Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 23, 1921, p. 4

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vmr siih arton 3ttt tytt thuhfjdav junm j3 f02i tiif aftxw 1 hfl i uv 3 l inllllej avery t uiajay una al ii i ir- t ii ii li u uth stral a 1 hi llw it pi h i t- rr vr alvo i l l ars1 adul ut i 11 it ltd u ili tl j i- t wl uh aub c pll a ar t jm i- in 11 alt i tl a adlheaa label abvluti 1n uaitut tianaunl utillicqunta nnxli d lis laie i r c i 1 k rl naaillnn awl 5 aula par 11m it incl tk flit ir t 1k in i tuill lttoalln a1 i anl will til aplbc dlrcitlona wui l ittlct i ii loruid i tklvhionk kd i miat a 1 ii li uaatdol editorial shorter day tower ivoduction it is rather a miigular co incidence that just now when toronto labor unions aro striking for an eight hour day sweden whicji adopted tho ciglit hour day a year ujo is now making a determined effort to have the law it enacted repcukd when ho bill was passed it was claimed that tho eight hour day would mean greater cfllucucy during tho shorter hours of labor and consequently as great production as ii nine or ten hour day the result there has been disastrous and it is c t minted that swodcn is losing about 200 000 000 annually as a result of tho shorter day adopted f even tho arab want prohibition news comes that tho recent decision of tho jov or n men i in removing all restrictions on tho lalt of alcoholic liquorr in egypt is deing subjected to a good deal of cnticum by the arabic newspapers the benefits experienced it is said when tho traffic was stnclcd because qf the war have been so great that the people not only want the regulations re tallied but the prohibition sentiment is growing rapidly lvohibltion m the american rcmhafwy with admirable temerity colonel george harvey united states ambassador to groat britain boan nounccd that at all bis ofllcial dinners at the amcri can embassy at london there would bo no wines nor liquors served col harvey has honored his country in thus consistently following out tho nation wide action o tho united states in enacting tbo eighteenth amendment which makes that country a prohibition nation naturally tho ambassadors of other nations will bo peeved at this innovation they should really admire tho courage and consistency of their fellow ambassador canadaa commonwealth in recognized referring to tho question of separate canadian representation in washington sir samuel ho re said in the house of commons y friday if canada wishes separate diplomatic representation in washington or australia or in toiuq it being an in dependent commonwealth it should bo perfectly fret to have it this declaration was greeted with cheers sir samuel said it was solely a question of convenl ence and he did not bother himself with tho hypo thetical question of what xtas to happen if tho canadian ambassador in washington and tha british ambassador there disagreed or with other hypo thetical questions not in tho least likely td arise canada has grown to that important status among the nations that she must have tho right more and more to control tho affairs of her future destiny even leading conservatives in the dominion rlousc now admit lha premier drurys firm stand for provincial rights may compel a change in federal plans relative to tho control or lake of the woods levels ontarios prime minister making good the toronto star on saturday epitomizes tho roaindcdfor hinrttr prove that ho had executive premier drury in tho following concise review premier drury has been in the position of prime minister of ontario for a length of time sufficient to cstablsh tho fact that he has a remarkable capacity j for the work oflgovcrnment when ho took over the administration of provincial affairs it was known that ho was a man of vision and ideas but it re mainder for him to prove tha he had executive ability also a practical turn of mind and the faculty of handling men during the year and a half that mr drury has directed tho affairs of this province be has demonstrated that he possesses to a rare tie gree the combination of qualities requisite to success in the realm of politics hal ton may well feel pride in the fact that prime minister drury is its repre sentative in iho legislature the unguarded level crossing no matter what the financial expense may