rrifv- i k sj- ijp art nit 3rrr jimjfl i ftltfiav malrtk iuj oo ir wctl i um i iv ii it uinir wmh uitiuiur lut jiitr wlioii xoiil in tlii tionir im ifutr iiiilno hi nt to km uiiiuli li win help the mug along 1 01 hi- hour r fil th keyitol lu 11 i dili vmi have ii though tii ii ulo ll iu wot hi doing iiililht bill i of i thoitult t your i nor 11 il alight ut intuit ahlrk u tliliu in worth iii liliil it lit worth hit lnhitf woll wilt wtiruly hint y rll tll ami lux wl ami uhrouif yi if iii lime mi hour for mil i llu tin 1 di by fin 1 or what- altu yn tiuuit tltut work uv tho lillir wwy in worth tin ilolu i til llll wll iiikt ii lu unng or ultar r an houru rthg mimii it wlikilmulnr w flupiojii i w11 a m- ouil ur hirpiodlil mru ftliiiitluli lilt aoubtfully w uirinl n almpl puriy tlllil hut juut how what willi tho huulneau dpcmiinu uiul tin ilfiitlutm hill and tlin coat of v t tin immortal dlnkdut hrok iiuia whlmahully had nothing m when hi wrotit hard tim ok mothr uiul im eik imd llru of hearing- iiltout hard lime if wo werent w uvorluut- ingty poorl aunt ub uyod hor niece olttapprov- fngly ioori elm crui think of tho iitorvlng ohlldrmi in hum ula anil of hi cad line a ip look yu ought to look ut thl othur wide ilaru now auntie uald tiara dont bo prwachy why think about unpleasant thing 1 there another aide tk tlm sir in over mi icrnhlug avonye whom wu likuitl to live itccra wn canr down in tho world why thoy have everything titer kvelyn for fn- htauoc at hor party thoy hail a caterer unci a decorator and the favor were acruinptlou nnd the ice warn kioa4o1 in ha uhujui of i oven if i cant ti rowl imrty liorothy klloii who wu unqannir hmrtynlom ut the ironlntf board burnt flit inrihxnaiitly ypu think you rimuh ham thihnlolii juiit bocuit yimr mtntihinl if i worn toother j tthouhlnt lot yoq liav a iwrtyt ill yu aponk iott itmulrotl hnra of hor u mul i wlator uuuirty wmjuty luui u lriy nobjxly cujnn but u llttjo fat darky i ullwd jjorothy rucn thoru thorn dorothy ellon in- tnrjxmkn mr bhomold mildly novnr mind tlnlnh thtddyv handkarchlofw tiat m kood blrl ivlrotliy ellon plckod up u rroah onu and sighed whan it cuma to ironlnaf tho run fairly cnttnid hor sou whn im roiutlvd hn innouncfml poaltivoly ray htiabund ahant uaa bit hand- my barn esklod smarty amarty bosan dorothy tclton wrathfully had party- itut bium tmncll in hand wan too tnuoh eharoaaod in auqdry calculation i to pay any attontlon lot ho aald thoughtfully thoro would bo only ton mother loalded tnb it ought not to coat very much a utmplo party wouldnt admitted hor mother 1 think if you juat in formally invited ho glrla in and madn fuds and toaatwt ma rail mallow- why mother you dont know kvatyn bhon tb anlppleat lhinff sjiod all the time re mar kin sond o t not in our olaaa socially 1 can juat 1 magi in hor may why our woh erwomanm daughter down in clabber alloy could give a better party than hall i dont want my daughter to bo a anob sara aald ur shoftleld quint ly inirhnpa you juda evulyn by your own xtandards thara u latucracy in nuro wealth but only in mind and cult urn in kind h carta and almplv faith sarah o aalfuh put in dorothy ellon championing hur mother cuuno- when im grown up im going to do juat aa mother uy and ao um t goosey aald ham laughing- thonj ahn alghed of oourm i cant havti catorera and tiiliuo but ill send formal invitation- and well borrow mm woo ley a punch bowl i and use the drawnwork lunch cloth father brought from mexico dot can open the door and direct them upatulrw and or if wo could only huv orchentm playing oc fit a tory akvelyn