Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 30, 1921, p. 6

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ulrths marrlagoaf mnil deaths are now harged far at tha following rutosl ulrths eoc marriages boo jluulhs too memorial curd too lon per lliiujxtra for ixhiiiw wauhb l iti ml hi ilvlll i i h it mr n ni ii ii t mi onik i 1 r hun 11 l u i ii u duiiuhtr married ohliji iv mtll iioii ano at hi ii u iiii chili rh admi oil tuiiuluy mini 2h 1u31 by llov father flood row itlmmi joil o itollly an nun to cut urluv daughter of urn tlooiur mulholland artou died dknjal lllbrilo on tupaduy jfuitt 31 10j1 litduu derlt hi his h3rd oijno day jui uiiti ra idi munlky- lvlh 14 1031 t thentcrfrral ilmi iui ijunduy june 2 131 rhomas lliitituy futhor if mrs ur 1 j nn uii 1 1 at to ii uged be yuan m memoriam cut 1no in m mory of william cutting wild wim killed on his farm uuth lilt twuealug on june hi iinw w mlas our da oily op to the bid home wife utul nought wis or artou xt tfittba tlallhhday jtfnh 30 l3t brief local items dominion day to marrow holiday in i tors will bo numerous our soldiers showed up well at camp niagara gate good account of thrmaelveti in drill in marching and ft the itfle ilutfai labt yli uil ltinu uri thur- iwy nd 1 to garu mi tit wild raspberry picking ha tneucod theres a 11 crop- jimo kiivn us wnw very walgn weather during its thirty days orunulated ileal 1m selling in an ton tojuy ut liooo wr loo ns a row vacant lots in town are rowing a rank crop of noxlovs weeds tim brink work on unl tdr flrnys now roaldenco is now in pro gress all roads will lend to tl0 iveaby- tirlan cardiu lurty ut i ho park this i veiling thu atruwberry crop is alput done hut homo growti rusnborvlos nro now coming in local gardeners ure now being heard rroui with stories rf curly po- tatoes umt uiwti ieus the teachers tttudents uml under graduates are liftmr ram tbe colleges for tho long summer vacation thorn ii ho u glad hand hunch of liikmn folks l greet you whan you ciuiui to nxirrow fo ixsnd tlm holiday the intuka to tho tannery conduit nml th uplllwuy ut vajry lnka are 1h j uk rmluwod by livonrii lardntora co llminver vottwl laat wixik 334 to ds in favor nf the lyiaw to pnd 86 000 on walerworkh xtiulon and lm provoment hnturday nrfornoonh ithoworif rouiiilml tip tho month nf june wllhn rord of it rwln vry wk throuali nut um thirty iloy tim two houuou on lhi aouth il of tlio toronto hnliurhun trnckn hav ixinn mold by j tl mncknal to wm colo man and j tltim mr llolxirt h itold nf khn left a vory nno mtmitln of imrloy in tho mtnvw ut thin onlco on wondoy morning which mabiird rtvo ftmil jamcu m allen town clerk of llurllnrtoii hnu rltniml on aoooount nf 111 health ho tuu hnrved tho own faithfully for many year tho tmiirovnmont and nnlarjclntfof i ur m molan rtuildonnb on uower avanun or x llnif mndo tlia j brlok work will luxin 1m nmmnrl mr allan hmlth of ijtko avnnt who had hltt hand painfully in cent tod by u circular naw k rpupta of weak ago in uradually rranlnlnrf tho uito of ii wlhnkton county council wii hfmtnd 88 660 on th 1e4 mllm tf county tttutu thlx ynr of this amount if 36 00 on two and n half tnllm of road gorm to icrln townahlp tim 1 tort itm turn bocloty ham plaiittnl n bd of vry pretty flowerm at thit bo idler jkonumnt which in oltidfa ennnax reranltimm aalvlaa b bonlam und lotxtllau a nholr of thirty olilldron and youiiir voplo from tho junior yasuo and mlwalon clrulo ld tho nlnslntf th mothodut church very crtxluably latt bunday mnrnlnrf a hplnndld probtamma luu nxtn provided for tho lnnx ohurcb ourden party thlm ovanlnir jsverybody wltl dtim to hour our own prima donna iflu xanu- oral no toronto mr it lawnon had tho mlafnrtuna