Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 22, 1920, p. 3

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j5fln attbft 3te prwtl illuuimv lanffauy jj lllh iliw af kin ljmu 1iikuu m i uhlluhid ovtry ihuruduy uinrnlnu it tliuljuiu 1 nuuu liultaiittf mill lltruol anton ontdiln j in- unlun rlntlmi ihi in si to in r y ur in bilvnrifd 1 u inii rt diutk 1 ndilulnuiil hi ihilou iti i ho uiilliiil htiliu jltilutf in wtili li mibm ilntloiim ii ro pulif 1m imlli hill jl hi mlihuu lultl aiwl iliiii1no itaflutt trniinlipil ndvortlm m nlu hiitu m i hi i njruto im uuiirttm lit turjlrir lmirtlnnand ti nmitm ill llm for mlh kulhaitimttliuii rtltiii rontr d in piny uilvi i ih i mi ntn fm kill luchimor ioru iidf mmili ic rlllu i llllll oil llllll 11111 adv rtluoumtlu wltllol lilln dlmtlloiiu will in limuiul ull forhltl unil diutict tlkoillllt1 n l mooum c moriihil puuluiluuv editorial torjintn i hnyiuj ju t u iiiuettled an expel looce in dccnlii tlicfoijnttjlitswjirniemoil asaoton- jvtilton and other luidiui pluses throughout the dominion i ho globe the other day ald- tftor onto ito have any war memorial inch tti tin aich or column the uttliif place for it u uiilvofnity ayenu there ii no room tor ifuy worth while memorial in frtrttt of the- city hull i i he unthtnj nicotitlk acton horiictfltlirnl silcty licit in it week showed ttuit very effective mlts hud hrpn accomplished ni n remit of tint ycart work paclrhuccmuliiijr ycrtr the incentive pivcii to the rhcauifylnf ot the honiuii nnd hftmo nil r round mis in town vhowii f rowing result citltui are mji 7i mi tjiolrioftortij to ijrow lowers and i hrtih i and it natiirolly follows that acton n rawing wore bcuutl ful and attractive yeilr by year nqthini enhance tliq ioaeral appearance of a town 10 much an n pro ficion of neatly arranged flowcn mid hrulm willi tidily kept tawni uid boulevard acton ilorticul jural society is a material factor go only in iiiiikn thchouiw omhcrtonmaiircrwtui7trhttinctivd but in tlin vcfy accompliilinicnt m merdaaaf the value oi thu residential property herev there n g vory jjenerul movement throughout thfc province to wccitput the icrnb i ircu from the dniry herd ln tin add re i nt london hint wcokwadc toole profcor of annual i tin bundry tit the ontario agricultural college reported that n recent ccmus sbowed tliut nearlylifty per cent of aires tu uie in j tho province are scrubs in ilalton cpunty wo liave nrfilawnrnptrtoutaito the pure lirod bulln boini much in tho majority however mr riemfiiu the agricultural ipprttntatlyev oimi to linvo thc per contnjjc of pure bredfl even more eucral by sup- plailtiui tbc scitib winch are mil retained it wilt bo of inteiest to the producer of both beef and dairy cattle to uitrodueo neutrally pure bred hires prqmier drury imir dqvclopcif a liini element of clprit do corp in hi relation to hlit new cubinoj i la said tbe other day nt vpoodutock- whether it en- tfiires or ut i liall rtiek to evciy niembci of my cabinet to the laut pntrouaifc dnc i not walk t he plank kindly hut our porty will have none of it the value ofjood rdn cannorbe over cnt minted rural education today require improving we do not want to force connoti dated rchoolr on the people our idea is to free thu tcnool fyitctri trom bureau crude reitilatiou and control wd will do it irent many orlyinnl thitigi oil the fluppotlon tlmt we nlmll init we ijjivo a minister of education who iirtroiic enough to do orlfjiml thitijis lie declared and in doiug them he will hniic ninistiince from tho best oducatlonigta of ontario ltoggasihpllyp p p allege inaccuracies in the- reports of their speeches this it an experience which all newspapers come in contact iwlth bomotimefi tho report orb uro uhurged with intv lilt h words of speakers for a purpose when nothing