Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 23, 1921, p. 3

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ffilje artotrdrtrer jrrn0 tlnrtlmay jiinm 33 iozl the thinken toiulht i tlkhibllf liiaatar ituiu nf tin itoutlns hami liy whw h iho si i i tuk of iln workshops lit nook or limy fliul til tlio thought hint i nvni- of iron unit steam un 1 niwii tliut rises ahova llhauter ami lrumiilu it under heell the drudge muy frat un t tlnuof and inlhir wllh lusty blown hut imck tif hint inn 1 tlin thiol tim ilrar eyed man who knot k r into am li plow r sabrr kai h plc sod part untl who muut nit twn trnjiis of labor whhh nlvelhe work u uoul bik of the motor u humming llurk of thu halts that ulti iluru f the immmr il ltutu of thu ji r lu ihn y wwtrhli u llm timvi ih tt mli ltui k uf tlm li raited tliut whitf wlilrh ikuiim thfriii ukii lru ami alrul it which plans thm own tlin hralnl mlaht of tha harln iktllor lfcarrn of th en thrust lrtutv these wo trust jint muu ot thoii iilumls tho sthirn the thlulcr win ilrlvitf thlnu thmiuih u it 1 1 the job tha drum r wliou inn kins hi dream omnn true llurton u rainy the poiend who makes uo smile whnthar tlio rood winds up or dawi there a ever the weary mite i low cui we lielp but lov him boat the frinn f wtm makes un smllat all of us ai rail to inllld friends of thin kind and wo know in our own vipohonrfl wllh ufa tlmt they are tit rrlrndd wo urn blwrtya alad to km lint what of tha frumlh of exactly the other typo tha frlopds will furoly urn i let thoniaelvan wild who houl 1 de prlve ua of smlllne by brliijtlns oiclr own wuoh und utres to ust urni und ilixip uk human sympathy may b it rurt hardly extend far m uel knnkn var welcuma tha friends of this kind it in so much better toi own if you nan one of these smlllue taovm that carry the munahlim into dark- vnod plac tlio itruclnw nnd the ieaolidiif of to day la in tha direction of rheor- fulnob tim dolerul wink the dolofiil tory tha doleful outlook on uf oil of thea thins a out of favor too in fill imoplq urn not wait tod cheerful neon la at m hljih premium we bjtv coma to know that it la umniui to the hlxheat auaoaari in lira it in look vd upon oji one ot the cardinal virtue of life and the uiblo teach ad it in the word a merry heart doeth cood like u medlnlne the world in in need of oomfortermi the man with tha am lie and the twinkle wholo laugh tinea hearty and true and who apraadn the oonlasloi kitod ctoan mirth free from atlnr he in thl plan who la welcome every where lie bt everybodyn frletld in trood to play with and sood to work with tie la ood to drlvo away the iiiuon and nuke tha way joyoun and the burdon ibjht y ilut it in only when the lauh jo you and free from a at inn that tt la wall to create it a fact that yowif people ahould bear in mind the laugh with a jeer in it better be held jmxnirely in cheek it can create no true joy and often it klveaumajl pain during- the recent vat a yeat american rajly printed an editorial in which tt aaid irrom near and far have cone the reaponae to our pro- poaal that a lesion of the cheerful be formed at onoe to wlthatand the aaaaulta of anxletlea hardahlpn and loaaea to do away with sloomy talk und depr action we therefore proceed forthwith to aajute the lesion of the cheerful and to iaaue on it were the order of the day there in ho organization in the world it in mora worth while to join thuti tha lesion of the cheerful everj youns peraon in the world ahould be come u llfo rnombor of thla fine und helprul lesion the vlctorletf of iu mfmlmra aro many tliey so amltlns- ly forward with laughter aa their aloicun it la told of the famoua thonuui curly le that when he heard that margaret fuller the noted ameri can writer had aald that the had decided to take the unlveree aa ahe foupd it carlyle dryly remarked she d better alt of u would do well to do the ump and take the universe on we do and it without complaint about it our effort being directed in the una of trying to make it better inatead of find fug fault with it faultfinding- in one of the moat unprofitable thing li the world and it in much eaaler and better to laugh away many of the trlala of life than to frown them away laul crehrhton