to loan part of tho tint joint of 1u thumb on u circular uaw on u poxtable aw mill lklnar operated at mrn ulucka by afr x ifendoraon on day laat week llurtflar wero buy in ill i ton one lilsht inut wek uoodh wore htolon from duwhoiim iiardwaro utore u ova ballon keif f wliio from tho orand trunk latlon and u motor car lrom hp italian renldfint mr itobort ilaiir klgin btrmt ay hu kurtlen han produoml both imaw and tktntoe ut aa early a dat aa the milton man who itad both ready to ua on the 16th fnat ilr un in abm palnif hk icrenn bounk contractor j jt uaokanml la ac n til n a u couple of hla carpentem up to ilookholmo tho aummor homo of lev wr moori on the ivolnt opposite acton laland uuaboka to erect a now boat hound on hu wharf there it it imuiklatid who conducted a larso utotk farm nt hornby and died lane month left an ootate of ht7t and hla two daughter mrm oertrudv vlok and mr ueatrioe ilurry of tor onto are the chltf ikinoflclarlea ived illow maoblna ahott in a hlva of induntry tbea day lie ha juflt put in two new lathes and la tumlnir out chevrolot and ford motor nxlea by tho thouaond another car of atoel iiarm waa doutfered laat week fu la reported thattio bolton bank bandits rode jnto tleorcetown on the top of p a t jh frttlxht laat uatur- doy tlia uhlef was at the atatlon to catch them but they rot away if jack traoy had only boen there u different story would have boon told a cjuelph burglar bungled his job on hynday morning when he attempted to remove a diamond ring from tho ringlir of mrs gardiner of chatham when she was asleep in tno home or her daughter mrs- oconto jackson whoso house he was burglarizing winnipeg ban passed a- bylaw under which owners or cats have to pay a license feo of 1 do or tiach feline a good many citizens of acton ncj t urty of tb llaltori at ton and georicotowii oi mrnlnii junn 10 and pro uu military camp nt nla ijtk vu ttircmlo and iluu viiii urihol tli ilrrwr from th jttulti lontri iitov blutikotm und ull thn rump oull m fr ti in tin lo ly vjhlrti wnu to n rlv lh full twlni do under t wuxjriuum of uii ollltnr tihd uiuu of tho trniunoiit korco 6 iboll toi and a iiuihih r i f nrnix tents w 1 it hi thlu wr rk wuw don utul vt ry unfuvornhlj toihlltioim of wind khd woathor uh it rnlmx tho whoht tlmx until ut in tho srternoou thn llattullon nnrivvt at midnight on fri day juno 17 afttr u moal had imon mnrvanl ttvirj hotly wuu rvady for ri ut tralnlnif atartnl ut 30 a m on tutunlay and continued up to vrldny laat wholi the itrlgado wan rvlowid by a cumiern orlcor a very marked improvement was nolloeahhi in tnoii awn aa onrly uu monday urtar only one day a training tho writer saw tho lorul cuiiiiiniiy march from tlu company llnw to ta llattallon imtrudb ground and wua iound to re mark thutm roully very gooil lha impnivsntent oontlnuod and on irriday uftvriioou we w ate hod the rniirch post it u not tho intention to say anything hero which would mmh to be regarded as umluo proiuo but wo tnuat aay that the local men ahowod that they had learned ontethlna uttout drill and marnhlng the correct alopo of tho rifles upon the alwiulderu tho awing ths dlasagjurod arm and the rogn latlon stop were more notloeablo with the malton miles than with th- other ilattallons in camp 0o half day was dovotod to muij ketry und hera again our moil shotved that they had luurnml hdiv to shoot thn pojudbla scoro wus co polnla and ilo harold heed was tho bent idiot rront acton with a scora of 4d thn other men did woll lliaro being but otin or two scores below 4o binco arriving home wo huvo heard rumors of inferior and lnnufnde nt food wing served to tho men but rnen who itavo served he f ore and who ahnuld know suy that the food was