i q ariim jtrrr lrwtu 1 hljtlljja ianuauy ju lujt aeuntr rbrcfllouwvtttvo 1 winn iulm i link iil khunny ami iiiiiimj mini nil nuliiw mil innmifinliiii imimhiuii hint ihlikr iiln nil liluil nut hilult nf nil tlilnuh i in infill ami iilnir u lumpy miik ami liuiil mi ihlniiu to luiiifh uhout id in tli duy nunxu nut yijti ilii nf wiimlli lllld ui i t liiiit fnrnvi i uw whlh rim nl i i iii thin tin in hindu l in i uuiiiiuiri ami ilt ty tlii ufuoiiiy duy ami ulmnu in fun yn know clondu will l lcxiihynii a lovchoquahkel willi hiu lint m hii in ml in touwi nf hlu loitiilntiiti tnnlnrt for i littmll mt ljmn loiiiiion ihiii irtt ihn illtoi for fun uihmtiu cpn t yini jiiovu u ilkin fnutnr mollo 1 7 lirt 1i1 nimplnd aiuilnjf iiiihj- flluli mmiru vol 1 fion uitr room w jhutn whut yon huvn bun uuyluu fin flmf on fifty yunru you know ft ulwiiyu hfilu tl iii whnllftvur 1vti mi lit it niplhid uiu vwmioii hmi it lii iwmily mlnuttu puul the old man ov tiik w cmck tower ih nif to iilnir 11 la ni inr ik o f oil i 1 nr mi 1 u 111 fivm id 11111i 11 ul 11 ll lllllll 1 lid 11 11 w 1 li 111 i mllthu nf hlllln m fn it 1 iii it ill l t itnl tint in t itrynrr ivn rni t illll h71 of ho 1 ho liilifr wntf lldlllll l mh hi l li 1ii0j lilt willi iii ji tlln li iikhiiki hi 1 11 10 im ik h ill it out linn ui iiiion 111 mihhilh in h dli 11 v lolin m 1 ii uriimn itov ifti i 111 ill 111 mill i ill til v ii lllllxmlll will llll ulllllllil lt v imllf voh itlw ill unit clonk in fuut unv it flint s- uh n wprm nitniiliijf 1 bop w t i iluoiiiiic thut point mill if il lllio to hurry tlm hniun woll iilay im tlm liiirun und tl liliny mi nlm rupllnd illxo wnltod whlln tlio diuirudlhd duck thuit uwny it fnw iimm mluuti millur i ixllnvo ynuio dulydullylnir jimt to 1 ilti diet ho lnotiirnl ni in nt 11111i th olmru won tout by u ulilio tlnitv wiiu wo mo tlnin wonlii i ii u out mul iot in lui oiitlnunj if you wiot to no with inn von i ixtltur 00 001 ilonif 11 f wim vny 1 oil bom to nbont iinlilti iiiiik uil lio fiiwiml litiuilliiiiuly with hi ulrihiij but lit ittnt 111 iinutuil lliiliiirhi tlm uiihiun wniy ni off i lin fullod wolr iiooilhy uh1110 tlio ioily hi hlu niiiiontlnii llion jirkd tlio ri inn nnil tlm horuo iiiqvii on s u it 1 v u hoi rlfclltl iilnii tugtn lld 1 ho fmlluif of jiimtlliktlnn mliiyot vlli him nu fur uu tfii turn of thn mnit imiitlnit to tlm vlliiuo iloyon i thut uolnt hn utmw woll nnoiiun tliul it woo iitiilihoin initio thut kdtt hlui on hlu wuy ill hot luivm t gut u iton h knrrtitd wmrmsr kiiihlimly wnlnif that if thut uhnul 1 prouii to lift ij10 uiuo iiu m nut imok wihiiymmiibrrmionriiijihroir ho found it omity lcrom- fttiothnr howovuf ho hioiikht out tlio hujutkor- olili f nil unionthly folilod uml riuiirunt with ijwoot liovii mothor hiiil lookdil out for thut hlu oyo foil oil hlu noot ulimvn whloh ho now fomomhunnl to hilvti toin itoolddiititlly wlillo uoitlmr out of thn oiurlauo unt uu inlay it won motulikf uml ho noutly thut you roulij hihilly toll whoro thottoin iiluoo i111i htmii tluit wum niothur ujfiiln hlu nlwnyn ot dihiuh 1i0110 oml thorn woro it lot of thhikm for hor to ilo ivrluidm thut wjiij onu ronuoii why mho wniirtltuom knot lilm waltlntf and iiftur all wlioit hud oho avtlr iiully fulloil to jjti wnnul in tlm7 idbmt wiiu now flrtvhijf iiultii hlowly in fuot ho hud ml oyn out for ti jil pluco to turn round hint jut then tlio mill ovurtook him aooi ninruhiivi whon in mrn jwruont otiluiit out mr millar not tilol i hopo7 tlio quoiition wim oiiihnrriuiiiib but liljoii mtiiucnit to mmwor it no nut lick ho hit hi hut uho didnt ikiwii t h yultnmirto cflinlnu- oliid hu notlhnf itorloiiii no hi mrd mlhor uu thoy ihovo inmt to laimli it ilhl nnnni uorlouif for ho tm fully ooiiunltdiil to kolnjtto ohtiroli without bin wlto it won u ohnnnlnif inornlnit tiod tlio thlu to ohuroh bud lontr hoon ono of