hi olo aw i big clock 1 t oj himiu pulrvlew av rtilti or iu moid tllritt uu hn uhoit utiut hndlug lo 1 uh vl w ci nit u ry vh orliiitiully iiittiutl ttflor ltuiutdiii atltuiih tti only cum of tlm noitu of tito foumtara of aolitu who in cil mil id 1 nuy con uliwiihlti amount of wiulth in aatoi hj llm homo of olorgn wlldm i ruunot lmnmln i who llllllt tlllh llolllin milht have tteeu built uevanty ynarn or tnnre ago a llttlu ovni nfty veurn villi it bacamv tha houia t oeorga kyiida father of wunlon uuorgn lyhdn who uittlnl tlure wlitm h cuutu from ouolph to lake tlui furo tnuihiii xif llm i mm luiiiiic mid whu wllh hlm fumlly h ul in my ymnt li aolon aftrr mr ii y i it thla wnu tlm honn of mr wllaoii hnmuliiiw wlui mottled tlurn when ho ratirwl front farming in nuuwtguwayu it wua hum that chur- readinq familieg thn increaae in ferma of outaide entertainment haa probably had an un favorable affect on the bid time cus tom of read i tig aloud in tha family circle indeed what with automobiles for tha proaperoun and picture show ror everybody reading itself has un dergone a relanae with moat disastrous rcautta lirunder matthew onoe aald to one of hta olaasea in kjngllah litem tare in columbia university i could go through all my claaaen ondplcki out with unerrlns oertalnty the young men who belong to what may be called readlng families nothlnjr in the ool- leite curriculum ever ta the place education ox and arwnn gi t intellectual atmos- hpelkhl min of uur tut li hulitu found hui hrido hut clturllo didn t murry mukkiu itutnauiiw thnrc ltv itlihup hoiiim witu ulwnyn lila fuvor- itn titlnlater and wlmti the woildlng wan to im coliihvittod charllo and iu hrhla wont to wumhlngtnn to which churgn llev ur iloblia hud r moved from aoton jo hav th nuptial knot tltwl that wun jii no where about forty yeara mr ttamwhuw und family lived thnro for a ttood many year 1 think it wan in thin hmiau that joalah ailums tha elduat son of icaru adams nnd jano llumahaw the eld eat daughtur of wllaoii llamiihaw were marrlni after mr itamahawa family began to mcuttar uwuy george wiidn one of our prnoent longest real denta bought iiiim propity und hare he and hla family atlll roaldo ilia nldoat aou james uvea in n seoond itouoe htillt on the aouthfmlde of tha properly by ii llamahaw pliolotira phcr ao ii of wtuwm hut who removoil to dutrolt about twenty yeurs ago the urg hold uoutu of the wild property on main htroet which for half u century wan a big pauturo field u now occupied on thn nlnxit linn by mo von or eight new tleardmore oottagam for tholr worklnumon in tho rtold in rear of thla tliaro wara thrito llnkn of aotona oiaa famoua itolf ftoursa onn of the putting greann won at the extreme louthmtuatorly rorner of thin hlg iaaturo field the eighth hole warn on it pretty fcroen nsor thfl lower eoat comor of the wihu property and the nfntll at tha aouthwiatoriy corner whore the content block iiouimv now wlamln tuo willow nwall in tlio hollow between the throe llnku ror mod a splendid hazard hloh nlwayu taxed tha uklll of the solfora to avoid thuui unkn were tha favorltcu of the couraa with mobt pluyeru iho lata tor john lawaon a pent many happy hour on thla part of tlm golf course if be could not tc t any othor golfer to play with him ha would play the round of thaao three holou by the hour uloiif and ho iwaiiin very prp- t n hln drlvou ami putting on the srennfl it was on thin purt of the oouraa that tha editor of tlilu journal had a muliap ono actemoon wlilnli 1 think ho mtlll loineinhnrw vividly thougfi it iiiuat be nnarly twenty yeara mlnimi iia painful uocl lont oocurrad in making u iok maahlo ililvu from ilx to aeveu his gof hall aallod ovar the fonco into oeorgn wiuih garden he want into the surtlnn nnd after driving hie ball out ituiuyed o ra- llmb the fepoeon the nldo hill the top hoard gave wuy under hlu 200 pound of avoirdupois undtho editor precipitated head fommoat ovei the fence and down the aide hill alighting he turned on ida laft ankle and the iwnea snapped i think it woa harry xlolmoa who was his playing liaxtner that afternoon harry helped him homo and wnt for doctor gray when the tor got through with him tha ankle woa in u planter