be the unguarded level railway crossing must be done away with our growth of population increased travel an increased danger owing to tho greater use of automobiles and auto trucks and tho growing speed of railway trains make it imperative that attention be feiven to tho daily records of crossing accidents in canadian newspapers carelessness of human life is always a sure sign of national decadence we can not afford in this progressive age to have an im presaion get abroad that dollars or any other things are of more importance in canada than tho lives and comfort of our citizens montreal star the effort of hon mr biggs and the engineers of the public works department of ontario to avoid level cross ings on tho new provincial highways so far as possible is to bo strongly commended the avoid aoee of two level crossings at acton and ftockwood by a crosscountry route of three miles demonstrates praiseworthy precaution the veterans advocate disarmament it ib very gratifying to learn that the members of the great war vctcrani association of canada arc not only generally n favor or disarmament but have taken steps to link up all the veteran organizations of the world in a great worldwide effort to attain this end members of tho organization who arc advocating disarmament point out that it should be the function of all veteran bodies to prevent future wars and endeavor to establish universal peace dis armament they declare would be tho first and great eit step toward this objective this is indeed a dcsir ahlo object for thw great orramzation of war heroes to mdeavor to attain ontario doctors liquor prescription tho i icense commissioners of ontario have been compiling from their records statistics as to the number of liquor prescriptions issued monthly by the 3 420 medical practitioners of tho province the records ju to show that in ono month 003 physicians did not issue one prescription tor liquor 1830 issued an average of 10 02 each 303 issued 3653 each 189 issued 0104 each and bo doctors issued 880fl or about three per day for the week days of the month ft was on these records that the board decided to ox 50 as tho maximum number of prescriptions per month for any doctor to issue it can hardly be argued in view of the figures given above that tho hmfr is fixed too low editorial notes tho trade agreement between canada and tbo west indies provided by statute during tbo recent session of parlioiricnt went into force on saturday present indications are that the condition of the times demand the reduction or wages if business h to continue in many lines every onco in a while you hear of a human skunk one has been discovered in hamilton where ho threw broken glass into a childrens wading pool star equal to the situation john iconitrirk lint k 1m his carver us u lecturer has hu 1 uny nurubor of amiulntf und not a few thrilling o- imirlnnnch hut tliri incl lont ha odd alders tha moat ihrlllh a and at tho uuim tlmi ttin most stimulating of hlm llfn mih uld te of unsocial interest u youjijr people it was tha re nation f tho yountf to e serious ltnlhiii tluit mado the think mmor able am ur uanss tells tha story ho was to lectura on an ftnpulntod evonlna in 0urlawn tontuc th west of a nduratl timl ca 1 1 mm ho arrived during- una of thoa violent wind ntorma known in lliat part of tho world na norllwr tho loctum wna to t jvtn in tho auditorium f tbo cob ml a ur itanam rodo lo tha loctura tin 1 1 in an omnlhun ho waal thanktul that tho vulilcla viaaif the hanvy aort that woa n t llkly to- lnt ovortumnd y ilia wind tha uudltnrlum n tho ut intr floor of tho main oulldlna c talninl a fair lxq undlunoo in aiilto of ttav inclement uicht jkfany of tboaa tcunt worn younc toula nollejjo klrba onrtnd hy younif rnan who w thnlr rlaaammtaa a tulr proportion of tiwnnioutui maklno tii tlm audlonoo in hrlf apoch tho enllna i rraldenl littruducail tha laoturr and tlio popu lar huroorut roao and advanoad to tho front of ths platform llf did not hava a cltanoa to any a ul u1 word ufor tie had oihim1 iiui mouth than canio arlndlnx and rli plnjf mound and the roof wm llftwl ixxilly and than droj mm bunk into i lace ono ajruat baitln frll i ut for tunatoly in the ntal uu that no ono wam injured all over tho room laa tar and lalhlna foil in chunk ttiiern wam