Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 15, 1920, p. 3

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ijr artmt 3tt prwifl iujmnra ranualn ir ioji ion 1 i cm juwul iii iuku t hltlllt hill iii bitf li wilt mi it 111 it prlio la 1 life drr year in uuu im imreel nddltli uul vi mill c in the in hi ilni tn wnli li biilhiiiiftliiiu nro mill in u h lni in ul 1 m iiihii aovi luiiuno ualxjtruiiuli i tat flyut lunurtli inilu lir llu fir utinli a iii mo l no lit ina rtion contract dlwiliv ulvotlo tu nld for 100 inihimi r mora p r annum 16 rmitu h r hull null luuortfoii a it rtlnuinontm without epeltln dlr tlouu will brt irfurtrtoil tlt forbid nil 1 uli unit 1 hint thero nppenp to ho an unu lllleft of tciiclibrn tho puit fqw iuuim lulmbor of imir ie or tenchem tho pint few month i hurt- it u whoyta boprttsp o m mnnypnrj the pro viticc a a result or tho uhorinrr of tciiclicrn 111 kent county tlio inspectors will rtcoriiiuqiid to thu mlniitcv of fttucntlon that ho grant temporary ccrti ucatcb to a number of younc india who lmvr hud normal sthoot training ily n voio relatively us small as was cust by tho electors or acton milton alw defeated the municipal bylaw hrouplit hoforo thun tho milton hylaw was to nilma 310wm foivjicw pavements aild extensions to tliu wntcrwo7lt system only fifty live citizens buptforicd the byluw iuijl wxty alicopposcd itjlikc acton rutlpdycn hi vcjfard to tho waterworks com mission by law it 1 1 now felt lu milton that a mistake wg made in deflating their by law there will bo f one nil witisftictimi throughout tho province thut a position of wmo importance hue opened for sir willinni hearst lato premier of ontario for sennit under tho dominion govern menf sir william iuva tt good many years in the prime of life to nmttcj of government when other men of ilib iige d profesiou wtro budding up prd fitahlo practice or hu in ess intercuts for themselves ho will 1111 the positijtn on tho dominion commission with ability two third of patindu b exportable surplus of tho pant years crop of wheat has already been disposed of so fur tho cumidiuji wheat board hit bold 48 170 315 bushels or wheat for 110188 265 it has been bold cluctly m great britain united states franco und grttcc 1o tho united states tho em bargo on canadmn wheat will not affect tho present systcm marketing ui nil snlcs in tho united states will bo made by tho caundlan vjhcap board and tho returns pooled with sulci ulrcuji mudo id eprope t lmntt i riday supplied another vivid object lesson for the construction of actons waterworks system with all possible d lips tcli with groat good fortune tho town has- escaped bcrious ires of great magqitudq in the past but with our present inadequato system of supply for the steam ire engine and the possibility of casualty at any time to the engine whijo n are is in progress tho best manned lire brigade may at any time ilnd themselves heirless to cope with the de vouring i flames by all means let us have contracts let at the earliest possible date for tho construction and completion of actons waterworks it is very evident that capital and labor and the government of tho country arc coming cl6ser to- gather revision of tho industrial disputes investi gation act is to receive early consideration in past years tho trades aniftabor congress of canada has opposed tho act utid demanded its repeal jatterly there has been a shifting in thejittit of organized labor towards tho act at an interview between representatives ot the government and of organized labor last week complaints ui regard to tho act were again submitted and tho labor men offered to parti cigatcjn ajoinjt conference jith aycw to revision in reply tho government invited tho labor men to submit concrete proposals of amendment for con sjderation like all the preachers moral reformers and others m town tho free press has been favored with art invitation from montreal jo send orders to dealers in j that headquarters