uuhl jimmy rouood hi mini if from a donultory ututty of plane ceo mo try maybe youd like to have me buttle would you jimmy t the glrla dont know you and youd look every inch u butler 1 i jihould aaay not i catch glrla ho added with brotherly uin dor give mo a a wirt pain pld you any i coujd open the door barot horothy kllen brokti in glee fully true to feminine liuillnct alio lind ewltcheil over to her mater hide 0ooh wont it be grand i and can i wear your blue auaht if 1 werent no aalnnh sara nuutj gravely and no amarty youre ijot declared ttarothy iflilon vouro lovely i mow that the die waa caat preparu tlona for the party went murrlly on tlutt hara proceeded to wrl her lnvltatlnaiaftar ahe had hoilud iulf a box of lutper und written a m berlti a cramped uchoolglri hand ihirothy nilen cuipn to her rnacua with a rod volume entitled tho uplift uaii- ual for uome bohool and ooloo ilorot uome lnvltuttope und thlnuu alio aniiouncodlmuortantty with her anger on u luge nhe intohed in her heel olaaa recitation duinnur tetter of aymimthy on tho death of an in fant cohgraoh yea rongratu uttloph on an up- op approaching marriage iloll hehl laughed jimmy iii un exoeam of mirth iluw bawl well that what it nftya amarty cried dorothy- ifllum defenblwoiy slio oontlnuud to nimill out alnwly letter rejuoit rcqueutlng loan of money at that apparently unimportant atatomtint mr uheldold looked up from hla paper and emlled never mind idoc mild bam oo on thata u ifear youll come to 1l in in lri trorlntroduclntf a h ifentloman t a lady hmlled dorothy kllen and hautunud n iitlere of con oonvcondolonco mi tho ilu de mjaao of a bukbnnd hljo glared ut tho wrlthlnr form of jimmy wbti if you dont bellovo lb rinatlly alio turtod over wnvaral iibbjo invitation to dinner invitation for evening tlmta it doll tlmtm whot wo want vlorohy kit on read trlumntiantly mr undmnit whhnm hovrnrd jmokju at hb imhlk kl il 111 y uli of it jliimii ihi it iiiiu nk i 111 tw iitlth nniiv fillv ilthout innkl uf lul 111 mi 11 i op und li i think ih1 iii lut 1 ipv 1 111 11 i til f 11 1 ii ik 1 ihy 11 i th irillii irl fin tlm id uti nillli iilduy mm llillllil to mm rlly und lnuirlu nut riip iliii i nrlii uiul mull hutu for il whiii nht hud boiltdit liiinli li f u llowiu und u mh huh i ilhu uonithi kll i tlm i mi unt tvnei iilirniliik oliil tllio unit hoinn tliil out uiul hr ft mil 1 niinhlv it niil hint tln inula vmi i tu h iniy- ihlnir hut tlmj1- iinr nil j hut nluia ulut und aunt 1 11 mi i linn wiirkml on tlm ruvoru and tlm ilxmitloiiw unit uhiimit tudvt oclock t wo urn pour ilikluikl hum wn mi bo urtlxti iliiiniihl aunt ul runlinn fhl for u nut nip torn tint diilnly pujifn in hir uviihiu latloii win n i wuu u uhl vo dllut havo itikh hliflifuliitlii wnm tlitbiut puity i iivoi went to ihu hml huiniuuu ami ilutlmrlt pic why aunt ilhl huui huh u au- ullil til like ui un uvilyn it wait uooil ton aunt uli wool on iiinlniiiciiiilti tlmy won plnin folku mid llny didnt put on tlm mitmory of tlmt rlitilntrh plo huh nuuli iny niiiuth wutur thuuo thirty yuaru oh you and your rhuhuvlil hum broke lu imithliitf motliir to i do i- ill tvixnii tint iroulii uiyuoir mild mm uhiilluld wtmrlly itu uu mud lumi nmnulvit wed bettor ut to bod now tor nultlou iomlng ary t rluin well lnavo thlu luouii for her wi i b tlaru j awning hhu gavt hor mntlinr hu nrfi llonuln hug tfothir i ran hardly watt ttll tomorrow night i cuu hardly wait till itll over put lu aunt ub frhuy all day hat unlay the lioumt wuk 1 ii in to of upheaviil nuttui the rolo i mi im mhoni thoy nrruulon illy lined fur nuiinilnif