pmaont nvory element of a trajjed y at fourfu proportion ur llanga y in hh lntorotln a- ouunt of hla ledturlna axpcrlanoefl but from that aaanmblod multitude of youn iteople cunid not awn a unram an 1 toot every alde t aw atillwart yountf taxana of to day and to morrow rue up frttm their aaatm and loan over the alrlw vlttlluf crouched in their ahaln bcahlo thoni taklnk all tho wrleht and woe of that talua ociiiob on their tnunl khouldera it woa a tnaxnlflceat exhibition of reaafl itooii ut ruaourcn mult control tuid un aelilhh chivalry almoat inatantiy uriar thn ilrat atmkib tha presldont of the colleen with a almntm at which i it 111 marvel ttuta from tho cluur be hind ma and confronted tho katharine no my youiujr crlandu he aald apeaklns with amuxlns rupldlty anch won enunciated bu inotalve aa thouah aihiknn with uiw of chilled remember ttiht la on of thn emerarencloa you urn aupposo1 to be tmlimid to meet there t no tellinx how aurtoual thla situation la but ut iu utve no panic ltlwe und walk- out quietly and without too mueh hutte the young pcoj in riwe nnd march ed out or that hall in a aahlon that would liavo delkxhted the soul of a martin t array drill maater down uxhta of atepa to tho campim ollently and without the allshleat out ward ahow of the fear that riuat have becm in tho heart 4rf awry ana ot them henry allen schultx the managers of canadian railways having had ample evidencein a diminishing volume of travel that railway passenger rates were increased beyond the fewerf4hepeaaanget welcome the reduction thai comes into force on juiy i f it is interesting to note that the last three occu pants of no 10 downing street london tbo officnl homo of tho prime minister of great britain hav refused all honors and titles the real leaders of england are still mr balfour mr asquith and hr lloyd george it is significant of the waning strength of the revolutionary spirit in fcuropc that in presenting their case to the public the striking coal miners of great britain took care to disavow any revolution ary aims and to define their struggle as purely industrial incharactcr tho united states is very anxious to get our pulp wood since its own supply ts about exhausted it has authorized the president to open negotiations for abrogation of provincial and dominion restric tions wo had better keep our pulpwood and have our own paper mills running tor tho past year several of tho sunday school papers have been cooperatively edited and pnnted by the methodist and presbyterian publishing houses at toronto this scheme has received he unanim ous approval of the general assembly and the con ferenccs and tho schemo is now to include lesson helps this friendly cooperation ts significant of the times is your house like this evidently they dont build ideal houses out on tho vcstem coast the vancouver world commenting oo a local tragedy makes om suggestions which ylllfeejipplicable to many houses in tho east in view of a fault in construction mat prevails in far too many vancouver houses it is rather a matter for atjrpnso that not until now has a fatality resulted it is quite common to find doorjn hall or kitchen which opens directly on to a steep staircase leading v to tbo basement not uncommonly such a door is alongside another door entering to an apartment on ir the same hoor sometimes it ia dircqtly between two such dpors let one unacquainted with o prea thewron li on tho other side and ho la quite likely to step for- ward realizing his mistake only when he plunges forward down a staircase so steep that if as is fre- 1 quently the casjtiuwjsito handrail nothing can v avo turn fromtrhrfayy fall basement doors are usually aituatedmrry part or the house to wtficli visitors seldom penetrate but there are probably few among our renders nrho have such deathrapsin their homes who do not know of narrow escapes when members of the family have monicntaily for gotten the stairs doubtless in view or the warning of the jcrvts street tragedy there will bo a general locking of such- doors for some uttle time to come tho only real safeguard however is the abolition of doors everywhere that open direct on atmrcabea official statistics state that on the indiana state farm which has tho commitments of men for misde meanors lor thirty days and over there was a