tho regu lar army fam and was plentiful kor brnakfaat thera wum imrved porrl igo egg 1 moo ii and broad and huttr dlnnor iwof twtntimk rablutge cur- rotsj ikcanii ihicis and bread supper bread und butter lam moat and cheeso to ho mure thorn vfortv no rhooulato or lemon pies or any kind of tkos but thn food was wholesome there was only ona oocaalon when thara wus any rjunntnr complaint the brrmkiaht luoon was tiot up to tho mark hut ut this tlmo tho orderly oifloer urrungtnl for mum bacon to ho swvnd ftomiors fought far years in franco on tint wame duality but leas uuantlty pf fooil than wum laaued to lho mnn ut klagaru camp last week after work each day games of base ball and football were played by thoa who namd for uuch tho camp was full of m utile from tho llmo of tho sun itovellle lo ttio ljnt istat und nry ofton far in to thn tllght homo jokoii of counts aro playthl und there w generally someoiio warntvil lo go und whltowauh the iuut lnwt or take tho mport of the uuu to th colonel one lad who was too lute for tho report of tho gun was sent hark ror thn rwcoll thn acton lad who was liaulod nut of bed at j a to whltowash thn ant ioat wnjoyeil joke himself and he says he must go back to feamp liaxt yaor beoauso the poat has to bo knpt white there was only ona cose of slcknoas among acton men ito masters buffered palna for a day or no but re- oovrmk in time to parade with the ilattallovi fox the trip home hurely of jus are uny tho worse for tho ulna days under ranvaas an old 1im1gil neighborhood news town and gountry in tli fniin hi ii of 11c obprinoe mi of uii iris t mccutuliui n iiiuiin is atrlnbun nlui roll of nui i i a itlu widow in tin uulmit willi tiu family ui i ft to iw uidly thfy will tnlau bint iuoi u di nth themlh no cuuuo t hla life ttirk mis dmio and i ho wua lmni in march i thn ol 1 homaatend near on- whore ho iiiml his home for eighty thoo sears he than remove to kiln vlllng wlmro h spent tin d lining years r his llfo in 170 he was nulled in inarrlugi to la rah ivemidily lo this union n family nf movdii worn ixirn mis h harbour krlu hugh jumna huvld utul itobort wllllum in llockwix i and clurt uce in 11 c mr mooutnlu on wus u mniihar of tlm i rxahyti rluii churn h uu i a cuuitorvutlve in pltlltiflu tlu fullllul a rvlm wuu hold ut tho ouplllige i nwhytorluu church on frlduy jutui 10 lluv john i in luuy oinohiilutf uftor which tlm luloimeiit wnu nuulu ut k vol ton cmtry lla llvo umia unl sou hi luw uril uu pull boutem oakvillc an agltutlou im on f lot to iiocuio a station on the wuut uldo of the slvt n for coiiveulenoo of reahloiits there 1r audernou m f was u vliltrr lit oukvllla on wudueaday culling upon his friends he was uooompunull by john irving of milton and mr lumk lock of montreal the oakvlllo athmia auaoclaljoii lu rewmiuilble for the coming to oukvllla of walter acnn f toronto an au thority on sports und un allround athlete toy iftirmer the twentyyearold son of mrs rebecca 1vrmer u widow living in town with her threo sons mid a daughter of wham hoy was tho youngest son was drowned when bis cuioe upset on monday dome days ago tho result of tho toronto university honor courses were unnounoed and among those taking the course in political sclonco was mlns kva ityan ii a duughtor of town ship treasurer hyan of trufulgar htur crewsoma corners tlio loaclierw and pupils of illoomu- hury school held their annual plonlo ycaturday mrs wm iennlm met with an an cldent last fcvlday evening that might liavn proved serious bho and her daughter kuthlnen wore returning from visiting nnothnr daughtnr mrs mnl- vln hums when tho horsd became frightend und run uwuy running through tho orchard miss kathleen jumed out of tho buggy and