pnlliihitd und ucrtiliboi until thluga fairly miioiio mm hhcf- tlid luikiul tkn citkou ttml troxn n fitukur of rmum i jura pollhhod tlm ullvor and tho out gluuti and urmnged tho aniull tablo jy ajx onatck the limine lookod iitnto imod nnd formal the hhrary tubl wawdniiixihlnd of liookii itiii paperh and drmd lu tho drawn win u lunch cloth hupldutod a matmlve puiioh bowl lu avhlrli mint uuvvrm ticuttorod botween thoutiuff hlocku of ice gleuniiml like llttlo grven laluiidir the taliluii wuru utrowi with rouo initulm und furu louvow it jookx hnathiintuh to inn nuid auiit ob nrltloally la it piuctloalt can h tkxly eat umti yimilouiired into the kitchen where nhe u tu a tihihiwe uajyiwlcfi buppor that veiling- wua in tlfi liuturo of a hatidout ncttln whij bud irumulmxl bruwd tea nnd li the ancluhlon otuu pantry ullihltxl aurreitluiuily ut niindry tonthuome edlbltui y at eight oclock avoryuno waa 11 ntsito of painful expertauiiy mr bhef- ncli it tin uriwmifortulily htlrf collar gnve only dlvldo1 attontlon to the evening paper mm tlhctnold lit- muiidaygotomoutlug gown wutched tlie elrxk norvoualy jimmy ohtillnk umfor puinntal uuihorlty glowering up plihl polbih to hlm imihi hiiodm and dorothy illen a fulryllke apparition altxl ut attention ut tho rrout door haru pain with uxcltnmont flitted round llko a bird on the wing t momenta aoemed to drajf aunt lib with an bye on the dour loat count in liar tatting at a vmurtnr past eight nettle broko the ntraliuid ulluiilo dey aho am lute iir approving aluiicq fell on dorothy ellen who with arma hanging primly wua nttll patiently htuixlliig like a eeutliud nnd alio hurat out admiringly if dut ulnt the oute- inmt young uu talk ubout youll ftkit inuiinl dorothy kllep honey yo le aho de moat manncriilo clillol no one replied at any other time much pmuo would have mot with linurty rchpoiiho it wuu mi if notlilnff in life muttered oxcopt tho clang of tho doorbell tho mtlonoo krew op preoalve the ticking of tli clonk woundod like blown from u hummer with a atentorlun chime the half hour truck why dont- they comot burnt out haru i t cant imagine whutst kweplna them aald mm oholnnld nnicjoiiuly the hnndv of tho clock travelled in to nine und atlll no gueata cumc dorothy ellon hud mild to the floor und her blue eye wuro glued pathetlo- ully to tho dfor knob noitlo nwuyed rhytbmlully in tho kitchen rook or tear otood lit bahin oyoa i dont knhw wlm to think began mm- bhefflelil it aeemu utratibo tliut none f them telephoned or mint tuiy reply are you uure you gavo the dato7 of oourho the telephone haa boon of order mother 1 burn whirled round with eyea ilaahlug thoy didnt try i they didnt want to cornel ha nil evelyn hlie waw to unlppy juiit buouuuo nhe uvea oi lerehlug avenue who thlifka wo um nobodlehl hhn lead thum uli uliem done thla juut for uplto thoy may have imicii delayed m hheluuld broko lb hotni fully it lu only a u u a r tor punt nine hut baru unaworod in a heartbrcuk ing voice they uru not coming and urter all our work o mother moth er- hhe tied blindly tu tier ihjdrocm and flung- horaolf op tho led woltblng lvcnl the kit clio n came tho eoutld of netuoi anoreu lu rhythm in time with the creak of her rookor dorothy kjilonv bom i hud fallen on hor hrcimt another half hour rang out mr hhotl puahed ia6kniihiwporrwiitnftm7ririieip ly rail it a rotten tihume burat fortli jimmy ttrom the bedroom ciime faint nttded uiibu lie flung bin ucotnetry ut tho unorfendliir- cut mrx hheittehl ntoop- imi und iiathtiriil dorothy ellmi into her urmu tnur were inlinr oyea rty hud a party hnr- mldod