was more remote from their thoughts i lie dittlculty of malcing a readable report of the vcrbouo aivd dt connected utterance of ninny mou in public positions is wellknown to all newu paper men speaking of a tutu in point tho daily globe bu saturday bald like wholly accurate pub lie speakers wholly accurate reporters are some- whntscarc6tind iflthelr roportu were whblly accur- fiijyrmimwouldhbveiusto biubti hja misuse of the language a now measure of reciprocity has junt ticon adopted winch will mean much tn convenience und comfort to veto rami of tho late war who may bo re siding or vititiug in either cunadu or tho united states the united states congress having passed tho necessary legislation tho provisional agreement entered into between the department of soldiers civil ko establishment and tbe united slates burcac of wai kisk insurance which lias bolcn acted i on temporarily has bcconutdoiliiltoly oporitivo under thm agreement tii ox members of tlic united states forces resident in canada who rcqujrd medical at tention for disabilities duo to or aggravated by war service huty apfijy to tho medjcal rerircflontatlvo or the deparlincnt of examination slioultl treatment be consisered jiecossary t wfll bo ftirnuhed through institutions and clinics of tho department a similar privilege is now available to exniembcra of the imperial nnd canadian forces resident ill the united states ihaibill kiiowniu iiiiimdathtafiuuilf an- il ithoticvtllill biisi at last become n law ity tin measure moniinorlty of opeiatioiu from tminjui nit morjal performed on farm and other aiumal whh out any aiuntlietic will n6w legally be performed only whaif the niilunl la rondorod uncontcioui of pnrt i here ra much n tbrs bill to recommend ik tnactincnt in all eduntricn at midnight on january 10 nationwide prohihi tiou by conititutlonal amendment tho dream for y of thdsoopposod to tlic nnl of liitoitlcatu liquor became offcctivc m jhe united state the depilimcnt and the bureau of jntcrnnl hevcuue the two government agencies entrusted with onfoptpment oltlie new bamc low arc ready 1o tula drastic action against nl violatoni total piohibitlou is now part of the constitution of tlio umited stifti uhd since it had withstood the legal attacks of hni liquor forces it is hkaly to remain tlioro for all tune because as a votoof three- fourth of tho stutowin nocerinry to embody t ht the constitution a veto of three fourths ot the stnteh an impossibility from tho prordnt outlook wiirbc neccisary to rpnent it itjs generally helicvedthalbcfqrcmiaiiyjiiniir adu will stand benide her neighbor to the touth au a a prohibition country the remarkable success of frank a mimioy who commenced his career as a country boy in a small rural store in the state of maine giveij auothor splen did illustration ofncountry boy winning signal sup cess in life prank jhunsay not oulylowus the belt pnyjugdjid among the hiost pdpulnrlmagtt7lucs mi amcricnr but has just purchased the leading ameri can daily newspapofr tho new yorkiierald tn his boyhood ho loft the country store ho become telepragh operator and became an office manager tor the western union telegraph compnnjr before hi was twontyone ho commenced his career tis a pub usher by acquiring a juvenile paper l called the golden argoay still published monthly as the argosy mr munsey in a most interesting nddrois at a mboting of the canadian press association a jewyears ago gave the story of his career as a publiblim how xlle vol oqi n a fo stop r a iiiiiwl of liiiyn w tjt tiiil on hi 1 ik u ii huji in uii rki ut llml vnbtftmilnn wim u mnnii twfl tiilliu illiiluiil mill tho iti dill h v 1 wlhll 111 illmmlt um m iiihiiiliii hviyihinit wmit wll u jik miuy njuwij tin utlna it ilmurrixl tl llu uy wlo wi huiriute- hint hit llll w hi wliy