escaped injury but mrs lennls wus thrown nut against u fenne and wan severely bruised and shaken up und s gash out in tho side of iter head the services of a doctor and nurue wore secured and sho is improving hoc many friends hope she soon will be uround uguln mr and mrs w crip its mrs john urown and mrs u a crlpps wore in hanover during the week attending a convention miss ullian aldersou ouolpli spent the weekend with mtss olga moore itev i m moyer who is vial ting thi crewaons co mors members of iiln ngregatlon this week will hold u i prayer mooting tn tho methodist church on friday ovonhuf dallihafad dont osflgur ths streets borneo no is responsible far a dirty tar barrel with a plug a foot long ticking out of tho bung and- an old rag banging iti it which has been disfiguring the corner of mill and main streets for threo weeks or raoru a load of brlok anil an old lima box has disfigured mill street whore the brick work or a now bulldlnjr was completed two weeks ago two or throo piles ol earth liavo disfigured jrrederick street near mill ever since the imaytunent wan laid uuijl aumtner a teaittsters wagon has been unneow surlly stotidlng at a pew building on frederick street when there waa ample room on the lot inside to have ilt stand all at theso unnneoesmry and nealected matters give our streets an untidy appearance lets et thorn cleared away and ay ottteni which dtsilcura strtdets or boultrards the esquesing court of revision had few changes the assessment roll tmally ltt- vbied am certified by the court lono list of accou passed tim june tilt t lug of the iwojuealng council comprlawi both court nf un vulou und connrll meetluu at the court of itovlalou the follow ing- appeals w rt heard john haines dhimhutod john ilali- ilnrnmi houi ho lot xh krunu holmes dlsmlaacd w ii hlslker und john utalkrr illmfad a h tlilruinii changed to lot 20 a t mumi chntigeil to lot 20 j li shortlll struck out of ward o hell telephone co usseaaod at smo a it thempsou und noll lltlo wferd each vol oil f 10 00 balance due tho following accounts were paused w h allan tnun uhd team i ho j n chuholm man and team 1 00 t y chlholm fmirut grader andrew mcclurc reivulr street w thorn paon rimlrlng street john cunningham repair street dean leslie work on roads han held 1 m statute labor at qjeuwullulrul wni hardy work on road w w brownridge work nn reads w hell telephone meosages municipal world stationery jumes wilson work on roads a olveit gravel alex joe statute labor harry ha r ret for roalntonunoo of win march men t hll llourd hlustlug rook john appelbn culvert henry may i m tor work on division lc y ilarrnolougli for main tenance of john cook and wife j stoddard work on roads a a wrlggleswortli work on roads x w h anthony work on roads c holllngxeen wire fence lsjter mclsuac statute labor i a nlvep surveying canada ingot iroaoe eulverts 4lb 73 council ailjoupietl to meet oil mon day july if at 1 30 n m 3 00 a 00 q 4 00 bd co 711 oo c8 00 es 00 1 7 3 s3 3b 00 9 76 4 to 34 00 c7 00 s 00 00 7c tc 00 b0 7c j4 go 100 00 u 60 b t0 ea bo thn annual garden party of thn methodist church on the lawn of mr s ir lindsay lost wednesday even- lug was a great success the evon- ing was one of tho finest for an out door function of this diameter the programme was a lengthy one but full of interest from beginning to end itev w l pindlay 11 a acton mrs al c ituah georgetown and mro niool acton rendered solos of merit that wore thoroughly uppreclated by the audience mr l 1 greenwood of norval delighted the ussomblago with his various numbers messrs harold itlch nml will j wiilt the comedians provided burro i a of fun for tint rowd and kept everyone in first- class ttutnor tho acton