aleoplly uo- hmarty n othy ellen iwdy hukulylng cuuuht the a white inert lioup rrhiil wordh nobody and nhe nnlehed the couplet and reptuitnd it over und ovot mouotonouti- ly the rlillotiluum wonlw hud boon proptictlc and utter uli tho work utu worry and oxponau nil hei doliglitfill untclaitjon only nettie only mottle i io you want honib of the lea ireum dunrt it won her mother re i ce o mother i ceuldntj i couldnt ler voice broko ik u mob for thirty canu exploded jimmy amoving hla pfnchluu uhoea id punch that evelyn oreiiturcri hcuill ill toll her whut 1 think of her lid hura to horaolf i wihi i willi hut um hhokrew tnlmor hio decldud to lliuure the mllght hhn would tint be uhlfgod to boo the glrlh they nttcmled i dlffereiit oohool hotild bo beat ulfo thought u go her eiiirdte way itnd forgot them hhe would peltliurtj telephone our wrlto touomaut an ux- ntn nation hhe would no longer call hem ftiondo glrla who could do mioh i richplaablo uilng a week want ijy and no word t mplanotlon camo rrom the glrln tito bhelllold family hllpped book into itu ununl routine the imrt lay deep in barno- eyea but out of ho titttir- px- periunoo io bud learned ometlllnff it imd taught tier tba taue otaln- a ifevelatioi jga green tea it so sweetly pure clean and delicious salam i tha is sold on merit and tnerit aronr try it onco and you will novor ro back to japans at all grocers ceill lh im mum lu duiplu1 inn uhl fiilui ilimidurdm van imd ihulmli ldl i had uu uliii told aunt lib laiiuhliigly tin hat- uiihiy viuiiux aft r tin ill fate party mim llhulil id lioloil up null kly hlint lliiiti you ua give unothii n ty hnra you an nutka iuw fi londu im huliu wo nuid inatiiiuu one thliivlnto ufur woniiii umllod i titif ully huv ijroviiil finii tlm i xpunue r the lau iiiki with niuhh bill and tlin fnvoi uiul ihhiiih it cohi uu ilftnjli dollinn nvi- ugulu inolhii- cut it ili not unit kind iif parti i hut ii oo folium hi well lout lu ou ullug in uiliilihliih daughter mi nlt pmt will ho wholly without pti tiant tin tituo uu mi wo in juiit think or tliu hunt a wonk tml fjie 1 in flail wtu not look i ml for that labhlii tojituhtl ii jimmy who wuu uttiittlul out liixurloiiiily mi th tlooi thlu in minothlnu like it thlu im hum looked loiintho ilnanunt room nod iniiuhe1 it hi doiiiforlablo if it iu inelogiint alio uu hi i wonder what evelyn would uuy to futhor with hlu unllin orr in niodior pitting wut melon rliidh to dot puttlnif doll lutlion on the family at wlmta thatt him lodkod up uturllod mii llmteneil in toiilly there wau die uninul of trump llutf foot on tho poroh tho doorbell pmlod loudly mercy on tint cried aunt lib ha ly roachhiu under the lublo for allmniim alintlmr peal noundod mr hheitleld htrodi to the door iuid throw it oji a lauubliik ahouting mniip of lilrlu pipilied luuide why glilul utumiiierod hi why girlal why evelynl many happy toturiuil rind evolyn guyly oomn on glrlo wllh youi pmiie offeriuga lleieu tuliiii hhe extended a dulnty tluuunwruiper par- clll hitra caught only tho wordw jioace orferlligti limy weru trying- to iitono you ahould huve lot tun know nhe began htlnly if you hud let mother know unywny hut you invited um didnt yout and we could huriiyvait hondlntc invltiltloiiu that day a wnek uhend of tlnnt thnta one way to toituiiryo fiieiidm haru hhollleld llilt- huru wua alowly grumplng- pohulhlt explunatton my birthday with hint week wo looked for you hint huturduy night the thirteenth thlrteonth there wiim u nhilll ohomu of pro tea til they renir hutu day the twentieth nil plain nwiluy with ready tact xlrf hhetneld