Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 7, 1921, p. 6

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u i r illrth marrlae and eth are txrw charged for at ha rollowlnk rutas birth to marrlsae toaj ieathm c0 memorial cirda 0o loo per linn extra for txnm ummi i ij on iuji t mr of i in nmh i uat maillued uirtu nlvall at uvutu vurm win iii welneeday juii a 131 by llev w ii mralpine 11 a ft u by hv i ik tylnr wavll 1 ruder l k wt t margaret annlo klrkwond ilauuhtir r mr mid mm k yur all f win lohims iiou- at lit jump churoh itnlny hlvrr ii 1rlluv jmi 2 1u21 by lh hr 11 c mevur nellie murliui el irr daughter of mm lto und thn late t ilo oeormln lochhrhxa itinlixi mii i mr ml mr- air gordon nova iteotla aunoi k llatlllku at the liom of thohills pareiilu on wednesday june 33 isai h uv 1l k camer on aiiiii uixalwlh vvunbt ilnueh in or mr iii mr wm iiarber n cupt lulty iruhum arnold wn of it t antol i ull of ominalown died wt oouj- in toronto orftueadny j uiul g 191 may weduej sister of mm i n jnckn wewmnlitt w ml lac1 at iw nrto of hu 1 iluutliti- mi- cjeorare murray main treei acton on friday july 1 131 llnwrt sallc ed 75 yiwr littkvat ht josephs hospital ctiaiuam on wednesday june 3 131 anna daughter f the late jatno 1 hi ntt total rly of acton ulamvukltkmtos at her par nt m hm uinthouw n tiie- ilav july s 131 martha jan tjcnu luhtr f mr and mm v w fclankunitenton aged 1 year 4 months 3l tuj qtbr artntl 3f rrr ffrrbb thuiihday july t lill brief local items ym it really july again 1 laying u quito general nor dominion duty wo loyally observ ed th ihg duyu are here in earnest now jfmia rmilott nk h bll lefar ny- lnt cooduye tha ultla rl achoouioum la clonnl for th aummcr hum your vtvd 1juom label duto imwii chshswl yott ara you koln imrrytuokliitft an overy day uury how an unumually laraa crop of hony lit ritportml for tliu weaitoii there a coriulnly ln u hot tlmo in tint old town th mut wook oood morning 11mm your viuaj ihoml aubacrlptlon itoon ronwndt huiwly wou a lln hot day hut xf y it two daaroem boltur jo you maltao tlmt mar tlian luilf of tha your 1931 luul 111 road y mttad7 xmiego guiuitluem of wellcurwd lwy wont into the bajtid durliuf the wk tha nifttnlnatloiiv ar about over how thank roodneaa my tha cniidl- datom tim hy irou 1m turnln out vtry aatlafuctorliy on muny farm of thu auction t 1 lorry lilcklntf now lit uia homo kurd an uml in tlio wild nuinboity tmltchon tho nuxt tiublld holiday will ih clvlo llolldiiytho drat monday in autfiial tha school uuiilbi ar wumly n- joylnjf thm drat dayn of tho aummcr hotldaya tlio uveraso tahla la anioylntf car dan truck from th homo sardn nouroa theaa daya thm oraiikoman will attend ftor- vloo ivth aullat church mxt buri- dy evening a mit of oalnt would lmprovo tho muneaxftnoa of tho german suna t the boldlcra uonumvnl uttlo family roadatde plcnlrji in ahady nookn bealdo rlpplltta brooka mm popular theaa awelterlnc dya i tha fall wheat rop la about ready to cut and many qelda will be ripe before the farmer can set in their liay the kelt telephona company u ronderlnc it aocounta for rental monthly now inatead v quarterly a heretofore the pulpit of knox church wtia offlelalty declared vacant by itev j t rttrachan ii a tha interim moderator laat hunday it lant ko much a uueatloh of wluit tool you uae in gardening aa how much you koap thoaa worklnat that you do uae number of held of wheat hi till aectlon are rlpenlnc fuul donaulwr- ablo wheat will be ready to out worn the hay 1 on have- the vtuat 1bm aent to your addreaa while uway on your vacation twenty cent per month will pay for w to any nddnwa w j oould aklp