thn luxurloii ofilfo but hoifiahnw in orddr to mnrooluto it you wontod motlmr ttloiiff to uroli thlnifh uu without hor iliimiuh woro only wliltowmul uml nvon tlm bubo- llnkm itonif hail a ommomo wound tlm old hormi wan liiivlnaf nu wmy tlm of it la bun wumhii avr hie hurry iinrt for onoo lu hlu llfo wllllnir 16 ltd inlo at oliurdh ilo bml no notion of wnlkh tin to thn family itowjtlmm ilo would ullp hi imlntly to 41 huok limit mill ht 11 way 1111 uoo11 dm txihnlblo oftor infm thuf lobou jwuu into but ho hud mliiciil- ouliitodllhi ono rumpiuit tht nilnlntxr hud wrl kivuii out tlio flixt hyjnu and thn ootrjtrokiitloii hud rliioii ondiwii faolnn thn oholr who nknjf from tho uullory in tho ronl jtnju icbon on ho ontaroil wiiu in a lnniltlon to uo n 1m hum and ovoryono wnu out that 1 hoiidoy rvcji motlnuvhyinnbuou in bmul win tlmrn in thn fumlly mrw hhowloff no httii of buvmif hurried tho hiimt lloforti tho hint tun mi of tha liyinit bml boon mmc klmu hud iimohod 11 liluuhllihi oxnhumtlom of wlmt hud at rtrxt woiiiwl u myuti ry ho hail ilouht- iriw hmii hulpod hy tlllrfuot that blx rrmnlbon who lived iji lllfwmrtild wan in thnw by mit oaruonv ido hh ooiijootiiro wim contlrmod ftr horvloo by iiih wtfo lt wum my timt ridn in un nuto- noilo lio hiird lior miylnir i uie tiatuo down tho uimiu johnny cunrn ovor on nuriiouo thin tiuirnliih- to uur- nrimi 1110 i v hnrdly sat my hrojub yot wo icot hum lu no ttmo ulthou wn wont wuy round by iiciuim oomor baomimii ich a mtnontbor mud whim i muw hlu tor 1oornou 00111a hi without you mild thn itilututor uu ho uhook klitmn imtfil r won ufrahl you woro not woll ilo wmnit mi i to hhnholt thlj morn litu ititariiohoil frn ionrwon but j tcuemi lio fuulh bottnr now dont ymi futhort yon i ni nil rlkht how jui hi labou i uuiipomo inotbtf youllwaut to uu imolt with johnny ho wnt njil ttontljnw thiiywtnhrt on iho ttoih woll tin mild uho if jnlmtty ttoomit mind j buliov6 that ill lot tho trip omi wny in tho mitn do for u bo- pjmihw i kiiokh i uhull fod 11 llttlo morn comfortablo rldluw hoinu lonif of yn points op view 1 nyoio who doom not murry lu fool coiuihlor tho iiltittiru my wlfo biiforo tho tint uho 1m nit t low ourlmi on thn hocii llk a dour llttlo klttei tho dim jltrht from tho rlro lu roilootod in thn rihh in imr hulr hho im nmll- inif und hoi oyiu um htf olottod mid bpurkliliiiow womlorful h0 ih wo my lothhiii are too huiiy for wordu jlra in livuvun on mirth- t v atiyouo who mnrriihi in afool coti- hlr tho ilotuifi my wlfo und i ho- fnra tho tiro 01ml twotftvo dolluru a ton hlio u wfltlnif oiirlod on tho uofu llko 11 out whl oh hbu lu dim lljjht frinn tho tiro miiuwo rfulto olourly thut mtut of inr hur lu fulno htio lu fro wnl 11 ir und imr you nfo hulf oiohoi nnd hi rout onion how tlrofiotno nlm l w ii y nothing burn in nothing to may it u hil on onrtli prlnooton tler a ha thut in iim i im muy bo mot and fought outrlglit hut n ilo thut in bulf 11 ho in ft i1111 dpi thlnif to iluht you yt nil in mil ttiiit old iintlhf lint a hoinifi thut hi dlvhbd nuiilniit itioilf iiimiot u 11 hi iild lti tho in whuti vyi yon liuvo u nilinl tu nut hi lilouo in iioijuo tit luuut it him houi iii tlm unit floiim tlmo uui j liilljvn i viiiioiad tint wluh hut tlm mum- oilul uoiliiltuiriuil moii ht to per- ituiio um n tin y of thu fullou unl ilhim unit hnivo ihiiiihi of t nun win tu tin o dj by uicotltiu- 11 liiiblio llhiiry out tin miijuilty ofiltu nu for vnri ollu liood loiimoiiu wuid litfuvor of urnhwny ut tho imilt aritruiko whoii tho inn jin hy iuvoiu un iijioki it ul wuyu doiiouii wood tipoi tinumiuhiii ti favor 1 hut wltih mid uhhlo hy tholr diiriuloii mid oilnhlur thut ymi wm wroitir uml tin htu hitinulu of tl lounnmijty would lie ihmoi m rvort by ihlw inujorily italulon i u niiort in tit lu roiiiii ul nml wou rlfiht in fin the 01 ih nml uiitiwiiyu um lit