Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 15, 1920, p. 5

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lu artmi jflrr irpfl ijimtnvt j tnuaitv itjv to wigging n win ojly a ilotr lift- 1 nil limy unil ai1 liin lv in mntwhtl h tmr hut iiiii will tumiint u i i tly 1 nil i i ii 11m y ttlllj i jm iii io ibul v my ilidn tllu iii witt- ik till i little wa jinknt in mtlly with ho lliol 1 f n ii in hum u iyu o hhuuutltui filititlly j utopitd up wlih ion mill mud ilht and i tin il i i ii in ni mi 1 1 ut i ii utroui iluil win ii u iiiiii i nlv turn let u ov wim sly ll vl lt wiillln jul j i 1101u u illilifmt 11 hi v ii in uhnull urikwing yea t 11 111 11 who lilt mdlllbtili tllilt iii wililltf it tin- ui ir 1 on tlic imivm wliult i in fuiii mr i ollloilt i i tif wlir i 10 till ii 1 tiiv ii tlin h t7 ii it i ii iturtithhitf k w hi idnni thlu ulmiilo iimiulk 1m follnwit out in iirluiil pmttloo tha houuuwifou-tuuul- common tnluuka la ui uu wnt i ut it tuinpniulurn butny tint imilllnlf point mn mutior how nhntrn ihn m ir ihn wuti i in not ut holhiik liin in turn tlm iniportuut omihlltut ntn tt tin huf uin not dlu- uolvotl now that ovt ryl inly lu tulu- iuk omnnmy it in 11 ool llmo to cull ulti itlun t tlii wimto ruliiud hy uulntf wutoi lit km nhtt hnllliilf point to provn thut uii run waul lp miikliif tin utt two uruilou mm n vury j limp tfia nil i tin iur it tu of thu unm kind tut loiil it th prlo praw llm uhnilh t tvi with hollhia wuttr unil tin 1ml tt uumpla with wut r htdnw thn 111111111 point ii muy im uur- 1 prtm4il ut thn mmilt hut tho tuut will poiivlikjtim tulltu4hli wutar drown tilt ohuun tin inukti n iwrttii- drink ltit lu polulhln to hrw with wutnii whlnh lu not liolllni ivm whan thn tvtt itnelf irt of lood riinlly ton hi ir on mofvml in u chliiu ttu- mit roiitulilhlic tho tia bit vou und- luticur pot uuppoutdty ill hul with boll- inu wuti i liii iiiuiii hy ihiurlnu tlm wub i into tho hiititll pot tlirotiich tin till fti orti iijiiuiumiifirtory liotuuiio of tlm illnlclty r ktiiiplmt uiu wutuv ui lr thn holllmt imint h limy hav ixtoit lulllll whan immiitl hut pfi cold hot olilllctl it jt tuoiieh to wink it uw wm it druw a ikmk titi of tu wiiiwki tm imiw1 urv ju uv wuil wuutii uu immti ii hmiid nr fitt thriiwii into i uiirluiku cii it ik nut tuxi whiiry to ii oiiouilxm to thn nxtnnt of cultlnif out your cup of t n hut whan you ihuw it utjo ttiut yoi u all tlm vliuo hit r u in thaliavft 1tn hollltitf wntor it ml iiiuotlco mil tooitj omy child mirth mirth unniii to mi u ruiiult nnkioil fttdhiir la umwfixj rjiimot iluy ttioy liuv lint tlm towrr of uihinlann- oui ukirvuulit ut hiiiihiiuii lttnun i utmlhit at olillilrcn in loe- many und ahutilu ly iihyulcluiia mid tendhnfit in tin 1 1 public utihoolh inform uu thut uu onry uu tho uvjr4 wlnui of lotfl ohlhliiiii wtirw ut tn- wit linlo- unily kiutlnu tu frflnt of uu m to ho ro lined only by noniu utrunic htlmuluui nnd noon ululmuib into inuttuotlon dr iiimtt cluik wrolii luut jluno that h hud boon hi vloium four aiyn hn- v for hliu wiw n oldhl jilitv p tr a tlilclo of inrtiiimd wnyu thut tlwuukttio nrvouii uyntim rt- mlatu doirl vnton of food won the lack f uartnhi imivoruikit utilvtirmil ltn ttoan moilnotl in tlm uhlldruii u tnu- d n cyi rm pi ctititi tn lf n t imm wtool ud with oxcltuhlllty iohm of anncky hiid tnltlutlvo tiiintxllly followed rlnnl- y nit denlrti or mirth mid nrwirt dlud iwuv uul ronro itlmlllv tiuitlticti btuuih to uiuiiirt tlmmhtilvuh os tl ffrtnl twjiiut ot 801 001 in tortmiliil pfiif kiimd found 6 000 ohlklui iitwti twn in l invin y htu ofukit who wni tniuhh to walk tti i uiiotu iinhiil irodlflu tbiit th mnjoi ly of tlilhlri i hi vimw wilt irtiw u wltliuunttidofjjw and mu- llonrt wliottlur ioh inmital llfu will twenty years aqo from lh ibbu of th fr praaa of thurajay january ibth 1600 1 ulmaiti ul biiuy ituliilnif wkmi ii mourn aliloihon unticlhunh huv uiil ithid mi 1 lilow which fnullutr itmlr l liwk v mt vury n mr litrlm mjt who lurn had tin linlniiikim nt if tl iihnu iuii ilnjmrt icu tiv 1xluin v a iton thn toul two yauri h ft ut thn nw vr to tnk it ixihltloti in u loiiimriti lory ut