i t mlol liif tli imiit i ilit liy liitlnu ii mil imtiilpul tim illtff rrif wiiu tiiiivliiu nil vipldly nu dm jwjrt totjirohh iriiln iiihi uu it wlm l linn llio ontlf itv w n tlirown ihiillnuir all wri n hihiml in ii i i ini ti 1oy wiiu ii inihf liniil hiiio ulllu ilnio mil lutm wiiy imiiit iii liti lout win millik uuk vlivtrntul wlullii- ii will bo iimii1i tm uuu iilil jn um couiun liny urn liuruiilnjc wllho i nlmnlmr ukruir hli jrf u riilliliow in lit all huu cfllg mrm o all ui s4 sotiaat cjtulty yittjanil chru bm tomnt iiivllm tlio imtmiiiun of f wbo ifigliv muuiiiior t riil ill iiu t our eiitiilocun n ml 1111 i ix rtrlu tluui llllll v w j tlliot- pjnolpml storage batteries vnti tuny tint inill fiitoait in your milliilnr hut not in youri uutiory wliy nduuot it wluiii it illuyui tlio tuiiut hniiorluiit iirt 4n ifimr iutu utiu tory riiifiliit cuit utut it 4 iroulilii 1 1 uittniy with liu thlu ii v it hi first ojaari tw nmt bprlnb wii uwip tlfmn t or liy uuwmun uni nuiitoaiiir uu tlmt i i in llpnlli bnlgdlbns ekisffis raga uortjto ftd o bucdjoata situation hi it 1 ml el willi ii li 1 m wih ft ikirtul otil ft mm lu wim irrnriorw in nnrwuttinir nnni ni uiikii i1u llll fll 111 iivililullo hll iv ol a oitl in m u uulloiril 1 1 ik y ll tlk 1h riiur wl i v utm in m 111 will ml 1 111 tllllll ii ii r inuc jli 1 u uxl im wlllll 1 in ihloy il iinth tmhfjuirtul n li ii ll llvirnmlim ll i oh illily 110 liml iuijh i ttll niuyl ruiiuhdil hi ontjiln mill uu ihi 4111 it hiiuli liliitr qiiiiutlty hi moiiiiulll all rill lllll fit bile 111 iii willi iho uhiullnn tlnviijiiiiut jl il im- iiuulnu cll iilrimly lirni uiih uluiilliil utiillih in iihiii in tiv inhrloi tuniilnu irluvulrk hiifltal iiuulill tlim iif ur uunlltyiitily liurviuhil wh urn htlll hi nik foi wur i al- hoirn unit till lull in wiilk in ullrt niuiitu will lu kiv a lrtt iniiililiiitliiii from ilia ihiii outm vinliiinil in tlmuii pro jliu uliorlul in oiiiurlu mil qui ui tuny iinllii u n nt film iht- inl uii 1111 uxtulloit lultt kiiu illlrll filwuiit hiotlit hollkdu tmiuiii llllll i llllll i ii novu no 1 iiiiuiy inlnitil itiiiiilii- i am iiiwl i lnjf il llvilnu uu tm wmtuh run nl it jirjuluuiiuuii iitiltrwuti w ihui uoul ttm ir tliu tut tun kiulo llwt nrlio of nn 1 uiuil oiitu 111 vi il lu luilkuui lutu ut tiny ikiini in liititrli um qiiobflu uliinil t not moil dm mrroit i ort wllllum ciitiii nii rot no iniiuiii wi tit iii tiiiu liy mou until m lit i himltul itiub fi n liuiiil ollior m li 1 1 utnouu ru hi vuhiy isiuy ihi lilidu r in ili- ih uonilulon hh ilrun4i imwllln h iyfct in nt uiiiillnu mi i hiiiiini tliin mi tin tmii i in tottlm wdihrii k mi 111 or tlin murltlnio itrovhiiin muv nk h ltv ry of m 1 ltiiii i tlim t ti tl riili with tliiili hill of iuiiiil 11- iiiuuru nf in 1 ntlui ju iiny lint of cu n niii ii uy now liny in llur liiuin of urtulii nn 1 hi nil no fliol h iunl ilij rt in li y fy iirlijjil llliiljju tuni i mont u ut i riktj ir oraitk floii com niiiiry 17 llo v in oiboatiufaction woiilt ymi ilk to unit mtlhllril with liln lnlr cim tfimy i woiill it my luimlii mi huh r yon nrii a lual uiutt uuunt couilorijoiiriiul jl on the defensive -i- during- the attenr i -jls-de- bilitaung complications there is more than ordinary need that you nourish and protect every avemic of your strength scoto emulsion because of its efficient ton icnulr tent properties daily helps ftens of thousands to renewed strength thows who are fearful or sundown in vitality should umei thq means that help build up a healthy resistance what scoots does for oilers it will do foi- ou try it i j hrillat lflwir im li jll i ltfjt ioouyictorybonds i were burnt or stolen tliby tiifiiht provo it toliil joim so with slock cerufltquu mmuiltory nbltiil and dtluir ncrotlublo sticuntiuu do not leavo vuluriblo