can quickly to the retimioj why itu nil right klrbf im aura dorothy ellon tuko their wrapa into tho juont room kara moruly made a mintuke in the date alio probably got it mixed with tho iionlor tlny hut we cut huve u party utiyhnw oo hkht into tho kitch en and mnko fudge uli you want jim my will run down to the ding utor und uol pome mutahmnllowu anil theieu plenty of crviutmupd a whiityoutnuyrullu a fcl-tun- tidiyr oh orlod evelyn lant it jliat too lovely 1 live mt an uproit haio you were mo hightoned with your formal old invlteu that we all had to wear heat bibu und tucker loud me to tho kltdlioil it waa a iillarlmih jinrty icvoil jim- my coiulohcendeil to let evelyn tin apron on him dorothy ellen naked nothing moru of life hlnoo tben wua no rhtiliarb pie aunt lib unoarthed crook of douuhuuta mid m hhenleld cut innumerable uu but initial gatid wlchou that dlup insured with hrtht- nlngllko qutpliiioma rem hlu ixiiit fort able chnlr mr hhulllehl looked on benignly und munohod finite and reud tho ntnek teporta and when they hud mluywl until the laut poaalhle mu metit jimmy gallantly aueortcd then to the cur lino und carried evelyna party bug 1i rnturiieil to hud the family in n utate of iniinlng elation ituinlttdm me of the piirtlon they hud when t wmi u ulrl deolurod aunt lib and it won no bweet of them to wuhii and wipe every dlrihviidded mra hhertlokl and o mother exolnime1 hnruj i wax nil wrong uhout evelyn mho turn bluul ill auy wio in jimmy nverred with fetvor and utralghtened hlu uooktlo new mototl fuelb tho nttuilmr of motor veltloloe la inoroualng uo utuoli fanter than tho mip pi ion of guuollno unit the find problem la nil tho tlmo gottlitif moro nerloui alcohol ban often lini utiggouted but it la not altogether uutlafuctory und tho aiipply la not gicut enough to un able it to take the place of guuolluo hemioln baa ulao txmp tred und while nut inflatory it too- ik iiit p rod u nod in uuillnluitt nuatitltlou to beeoinn dm nl- vernal fuel nnt it would not be ue- hltuble io build novum different iiuim of motum to uuo the different fuotg a mixture of the available fuel tiatlinilly huggduta itmilf und expcrl- meiltti that huve boon made ahow thai uvcohol doon not mix properly with urntnliiitr buttenoludlitsolvelboth alcohol und gniiolllie it hna been found that a mixture of tweniyrlvo per cent of uaohof gahollnu atid of beu xol with fifty per cent of alcohol worka very tnitlefuotury lu our proaant vehlnle motoru and uu theuo propor- tlona corrempond fairly wall with the output of tho vuiioum luirrodlchith that muy ho uritlclpatod thlu may prove to hethnuolutlou of tho fuel pioblem unlohii udvitiiooii ure uinde in th dealgu of crudn nil mptora coriia are painful growtlui hollo- wuyu com heinovet will hunnvu them preparing foh qardenina tlile montl bttliiu the notlvo gui- dnnlnu work liotbotlb ahould he mude and tho nood ofllio early phuitu like calibugo caul i i own r early celery vinly beotm und ttie long- noimtm plunlu like taiuutoda vug liliuth end popperti ahntild bo hiuriril miuiy of thone ouedu for htnull guriloiiiiuf work may bo nturted inahle which will rot in v the nunchhlty of tmildnif lotbi da until the flint part of next tnnutli manure for toprdiemiiing the crotiud muy bo huul- d out the luttci part of thl mouth aathma no longer preaeieo the dread of renewed httuuku from ummiiiui no i hold upon tltoaa who huvo itmrnod to rely upon 1r j d uallinrkn ait tli ma lloinody ho bnui dv they foot that i ooinplnto ltd inn on la plncod on thin trua minnlilo with the oeitaluty that it wilt ulwuyrt do all ttat hh