Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 15, 1920, p. 4

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flhbmb h i i i qtyrartnu 3frrr jrrbb tiiijitliliay januauy it ld3o cliuhrs bmlte i our itir lilnul mun nt m lurr ll ltttji- plan laifub aluwit or in limn kititllu when y mm downstair iltiliir ninllfh ajill tot yu nuw lllu kut lit uk i jffiili so kik hlullk ii l my lawl ii mnvfrnm lilirrtu mo on maw lv im it ut tlm iiu awvmllii fun tlm huli wbu upl tlnil hlnitihy mm llkn ui linl biouiejuiii wilt iuhm tlm fa mebbi got a inortgego hat hlu crops tint fetch hut ilk tm not tho man will koioh iibbirs uiiillo and drop hu frvwi ai ilia v 1 a town wuwl ii whnrk twiln tliu hktt tvt it mor than ual van then ifm fllr hringa it hark at night ulmu thn lainkunb track all wcuitrn 11 on wither eld tlu country rou ml mtli fur and wide ulltll fay limn wtian wa ratln vlmii woik lliir umlla la lfcck avajnl i lurk home hliilihmi to lhaa llhltur for hlu ihihrnilnoa thcutum you hnllil tt maemtf 1 aay th wurkl huujlmd klhotlday vjofan 1 walla grape irlnina oh the- garden thn uvurugu hog lee tad grapevine lu uunrmlly uuob u tangled mud that it lu viry dimoult to ilmarlbvthow t prtlna it thn uwiuir should tormlno what sort of a trnlus tf in rumtii hlu vtnw on if there m numlwr of vluau mavruw th ulc it win thk oi j matf of the big cloclc towkr 1 ts k7 1 u 1 1 c- i w at ll j m sana ffj fifct thou to u tlruwn tlghcnn boat aboui 10 foot apart ilrht wire thrae feet and u two ml wlra llvn fnet from the ground if only ouo or wu vinos ura in plmoe it mil wltnwii on n trallut nudri ot two wtniw utrliik of lom kiaiuxl ut jlhhtl ono tli i ok mvfcr to txt ivrlookotl 1m thut ull rrutljlu irmlueol on lut yeajm vwxl- moul lmiuoto vinos hav too niuch olil wood try to sat opa or two upright cttnm of two-ybir- wifl or oulor with tour nr younitr canut miually dutrlbuiwl on i iiwi two wlrom thoaa nw ahouul not imi ovur l foot ion klvtn four urmx of ttiu uincth tbl 1m vnlll- oluut imhirliur wood tor mny vino sup- jmtmi tlmj url art l btufacurv nnflhuro urn four krnut an tt jrwp thouji urnw wtraii or k1u anoobt will rrow on whlrh tbo fruit u- ttm- uhhi a vino ubould b prunotl rtcr tr fronxetl inforw wlnr and bfora it thawii in lli aprlnar itunlnk in mild wu 1 1 mr ratuutx hummttintram th mtm ttm litturulm that toro fruit ahouu h nut lutnlf only loovln one bud to it i rout thd lolluwlns mcaaon and tho fmit will sofiw on that apruut it 1 iiull cany to oocajilonlly tnw nn kr mora uran hy trajntnb yoiinjf rencb to uikn tho older onaii pltux whan that im don cut 1rt tb old branch with o llttlo rraotlc nrun- injt ut ouay tho common fault bln to ltuivo too much wood if in doubt cm to tin ubovn method of liruntnr wrim 7 for uluatpttm uuiuitln 237 ttuj drat in omario whv hingalobe bettinqa wht u it that vranunm rinss toa tliolr ptonoa ao tnuoh- toor frquanuy tluin monri vn it th muin l idan tlcalr aa a jnnnn 4rln usually- rv oolvbn roushor trrnttnant in ho oourw of hlu work tbaodimm bv wotnana th oupaaita would hibaar ulcax- tfao rxitluiiotion 1 that welumada hnjp aaldctm loao motii wn under rouch uaaca unla the llttlo polntm which hold tho ntonottub worn thoaa o wontona vlnsm war rastar this ruator wuu ut duo to tha fact that wumnn wur klovna no hiuch mora than nin do mnd it la th conatant friction of tho riovo whlch wnra away tba mull oumplntf ikxlnta if rlnttm ara conatantly worn under blovoa thoy abould ba aubmlttad to a jo wo line nf 1 oimjo a yaar tor turn- inatlon uiuiiirobblo repair othor- vrlxo uia u0tttt tho atone nay raul from tho worn condition of tho sold j tmilnta a disappearing class wo havd had a htnrn provincial prohibition in ontario for rnor than tprao yeara it haa wrouatit rjai reforma avldenoad in many way a and by th way lutvo you notlood how ttio old toper and tho younjrer men whoaw rttl nyaa and bloated faoo branded than u victim of tba drink imhlt mnilliuiluarju tthy wwro nunwww bnfom you aaldom aa thotn now anl isnt wonocr mint bood ihlntft apres in