jtipra ut homo or at lilt owco whoro uioro ia plwuyu clanger ft or uwit kooptlwjih in a safety dopoiilfc box in tho vuultd oi thn bimlr f hphoat mcaitaru of tiuctirily nnd protnotion ajrninut i loss in lutordcd ut a iitnnu jrnnuul rental jhc avrchant5 bank hioinnmilr of canada eubliil 00 hiofcomonlriil of canada eubll1 acton branch b si10rcy mnnngcr gconanri own branch i r mimms mnimgcir yop iv find free press ad vertisers reliable lori nunitfev of years shied elect rlcifyhns into general use as a motive power there has been talk of adopting electric current for tho moving of the railway trains now operated- by fljeam engines on the central lines of the country a scheme for electrifying ull roads running into toronto for fifty miles from the elty has been under consideration for some time now t be re comes the announcement of the canadian pacificrnilway whuih appears to bo odlcial to electrify all of its muju lines and branches in the dominion of canada this will mark jhe be ginning bf a now era in railroading during tho past few years inany problems have disturbed the direc torates of nil railroads on the conjlnenr thief ninong which have been the cost of coal and labor strikes of coal miners paihlyzod railroad traffic not more than a few months ago and the possihlhty of many and unexpected recurrences together with an ever- rising price of coal have torced tbe railways who are umong the largest consumers of steam coal to discover othei means of locomotion electricity moy be the real factor for securing reliefs tho llboral leader of the province continue his facetious opposition to mr drury his latent vagary is to open up a torodto ljboral riding in which premier drury could t6st hjs strength in an elec tion agttlnsta liberal tho prime minister hhmclf ficoms to regard the mutter as a joke he intimated lugiipgiywhen it appeared in fl dull paper on saturday that he would give it serious consider ation tho premier made it plain that it wns his opinion that if tho offorliadbaoii intended seriously it cotild well have been otherwise than through the aiowspapers he also drew attention to the fact that mr dowarts proposal lacked considerably in do unltcncss premier drury ninyvt effectively turn the tables on mr dewart by challenging him to try conclusions in hiw own preserves of south toronto it is voryjwidont that mr dewurt did not intend to open hisowu constituency but like the bold man in the story was wllhv to sucillce all his wifes re lations by open lii his follower ridings if yioujiuv out of town and hjny out of town what will become of otjb town the dollat you spend in aclon will coin ilimc to boost free nress buythbriie campaign these ortlclen with are hicy nay present hometldng you hadnt thought of itrforc i the ieople whoao adii nro hre they arc yiiur neighbors 7 7 undwlh treat you itlgh iw thltilonyou spend with them stays in circu laton in acton and neighborhood von will alwy find it pitulii to consult uywtjoiiiiiilifiiiijqcjr oooiim ciitlilnif 1 loot 15 ana utiontt ilnimiiiuniit ollolotlih imif 9wrli our nlin u t uiit1biikut your tlottlran 1 in acton mqlekn k mills our aim u o 8ll vou dry oooiih mpun lfurjit itiso and oroc r i it it tho quality ami phco nt wuililqjuurju uaot your t lonoy in wi can rontnntt wl it aiiyunn irj hikt utrtinaly uriw win- i d c hubbell aon uiiywli lmrlwoi tito fanalar star u critlijon i or uurlly and whoithtomanutim lit imtniit foriniilmm w carry nu wolt nhnli o h rfutuory 1 ollit artlalmi violioliij our nu wall lwr- miiln lujuiw on 1111 vory miolul bat anliim mo oirorod a t tlhown lilt flrt viyliiti llrtiwfo itoou of t4htsc hllvrtiwuro a comlilitt lltirtlwitio iriinltownro lo tlm tikiwt orulnnl fur juiillty firt rlulit wo csrry tnilhouvy out lory und nai i oonvlnoa rlntim und jame 8 ovmon