city of tho dominion for booze lists of he various brands of jtquors at extravagant prices were enclosed cash with order is demanded and the suggestion made that the express charges bp prepaid it is evident that fow peopla in ac wa arc doslrousor stocking up during tho interregnum s readily provided by tho dominion government judg ing from the meagre shipments that havij come by tho express companies since tho first of january when tho ban was lifted fow there arocxicptthe veriest old topers or tho weak minded or morally degenerate who desire ever to seo general traffic in intoxicating liquors in this canada of ours again cnjiclami of three uf o cabinet mliiihlpc in outflqojjjiiurftllicyjiayo held ofllich few week without having been elected are answered olfeetlvcly by a former parliamentary cnildidnjc in tin i coiuity mr w d gregory on i riday in u jciltr in the globe hp remiiiditho public rluomiou john pry den acted at minister of agriculture from march to november in 1818- without a icut und that ifon now sir john gibson while attorney gen mil hud ifo con itituortcy for about the snmu period 1 iheruhi rcgwrdod their position as quite regular thoujh they wore forced jo bo alwciit during a r il siou of the house ui 1 ijyliu i it to i r li j a iarifc creamery company in winnipeg hu- thrown down the gauntlet to the bonn or commerce of canada and the board jifcomoierccflma promptly ralonu up ttiuia view apparently luwiird testing the power of tho federal board xa iiitorfctcl wltji trait tactions originated and completed within u pro vincc tho creamery company h is rofu ted to comply with the order of the board llxlng a just find rcason- abloi price upon milk tho boanmhildo hu order prohibiting tbo company from continuing to sell at a price in excess of uftecil cents per quart and ellt cents per pint if tho company continue to iicll m violation of tho instructions given then proceeding will bo commenced in tho nature of injunctions in civil procccdiiigs the f uruicrs organizations are reaching to dominionwide status at a conference of roprtien tatlvcs of the organized farmers of tho pruirlo pro vinccs at winnipeg last week much time was spent in completing plans for action nt federal politics thk policy us set out in the resolution doptctt np peals for support toall classes in the comiriunity who believe in the principles it lays down the platform which ha been dcscrlbod as a new nutlonut policy for canada is boscclupoii the principle of tho great est good to tho greatest number or people living in tbo dominion without regard to race creed or occu potion and claims to be in no seuso n domand for special legislation to benefit the few ut tho expound urtnoimmy the success of tho farmers of ontario in their first erfort to secure parliamentary supremacy is bearing fruit in nearly ull tho other province- even quebec is taking up tho question it is now proposed to formulate a federal organization manitoba wilt o met ally ondorso a fanners fedora party whcimhu resolution is put before iha grain growers conven tion at a later seisign tho conviction that tho manitoba farmers twill rail into line with tho action taken by tho canadian council of agriculture nt its mooting in winnipeg a month ago to form a farmers political party to contest federal cati at next gen eral election grows stronger to bring manitoba into lino withjho othor provinces in tuvor of pollti cnl action tho immo of the association wan changed from that of grain growers to tho united runners or manitoba more than 1000 voted for tho change in nume and three voted against it students of canadas resources and of tho pro bloms associated with their ofllclciiit development will find a serviceable addition to tho literature on thh subject in tho tenth annual reporter tho commission of conservation a conclso review of the years work is furnished by mr james white a scries of un usually informative contributions includes iious ing town planning and