Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 5, 1920, p. 2

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wife artnn irtet jhraajff rilflllhdav aimjuht r 1030 tnirtrirme hqubde ii hlkhwuv hint wi culi i of- hut iluwri in lllllu tnwurdu t litgli- li titf miohii iiin int i nr hi lii ilutlny id ti u nl ieuvi vn litem- tho t lll ir i wllllllug i ihiumuii thn kr i drama of uu iluml ly thlu fur- runa im throhsh tmllld rt mtunnruu 1uh iii whoil illlti wua u lieliou baby mly wuy iolly la llrrnrent no for unit una in 1 menu en h in ilntnr- k1 to uo lo oollopn nnrt mnkn ihn- go will imr mho nuyu who unt itn un ill ur tmyjicrow un info h lutuunm innn lili lovly uirl i mi iirnrdliihly ml wuit nlin rulln it nlloui mint hi m nnv it v 1 1 not him in it now il ly puklug inn uhptwitl i l lituttr ul h i i ut miiy that ii y lili iwimiy to tho fin vancouver islands famous gardens moflll h ly u lurm flits try lu 1 thut ulip kiiuul ho uuh ullh iii mill bright myw hut fot i tlml lio i ii ur lillnlrhl iu- 11 ly uitylng oollntfo fht l- hwl tlivy ni old to go to i 1uut with km i roup- 1i11u1 l nod km it wtuipd li the huo of tho l ii sojiipii tmll rutin liuik- through taknu uu lm k mhtlllnwn that foil on tlml liftiim pf thn furtiwuy lutid thn lloiihft of thn lreaont la lining itu ilomn ah dully wn fuller or mllmli ami itu aireugth r it whkiinmi llu aa like niiuiiiw wi ply horn wild them vie our thoughta und uur dnmla ihi- oomo tlmburw and utoua to make that houae faulty or fair tlio umwo of tho vuturo utahda gold- un with hn or iirhata it lieu ilarkllng with gloom and llu ik rtahl load nn to tha oon- nuoror crown or lmirehulion to our met f- ma do doom ha aulaitanca und rormr ah well wo ahull wo- in thn aoft light of llfea lading dy that the lraaont and tuiat allppina on thrnunh tha yoara ualcn liut houaa at tho ontl of tho way km jtoborte lloodrlch s v i fo b8 one haptembar afltrnoon in r year not ion ajco a lrl por- hapa nlnatoan yara of offo auppod from a train in tha upuar 1enlnauu or uichbjmn mn looked around tho train djdnt wait lona- onoush to lvo tho brakamon a ohanco u moo what aort of a drat lm- prabuion tha uttla un pain tod nattlo- tnnnt made upon hla baaaonsinr mo quickly oamo tho warning from tha locomotive that it waa mavlne on- through tho arson format and tba ho oould do nbjr but o with it and pcrclmno forst that a new teacher 1 had arrived to teach a north woou achool anyway tho brukoinon ralaad hla cap with a alight bow and rental amllo whan ha handad the girl her 1 watt nuhi bacaasb ha had a alatar in n i normal bnbool farther aouth the curl mtood on the platform tar a moment uncertain which way to turn and inatlnctlvely acekln one uttractlve feature in that dreary cirar- ing in tho wood dominated by board ahanltea aa ahe wondered which wy to turn a slrl came vwlrtly toward her from 4ho long fwnw hulldlnar that ho waa noon to coll her home the build- in won tb lumber- oompany board- ins houae t axe you the new teacher and u your name hlaa auaun aaked tha ono ajlrl of the other then wltbotlt waltlnx for a reply ahe went on of couroe you miut be when mother aaw you 4 xttt the train and there waa no one to moat you ahe called to me and i ran over to tell you that you are to come to our houae my name bt polly thome thompldna and my mother hav chara or the board in houku i certainly thank you and my namu la molly auutln wnawered the jow teachur then both slru lauuhed we axe twlna usroed ulna thorn p- klna tnklns the atransera r