oaat aryj the editor wum on hl4 back ior u month as a result of thut afternoon m sport jle afterward wrn quite pro ficient on a pair of reuben monabba artitoheav ga finally got over tlio acci dent but i ion t remember ever una ins hint with hu duini i the golf llnka again after uiat unfortunate ux- perlance i tnuy say luiwoyor in passing that it lu prulty ulgh uty your aluoe 1 flrat mw thla editor of playing on theae hlllx whore bo forty yeara later played golf tout thnrell be no dangur of nny golf play being either injured or odlfled these old golf links osaln the ex punalon of the bun in eon of the acton tanning company and ijourdmorti sole leather tanneries have obliterated nearly the wholo of ihe old uolf oourae with mammoth bulldliigs railway awitohea titer iveda tun yards ahd workmen n h i ohltlmo i llonry j fnturu pioi v iron man t phere it this i the atmosphere of your home you have no reason to envy the companions who tiannot give any thing better than culture if at home you are learning to snake friends with books to love the best in jlterature you are receiving the indefinable slump which will act you apart from tboae who have grown up in a different at mosphere this college professor dealing with young- man who are re ceiving the advantages of a collage education- had no duppuy in dla tlagulshlng those who came from reading families from those who did not and whatever the future attain mentjf of those students t ha early lack would always leave its stamp upon them 7 s r j hold pabt to youth tha unanimous verdict of age la that youth is onn of the greatest blessings that come to us and hat na days are happier than these of childhood and yet innumerable youns folks are in a hurry to veaoh maturity the sun day school superintendent who always addresses tila flook as daar children la liable to make himself unpopular wlh the boys and girls in their teens who are nil the time striving o 1m- prenn tlytr fathers and mothers with tho fact that they are no looser ohll- dretii but untitled to the respect due jrrown men and women aii llfo la divided maturlu- gel its full proportion of years u you live qpjy the oonventlonal thrsosoore and tan yqu oaji count on fifty years t of belost ffrown up but childhood i tirfor youth fleeing inatead of dis counting than joy for the reapopsl- bllluen on ahead hold thatn ittt ho i not bo afraid of bolng tuousht younsf qt 11 you con out of youth solfars have tramiferred their lovi exerclne und recreation 1 the bowling greenn and they are havw just much real sport und healthful exer cise at howllns ns they ever found in golf and tha bowling on tha well- lighted greens affords opportunity for recreation in the evenings while golf ing was impossible axoopt during the daylight t tha first houso o rented on the golf course wun on the putting green at ther ninth hole it won a oemaiit block house built by john it watson and was tha residence of himself and his family for several yours measrs ueardmore a on tin ally bought tha house and lot und re built und re modelled it and added t us unothor of the fiftyadd dwellings thay pro vide for their employees tho lot on which this bouse was erected has a hbitory awavtwuik naartylilxty nro years ago william grant waggon maker wooed and won ehisfibeth llyder daughter of the lata henry hyder who llyed on tho third line on tha farm at the foot of swackhnmnra nin th o farm on which bl son thomus liv ed and died and which la still owned by hln widow mm thnmus ityder mill btreal one bright day thus popular young pair wore married i think by the key hiram uonny who had much lo do with the founding of the church on the him a nir err ao lat u bright lltttn eon ontl heir was bornto mr und mrs grunt that day tha late john hums who ownod the funn now belonging to the hoard- more company haptoned into mr qranlm waggon aimp for noma re pair naturally tha liuppy youns father told of tho blessing that had come to their homo in tto now baby boy well william i congratulate you said ur burns and ill do raoro if youll call the laddlo attar rio if yon give hlro tha nam ft of uurna 111 deed him two of the bast loin i have juut uurvoynd off my farm fronting on main h treat und