a ilyods sr a lrynrt jr- and i l shore bowl- v in the annual tournament at guelph on monday and tueaday the penalty for ateaila an auto- moblla will bo a year in prison with out the option of a fine la a new amendment to the criminal coda mr qeorse kdwara haa aeeured i tho ahop on mill rtroet neat to wood- ball mckay and will reoyove hameaa bualneaa there thla month ia lleapeler man ofeera a reward to dfacover the acoundrel whp hum the motto god bleaa our ihonae on hi auto laf ejunday oweiph nerald the empty tar barrel atuia corner of mill and main streota haa bean removed and other dlaflffurln- street obntrdotlons will cradually dtaappear neighborhood news- town and country h 1 t ii llm 111 ii nth t iiiilr lu utiilii hut luirh vlll ho ivf ml lmtr hllwln i uttfiit juu la r youiitf folk nlv hilrj asrvln 1 1 urn by u 1i mr marthur lurluii hurh lirompton tinf t iiirtialloiia limehoube th i nu lnl r i 0u1 iltli u little iwhy d f mr uiii mih a w trnnkllti union t tu lay uftrikhn llm hitl t had h11 hh w h hh iimuh hut wuh tlhl with rtnvuuloii unl xiiimumlmsl in it iw inlnulm tlio ilrm haul ni i mlt ln i mliui to lo with th- uttnnk luiuiul uymmtliy fait for mr and mra j union tln hnotiall match with actdn mi tnturdny iwup intuln hut our itoyw arv lilrr- of nklll uiki maltht tlio or vita tl lo 4 hi favor of 1-lnm- t cuiii of rouroa tho vlultom hiiii- thliu1 that our utiiflnl whm lint tt v1i ii ktlnr iwttor and vo i try ilium itiahi toftne school thf t llowliitf urv kirm krhoo m11- miitiiinrr pniinotlim llf viurth cjumct liunnlll kath leen miller cordon jolittuton annua untcharh ulkln 1uiuilu harold ilwackhamar jr fourth tcdnn crewaon lit third mary mcftachern i u- clnla orarr vivian whnln kthel oratf jr third hector guthrie lr second wilfred mcgachem decree oraft jan mllur fealle hwackhamer jlr second tom trxiup itarltara outhrle verna murray chrlaala itwankhamor tlr first lira to ilon crow won uuly murray kthel troup jr vuwt jlny niiiny the i ma cm if hairy murray marlon miller wltner corlnno mactlonahl howard cratr margery miller tupllil marked ure wcommendatl ha vina ixen iuarah lined and unabla tp im prnaent for full term a mandinald teacher burlinqton tho llhth school hoard laut week thralmi4vd to uaun a mandamua on the town council if 000 wu not paid to them by tlie th inat to pay for the elte nil re hawed for the now lllah sctiool mr und mr v c virtue anil family niotored to llowmanvlllo on monday where they will apem a week with hi parent two looal htoreu worn bunilarlaed nvor the weukenri on iluturday nlsht the ihlevea liald a vlalt in tho nhoo ulore of mr uiuplatid and carried away 10 pair ofanhoe value1 at tloo a ulmllur umouut lu kood wam iitolen rrftm taykir uro wlore tim murrluo took place on wednem- day lut ut the methodist nuraonaaa by 1uv o w ltarker r ihutt mario daughter of mr und mr stanley liy no and mr morloy thompaon wutuoti huh of mr of t wataoii tajmley xft 1l j uml mr iluobauil 1nt to jay for a mo nl hn holiday at k- wurtha lark utouey lakfi mr 1l mcmiuun am mi ilurrell loft laat weak for waahlrutton 3d c where aha will vlalt wtui her hi tor mr vord tiaaette enin a hlk nrogramme of mport wu car ried out at stanley kvrk on dominion iy i uev 10 n cameron lmalor of uod- ford iark itaptlat cburth toronto preached at tho lllluhunr jcrln and llulfounuin naptuit churehe laat bun- duy tlio lcrln townahlp sunday school convention wo held in hlllaburtf am thumday aftornoou ami evening juno 21 there wam a largo attandanoa and a bplondld programme mr und mr jau hunter and little mn j a of cleveland 0 aro at the lvutne here to ee hi mother mr itabecca jiunter who 1 