cauu and loadlns thu way between loan and alab plica to her homoj f the interior of tho hnuae waa mort inviting than the oulalde and mry tlmmpklna woa a mothorly woman who took time for a friendly roetlnif even uiougb aha waa aa ahe auld up to hor earn in work t hope you will not mind ahurlnft my room iolly auggeated ua aho led the way up the narrow atolra to it tiny box of an apartment near the landing my brothera have the rooma ach aide of ua and we ax tha only one who uae thla night of atalra i father bnilt them in on purpoae to kolv our- family eloeo tosether and aeparate front the hoarder ahe fur ther explained the cat by the low window la your and the one under n the high window la mine we ahall have to vtko turna dresatns the room ao tfny hut 1 have to set up before day- light anyway ovary morning to help mother get breakfaat tor rifty man ho bldea our family the gul mpok cheerfully aa if get ting up to help aerve breakfaat for fifty men in auoh an outofthewnrld ptaoe waa nothing at all uncommon molly austin wondered at the girl and the longer aha knew her tha mora aha wondered to begin with who had felt oorry for heraolt when thn train went apmdlng away louvlnk hef in that forlorn blearing tnen ulie wan aorry for polly thnmpkiita 1ms fore weak waa over though aha waa aorry neither for heraelf nor for tho uuioi- glrl becouo of tho abaorblug lntvreut pho aoon felt in the life about liar dear mother began ono of her letter home dq box upll the- k1 new musualnea you can g u around the houuo und nelifhhorliood x and aond them hero noon hn iuwlbla thlu lit a rcgulr reudlnknsatter tedrt of bahara the men aotually wnr tho nuuraalnra out that mm thompklna get a hold of and putmon tho jmhto in tha nxwn ahe calur tho mfflce and mother thla daughter polly la an adopted child urn thomp- klnatoalchnrwluin ahn watfltt i vfuk old her father waa killed one day in the wooda and the mother ied when hy told hor they aay that the father bad college eduoatlun but tjoame to tho wooda for hla health no one known who they were except that the man nroo w nichard thorn and no one baa ever been ablo to find j out thla girl la wonderful thotuth inatoau at being unhappy bfcaua doeant naturally belong to thla family ahe la ft regular aunboami ahe aav ulttt aho lovea mm thompklna jut aa much and maybo mare than her own on ao mra thomp- 1 una firoujitit her home and cared for kiiiwi mill hail ruoinr work in rfoiijur only ihn i no ml xlitm ohl- iil i of llmill in t liulliml i i ui hihilhuiihir in aanm illntaliin fr inlll nml lniin- 1 1 k lf u in tlio riilr or tho dlwtrli i lliin am not inuuy inlml ituntu tiut ut tkd t thoui ir uu w thll mill aiinllmr lntinmtlni uml omuxliiif tllliix uhout ihu iiiiik lu tlmt thn i ill fiwinrf urn lnttiftiulil in thu you ii a folkii wloi mm curlon tin wlfn or the owiii r of thlu foraut otnl r nrul tuiulimi ut hunnl ilmut what iolly u tiylitir to dii aim orkunaa club fur tbti lioyu utnl glrla thny liav hm- 1 it hi- wian awakn clrole mr curton wnii m iinj duilns thn mitm- hlm ijulr4 nwiry inrmlmr f the i in in to wrlln u mihir mi aom t u ub joo fw o uioi a vary rutu t tixan a non i it to lr hlln rnuith ihn mptrm tirrwatm tho inluluki4 und tttinitu them mok lie ruturnud iuihm urarvud in llo lull tnuatlllu mild ill ml uhimmi 1 wuh you niiild hour thn rluli ulntf luinnliiif to thol r iuumio im u trying x prruilni lot inn wurn you of toiiruii th utlioollfurhor tit- ii i tlm nluh iinhunwy uml honntly notlmr they ura hitnrillnx mrw urtm