mtili- urn olalm mf yqu ituv4 not yet learned how nfe you are wtl thlu preparation nt band iret it today und know for youniqlb qo whci1e he will it aft rt wuu not a v iy pretty io would tint be hi mi t mil even hophtu hhiiiild huvo arranged imr plo tunt mi the wu ilu und mutlo hu moat of evoiy pint ii of funilture uhu va- uhui1 it wuu hi fait yon what iiamiied ami with a uluplng celling hint uuvmiil to cut off miiuhof hu hi mi ti utid two wludiiwu which wrn iioujhomdliiwly limit ii mine half wliidowa with iiiiuliiu tliut tiwung oiil- wwiil and would not take kindly to the pretty imputing that had graced hophlau loom lu tho ilty home mother to be auro hud piomhied to cut und iii uiul udjiliit tlin iintalllu to the little iiiumo hiu ii und hud tallod her dutigliturn htl iilloii to the hill vlw hoynnil thouii wlndowu and hophla hud politely hut unoilly i xlolh- ii hud uono downutnlru with feet that lagged und with u mouth tluudrojipl n the coiiuiu homehow it did not oiioiii to hophlii yt tlmt mother und fathui ton and tho twelveytayold nlhlir mmtii veiu doilbtleua nndlug- thfa liiwiiui to u iitnul village a dim- cult one hfiifully hophht looked down th unpavod iitriii t it wuu winter uui naily evening tho miiow gllu tuning evurywhcie wim doing h bout to glori fy ihu lundiiiiipo light wine twink ling lu nil tho uiiiuli houtuiu ih ulght there lu uoinothlng wonderfully uwuet and uuugoutlvo in thlu uhowiug of the home ii ji lib lu any city or village each huht utanillng uu it ilueu fir family i if and itu own ttpenlul lutoroutu uowiinlulri hophla could hour imr mother nnd little iiiutei moving ulmtut between tho illttlnir room und kitoheu hhe ought to be down hosphig them who knuw atid took a nwlft look at her reileutlnu in tho mirror to hoe if her eyuii weii uul thny were not ahe deoldeli film hud i nut end a aort of inturibthig iiiilm and no wonder when ahn wuu no dtiuperutely rfoaperutoly homenlrkt all her opnclul girl friend no far auy and in npte or oulr vow of inn in ii i in if rilniidehlp aim would inevitably drnp ut ot their thought their plant un ttnin wont op hhe muat be the one to romomber to cry her eye out lu tho dm k reviewing imr mud ttwoot tncmoiluu hophla drow in her breath uobliluif at tho thought und it wo tun mliiiitiii later horovc who joined the two dour wiirkor in the kucheu oh to ho young und hlltho like madge thought honhiu u ahn wutchud i ii i llttlo ulater flitting be tween pantry apd able how aoou child run foigou iilghud hophla from her uevondionyonftld muturlty never dreiimluu hut madge yvuu t nuk ing the brac offni t of her little life to keep mother mul father from uuh- loctlur that alio won liomofllok for the girl who hud loft im far a way for um dour dear homo tucf hut inotliem have un mummy way of undorntiiudlntf thlnira without belli if toldl and once whll ma i co uuh ur ranging tho cup lindvmuuoeni miu qould atop pod lo give thoiiloiulei llttlo uhouldor a teudor hugl i wont it be tine motlmr when w got oveiythlug htnuglitenud nutt madge uuhl uti who tiyned to give hack the hug with internal and lant it going to ihi woniloiful to have uuoh u greut hltf yard uw we huvut ifappy uiilhluuablo child tnuueil hophla iih win imlulgod iu un uudlble algh im n ft ii id thlu ih n rather cold ohcurhiuu hunper mother rumluuted juut thu nlleil moat utid canned peucheu and nothing hot but tho tea hut itu been uuoh a utrenuouu day oh of nmnao uald hophlu im uuhumed hot to huvo noon down help ing half un hour ugo hut to tell the truth 1- wlm the tnith aho waa going to toll mother lovoi would know for juut