muttering from a recent accident wut who i improv ing llov carl mack d and mr mack of amherat nova soouaj am aimnilliitf a month vacation at laick- enuf tho lieautlful aummor home uf mr c w mack rlelfountain mr john iavln whq hpont the winter montha with her daughter mra linger tf tllonburg ha returned to hnr home hare accompanied by mr itogeru i mia 11 warden toronto 1 vlalting with her alnter m k warden 8th line ad yoca to dr michael kjlmrk l p and j x morrlaon addremied a larte audience of farmer and their frienda at the city hall ouelph tagt saturday even- tag i four dear little otie were baptised by itev j m mayer in the mthodbjt church on sunday morning- there were two boya and two clrla two palre of ooualna i milton harry ciwmr yay iient tojkoalfor twelve tnontlih und john ilonton fr nlhtf for homo uteaung i cumpballvllle art wale had u chicken killed hyi a iloif anil put in a claim to tin iwri council that body declined ti aocept reaponallilllty tho milton cetiau enumerator have finished their work and have made their return to he chief enumerator captain chlaholm of oakvllte mia ijly motague uf kltuienar 1 fijlting her alatcr mr ivan oould and mr vrank morley victoria lark will be electrically lighted during tha vumi montlut thla it i to lie htiiied will put an end to the disorderly cnmluot of which there ha been too much lit oi liarb in the darknea which vll doer love ml km ioro thy cochrane ha joined the atntf of the honk of hamilton here a junior clerk the firemen have been measured for their now hull which will be of irrey eloth with black trimming a u reault of n horae stepping hi foot und nlan kicking him in the oalf uf h leg breaking a am all bini there mr m to nixon hug to navi gate with the anelatanoo of a pair of crutchem iluat friday a llert j one wua work inc on tho roof uf mr marcliond new addition at the hack of hi atore he wau the victim of a munatroke now pneumonia ha aet in and ut pre sent he i in u very uorlou con- dluoiillbformer nookwood ltv uml mr thrlr mn jilllr ul vulm oliver 1 hie hw iii 111 illl jiilllttir uiul i urrtviil from lllnu c 1 il wuk nod ii ikhiik hire 1 111- nnl ftli i illuh or itv und lii nniily iw illy yuiru mil h trip of j dili mil traviit ml iinu tuu kluiiif ulvr y fmim liniutu in mlmnuhol niil wpkh nn i the trip lnclllio ntinut throe weeki crpwbonb corncna tli i we i- h v o gunlen i huvlilaou near aot deatluy evening drew n lama im mr jnu cumul unl mr luri ciliim returned mi moinhiy uflr uiulhuf li coiivntloii ut tha chrlalli at oxrd hill luat wk mr und mm clm- h oimhlr tlulfulo n vlnltrt filliu hloover tin holliuy dannockourn the follow i n- 1m ih riuirt of tin promotion axuliiliimllimiu ut hani nek hum hchihil for jnnji the name i an kl 1 roiu junior iii lo hiiuir ii mfllui iiunii uuigumt urown kroui senior ii lo junior hi hu m cultough cultord urue krom junior ii to senior ii 1 weaver llurtho weaver jack ho n krom junior 1 lo senior i tlllln mccullough harvey ynujig jeoji jolinaou lred lrco nabsaqaweya the lutaehatl tournament and garden imrty at hbenexar church on july 1 wa a great mucoea the iftrookvllle team won from aberfoyle in the flrat period and the zimmerman team won from i lock wood in tho aecond perlol and then niookvllle and zimmerman learn played off zimmerman win ning flrat place in th e von lug there wa a largo crowd ut the garden party the programme wa much ap preciated by tha vat audio n co the gate reoelpttl amounted lo over 432 0q and tha total ruoolpt including tho afternoon and uvuitlng tooth aggre gated 760 haying 1 gonerul th weok tha crop u a fairly ifnn uihi through thl aoctlon r and mr cameron