imur wm mlrnnt mi oruitt wua mm hid for a- ttioniuiit but ho catoem tlm irt r viy highly 1 uml ninth hail uli- i dy iinil imi thut thd f ihn imw uou nnd heir should alltm hut tho little fallows i nets wcio a tonsldurnlioii tlimlly ripll to mr iliirnu w ii do ii and whun llny invllnd unv lllchurd u luikir tlm mthodlul liilnuter their pautor in to ta and to buptue thn buhy m inoith r so lntr the nninn he was ahrlateniml was henry aim i hurnn uraul nnd thrquglt nl thfxu ulxly ynuru or mora tlmlr tlrst ixirn sou hus iiriuit honorably thu nitliiu than ivt n in dun tlmt lluriim muda out tha dd lo ihn und it wan duly rtglhlornd in county ttflnliy oinvn at milton for inuuy yra mr cli antvhud u no kmfdnn on thnan lots whan lip was lomvlntf aoton hn uiil i thviu and i think luilxirt crulnn im light them llltni- thny wt lit llllo 111 p hhomilo luhlik mlfim uml thin to jnhi wataon who hlill the nrat h oratiind thorn the taut traunfar was to ucuar llemdiikiri a co wllhmn flruiil uftir n long und hat ful c irr dlod tli rod or fout yoara hho und wum burled li tlrenwimid cumotnry lorint wu hlw widow 111 m ill enjoy ing a fulr dngrtu of i mult li ulthollgh ulm bus reaihod tha rlpn ugti of four woro him is very liuppy us it nm 1m r it lir nmtlorn sons fumlly henry alma uurna grant ut lit muryw and mr oiiint im tin hoicinl and tiwful ltlsait of tho minim t wn huy i got muitlur tihook tint nthur iitornlng whn t took my early tnort ing arntindtowu walk i atrollml loli urely along losn tltrot that utrnot lending to mill htrset from tho uufua adumu rarm you know whan i noticed that luism adumi old barn hud tha roof off und wun txlng torn down why bless ir ulmoat hud a fit thut old liepn there for two gutioratlonu that s where ituiiaom hud his houdijuartera for his livery woodbuyliiir horse- trudlng money lnndliitf and other ku- mul bualnnam for yeitra my i the mcmorlea thut old pluro chhu upl why i run ana lutusont twire how dlrkerlng in all kinds of trijioattloim all the wuy from laklng morlgagos on farms to buying old iron bonea and hottlcu from tho itoys of tha aavontlel nnd olghtles what u utory that old barn oouhl toll if it could just talk why i itorrowod a ootiplo of hundred dollurs from ilanuom thcro tnyaelf onn tltna and he wun alud to loan it to hie when 1 agreed to pay 10 per cent wall wall ahother old landmark gone with all its momorteu of sixty j ours and mora i understand mr j it itamshaw bought the big structure from mr johnstone and will ra build it on his farm on main and qutvan streets we d hayi uald the second line when i waa u boy bay if ba sin to look an if austin tubby and jim hill and jack hutchison and led mcuurvin and oliver anderson apd john shaw and will byndor and jake toempsey and dave light heart and a lot mora of thn old fellows won t know thn old town if they don t come homo anon to have a look at it again overcoming mental lazi ness many or un are menially laxy without knowing- it wo do hot know it because mental laalnossbi u sort ital inertia und wo cant or at least wo fall to doteat it even in our selves the whole difficulty is that w foal ouraatvuu we think we aro tired whan wa are not wo have a tuak to perform it may he both difficult and troublesomo tasks often are wa put off doing it becauaa we don t fuel wu may actually start it but at the first nlgns of fatigue ut thn rirst show of difficulty we quit we aelxe upon those symptoms with avidity because they offer us tlm desired ex cuse for postponing our torts tha more often we use tls fit may oxouao audio i tint ifcause for lkatpoitu effort the more anally does it becomo for un to oult till finally the quitting huh it beramcn un actual habit who moekn ease rather than lukes tho wuy of the drone decbtren un oliltlnnj provort thn easy way whan taken for no other purpose than to avoid ehort palni caro and noceasary dltnculty is not tho way of omclenoy nor nan it lw thq way of mucftas the one who follows the rule of doing just enough to get by will finally roach iho place where he cannot even get by life de- munds of us more in the way of ser vice than that just needed for tho pressnt moment we must work with u constructive purposebuild for tho future s4v bis measure