thou tuimo a knock ut the iildd door mill opti ii hi ii it hophlu confronted u aweetfaoed glil ubout her own ugo the wool uiarf over hor brown hulr flocked with ifllhtonliik auowllakti mother thought porhnpu alie itu n then inoko off hmlhngly pardon me i havent even introduced tnyaelf im iairii ologoiy und your next door milithbor no thank you i mustnt cotno in mother thoilght porhupa youd llko uome liot corn pud ding- ho alio made two of them to ul ghtand thlu in youre you know wo uro not ut till formal in llttlo vl logon or i wouldnt ditro make auoh llrit cull uu thlu tho corn pudding bubbling hot wan lu hophhvu hauihi golden uymbol of thomweut vlllauei frlutidllneaa that ir time the ulrl would grow to prlxe o highly do uome in iilie uald juut to let mother thank you uuywayl no lovely of you to cornel whut il hvautlful friendly thing- to do anil how dolloloum it looku i wuu mourn in that we had auoh un uu- uppuuxluu cold aiibper mra gould tohi the youuu vial tor do thuuk your mothei and huinkj you for brlng- ly ii miidko hutl joined the group by tlm time utu liel round lile face grofv bright on ijilitu tuhl liurjilip hudlu llttlo htnidrjilhrnfjourjier ugw and woio ul ot n bolm to lit juut uu noon nu its pronor uu uan iih you euro to hoe vultor ho aubf laughingly como vary uoon tliou umlleij mr oould- and yoti ho nleuao hdd6 hophlu and mudtfe together what it lovely neighborly ihlntf it wau to do for mioli perfect utrongefn nu we urn mm qould remarked u the family uut ilowii ut tho table a few mlnuteu latel that ih one imautlfill thlnif ubout vlllugo llfo miqh ueet filotidlllieaml it goeti ii long way to ward making up for thu thlugn wo uro going to inluul yea imleod it ilnoa mr oould uald ive ilium having my ahuro of depietiuod thouht he udded with u toiuhtr amlla urouud hlu clrolo und u laige uhute fur naturally ive felt dlu- trommil beyond woidu that i couldnt have hputed jou all the anrrow of liiovhik riom tlm old houui fooling in not i1h volu dixippud u bit that vo made u good deal of u full mo of my off a itu yo yea lie pentlatud u a loving- clamor of piotuat uroae from ihu othoni nn matter how good my liltoutioiit ami efntrtu were the fuot lemaliiu that i couldnt keep up und hud ti htlnu you nil tt uh um what uti nhuurd way to fuel and thla lu golnu to i be lovely our home hvio und all of uh to- kotlitt ami itood nelghboru why wo hull bo ao liuiv mt qould beam ed around the llttlo circle tto yen know thu wohio that huve bcou ring- inn n my hood loduy iiomepiinir fivni icmnrtfoiijj i do whom he will the wiho man it nt homo illri health the etth lihi ball thu nxurd 1 dome i t when hid ohuir uplrlt leiilil hllil there bin toad liy 1oim owiillght lllumlmd and foreaiownd junodl auld mr qould hlu tlrod fiiije lillubt ia he tin nod it to hlu wife no wonlei they cullnd him the hag 0 iill hophiau tyu turned fnno onu dour fin io umitlis- tho ueiitli eym of hint tew neighbor of hxlm timd to umile upon lir too it i iimn lo her with a duab of uuitiiitaiidhig thlu fuot of tho uuhoullul goodnoau olid iiwiiturnu of j if when hruvoty llvl in whutvr part of tho world u hitght he and when uhu had imr doureut oiiou to walk the new lulfhu with hr and floda own light to llluiiilnn the oadwhut right had ulie to uuk foi further bleatiedouhul eloinvhow tho awetuew of it uti uoiiiimil vlmoxt ovnrpowerlug und uhu miimt hurry buck to morn omtnonpluea ground or be lu dangur of breaking down before them nil whim we know the oregmyu botlr we tuiiht uuk them for their rei ipe for in ii pudding nluutiit we mothiiit uhu aukod pruotlcully