rectanoutar pields flnauibt thy numborof mcrea tn a field of raotangular anapa la aay horn u tho mntlind kind tha unjrth and width at tho hold in rod uul- 11 ply thae dlmenalona tocrthr and rfltyldnbyul raauit la tha num- ber of ncrna in tha field to dotoruilnc whai part of an ticro a banlen or ty lot la 1n4 the length anil width in foou uitltiply theao to- bothor and divide by 4xw tho nmnber of muiiar fhet in mn aero inlho caao of amulrtlelda of thu kind l i bolter to find the dlmenalona in feet rather thnr roda beoauna auch mtu- urementa are more accurate tbatwaa a vary nle intuir trtm muir lhiitf oiuranlown with rnf- etxinno tit lh old ntanv rotloouolia of lontf b whl li hannt for- laat wu rubh ptneo 1nrvary wliul 1 dtmht f i mti kivuwk muoh lilouaure wmill after week to tliu kill fulkaof tboiluya or aula uiilit aynu ihiplllur eonmj f t uu tliut onjtht to klvn tlui othor follow hiltl and tliur und 1 think tliutw rlalit i hlwuyn did think mi but ithnvnr atrnck ino until u fw tnuiuui bulk that 1 onulil rivo mo itiwnv old folka pliuiauro uh ilioy inwmi to v athiiif ml of tho old uunw yarnn of form er duya 1 nnwr wuh inuoh of a wrltnr but ulwaya hunkirod uflor trylnif to luiyaomnhlna to ret my namo in print when t ankthl tio iuku iukiui mun to alve m apaco to write uikiiii u fw ihlnffh t waa riknilnullnif over butt atirlna 1 nwur i1jih1 id lw at thn job ulllhoun tnontliu hut hoiteatly by cracky i uko it and lie liootdo wtm to lika it and if ii k aomn of my obi erontam ofnnyor ulxty ysara umu hood ttmn ill utlek ut it uil lon aup0rli wilt- allow to yrilo atuff wblob that youiir man wbf runa that nowfunalml tytvoaottlnk machlnotbey buvo at fh 1liaa uma oftlra can road my jtjrky olilrography thata what tha htuh hrowa call it lant iy xt ma wbluihr tho circula tion man utjltho iirlntlnr nrfloo tolla ma tlutt tha old nwiulonta liotb lntown and out and fur uway arv hubacrlbliiif ftr the paper nnw by tha aooro juat unuil tha old mattu aorlbbllnkr tby aay but i know they want to in aircabout tlm old town and country aide and tho vaai ivaua rivom thorn bully iradlni f6r thnlr money on uvery paa hay 1v ikhiii thinking over what uajor ci rant aalil about the inoldonta i mlaa tn my rooolloctloiih wall itll take a rootl dial viuncttr u martir head than thla old oitn of mlna to ro tnamlier all of ttio jncldeiilu that bap ponwt in ihirt bnro prooloua old town away hack i um nultu well awuru that my foricattnr riibi th ihhi of niy rnmomboror oft mi if tho urayhalrd old major who tot into ucrupna licru half u century taffo when bo waa olio of our tlvalloat yoiiiitf rliuna thlnka ttmn tall avrythlna who ot born or married or drunk awryoiio who hna dld orronj uiiy or vino nr fousht or loat a mow of found u bouu iot all off uomo tlilna haplonol fn thoao daya which lm knowa aliout and whlok b wouldnt nuro to aoo in print in thla rolumti howovrrrlc th major will addrnaa any inchunla whloli would make rikm raadlna for thn otlior bid rolka to tua old uan in euro of tha vmo cwana or tho anton loatmuar til put them in acton llkn ovtry otbor town or oily la not lkinlttod by liavliui in itu popu lation whan they ubo thnlr ronlnur atroak uquotn of cltbcoiiw who would aoonar aplto a man or man ihunhono fit thetownjff llku ma youvo bad lota of urao to jhndr und bjucv llfo you have notlood t bla atrun njihartltself how any man who undnrntood the tuuo or did not havo thla ohtlduh joalouay could vote ejrainat thn water- worka oummlaalon luat wook la tn conceivable hut t bollnvo all the fault of tho defmit of thlatnauo not at their doora true thhi chlldlah jealouay olomont talked much und in fluenced p11 thoy could but thuro a oonalderabln numboi of volomvvho underaloml the lanuo anil novor lioljed their votaa tnn la a nlaaa of cltlaena who nuroly havent io truo intoroata of their town and country at ho art whlli the flrat bunch atlokejuntllnr uu hull al the votea boaaltfbholr fwuy thoy are by nd mounu tlwmajorlty thoy are aim ply the uctlvo mtnoriiy 1ooph who can neo uouily and pualtbe