re duction the first year after the state went dry of 3328 per cent in population in the second dry year a reduction of 482 per cent and in the third year or 57 3 per cent under that of the last year befors prohibition went into effect the fact that the united states has failed to becoma a member of the league of nations js re tarding necessary negotiations the president of the councillor gasva da cunha has addressed notes to great britain prance italy and japan suggesting that before decisions can bo reached on mandates for the former german colonies the approval of the united states should besought j theutixena liberty league says it exercised the influence that postponed the referendum vote for six months and no jtsaya that the refer- ctt h d snwalid a th th proclamation giving effect to n which was ex pected today will never be issuctl toronto sia the liberty league is a great boaster but a ibighty poor prognostlcator the proclamation has been ustfe v increased production nraro rrom ki ntucky drovo to a looae usf tobacco a leu warehouae f the indlanna cluea on the ohio with a load of tobaooo whan ha received hla oalea ellp and welahu he ttotloed tho cuatomaxy bonk chuaua u tntaalna approachln the eaahler ho oald look here boon where hi my money thla hero tobaooo t tho ttalea heat wbm consulted like thut the ixpena for walsh- injf unlomdltib an i commlwilim for ig y aa to aim- than the tobacco wok worth you till owa ua b9 ccnta explained the caahler wll thota ell rtarht x nun but i din t icot a cent with nae tlmn thn next time you are com log ovur tha river juut brlntc alona a dtlcken with you and we will rail thti h1 hiuam within a weak tha mtlorwi man ap immired in tha omou with two chicken mi undue each arm kara ktra the chlckon tture but you dldn t haw u brlnif bem ono would havo paid the bill h yeav hoaa but t a- other kad of tobaooo brouabt ease comes through effort tteoe of work cornea through hard work ynuna people attain a moat incredible apeed at the typewriter they could write a letter in lean time llian the wveraae reader nmild read it hut their rtnunrw touch tho key we realise their work lu eojiy now be- cauae they worked hard iurliar in their uvea the memo tblna la true of mulcun a planut playa at utght piece or mualo which a few youra earlier ho ooul i lutvfl played only afti r weckm of pruotlrw lll precluuh hard work hoh mttdd hla preacnt tnak wuy tennyaonv oxqquut poem croaa ing the liar camo to him in m nnah of lnaplrauon thero waa ho re writ inir no oorrectlou none of the palna taklnar work that poet woa aoruatom- ed to put upon hla vcrars tha years f work behind made the oera of hut d s coma td htm aa eaally na if n ancel had whbtperod tho llnej into hla ear van worlonnw mean eaae later laialiteaa now meana bard work in the future honulblo people will rhooao to iwrn eklll by hard work tnalead o to tutno futltro date to re trie vo failure by bard work kkvery happening- in life la bur r little 00001410 to it tura tbo birth of a victoria u w momentoiu an affair that the twenty fourth of may im conaecrated to her memory uut tens of thousand were born on the nty fourth of alay and even thnlr cloaeat fhenda hardly remember it do not blame fort ono it your dnya n full of little ao account hap penlnc fur they are little becauoe you aro little juat aa thoreau gnve to tha quiet new england undacapa around wl4n pood m indlvhtuallty that few locauueei poaaeaa juat n uuiet polnta clumay tmmt iiiudi carry ln a lamh und roakea it a piui terploce bo you nan rnake trivial event of your dally life beautiful and mp porbuit if tharw is beauty andatreoatlt in your own aoul the sleepy worker rhti xlootiy w rkr u u uiipmntublo w iknr outwar uy la inuy not ul iw h many a y ith w nvanlntcx plonaura iium infrlnnit i tierloualy on hla ida ta uleo kim tlno lull hlx work next day without vuwnli tf hlm uklu in freuh his nyiw 1 1 tut t hi muimi r alert and yet ha la t what h t uxit to be a aleepy bruin im u atupl 1 brain one wiiom aleap lum heon tint in half ln ka the keenness which ordinarily o hu root ert see him he ctinn t see the solution of a perplexlnu prol lam as ho could if his brain were fresh lie tax eta lxoauae the tired t ruin lacks retentlvenesa lie makeai innumerablo mistakes becausa lie is tiro i nobody denies this except