municipal government by mr thos adams an article every municipal council lor should study discussions of various phases of torest conservation by mr clyde leavitt dr c d howo and mr koland d craig and of agricultural investigations by mr f c nunnick particularly timely studies of tho water power and rucl situations in canada arc presented by messrs arthur v white and leo g denis this publication will not disup pomt thb very wide circle of readers to wtiom it affords an instructive annual resumo of problems and progress in respect to thclntelhgcnt use and study pf our naturfllreourccs some of tho lending manufacturers of england have considerably increased the output of their fflctorcs by a new metbodof determi wages on what is known as tho priestmau scheme tho amount of output that a certain number of men can produce by ordinary cltort is taken as tho standard btft it the workmen increase their efforts lt is possible to exceed tho standard in whjch case every employee receives a bonus proportionate to tho in- crease thus if all tho workmen increase the out- put or a factory byiietialf and inengluhd jit somo places theyhnva done it tho individual workman whoso wages arc 12 28 n week receives 18 42 the plan avoids tho friction that isjiomatimes caused y piece work and leadi ompoyecs as well as employ- ers to try to produce all they can the pnorit withogr the risk iii r il lulilla uifaitl whu drlvliitf nirlrlt h nnh rtlvo liuydi ut liiturtwt llm li nil i tin lont tlart alinwn tiy i ir huo 4tw nirifliit rlc- 11 i wth tultllliiilltf to tlillik lliat h vuill 1 niovin lyy i fiim iu a m i nw lli illy 0 m uxtmim rutiiljil ilv lliilu tiiuuflii illi ull to him will mr nil ktititt you ami l want to llllv uliytlillltf 1 lion t filixtft wil v t nytl if mntttif hnw kixxt llli i i i w frw tlin irtvn i l i uy 4 melhlnrrxhl von mi u rul lvruuhl mi 1 u run ho i 1 1 roiillxl llmtorlhif i liuvu ulrojuly mik wh yi ii luir i im ii ki1 1 iuiikhiiii uiici i riou t li ijnvi v ii would liny u ilnad ur rln re ii hi iiiiimili tin 1 tuill 111 t n v it in yiu iftikt now llfro iii twll yn i tliu ullvii iolltr tor juut hi uruku imli him ilotlur fkinlnl lli dfw i lo i ii in nil tllllll ukoil i u u uxxl ilallii- t kulr- it im u kihwt ilollun ftl ii i uic lit ii k lit t tivnii krrstnli- yihi i in it b utm ml rmwli i 1 ihil ll i iutrlly llihik i wunt it ill iw r i lllrloilutf 1 fill y wliut 111 ilo liilnrrtipt liltti iikiii- 1 1 aiiyou tliutduhjat f i unv nt j hvi ooiilm tli- u t thirty tliinn iul oih tlilnt lit rnu 1 runt ti r yi it ut iiiki illoturtlul nuliilithl i v lull if ukul v ry oiimi ly moiih lltiwr it tiiul hufdnjr it ft huiti ily luiiioa ivul hmirn ihiwtlmu mill tlnuhy iihh irnj it i mick to thn u nut uuylntf u ii you fun ki dili unit nivo im tin iwodlyuvu rmitik- untftained mtrutigrr j in jkwrlmilj wum i virtilnfuh timilii i inu imiuih out uti 1 wt tho lix i vtrlil iiunil nv wuw tolil ui titiu uwer llm ilimr und nay lini tnii thf w m not ut in i 1 ill iw i i liijirufitldiu vlriflitlu wmi i tiumithl wliun tlu utiuiur ukkwl wliun will ux riluriir wit in ut i ivlnif t iiim r uu rjillj i oli uuifnt lio wutita to knowr wliini yon i rti inliiji luiokt 1 ullull i imyt dahe feet a he shod nu kiih i ull ull i km l i ll u itiiion yiiifjifi irti5hrm t tun i irlln riillowlntt kiory a w mun i tin 11 ouoii hit him ituil tutt ihhi thlns whiit run 1 tln iii li it i unt t want u mji kin win t numlkii hit 1 wnlvl wy lrmil mil vrx u utnjt n ilvit u t to liiyinu- u i tor ii u liiiiilrvl of lio tr il ultl ltui ynuru 1 1 t vht uiiiiilwc ilnaf uhii i iw n it kilojv lint wtuit kiinnlm f ilm you i uy wl on you ihinultl thn l i nil fi i lirr him imvrr hud u uh in it r ufn vt n mw hlr hw- full or iiiuhi to drink wlbii wfl lull iullhta i lit iw till v urn iiwhi ha it f0 not drink hhy li ft uiki tlil otiiribnf ho aulil u mu u tin r i wunt yoti to to mi i iwn t iluy unt unejuv u imli t uliiku tor ulip ii vr iunj u ihju in ht r lit i iioiibi1 ulr if i