tiuu unnt the tiluh a rtntimmtahlo iii rury of ihxikn u tiuturul hlatoty hloicruphy and hlhlorlum of our coun- il tha world now i utu oomhur unmjlna ultikiiiiiroineiit mrii urtmi huu yftared aprlan of o huijilra dollaratlo im urtannlml in atirtt to thn memtmr of i ho wldn awoun club lmy or girl who wrtlti at iawr vu aoma land of horo- uni durliia ihn yar now i urn aura mhe wihiikm to kivo itilly one hundred ilnlunt for thtttoollego fund and took thla wuy of doing il polly muat win it of oourati but i do hot aea how it all tin dono iwcnuao rompoultlon hi ol imr- utongrat olnt there are othor glrbi til tho wide awaka clrnlo who do bettor work iimlijun oorry bftcuuae x long to ao iniily got bur alart your in a ljurry molly molly auatln did not wait ions io wee polly get her atari ahe lonzad to help hrr rod tosathcr tl oy tulkod over thn heroea and herolneh of tilntory to chooae the ono for iillya thnrtrn whimn dnoda twmoil to the glrttf moat brll- hlant and thrilling hot polly baat nfforta dbtooumsed molly bho wlah- oil that mm carton had offered a prlao for a problem in mo t homo t lea or even for thn lmat pancake maker anything but written work it aeemo a if polly oould not get enough in terested in tha herolo achievement of oeorgo waahlngton to repeat tho tale pn paper aucfeaiifully yot molly auw- tlnnutod thut tolly ahuuld and muat win the prise meantime the twlna aa tho called themuelvea lecamo grout friend ibvery ovenlns molly liolittjl loly peel hugo lmiim full of potatoea for break faat mid mr thompklna honnat fuoo wrvathed in am ilea ua uho llatenod to talk on all aorta of aubjiwita ond hatonod to glrllah lmlighlar in tho ills kltohon polly taught molly ull aha oould of the waya of the wlhlornaaa and molly in her turn tried to recall all the leaaona ahe had ever inarnml in hchool for 1ollya inatruotlou h would be a long atory to tell ot tho dolngw of hint winter ip tho wooda when molly did her beat not to let tho kind family aee that alio waa- often homoalck or to tell of the marry-mak- nsm in the bis nfflce of the alns and alalshrldea and of illnnnrm at tho log gingcamp of the happy day with the little nnaa in the log hohoolhouae irl the wood then without warning came the terrible atorm when evunta too aad to repeat tranaplred in that north country aa a little after the noon hour when the young t can her glancing through the achoolroom window not iced that thu fulling anow waa begin ning to drift sho know afterward that aha ahould ha ye haatened honui with tho llttlo children that minute i it tml nho lut on her wrap und went out to bring in more wood and more wood uho told the children to alt quietly for a little while u ahe worked telling them in u matter of fact way that alio feared the wood pile might he anowed under before tho next morning it aoemed wlae to bring in all the wkwl iioaalble it aeemod colour than it had been out ofdoom but even then the girl didnt dream of danser aha pi tod thn wood high ubhiiihl the lok wal muiioni to inutluul thn uniu thn bllaaanl to boat lu fury uguinittlhu llttlo lof houao a httlu slrl bnsim to cry tho touohvr loarul the door uml in plonthhad the nre mho apoke chnorfuliv hut four t tho faooa if hutr iuplla thuro mly rnur ut achmil that tuiy thn world win white outaldv tho whirl ing anow left no clear air anywhere and ttoltt beg araoplns in bitter cold ilamemherlug the ulorlea polly htd told of wlntur atorma lu the north molly know better than to venturu into that blinding wildernoh of