itu tho ml dellclouu thing rtldber from maize have you over uwad onn of thoae reil rubhei bath upougeut thoy aorv lh purpotio uxoelleittly hut they urn nt iiihlmr ivully thoy uro toude of u kuui culluil paruuol which i ex cluded from the germ of indian corn iorhupa you wear ahoeu with rub ber uoloa if no it lu likely that 20 pr nunt of tliolr milterliil of tlin aelau that latu thlu ualue corngerm gum tint oraaer tlpu of million of leud pun nt lu are pnragol und not rubber at all the grm of thu corngrain con- tuiuu a iter cent of oilt onn buhl of corn ylolda from tha grmu a pound of reflne1 oil multublo for uaiadu and cooking the reuiduu from the refining of the crude corn nil lu iihd for making wiud liowdora atid iioap chlpa bank of hambljon i guongctown iihanch g c msckay miuer special seafoam electric washer combination wauhin nnd wrlno- no muchlm th vvuuliliig mm hi no work on tlm popular dolly prim lph the ojrutlnc um hanlkiii lu ulmplo and durubl all kuru ivtriil muhiue 1iulpjid with ulrohg- uu imnriilg- rattru i lie m tul frama wrhr 1 nttod with lilili grd rubier rolfu tlie ituufotm lu md b ihwnwn ju und co limited hamkij t w lv tw tt iluo marfiln la httu ui bt tkw00 get your comfortable old shoes made good as hew wo uo th it l and have all th latest upplnru to turn out u ttratcla job 8lufotior au we have lu atock a rlratili lino of man und itoya ahimu at very reasonable price t e gibbons mill st acton lra mm himbiwiii mi im mimmmiimmniimnjiimmmmmmm studebaker guse announces new prices i series 22 bigses prices touking coute sedan series 22 speciaijsix prices koaoster zpassenser touiung ctub roaosteb coupe dfmmcnetr sedan the new lightsix prices touring z boadstek spusenser coupekoadstett sedan 1 m00 3700 j2025 k075 2076 ioso 350 149s 1495 j192s 2425 all viuxn v o k walkerville onurio j n oneill son georgetown ont diatribufors of sludchafcr and dodre itrolheffl motor cara for gorgetown acton and milton g adrhymes this is the space that carried tlie ad that gained the rep that made die sales that yielded the profits that built the business that jack built an advertisement addressed to the wife widi mind distrait its news dispels her troubled slate it shows vthe jrices diat she can pay and where to go on shopping day so now of courseshell patronize those firms who wisely advertise shop where you are invited to shop v laaued by canadian weekly newspapers aaaociatlon i head office toronto canada 11m ronfl haifdwakk co 1x1 this stores policy to represent goods kx- clly u to their quality to sell to those who know and to those who dont knov at a uniform air price to fulail all guarantees and cheer fully correct all mis takes to deserve your confidence by always giving you satisfaction savage co jewellers g0elph ontario i grand trunk 5 the double track route nnrrwbkn montreal toronto detroit chicago clttnxcetud d ii lag car aervtoa deeping car on night train nr larlor car on principal day train vull information from any droit trunk ticket tgvnt or c k ilarotv hint riot puaaengor agoit toronto h a houhes ajcent acton ont phatm 13 r noble ltd acton elevator at grand trunk station just arrived car no 1 feed oats a quantitt op feed corn and oil cake ju8t received vlxttsr pkici nonvat- bran and siortsfeed flour r noble ltd rtcnrv avvrey uanades shoos shppers rubhersspats for 1922 williams was been serving you for over forty year with hlu reliable goods they have always pleased try lib stock again thlu year for ivacueul kihiikm w williams mill street aeton oaildren fclry for fletchers ca8toria i x i vyjv i xjlx v iv rtj it