the liquor tntcrests nrodeiiuerately trying to throw a cnrctlnto the ranks of tho temperance forces in tho prohibition provinces with tlio ulterior pur pose of discrediting provincial prohibitory laws and securing tlioir madlmcntlon or repeal they daringly an noil need tlfo utio oftects that- would follow tttj lifting of the ban which was in force for three yemfi by dontiniou ordert lucouneil what are tho facts provincial prohibition wjjjluhi force in every pro vihco of canada and was achieving magnificent re sults before tho dominion prohibitory orders in council were passed none of tlicio lawn will be impaired in the slightest degree bv tho repeal of the orders by tho passing of the dominion prohibition orders supplemental us they wore to provincial taw bettor results were secured but all that wltibo lost by thmr appeal is that improvement all the great good that fheso provincial laws accomplished and the nosults woio incalculable bufore tho dominion government nctei and all tho provisions for bridg ing about thobo good rosults remain pioneer and the publia genorallywlll d well to remember that the penalties for being in tin intoxicated condition in n public plate are still in force in fact tho jcndency t s to nnppsujlncs nbovc the minimuin a police magistrate in oukvulo fined a dnmi the other week 50 00 and costs the business outlajsjc is encouraging caiman started 1020 right she carried over manyi millions of dollurs worth of orders and oho has markets open to her which would gladly make contracts for many more millions of both raw and manufactured goods tho outlook ni 8ce by tnajorlty o buahiess men isvery bright op tun ism prevails on every side speculators on tho stock exchanges are showing their appreciation 6f tho outlook by carrying pi ice levels nuioli higher than they were at the commencement of tbe past year thoro is scarcely olfactory rr mil throughout ho whole dominion that is in need of orders on the other hand contracts ard being turned down and trade is unfortunately being directed to other channels this howover cannot bo avoided undo- the clrcunistances ir labor and machinery woc more efficient a far greater volume of business could bo trautactad but triodern imichliiciyk hard to procure at any price and labor k relaxing instead of improving- with every advtnee in worcs flic ex change situation however is bound to cut on tunny overseas orders puropoans cannolnwordto puytho high prices for canadian gotfds which must be utkod in order to discount the ichung rate if hero is not an early improvement und there is tittle llkeli jiood of it in thovaluo ocruropetui mnttuys in america canada must sooner or later withdraw many of her linos from overseas representatives k lara bualntui conntwstlon v in acton- la ufcniilo nroothat our motn yutfohiulm uml provliionm r til tlio hunt tiunllty wo tu on oiom iiitirixhib ntin mollnit tho tirlvllubo of httiiiilyhiu your imma order vjotir co i now i ijfiluyj unwr itnmktnclloamlltlonu irivui hilily mnmim nn ndvjjioo in tna lirlou nut fltovti und jrurnuoo coal tinw on linml w or qrooriw iih wull i j d hill navr buy furniture rrtini it catiiloiciio it ll look food in tiltiturcu vhuu bilylnif from ui you uoo tint nrtfnlo iwiforo you liuy nnd our htimt ndvlco uud wttrvliui lirytlunj unrtnnatetnir ii oonnootlon johnston li a co faeseconolvnritasncr value ituylnjj cheap cobdhjiwt itvcnuiio they iro cheap dow not pay quality often overlo i x kcd instance skkn in casc of malli oltlllilt iiousfrs which maku thbir appeal solely on 1 basis or piuce i coon n my u unn of din rniitfht of vlrtiinn hut falmi aronnmy injun iiioto ilvlituo than nnytlihiil tiluo tlutt 11 fnluo to ho itlilo to ikioio- mlxo wlmily in mm of tin airittht hli ihlniin tlmt aifoiiin liilvu tor it in tlm noroiiliiuo to