iilniditi h hun iiiim in oilur inviikuillldii iut hi tin 11 11 iiultuhlu mnmorliil i will not thn lulvlitltlillltl of 0 holdlinu liomi for an toll wluil i will 1 lydii thut tlm momnrlul cnnmliti o wnu ui ulo llir i notiffh mill with iiowtr tinouili to fill llll tlmli finirtlon 1 ho folutlnu of u unw jihiikiuttlim ot tho hint ml into iloriiin t njiittil to mo in tho luuut hum won mlmm nilinl for tlm uroli- wiy buforo urn lout jn diiiltlim won miiiln iiullk- i would llko to tioo dm alt niotjiil roiumltiio roiiih to tin ir iimiviuoi 11 ih hujiih tlmlr work o 1 booji uu iiouoibhi i im muttn uhould liuvo hoih lin tort d of lonw nuii i lion if tho vvturunii louulio it ii0i1ii1111 ilonn i think u ihiilh iimnll irouity thu tho mm iniouil would ill tuodu uhd thoy mluht mculvn m hmr t rtim t hrrrtttzotm nyi7yot huohnlor wuirloin lot um offnr you u tli thut tho very hyl liom you run tr44ivotmwl fw innttruhfjotlu of my muiy um imnulhhi thnmf nrou t uiiy hor otiiml oinljnuho a llttlo homo all of yout own tluoh 11 boiuo mil ho iijl u ffoldiuru ilduw fr uny mm of you nnd will unoid iati moio com fort thun uy iniblln hnttltiitlon uunh uu lu uinikmhitl liilhivo mo i kjiow whirouf i win uk llut dont any ono nt yuufivor whluimr thut i um knook- inv tlnldion urontriovir did imvnr will i oiimho tlmlr onuruuo uiid hiuvoiy mid iiulfuiiiirllloo too muoh foi thut myudvlitt ubout u homo in h rniiult of un old liiuuu loiltf oxtwiloncn und clnuo ohuorvutlnnu no ulroo im with tho bo i horn uml for tholr bout i rilor on tu ovry tlmn 1 hqodltor ollmlmd in horo tho flthor day to toll mo thut my old frlond jlitinilu onoll of lhiuihniiud hud oullod at thn vh ivnu ollloo to miy thut i iwuu 11 your out in ulvlntf tho dutrof tho ailnhih und idlilmttd ii row ho huld ha wiiu tlvlur with hlu folku ui lu icilu at thut tlmo nnd hu won in aoton th hn nlulil oftlio hro until tliullt wum llfty0110 yourd nifo stihtoad of fifty nu t ututod wall jlmiilln tflviu uood liruofof tho correct duto und ill ffivo in thut i wnu wroriif thlh tlmn jinunlo uuyu hlu ntothur who wuu tho hfiht frlond lu tho world to him dlod thut fall a montli o1 two itftor tho tiro in 1801 ho will novo forkiit that lato jlmmlo told thi odltor to ihuuio ino thut bo wum nt llndlnir fault imiouiimo ho rnndvory word of tho old mini u tttorlfltl with aroiitoht in to rout hamiuho ho bltu llvod thioiiih mnul of thorn und known tho ypth und unjuyu ovory lino of thmr lio juwt wuntod thlu oml dato utnilffht- nuod up aly old frlond junk eluoord of orll- thi bun boon in town durliiu tho wo4k utiiylnu with bin brother ivnd who wuu vory hi jnok utwiiyn wum nffoa- tloiiiitu und liolpful whmi uny of the family wtih coiiconiml und no mun ovor 11 vim in aoton i who im inoro loyul to tlm old town nnd uu nufcocjutlonu although hofhmiklwuy thhtylvo or forty yauru i think tluro huu novor i mini 11 voitr iiuioiod whim ho did not htlirri to rmiow mqikilhluticiu jilliu it u hi to un old twmto oilo of my own frhniy ttin otlwr duy thut bod llku to mmt tho old mun und uhuko bundu with him mid toll him how ho uujoyn hlu wookly lottor woll hlowu you i unit jtiok half u 11000 tlmou wjillti ht wuu in town wo uhook hiunlu nt hud novo ml chutu about old tlrrtqm lin u ttiil in know hooujnyn tho lultom fiom tho hlu clook inwor booiuimotio iliiviir nirutlom d tlm inut- ttt to io fiiy i himtmhor tho duy juok liroiitfht hlu hrido aiuu jon 11 hi wildhtiif tilnbrook to aotow my but lui wum tho bunny hoy io wmilid ull tlio xthl bnyfi to mtjot hlu loiiuhp h wuu nt mo koou ul huvlnifher mink nil thn tfh l tit hlu uoiiuulntuiion ihmiuh jitok hud hon uwtot on uamo of out owa itlrlu hut whon bu mot jimtil wiiuht it wuu nil ui with thu nt hoi tilrlu a im of lovo ut hmt ulkhtmy k how fui imojt ih it ulnoo jnok und jonnlo nuuio homo why iim foity yiuilm iio you ronio to think of ltv itujoityllvo yuurw