloli tlumo aoltllvru imi fnlluiitly uinituluod lu i ranoo would ho uompromluod uhould tho blowers pluu go through happily tlm printout cnuitrohm s bono tiry and tho chuuotm uf tho hnnuw boor propotnil being ouitutod info law nro nxooodhig- ly dlufuiit uu thut nw it mny tho in- tnumt tlon of tho bill uhowu tho brow ors brutal othlru and giood of gain vormont ihkuo write for pmttr csisttook fartsi tntmtlf cfctlfl 0i rtokea b ri ang goes bronchitis gone swept right oat of ezwutacoby buckleyi broncbitif mixture too moat powerful remedy you can use to obtain complete robot 40 bom4im- 7tt kouuatlrfs monuy uaclc ouakamtbb su by all ilrafilut wkkiufvlwlri hluatullt tum sold in acton by a t ultown identity not known a mlnluler wuu oxumlnlug tho r drtu of a luinluy ilohool in tholr uuowloilgo jif lllblo charuoturu und in gnh who wau tho rtrot mnnt adauil tlmy nil uuuwornd rliorua who wuu tho ii rut womuiit kvol tlmy ull ulinutoil who wua thn mookout munt moaosl whn wau tho mouknut woman 11 very ono wuu altout 1 luully a llttlo hand went up and tfto minister usk- woll my llttlo muu who wua ahof thorn waunt any nhsortod tho boy extensive clearing auction sale farm stock implements hay qhain roots and hioh- clab8 furniture tlio uuilorulgnod huu rooolvod lu- utiuntlonu from d molver anton to soil by iublln auction oij saturday march 11 1022 ut 13 oclock sharp tho follivwing hohhlsh 1 buy mura 7 years ulrod by huron oartloy bay horao fl years slroi by ilurou uttrtluy thlu la a itrst- nlum toom right ovoiy wuy will weigh j uu int 1 brown muro 1 years cattk holfor b your frouh 3 ayruhlrw holfor duo tlmo of uulu now dun tlmo of uulu holutoln aow duo april j rod cow duo may s holutoln now milking well bred dccomhor 1 1 pnlr uf lollod angus rising 1 your 1 pair calves 10 monthu old 1 young calf l yrrk how duo april 1 ciuciciqnw j4 llluck tlpanuli nhlokiniu 1 rioutor laugura rabbits 30 young rabbit uomn pigoonu imllldmlcntb 1 root wood blu- doi now hind ml lor mower a foot out now j wot bobulolghii vrout wood dluo drill nourly nowi cultivator two or tliroo homo noarly now aulkj borutt ruke 1j fiiot now top buggy adams waggon 34 inch tiro now will box und ithidvlngu ull oomplato com- bluiitloii lnikkypolqjiowoultor fan- bbig mill tltuo harrow slnglo plow uoiuo tilow uhnioii not of diamond burrows 3 soctlons yuiirtlor turnip sowiu tiow pulpor band corn outtcr now buy rack grlntlatoiio with foot podal iron koltlo 3 luddorii 1 34 toot long wheel burrow i 3 sot whlfflootroeh uonkyokuu ic grain nooks 7 balls binder twlno uoljival aupurator htrito ouo no ir nowj crouscut nw mi carpoutnrh toolu fotku boos ohali nlovloos oto coo foot of plunk foot inch lumbar 1 square ii alilnitlus 10 uiruum nodur ahbiglo 1 uot dnuhlo harnouui curry lombi t jlhu h oollur band made now brushos g tons hay 300 buahebi oats b bqtdiciu wheut 0 baga pouttooa bug of beuiim sumo mangola 1 uunuuilio mahogany tapostry piulor uultm 3 plocou novor uuod dining room uulto fumihl ouk tuhla g chair illnlug room uulto nuurtor nut uuk tublo und 0 chairs library tablo und 3 uhulis 1 rookor und 1 ar funioil oak book cuuo fumod oak uititlonu touch j fumed oak rocker with louthcr atintui nursing rocking ulmlr wlokur rooker kitution uhulrs oigun stool linking mbluot fumod oak ohlnu ciibluot bruaii bodiiteml a whllo uutlinil bod ii 1 utrutohor bod iouuru j ulngla bntbi bodronm oulto f mat- liosuuti aomo of thorn now ohlld u wrltjug doitk und chair miwf ploturvu 1 uhhtioiior good btluy ulook uurhoy oxford hiiiatl hoator art huioii coul hua tor good uu now toilet no la unworn and nowur stands cur- pota ollclolbu of dirfuiont uuoa cur tain paltih window ahiides tho fur- nltuio la in tlmtoluuh uhupti mostly new crown huron conk atovo coal m wood ltuilnmilur cook uu wind hoator coal oil boo tor novor uiiod 3 cream canu 3 tna kettlou 1 now kottloi giiriliiu norit food cliopporj wuhhlngmiuihliin fur hand or power wiinuei u gulvniilxod tubu j bollomj olootrlo hot plato 1 roul oil lutnpui 0 