tohl yon hiw ol i uhn wun you w4nl 1 vnow jiot wi ut ul to klvfl tno wjbti savings ov wib6 men vnt htlll wr trtml iii k til j huh kp rtur rolth llvo tln1 umiiii ll y hint uliiill die anil only lv miivlvn ilmi fr ly in 111 11 tu now war im u with ux only tliu tmw iluy oli ituy id u wtrltn iiasn lit wwrlttrn wril it liiuiiriilly utnl llm iwkiu of tltifltr will im- m ullllfdl lulw wihoj nvxr i inlnu la ljl mii ifrtijt hlr 7m mo m w aeveral blfpebences tli lull liuil ijtinij over tlin rulllnick i luilu will in uhuruui bhi-iiihh- un 1 lunutl bul uiiuluiuhiht lutumuii up- iirtht nt m tu nt lwr t ouk fof it ttion uikourxl un irulti futlltir how ilurn y u uhow youiuoir nt y lirtntt how ilurtj you uuk for your tuilir tio yon ftnoy y n nnurly klllihl urfrnr my clilhlrmi with llr nit yoli vtt got ton ihlltron uiilil thn iokiooi lud iuiii 1 vt mily wot oim luimoollll pashi6n brevities i ulw la iiilluilulud uiiujiwbluc ui frimiuu fir lli urowlntf alrl ly m un r wool tinilryil ry i r liilnuu un i chirr n iyir r i vnlvt in u iitnslliri li uliji nt sollii in liii luuiy ei lut iiultu uro ll hu- mil y i to uluiiilm tli toiluiir il tilt ikl i uf al hull an hull rlwl t vrlliit i t ol i not ii i uiiittti liuu monkny fur ulum tlirj nil- unu ui il hklrt in m lril iiilt iiioihhu tiro mw tor full iiioiim u um mm rt liy imiiinliik v to tunull worn on a llltln huu of inn null li4nlil liiuuh lu- lwuyu tiiiurt hu jjowiim thut i inblim link unit him urn ilefll inly kr noli i in liubif umt mini rriuhuhln m uumii lu tin inrfl ktyllult it li women wart wonkchs ilirliik tl n wur wonin oiiijiivhi i tnl rvl lxibhml in tuinlrh i lir lrutilnu of tho ilvll limy uilvuiiul fr in tcoo to jot mo un imromufl it l lw t lil tlm tnimwiiy urvjin thn imrouwn lu jihlmt to vr 1 coo ttr nl whllo th jiimn in tlm iiuiiilhir tiniloymt in llnuua ui i inukliik u ivuix t 17 1 rllt royhiiidley auctioneer t ivi htooic ltuaiv ichtarij antk michc4ani1hli3 conolldfd prion erin 4t 1 1 h r s acton tqrage batteries i vim tuny out unit triuin lcpyiiii ru hut r hut hot- in ymr 1 wtu ry why nuauot it win n it luy tlm hw ut lnu rlunt 1 ut in your urw uuti ry niiuiii7 ai uit r it ut 11 rul ut ru lw lllltn luvw your li ittnry wiui un ut teiinljr till t inivi it in prt aliaa shw nkt bprlno wo kql tin m lu mint r ilry mlori uu ifuntoniir iltulri ail mtiilm t hultorlm lauulvol work tfuruntikit bhlgdbbd gri frd ci th- earmerbanker alliance v you go to your lawyer for legal ailvlce to tho doctor for modical advlc why not xo tho morchantabaukforllnandialadvico7 u if you want a loan to buy cattle hogs or equipment if you want information aa to i how to invest money como to thoso who mako a business of financial matters and aro mro position to givo you sound and impartial odvica th mcrcflants bank of canada feiuuihludlbm hd orhca monlrexl acton branch w georgetown branch l r shorev manager ll r mimms manager at ajompilmeiltafybbnqlldrtcndorod hoow l mackenzie klnk dominion leador of llio llliurol lrt at nowmorfccl last weok mr king outlined a policy as leader which has much to commend it ho said my attitude in matters ol kvornment to- worcf any class is an irrevocable opposition to any thing in the shapo or a monopoly he would not countenanco a monopoly of government whether by financial or railway groups or under ho control ol labor farmers or war veterans but i opt will ing to take the best of thorn to make legislation to qcrve a more united people flo ucceptcd with pleasure the naminatlph jotjnorth york and pointed out that he was pfnnlng hwfaith in this riding for scccis at the noxf dpmlnion election jthojliberal liertaln devoted much or lii time to dealing with the prcscrtt political situation in canada and the significance or the labor farmer and war veteran movements ljbcrals declared could hot bo any thlrig but sympathetic io any movonient which broad oncd out to help tho lot omits people h you buy out of town and i buy out o town wliat wul become of our town the dollur