thrift uml wijllluiliim isio nluny liiiruoiiu imwov r who think thuy hnvo fount tlm numl if truo iionomy inn nrmitu itii u fill mo tconomy vli till in woriia than wilful wan to jioi hihtiiiioit tho nun who hiiyi u ittovo ftonv u nial oritur houii forb 1mmmiiu iio lhinuuliawoiitl liovo in iny 10 fofoun if lio u nhaiiml it frotti liln liiiiiin inmnkiint in urintlrlnir fulmi ononniuy ftlr tlm uhnnoom aro tlmt ho would iiuvo mnio tlmii tl in tho nd if ho mlrcliutiqil tho 111 utovu from tho liioul lutrdwuio dtiuh r thnro nro hovmol rominnii mhy thn lit fulnn i ronnmy him ortit ouo lit that dullm for ilolliir tin wtiutoi imrlnf tlio ninichuhillmii hold liy tlio liia 1 1 oidor 1uiltit lit nf lomi vuluo tlmt unit mild hy tlin rotttll tniiroliuntu of tho mimllor iinnmnltloti l ho mull ordi rliiiuliiouii nu u wholo lu hullt unun clioiitiuiiuu 111 order in iittrnol mnjlonioni tlm ciiuilhifun linuttoit niuiiluoli aooilu qliliutlyinii1 in urtlut to du tliut tlioif initmt mill rhtiifii unodn ihtilr imidinpii hi hullt tin on inlcn nnd not on ttmllty i liu tiitiill luirdwiiiit deuhn hko rutnll drnhim hi nthor iiiiom ojiliiilily im tmiloh tvo mlioi ot tho mull ordi r hoinnim ilo niohiihly luiu u 10 titovo which hn run ntlltn dm imm who wiintu to icot a fitivtt for i tho timivilo in tlmt tlm man wlm liuyit from tho mall oilnr houuo dim not illiitluuuliili hotw luleo uml iiunllty tlm trtlnkq he 10 goonomulnq t huyu tlm i ultiyi ntntlii mu up thpk ordmr for arocarl itrlutf it to ant wo can oomyoto in htirvloii amil ity utnl nriaa with nuyono unywwr wo carry tut wall ii iill lino of llry ooodk i nelson a co vakb w hov quid it bafar add wu uny it attain vou win buy to hotter advuntaua in aouai thtin in toronto 1am uitwlpn ymi yulr ut lu joltornl trahutiduo wo whl not in tindorhold lvyarkman mio in hbltf lu wul not -x- now thl cold wthr ih iuironohlnir youwlll mttuir infiuhlimtmt oti- iihukk r fm- hnt und invlijonithitoor lo oronm in dolliloihioiir iloinimttd cauillum fmih uml wholouom h conumpltlna bulldlna t if mo hit im oathnato oi llrtniunth wo vranuro tdini makn iihthimtox ttid tuku aontraou for any kind of titilldluu w wouln niujeoat wileh ordrujiiif nuxt wliibrii con m pmf dmlna tl low prlf is aro htilldltiif up our buh vm wo rtilt lino of irocirlod nnd ami our tirlooti now kenjie j i homtd tiro litu lhinl niiiolmnt im in tho lutti i i hiiyluu- anil nilulit tuiiluo unit t i o liu orihnoi u t ntov from tlm mull tho pi loo lu 0 und not hioiuiho ho i utility n jmr limit furtlu r wtiaroh und iirlco will otand mrs j mop ruqall i ithly would notliuy u tl ciimo ho would hon juut wlinl hn w 10 utovu would not nit ot hlu noiidii ordor tiniuio imwovoi jhhi hnuam imu uny ituuuriiuoo tlmt tlin utovu wlh nioot hlu notdu lln thlnuu ho lu havhuf a id liar or two hy hnyhtu thlu utovo liiultmil nf imyhm 10 or 111 to tlio homo mi r hunt fur mm tlmt ho hint in tn and ktmwti will itlvo him uatlufuotlon rim ohiiniiin ant tlmt wlmit thn utovo arrlvon nnd hn iiuh uhiid it fn u whoit until it wu iouiiko tlmt ho imu urunitotid fulmi uconomi tlmt it would iiuvo hum nwro txmiuunlfnl in thn und for him to nay a dollar oi two tuora to hlu homo limicllunt utnl ut nn art tola tlmt wiim utiutiintuid hy tlm lnnli flm imtioti of thn tiint orilm limum nltip iktt n ritllitto tukittltt tnuttok of iiiuirfnitiitloii iliiinn hhii ooltfililnriilnu wli4it limkhiit jilii liutohaxo ho noon only tlm ilrlno of tlio tittulo uu luitud in lh ml orilm outuloiuo und doin imltilll of tlm nxproiiii or rruluht iilmrjjon whloh wltlt tlm emit pfji mriiii y onh r and iiuuiuffo oftiii hmko thn total oint of tho urtlolo urtmtir tlluu on prh o at which tlmiiamu thhiu nonld huvb i ia 1 1 puruhamul ill thu idiill utont aimtlmr iiuio of fnlu tootioiny llnylhf ntiiohaiuliiio7ifpuni iiunllty 1httiiuj