snow with her flook alone alie would cer tainly have dune aa out not with the children hhe gathered her achoutrx duoe around tha atovo and told uiem atnrto aho aud one of the fathera would uurely come with a alolgh to take them home not reallxlug thot pnther roan nor heaat oniild follow the trolt j oven at that hour wind loktho door wind roared down the chimney time crept wlowly on and t und no ono cume to the reaoiin they oould nt know that met trylngj hut falling to reach the achoel- uoumo at four in tha afternoon the achoolroom would have bean in dnrk- neaa hut for tha box of cundlam left from tho chrlatmnm celnhratlon tha hchool toucliur cut u lou hrfiad into hllcoa and toaatvd thorn the roala for tha hungry uhlldmn whoj dlnnarpullh were empty that bread had beau intended for winter ltlttbi now it fed hor rrffchtoitoil tlonk hfory after atory the bravo girl told whllfl tho oold grew more intnnae nml tho galu liicmuacd in fury when tho ltl ono grew uleepy molly put thuro to bed on bunaheu moved olouo boauln tha atovo und covered thorn with benrakln rusn they had brought before riirlattuth to proud on tha roush floor of thn noli oo i room thuh molly auitln lioguu her lonoly vigil oho dored not giva way to tlrowalnoan lent thk children ahould trooxe molly nover liked to talk about that terrible nkht baforw tha ahetuid broken tbw daaka and hof table into pice to keep tha flro burning hut when tha wind ceaaod and ihn nim came to tha rescue ut break or duy the children were warm and aafa mr thompkliut tucked the bravo hut worn out teacher lu lied and rate fill mothnru cullod mony tlmoa tlmt day to be aura that tha bra 6 teat her wna indeed all right unit imply needed real jlut thla atory huu to tto with thai tihaetiatier whon mra carton with the dftlly nawapapera apread opep bo- fare her tolling of tho horobun of u lomu few yoorn uo nt tho hoad of toil inlt on hiiulhurii vumoiivnr hi liuiduiurti yuwiii d un iiiidi mmim nx uvittlou uku u ulgiintlo wouitil a view of part op the famops bouchard gardens 12 miles prom victoria d c dm fur 11 in nit wnrkw arby had rumovnd from tliut uual r nf thn lurmn tlioithundh of loi for titlllkutlnn ii n- 1 limit und it v of uuml und nhaln thn manufik turn of nul im hurd ti con duiioliito timit thun tliuaa dry umy uirna whh h hiik 1 dul imynnik rpuiiiiollutliui not u bliulo of grnuh grow tlmro not n rlrkla of wulur liivi d tho uuplig thlrutlnho of it ttot ii bin unit itu nolo tofniaif ltm bviitlin im fuatldloua omwu dladulnfully isnorod a hundred foot ubove it thn wojkih wore gmnn enough anil fori ut llow- era thrived lu frngruiit pmfuuloii but no wlndwafteil aeeda rould takn rtiot in the dry uaml utnl cluy of thu moim- gruvtt they wllhortil uml din i ant of huhii ii uirn und lux- mi ho of the nhurnt of thn vixhiih slutti il ubovu the oxuuvulion jookod ull uiu inoongruoua and unulglitly y that uuinu liifoiuiruity lion hoootna ontl of thn mcint lovely uriloti potu in tho wholo liugth und hriiidth of amnrlca not oxoltidhig thn fuui- nnletin of uouthnrn cullforiilu it u thii meotjl of tliouuunilw of tour- ihim every ytiar und uu tlioro lu tin renl winter wmthur on fuvourod iioutti vauaonvur inland tho guidon bloomi pruntlrully tho whola your routul thlu tnhu lo uoodiiipllmhfl mnuu lugei lilty nlii d hy vt r uuic inn i natura im thn nnuwor itlnik lou in by ltd into i ho ixrjivutlon pit ok wl up nguliiut thn oluyt inku ur i urouml thn rorku pluirft tu think iny- ura ull pviir tho lovi lu nml lu tho vnry heart