cltlsens llund contributed u generous pro- grammn ti thn evenings entertain ment interesting sloonhfis weroklveii by tho nhuirman ituv mr jewett tho pan tor of the church hey i m moyor of acton and hev n wuddelt tho warm evening made a brisk demand for the delicacies of tho booth und swelled receipts from this quarter this jiipuu function of the mothodlat church of 1031 certainly siirpuitsed all previous efforts dtmunqtof hov j w hurkei who fr four yiurs wits thn piialiir of the mathndlat chui nh ilurllliuuiii wus itiniuriiberod in n tunglblii mniiuer by thn dingrega th ii it fw iliyu im uw lip was ab ut til leuvn foi lit cathurlnea wlxjrn h hiims thn i uuinr of the wdlan i avnun mitlx list hurcii at u con- urnkhtlonnl mei tlug mr juirki1 tnucle jin rntilpl ut of a initao f 300 in gold and u httmlaoinu duh bag wlillii mrs ilurker wua prianntnd with ii benutlf ill tea sorvli n qeorqutown it it i till ml wi ol ho ifter spending urltlsh woat jib glon c tin ilydu dlottr lo commission imm lllformi i the i mien linn that luatead if a i fund of li jimmiy bill im lug itllnw i it will i i ar a orf the utiiouut piild fh the in i fuur inonllia i i 1 nml yi rk county oruligo iwidgth will in ut oeofrotown on july 13 tn tulia purt in the big dmmiatra intrn is to rtnuodul mnlll uuwwealayan niiko two now atorea hon mr ii luik ioltit hla bli ntioitw he will on woalayuli itcuet 1iof l4krg h lt f corn u univ ally luxtminluii hii i llillat in aplcultiiie ft i nuw york slate und mi i umiy f jiprt afilui wro vlullora allllllm lust wlllk on 1 rlduy ovi nintf wnimhlpful mas tor haldun unl tho omoora und broth ion of mi cor i initio m i gnu unm- lluulod by thill dlhtlnguluhel uocre- tarj itlght w llin poiry paid a fiaterunl vlult lo ciudt unlu ooorgn- towu und t oociiiiloii wnu n muimu uloe one coimlilnruhlo woik 1 uu neon dono ut our 1 uhlln llhruiy lately by way of improvoiuuiit thn toof lias but u ru- shlngled the i uniting uyatum changed and tho shvliig fur books placed uround the n udlng room huiteui of in atudku us formerly herald qeorqe wallace will r psal again on saturday the tremnmloiim imrtralna ho gave in hla ilg nothing hlj with eslrn nuioo nl iff it wum i yon thou lmpoaalblo for ii i lo m i vn nil tho f uutonterm who thnugi i our sloro tho taut two hat- umiym hut for tho benetlt t tlioao wlii fir siy reumi 1 1 did lit t partakn in tlio guneroua savings ineril and uhio upon the urgent rwquoat of many of our delighted cimtomora wu will re peat tho sum unapproachable values tliut mudo this the busiest shopping place incluelph thin is ola hoet way wo know how tu again demonetrute to the great buying public i f uuelph and vicinity that leorge wallace uvaila in giving high pialtty at lowest prices we tvlln tlio gat e to a lower prloe ly everybody seems ira ti r with h nearly everyl to bn waiting ulul which is an far as tills store tukn advantage of theno lower prices mt saturday mi us and young mens hulls 14 06 10 to 30 00 2b 00 3000 worth from 37 co to e7 00 boys bulls lit o t7 111 to und iuo values from 13 00 to 20 00 llalhrlggan underwear 4do com- ilnutloris 1 40 straw hats half price hllk shirts e96 values up to 13 60 vina negligee shirts neat pattorns beat makes 6 go 108 2 40 s3 ob regular 2 60 s3 co f 4 do 4 to hoys jeraoys 40 iloye illoilaoa c6it 7 bo hcorqe wallace 20 wyndhen 8t qualph ont chin a luiuobutl toiiruuinent three oiuimi partlrlpatlng will lie hoi 1 hem hoi union ijay mr john huhii of the union hunk tduff tlholbiiine is spondlng his holl- duyu at his home hi re i he ituvir knitting mlua at alton liuv nturid buck on a ten hour day having a holiday ull day saturday tlio llrlsbuiia school plnnlo was hi id ut mr jus holantiys on mnnduy