why blm my hourt wlmn i hntfln t uuunt mi i huioiily bolhtvn it lu fortv no von nr ixvrhiiiiu fortynluht ynuru ulnoo thathtindnirnilifhr jiioli xoooid hiidhfbrttle llluuuiit4u-llmli-ui- nviiiimo lu th old mnthoiiint chut oh on ohuioli mtritfrjuuk wum runtilnu a hunlwmti ntold in hi moourvluu old drti- mtorv wliui11 hmold wllnu mukou ltioo uwolit wtll 111 ootifootlniiory john hooon loniomhoru thn old hhool diiyu of inn if oo ho hirifnly llihltlrd tho old uiiiiim roliiilouh whim ilohort flttloh boym und uhlu ifot to- irothorvlii 1hu4 nnd 1u00 und look wum u rul hciioo boy uwuln on thouo luumoruhlo orchmlonu oyon fu huittchiu tho tflrlm of tho old unhool duyu ovon thoiiirh it boninnd tlidlunlttdil uoointy it nml whloh hoiiio of tluiu hud bu- w11ii wnll bow 1 liuvo wmulomd but you miiht hlumo it on juok honordh limurhtiuki m mid vook ot two ih tow with hoi i intf lundoi mim hoooidi of orllllu mniuorhoi 6f old ifnov oliuroh- mid itu inlnnntnim uml thu old ourimtmy wll hlivn to im out down thlu wuok imiouiimo of ntvyoolkiithtihijf old wiim when thoy it to oldtllno uormoiitill- tlm 1 ho hint iooiuloi i oluv rooiil hi thu old nhtiroh wuu chorion mlluo 1i10 futlioi ot mtu anthfiny htorthniiioii and mm 1 onion afojjim un won u bom inunhluu uml tin wqy lio led thn old wunoh nliyniliiiin who iimunmh ind in old knox uhuroh lu hlu duy won krout how tho old pmitnim of ihivld uml tlm pirufibruhiti mtx jicuinluiiully a hymn would rlok out itftor bin ttin- iiijj foiu kuvo iho nltoh hu wuntd how thn tuhim worn hvolilli viofm hud lliull uini duyil ihu iunihiu mm the mo im nml tin i lltilimiillii nml thn uiu 1 nml lllliollll unl tl- 1 mid ijiw vnldhi win run 11 uld hi nl 1 uml ki uiiuilyu mid cmbinniu ilud mmiim mil itom 1 11 uud iitlmiu of hi old iimthm who imd lomo mmriliv hftnnl huiiku ul i hiiuwufwotlm d aid nitjoy hi ytf tl o i j id lu tlm mlilui lili au llw yuiu uzhluui 1 auud i lin dimiiiiil fin tlm dunlin uinw huu liluli lrtt- iii yoiiiiif folkm inn nid i nulhiu milymd ruiili uiimu tho on ii 1 nr ymrrt htr culm ion uulh ho 1 tlm nnm ui thin wltfi mm ainl oiiuinn n mi it ji nd that umiiilly urtu tlm fionimrin lhlklhii a jlnw ii 1 i i huv ilmiiji il 111 win hint thut not u niunliu jf tlm muuilon 01 iivim of thu iiiiiiu lullon v 1 in tnnikiiti 1 ituv v ij imlluy it a tho ii11w liilnlutoi li foii bu wuu f 11 duoli d tin thn t lshjh duy- nf thin mr ilh wlillur h iiuhi iixnk dm lio 01 ml 111 wliiltlllll in hud 0v1 i lljllil un willi uu 11 nluililir hllllciiiiuo oik j jn 11m11 in 1 foil n in uiu ill ihti 1i1ii1 1 llt in arlnn wlmn mr mlhio luld down tlm luu- liitr fmk i thnk jlnimlo lilntw of tlm fifth un 1 ii um 1 to um 1 1 id him uft r i bsikfe- itnv rianitiacamishon j im hiioiid minliiti of iciiok lunoh iiiuott imiiiuiiiihiu mi llluiw i1111i 11 iood on for niuulo hut hlu vnien wuu woitk hlu uuorpiuoi wuu will ofhlon oun of our own hoyu jiou of tho courtly jolm lordoti of iohioii hnjl tho homo wlihlra laimridin in huvinif miioh it imiy tlmn il 11 no n mini by hlu jinn family and brood uorou wllllum fllhid tlm honoiiid iioultlou wull ilo wuu iiirood tniiulolnu wltlu ich hnrl- tonn voleo und im invtul ti job ifn tlllod it with ntoiont uu llu fuot inn until bu foil in iovowth mi101 chrlntlo blu- tur of mr j i cbrltidnmid of mr p ilniiilnriou wim 1 iiiim front milton to anton fortymovili yuiirn jin mi oordon unit mhui chrhitlft wn mur- rlod mid uhortly tlmiouftor inovod from aoton to olnuoou thnn wo liml hohnrt huyi u who wnu fro nh from tho old hind ho wild iro- nmtor for itomo hint uili thon do- ohlid to nmvo fnrtlmr wmt o try hlu f ortli non hn won tt itluiitlijliir ihi t a ynuuvinnu of jfrmit rnomiuo bud hootiin truluiiih mid olir own aichlo mil im wnu calloil to tho iilunn of honin a roh lo wan n itutjeimit mid thn onuro- uatlon follownd him loyally by thlu timn tho ihrimbytnihrii ihiok