of thn in wo liolo wutrr wuu fad from u lake lur ubovo tho huultti in llu uimmiu llu inwlvon umtrilill wuu illviituil in tonu down ovi r tlio uldn of tho llilrtity cluy in u iliuii i right ful tlmt upluulitril into tha lu uo a huio hi pfrou tliut utimjl i 11 willi plunil lu ull of th hnhu ami oran- i uu itork utulrwuyu wuru built from thn rim of tho truvutlnu down into tliti plum ituolf u humtithl wukm ami liyputliii uild utrntdiin of lawn wru iiuuil nut und grt ut hmln mailn hunt lo hrlluil wnti built ucrtia tlio hikn uml tho htruin manlf uml thun itiwanoilinij and tlin tilnnthig imson lit oitiu of moo wuru vniployml in tho nrnt utugoii of tho wovk nml mptrt lunifmuihi gurilqinirw for not only tho grt ut uunkeit lurdrn hut thn grtnnil uihivo which hud ixion clnurthl wnu to i mi luld out in luwiiu a rohugurdi ii u ti u gurdou und a combination of jupiitinun uml fulry gunlan moim llttlo utiiuimnj fix in the woodu wtitn niuvuillii tutliluuptmr carduu uml nourittlii d from ui idurg round i1h to uuml up rolnlwiw fimntulim hero uml tlmro avmuioh of hawthoruu uml othi r oruutnuutul trmii w ro plaut d and u thouuiiud font or mora of pur- golum built a lurgi tuiilioiimo uml u half u tiooro ofothtr llttlo uuinuuir- ikiuhiu ull of thn nnwt urtlutlcally rimtiu tluulgu worn wouttornl thmugh- niit thn dltforont uarildiiu uml nviirv llowtr uml uh rub that grown found itu homo tin m tlio poruoluu were hung with climbing rouou tho ton- jiouho mu cod in oloiimtlu uml wiuturlu mill ucli littln uumiiur houuo hud itir iiwn luihvhliiul guiimtit of colour ililu tipper lnflmi in thu llrut nun to ho trnvomod by thn vlnltor uml huv- illk unnp ull of itn lovollmiiui tho curlouti rhamiu of tha jnpunoua gur- 1 mi with llu ii iwui f trh uu 1 uhrulut tin ir irlm rrowm i huuku thnlr tlokt rhuiig puojuw hi- ulvuil thu lruicomi thu tiny fulry fontilu uf nlf- luml nml tlio imwllil ring htuiuly of thu nmii uurdtniu iinuu uoimou oin ultuoht natliilid until iy u uorrtt path ono umoruiu umbh iily rltii upon rtii i ml ul flm- wliolo luilllg hi imiitfliioi tiutiiiy ut whut uo 1h fom urn i colour lvi ry colour und lint frill 1 thn glowlnif uoriioonmioum of thu poppy rti orturt win rtm h nit larknpurtn tuiliht puulul uhuiliii of thn old-ruhh- uiul luvt nib r forgot nin notu utnl uwkii puu uni thnnil 3orfumoi f lluru lllhu ofthnvulloy wojll-mow- f bonny hiirkln nml uvory known lilouutiiii uvoipt thouu which tluivo only lu tropica 1 olhnou lend their iinolu to tho uplnndld urgouy which huutu on the pluoll ulrl mualol imoly uui llttlo btrdu muat thlukthoy huvo n in hnd tin ir houvoii for unvor um their miiiuu uvvitir thun hm i nnituliih hoiiii tholr rulnlmw uprayu unioiig thn how mi wutt rfulld tlnklo lowu tho ollrfuldo viii4iro fnnui and vliinu of nviiry bun riot in guy profit- ulon uipl tho gruut guunt rtiok which otirn nilirkud thn pluco hku u tomh- hioiiu in criiwuod with roow pluutu uliruhu tnuuuea of delphinium lupin fotfiilovo und nvory aort of now an 1 uldfauhlomid tlowur till it rtuiomblou untlilng mo much uu a ijuuiitln guy tlio lu uu lu utockod with trout that oomo hi crow iw ttur tlio rrumb you tuuy drop them volvuly cuttullu rluo outnf the aliullowu uml watur- lillehbuuk on tlio imimoiu of tho wuter whl huttflrrtuiu f tvry ln and vnrloty wmvij u loom of colour from howor to llowor n do ii ij girl teacher of tho north woodii who kept hor llttlo flook from frotmlng tho nlifht of the tnrrlblu utorm uho fo than interohtoil vhou uho opuii- nd hnr mall umiti uftor and