urterntkou advocate moffats candy and ice cream each bnturdny hero w such a growtnr dcinnhd for our candy und lea croam that wo have enlarged our staff and arc now roiidy to gtvo our customers prompt service wo do not put up it cheap mixture of chocolates fqr satur day our regular looniid 70c lines uro greatly reduced in prico tor out spctinl john moffat main street acton ont nabsaoaweya tlila la a week f speolnl eviiits in connection with ktient ser church on sunday ijidlea day was nbsei veil with hiioclul serylcos ut which itev itoy m oelger ha of hook wood preached ublii uml vary upprnprlate sermonu humlulou duy to morrow a gar di u purty und tnineliall tournament will be held the base twill nmtohas will tuko place on the grounds of mr is i wood wilson in the aftenion uml tea will ho served at the church at flglitoclock thoro will lie u granit coium rt 4hth splendid talent flay j t btraohrii ii a whp is tho interim moderator ut itnoic church acton during the vacancy held a meeting with officials thoro on tuesduy oiling mesars stanley nhd drew fulton nf lot 30 concession 4 raised a lino bank burn last wedneadny afternoon there i u good crowd gathnred to iiuslat them everything went up without u hitch after the supper the young people cleared the floor und had a social danoe tito kbenoaer imys baseball team pkiyod a gaipe with the kngtohbull boys in mr hurvey drldgemand field at knatchbull on monday evening the score was in favor of the visiting team hloomabury school held tho utinuul pic nlo ut tho school wodneatluy after- nuoti i milton deputy heeve wilson n hob in son of oakvlllo has been called to the bar and will now practice law the garden party held nt w mo- ean s under the auspices of iloston church icstiuesltig was a great suo- iss tho proceeds amounted to 400 the eecond annlvorsary of the open ing of the gordon home was celebrated its grounds last thursday evening by a delightful garden purty which was well attended not only by halton buthy jaolpuojilo- vttt some tlmo the riding of bicycles on tho atdowulkif has boon common hem und a dangerous nuisance a few days ago a little girl was knocked do wo by- a wheeh und her arm broken on monday evening a boy was parnd ed for this uffence before pol loo magis trate dice and two more yestorday evening they were fined 1 00 each and oosts total- about k00 each ctiuyiplon tbo big cbautautjua event of four days was held hero during the week mr md mrs q a he mat root visited with friends in toronto lost week judge elliot and family have taken up thelrt residence for tho next few months in their summer cottage at bronte the puliilt of the methodist church as occupied ion sunday morning by mr it h clever barrister oc- bur- ungton moved to new quarters i am now oomfortabley mottled mn the uw quarters in the hlurkmnti 1 1 look und am better able tn look after the needs of everything pertaining to foot wear i will have un assistant with me illret tly and this will gnatly facilitate the prompt repairing of all work left with me ite- 1 airing prices have been rcducwl mill st acton get our imceg nn a bathroom outfli first quality goods used and installed by skilled mechanics howard and mccarve july the month for bargains we mention just a few op the karcains we auk oi i ruin this month ukk them over taueioujy as every one 1 a money saver imperial duchcwl lluck silk nl a liar- ffaltv now b tho tunc for you to get that black silk drci or wnit wq arc quoting this black silk nt a lower pruc than at any time for four years pait 111 in wide all pure bilk with rich eat in finish kegulur prico 3 50 per yd july 1rice 3j271 white wash satin at 200 p yd- this white wash satin is very much in demand and very hard