vo- tnli jilu fulnlly will romulii hor until mrlnw in ihn taut ittfluo tyt thn cunudlutl mluo mlart mutfitla linilllj of aolkn l tmtltid wtt hitvlnif marital tha rlilktilut uttyi ilurf itp ir cluuaam ut uin i liuitltutun t tin xitul und uiimb at hollnvjiso mr uul mr j 11 chlaholni icuva u fuiawull purty in lhlr uultr um jiihiimii itut mium tutu und mr 1urk 1i1u on i rlduy fvxiihib- ttafora ihalr inivlnir for johiiutiiwn n y mr john wulaou un of our km ifomtil funniiru of lot 3h cnv- 5 ka qilvahiir ln t with an mxdil tuout tinrlmim i huraolcr iti diimjuiiiy with hlu hraltitru jlobrrt und llattcy tin wmh i nurudud in oiirlmr down 4u httl ulonu lioutw ut ida bmdiw itotxirt win u llii honvy iluu on itui of lh kioik uull thirty ulx rt t urn- fair htrlkliiff tilni ujum tho inud and tuuk ull then r imunilln u miort dlajtulka fly th tlow ilu wjiidm column wa fruutuicd uid lim liiutilwiui ulao fuully out looa tihyiihluna tnliilutnrnil tu tit mitfitliiu und iml tuornliik w inkuii to ut mtrhunln llnxtu lor- onui whuiu ttintrury to ttxiwttatloou ihn inndhl iiiaii ulun hoiw for tiu r- iovfly xtr wutuon kald tar number of yuruln itunlloha hut k lift ut four y uia uko h immti thn homchli ud und huw alurii roaltlntl thor ihn uiinuul inithiif of knox church wuu hi til on momluy i vmilnif a konla till win uirvril in tlin ivutti incntt lirnvt- oiin to th tiuultuhk tnaattnc tb irnuuiirtr rtiiiortnd uu lot muun of 1130 ovi rlut yur totul sb29 t iu il u all rutted 331 tlm wnmuutf torultcu mlaalnnury moi lty i m0 ulid tin chrthtluti viluvor ttoclaty fi dim iniw dnjiaiturl tiy tlm younklwoiila in thu uumirt if h mlhmifonury lit tlthir itrltiuh columhlar or um north wf ut tt kllli wurtl rnoajvwl from uin uutatou of xloharu 1ator mulin uiit aroblbiilit caiuilwjll umoiintltik to sum tho uik of inlynmllh lu bnllnvad to imi on tho luilnt- of liahiif rtilawl hy li tifiral luillur who lu alowly ai- nroltchlnif i hn uocond contlntinnt mrii funulh uut otluwu whnro ttmy tmvn 1hiii in trulnhuf m monduy for tlnllfrtk born moouk at thu 1uraoiiunn 403 klmf kt wnl llumtlton on jul 13th ldofl to ltv ond llrrf t a mor u tlnurhtjn mahhled wowxam mnlcay on wmltith day 1 7th dvcimlxr ut tia muttto- ilat purilluuiin on irifutown hy llov j laundnrir m a- ilr fmntnor wimulhalu 1 mfum fclliuihatlf t mo- ky luith of oorntitwn 7 mlftali atuio iruatiytarhvii muliaa riaomnown m juntlury 3nt hy ltnv t iorrln 11 a mr wimuih a iun of kaqintblnir to uikn mar- turt mltlur dutihtnr of tin luto john mljlur of thb 7th oonmaalon died mcliiaki at tmr homn willow ht aoton on wednowduy jutiuury itllv chrihtlnu widow of thn tut wllllaln muluiull vihi 77 yaura omtlc at hla fatlmrw luunnjiainrmo on vrlduy 13th jutmury charleu itolmjit only uoo of lwlwarl ic cook asd 31 yurai neighborhood news- town and country jovor ii n how lutomirlli nd tho xui niil llritn bvwflt und iiutututdi motticr oruvoh worm llxtwiiulnutor ik utuitiih1 to oltlltlrnn ninl it dot itu work uuioty tiid ionintly will human race die out 4- corn tlm wutndtnt fuotx livtindluii ovni illulli rtirno mlltluloi it imtoiult tlmt lu mill thu itvtnikh hul it man in jurtiutlwiui 1 7v niru or nay flvu rtuil nlnu lncliuu while in 17d0 it wuu only llvu fuut alx tuchna ih ifljo it wuu llv ft rlvri inobou nud n fun tlnii k tlm tiruhtnt ttmn it l ilvo rt tlirvoj tiudwim und thn liiurtirni it hi ouiy to doduao frorrt thojio nicumu u intti of rikyar decllnr ui huntun htuturn mn tu mnily thin win k hut imrkwiinlrt unil fnrwurdu to llltl hmt ltu1 to thn fllluro tly thin rultmlnttoii l lu it trrrnhmd tbut tlm ututurti of thu tlrut tiiuu ut tuluait tbo mnitlmhif hvijiiiho of blx ton ft 111 no liuibit truly tbtiro f wijro ulmith u on oiirtli lu thomi dayj lm ruixi hud nlnudy dntmlonitad hi thn dnym nr off und flollutll wiim itltif u d itoniui orfmorhu of tlm khmtu comltu down to tutxr tlmou wu and thut ut tlm luuhitiluu of our ru tlm uvorubu hulifht of nuiii wuu ilna fuut und in tlio tlmu of hiirumuifim tt wuu ilifkt ftt uluht jjioluu i tint t h wm ut im t mi 1 h i nr 1 1 iu htltutuhi wtudy oomvh rem tlm tiltllrathh of tho huim innxoriitiu inw of ihmlmithm to tlm futilru tlm owlohlntloii utinwh