road u p per written by folly thorno thimip- klnn and huiduil a mod out lit ro- mra curtonu oycu uho no with joy hot pun guldnd by ipvo thlu girl of io woodx hud wrltuu u thrilling tuln u lovnly girl protty tnluntnd tu- dorly ruarod who hud goiiu llko it prlnccn in dluguuio to llvo u imuiiitlful dally life lu n rouuh lumber rump not ono of thu rnporlyri told tlmt uilo or thn oiing uclumit tout hnru tight ogalnht tho blluard with tho porfiwhiy nhounii wordn of polly thompklnu it waa lluit luipnr thut won una prlao and tlio wldo avfoko clrulu rvjolood i know you would it mild molly you did t won polly a ruply 1 told of what you did and who known what lowly iluiu urv ulnuil for uu ull tlmnk to you t an old ladieq race on u hraolng iluy jhlii your a llttlo l roup of uprightly whltu hulrod iiuiioj hi en wulkliur ulong uu uvuiiuo of lil ml wltt u ooiihldoruhln wini- pany of frlonilm uliowlug tho koonuiit iitunnt in thnlr utioll tho uvout lu qrlml in outing liuiro worn vnn hulloh of thlu wulklug purty tin yuuiigtht of thoiii uuvonty ilvn ynaii und iio iomh thun thruu of tin in numhurlng fouraenro yoinu rhoy wtirti i ent on allowing u gonerntlnu whloh iffu ut thn uottvltloti of uld ago thut i twilight of 11 fo net pot m on itelng put on tho uholf walking party wum tho result infitrmul dlmiuuuhm uiuolig o few old ludloh over thu tououpu they ilecldud that thny to uld tihow tholr krundnhlldren and evm thnlr pront graudohlldreii a thlngor two yet uml he aamn time pruaoh tho gonpnl of walking aa un nxorcluo for tlywo who wlah to ilvn long and pronpur thn pntpohod wnlk of four nml u luuttm mllou wua tu light up by othur uhuorfu und nged ouna uutjl ulnviui athitra hud voluntoortid icarly in tia pllgfltrlugo uowprnl of tt veiinrubln wulkvru liudto ho hold in check two tullua wi oovonil ua nhnerfujly n if thin wuru u pl nlu purty ulid thiru worn no luggardd at thn hulfway point u coiiti had lnwn outhbllhlled by rrlembi of tho purty iloiti thuy mat oil ami hud cup of ten uftnr covering the llrut two mllna lu foity mlnutiu lltiviii oh lnitleu lad utnrted uloven old hulluu ilnuhotl l heir iilioukii nuiiluil ii hit but theru wiiu of futlguo a rew hkioliu- f mm ho goal mm xlarlu mnnllvr uge1 ulghly who wuu one of tho ltnpetuoua oiuh who hud to be heldjluuk in thn tuhlor ulrotchc ihirhti to do a uklpphig htop ulong tho pavement hm if alio wtist nomlilg down the mlildle lu on oldtaailoiieil vli glnlu reel htm liud un ublu purtnor in mm huuuii ltickhart alao carrying the vur- deu or eighty yurm und butwutlti them twuthajurdor- ot uuiupuutloii aainad high vhut they ulurlnd oil to in thur a lively llttlo trot for thu tlnuh it waa u dead heat between thu tun uud iruf fiuimra were thpti divided tho othern came lu after them in thu beat of aplrlta all vowing thut they wurn by no mo una uxtiniihted they ittti united their vlgoi lu old fe to having wtuknit hurd lu tholr intuitu itll thuh liven in having novo hntherpd thnlr iimm1w about dinting und to huvlng minpbd uurly in 11 to thu i rule willy to btd unit early rlno the avoruge ugu of thumi eleven fuw hlgllu the little more ilnhu hud witluoii out to thn kltnhnn without waiting tor an invitation that wnn how uho imppenod lu uoo ulloia ivrtu thu hlg ono hfautlfully erluu- croinioil and aprlnkhd with olnnutuon urn powdered uuiur und thn llttlo oiiuu itvni mom okiuthltely cruui- rrofuad ami much mum thlakly cover ed with uugur jllun 1 orguu who im having u mrtlnluyt uha dunuu ind it rruuiu im wluli tlmt 1 waa id liuvn