end of their noana aeom to have tho faculty of keeplnrthtr jliodffhta to liom- belvoe to hly olajw i would llko the proqd honor of belonging juatllkv the real of ua old dumb hoadu tliousli i never tor ono mamnnt doulitod the paaalnif of the wutorworkh-commlm- alon byuiw i held my noaoo nevnr duouaaedi the unue and almply put in ono lorto vbln for tho commlaalon hut i think itd about time that wo got tokethirnn1oriahlbd oliraolvoa into a club of aomu kind with tlm motto acton ii rat resumlloaa of paraonal enmity to any private cltlaait lot a conatiler tha bid townh luturoata ahead of otir own hereafter and kmp hor tho rood old town aim ima ulwuya loen in tha paat j priz money for sub crew tho ivivy council awarded 160- o0q money to tha crew of the british aubrnarlna kl tor sinking a turklah transport tour yeara ajro in the boa of marmora thla oonalltute n roconi rlm nnd flaure about 6o0u fov bach member wlh cxewtnw ice of tlie award ta due tythe fact that it ut pustomary to award prise money at a rata of for each per- aon the taklau-traniuorl- w camy- loar 0000 troopa at tho tibia it waa torpeoed brit1bh likecheese tjtatlatlrlana have flarorod out that enland aata they urror part of bu rorma output of ohoeae rurapea out put umounta to s40oooooo blkmrama bnund alono conaumea 1 100000 if 0 klloenimn of thla amount next ooidm holland which takes e 8000- 000 bwltterland takes i3000000 vranco 31000000 ana germany 000000 kilo grama the only people 6n oartli who eat no cheese are the chinese j the death of icuaatla ivilldant asad32 u huiinlah black hen sold to hmvn he the oldest hen in the united btatea is announood by the owner jamea nianchard of dajrvllle conn i h youth kuaatb waa a pruiowlnnihtf ditwod beauty when 7 is yeura old lir black plumajre be- catna white laat aprlnk aha mother- pa a brotal and laid exa in the tall old aan exiled a buay life mftther- nfewwifagrep father very aevoralv now look -ji- bare jenny yo tdt no enoounurn i that youn man to atay no lat every 1 night h u lmpy duurmcefub mf hat doeatn9rjnother any about ttt v ujjjf ajianiuu sha wuf en havasnol al- ly tawafl fl jfftt the hla fine whlijh h tar tad in tha adams atore mweptawuy tiat blotik kbluma atore and houao churl in webjara tlnshop and old tak and went perloualy noojr ithba4fivu plun ina milt which ocoupluil tho lot juat on the una of mr john a mowata fine realdonce thasundav night of the lreold mr iluahy joaepli ilua- by mother tid tea with hor frtond mra ubbabe hh wulked up to tho farm in tho evenlur mra ldbhujjo tti nomuanylnar hnr ua fur uithu railroad ph had juat reuohftd home the farm where x and mra clum 13- llulley realdo when tha rlftre of iho biff rlrn waa soon at tha farm ami aha walked batik uruln to orfer hor nympatby to her friend mra lihbftji und family tha fire niuilo u qloait ayoep with much enemy mr ebhako promptly ro- bullt the bouau and atorur- thd dnuliui hpuaa on main n trout it imvintf boon raarraiitred for a doubln hoiimo hit or thoy kept store u for a tlmo und then dutoontlnueil jnorro morrow luid u drutf atoro uunrn or aaveral yeara at tluit ilmo thero wire thrit other druat atorea in acton lr mor row bad one in the atom whom ilnrold wllea oonfootlobitry la no charlie manders theknaluthtimn hud mioomr in tha bulldlna wburo mr rtukoya furnltura hoailltul dona buhlnoaii and the udburndriir iiuhiiiohii wharo a t drown dhumlut la locntod hud not yet removed to toronto mr jobburdu ira loan orlptiled blm nuanculty and ha look mr ix iy campbell ot kauueellir into purtnv ahlp jn itlio pluidnu mill nnd pump huatneaw thoy illd- wtlarko biihlnvaa for a time hut finally tom and thin found hey could not noe oyiitooyo in tliolr transaqllona nv tont aold out to dan und removod to oravon- riumt whorohimbor wdm xilicap und plentltnl to hla fortunaa hera he conducted a ilrmln mlu for rivoor l yean- when tho lovourlnk element aaaln vlaltod hln and thp nooumtitotm savins 4f hla yours thoro wont up in stnoko in an bpur that waa fortyone yearn ago tho 1100 of mr nnd