of ihuluo had aottnn a utrouir footlnir in tlm muulnil jiurt of dlvinn woruhlin niul thn jiymini wirn lluod uu finnly uu tho lnmlnih whllo thn mvnmd old iuirn lhriiuw worn imldom imnrd tlm uhit o wlilmtlom hiho hnunn i0huvo a itliiro lu ovry iirntoiihnuuliotno uud noniiln ho mm th rnnllmo that thoy u1d iirtllun 0d3imt mi inviimntly by tlio uld of mililo of tho 01 um in imtdnriihtt by hn hiiiiiun valoo of tho m noil tor whoii ilov j w itun wnu tho mln- lnt r arnhlo nruuulvod a rlioh in tho tnountlmo tu kiluduy fldhonl hud dut in un prenn or thut worvloo out of ddforonai to tho utroiiir fnidluuu of ijn mo of thn old folku it wnu mlluloimiy oiiviiyod from thn olmnh ut ut chutu room durlnif tint honm of nutiuc wor- uhli 1 hlu luiitnd for oivni ul yi ur 1 but flnitlly it wiju dtnldoil to uuu tljn oryuilwltllulirhdll uud aiihlo wum hnppy thn iminovnd nunlrul uorvlno wiif noon ffomrnhy ndmltlndond iho oricitu rooojrnuod uu 11 notihuniattl ihirt of thu dlvlim woiohl of thn uiinrtuiivy r woll horn i nm imulu fur punt my nllottnd uiinco ill huvn til liuvo thn hiimhry hohliol mipi lutinlilimtu und thn yoinifprnnohoiv who vnnt nllt fiom thn uoukroifiitlmi nnd thn old oiictoiy nnd thn ooltutfotoofoi uohoo imimn on thn ohm ri lawn foi mm limit j- tina oijd man eaqv monev 1wo ihuhniqii in u ciimidhni hifl- huiilt worn iohijx into thn tionolniu for thn llmt hum und tlmlr mntuln pro mlirntl llinm ii vn mhlllhjifii foi nvory nninvti tlmy killed put luld down to nut whllo mko liiiifornind thn duty of wntohliur itit had not lain limit whmi ho wuu uwuk- ntmdhy mlko ti hliniithitf thnyro vomlui 1 liny 111 oomlnl whod ooniliiv uhoutnd im iho onrmahh 1 ropllndmlkn 1i6w inuny um ilioyt uoui itftyttmilnntid 1 ilnuorru uhnuti d tut juiuptnic up und krhbhtinfblmtttlnrthlti our fur- tiinnn tiuiihi optimism optimum m hopn broiitflit dewu to thu proufliit mid iipplind to thn thhu you ox 1 mnt to tonkin nom itu 1111 i111hvi1i1111 iiiiulity whloh oihi bo iiniiliiul jind ilovolopnd jmit tlio umno 1111 uyotninutlo okiiiium will du- vnlnp knoth of tuuuoln on tho iirinu und hlimildnru if vou fool tlmrn im u ohmtno for dn- viilopluu yout nptlmlm uliitt in fntht- luu now and uo out nm li nxirnlifif with your hnuil up nnt youi nynu imd on vhittny piootloo iho hilitht outlook llivnuf woml uud m mtpin u ry phnty of tlm oiihniuut of kloil ohonr whnmynr you ko und un how tnuoh iimoothoi thltikt will run with you i rtgpormep appetites nnv york huu hiidikuily dnvnlopml 1111 ovnrwhnlnilllu- niipidltu for miitiil- iiictu uud wlmiuiuknu 1iolilbitloii it lu imlil ijiiu nilido hnmkfiimt 11 miilly iuinorlniit iikmii mun urn cutlnu li roituiiriuiljiiit h o nlonk 111 tlm morn- liilf now who oouldnt ut until tltttv hud ut limt jhiiv hul nino- out ton inn iiltllnu foi himkwhiut oukoj llllll wlilmiiki ht it u un dl thut not hi nu uppculm morn to tlm rnformnd hioimioli thun miium- nwm und wlmnimikou and tht moh who utfelnlfilor niluunfiun uiv on utrluu imd tlyi pilonu mo inoiiptlnu ukywind hi twiirthii thhoujouniur eaoh in his place inn irmi utmt mir hi ic- with ul 1 niuiil ultpt hulr moui nllllin hi tlmi huu youth titnllli j jliu- timhitfi jucjtiiltlwm iduutiy uu iiiim 11 fuluu uilu pu ipliy thut iiik iwmm iiwm lilm m vhluu- tin uikond lu hi thn huk jllum uu tli find fpf tl ul hn iu lu- itiihfiioiiii uu will hut hituirvi u mitbliiif i lid third niuii huu nil thj koo1 ipjull- th 1 of hu two former hut lu uddltlou li lulu thrift olid lilwuvu hpciidu iomm riiuii hn nriim wulib thou- tbriti for thn flmt i wot i y ymru of tin- mun you wlllilud no 3 riimilnir u uinonuhfiil hunliii 1 und no j working for lilm ut hut idluht im n m lu hlu urudn win in will v nil no it imhhly timkliitc lhmiiitli tlm fm lory window 11 lhurhd liolulmvlk ilumnhmr tlm plutoimlm uud liku 11 run ld null ull muhift with thii work jr on to ujw utxhlu of 1 1 tolnthm