llm irlon u low lu ofton tuiho oooimjily whoit tlm nurd i una in mndo ut tlm homo iitortm hut it ju ilinihly tin wlion thn mynliuiullud hi hnuidli from it timll otdnr hniiiui wlllt tmyllik nt hqmo oiik inn ho louunimhly nurn tlmttho urtlolo llit- clmuoil nt u low lirloo wlillo tin in la tin in mil iiiint uniln wlmti it hi lioiitfltt liy mull on thu iilulit uuiiaoii iiliin y idea iu cxplodep llm hint tlmt tho mull omioi tmumi uidl tlm uunio liullly of roodu ut in wo i- inli tu tlmii tho homo iimrolmitlu lu qulobly ivrloiloir whtm oimliurnit nf jjn luiun nontu tliut urn iimdo by tlm nufjorlty of thn mull ordtr linmmm nnd tlm liuttu holllmf xhoiihui til wlilnh tlmy am mihjintnd llm initio mall onh t iioiihiu mmnd liumlrodu of thomiiitidn of dollitrtt iiniiuiilly fovmlvntimliik unil tho iiollluif ukviiihom of tlm mimlli iioiiiotiiltiiio moim tlniuitolyiih liu ihuli otlmr ckminmiii hiitih nu rout titxiii uhd luhor at uluo lilalur ttunrthoilu of thu local tutttll inoioluinlh hi iiruuiitlnii tn tho hinlnmn whlili thoy do in miltn of ttiojut lituvy ix jion in ilmuuill ouliir ihuihoh dhitrlhiilo mllllomi of dnlhilh in divldihtrf mtilnuf hl ftftmdufld in lu dim larat mull oidm ooiiouiii in hioillii uf tiw iitoouliiilduix in linih uml btoolc ulvlrti udu huvn tikkiiuntiut tm in mil i mi 1 olin mu mil oij tlm udtul invtmind in tho uhmt nt rind of tuno jlllti 1lil dmui tmt indh att ihut tlm timll oldor iuiuhum iuii iii huuliifhu fo tlmlt lloulth uml ui ulvltiu iiwny mm- ohiitidlhi id tluh auiitomnit w dbrtn qfli all klnilri uiid-curdil-mnntji- aitovjt- iln ilro to muotiro and hold put hi on j ii hy fjilr prldtm und t juiillmr wo aiiiinrhti thl iicnhuy in a pyt w laftbgtjonough pnrualn in uidlim hllk nnnond tllndkliiau nt 30c llod iomrti ovornllit ut 3 co a nhlpmnnl of lloli lonifii moiin ivtmumtljh i in okjii rtwl thlu- wook i linn mimlrlnif u nnnntullty d k cook whon you quy bho 1 rom un you uro tmro of uoour- hut tlm haul uolnotlnn lu anion our pilioij nro much lnwot than olty tirif i a cur umtraiitoo lit hohtitd ovt tythtnif wo uull kcnncv ulloq our uimtku bnkl t illuht lioo in aoomund wo uuar- n n too tft wlinliimmnncnti wo uollolt niiatfdir yintikrwuuitrti for jirttn- mwdo cnkoh imutry flta wo nlni lu nutlufy m cdwaildy a go thin cnrnpoluti mortm villi our ntuirovul nnd unit our hearty omlornutlnn ucaijoone co pei onnf intqrvsta iitrod hi aothu ihlti movti dttiuirvltir- of mrtfiooiw uml wo avo i htoiit i niillulh uutllo rydlin a mowat glovc co i um lnoal dutrlbutor vor tho 1 onl autonmlilla utnl pan tmitidy you with umuihm 1 ord pnrlu ut ruusunsblo urlces a nomiiutt aitooh uxtrm alwavu oiulmiyj j t your iiot ur bo a vord h a coxe v ijucitory yh0u qi1av m b c m mogill t it c v llnhiuuh u it v v t it oluimw mi mi lliltidi mdt- iil anioi lotion ollliv n1nhli jlilt mm out oh j a menivuj phyioinn r i inurt 11 ifr 1 i loalri- iw l lln- vcrr nira nv oghn lawijon vaurlnary ftifuuo aclun 0t giiiiuiuti of outtirlo vi i rhmry col- tu 1uk0 i olihaiihlir hi i thiimino mill htivct oulln dny or nlurll pro mot- ly ntt tulnfl to i ll gal luiouo no 3- 1 i lltix 3311 haitold nash 1armi it mx nrrutan iholloi noly ulllo omnyunitr bio pftlltvman clock acton ontt kflinl iniuin iioiiih i iii jl 11 f 1hi convlyanging doodit tnoiti mti ii will l lliutih aluitmitu of till i rindluliil work rurofnlly and i ijnlly d t llouru 1 i in to h p hi ut i i nt i lnivoto i nnni j rt h wanmlflough i u a v dlintali tl dk j m afuti dnntinjj llopor aradimtu of j irontn unlvor- ulty thn lull un uiiltliiil mon u iiiirm odlda ut rtmhh rfiu join r mid kiid ir hlrootm miocellantloolj mai1hagc liclnudfl h p mddr laalinr mttrrluua llcm 1 piimuii olrtno prancio nunan dookulmjr a or on nt tmoku of nil liludii iiii to urdnr inirlodlmilu of iviry di rlo- llfm ourofiilly hoimil itullnu