mra lbbtte aildtliafamllyi turned asaln to thn ld town and july 1871 found thorn back agalni bn and bottkaro all tlint witn loft m ubbajn rbulum new plurdnc mill be- old plow ruttmy ut mrvi foot willow hrii wliic ilm hhini iii if in now hi fnlt iiiiihi oithiilliiu t ho opurulid it with th w11u11 powur thon uvulluhlii tlimum l no djtiiir from lliu unt thin tun r twlv yeara lutir waa ulmi iliihtroyid by fire nnd with it i1111a0 truntli riovh leuthrr tunikiiy ant utonk whtnlv nipljl thi uocoiid flooi 111m tlim wuh in ih iluv tlm und wuh opu of tii ln tthnl nroa hiiktthmh tji vnhinii4 of amokn urulnut tho unowtilud hllla in tlm dluiouog mini 11 pi lino for an urtlut a t ilrowi who la un unut- tur photoaruphfr of no f it u photo of thla ira w i lull foi kimhij affniil t rivorlt of hla hirui oolhhitloii mr iciihuyn tjit thiillt tint funthry hujjltl out- of hlu rvuliluii on mm hi hlroot uinl tlnro ho loupoil tliu 1 1 utta uf mm imblll und liiduatry until tlnath oullihl lilui 4hrwyuurn uro i muat not forrt chuiiio tyolsilru plane thla wuh orlulimlly u wlun built by cupt ichburo futhnr of thomua klbluiru tiitd oporutix hy btm- atlf for kim veura cluirlln wlital waa u lltth gorman uiuimlut ho ltd hlaiiimltblip li tlu front ribpt i roomtn thncrhur und knit hlu ruau and utlmr jupk pputuhu charllu u hooditlnamlth vry ihnintlrlomtu llylvry to hlmunlf th nohool boyo tormutitixi him a rood dnnu bonio cuatumura tliourlit htiwjm t clou niy whan tbty hiiur him omplythn oautanlu of tho wuiib rilali 00 witt wblrii ho hud iimihi over und owr hrulufor lilu ublutlona into tho cikoi put or tn kttlo b wua inrudliir to uhi tho loputiod input for i011u0 t aftur the ilio klhtlhnivtud rmuldimta built him n ahaiik uo h nnnld dontiuo bta work hut cliuillou inmrt aii broken 1im lout tonu of vuluuhlo rutca mlnu rna inlno ritrii for which bu biil publ mimborltmw putty puna rube outttru and uiipa and dlp- pnr in tho fire uinl hlu fortinm wuh hla lotmly hiot t turiiiid to tho old homo lugtirmujiy mid in u fov inonthm lm ol 1 rut lilu tool und utook 11 hob fillrr uio viu uturdiuc buul- noau und took puaauro for homu thn i tout op tlm gorman und on wlilob churllo ahlpikl from now york wint down in mmncmib and churiln und ha rami worn novtr hnurd uf uuuliii the old plunlur mill in umi but it had a buay history for tnuny yii old roaldnuta will rtnnqtiihnr tho old alrn which ynu uttrutitlvoly vxmiutod by a akllful looul pulntor mm llku many of bla oluaw hud uji oya ubit mtid for tho iirtlatubut ntiu uhort on upollhir and puttottialloib thn dtfri read 1 i lahburo imubiliir mill boora of unllh of thn anhilol wnm mirmunently unprimiid with iho nor rwt wuy of hpolllnr plutiliik mill vhoji mr lilttlu onllnd ultmuloii to th alan thay uawuad uvory timothoy syon to or from aobool rormlnxldiil ynu i uiiomk tbuta u10 wont piiradonloal am it may be it waa tmtnfmr rlttlira own otirly p n pi 1m who pulutod thla ottruollvo hirii aa i aald tho plmihir mill vvua 1 busy placo for inutiy vourn mr 10 h wro inado miinh und door mill floor inu and houue trim for tip country ubi a ovmy carpontdr or ouutoiih who rot mtuff from tom iciiimiro l wuyn know it would usrrbmrto fit nnd up to apeolllnattlmu tom ulwuya did hlu work with matbemutlul pronluton ho made pumjia and thorfa worn ut honoat and rollahlo uu bin ourpoiitor work onetlme bforo thn- era of plutiom in nvory houiodjonnbt twfnri oriiana won ihnurht of for tint nrdltv nfy home or for tho cblirch oltlittr yom boforo melodjntia niimo into voriio u wave of dattffp for homo munlral hi- htrtimont inudvuiioo of tho jowhliurp or tin whlatle went mvor thla 00m- rnunlty homo ono had bmutcht u dulcimer to antoil it wiuj oxnmhiatl und pluyoil and nomotwvdy aald thnrv ih a fortune in thn mutiufuoturo 0 them the cnuo utuokl mr lqhbutfi commuucml o muko dulctmoru with the help of jlmmle tlwltadr a cabluot maker of repute jphn upolrht nliio wont into tholr mmiufaotliro a few were aold and uomo of tlo yountt folktj with tho llttlo liamntora ottuoliod to 0 ox i hi o