you spend in acton will cohie home t6 boost a free pressbiliyathoiie campaign read these articles with care- they may present nonnhmng you hadnt thought of uefore patronize the people whose ada are here they are your neighbors i anavwlii ut you fthjht the money you spend with them stayin circulation in aclon and neighborhood vou will alwy find it profit- bu to rkiimjllt in whan dwlrlns trv amnlai nothing llootx ni1 bhokat i innoloutnm oilcloth ami qrooerla our utm lit to antlolinttw your jnurct lnariton molean mills our aim u to bll vou dry oooox mn trurnulnc and oitwiorlorf thai ijunllty and trloa of whldh will kp your tnonay in acton wo can oompta with tuiyona ttnywiurvi anil lruiislv ursa nam- tmruou d c russell th pnlr oun la crlurlon fr iturlty mnt whohiknon in imtuiu f imiiuue wo curry nil nliotde iurfiiniory tolut artlohue vlrtrolux our ui wl ivimu- hulu it dow on olid vary upoclnl bur- buliiu uro uiferaml v a t on own consult li flrat wlion buy in itardware wa ctury n comuluti atocli of ubolf tuid heavy ilttrilwnro ellvrwaur cutlery oruhltovmrtt olc and on oonvluoe tho rnmt tirltloul ojr prloe mid quality nir rtbt james symon tho now provincial ijovornmont evidently intends lhat ulsy farmer- on tho township road shall benollf from government supervision and financial support as well as thoao who livo on or contiguous to tho moro travclhd provincial highways und county good roods a twenty per cent contribution to tho roads and bridges amount pc tho townships or on tario will probably be provided for in legislation to be submitted to tho legislature a tho coming jies siou hion f c biggs minister of public works and highwayb oy lias tho mntternndijr consjdei at io rt in connection with the general policy of agk slve highway construction this comlnc season the deuaite amount to he given the towjuhlna hasnot beep fixed but it is stated that one fifth of tha ox- ujuiidlturo made by tho townships is ithosum tenta tively fuvottd by the minister the legislation will provldo that townships will bo entitled to the cj6v- ernincnt grant upon ulsumi spent upon and bridges- out of consolidated revenue tho csovern- nts help will be given with the idea ofcncourag it is very evident that the peopla generally in the united states are quite anxious to have that country rutify the pcaco treaty the nashville advocate bald with much force last week tt is useless to attempt o parry tho argument that this country if it should ratify tho covenant of the league of nations would be under obllgatlonto embroil itself in furopean wars after this government without direct cause but simply to aid european nations that were strug glmg for human freedom and at the same tinidtnilng threatened defeat cirfhrolled itself in ono of tho great est wars the world lias ever known it is folly to strain at tho possibility of un embroilment in piiuor european wars wo say minor because there can never bo another g war as we rend the argu merits of thoso who oppose tho iycafua of nations wo are forted to ask what has become of thoso exalted jdenx hfld ut rae arujsm or which wo board sp much in the early part ofw7 and which wi me mw ulbrwb ia pelled this country lu liable abandonment ink flie townslips to go iberfd th toad construe aud clmstih4notives to send two mlllfon yen acrons al the seas ortr your col now joil iy undor irwent oondiltoiua lovni lalily men antxdrtvnoo lb th prim nul htove and vumaoo cwl now on hand wo wrry qrooerlpa ut w61i j c hill tlon upon a propcabasjs and with modern equipment nvr buy tumllura krom h ulouc it- 1i loojtx kood in itlutuma whan buyinjr froai un you na th article before you huy und our bent hdyloa hnd arvloa im yoiirv umlmituktiia in oonnoouon johnstone co waua up that ordar for orooarlos lirlnx it to u wa on obmpata lu afcirvtoii quality bnd prloalwlth uyon nuywharo we carry mm wall b full line of dry oooda nelson co false economy has no value wa dl in ah kind of lrnli nml curtsl mintu und ft til