pal bi a rook churn atop luddi giiihltuwnru child a china tea unt tna utitu 3 sugar uotu buiry notu obbiu bnrry uotu ghutui uo platna u piuntlty of oups mi u corn uud dlaliou thut aro mound un ordinary kitchen i choeso dlshoh toil pntu viiuous uocoil jugu othor uitlolou tun iiuiniirouh to nt imt ion 1 i lilt nf all klntlh fruit uoators crooks implomants will b sold first than the housshold fleet title aal will positively start on tlma iunah will hw provided for thoaa oomlna from a did- tanos positively no reserve aa the farm la aold and th proprietor la jolna wt troilmfljlooo hd iindorcasli ovor that uiunutit u mniithu credit will bo given on approved joint notua k off for cush hay grain fowl root utid furniture nudi fc r j kerr auotlonaer lhoiie is aoton w k q ha ham ofork tlm llldotulgiutl hu d hi tlllolloilh ft 011 huoh t johnson 0 null by 1iibun aut tlou imar ctmi hill ou wednesday march 16 1022 t 1 oflixk shurii tho folbiwlng hohhl h 1 buy tour rlulug au rears 1 horun rlulug six v ulu thlu h u pihtdlaiiu malohtil ituii rlifht i vury wuy 1 driving mum 11 yuru qai rkdu 1 rtt um 7 y am dim april 10 1 m1 iaw milking wnll lirwl huplnmbor 1 roun imlftr duo ubout jio of uulu l md cow 4 ytuiu milk lug well in td january j3 i rtl im it r ouru bmd january 3h 1 man lmlfr youju bru july 13 duu ut april md row 3 yum frtubomnl lu aug- t brnl imiruury 4 1 part jorw y w frnulinutitl hooombtir j ii hrud again kibr nary k symrfild imlfnr hol- utt in bmd lnhruurylti 1 uur 1 yearu 1 ludfur 1 4 yuuru v iiooh york aow pum bmd with llltt r of 7 i weeks old 9 young uows um bred uuppouod to furrow may id 1 lltuult r now pure brad und bmd do- imlin 1j mulcllftl good brtodlug wou oung 1 oijiaiiy 26 honu and pull tu 7 cooktrolu ilyinouth hoiks imiucmicnth wout wul hin der good working ordtr mumsiyrhur- i inowtro ftmit out muuuoy hurrlu id drill corksblitt dluo hturly ivow kltiury plow i iron burrow 4 ac- inu 1 spring tooth oultlvulor uouf- r hobultilgh funning mill low truck wugou hay ruck top buugy omoi buggy domoorit lurtku pulpor wlluoil srnlou 1 2d0 tbu utonoboul cutter gruvol lata 1romlor woparauir uuuur ktiltlo uuinbor aup palls 30 fodt luddnr krlndutouti win olburrow 1 muu t rossnut auw f 4ttl luirrulu dnulilulreou wblrflotmou hookyoktui doauii grain bugs forku ho chain lltivloim otc haltnkikl llet hoavy team hurnnau ill tiomploto sot of uluglo burnous oilain bomo old fiats k buaholu buck win at rlanu tit for uood ktmnllulllc 1 dreuuor 1 miiuimii writing douk kltnhon tablo tlilldu crib milk pullu fruit jura uud thor artlch u tiaumh 110 00 and uttdnr tuuh ovt r that amount 10 monthu t nvdlt will itu given on furnlshhig upprovml jobd notou c off for nuth uialn fowl uud furulturo cash pcsitlvfly no raaarvs as tlta farm is sold 1 r j jer1v auolionesr ihono 31 an u ii hhohldy clork clearing auction saie farm stock implements fur niture etc tho undersigned ha two it lustruntotl by thob michie a thos mokenxle to soil by iubllo auotlon at lot is t 4 ictuluaalng ou friday march 10 1022 ut ono oclock sharp thn following hohbiam hay mare r years gtni- ra hurimiso brokuu duiihlo ohout- nut nijro 6 yours good alnglo or dnubloi itny mam u yoar l6d0 lbu good workor bay maro lo yearn gooil worker gray hnruo rorohoroi cattlp jo r soy cow fresh calf at foot jorney cow dun in march jvrney cow duo in april holstnln cow iluu in march halfhrod ayruhlm cow duo lu march hrlndle cow duo lu march mllklnwwwllrwltltotonwrfluo in april roil now dun in april part ayrshln tow duo in april roil holfor duo ii may wnll brod jersey hoi fur bred uhort time spotted cow duo in aprlu black aow duo in march roan oow oalr at foot rod tow duo in march run n row calf at foot rod oow calf at foot jersey cow calf ut foot black duo march 1 jersey cow dm tbu ahovo cow mllknrs and uro aafa ii cnlvol yohno oattlk 4 cattlo rising a yean 0 cattlo rising 2 years calf t month hook york mow duo tlmo of aalo now duo march 17 york aow dun ii may mglatemd york aow duo march 24 13 