uumuhaw and family and mr and mr harvay ltrldgeman and family of knatohbull vialted relutlve lu neuon on sun day lr ll hancock of toronto upenl weekend with frleml ut knatch- bull ml kellln klnguhury of wlmlnor vultlng relative in tlie old home hev v m uoyer aelou and 1uv s ciuuanara will exctiange pulpit next sunday townahlp clerk mamliall pwted the volem tiuih for tlio townahlp thbt week qcongetown v tic mccoll huti rot urn ml homo r im tiding u holiday willi frlond in luwhohter r a 11 wright haa purohuiind the butchering humlnnu of c i inlinni mul now in ivohncualoii mr ii 1 mokcrrlhoil of toronto mpotit prlduy ut tho home of hur brother mr j m moon tiir aro ullll quite a numlier of boulevard in town with a heavy crop of weodft ntc ir 11 a luinuiuy wuhhlnulnn c wua u vullor with mr anil mr j writhon durlnif tho waek wnrahlpful matr it corko and orrtcerm uuo about twenty nv mem ber uf credit lodgf a v and a m attended laletlne iotlge at toronto luit wodnoaday evening mr xrltchett formerly munuger of the cooperative utoro ut georgetown ha uurchaaod the iitoro and block of mr wm truah maynehl our war trophy ha boon plaoed lit position on tha iublio tjbrary ground and a neat iron railing placed around it a coat of point ha nuo added to ita appearance on wednesday u happy crowd gath ered at the liomo of mr it j mc cartney to meet mr and mra if 0 lowe nee violet hill who are jn georgetown on their honeymoon herald oakville v ni tbat oaorge a cajdxiora b a rwyawm pteachin the l church naxt sunday xter rcwib hkruy mrca it 1 illegal now to hunt trap or take foxea of any color or a peel e between april t and wovember is aajchryear aooordlng to an orderin ootfncu appearing the canada aaxette ii eaya thla bore ountryi coin plunj to gmaah cant mil notblnv cant buy nothln taxea baa cobbled up every dollar a fellar oould git and now by heck theyre aendlna fallara around to take our eenfeea irev my mover proved blnuelf quite lru5nnal and dttcrup t th mathodlab chvrl t mornlna wlten he announced i ajiy of tha bten ttt tha poiinalthnrtll iwl more comfortable by doffing- thalrooau tble hot day no on vflumeolth paraon hey ur uouaall the how mathodiat minister occupied the pulpit but sun day and preached able aorroon tp tha edification of the congregation tha contractor for the thorn street concrete pavement from the radial to the lake huvo aturtod work and are making good progreaa tho opening of the new ire hull a iioalponod from wodiicduy lout until next vrlday nvottliig july a h ugreemcut with the highway co mil ilu i on hu heon reiluweil for tho upkeep uml reiuilr of aberdeen brldgo and the upproaohe thareto tho unveiling ceremony for tho soldier monument lu fixed toe sunday ufternoon july 10 ut three oclock whan tho a w v a will be asked to turn out in full force ju lllakelock of llokorlng york- whir england ha arrived to spend aeveral mouth with hi non tno and jo ulwkalock in oakvllla mr ju craig of craig croa- ing vancouver island arrived in oak vllla lt saturday and for a few month will vlwlt with mr and mr wm lluaby leo jclng- publisher of tho uauphin man lrea ba boen a visitor in hi old noma town during tho week and hu culled upon many of hi friend mr king report goad crop lu hi woctlnn und ay that if tho wewtarn furtnir nluco candidate the pader- ul lumpulkii they will bluet nearly every one mr king lu eooempanled by hlwlfc star keep reservoir and tank fulf purlin thl excesalvnly dry and hot period the waterworks commit loo must ulm to keep bothtlie high tank and the reservoir tilled to capacity rlrea are occurring ull over tho coun try and acton hinnl he pn lurett for any emergency