out domlm o aiotiura and hold you i imliyntijo bv fulr lirloijj aiiii tloniht ttiiilliia wo omlorhtf thin tnnnicitiirotiytndtin it tmym w larjosborouqh ihiylnjr cheap umda just itecause they are cheap do4i not iay quality often overlooked instance been in cask ok mail 0iue ho0sks which make theiu appeal boiicly on iusis op price luouomy 1j on or ch tirvalhttrtrtuiw itutniluoftononiy in bo mom u vlrtuti ihuu miylliluic oue thut in fauo to bo nblo to txiono- mlwi wuy u oite of tlm sriuitiwt 1iumiiik thut una cuu linvc for tt la the iirorvmiulmlta to thrift unit wall hi inu ivio iriany iwmonn- how vt r who thlulc hoy luivti found the btfornt of trim vonnrny nr iirtiotlolnr- w faliw oooiiorny which in xyorun tlitin wilful wulia r- wir limlunan the hiun who buy u htovi from u mul ortlnr houan tiw s hocmilh htl thlnkn hu woul 1 kuw to luyflo drmio if ho lur vihnawwl it rrom hla hornn biarnhtint im lmiotlnlnil fulitn hminomy for tho ihutifte urt thut be would tuiva biore than 1 hi tbo oud if hn imrobiuiod the 110 htovn from the locul hunlwuro doilh r there un heuuiul runona why thin im fiilue counmy the flrvt one ik that uoluir for dollwr tlio tfihutur tntrt of the mnrohuu un i mi hi by tho mull tirdur hotulia in ut ln vitlue than tlmt unit by trui timall rniipfhuntn of the mmnlhrrtomriiiitiltlpfi tho mull order huulnnam bh u wltolu im built upon eheuimi uu in onhr li uttrunt fliimtornonr the cauilouuti houai miint mall itoodu tibuunlyt l in unluctu ttu thatxlov tnuai mill onui uooih thtiiniualitumm im built- up un prlco utul hot on quality tbo mull buritwure diutler like r tall dtulorw lit othnr ifnou probably run inulult tlm prhrh of tho mull onur hmihow ijo probably hun ib atove which he cull uell to the ttuin who wuiitm to ret u kttivn for 9 the lroubliilj thut the mun who huyii from tlio mull onlor hoium dotm pot duunsulmh imtweeii prloe und iiurllty meencrv a evans we hay said it before and wo ay it mjraln you u buy to better ritvuntbete- in aoton tttan in toronto ftoe ua when you reaulre nuythlnk in qanural uorcbandlae wo will not be undorapld l staukmah now that cold weather fe upprokchlns you will niqotre r rmiilimont our drink kre rdj hot mut invjaoretlnic bur toe grtmun in di llotoifa our ilomumade candlee fruuh mid wholoauimf l h wilee contamplatlna building t if mo let ua jailmate on your n llrliuetitm we prepare plana make eetlmiliu ilnd tako contracts for any kind of tittlldlnv wa would supbat nrdorlnic nojtt wlntere eoa1 now j b maokenzie thinks he 18 economizing the mun whb buyu i hit 4v tilovo rtom the mull order hue prob- ubly would niljuy u d ntovo front hie lornl moroh int tor in tho lnll r rm hti woull aeo juat what ha wtta buying und mlht tvutllite thut the 9 ntovo woull not mm hla boedm ho artlejm ii to utuvn from tbo mull evder wuae however jui iwcauno thn prion lu b ttml not imcuttne hn hae nhy aeauranoe that tbtbtov ml bin hernia ifo thlnka he la auvlns dollar or two by buying thin ntovo inatnud of puyliuf 10 or 111 to te home rnurohunt for one thut be haw uun und knowa will ulve him aatlefuotlou tho climioin ure thut when tho utova arrlvem und bo luui uaed it fur n abort time ha will ntutue tltht be bun prwotlflad rulae wonnmy- that it would imvn been uorii vcpnornlnal it the end fir hint to iiay e dollar ot two moro to hie honiu nmrihunt hii k an article utnt wum suuranthhl by the dealer itr large famlneee cen in aoton la ampla proof uut our mata veaotablea and 1rovlalona ana the luitron of tlie mull onlur linuxa alao ufteh fu i in til tako thd of the beat quality we mil pn cloee muttnr of trennmrtatbni cjmtn into ooilhlilnmhim whon pmlilntf hie maifclna and pollolt tha privilese of purohaev lie eeea only the brloa of tho uroiun un linte1 in to innh mipplylna your home p order cuuiiobuo aiiti duua not think ut tbo expcuaa or freliht ohnrsea which with the coat t a tootiy uixler and ikmtuuo often ntufce the total pool of the article rreater thuii tho prloe ut wltloh tlie eiiniu