lioen liail with ilnlight wluti i wim u child icllu i unkud up li iiurprhic lllrth day oh tlxwui turliit weill ou uen i hnd u llttlo dougll loft ovor onn u going to llttlo rmmy knnlx liooaui u uho wum uo plucky over huvlng hor tooth pullml ivnuy uuluyl tho tooth momory will miulidi but tho glory of thut tnrt will hint ull t o rout uf bur llfo hllon itrifiiml whut lava i iloiot luliu uukutl uliil tlml you wull umy imk how muny yum huv i you 1miii huvlng n ilttl lift cvor f ovuiytliinkt ihn t you ullai thut it humih very ikkh c il- iiiliitlou upon youi puitt iqlli n bliinlnil itu aunt tilly u i inlv uh unhl mho uud to inukn lift ii joy to ull thu children of tho vlllm- with lur tiny im uml cukei utnl footilui tlluj ulwiiyu tienn1 to kuiiw wlum u- child hud otimo out on ttip in uomn rlillluli lutttlo or when ouu i uml ol ii bit tif ttimfortluif for wiiiuhlng hurd ah tho mothum hp- proilitod it fuw if tlum hud tlmo to nuikn the upenlut lljtlttbllibil hilt aunt tilly utttttl to auy it nlwuya junt ua auy to muku n luiln limn 1 hllppoho it wnu ihhir imlltliul econ omy but i n hir tlint it wum inug- lilllnnnt uplrltuul i conomy wo work ed in on hopo f mwnrdm uometlmiti it la triw but thprnwhrdi no inovlt- uhly raoogiilaod truggln rnnl honuat atriilgle thut rowurrtloo unit f inn- hood und laklilna grew to lie auormu umong in a ions i v ill mvr forcnt one uln rry pie tlmt came to inn when i hud utrugglnd for u whole wnrk o r u ovrtalh terrlblu exaiu- pln l uhonld nay that that ohvrry io hud puld wonderful dividend to tlio world ilnhu remurueil oh hut itll mo eaay to do n jlttl morfll it lien protothu liut dnpnmbl upon the pernon luin retortod thu talk uwuug to other tnplcm then awe vou discouraged jtamomlior this win n abruhuin 1lncoln wuu u young man hu run for thu iiglntnturo lu illinois und wuu tuully mwauiiuid ho uoxt onterod liimlima failed uml ii mint moventiumyuio uf hlu llfo pay ing up tho ih hlu for ii worthlmui purt- ho wuh fu lovn with ii luulltlrill woman to whom hu ihh iimn eimuiel thou hio dlod lutnr ho married u womim who waa ii conn tun t burden on him ii o then trud to lot un upiinlntinnnt to tint united klutu luiml olllco hut fulhd hu ikcumo cumllduto foi tlin united hditom hi niito nml wuu hnilly foliteil in lrc im luiiutuo riiudldutti for thn vice lrt nllt ucy und wuu ugulit la- 1 after mwitlmi lmil fall- m thuiku lu tho face of vi nuully bocanio emu of i m atuiil mini if not tho fm ud onn f alliu ui on goat nil thlu ho tho luiiiutiy griiiteut i whut vim think of uioilou nt not luiilirt llku tluw docmi l it muku you fool klml uf uiiiull in lutonii dlacour- ugjd junt lucuuno you think you urn huv i n jr u hunl thun lu llfo 7 pruitoil- iiii ouur1 srteatmifbj oy tliat nftemoon cup of ijinkaf refrcnliinef stimulatino every si a pleasure i blenjetl fripnn the choicest ceylon growths from british hill gardens tlie supreme tea for british tastes order today wm- braid co vancouver canada gillette safety razor the shaving service for every man everywhere prosperity hammocks i hi i illiliilnm uu uni in in nil om it i u ii hi uh mlroiif iiil luruhln fltli irl ill nitilmill i i of vhjru v uri i in hi i k in ul 1 fi im 2 76 vlwj 3j tax0 5cck 1026 tflio 7i6 7 it 0o vlw ajit ajjt flouj couch hammocico t tor il iiit ihint u u fir m wwliin lilci i il tr 500 llimikkk 1u00 fi uni b 00 jiy ifjxi f lamp chaiho ailjui t i i four ihiiulonu 1 iii mi ii with i iu uml t u i ut 527c 3s v1ig caiiden olat m id i to iluml tin unthr i it i i ut 21t uni