the pump at urn waterworks prlng should be kept goi- ing night and day without fall or per- ad venture our watorworkilhave comt an immense sum of money let no neglect of any dencrlpuon now inter fere with tne ofllclotioy of the aye tern the little ooyi i owded a amali boy wu lost city ntreet lie aproaehod a policeman and uak- d have you uoen anything of a lady around horet m k yew ao tut y 1 vo seen aovoral re plied the man tn blue uut have you eeu one without a little boyt pern luted the youngster ye l relieved look crossed the boya face well im tho little boy 1leaae take mo to hie lady he replied got back at the priest coming along a uppery pavement one evening after he had been look- in on thewttuky whon it wna am ber pat lint hi balance and toppled over right in front ot the pariah prleal ah pat aald the prleal thinking tbe opportunity a good one for driv- pm bojne a moral lnnn stand on auppery aroundt jbo ol t retorted rati ireenuiuon lo orfftinlat kindly word and valuable pre to mfaa margaret near by tho oaptut church a r rllmo ti inu li lor to lior uitir i njoyiihlu no lul eveiilutf ill rpiiit lu 11 1 linlithtt liurch to mm r mia muignrnt near who imh ry ptulily riilillled lh iiutle uf irualiist roi- tho past hi your arter bo hour of pluaiiunl hoelal ln- mwuinni tlio tongragatlon wu culled i ordr by uev j u tyler and mlo nnle martin road tha following ad- wh tiy to upprw latli organist in our diunh wu tlml that words are lnudeiuat to do k h hu wen an lumilrallon to ith ri ti hh the dtiuutlaau uplrlt wllii vhluli you have ulwuy work v1 for no metier what dlninultle you had to overcome we roulit al- wev iwunt on tha orttanlat being hi hur place sunouy tifter mun1nv tha menilteih of thu cholf epoclal- i y- a pirec i e t iryoa r r- ha imkjii a lileaaiim fir nil of u lu htlp when our ornanlat lm ul- v ny been hi olunrfiil und nnnlourf to iilnhno other instead of cnnalit- irn yoi r own wlulir money or gift mo never iwy for your work i i our uiil h lirifigt hill n a umatl toxm of inir lovu und eateeni plouae unco it thla allver may it serve a u remem brance in year lo come of the happy time we have spent togeth er in the past though unnlhar may till your place u organist you will always have a warm plane in the heart and mlnil of everyone in tho church und that prosperity und hupplnea and clod richest blcinl ii r- may follow you in the future lu tha prayer of ihe acton hap tut church acton june 17 1031 mis naur thanked the ilmreh for their kindly word und tlie hplendld gift ikeidowod she hud ulway oil taeined it u plehsure to ilo what h could to make the church mtrvloo in lerewtlug and womhlpful and hud non tin nod from year to yeur with tha feel lug that it wan a jny to uorvn tho u1vr comprued u et of din nor kulvi und fork and deiuiert knlvou and fork tha wet wluhn of nil ware nxpres- inl to ml naur for great hupplnea in her now home a former acton iloyd pathetic appeal ticur liilltor i um writing a little article of groat importance conoernlntf n mling wult- uhle work for dlnahled uoldler and tulerculr soldier udd clvlltun nllf- rrlng from thl dutoawo who cannot follow their former occupation upon their discharge many aoldler disabled in u great many way and from tubercular trouble in particular have not xurlciont mean of support to rtimulu free from worklong many of these had not tho opportunity to hoc u re a piopur oducutlou so tho result lu they miwt folloy hard manual lulhir whlrh lu not miltabln for tubucular uoldleru to do tlmy uhould have light work and abort hour in order to carry on or aluo they unrfor n rolupuo uiul huvo to return to nnultarluln tnlutment