thins could have been purohaaed ut the inena wtore another nutto of fulud economy lluyliux mnrchubfllae of ihmii iualty lmomiho tho price ut low 1 oft etl falae eopiixnty vdiw tho purthmm iri ninilo ut the home etoreu but it la doubly- ao when tho mirohandu u ltouifht from u mull ontir houao when buylns ut home one cult be louunimbly eure thut i ho urt hi le pur chased ut a low prloe while thure u no uticli uuuujrupoe when it la bought by mall up tlje elglit uiiueen plan bargain in yttdum huktleeool rloouhii ut ano llohrnikn overall at 3 61 a ablpmunt of llob iinan uon u weuhnu tlh rlw ijxlkifihd thin week tlhoo ruiuilrliiu il nponluluy e k cook r r whan vou buy bhoea 1iiiiti uw you uro fturo uf hoour- ititf tho bout heteotlon lp acton our nrlona uro much lower than olty prlneu our guarantee ut behind every tit inn we ell kenney bros our bread le baked itlifut here in acton and wo guar antee lu tin obomo lien n we mollcit un well your patron me e for homu- itmdo cauca pantry ata wo aim to imtufy m- edwards a co thu cempalotl moetn with our uppraval and ban our hearty endomatlon beardmohe ev co our leraonri ntereata aro centred lit aotun ttjliln mpve mentie deeervlria of auoooea und we endnntu nut no rvoer ev mowat qlove co i em leoul dlatrlbutor iror tho ford automobile and cut aiippty you with knulo vora partu ut reuuouublo prlcoe a complete dock of tlree alwuyu on bund ibet your next car bo ejrard h a coke i menufctur and repair all kjudtf of furniture xet mo entltnato for you on the tnuklnu over reiutlrlnit- or upboletorlntr of your furniture which requlrea utunttml i buaruntea my work the ituriilture liuiltpl w j 8tuckev we do merchant tallorlna our utock of imported and domett- tlu wooilone for full and winter lh colnpleto wu utupd linlihid nuf output hp 1 buaruiitoo nutlnfuotlon v m cooper iiiueen idea isjexploped the ldh4 thut thu tnall nrdui htutaem kill the quality of fair dealing and lew prloea aro liuildlnu- up our bualneac we citrru rill una or grocer lee jnd i rovlal inu and our prloea will re- liovo the nuceaalty uf further moroh our dmttlttv u0 tirloe will atand comiiarleon mrbj modouoall wboii one 1 ear tin of the luro prollte that iu mudo by thu tnujurlty of tlu lnall ordel huueemupd the lurife uulllnu lutpinutu to whluh thoy ure eubjected the luro ntul ortlexjioiiiwe mpaud hundrodu of thnuhuui of dollum unnuully for mtvirtlnln und the hoiiiiik expuuhui of tto mjimtlor couotinim are proiorthnut ly ult lurue tin ir oibnr ixteiieth nuch an rent uxrn und uilir nre uimo blthi r limp tliimo of thu louul- mall merahunlm in proportion to thn biinliientt wliluli they vim in nplto f theee heavy- expert kcatthinntit i ordoithnuhah dutrlbulo iquiiouu ot lollarv in dlvltleoda unwfik tho utoouholjluni in one lanre mail order oonoertt the pnlltn of tin nnnuhnldirn in duhii mid nt t k illvlilnidn have ngrelrtt un mui li ua 1 poo p r tint on the rupltal ipveatud in thn nhirt iierlml of nine y thin doem not hidluutu thut the mul order hounm ere in hualiirntf for hidr ht illb um uiu ulvtug uwuy mur bund lee to their cuetnmnrea the mull pnli r lunimj buvu t ipllullkud thn donb to inuiiiun c that ih iiihcrcul u ulniont eveiynou out uy piucihk prion uhnvn iibiillty lluil muklne rhenpnotia the fundamentul lenient in thtdr bufilneae they have ipcplcutett lu tlje inlndt of tin ir putronri the ideii that hloy ure economlslutc when tbty buy obeap soodu ut ehnup jirlcee i never buy jewellery from cataloouea all jewelleiyjooka good in out whim buy inu trom ut you nee lite urtlcla und ua well you have tho hanent t uy nurvloe udvloo uml iver- uonul buureii toe geo hvn0s newt time y hequli liobi hhooe jtubliem eta let mo luluivor to meat your raiiulremonlh uy htmk in loiiiplute iny quality iri of thu bunt my prtcou uro right hip tlrlutf done w williams did vou ever step to cnlder r thut ll hrttw over tmvo riiuuwuud loliiui u your to diilivor itnoiln jroni tltt mtornm to the ac ton poo plot thn imttumr piiyh