tlmt hy tlm your 400 a 1 im huitiirf of tlm itvuiuuu rn will 1u ruloawtfto nftiih limlmn at ttit viooh tlm tia will im only l11u iutllit um vurth musical talks ui uii r nj iv 1 hi i l thn mhhat wuh rf til tv 1 ida liihirtmi llicnliy y t llowina oruan u without doilll hint ll x 1 ll jr j lu iuviit irlulu in iri i na8saqaweya alnx fuldur will hold u utilo of il imp l mi utu on ttinmny imxt a nomination wuu im 1 luttt j ruturilny for two onuimllloru to till tlm vucuiiny luft on thu rvulur iiom- inutlou ittiy w a joint mnfithm of thu ninmlhr of thu wonion uuiuuuniuvifilouluthuiu lulxmi6r und nuwuntuwoya jvnuhy turluii cliurnhih wuu imhl in jsikhi- nr chnrrh ut 2 30 oclock oir frily uftnrnilon osprinob mr ltoy ytntinf who tiutl a tmiau of oinrutlnu for tumor in tlm hie luut uummnr iuim dnfldtxl to ulvtj ta farn hut uil will unil hlu uttck utul im- plenmntu hy uuotlon on thn lbth lnt ltin whirtou lumtiftt c6miuiy huvti tmrohumihl mi xluhdu lurifo tiwuinp on tlm town hun luid hhui mr hlou u huuli udjoliilnif it und u lurun nutnlxir ofl tnaii liuvd htnrtod olfurliiff off thn tlm- tmr a utfw mill will llkuly ihj nracted in thu imuy fulura mr john k4nif f thn flrt hon lu huully tnifamhl moving tw mr htlh ocutohwiia farm on thn third ihm mr mocqutahuon u moving to dm furm rtontly liurulluutmt ut acton real dressed eef it lu rnpirttd unit mir 4frmolu woh htoi til ti wiulthy munuunturuf of lidinp iroodh tn tlootlund ujitl lljtiownoi ot tl utook iuiiuh in totuu on which thuuitunilu of rnttln iihiru otud dur- in thn wluttir ut tuuut in mirmnoth uou r thftil tholr own lihtu und liulr sir ituik hi xwu miiunrn wuu mittu of in mn tloth miidti tu hi own funtoiy to luoliel thrill from tho oohl utul unow mukn tlmin huu uiihcuiitthtn to tiibn roil ion hi tilid t no nrn no tholr chilly yhilkt of nllk kimh uw it tui hld tutu two uu it n u wtiok thy urn not nhthoriito uffuliu by uuy moiiiin almiyly tuivvrull ulmiuitu thut flt totimiy hau- r lau0 uiwulni hlu tuivy fin in una juy uh jdoi liaiun-f-jjluiiltoltlai- wijlhi tliflk vtt onupte mtittuh udtlil uulivnua hut tlm ylhl of milk hiring tlm oold wuittlitr ul hhflilt 27 u r ounl iiiiki tlmn from w nt tliuu limtntuil ockwood tim romavut of mr llurvry lruw lay from tho uoottwoojl hruhnn of thn ltoyul hunk tt tfin quit branch lu u wnll dihinvtul promotion undhlu muny frhindu hnro um ptnuantl thut hla faith ful uvrvloo hutt imhiii rotnikiilkhl ilia tnmhbwoituro lu mr i lu toher of hoot- tiiiui tho motltodtut liavuonukn hull uoltf lo mr wlllluni diittou of icru- ttuuiu townxlilir who itljmta to tnk pommuhlon uthijwismuroh 1 if hy that tlnm u uultuhln ronldonnn hua hutni uuourtid for thn puator lluv mr ivdtly mid hlu futility o mi of tlm mout imiiortuiit mid lontc- nxtoudnd poultry tuuta midnrtuktm now in piokrtau with u numlmr of mi u hoiillilunkwuihl uuutyhtrulii linuu it im u uovurnmnut tnat axtnnil- lim ovr u yvjir mr jcurl vlnoonri- umlik lillutitlllouu nttniiilon in dully rnuuda und looku forwunl to than mm hlrdu uttululiitf dudiintlvo rttcovitw uu auk jyahi injl wllhh vonuutxi of u u rlicnf funiculi tiiktthoi unit blown mn u lb th ui uuiiu nil i wtr wurdu plml un u wlminuik n pllnil with uir llnoiiuli u 1 1 down um uunilwr of plnu win luuiiiuit uu i r iiilml oi wind thun i ihhowh lonlf pro tut 1 iiml utllu iii hillowu w rt uriunik d uhil p numb wjjn tiuuuu 1 to wuiu upon tli in forlnu hi thu jilr by tin ir wluil ujulorn i i hyiiiuulh irttmd hun uiu tiluijlrlclty whili ii mil iiiithhu iu kn llqb not meab0red oy veaq0 tl hiu niiittikn to puiiuiirn tlio hy yltrn j tlm hy who lma 11 a fir ttn ir mil ry in t r nwiy 1 rtiii nl4 int tt h pltlii finu liforrinu trii f hlr llv luattud tiny hitvo tlllikl in flip t tlm hi im 1 hy liuyjl roudn f lift whit it wuu i hhtit tol4 tlmy hivt oowimd with hulilluiomt uu ll ihn llfn wbldh fullu abort la tlmt wlih li lu i pi tit 1 11 iib ly vi n thouirli it dnu oi thiouieh ruurmorn yiin utlluhmuu ihn loul miniuiin f ufa hi hot thuvllut d thn pmuuuini wuu i mulm uml nut uioru ikiwi i fill httloii now ulxiht uiu pliiyhik of tilt utriimniu in tin ilulhr 1 iy imliitf no knyliourd lio itnri ru wur lnod dwr uio plpiu i yiif