tmutly uml promptly douo wyfnlhiuii lltroot oucilpli onl ovte wlllliaiui htoro n j kihh lichummll allctl rr kor tho coiintliu of ilniiii- rllhia nu itol and nunil in mil tlm city of clniiluli acton ontario nil mill the mnwuitncord iroruiiu ur with w j gordon hurouus maker iiillhburtf i1u1h tmtrtifitod tu it i ktrr r- nolvouttniitlnii ctoip il hi of lluthik to dntn of tanln ilut jour t ilnt with m rualuatmii t younu otrt aaton vhorr3a aoton onll ut mi iuvikiub jf e heevers bppknjrjgdcn qiiwbao fit lnt guelph onl tlonkia nnd iiiiiaitvhli u i iitnd in iliindnonio mid llulmtnntliil t ivtiru nuihn lottomd in i old on illhlun tlyiillt llonku and otlim ju uku all work promptly lxotutd dalex niven ontario ltintl surveyor ami civil cnolnuoi fchtrvoyu emliilivlnlnini lliinu itn- uortm luhcilptlotm ilhn inlntu olo cortliloiitou for inn lmiu hi unil ttmrtttacooii hnrvoyu jor archil pcti llullilorw unil mini i nl mil cnuiinjlu rniluuu i itnprrtii 1 utliiminu otc molgan auiloinadnuolavfjr guiamvl ih iio 10q4 iim kuuujui rmuiuuioiiibivnr wo do marobarit tullorlnu- iin tuulk nf inninrlnd uml ilomoii- tlt wonllonii for falh- uilalwlntor in iminidoto wo iiutnd linhlnd oar output uml irnnriiiitio mttlit w m coopeit umuiiuraotunt uml tlapulr all klnilnirrurintiiro lot inn 0hllfnito tor you tin tlm muldunr ovor rupiililnu nt uplinlhtorlnif of your fiirnlttno wldnh rnipilriu nttontloa i mirnitttu my work llio icurnlturo houpltal wi j btuckev novr guy jowtlllary from cmtalooudti all jnwolloiy intilm uood in outm wlmii hnylnh fron mo you win thn mtiolo and iih wull you ituvo tho hniinrtt of my tun vlofl lulvloo uiiil ui geo hvnds uomil uuuiu nawt tlma you maitulr voiftk elliomi htilihinw tito lut- mo mi h tivnrto moot your ruaiilroiuonth my utnnk 1 loiniihdo my iplnllty n of tho hunt my urlnou urn rluht itnpiilrlua ilmui w willlama did you cv9i- stop to copjilor ilnt it ooutn ovui klvit lhoiluaitd dolluim uyuui to dnllvor anudti rrom tho iitniii tn tlm anion imoplot l iio omimuini i i uyu for it can y inilt owt luitoolu und uot your whitro uf thn hiwiiiu cimh uml carry clu ohcqteu plank mitin fit riiotn tn iii nil imu i i in thnllu hthiiont lu olnmlit tvnyiuv uml iiuiuinu i hniiniiii tin foil hit huvo liimtkiitud hi tlm mlulu nf huh p tiijjiuimlnliir vlu u tlmy buy olmuti- uotnln iipllull d llm 1 h lit liy 1iiiiii irlo 1 t7 p nrii to kiiniimuii iihovn uimltty liuiilmiiu tlmy iih it tlmt tlmy nut consult m plrt win ii you minim furm hnplo- tip mil of ituy kind i um lotul ukiiot foi lijutimlliiuul xviiulililiy mid uatt in iiujtli o ydi uutuifiti unit umt tmr vlit i tiiiiylmotii und ulinuii ituwtdl chao e panker grand trunks the double track route uidlwlklm- monthbal toronto detroit ohicago umnccullfld flinhtlfotif innvum hlooiunu onrn on lilt ht triilnu utid purlnr cnru on principal day tiahih itull tiiforutiitlmi fiom mil grand lirtmk tjultot mont or c k llntuluir itrlot piiouitliliii atlt i tn onto iil a holmis am acton ont ioi th6 oldunthlolinblo jwtnltotid marblo doiilors w urn iituniifiiotunrii und rtlwict hnpmiorm of ull ulntla of monuluontiil and houdhlono wotk ivw mill jllrot to our oiuitointim at- wlmurmlo prlood iliuuiuivhm oui oinitmuiri at h i tont wo hiivo tlm lmnt aiiiilliinnoii uml tho rnlyf motihttulih 1 tlm n uninlmi who dfn niiniulo pimiimiitln ttml innmrly wo lunii ulvo rtfdoim ii fumi hmiulrodm uf nltr tiiiktouiiun lu lokutn ppd nthol phkom wlinrt otlioni iiuvo in hiwu lttw iltltulhi tnitoi to colli rt wo iiuvo thn lurkmi ami limit tonic of linilltu lit muto doaloru v mnplov nil iiuoulu und do not unimy m pa a miiilumorh hy nn i id hi u nut lirmininl mil ii i uuiioil- ihm ontdnwo ttiinhiy only mojimiltj uml dnfy i oiiipoluion itamilton 4 sons cor kurwlntt a wonlwlih lh guvlpfc

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