ajm i the itoni iiaulwaltk co itd mhon 101- flutlpu to y this stores policy to repfesent jjoods ex actly os to their quality to sell to thoso who know and to those who dont know nt s uniform fair price to fulfill all guarantees and cheer fully correct nil mis takes to deserve your confidence by always giving you bntisf action savage co jewellers you would tay that ihc man pictured hero was welltodo hta smart appearance givea an air of pros perity that in a distinct asset in hts business and social life now lmntfine him with a co of day a growth of beard 1 who ro v would guess his prosperity he no longer holds his head so erect i yet a few swift strokes of his keenedged gillette and ha is ready to face the world again sure ol respectful attention i are you depriving yourself of far more than you can imagine by delaying the purchase of your gillette safely razor do you realize that there is something more than easier shaving time saved and a smoother chin coming from your investment of 5 00 in a gillette j look prosperous it is the first step towards being prosperous no stropp1ngno honing majce a point of asking your totm jeatcf to jaour you omo gillette saoti rotor fa induing tu new big tottou al 500 the set giueite known tht wortd ovot if ono hu troubled with ooroa wtirtu ho will tlml in hollowuya com cure uu iipplloutlon tlmt will entirely fnllutc hurferlng opportumit1ep at hanb tho fiioo of opportunity in hot um n rpln hlraiigu and myilrrloun uho itiiuojf in uiith familiar guluo thul lunro oft oil than not wu at o lu i omui ulid go without wulijtlng whu hnr ihuruom mcnim to wht n wo vtyt linruod to look for opportunity u uur i dot ire i op in thn nnhonlnmm ol worknhtip whtr our jully lot la caul liihtnud of utralnlug our eyea to do ktura aeeklng for hniun winged figure tit ii nod ngnlnnt th aky then wn ahall liuvo luutlu u long utrhto toward atm- xiont lurvntu um liifontil vy wompi hlh anno greut uurterlng uml if pot promptly denlt with mny cuunn itltutiouiil wiaknuahiu dlllloult to ly mllliru worm inwloru will otinir ihn utomnch und ikiwois uf ivoinim ami will mo in t uun thu nyu- itm thut thuro will lie no reuurninc or thu trinihlo and not only thin llly will rupulr th injurlm nriliim that wonuacuune and rtaloro nuttrjaruha wuu muvuutyolght yuaru i the pi to wouiuliieaa gmsmmnmimigmkiwnnm haying and harvesting machinery uumnioy llllh lltti t mo in layllnloni dull hldo iwivcry km louden llayfurk bwj hling oull hayrork llop mccormlck lundeiti mow era and foimber waoml t one uued inch tire truck light one horse milk wagon lrmlgh wheelharry pk italiiter pfingm f thredilnj tank und trif 0n two rea surrcyi pnhd ienuu trimming exieiwui tup nnd pro curaiw good as new out at u llargain white sewing machine one used chevrolet tourlni car in flnitclasd corulluon dodge bros motor cars j n oneills garage and carriage yvorks georgetown ontario ifc when friends drop in cntataia tbem vital tka oltu victrola tnexo atlaya rash intorca in his master voice records of tha worlds bsast amy and played by die worlds greatest artist fn tho latest popular song and the n d rrmafa there aro qo amharmsa- htg momanta when yan with tho victrola 1 1 uava ro moved their more to tho llevutor at tho g t it utnfiori where flour feed eta may lie secured as usual nerval urari mttd blioru on hanfj our dhtlviuv has hen msconiiniici r noble ltd henftv awbev alanagba feiwc miildimmiikk iiiialvkrxicalilcwl v t twirfw

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