to got wo have it in stock again 30 in wide rich heavy tsntin finish at 200 per yd udlea sjik ilotfl nl reduced iricc ladies silk ankle hose with lisle top in black brown qnd white all tuzes in slock good value at regular price t 2 july irice l00 per pair w iuocil whlto ind itrowri lisle hose kogular price 00c july lrlccv 50c while cotton hcte double sole heels and toes sixes km 0 uj and 10 regu inr price 35c july price 25c pair two ijncu of towelri at iteducod iriceh no 1 is a fancy towel loxlh with pink and blue border tegular price 1 00 july frier 73c- no 2 id n plain bleached towel 23x10 in with pink und blue bor ders fbih towel is good value at regular price 1 25 julyvprlc 98c itoyn collonadejpilloixutii sizct 2o 2h 30 a bloomer ihnt will give he boy any amount of bard wear tegular price 2 10 and z2i july irice uz meng cotlonode ian6 for good hard wear there is nothing tn the market to d for the price that will iiva the wcar this lino of pantn will then look at the price size in stock 34 1u 3h 40 and a2 regular price is 3 00 jtily frier zoo per pair meng everyday work och in cruys only sixe 10 wi and ii iflgular pr r m 40c july frier 25c we cash your cream cheques at this stork mclean co mux street we bell roh cash wtf bell for lb8s acton 1 hal on feoplefl folltlcal ansociauon this new oroanisatlon effeclad at milton on saturday afternoon there was a large nttedunco of furm- ers ut the mooting hold in tbo tarmer club rooms at milton to organise the j hal ton heoilea loltlul aaeoclutlon on hatunlay afternoon rjormun wrlggtna worth was elect cl chnlrman and a l mchlabb ttecro- tary olllrers wero eiectol uu follows hon iresldontu 1 c drury and j v kord inuident norman wrlgglesworth vlcehroldenti a o larniw hoc re t a rytreunu ror a it wnnubb directors a a lirrow ii ivitlt j ii wllaou a l mckabb m a cumplrtll n wrlgglesworth a ii olllh w y iflvsns il a atiiuruon and u w chlsholm auditors charles ilyun und a w milne a directors mdetlng was bald ut the close nf the general meeting just arrived large stock of mabsey- hanrlb hepa1r0 will still continue to carry tho famous 1- loury goods for ilia itanoilt of our many oumtomeni tom rumley blaekamlth and woodworuar cor mll and iark ave oldtime garden party under the auspices acton farmers club will be held on wednesday evening july 6 1921 on the ijiwn of mr charted davidson second ijnr near acton llin following talent will take part elite indies quaittette of london aiiiiihta wkitll int luipruuo i ulu marion sommkhvill1 2nd hoi rum maitll jacqiii tl wi utlano llocutlonlut and hit alto u ch ny vlolinlut nnt 2nd alto y iuixy moltan of toronto comedian acton citizens hand a good oldfashioned supper will be served on the grounds from 6 to 8 oclock come and have a heal time admission adults 55c chiumten lc h v i owllii president ii n illlown heciciiiry our 1ntckest in our customers is always uppermost attractive prices get your best cash prices if you have for sate any kowl wirs uldes iltirseluilr fathers ull kinds of metals und scrap iron or uny kind of junk null iiw up and i will go to yoiirplaoo at onoo and assure your out la faction alex gilboord acton onl ho 100 at tomt of sotiool ijno bring all your eoo to gtlboord 2i wilson st gueuh fhone 270w i wo own and offer the unsold balance of king edward construction company limited 8 preferred stock priced too and accrued dividend car- ryinp a bonus of 30 of commcrti stock making this investment yield 11 with safety tho dividend on the preferred atock ia un- conditionnlly and uxorocably guaramtoad by the united hotel company of america the divldendof 8 on the preferredand 10 on the common atoclc aro awured under the terms of the ieas of the build- inff