northwouti m uhrlu- 1 adv tutu auction sale j ql cattle and piq8 thu iituhimimmd him luwui hihtrm t- ni by howahd mahtin to liull hy public million ut lot it non i khiiuhiiiiu- on wedngfldav januarv 28 lit mm nnlnlk uhurp tlm fiillnwluk ca ii ut plttt towf4 yr liw lumlury 3 rd ww8 im ulf ut root r t low i yni dim january 33 liroy iiiw 4 yrn dun jumiury 3ft rd tow ryiw dun mun li ti mil now viu dun aturiih 16 nil cow 0 yru dim xfim h li iry 1 ow tl yru milk illk miu tiruny cow 7 vru 1iu0 jum j mluliiif wl rod ow yrn iiou hmi to mllklnu- will youncj tiarilwil ludfnru 3 yru r uhiru 1 yr imlfir 1 yr full culf j upiiiiif iilvthl 3 iiinmij j yru rot hnlfir ruinu 3 yiu ikih it piiim 3 moutfiu old iihmh all uiiiiiu of 111 00 uud iihihr uiuli ovor thut uuiount ltl mniitlui riidt on ltiprovd joint notou u pi 1 ci ut inr uuuum off fur w a ucn ptrrchjauotiooji wiuirtn i rk clcarino auction sale famm btock implements etc oml vnil in nm uiidoruliruod itnuiloiiu fim malcolm michie o ut ii hy puli ho 11 m hon oil lot 12 towuuhlp nf nuimiiituwnyu on khidav januai1v 3q 1020 it iiio o nlonk thn fotlowhiir funn fonk mid linjil mniitu oiqiuii-a- hnruo hi yrri old wnlifht moo ibh i bvjrifti 1 ymoid wnitfht i aoo fjatfhll- 1 rod now 6 yru old dun to oiilvo april 10 1 rod kiw t yru old dun to iuivo muy fl l rod txtvt 4 yru old dun o cnlvo muy 14 1 rod iw ti yiu old dun to culvn july ji ywaltllno cattl1s4 ynurllnir nutthi 3 htm ru mid 3 hnifnrm 4 hprlnw 1ioh 1 hrood iwfftf itrumtwonkm old ajjput 1g kood hmnl 1 oooknrol imiijumiun nt 1 inmlhr wuckiiii bov uhulvluu uml mprluif uout unh uu miw1 top hiiitiry vinurly unwi 1 road cmt l auttnr uml imkluiinluhu 1 uimir- 11111 vnowur i ft out 1 ivout u wood nombhmd umidni und otiltlvutor 1 donrlntf hoi mo ruuu d fl wldn 1 not iroil hurrowu vlnury imow no 31 clinton fuiinlnir mill uhhui nu now 1 mummy hurrlu root pulikir verity un u trior 1 urn vol iwik 1 front woml hlntli r 1 uprluq- tooth drnir 1 wliuil- burrow itauniujb 1 not tiuim harnnu 1 t plow hurnonu 1 out ulnidn imrnniih numlmr of homo oollartf iinck yokn uud whllylnlronu j louttimf oliiilnu 3 bhidluir nhubm 1 uumir kuttln 1 mol- 1 uroum hoptinitor imott nu now 1 in 1 riidli mil uoyihruta nnmbor of cow chultim 11 itiutitlty nf uiiiubioh ic lot of othnr nrtlclnu too numnroliu to nioiition poltlvly no hnrv th fmrm u hold rirnmtl all miinii of- fto do and ii nt or cniib ovor thutmnnint 12 mnntlui nrmllt on turnjuhliik iippmvnd jotutnotnfl ft pr oant off for rauli iltniu filld nhlukhti ennh n j kentl auotloorv lluiun 30 aoton u ji illlolthy cinrk qastoria jtor infanta anjt children jn use forover30 years always benj xbo- glsiuimm of dont woiinv tisiiti hhj ixni t wnuy iliwiw ullll mululllo plllllllli uk ibin widul lio fti ui 1 lumwii mi hlnl ivit lihil lu huililmiujut tlittitj nniirttitnr no fiv tv 1 tr tli d b riluiv b hud only on huln in whiih to rtlii 110 h nihil i v 1 dl 1 of mivh v i id k ulinujil mil iny by mmuub uuiu fur two wltid ru limllll of oun mid nit ilouivfi lout mil ul iji ui ihu fuil that h did not huvi imuiili hoimn luld tuillt- f h hlu 1i1 unhid yniu who till nm witutu to 1 u hlrd with iiulhlnu lo do but fly uml pink foi rout mid nit on hum willi wtiniu to ii u fox iiuuhib ulodf lumviun uml huu im lilt d in furiiiuli ti uldti fm rlrt who wonld to lio 11 njuhrtl rllmhlmc tnm jtiinpliiir rrni llmh to limb pirihliih- utiiu blpil huu in mt n mil mid 11 1 in mo tin iltlllint who wiliti tu hn 1 iti- pnttnd or booti d miiorilliuf ii iiiiiiil of tmihim or rnlu- rjux fid und ittl ut will nf nnthnr llmn drtil fin lnultyt wllt icihi im u man with u mind und moiii that hvim uud thiuku und ui tu thut pluliupttmrwiulih in iflud hint i rtnmn und lovi utllwu uiwl lov tjilil khldlllut iilin do thlitiiu thut i tun work in thhi work 11 day world ud h lp to mnk u u both r nlrlc fo llvo in 1 uj nlm