wbalnbotiu liandlualiouinio ipiltn proflclont lh brlnultur ttwoat muslo from thwoi prlmltlvo nniulo bosoa sooroa of yeara ufterwanlw howevor imttly fiulunil dulctmoru by tho aooro mlht have boon found plliit ly reiwalnif onth nollnr botmin und voof plato rocouauu of both tho iqhbuuo uiuj tho hpolifht ahopa in tho 00 urao of time mr cuinplioll who tnlaeed tha dlraotlnu ond and akllful hand of thomua mhlairo- kiln former partner and who ruvo innro of hla tlmo to tho wjik1iii up of jtlio estuto of the la to itajiaom allium which ho wuii un ux nun tor and othor outaldo purqulta than ho alld to hlu bualneaa of muklns auuhiim and door found tho buttltieau falllnu tn pay and illspoaed of t wllllamtion tamahnw and buaon thomaa vmxt cnrtio into pnauouhlnn they were litb pnictlcul ourpnntort ran tho huwinamu lively for 11 tlmo with u chopping mill on ono nornor hh u aide laauonnd nojiyeulnncn to farmora klnwlly john cunuiron iwiuuht tin buhuioni ini tho proptrry ho im proved it nluad tho iiruinluoh put in now machinery und did a thrlvlnif bualneaa itor youra mr cumerou in jil triple capacity mm uroblteot build er und munufunturflr wua ono of our bualout oltlaonu ho worked with lilu hiimlw and thourbt loop tlilnu und fulllllod hlu contractu oouuulonally john who liked muohbiery in motion rot n nuaty rua or lost tio tip of u thumb ov rlhuor in a hu planer ot jlr uuw but ho whm unou pn tho job uruln ho hail to hl credit u number of tho beat built and moat uubatnutlul raltjoncou und publlo bulldlngh in town a raw yeum ago mr cameron dimjhloil to rotlro from buiiluiaa ho gmilually reiluoed bta stock dlupoaed of hla muohlnury toro down the old planing mill and utilised tho alta with jtho pretty bungalow owned by lr harry moinwh and to commodloua reaideuoa of mr mowut and family next wook well oiinui lo tho alto of tho flrat ireabyterlun church built in aoton tho old school houae and oodh acre ilk tho reur if ullrwoll ill tell you utiiribthlnft- uhout tllo drat tlliih in that hlutorlo looollty t thbj oldd man the pavenvelop tho tho workman waa tuilklntf wuyfaror of tha lnjulnltlyo turn o mind atoppod for a momnnt to lupk on my man aald tho wayfarer n longth whut are you dlrglug fort lm workman looked tin- mouoyv ha rpllol 1 a edonnyl vxolalmatl thn umuaod wyfvbr and whou flo you expect to utrlko ltt on bnturday replied tbo workman alin icaiinu opemtlima in u old empuruturuu rata uiouml lo develop a nort of overcoat uddillnnnl outer 00 vn ring wllob growir vory quickly v v new books for tfie public library tha following now books have jiptt boon n tided to tho actont nnd wilt bo uvnilablo to rentiers on saturday evening adult nonfiction till wouilt-r- llook of lcnowlodgn to him chlldnil irrtnvfutabay- tho iniut klght cuuudluu 1oeta 1 flundoru violl- hltwooiv of un author udoqeneflal works ii 111 llliry chka tb bocltittniv wn iotorhoii c w waltn up canada king hon wi miifkoiibtii jiuluniry and iluuuuuty 500tnatural ocience t chupninn wmvor millm a boo literature v llluhoi joatbtoklb n t thuoitnr itooaavidla lttn hllfoktoi meilt icilwjrd ijvii jottiru druruxnoud wmr jliny iurvlu jobu w- mwwiiahmtwtiol jtohn kipling limlyard t tho 02o coll eotlvrl bioqoaphv johnuton chtia it u hilniim onmirnlu boo h10torv lutlrnafutliur llriion itommiiil to mufti nuumlth col a fk cuuuilaa hon and croat llrltuln in the world way rroomtfn uiwla u huallourdu ilurd arolilhuld th hurolo uncord of tho hrlluh navy umkt uai it whott canada waa now wuiifle b biography jriiiifull wilfred thomuaon a iabrador jjonlor hyililinuii ii m cunmiiicoui adult fiction llarnluy kloronou 1 t ltiiuury now copy iiuitt ham wuifl tho hurbtyir xhm uoarh rik j tio hpollnru ilaiiuti h m tho wlnda o chanoo ilenaotit 10 v j- aurourt tha htrttuni hhidloha hnrililj purtnar of tho outtrail llowor 1 m lllm o tho world lluchan jom mr hiandfoat llurnhiiin clara irfmfaa in apple tllouaom tlmo hunt icutharlno niiwlin tho hrandlng uron i iio npoimiuutitm christopher uml columbua cody u a tho touch of abnur conrad jouilpb tha