to the king jcdward hotel company limited theretfore to those who buy at these favorable terms this investment will yield 11 writs for descriptive cjjeuur addre w a m ackenzie co tl i ll limited olveniniflnt and mmualpal iloitds oorimralloa becutitles 42 king- street west toronto notice to creditors the creditors of jutting mcdonald ti of tho village nf aclmi burmr who ill oil m or umiut tho eleventh day of june lull utul ull others having ilulms ugulnut his lalatn ure required n m imtrom the thirtieth duy or july 1d31 to send by toxt prepaid or other wise deliver to the undersigned solici tor for tho onecutors u stutimout of tin ir accounts or claims tha natum of the security if uny held by them and full particulars of tlorrtamos addreases und descriptions and hotlne is hereby further ulven that immediately after the said thir tieth dav nf july mi fh u- cutors wlllproohl to dlkirtlnilu tho uusctm of lie aa id negate utuong tlo puitlvs entitled theret und limy slll not hu reajhneiblo for any chjlma it whlflb they shall not have received notice ut tho time set forth ror such dlatrjbutlon dated at acton ontario this thir tieth day of june a j l31 a kxanpkr macdonald william otjitrjby fc3ieuuors hr i if n rilwr ibelr sollcltgr nptice to creditors in the matur of tho estate of hannah auouata nswten late of the village bf llmehouas in the county of hal ton spina ter deceased rtffo is hureby given pursuant to section go of tho 1 rusteo aof it a o 1014 chapter 131 that ull twlitois and nthuru huvlng olulins or demands ugutnat hn istato or the tufa ilunnn augusta new ton who died on nr ulkiut the 7th day or ember 1020 aro niulrd on or before tlio loth day of july 1j1 to semihypobtrpre paid or deliver to hanna lellueur a mcklnley rarnla ontario the soli citors for the adm in la t rotor of the estate or the hald oeoeabod their christian liuinn and surnames address und deaarlntlon ri purtkulars of their cluljna a atatoment of their accounts and tho nature of their seaurltles if any hold by them and tuko notice that after the said luat mentioned data tho adiulllutralor will prourcd ludlstrlbute tlio aewets of o auld deeasod ulnoilgat tho artlea itltuul thereto hawing regard only the claims nled with them before that time and that the uuld adminis trator will not be liable for tha said assets pr any pari thereof of any per son o poraons whoso claims in this havo not been received by tnem nt tho tihio ut the aufl distribution imted ut surnu this 10th day of lune lai manna lesukujl a moklnluy solicitors for tho aumlnlatrator reef special for saturday boiling beef 10c other dnys hoilliufheef 12e choice rib roastztttte choice shoulder irt0ii round steak jfn sirloin steak 30cn sirloin und porterhouv ronsta rump roost fresh pork loin pork chops fresh hums shoulder fork qiops sausage our own make spuing lamm evfi stvtawberrihs abundance fresh trom till vi3al stewipp veal shouldv ron oiu orvcnl i egn of veal 15c 20c 25c 30c 30c saturday our juno buklnes was a vory nntisiactory one iijdtou tjiero aro ifve saturday in july wc are out for n rccordijtiusi- tieqii visit our icp proanf parloru you will find ourfruit sundflc mid our ice cream odas very mtifyjng rcd qur nd r cocoanut kiosks jiite a great summer favorite assorted lovorv lb saturdayt cr lb wehend chqcofcatea 30 a good assort me nrqf high class chocolntei hard art contrci and peanut clusters reg special 37c ciicoratyiars jur arrived dircctfrom tho facto ryrilauyxn sc milk chocolate bun ussortcd saturday speciallw for 25c neilsons ice cue am i stil icndi it is pure t ii smooth it duiuom buy netlsoub t h mooreflead iiitamlton gbohqprown miltof acton i

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