for it parry yout own puree uu i not your ehara the navlnn cuuh and carry ml ry chester plank si- main ht 1titmo 63 conelttt me pint i when yoiiro1ulra farm impln- if nny knd i ion htcul uuont intcrnatliiiml uuahluery and can i ran i jo you utlnfuutlnn und ear i dttrry bootn and nhoeu aa wel ctiaa uur v h r l tr j a moniven phyelolan and uuraep olll u un 1 itxnl ik t it iwer avnlie and ilulu iurnti the rnld nun f rmerly i ulol ly n m lien ittirmim a ti n om john lawuon veurlnery buraeed aolrtn onl tiradiialn of opturlo vet rllmry co- lna 1bh0 omi anliuru rlll u lt mill blrut ollnyleyvr ult lit 1 mmlpt- ly atundtd to llcal r 1 in pu no j o lliix spfi nxnoijd hash raiimlr ma qrrutnt solicitor n tary publlo jrcfinvnyewor ku pemmvman hlock acton ont mtinlv ho 1 oan u umiitl ijio un i l pni business directory r thob quay m d c til meqill u it o 1 ktliibmidi i it v 1 a ti ulunuow muni r- lirlthih mi- il eal aunt fall n 1 1 v onloo rre if i htl m t anon out veterinamy convlvancinfi j i in mortipiuou willu etc l i uch attriutm or llttm fin ui t wi rk rmmfully und leinlly il ue irouji 3 p tu ui v in ut rj nl loi rlvule r h wanqdhougii lke ave denal dr j m bell d d s- l d b dentlet all on or graduate of n roiitu unlvor hlty tho liaeeta klunthitlo imc if olllce nt aeafdeiioe comer mm and trrelerlck btreeu mibcellaneoub marriage licenqeb h p moor4 uauer marrlao lloaneea irlvutn onlco no wiiti utn re uulrfnl lutiiiod at leut l tjco in evephic t jtueaa otllce aoton out francis nunan boekblrular account book of nil kin la mndn to order porlmllnula of ovi ry df rlpi tlon carefully bound hullnir t oatly ttd promptly done wymltam btreet duejph ont over wllllutile htore r j kerr licensed auotlm rr foe the couutlnn of ilollni uiiink ion i eel and iliiftorln anil the city of oiifilt h acton ontario ftaioa may be arm llm i uy umu or t reafdeitne at anton ir ut tito 1rer itvai oltlce aid the ueruury cttloe xluiliii the mown iteconl 1c rmim or with w j gordon kurueuu maker lltllabura baloa outrun led to it j ufarr re live attention from ditto oi llullng- to date of aalu jllnt yout uiiahltli me realdenoe youna btreal acton hone 98 aoton cell ut mvifjxpane j e cdeevers book dindlh quflbeo 8t eant quitiph oql ooktl juid uuttfaitlii4ll unit in ilaiideomo und ilubutnntl il novum namea lettered lu no id on illblee hymn hook and nthur uoku alt work promptly euaould d alex niven ontario land burvyor and civil engineer burveya bubllvlolonh i luna lto port duucrtptlonn jllucprinta ita jlertincutoa fur luirohuu re and mortannreae urveyu for architect uuliderw amd munlnl nl council drain iteporu 1 xllmuiia etc molean building dqu si guiaijmi jhlha 1001 v oni irtllrir aucuuu mdi dones pkavflscg rhlitiaiuqmii5t5ar- tr0ll0nto grand thunkswt the double track route uutwifuqn montreal voronto detnoit chicago qnoxcellnd dluliiif cur tnrvlno hiih lii cam on nluht thtlnx ami lurllr oarjti n prh nlpul tiny iralnu kul i information from nny grand trunk tlokut ilt or c 10 llomln hint riot 1 uuhonuortautl t toronto ii a hoijmes aucnt acton ont pbon 1 thooidandroliabld i granite and martito dealers we uiu muniifuutnn rfi un i dlriit importorn of ull kin le of mnuitinmitul ttlid lloiiihitone woik wo mil dlrettr to our t uuloment ut wholuinlo rluu uiuh i uvlnif our ouut inn r i id p ir mtilt we luivo the bint uppll iiieeu hu tho only itioahuulcu lu thu domltiloii whf run opurulu t neumiitl ti h inijurlyt wii uu ulve rofurouiui fipui hundr of uur piihtmmrm in r nto und i thnr plaoeti whora utheru huv to have law eultit iii ottler to colli ut v liavo the laraoet nlul bent b too it i f oruulle in tho nomlnloil ot more hum nny tliti e dealeru 111 tho went wo mi lotfltl- m to duulom und mpi loy no uumiln nud do not nuuby or pint tintiutura by mdiiiilpu out ibiiorun uliihk b illoll- intf iuii i rn wn employ only mi hmtl mil defy ii petit ion hamilton s0ls dor jtforwtob woolwich ha ouelpt m 1 i s m 1

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