th i i ufkrwunl u ulhlr wuu kltuilllll una worn pgllljii uiu out ut umi of tlu lilpn to lillhilt ibijill i 11 lowjiiif itjiu n ky wuu th vbfn it 1miiii fnunl uiul- jt thiirtju tht ky will u htnv hu 1 it im i th i iduhi willi b tual w ibiutu nv l l im um- koybimrd hud y ivtii kt yhfb nwrti kttyftj hit lit u triiir uml 3 inchm wtdo vim pt rfomiijiu nrn titlhij otituli lautniu or iipllliih tutvlllif to ulrlltn tin ky with th llai flpufu will not ul low tn i xphilr ull im urudui udyuntit tin nt unil iiniwt i of tin i inn oiiiun hut it li mimt lit itrtitliif ihn onp if ihn niumi in itu u lit t wtuuf wuu iniith iipn- liuty huti th pmaunt iluy oruuii it tu r fordid thut ult plptt volrnu wnrn im loud unit nlronir thut lluttmiu oiihl noi vontuio tmur willi ittuuivfiid turn llm inodnrn plpn orkun lu known to ull hut uu pjirlu ujitl worlthn mulhiid niuy no im uo u m rully vuiwii ihn kind of pljuu ututir llm whlutlu oi mutn tyiki uluo t ulluif und fn u ndw tlman urn mutlu to luiltntn i rtmlitrnf himtrumnntu ttm modnriloiumi tu ttip ullo of prod in liik from thu nufii ut ionn to thn knut pjiwui nf li hun liitlid 1 hn koytmiiril lu known uu thu in mi nt t utul in oho lurtn nrtfiin r timullnr omuiiu in it intnlcnt of strh uthm muy im romhlimd uucti umultt r orumj buv- ilik u u ptru to knyhourtl to ihiulf milk hitf u hunk of koyltouribt mm nlwivo tlm othtr runund imforu tni pluy r tlm ortcmiilat u kandu uro rompot ly on niiplml nil i ixhldntl uiih im miiwt ho un nxiujrt in porfonuinu upon tint pthlnlx willi hlu font ttm pnthitu onipimu bii- lt- 30 notna s all plpmi urn mudu of wood und matul tin lwutluutl xluo ull tho plptiu um butlt hi mhupw of tiukl wliltbt tin mtuliru koylmurl iuu 5 comptntn ontuvoa 4 prhmlpul ktyhthird rulbd iho ortut tlm mm ulmvo 1 thn hwoll tho otm itulow tlm liolr whlln thn uolo lu ultnvo ttm hwt ii und tlm itoho lu ultova hul it lu kiwki for tho mimic utilltiuc win n vialtluif u oily tn tuko ovory op portunity to trnur icooliiinulf of thin kind um miorul rtt itui hy u com pt ttnl ortvutilut uhoultl tirouto mtmh ititeroht momu ptioiht prldn thouumlvou upon huurliir kinut orkiinlutii und do hot i oruot u hoiui talluiutjlhu li liitmi to thu a yl til pompoua oluiriij tfotiitf hn tn out of tlm nttt ndmitu lu wohtmluutur ahlmy uutit will ftm plouno ttlt inn who ttuil lu lit tlm utap x cuuuot lull by thn loutli if it lu ulr wiiunfvuiiuu or hu krulorlck urldktt tito nlttnitliiiit iinuwuvud i tuiif your purilnn uir thut tu not altlinr of ttmtu itu thn vnoimiu oloiln- nr ovr hi tlin roruor luu 1 rulirlaro pouiit liuou mm of tlm larudat uml ftnuut nreunu in tlm world tlm oricunlut lu lvodurlc inmilti tho luont cfnlluh orifiinlut whoun uulury 110 000 compnro thin with tlm rut 1 lnot hovtiu who wuu up poln tod ittiroiiil court oriftiutut nt ifo iliifliw tlm tirtfun lu tlm mout lyttii outtntr purt of u utiiirah liropt rty uu julumt rrdmtlm ktrtirttoturortnihlltltitnimitr you muy huv ututnotl wliiiiu wtiniwu tlhnirlon uml t nrvod fiirnltuio in tlin dhurrji tnvnutiimut ltot uiivn out tlin oiicun und wtuit lu tlm itihiilt un im- tnndlntn luck nf tnttrtut a uooil ulntiurt nlofilinut devout pmitor n leotut titiolr mid li unod orcun iimiitmiii proup ioiltf tiburtih mlllor u worm iniwdfriu will purtio thu utomurli uml intouthmu of woiniu iui irfttva1y lid uo tmiilty und pain- tnauly that tlin intuit dntlcuti utoluutli wilt hot funl uny liitionvmilonou from llmlr notion tlty roroiimn mt tlmm- mtilvtiu to mottmrw uu u pi tipurtitloii tlljit will rnntore utrtinuth uml vluoi to ihnlr child rn und protiot tlmm from thn duhllltutltiif nffooth wblob nuult from tho ilpdntlmu of wniinll durunotovj tboftmmy i oih jlotlowuy u torn oi baud pillm llm hu conrruel corn omiut hut m htltu tu itt tlm mr und mrw a tt nloliotuon und fumlly huvti urrlvntl homo nflor imitid- hiik thn ymr ut vunouvrll c tcitctiunolkor jiuwuinjutvui wl up kilduy on il trip to kjorhlu quint an other uouthtrii polntu mru ii j wlmalnr of oilntl iiul im vlitiiuf li r mother mm morhiwf und hluttiiu mluaeh morrlim mr mljnn kmlth of ytruthroy who tu uttniidliuf juomuulor untvnmlty hpnut tm hvunkfiiuf with ivoyd dlllklo mr 10 