now tin ra uro many job on tho rlvll uvrvlce itilch nn nmull pout oiricou kuma wurdnnu government laud agent i ml luu agent and furm litutructor and many nthor johwhuh permit an oiieu ulr lift which a tubucular por tion in pjirtinulur muut huvn in order tn keep their health theue job in a great many ruse are held by ublo h who can do moat any work much of which the above mentloiiml men women cannot i dout iillvocuto thn iovurnment to turn thohe men out of work in order to hold plure for theaeneii but i do gay thut the oovcmmout should find other employment for uoruo of bur prvuent cninjoyoe ami replace their puhltlotiii with in ulm nd ami tubercular uoldleru which would lto a great help to thoiin mifferltik from thl dlheuso ihey hliould huvo a floveriiiunut oitlco to keep a reoonl of thoo men in vari ous localltliiu throughout tho tamlnion of canada und keep in touch with tlio medical uuperhitondant of each sani tarium for tubercular trouble and maimed soldier so that they may hav vucunclo for tlinoo men and woman ii view upon their dlhchargu v s thla i written by a tuber culur pwtlflit tuklnk treatment who know what thn tulterculur uoldlor 1 up uguliimt mtnii illrhurgo from uanl- torlu truiiiiulllo sanitarium kamloopu l c juno 39 1d31 i cooe outlook is ivomioinjt between tha british government and the bain peine re in ireland dublin july fl feace ucgotlutlon lmtwoou tha ltrltluh oorernment ohd the sinn pelner were proceeding fav orubly uccordlug to yeutcntuy u re port jun siuulu south african premier hu ilaen the slim kelti leadnr und im now v lulling other prom 1 non t person age a general release of prisoner will probably follow thl week rlghtlng hu oouued on both ulde lu dublin but lu roimtiy dlutrlct bow- till tie have not yet entirely been ntopped the eurly reloaso by the sinn veju- tirn i expectod of kurl itanilou old home week in aoderich ooderlch lu lirpurlng for a reunion of her old hoy uml oirltf to bo held august 7 to 11 tho son and daugh ter of the town by lake huron are being invited back for a week of en tertainment in which both visitor and home folku wilt renew their youth and revlvu the friendship of happy by gone day anyone interested und de siring information with regard to tho event should wrlta ho secretary mr w s uowdan oodorlch i worked for love mr head ley rubbed hi hand u fully mr heapel he called mr huape hi uaulatant came iii from the next room ifoapo orlodold hoadley that tool of an oinceboy of our hail fullon in love with my pretty gecretury lm sorrvnlr iwba ahull i dot hack tho boyr j hack the boyl yelled heudloy never 1 i hope be remain true to her kor tha first time since boa boon here be ul ways handy whan we want him i muimprinol ill orr w mora than ol oan dol aeeeeemlaasaasmifflm getting even with haig here lu u utory our wounded boy have brought back from iho front about sir doug luu hula lr douglas wa noma few week ago in a great hurry to gat a ytrtaln place he found hi car hut the chauffeur vra missing so sir doug las sot in the car and drove off by himself when the driver apeared and aw the car disappearing in the dls- taace he said there alg a-drlv- ing my carl well get even with him aald tommy standing by and go and fight ooq ot la battle for um qeoroe wallace will r i at ukiiu u sulurluy the immuiloiiu iuihiis he k in hi blu clolhlng lull with extra sale l tuff it wnu veil iih ii impossible for mi ii i rvi ull hi owtomvm who iiihiiu 1 uori the inst two sat uilnyu i hi fi r llx lonailt of thoea who fur niiy iintui did not partake in llm gnilkioli uuvlitgs offered und alao upon the urgent request of many or our dollghlet nitilonor