utoro plgu a md lot pig 3 mouth ulso good ones york sow ami h bigs d wooku old jmt11mknth lumlvor wagon with box n good ooildlliort gravel liox sulky horao takej maaaeyllurrla hoimi drill 11 houh nut ouruy urulnu 3 000 hs cupuoity in gootl condltloii a buy lacku sot harrows drug cultivator heavy lumlior waggon aholvlugti for wiigoit mx maahiiyiiarrlu mowur ti foot outl em veosiitt grimlei mucor- mlok mnwor g foot cut u h p in- toriiuiloual gun engine ou trucks uooilng dlao drill noarly now aluo tho following tho property of thnmiiu mckonxio haltniobh hnt dlriglo hunmua noarly now goldlno mouudngi uut doulilo hurnoua sinow hootoh hultern a lot of useful part of hurtioso brhl- lo luiltora httu tn frost a wood jointer plow nouffltir uot harrow mower 4i fotit out jorgllir curt augor kottln 4 ttvvf otuvlooa root pulpor wbuulburrowu 30 foot ladder extension luddor feet 3 democrat box us 1 2uoatod uud 1 3 uout fid culler polo coinploto doubln luirrol brvaoh loading shot gun with loading utonullu uovoraj whlto oak plunka forku houu shuvolti and kovorul othor artlolos houhiciilh 101tkoth hulr aloth kaut v uniall tublos rooking cliah numlior of olhoi chairs imou rook lurgo glua cuuo a mmihor of hooks frumttd pictures tto u heating htovrs uuuutlty of dluboo largo mini- uf fruit jur wash tub wrlngor num ber of apple hurrulu now positively no raearva as mr mlohl has old vtls farm and has pur chased mr mokertxua propsrtyv trhmf 10 00 and uudur cash ovor that umount 10 months orodlt on up- provud joint notos 6 por uumim off tor cash r j kerr auotloneri 1houa 3tl acton ho hum l clork w arc clearing out our stock of ladies and misses winter coats and dresses at greatly reduced prices- it vhlh iay vou to uuy we stock better goods at a lower price oikn eveningsphone c9 l starkman istarkm an block acion ontario is your ford in shape for spring you tin not wait until kprlng wt your i ot tb ou or hnph uifiitu i fomhaiidtd wilti your roid 1 huve btarlnm n llltt it plulnn vujvu ngrtuiud turuiii r moved m batidu rnllniil uud uny other work li thin win ii hprlug omou with its utmi is roady ftir thn road without a mmm rk ulnitu bofom putting ii iiliupo why im loss uvo it overhulilat now t rtliuubtd or replaced ii glint o uud transmission mo that may lm needed ltinuu domundu your vord uitu ilolay we use none rut genuine tord parts only tut run wo guuruuion jhat tho iiumav siniit in nver- huullug will glvn tlio khiillu you havo u right to ox poet cloniilun kuril parts k op your 1 orl ou thn road upurloua liarls knvp it lu thn npulr shop i genuine jw parts for sale here h a coxe acton ont canadas great inland seaport montreal wiuva population of almost one million had bat 915 rooms in modern fireproof hotels these cannot accommodate the visitors- travellers business men and pleasare- seekers who day after day week after week month after month visit montreal more than fifteen hundred of these people will be able to find accommodation- com- foruthle luxurious accommodation in the new mount royal hotel which wld beiopen about october 1922 this new hotel will have 1050 rooms stores and offices as well as great con- ventlon hall toother with all the other luxuries and necessities that so to maka a thoroughly modern hotel it will cost approximately ten million dol- lars a study of conditions in mo will convince the most sceptical that tub mount royal will fill a ionsfelt need and will undoubtedly be a most profitable enterprise for its shareholders we ore offering f km s comwi- tbu dwfrcnttrre carrying a bonam ot 30 of common stock of thm afoofht royal hotel company limited and mhalt be gtad to mend detcriptiv circular on requemt i to wamadieiraecotu thoe limited kd obuso nima tn mil ftu 38 rhuf street west toronto f ua ctranlaa- i i vail kdldjceaa vv4vyvuva m vlraaa arttw rfaahy t free press advertisers are always reliable dan is like most moysa kjttmil s0ai and water goes a long way with daniel

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