arrow of onm copplnaton llmmott tho ijiat of the aronvllloa- cummltim o tho lund thoy toved curwood jumen ollvor th lllvura llnd ijay llolruuh tho llldor of thn king lg doll iqthol m lr tho lamp in tho lurl lurkln dougluu tho hwurt cherry mollahf craory juckaon 7 tha holla of han juan huoaton lcthnl laavo itto liorlm ibuno vlnoeulo hluaco tbo shadow of tha cujthodral ktrhy qluyibath llttlo mlaa mnrfett kiilbliattutyiiurlrt illdln tudfrom inwdcir ltivr xwu hlnolulr ir air lincoln jo c v cywhlttavra llaca llnoobi jon c cupn warrtnawardu uncobi jou c u loudon jack 01 thnwukolo mut muokay jtaabal lcncatnn mutt f tho morning mcicowun icval juliet of the kootwiay montgomery l m halnlw valley mucaill l olonmorntni w 3 i th xvorv trull notrm ktttliloon fijataru norton hoy i drowuod cold orcsy itoratioah hla mujnulya well llnlnyotl oppuiilmluoa ihllhpa tho tlox with tho hrokou biyila opponbtilm 1c ihllllpa tho curlouu utioat honknrd fruhu l the night operator lhlllpoilm icdun a utorni in u tauuup iortiirjjauiaiior h i dawn ilcovo arthur 11 j tho bonl hcur lunhmoud aiuco h nd u lllaok itlolfmontl ontca h tho hecorul violin nw copy ltloliraojid craoe h twantyfourih of juno nowfnuy hi n chart ury lloltorta dangerouu days itoblnaob mcot zzzzrr mmtbw ilngorg oruoo moltotl joan at halfway ttucpoolo ii do vero tho lloaoh of droama tarkhigton llooth iuiiiimy mllhollaml thuruloii id tonlplo rrhe wofd of wonderful houllty jtompklnti jullat wllhor tlihlarlnb x itobort tho olrj of o k valley woymnn htaiiloy j tho grout houae wlddonter murgarot youre only ytiung onco wnilunimon c and a m tho llontt mtiuao wlluin ilonoro ull tla trhtdrton trull wright iiiliod hell the hecroutlnn of urlunt kent juvenile nonfiction arathertothirtvone rliuncu thenooat a fadle john h taylor of cryatal hprlngi muh who fmiilahnd morn muu inwr lo the army in tha war tlian aiy oth- inun in the united htutaa baa mar- rhil llnj third time mr taylor a hot yt 00 yeara oh whan a young muu lr mirrlfd and thare were liorn to thu union jfi sona and daughtora tljit of thoaona had grown to mun- jiihid at thfi outbreak of tha war they oillwtfhl mra taylor died and mr tavlor married mra tlmrnton a widow with five cmldrau wljh h hrouhl- the taylor housahotd to 11 poraoiiu to hat union ware born at children making in tha household at oiiti lime 37 hhum and daurliters hav- ioul montba uro mr j taylor saooiid wlri dlnd a fuw daya aai ha married a mra hrowi of magnolia mlaa a wlilow with four children which bring the total number to fl now under hi futlmrly- ara tkima of the child r biva married and bave aona un dkiigblnrm if tholr own ao mr tay- lora miuaatid dauglitar atapolilldren jiumhcxuniorj thah 100 to nsryoua trouhlng 1- it wilt auhtructfroni bit phy- litest anenty r i h will multiply hla achea uml pubis 4 it will dlvliu hla menial powera k tt will take inlereat from fan work a fl it will duooiint hla ohanca ol mlifeh in jlfe kpowllik thutolil true a wlea boy will pot amokn tlgnraltwa uxchango what a cigarette will do ror ourbovb 1c viii the wortld6 rlcheltit man worlbs biqqebt cheese a choeao walghlng 31184 pounda wuh muuufuoturt1 at applalop wu juiii- it thla vuormour produet rn- hilrinl tho milk of 11000 cowh loco tod on 11110 rurtrii hevoniy- three ciuhumi- inakerh oprehentlng fifty uulorlnit tihik hart in making the choose the container welrhd 0o0 pounds nnd when thn top wau forcail down hp lc- houaa r built around th chnaas a ft or aging in tha loabousa the ihatai wnu mhlpthxi to chicago where it waa nxhlbltd atmho national dairy bhow an early inventor huaml cob w aba baa thn wllch wh llvoil not in va twaa aha who luv pbina 1 tod thn drat uri- a lioir laiatliil for imaa and un kit far worma the rivatur pact 01 uy in nrtr that alio might in ahlt to lay uuga for thn mihurtmnll hot at night her ttiat waa dlaturlied by tha luaty ofnwlitg of bar lord and mo a tt hho atood it forawhlu und thai fnraifok hlirjand look up bar rooali u rta why did you laavn mar ha aaked thnt day uflnr ha hud foolod bar