wn will re- imut tha suroe linapprouiluibla value thut made this tlio busiest shopping place in flualpti this u the wat wuy wo know how to oguln demonatrats to the great buying public of liielph and vleinlty hint horn wultnca lunil in giving high iiuullty ut lowout price w um ii wide tha gale to u lower price r it for which nuurly everyliody seem lo ih waiting and which i now itre so fur u thlu atoru i oonceniad tuke advuntuge of tkuse lowor prion oil hatllriluy men and young- miu suit 14 dc 118 10 30 00 ijtoo iso do worth from 137 to to b7 00 iloyn holt it co u 7b 0tu mid 113 60 valuu from 115 oo to 0d0 tittlhrigguii utiaorueilocam iiliuttlon 11 4d ulruw hut half price silk hllrth tsdt vuluos up to llltu willi n gllgee tjlilrt neat pattern bout mukru bc f 1 bb 3 4b 3 06 rtgulur 13 to 3 co 1400 i to iioyu jrmey 4au iloylilous tsu oa 06i aeoroe wallace 20 wyndhsm st guelph onl voters list 1921 municipality op township ok nassagawkva notice lie- imrehy given that i have transmitted or ilnllvi red to the ltaronn mentlonedl in site 13 of tha ontario vottru lut act the copies vwiulrod by iiald unction lo int uo trutinmllted ot ucllvcircd of the llht made pomuunt to uald act of ull piiruonu upivearlntf tlie laut rivlued amioiutiiiiint holt of uuld municipality to lm untitled to vole 111 the mild itilluilpullty nt elnctlonu for liaiuluru of thn iglulutlvt ak- menibly and ut municipal llectlouu bnd thut the luild hut wu tlrut iuiutnl up in my onrirn in nuiuiuguwoya on tlio ttli duy of july 1v3i and remulitu there for liuimctloii and 1 hereby cull upon ull voter to take immediate iiroceodlng to huvo uliy nrroru or oiuliuiluiih t orrectoil ac- conllng to law dated thl cfh day or july 1011 john maiuihaijl 13 clerk of uuld municipality notice to patron of this eeubllahment durlna july and auouat c- mlnatlon far glsasas on thursday prlday and satur day on1y of each weak lena orlmlhig and quick itopalr dopurtmont un tlauul xsuclptt ohki july the month for bargains wb mention just a i iw ok the iiarttainh we are offering thih month look them over 0are1 umy m every one ih a money haver 0 imperial duchutu itlork milk ut n llar- ffain now in tho unto for you to k that black silk dress or waist wo nrc quoting thlu black silk ut it lower price than at any tlmo for four years pant mi m wijo all ptiro iillk with rich natin llnisli wcrujar prlco 3 bo per yd july iric 5275 white woflh hailn at izw pet yd- t liia white wash sntln jo very much in tlcmniid und very hard to jot we have it in stock ncoln mi in wide rich heavy batin llnish of 200 per yd ladle silk hom ut lecduced prices ludics silk uuklo hose with ilio top in hlatk brown mid white all tica in ntock gotiis value at regular price 1 26 july price 1 00 per pair itlack white and drown kjale uout liculur prlto coc july price b0c white cotton houe double sole heels and toch sizes hy 0 uli und 10 regu lar price 35c july irice 25e pojf- two unm of toweld at iterjucer prieeu no i in a fancy towel id ihviih pink and blue border kotilar price si oft july price 71c no 2 is upbin blenched towel 23 ml in with pink and blur hor dcrs thn towel k aciotl value at regular price 1 2i july price 9cv lloya tttorade ktoomern si 2o 2h v a hioorpcy thuf will ivt tho hoy any mnount ot hard wear lculixf pfiof 2 10 and 3 2i jury vfue 13 mena cottrnarfe vanut fw nood bard wear there- it nothing in the market to day for the price thacwill give the cir ibar this line of psenfa will then look at the price sue in itock m 1g mi 40 and 42 regular price it s3 00 jul price izootef pair menm everyday work a hi grays only aizt 10 loj and 1 1 regular pnev s 40c july price 