the pex iile who have an ax to arlnd thoso who are ambitious to prove hint their social dissipations do not intpalr tlislr oftlcl koma workers unllbn tl i vnn referroil to nwkn no itrotormo of iltutiluliitf that they are slo v tl v coma in lieayy eyad yawnlnif utul uluavulsh alsiut two clock whflit i kot to bed lust night nuch an ni n will unriiunw as if hn ttfousht this imi lied w mn cleverness on hln part i tnn t know how 1 nr golna to keep awakn to iluy and though be aoes through hla dfly duues he ahould look on the payment of that day s work as an ant of charity nn the tart of his vmployec tor ha cannot pouslhly earn ii a sleei y worker is a stupid worker uu innllclont worker un unsstlsrao t ry w rknr e tur to your em- 1 1 yer un 1 yourswlf by iff hue to your work tcfmstind by n b mi tilght s sloop your i rain clear uhl your ihnly mul d nine aqeg of men at mvtn he i wllt up visit ly vhon h pla luill hn lookml lit luut th at seventeen ha umhi brilliant i no trousers nn i said i a was twenty at twnnty sevil i a tmw u mous tailin so ttut lo would be mutaktu for thlity at 37 is combed his hulr ho that tha luild ul 1 tl liny uv r his temple dl i it t hhow at 17 it lu aw ha ha i to brlby people to way t o wat in thn prima of ife t it im lll taoncy tio did ho worry at 11 he said proully thut most leoplo took him or fifty at 7 ha no lot gar maiitioitod hlu uk but spoke of hla esrlior exploits at 77 ho mudo oooaslon to t ii everyone with prlda lu w old ho wus- at 87 he claimed hu was ninety und tried to outdo tho other rnon with tholr stories of the pant part of the condition- aury kardup wnt to his empluyer ml usksd for u rslss old skinflint went off the deep end with u mighty aplaeh hut stuttered algyj there ts noth ing unreasonable sir in my uskuii you for a raise ion t you remember sir you promised me one utter i had been with you a yesrr yes snapped the employer but don l you remember that t made this raise conditional on your giving satis faction t oh dear i haven t i aatlaued vou slrt uakaxl algy pltirully satlsfled mef thundered otd bkln- flint do you think you are uatufy- h in whan you ank me for a rubier any pain of the body haadaohs hauralgu rhauauuui book aba solatia and ovariaa pains- one or two db- uiiss anti pain pills and the pain ta fod ouor- antaod bars and sure price so rqlxj inacton i1y1ui haihaiul why risk it 1 of coursa your immo ttiny hovor bo robbed nor your valuahio papers bo lont or stolen i but why take tho risk it costs you nothing- to open a havings account tvlth tha merchants rank and deposit your money where it wilt ho safo and earn inurejit it coats very littlo to rent a bafety ueposlt llax and place your victory bonus ipanrance policies will stocks ueoda bilvorworo and jowollory uiwtcr um broteotion of our yaiilta safety first it pays th merchants bank head office montroal of canada established 10 acton branch ccorctqwn branol sslaty dajxsu oesas b business directory or j a munivrn phyaician and uraon om and ltl tn m r ri i ras avenue and i lain hlrtm in iwald new rorrnsrly oxui i 1 1 y li i act i o i on c j nelgon pby tian 8uruno obatalrlelsn acton ontario mm r i i ii i i itn uf jruv olllne ui i lt lonro riorl k ht- of nro ilnurm 3 lo 4 p i i aii i 7 to opm the brunswick vox will hardy delifvr al l tup good things- they say about the brunswick until you huatt it yoursplf frank king the dealer will ifemoruitralo main street georgetown free press want alvs will find a buyer for those unused articles a hole in t4ejea lloyd goorge the aotuto premier of crcatntain is leaving no reasonable effort untried to effect peace in ireland in 4he house f commons lobby last week it wasgenerlly understood that ho will nfme j delegafionx to negotiate eaco with joint delegations from the north and south of ireland jan smuts premier w tfie union or south arnca lord grey lord derby and major barnes are named as tho selections or thot british premier xpr tho task there ought to bo af leasta lartdlneof some ttfinj ttis saitt thatv tho premier is now preparing a rm between door and atepsr offer as a haia for tho new negotiations and other indications of its vulcanic orljrtn and off its western coast ts a wondorfiu witness to tha profound depths fronv which tha ulandjaas cast up la soma prehlstorlo cataclysm whore um