i coiwlu tiuu uold ttm houac nooupinl by mr j holuion tn mr will wllllilmaoli who huu uotd liln farm nt appleby on mondiiy two luiuumful copper mtuuditid tluilrtn tlkhta v n tuatullntl t ttm i iitrunco to dm llhrury tlm iflft of tlm ludltiu of tlm women a inntltut to th publto llhrury j mr und mih win olllhrl tt ulmlui altu uin ylhlllnif mutlvna in ihirlltiu- ton uml illutrint ill uml mru llmtuull bheiukrt uf dclrull uro npviialnf ui uuudttvh vtuli tmr prnia hopu altiiniil 1lkfa hu burnt lrl homo ormruiivmru w v troplfttia um tho htniiu of n hupiy tfutharhik or t bo- ohm nn chrlmlmrn tluy whop twenty jtut down ut dlnpor tlm boat und hthtin wuru romuulml it wan thi arth nnnlvoratiry of tlulr wntlttlnff by fultublo wortlu from mr v k w i bjlmr und u tmuutlful liiaiot of ftw oi by mra ii t taihlir wliloti worn munli iiporerlttid -yunktitlp- what 18 a boy worth 7 old iou t vti utop to lluiitt up tin pnvnatnmntwlilt d vunnd iimftiii tmr bnyut mvirylioyhaa twonyrawlitoh un- tioidluh- to tlm tuhtu of too i inn i liirpr- iiurn urn worth j 010 iipltuo two nura worth ui imioh uu iiim tyt u two tiundu worth l otlo uul twn urmu und two iiku wortti 14 000 cuuiiduii oft ooo lniyu in tlmlr tatuui uro worth aotiorrtlnif to tht tltcmnu 1 rli 001- 000 wbitt in ttnikdtlinirm imiiiit oiiiiuituw tutniubo tu y it tiro worth lu cold uah thrttt uml u tmlf tlm oh uh iniich uu ull htir rultwuyu tbruu ttnd itilmlf tlimu um numb uu ull imr rupltul und plunt lu itinuiiftiohirorn mittdy twlon uu miiob uu ull hoi fuiniu utrfy uu intmli uu all bur in v itt d moimy und uliogl unul1iirrt totul imtloitjl wnultlt of ull ktiidh ami thin anyu tintlllit of wluit thduu hitnitu uaru nyvm unit fnnt urm worth tlirnuuh ttm yiuru tlnournlnif nm prortuoliiif imwnr i i wttut lu ctmuthvdolpwtanmuotjin tnottt of imr boyut how lu aim uok- tmr to druw foith ttfuvrtlovbiiiihiit thnlr oomplatti powoia to roiiluf fully tblu krmt nutltiiiul jihuoit whtit urn you doliiky cunuilluu iltmtoi l tl marvalloua thlnaawii onrna vftnotod by iv l homnu jil trlo oh tiro ooiialilnrttl tlm hi 1sv and liormuimut rolbf it tiuu hrouiilsi tu tlm uufforlnif wlnrovr it buti boon nuvd it muut im micurdotl uu n mnrvnllnliu tbtnwtbat uo pom nt u nmdlolim lumlil raull rrtim hit ux liuiodlouth whlob tniur into itu uoiiiuoalttoiif a trhil will onuvluon tlm mout uktptllilt 1ih boulliuf vlriutu y moral superiority if j on will k- tbiti wiili ih old fuulilonit fulrj i will un tlmt tiny nil tomu trim lunio a llttlo nhw rtupoudt i ttm ninth any f th i thut rnnu uu oflhut lltix wny will pviimln in mukn wluhu i mn i trim fautnr ii you ran uiliitf tor needed protection keep ycur body well no aia strong antl there iit4ittie danger tsmtential that ywm kec vtp your resistance thtero are thousands oi families who would notdrsanx ofbeuig without tho protection that sc0tts emulsion affords the right idea is to start in the fall with scottn emulsion and he proi tectcd for a strenuous winter its scotts emulsion you ask for poii your new winter hat doy any op the pqllow- inq and youll get real value niv llouuauno hat muilo 111 italy lu im litjut hut vulun in ttm tritdiv wo imw hutu tn to duy 11 thu now brown ami uroon iibndtu 1rlcnd a 9 tw i ytjtouir iiarfi iiibwokr vr tin und brown ubadtui rout 1 im illy and vulun 1 itllild hath matin in quolph tboiioliutii hnvn uyl tiualuy and ma i vnljtulid frot axto up uuy your hat inamo r enelson fhona 40 nwt poat offlo ouelph fresh fish alex mckonsdc wallington 8tiat acton anmunue that bo will hitvo ji uupply of viti klub on thursdays ordniu loft nt tlm bouuowhi roiolvo prompt uttontlou drebseieoultryl ittiht tuutli prlcoii will bn puld for ull klndu of inrouami 1oulllry alix mckeiizic jiutkj attractive of f e reduce hrc of l a oentle hint it wuu liulfpnut loll uh tlm will ynwtiod nnl uakod htm if hu ilkod poo- tiy hnmultl yaa flt m ttlion h murmurut nfw 1 lay mndowu tn uh u mil it uo tllatuibnibl jud tuotit tlmt hp took tho old iuiiuh tint l1wmtntb own 1 your gronalated eyelids eye inflamed by m- auratbsu dmiuihjjhij quickly rcllev4 by ww lm tour dratcbta or by roi 0o per bottle for dwk iks en fre writo hu hno ty wtmmm4y co