into ruiitilngjchlm by ahmkllng and anting aatluiugh ba had tiaiiid thing lo eat llatjiuaa i cdnnot and will not ita knpt ilwuka all night by your- fixdlali rowing j vary well replied h vooatnr our twmltlon hi hoclety lu malnlulnel moluly by my fumoua crowing when i lift up my volau atiawer come frupt alt the rooata in h nelghlxif- iiood and i wake up our mitr every jnorlilng ut aavan vclock hlnca you do but upprvnlata it vou may horaattar do the crowing yourself tha ban tried and tried btcrow but a mhrlll tackle waa all aim cyujil pro- f iielng a bright hen ab qulokly dijded on a rourao to pursu a iluy or ao later when aba had nuiiia hobr enough to tha rooster tolt hourdahe aald the oorn and aoratrh lived ff ulven to ua aolelyi barauaa of myjihltly to lay n g a day but alnre yu dont bpuraclalalt vou may inunufler do tha eggluylng yourself- tho riioatti tried with all hla might to gut into the habit of laying un ogg a day but none roukrha produce alur a tnday acuarulkn an d thinking for tha sum hmgth of tli a rtrco 11c illation took place and tlm ban und trtxmler ura again occupy big the samai rooat lu ontenlmant and dffj- tlon or thuy kept up the tight tha lieu thriving to learn in crow all rooater utralnlng wprv hervn avid muacltr to produce an egg you may tuka your olvoloe i the arj was some 60at our tnodtirn intaraat in hhipa hai utarted a ahlp expert on the mauaura- meiita of nouba ark und ha haw trquulutttd tha hibb dlmanalona into tarmu of modem meaauramnt uo uu to make tha ark t80 feat long 0 fuat wide and 48 rnet deep her tonnage wuh 11413 with plenty of room for pulrw of all the distinct apod of nutmahi that are olsaaanl by lluffon 144 und aha could hava aooommo- daled u thourand iwraona und then hud plonty of room for the atoraga of aupplloa tlm of ih ihip t r kllthal ultll ache r if wlmt tlui uml plk not ruhht of all vnur ttunun lu wrong thn wurldu ihhioit iimii rnddo- out 111 nvbiauka ill puma l mj- ru and tlm proof ofjijlh idahnnuiit ik found hi 1 loiffbo hud wrltlnt lo tbo norfolk nidi nowu- i wonduilf you know thut one of ii rthl p in tho woild uvea furtuiimli nottlj of norfolk right hrajtrflt nel thut mun lu ifiv wrtrtnin joefu ooiiinimi ilug bluokaiutth but oh bow rhli i g to my labnt im i nwulig work until noon go lo 1 inner iiturii ut t p in und work until ulu nolonk i oiijoy thn grttulfut of ull blattulngu good hnulth itookfollor would glvo ull ha imiaunuuu in iiioiny or hohllnga for my utomuoh but li cant huvo lu kirtcuuy tmlinetlliihf -hw- pllhed uml ijvory job of work i turn oulxfut hij ittiv tlono ty uiir u urvtiii wjiilhy nfny hlr 1 havuaniort wtijuhrful ihttn wlfa hhe haw htliru o tnlrrwoiltyiwo years bow i i know aim muat lj ailapdy to aciiiiipllith not i huvo a llttln om-n- bouutlful llttlo ijunghtur a aon grown id maturity and now in itfea knmn or hlmuolf jtlolt man ulivi- who mil luawlbly rllmrt then to 11 hl to ull tho above rlchou i tako dowiipiy dhl hbotgunjn mmntm and rumble through tlm lldilu wood und lungln tn unit l tli of tlm oluuiva cotumtail ttil und mallard wltll my faithful polntor at haul now puht eleven ytuint old and h lujual ua liuppy uu i wlybiwn urii 011 thn hnnl than whim i gut hu k oil how good ovaryttilutf tb timlu tbn wbon uctiriiiia upr all uumuhtlu ounr thla aind old unlvoruc i imttlo down iii a good old niiuy chillr tmjoy a unioka and thou roll into bod to ih omhracad by morphouu and nvcr htmi a aound until tlm bouutlful hi auk of duy ill oh t did you uuyt well i gimnu hollurat no not muiiy yiu ampilrml uhout rlclixii not mutorlat wuulth jtlio boliilit of my ambition lu o lo llvojluit i may huvo rio rotfregt for having llvod whoii tho tlmo cornea for mu tn uhurflu orf thlu mortal coll and i liopo hy thut tlmo to huvo ucou- tiribh3 aalfunil mlna lauy mt lm object of rhutlty thiu thou lu my idnu of a rbih mun jf tiny t vnjoya llfn mora than i do lm lo tit ho tntvlod for hla rlchou why ho any i j 300 sociology lung audruw tho flroou fulry hook j 00 n atur a trsc i e n 0 e ilutruii tiioriilon w 