lo m than is demanded of us marriage lines h l of ihn ul ur hotuws lit hnllapd mv twt do r whhli urn only md for iiiui i luu u mid ih uths uy una door tint hrliln nil i groom inter and thiouiih llm illmr thay uro carried out when ilinit in hwmlcn uml norway u lacal tnar- rlitlfa lit ouk tlin wuu hot allowed to ho soh mlilxnl until both partlo had jin duttnl i rtlluutoil ututlng thai thay horn uoiiulua vuncinution marks k hlngle imirwns am said lo be mora plentiful in bt otlahd and ireund and the urnallnht proportion are to her found in ihe united blatts ifiimtqrrlet woman in llraxll havn a uhhi1b1 mourning tolor it is ararlet marriage in turkey l said to be a tnout prosulo uffulr l being in the majority if uhun quite u bualnoss mutur when a man wishes tn wd tils pnroiith obtain a list of houses whrn eligible females are to be found mil thu mothir then calls at theea wlwt iiii your iiaiiuhlnr dor sh ihwh wharalllh it amtintl lerlrs earimtt riiim ik um iiaiiully dxhlhlied avldniifs of ihe i alidlwork of the wuh- nd for hoimnwlfn if those ure ap- ptved by iho mother ahe takes tho tttnii homo to hir uon and indums hint to marry the claver young lady if on tin othor hand she does hot think much of tho work she makes ohirf dlplomnlla mruwi and passes on lo unothnr iihum on tlio list if howover the yulnrf man in hot liked by thu i i ionlt pursuits tho lady is udvluod to molt nlunwhwrit light and powett prom the same wires it wun fvuiltrlrk luxloll who inyant- ih tho nomiotiltn trnnamlaalon ttyalntn for iutrlr iiirnnls whoreby light ra ililrlntf u lilfih frmiunucy and hwoc demanding low friunnclfs the onn employing a nlulo th other a poly- t am syitlniii tnuy im obtain 1 from tha hutifn mybltin of dutrlhutlng wires thn truimmttoilmi wyntiiin is upllu- blu for nil im i- ill rot t or ulternatlnff rurr utm wlu u mployed hlmiillaua- ounly for lighting and for running inotoru ihn motor loads mat fluctuate lo thn vxtciit of operating the el mult btriiknru oh thi tolyphasa gnnerutors without affrctlug thn lighting system the mithod ulna lauds itself lo sim ultaneous op nit lou of nrr ami incsln- d m nit lumpm yoo well satisfied wlth achievement lcxtrtniiiu meet and aatlafaciion and illudourutirnnml are likely m have the nmn effect the worker who is so wnll aatlullid with his uihlnvamants us to think tltat it la not necessary fo kevp on tryfutf is in about the same jhmtltlon as the one who is so ills- rjoiirugad thut bo says tn himself wltuts tho use of jtrylngr the great thing in llfu is to keep on tn keep one ayes flxtxl on a goal ahead to ohnrluh some ambition in advance of the present uc movement it does not matter much whether you stop trying because you have donn nothing or eauae you think you havo done so much the imlut la not to a top hut to koep going a hopeless case a vancouver man tells of a aea k t tin who uahoro rnukes hla ixttne in tlmt illy und who hud loaned u sum of moiiiiy to u lidghtior tha bitter rtr the louu was a your or two old in ids no effort to pay it now tha cat u imgatt to look upon ihn daht as a tud mitt indeetl on one tn tis i on however he hoard uf a dnbt i olid tor pi tml uf hlu uhlllty to ex tint t money from sucl delinquents accordingly the caplsln called upon thlb collector and advised him of lbs irttumstanoeh if wuid the akljmr you can ool- leat that debt 1 ii give you half of it the rolled or prnmlned tttat the thing would be done the naptaln sailed uway on another voyage and on his rpturn sought out the oolhvetof oku ifl any sum- with that blllt ha unkel wall sahl tha collector i ltavi rolleftfxl lis wltoln of it but 1 did rolln t my hulf he tiasn t paid me t nt siimm i keep aftar idm but it just aa you an hi wln you gave kne tlw bill be iuisn any cqnsclance ulmtut it where was mother7 wr hinilh ltearlng rnuslfl at his nalkhlkra house decided he would drop lit und see itow tbey were jonos wolftimihl him and ushered into tlm luru r whom his laugh tar was i laying tho piano und his son singing mr km i 111 bogged thorn to continue thny catnaenlod tho first sons thay sewted wnn mother thay asjig this very feelingly und then rat bar joined in the chorus thla was fol lowed by mother marhree and othsrs of like