chlc kou two wkeks only on nil orders tor now suit 3 und ovgrcoots i will glvo oasli discount of 10 fior cdnt off my prcssnt nrlcoa this offer will ho withdrawn on january 14 larue ratine of patterns to xhoosa from stylo and tit as stircd all ordt finished nt short notlco cleaning and prestlng dono titer sama day an brought in mynrlcos oro tho lowest in tho aistrict i oimllty combined hy rtwd workrnnohhlp makes my mado- lomcorture huluf o marvel of clieapnetw all orders cut and fi by myaeirr a trialorder solicited j p scakrow yerms strictly cash mflin street actoa0nt sunday tib sunday school lesson ifor sunday january i uva w piioiivjttjjt iruvi lloijinfbhm 01 i iptjull atjij john attu 41 131 thlilt u- 1 1 l htuiid nat it ftlt b ipill ynu uu imu bl ut 1 clot ifl 13 hutorloalbttlnti ilinti a 3d 1 put hnnuihm v for muscle meaaurcmtnt trlpidd imtntiiu nf ui biih piiilmu vui yluai ci dluiilo tin tint 1 wlih h tlmy hi t at lluti i ftilwork bnd a mitt hhm huu luni tl vuol whhh hi mild in ludliuti thi i it nuumuiiirrrm imu i futlunt in rob yom- tiolubbin if hlu iiunm i wiu thun uinliiiir iryou uuiiot nlltli flllah tfm ill that lu burnjli lu vmiy u l a i ut htuit 0 ml win in linn- uim tit it tit itu t d w m it nit for thu t u udu of to- ilny thtu woiikl b llttu uu t lutlini nf th iiiiuhiin of to morrow i con- nl m unit of imru imiilluunr ummntiiu man in hi 1 11a tihuou ho apl john wu uiiultil mid hrtuiiiht h f n thn ti tub di lu 1 im rubral unit i 1 y what authority th imullnif yuu doiiv y ru h lu th im iclnhtnir of intt ru rnply lntnr 1 rn kitdiuuutil tlm hiicluul tvlhuiiul u ihn jnwif t vtiiun 0 tht worn ut thin thn ilvo ttouuund dtui pit irhi jonmul in thn rillnrtf of tlm jnwm wnl u tuvh11 nd jaulouu lt toubowu thit lii mid john bail in on uiruutad for doluif uood ttiuu jtowunf tlm rolittm im ouulmtniioy vtrun to 1 tt r bolilty uctiuiitu lint jawlub ointlulu of tutvlnif liilirdro i ohrhti llnwua intarvala- in lhn- trhimidi of tnitw niiurolo-u- at tlm nftilnl orllllnu- it vtrio uivlai uuiu 1h uh j3 uu pioiibutltj if chi tut- chrlut bud ul rauly uppllutl umun wo r lii tn llhnjttilf mut hi u v a 1j i bio vuiuu ulonu lu uulil oltnit to mtltltt foruvrtlu tpit utlou au 7n who bl- thmo ih or nun u uul vutlon oil of rinlht vtiuo 13 tnituiu utllklnjf opportl- tlou wua t ndnd lto ttttl not l lonu- to thn anhotnrly tihltu llm luurutil mt- oru wnrn itutmiutli it ho hint ilvo woilu of ttilu vi run urn olniilitut vorua h ihn proui nt o of dm hial- tit mull wuu un uriftlriit nl ibty noiilt mt mn wuu 1 vt run ih lltn und john wur- ut nt out whllo llm uoupluut1 rulnru fomd vtnuo 111- tlmm worn only sroiiudu for poululnimutnf ttm apour loy that un tout mtnirln hud bono wrouubt ami tlm ummu6u hnl im n utility of fraud 7 irimt a rtunv mlr- utiln hud in on wroueht ihrouuli unim ovlt power 1 1n rjluru iidmlltnl tlm liilrirln ulld iott r uun ihod tn powor to thu find of abrulmm luuim und jni oli homo lhr wuu uo juwt ne riiaiitltm r vnruo17 tiny bail no rnnourim but tbrautu i vnrui ik kvun tlm milnru ut llm hi if i tin hm- ulomt tn nwn of tlin unnm of ohltat voruou id aa4tlwutitwo plain nmn dflvitl iwworful nitnru in tnlr do- tnrmlnaitml tt proiitn chrlut vnrna 31 tlm ruloru diwlmd lo utoj till jpo otto flmt fnnrnd ttm pooptf lmcmuin tlm inpplii imw ho pluln proof of thn mlrtiru um tho imwoi of flod lllilatratad truth ltm mout utility w itu tor lu im wtin thrown twnv to opportunity n nn- rlob hlu until v it illumtrnlld a man who had onmo down to nfd uko and wuu uvjnif in pinch id nlboiituutuuoou nld i buvi no mm to lumo but myttolf i throw uwuy n ftirtuiio wmn i wua in tlm pi into of lift hlu oonnmnloii wuu i nururlhoilhiirolyyou bava llou ln- ltllutrlauu j im miirvollnit ond i know you liavn not lived u ttfu of illuhlpa- tloti yen ull that lu trtio uatil tlm ottmr but my futhor lnft mp llttlo moithy uml u vritot of iniproiiun- itvt land i lllu luut oominol o am wnil to bold thn innd hut i did not d i unlit tt for u trlflo but tt uflnrwaril provoil u im tlm crtrnm of tlm rloli com latidi topica raaaaroh anji5uoulor i coil auonuu dluttpltmblp v b- 13 1 who worn tlmuo uilnru of th pnoplo t j 3 why