70 advatiturou of hob whlto uuraeom thorijton w mra 1olor luibhlt hurgnm tliurutou w 01 mltitub ihuird chutllo allen avnluryih ol twlnkly iflyea hurgouu thoiuton w tho hurgcuu bird hook for children j60o ubepul arts ihanoknot tho tiny mechanic wonder hook of ah craft j bo0 lite r atu r e hallay carolyn hherwln htorloa of or out ailyunturoa j000 history w 1 tftorlea from klnqrartiiur ttud ilia itoilud tabai kurrolt hlr ledwiiril ctilldnmu htory of the wur 10 volumeu j010 qeoohaphy and travels roikliiu tuny liitob m 7 thn jupatioao twinm uron alfred id kb end ii1i hwt cimmlu juvenile fiction aahbiun margaret llrantl angola hruraton cupt v h tlraretoit cttpirltvbr jlfereton capt v h iiromtou capt k 1j ilrorotou capt v b luubol tnrlctob in tho wont a llarumborrdm hohool ouu- i- a hero of luoknow rrnwtlbour iwualaualllca w under voahs command with the allloato thotlhlna wth ipronoh nt jh lfrout v llrown iqthol c the throe clay a at tho old farm davonport hpoiioec huablou lloya nt traaura oova tluvonpmt hpenoer lluaton ho hi the raddle cray violet cordon margery morrlh mauoot gordon anion patuy curwd under ttouthern huloa hoyllger wni- mtohcr heyllgar wra ldghtlnr of wttlrvlcw hendry juu q connln morgan with th mounted hrpbbrough murk f whan wolf mania vwolt ingoruollkrneat ilalaiu croekilcfplorlug olub johntdnannla lrl0wh murywuro in tanaa jolmaton annie hallow wupy wwron jtom land iiwray harold c u iii young- cnnudu hoya with tbo tiq tf on the lvbtlr hu objection why do- you hject to rmgtlmo7 it puts tunoh into my mind thut 1 cant forgot- and i dont dure whlatuj thoro in public huaauau uf luu- wordrt 1hy auggeatsur castor i a tor ipfstits adt chfldren alwa7beara j 64gnturflc mtirku jounotto mokiuiti cupt o ll fctuuuduru murhliull wum carolyn s 1 wellu carolyn wvattirtuun lroy f weatormun percy v weaterman vcray chlldaen in tha wood fllorlt scoutlnlf thrllt ooldan dloky latty andajtaloa lattyaluttorriy daya tha kautghannor thu hubmarlna huntam v winning hlu wing m i editorial comment worth while brief pointed articles on a wide field of subjects arid the scope of views covered each barrbldibpiaureb vnu lmk ua tluvughyou had boon rldliuv a barrel hulrt tho fat man to ibabowlohgod pno and you look aa if you badtwal- lowod om wua tho gnawer rtbi it 1a not the apurt nt tbo start but tmo fwnitoued unjofltlng unhaatlng tfnttv lift w frfi y fatirncr how ninooth tha kuaboauh pubblua arol hilt do yuu know tha 6oo4n worked u pjudrcd yar- to nakifthain no arid onco j miw a llttlo girl bit down und cry hacuurshacdittd not euro a fault with one small try juwula just anothereeaturejof jhemany wc are naturallya litllcproulofour editorial page since wc have been able to branch into a sixjiage weekly every week these articles take up considerable time and attention they arc not writ- ten at random everyone is carefully con- sideredaiidthought upon another fea ture of these brief editorial comments is the widti rabge of subjects covered cvery week a complete synopsis of activities ntall fields being carefuhyeommcntel tipon domin ion pro vincial munlcirr pal wliat paper other than a country weekly of tlie free press standing could give in sight into activities in so many spheres tlie very things you are interested in the things you talk about to your friends and neighbors the things that concern your personal welfare and make tlui con ditions around you more to your liking youll find all these things carefully con- sidered in brief easily understandable and in clear form in tlie editorial com ments every week tac ajboutf them thatgoes to make the free press the ideal family and home paper for tvery house hold read these editorial comments and if thcyare worth while show them to your friends vho may not be subscribers practical appreciation gives the most ep- couragement to continue in our efforts -rr- tfie aetoii fre0 presis 15frnadajsice imlo uie uiiiied states jiw vn hi wimamfliiwg yssmwamiwi xt t il xiivwijijiti

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