utua fuhlnir vlluures nostlo beneath the palms towers 8or- cicre like utanlo inonollth marklnat uae- ptranao nolo in tho sea known e h blemti s spot rhere one majr atand upon the shore and drop a lns into water a thousand fu thorns deep or more pearly tiles uother of pearl tiles for bath rooms or other decorative use urn the new invention of albert and ooeaar vuillcrmel the shelu of pear ly mussels are crushed into powder and mixed with just enoush cement le render the material plastic it ta then molded intn tiles or stabs and the surface is around and polished tor a prettr nnlab jke comfort costs ou nothing usually you pay for comfort and style but not in goodyear cord tires hie comfort from resiliency oc these fine tires is a bonus on the basis of mileage atone they cost less to use the saving in cai depreciation the saving in gasoline the easier udmg ar all clear profit to you ask any motorist who uses goodyear cords if you want to know what real comfort is look over tho cars which have been run thousands of miles on goodyear cords and note their good mechanical condition inquire regarding goodyear cord tiro mileage for economys bake note the tremendous in crease in sales of these tires- because they cost lesstt use l certainly truckowners are notmuch influenced by comfort or looks in buying tires but goodyear cords dominate t p truck tire field thats because bowtfuck aratiresnebstr less in the end au40eaihcr tread tircf an allohccl tires occr 4fi00 coatlycar dealer in canada tho goodyear tire rubber company of ca limited f made c canada cord tihes dn c i w norm pjiyloun and uur miiibi gsoroaton thone 22 i kx houhu iuru n jrm uhiultoi ri r i to hj ct imi nil t i n to luutu of wo nun ui 1 gltlllran sill lufui irikhijny ii i ho 31 i o 1i4s t hattoll nttll i altmkh m a pcnnvman block acton ont iov11y to ioaw lhiiru d3q um to g pm dp j m bell d d q l d s dent let miocellaneous mahbiaqe tlcenses h f moore issuer mrrlsoe lleew erancib nunan bookbinder aooount books of ell binds made te order vsrlodlcsl or evsry desorlp- ii n carerouy bound nullna- neatly nd 1 rmptly done wrndhsm ntrmt onolph out jov i- williams btorr- l 1 ca need a option ear roe the counties of llallon wsllln- ton ol and ituitorlu and the city of ouelph acton ontario baleat may be arranged by moll of at resldenoe et acton or et thn vtmo rrss oflloe acton the lfernury offloe quelph the nttwm iteoord vorsus or with w j tjrtnl n ilarne ulllshurs rales entrusted to 1 j kerr re- ouw attention from date of lis tins to date of sals list jour lm with atav rssldune do wr avenue aeton phone se acton call st my icxpensei roy hindley auctioneer cooaohtjaud phane erin 4t 1 r r s actom j e cheevers book binder qusbee st eaat quelph owl books and nuueosines bound ir handsome and hubstanual covers names lettered in irold on bibles lymn 1 looks and other bocokau all work promptly ensouled- d aim niven ontario kurveys exibdivlsti ns lens its ports aesclptlons uluf prints etc certltloatos for urctiasers and mortiottces kurveys fur archltrcts tlulldors snd municipal councils ttralnarm iteimrts ilhtlmatea etc clearing sale of vyinteb goods mo need roiiir to ouoliilt for dol lar day ou run tnilkii u dollar hure just as well overnlltt ifi szjul work hhlrts hjs wtnur cjtps o o and 2j00 and nthur eoads in proportion come in and see us for liurttulns shoe rapalrlng neatly dane e k cook ulul bthebt acton 03 litauacsavsf wor ttokonro canaiu the old aiid reliable granite and marble dealers we are manufacturers and direct importers of all kinds of uonumental and headstone work wi sell direct to our customers at wholesale prioee thus savins our customers 0 per cent we have the frost appllanoeei and the only mechanics in the dominion who can operate pnolimatla tools property we con aive references from hundreds of our customers lu toronto and other pin pea where others have to have law suits in order to collect we have the larsest and best stock of qrantte in the dominion or more than any three dealer in tha west we- aro lciu mate dealers and employ no nxants and do not annoy or pest customers by nendlne out urnorent sire tits solicit- jna orderai wo employ only mechanics end defy ootnjmtluon hamilton sons cor norwich woetwlrh b ooelpb i 1

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