worn tho rub ru n llm imopjo jduloout how dlit 1nlo provo thn riilnru liitiniittluloiniyt 4 ii what a nuo wro ptttrj und joint iknninntjiiiont ii lluqfjnd opponoiifu vu u1h i why uttio tlin ruloru imuhlo to uuy liiiyiiiintrvifnyt n wilywrn tin ruloru pint it led to know whulto do with tutor and john hi triumphant truth vu 1031 7 what lu iho indltntlnu wum no- ouham uue hnthlnff but throuuit 8 rvvtiy jllil pot thn rtiliw utop tho miont lou workt 0 jttiw tlld tho pitnplo look nimifi tlin mliuolom wrouirht by tlm iipoiittou 10 what kind of proanhlnit do nmn nmut want o boar now dally naillrga for nxt waak xtonibivv kiinuiivy 10- potor htundo up for truth null hnniuty antu lu timaduy january 20 a cilmn of yton tfu 16 1c wiitiidtoluy january 31 tllnnoro wnrutilp mutu i 1s thurudiiy january 33 iuttluif away wvll willi 4 an33 ifrlduy january j tnltliik tlm truth 1 ham 3 101h ftutiirtluy juniiary 24 wuriitnk uifuliuit hypoirluy tult 31 lir hiunluy luuuury 30 clod union ktilmihood irov tt lfl33 l it klow qlmrdoiii nlltlio dltfou tlvt up pur u tint uiituli1lmtaui1 wtttt ut nnoo bvfottt hotnptloatlouu- iuluu tliut may ho dlntoult 0 wv with tho uin oat iomody to thlu omt and bittf that lu wltliln ttm rnoli uf all in lurmo- ov voiftutilo 1lllu tlm bout luallvo und undutlvo on ttm liuiiuol oo not dobiy but try tlmm now onp trial will oonvtun i luiyono ttiut tlmy mo ttm liout wttitnaoli rtuulator thut oitn bn kot m since tf lb7o wasjfdjijjii shiloh winter term from january bthj opn in aaoh of bhawa pohoouj tgmnto tuiilin tlu llhortbuiid 1 tntimptiy uul wlrolijym wrlti for ixmklut w- h shaw yonyo ant oarrartt qta alt dunacallaja ara not allkaj qalact a bohool car fully vongo and tharua 8ta toronta invlltu tlm putrniiuicn of ull wtm do iii imp rlor trolnliuj il mir utiilouuu ivuil uilr ft idrdii than ltt hit volt r now v5 j elliott principal tli920uphpntraph itofore vou ituy any i tkb year htui you 1ikar tha ilrurwwlck ah phono erahw in one with brunhwick ni your homo you hitvo tlic true first aid to u happy mow ycuts yon imvo an iurrumcnt that plays all hi cords corrtctly tho brutibwick kivc you absolutely unkcsrrtfcird choice of record- mid onuhlea you to play ovcry iiiuktyiiu it linn been pqcuihy dofeped for the itruubwtck this i- dua to tho allreoord all- needle ulloiui thin in one of tho now idoiu embodied in thu hrutmwlckil okchtiivc and perfect method of reproduction it piny ft all re- cordi infinitely bettor ily it nitre twnt of the wrmt it provides tho prtxioucodlu tin proper ditiplirakrii und the cimct weight f0r any make of record nothing to take nffno thing to putofi simplicity ttrclf a child cart atljurt tt the t11- wood oval horn the laws of acoustics prove thut iioutid wave travel hi ovufs orclrclcl add that tbuy arc purer and sweeter whekt con ducted throuib jicrtdontid wood litis in tho ronoti behind the brutu kwickfi oxclmivo all wood oval horn like tlio nound- iug hoard of a pmno or a fine violln ikli built entirely of wood no motnl whatever tbii fontiiro ulonp account for much of tho brunswick a pronounced superiority m to nu project ion in exchange the brunswick is die find phonograph find out vniti invent your chrjmmiih money in n briliiwick a small deposit will ptace one in your home your old model taken in exchange frank king next door to ljviugton6 bakery- main street gjeorgetovm evetv daty sat ifae week j 6un kofi nies tuv iui bat l- z 13141 torouforctncouver both ways in t buaajiv otifaxa tauau toronto 91 5 pm daily m6st m0dkrm kqu1pmeht aajafd slaaplar dlalaf toot 11 w aalt oao rirtaua 01 com rrtr oar thrauik lh boo it la wmj maiiuniimui canadian national railujaijs tnapplnq as a sidelink a mint may iitvjrln tomu rloh by tmpplntf furliaurlnk unlmnlh hut i imvo found it to lm it prolllitblo uldo- 1 tt my buulmuh of fufnilnit and o tnluhty ptouuuut mm ut thht i lovn tho grut out r iloorutivnu tp wlntor mid my dully vlultu to my trupu um njoytil with ttm ulmout plouauro air tlld litwl itv yoiiru 1 luivo avov- uuni morn tlmu hod a your with my trupa und iho work oomou ut a tlmo wbtm it dot un t tntircnm with my othtir dutlou um trupu uro hmvpoii- atvu nomtwrud