fiirfwiifllyuiiil frhiulm for oiumrtnnl thu uud pitrpouu nvoii if ut timnii tiny do hijnu mivhtlim uml nomnllpivil nor- viwu rm iclud thut i iiu try to 1 ulmvn thiut mid liow to u fulluom j in thut uhull u uu joy hi iho hi llfn vhlih w urn uruitrowliiu- and the vankee staked a tommy uml u yunkio wlnn diii- riiuiilnu tho uiihjnci of kii ttuy lonilny uuht tho yank on f imw u mumt woinl rful thhiu huppi 1 onrn in noo yo k onn of tho luitfu hulhlhiuii wum on llrn uml 11 ifirl in thn uipi r purr lit it in moat duutrnr thu tlr mi 11 1 oilldn t 41ml luddi 1 u lonxr 1 hoiikii in roach imr iiowlnil ilo you think rni of our hruhty fin nmu did waul im phiynd thn houu till thn ultor riarhol thn window of ihn room hi which tlm ih i wuu und nlm not out nnd lid down ihn wut r nu if it worn u polo whnt ulmiil tluit rpmmy ilm that noththtf a hlic blilldlnu wmt oil urn lu imidou und tltoy i uid it t uiddoni ionic nunliuh to n m h 11 yhiinu wonuyi in tlm tup utm 1 mu tbn llrumiui iilumd tlm pullcumuii utuiml in film wo ull iduind uud jm klrl tot mil uml wulljuj down thn 1 diihu jshilo true values the present is the meeting place of tvo eternities the past and the future it is a time us to j dlanq ihi ill 1 ivill otliiwnnlufc iwuyn hu wllli iih uml nni h i1w unm iiitloti will in mlvlmfij iul 111 piuli him f u him rrrti h it lu worth wh nut hint tbiru im iirmit illrtornii ulmy hiipic it lu vwyi uud ixiuihulvu uu lontr uu it lu nv rwii kud mid ittium not bt 1 iinin too fumillur iiirliupm ton wind in u- muni tion d wviintuiilly ribdu itv wuy into up lit nv r uwi uud lu omnm icimd ltisldh whut wt mikbt lo prnvnnt lu thu uho kt tiliiiik whhh vlolu to icitod tuutn or h mlluuimtlvn nf dirt or of unphumiilit moiotilutlntim tliunhurunter of u mini nr of yoiiiiu klrl for thut niuttvr uun hn partly dntniiimit by thu kind of tjlinv im or uhi ii a diur11 mlml will uun rourun miuuk a- imptm of u nod tuuto ullltliiu mid u uniikn nf thn fitmuu nf tli i mi w if hi hvm mlmiw ut ull will uun 011 thn iikiirnuulvu und pin- timuiim w0iim whloh buvn m uugbili- tlivr ur rnurnflnnuulurh of tlm ulunir in fiiiiinimi uun lu illy uud uu u duuotiu poverty of imiutui uml in- uhlllty to nxprcuu ornitmlflli u bittti wiy jotiiiiul mid wimuiuior bomethtwo otill lefx it tu urt old uuylntf thut u pmniy lull rmuio to thn oyn will hnt out tlio uuimhliib and ululnly it oftnn itup- 11101 thut llttlo lontmn blind nu to uroiit iiinimlniri a moroliunt who fiilhd u bliulnnuu u ttiw ynnru ko- wont honm in ui nut uuliiitlou u limk of dnupulr on hlu wliltn fucw whut lu thn mutlnrtuukwl lilu wlfo i inn nilnnrt i huvn loot my nllt hn ihiilulmnd irrthuhiif hlu hnuil utmi hlu foynlmul aim uulil hlu wlfn un i lim liift alt puput null um old out boy i ion ti m i and i too mild hlu llttlo klrl nhi- nhiif up uml puttluu imr urmu rouml hlu in k 1 111 not lout rtmutnd ifldlh and you huvi your hnulth ion iiuhi hlu wtr ami your hundu to worff with uull hlu ollt ut und i ran hnlp you am your two nut tonurry you uhniit and your tvo nyeu to uoo with im id llttlo lcddln and you huvn oodu promlunu ualt thu urnudmothnr and u itimil god unld hlu wlfn flod foiulvu mnl unld thnminrohutit i huvn not hint my ull whnt huvn 1 tout to whut i huvn wt hn took comfort nnd bufuu thn world ufrouli avhy milk bourq i 1 1 it tinifil tn hiiu ul 111 dial uhi htijnu miik imr nrjiriiotr 1 r ntntiih wmrrw ra tfliit nilmii phndu kiiitwu uu bu hi la mt lm iiiiiiii in milk umiutiiik it lui- iiilkuiihl iti uilintlnt wvi uuyu thlu kvidiiiitiou lu not tira tuy mumdu tlm uniplnu milk um u 11 unit of rood ink on tullri unr by tlm liiitlti iiuhi uoiiuh li nutu wbut lu known iwrifi nllk no 1 1 whut thn lrin ollumi n in tli ull wt hollvri that milk im mumud in uonm wuy ilr hiiitnrhl wbloh um pinutu thut riii into milk otim ulan ulr uhd in fioni utiiy ii plutltuthoy inunt huvn ull miiituhln ti