saittlinenl then thay stopped for a while und ur jones commented on songs about knotl ar how true thay were how dear and how thai loved to sing thorn tlmo as mrs jones hadn t appearol yet mr smith ln- uuirthl slxnit her state of health o said mr jones alms well tinough ulies in the kltrhnn doing the dishes but after aha has finished and taksi in the wood she 11 join us taught yjhe fowita lessom an ignorant chicken unversed in the bpimtltss of american darkles croa the road in front of a onlored detach ment a hnltller itraks from the ranks und star ted off lit pursuit v halt bellowed the officer in llnth fowl und negro only quickened tholr puces tho dusky soldier made one plunge grubpod tha chicken by the neck and sluftod it still atruggung inside his shirt here ho punted ah ii leam you to halt when de captain says lialt yu disobedient bird m it pave to abvcrtise a western evangelist makes a praoe- llce of pabitlng rsllglous lines on rocks and fsnoes along public highways one rah what will you do when you dior cams an advertising man and paint- d under it use delta oil good- for burns the chimnev under the floor iu a oo ml no it night in korea is a- large load of firewood ttelitif hauled long by a pathtit looking roollo or byll the korean has a unique method of heat ing bis house he builds tha walls of thick rubble and plutes the chimney undnr the floor so that the smoke may heat tho thin slabs of stone wllh which it is covered morning uul evening a fire in built on the kllchnn beukh which connects with u flue or series of flues under tho uvlng room ahd the floor la coxliy wafm in time it takes to oook the family sico uncomfortably warm thinks the foreigner who in necordanoe with oustom is given a seat of honor qvor ihe hottest snot though fuel w still plentiful in wooded murtharn korea it in noaroe and hfgh in southern korea hills have long alnoo been denuded there only bamboo graqses und scrub p1nettreavttiniinbr pain is an indication off inlerferooce witti tbanomufj lancliona of the bo4y it is r aiun of trouble nod if allowtaj to contmoo gmxuem itself till fuit her tlisorfien- common some and humanity bftreef ihnt relief from pain should bo the grat stcrj io the tvetttment of any disease whicli is preheat headache noontlala rheurinatic backache sciatic and ovarian pains one or two dr miles antipain pills and ihe pain is bone guaranteed safe and sure price 30c for sale in acton by hj has3ard dr mves paihpills fitada cms a no muima tic easy walking is imperative for the man who noaaes the greater part of the time on his feet shoes built on the proper last mode of aood leather that st tua foot seiould bo taken earn or have us ft up that oomfortablo old pair w bftoe repairing renews the life of your shoes restores their usefulness a ml means comfort economy and satisfaction s you de net foroet thai ws carry a first class line of shoes for mts and boys t ie gibbons mill st acton in the unbinds of the ttouthern tteas ihn nocnanut palm supplies ull the lininls of the members of society it supplied tha nutlvtw with limlmr to build their homos tholr bowtu and hit ir ulenilu when the inavm of tha iran ura young tiny are oaten vhnn thay are old they axe woveu into hats cloths luiskets heddlna paper and thalai the ribs of the older leaves are made into spears arrows brooms tore litis and ui ddlea the flowers of tha trea glvn thn rtatlvas wine vinegar and augur the fruit uf the palm ylalds oil fixxlu unl bjii matting acton granite works j nicol experienced granite cotter is prepared to supply monu ments of all kinds with skill fully cut inscriptions at low prices bee samples of work and styles of monuments at the monument works fbhuvtman locjc mill street acton ont j w kennedy son hardware plumbing tnrtmlthlnjc electric wirifio it saves you work and dollars it gives comfort and enjoyment flavo you as yet installed in your homo a nyetem of 1 lrctklc lighting if not it ta only a matter of time until you do and thcro is no time like tlio present wo specialize in this class of work andcsn give prompt and iiitibfactory cr vice do utfay with thoto unhealthy nnd dangerous oil imiip and bco what real comfort is derived in tho homo from the uuc