2scv we cash youk ciiham chvavkh at thlg stolte mclean co mill tfrukkt we bell tor cash we sell ran lui a ivofilahle vacation at homo b wonderful days georgetown chautauqua july 1420 a tmgrummo of ifliitruonlluury mirit includluif ioitour bymphenio quintette herbert lon cops little louise shred- pamahaalkee pt major arthur hunnalu the qllvan light opsfa uinura fardlnartd pillion and aiutlno artist dr prederlo poole with allanby in paleatln and laurence in arabia h william h stout parclval vivian hlmelf and ilia broadway playora in it pays to advertise dr rtebert norwood tha old8ona qinuer get yoult season tickets now h it mimmb qcreury the comforts of home nl0g ijhti a relubk pliimhhir avhiotn nothing tribute mum nifort romplflto troul lu fio kjuij and tliere lu lhan will tlm luuduiuutv ihmrly inatalhd tncliimr fltur mul blpbia our cttimuta wilt hiuiw tlt tho immi iu not rmtly may uo cull with ilgureiir f mooney acton ont saturdayrtreat ours for service yours to criticise wa aro netting in thib week a special lino of clio coin tea including fruit nut und hard centres ranging in price from roc to 100 per lb which we art ottering you saturday nt it sacrifice come in and try our above hue or take homo a btiy of our willardb chocolates we are told wo handlo tho beiit ice cream in acton so if you have not tried it do not buss a treat john moffat main street acton ont it ir not hard to keep cool when you know how visit our ice cream parlors oftou and enjoy a dish of ncilsont ice cream try a lcmou sothi u real good thirst quencher salted peanuts 23c per ih 100 lhr of fresh crhp united pcnimtn wo prepare our rmltcd peanuts tht way you like them saturday c per lb weekend cuocorates 17c per lb a rtaj good raiortment of high grade chocolates hard and iort cetitrci rog 50c per lb weckcnr special 37c per lb mux chocolate itattg 7 for 25c so dozen 5o nut milk plain milk and sultmui chocohito bnrs kog sc each saturday special 7 for 25c if you intend visiting gcargotowu july tho twelfth we extend to you un invitation to make our goorgotowu store your headquarters leave your wiups with us wo will look after thciii for you jfew quarters 1 uut now nomforuliloy nottloil in the now quurteru lu thu bturkman jllock anil am batter utile to look uflor thn neoilu of everything ttmtalnliitf to foot wear i will liavo an uuiilntnnt with mo directly and thlu will greatly rucllllnto tho romt repairing of all worw left with nio te- luiirlitg price have been ruduaoil all grade of shoe in men u uml lloyh itlno in stack t e gibbons mill st acton t h moorehead ilttamlton georgkltown milton acton cockshutt and frost wood implements j w kennedy son hardware wumbiog tinsmlthinj kleclrio wlrlnk it saves you work and dollars it gives comjfort and enjoyment havo you aa yct installed in your homo aystcm ol elcctric lighting tr not it is only a mutter of tlmo until yoil til anil there is no tlmo llko tho prcsont wo f pcolahzc in this class or work and can rivo prompt attc sativraiitory ser vice do away with thoso unhealthy anil clangorous oil lumps anil sec- what real comtort la derived in tho homo from the use or electricity wo are always glad to glvo estimates on this work and our prices will intoieat you come in and talk it ovor we also carry a good assortment of llxtllrca und appliances and your inspection is invited remember our motto qtuw service reasonable prlem j w kennedy son jlay1ng time is here harvest time almost here hasten t get your harvcauiur machinery und renuirs from the new mochlne man- jl wt barberree phone 95 main street acw matn aot0n ont r-

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