mpmnturo und molutilin in nub to wow tlin joitimtni phip nf urovi ullnu thu milk uultitf uour lu to loot it to ro iljf y uu hoouum pomillitu uriutl mllklmruml keufttr old until it iu tiuud iho riinnni tr thlu lu tlm rold iiinktru mi itipuvoruhw oildlllou fur tlnih1 phi tl id ul iciow jntnru thu tullk mmullih uwiot tlunmh hlilllutluiiu it tukuu on iwil tluvoru m duy lpu dlmimo prodii lil6- k u oidnr to provont ihlu o iiuutunrixn milk in nrdm to kill tlm urmu prounnt hy nmunu of hint if it in oolml ubd knpt tvilt unm hiintliur tho milk will hmi nwfu t for uoiiiu tlhn mid lu fiiui from illutm k niu lu ml mi thu iiifimt kind of milk to u mvty 1 irmt hi ri uool ruio wlmn hiiylnir milk prof ii h dnun o a ciillrtjp aimlpli keemt sweet kccpmur ctottinck mxxi 4ojty andwarti ol iho lridi- gcstion of tomqrtovl iry ki m0id5 mr6 hfiw aid to diucution a plttifinnl nntl as nnfo ka tnlco nt enndy w philp jtcjo ihll ohoan irwill vwtaiinii on wodo ofoiiih wh until curlhtir iiotluu timtllu uuuiurd f ty lxmnium on ttrrriiutuil lift ut afiflm 1 liku im im kill 0 will inonlvn vrohllit utlvntlnff human crape a ml 11 int r in u umull town in u ltl 11 won miki d to omoiuto ut n mlnmd fuuoriil in 11 pprou nhlntr ihn j in uho h uollrnd uvoiy murk noutii loiinltik up uauhltit im uld of tlm door no hn u d lilm hum urnn t you uointr hi- uhhit nopn i io t to wtii ml out in r why whut urn you dnlnu- 1 m thu ompn 1 rlniiduhlp ihillu pleasant lapse thn how lu cliurloy unttlnfc uluun vory nhnly un hnpou tolut ti uliii nmtyur why not a rninat vliy 11 iiimtll ir would hn po nioo to huvn him oonm hu k lp ubout novnnyulx yoaru real estate if ion jpivp u honun for uuln if you want to buy 11 noitun in arlnn 11 uk r j kerr auotlnir nnd iiul lttatv dl 1iionk in voufo bti1pkt acton qnt yomiti your i5nifffflit or by t look hid cyo frr irinulalcd eyelids tyo infbliirtl ty expo- ouio to son dail anil wloj ilckly relieved by hortm t demedy no sinwtw era comfort at hy tnail 60a pet jlottlc for book 1 tho cyo fvro wrltt vu murleo eye ttneaody co chlcaaev fmiwkrifesiffsihff advertised to save time a r r r j of salespeople a big new york drug store has been j advertising that it will sell no more liquor until tho jaw against the sale of intoxi cants may be repealed the purposoof that advertisement was interesting the store wanted to save thetime of its salespeople the lime re- quiredlo explain thai tire store was obey ing the law theseadvertisemcnts like all store advertisements saved- the time of the stores salespeople how other adssave time advertisements says ttutliieadqiuir- tets offices of tlie associated adverlising cllibs of the world save the time of sales- people hy sorting out customers for a store men and women who want certain tilings do not liavc to go from store to store in search for tlie articles choice they learn where they can find the goods they want the style color and kind and at the price tbtey can pay from advertisements- that aycs their time and saves the time ofstore clerks tisuuyraclitalifi stocktaking debtors we truly are lo the influences of tliechrialiimity of past generations for high ecluca t ional social and moral stnndurds 1 what standard will wirprcj sent- eoiirseof rifttseviip for the future i have you considered your religious social and financial obligations in the reconstruction pomtri truthfuiadsmake selling fast r j tliis says the advertising association c fo one of the reasons why irutiiiiladver- ueoments pky 1or fjiotnuelycs and more ji balcsnunvor salesgirl in a store thai ad- tertiscs can as arule soil more oods u a olayjlbiu jhose wjiowork uustorcswhich tell mhe housewife aboijl their goods in advance of her uripdovlni town thw sell goods faster their days pay is distributed over a greutoi- volijmelof saltij i t okdcopy dallas texas the acton free press t mmm vi a y i nranmpnpmnh 1