with thu rotnrnn front tlm tnvoutmutit all my trupu buvo otiut tno loau ttmn 10 timra in it lultto brook running ttirouitb tlm nnith nud of my farm wth u hid u putob of murkliy lowlumbi lifitr oim uut at thlu pluon i not my tnumkru- trpu tnnloi- two m tbttiit liitihoa nf wutur a umull p limit uppjn uttucilifttl v a ntlok uorvou tmlt thlu altju pluood in mtoti ponttlitn that it m uhout hluhtotin jnohou dbnvntlui pill uml lit fuhtbihid ueanrily into tlm iirliuuil mi xlnink tripu am ant in tlm voodu tual tlm on trim co to tho vlnhlpa ttitiyf truphi ulwuyu ourry n rlflt with wlilnt to kin tlnupomoiitu bofoio ituntjvliiif tbem from llm trupu 1 mukn my dully rmipdu liiiiueiiuto- ly uflt r tlio niornluu oioikk whb li utvtu mn tliutt lo uktii ttm unlluulu bo- for iilnuoi i ho voi h ittl off ulilpuu i of uklua 104 loiiu fur tlm prl oo fiita aomttlmik drop down lutur in tli mfhimul nx iunntm ltiuppoi a new code- children cry for fletchers cforla plotchero cabtorla is strictly a remedy for infants and children foods are specially prepared for babied a babys medicine la eveuyrioro oauentlat for baby remedies primarily prepared for townupa are not lutercbjiuseabled it waa the need of a remedy for the common ailments of infants and children that brought castnrlii befdre tlio public after yours of research und no clabii hua been mado fcr it that its use for over 30 railway time tables at acton qrand trunk railway syatam oblna wilt 1 no j6 llnbtuy hi 14 u m 1 no au jl hum no 31 ll 31 u li no s3 lu pm no sr roim no sr w u upm qnlna lat no 1 thinduy fl nirpiti no jc dm a in no j5k i t it 111 tn wu 32 i m p m no 31 ai in no 3k uuimh taranto ouburban elatilrlo railway oolna waal 17 bnl unity trii llundwy 3 33 p id iduliy un t thinduy soopm dully tt hit tlunaay- ll03km hull lajt only 11 p ni miitnluy only 1 l li in u tlunduy only qalnp cat y4lkm 11utly iijcoapt htintuy 3 6 liln rially tototmt jlimlny 1b p m dlly muntpt jumly s muntlny mil riunty mil ttiunluy only frciqhtah ex1i1e0g- kspruta onrrltd tlallvnrotl dply rrhl lumplisail ii nil cam 1 rul y miitlul mir krolbt pkkidut o it- aoni w ait nt aflnu kellys meat market cnrnar mill and eluln btraata cton i curry a full linn of me at 3 aw i huvo hud muny yuuru nxpnrlonoo it in iiiy ulu tu brliia lnfom my oiiktomoru thn vory choloout mtutw ut n rouuouublo wtll you tflv mn an o por tuulty to nbftw yout cahit lain iou nun iiit and wloh w kelly acton ont uptodate goods atcc sikigius silverware in tahlcwarc fine variety also tine ctitlrry hnrdwart tmwurc nnov crattitc ware rbig aasortmetit pandora stoves and rim gait- ramotis hcatcri small stoves oil siovl liwery anticlr in or cjccei tional value- c c speight mill sbrw1 ulun 9 happy new year 1 kenneybros 1 dicflluiq to 1han1 am- thhllt cuhiomi ith 1 oh i th1ciu idlilatui 1 j itonagt nijitlntl 1 uu f lt and w1hii iiiicm au a vi u irlly and iuoaiijhotjlt s yicah s j 1 kenneybros bho mbitchmntq mhln street acton onl 4 years haa nob proven vvhat is castoflla caatprin iti u hurmlcari uubatituto for castor 01 paregoric dropa tinrl soothing syrtipa it la pleaaont it contains neither opium morphinqrhor other narcotic btibstance ita nge lu uu guarantee for more titan thirty yoara h has been in conitant trno for thb relief of conutlpntiou ilatulency wind colic and dlurrhocaj alloying povorlshneag arising thorofrom and by regulating tho stomach and bowoht aldtf the assimilation of food giving healthy and natural aleep- the chudrona comfort rthajmothera friend genuine castoria always 3cura the signature of jrul lluibtr i but wuu w hail yhli huvu tlmt oli mail vubiar ultav hnoonil lliirhui w tlmmir n oim fot it lip uouitluk id tuativ i uiiiltliut nut wtjk hit br utlnw that ii uupinn hn thlu v uli j acton bakem ittftedvarpff co cattd hoiwl url unoniio no ti oli mill otncgt aoton n j white bread brown bread boston bread tea biscuits 15e doz bumt ificdtfa scones 15c doz cookies 15c doz in ose 1 ovef 30 years ito3i 4uh rlmfahv ml wejdlnjt cdket akpcchilly m- edvakjs co abtcn ontario i toro clood evory nloht cxotpt frl- v 1 i day and oaturday at 030 p m ull il

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