of electricity wo ire always glad to give cti mutes on this work and our prices wjll interest you co mo in nnd talk it over wo also carry ji rood assortment of fjacturcn and appluntcu nnd your inspection is invited llunembcr our motto qualliy service ucaaonablo iritrt j w kennedy son phonk 95 main stbkfcx acton tanjnery cooperative the store of quality and low prices 11m fruit reason la now coming on wo are prepared to kneel your wanul in fruits fruit jara all sizeri and suear at irices that cannot lie llcat ihicka on many lines of goods abe still decuning ouk customers get tob benefit of every dboi in the market kke oub bummeb undebweab fine hose wobking kiilrtta fine and heavy boots and compabe ou pbices with otiieb stores cottons hunts and ginghams at pbewab pricks tkyouitsikcialtea at38c begulaltlsc hlcbesl lmceo im tor butler and ksgbelther cash or goods tannery cooperative c a conway mill street acton ir r thir tuhabltaiit of beoul must often spent a quarter of his inoomo to hi at his house mores liun ooal mines from which ooal exported to japan but before it can be uaeji to warm koreans fireplaces must be rebuilt qet the fun out of thlnoft uot the fun out of life uh you o alena if you ore a student do not wait till saturday or for th lonjf vacntlon to enjoy yourself learn to enjoy tho worklns days learn to act the run out of work did you have u rood tlmo tordayt n man asked hh net hew who had just started aa a wave earner the boy atared tinhorn prebend in why ho said i haven t done any thins but so to the office the uncle nodded to hrt1dratwhejri o to ray4- ooloe i mean to have a rood time and there are few days when i do not carry out that intention ilavltuj n rood time should not be nn occasional thine 1ut a customary mutterj not the exception but tho rule did you itave n food time at work to dayt if not the ohanoes are that ft was your own fault f think riappiness uupy of us would be happy if we lopped to think about it if we were called on for j frank statement ws would aoknowledve that we hnd any number or thlnss to ho thankful for any number to make us glad but wa i ure vem likely to jgnoro tliesa thlnss i nod bo discontented simply because we do not take tho time to think about happiness happiness is worth ftiore attention thai jt cats it lav worth thtnjtnc about do not let it iro by default clear your tnlnd jof that vagtie wectin little worry and think hanplaess millinery bargains por friday and saturday i table hats i table hats i table hats ji50 500 be sure and get your hat uus month we dose july l nellie m stockf ord acton guelph toora specialtinworkdonetoorder wuh aoouray skill and prompt jteea if you need a upeolal article of tin or alvanlad lront be it an unusual f annel or a dairyman s milk cooler w will make it for you properly nd at a moderate price if you have an idea of your own you would like to put in prwctlc come aud we will ntaku u model of it for you w f mooney acton ont mmmmmtmamm uqbi newspaper advertising thevbest newspaper reading is a universal habit news paper advertising thercf ore reaches virtually all who buy newspaper advertising is the lifeblood of local trade hecause it touches all consumer sources in every community it gives tfutnational advertiser the same opbortuiity for complee consumer appeal in any locality newspaper advertising cuhx selling costs because itcntails no waste in locality of circulation manu- f acturers use it to cover markets where it is profitable to do business i l newspaper advertibing insures quick thorough pnd economical dealer distribution and dealer good will becuuse rctailerq are wining to bell products ud- vflrtisef direct to their own customers newspaper advertising enables manufacturers to sell where their products may be bought newspaper advertising can be started or stopped overnight can be prepared between days to meet t sudueii developments and to obtain- immediate re- sultb i newspaper advertising enables manufacturers i j to check advertising results and costs in every market which they enter newspaper advertising costs less than anyother kind the free press will prove it to you ai m i i l- y

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